i -.!tffleT?5r ilka the galleys of qldi vQovi c;:n: tt t? . . ifltt" . Vhite as the freaa lauen 1 -a" uimau xiau- xwenewer.certi- '.(wweiw lieu vuai 11, is The higbet- authority in New In land, the State Assayer of Alussahn. careful analysis of Halls I setts, after a " y were resplendent wltncrlm- its intended rmrDoses tha? ifM ondKoid. flrKlftna lta masts strong hibited for examination, that its constit- J'Tl&II. , nn hlsrh vu PU4C ttUU carciuny selected lor JD. lorf excellent quality, and that it forms an iP'of Youth lent a enarm w au, i emcieni preparation for promoting the growth of the hair and restoring the 0re3 , 1 ungmm wuur. mis worwi-renowneu .-.rnlna 111 the 8Drlng Of I nronarotinn is fv- onU K 11 J hed Olio " 1 jvjiiiwu iui oiic uj an ui ugg la uj Jn'.pMg were' low and the sun- Record, Red Odk, Iowa. ... the Dresw Swerabrlght, had no ftne pride of my youth. fcr th of the waves or the gloom f the MC J rf tf ofthe riches my salley would ' "rlDg. Where no bark had been fro0" TT,. e tf Jr..; nM8ed by and spring wore town. Send & V.nnd W sPrl?' .loaf tn ihn I SUb&CliDtlon. Of 6 CSntft in nnKtflOA Dtiirr.a J - AMsel reiuxnen it I , , ' . , r o f- logue. Clubs of four will be beat for five we ks for one dollar. Address Frank Leslie Publishing Co., 16 Dey St. New Xork. Notice Frank Leslie's Weekly. The only Democratic Illustrated News- paper published will be sent postpaid 1 lor lire weefes, (until end of carnuaien) for thirty cents. Agents wanted in every 30 cents for five vceks one dark autumn, It came back 41 I9'' 4i me -it wiA-ft ntiu m"1 were Its bows StfJSfporered with growth of iumiw f Hone no longer was I for freight but the me fliUe H broaght drill O' ,l 1.M .4 jjg, fni ana wcsoub y long ,,ioi-v,i am I crKKAd on the . nrniuiiy oiuu w d : dreams that were bright wnen W Wiheart-beat was strong. Detroit Free Pref . Will IHKT ARB TS1RE. .. siDlanatlon that Throws a Flood flfTil'ht On a nuueriu JjBnum n tat nften Dazzled men who had i -i nr1 whftn doinsr it. why so geeming laiers were w i iuuuu w hi.. nrallv been supposed that the -:u; nnld DrOffTCSS lust E8 fa8t if a tnpn were absent, but the public I, kwn serioasly mistaken. Suppose, toiastance, that 50 men are standing er .jnni rirftwin? no pay. but yet watching I erery movement of the laborers. It has beea ascertained that six of this crowd .M thoro to see that no tnree-cernereu Heets'the reauirements of the rational med leal pblloBDphy which at present prevails. bricks are palmed on on the innocent I bracing the three important properties of a i. jn hi? Thn i ininiius uriUB.-uut&cr i nreTenuT. a ionic, inu an emcibu t n duuikio w ,, . IJ- flTT'.K', s,.!n, ates and revitalizes the torrid stomach and liver, and effects a'moet Hlatry change in the entire ejBtem. wben in a morbid J condi tion. For sale by all Druggists andealers gea- ariltr. U0V 1! - ' . X They mav be smoKing airiy oiu pines, and have the looks of vagrants, but they are!there for an object. The next six men are the committee on the basement. It is their duty to see that the walls are built according to spe iiificiitiftns. and that no stone with an tir-hole hid away in the center is placed in the walls. They mav be discussing politics, or religion, or the weather, but thw have their eves on the xaasons. TV. following ten are inspectors of i lumber. It is their business to see that the joists hold out fall length, and that no knot-holes have been plugged up and painted over. This committee saves the owner several hundred dollars without oneetakin? their hands out of their pockets. The next ten are ahere to ascertain whethtr the buildings shall have a tin, slate or gravel roof. Yon wouldn't think it could make any difference to them, but it does. Ten more of the inspectors ar0 Qe committee on mortar. It is their duty to Know whether lime or baking-powder ia being used with the sand, and whether the sand was brought from Windsor or Constantinople. But for their vigi lance many walls would be laid up with fiourand water. The remainder of the fifty are obliged to be around to discuss the tension of iron rods, the resisting tower of plate glass, the pressure which an iron column can stand, and several other matters hich the general nublic never stop to think of. This committee is always on hand in the mornincr for a full day's ork, and its scientific researches and focoreries have been worth millions of dollars to the general public. Keceive&Jthis Bay 50 DRY BOWZY CHAill AfJ'VS FRESH FROM BOND, At Importer Prioa. GEO. MYiSliS, A:vit I fln AMQ 14 Stops, t Hets Reede, O.NLY ree. AddrceaDaniel P. Be&ttv. Wkghtreton. H J cov 1 4w THE JSSS" the fcllowlsff quotanoca represents wholeiala nricM crenerAllv. In makis? no small orders bigheprieea fiaro tote charged pirrSIJIIonnds,e45T0S100 I Per month, during Fall and Winter, In & every county, interesting and valuable lnlbrmation, with full particuiara. free. Address, at once, J C McCcrut & Co. nov 4-4W I'ulladelpula. 'a DAILY EBhIEW, ED 757 Broadway. I O" I ll CM I ti. Y. publisher of f iret-cJaes Wcb.critiun Boi, ijiv8 gtsady euiploymect to Akciu ;q ail bee sine: a change in bu?ine&i. lUaitrated ciroaUrs ot ceii Hoots and rrc of tht $150 per month 18 made, sent on application. nov 4-4 w Hew and Very Attractive Styles are tlfow Readv. tsf2tS3 318T 0bINgT 03 PAB LO OEtOANS in tbe World, winners of highest distinction nt evrv crest ' V orid ixhi- bitio.i for thirteea years. Pri ces, f 51. 157, $66, f 54, f 10. to $5C0 and upwaru. For taav payments, $6.38 a quarter anil novwd, Utloeaea tree MAHON & HAMLIN ORGAN Co. lr4 Trrmont Ht, Bcetonj 46 Eart 14th Kt, (Union Hqaar) New York; 143 Wb8h Avooue, Chictffo. nov4-4w JOSK, T. JJSETS EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Is published MAS OH AND HAMLIH ORGANS Every A.lternoon .XStutdars excepted). 50 CASES FSEJIOU BSAVDY, rom Bond tbis Da, And for sale at Importer's Prices. Oalj $UiZ for a Battle of Irtpotted Freioh Hrandf, At GHO.'MYERS. 25 Tnbsiulir EDOE BUTI'S, SO'OBNTe A POUSn, Choicest Grass Batter WINES AND LIQOOS3, of best grade.-, At Popular (Prices. -a" Kos. 11 13, Id S nth Froatst. mmw Wall Street Dailv News. 1 mayz It is a very, touching romance. "Wo IHeWSPaftOr for Salei derated train yesterdav. and he was in great hurry to get home and put it in paper aed make an affidavit that it m true. The scene of , the romance pens in a palatial mansion in New Xork. A lady sits in a parlor filled ith the most costly luxuries. Diamonds o viz as hlherM p-littAP in hpr ears. "F ANY ONE THE READERS OF I tliA Rrvitiw dftsiies to enffasre in the newsoaDcr business, and has a few hundred dollars to invest, he will learn Rnmethin? to his interest upon application to the editor of this paper. He knows of a wftklv Tianer for sale which is now in prosperous condition, and is located in a t.own. in the O w uiwlW ftlbbV;! iU Ubfc W I pUptllUDj lulling i 7 - kace costinsr tw-r vanl aim not : ru'dps I centre of a flnecotton errowinff country. The the polrti. f t,- aJL a I ohlwt of the nromietor in sellinsr 13 to give P ""n"VL.T.v interests. Apply early to t?e ea.tor oui. . . - - - " - . paper tivoxA. x v rasnes into the house pale, hafftrard. sua-1 fTc-nin4T, v r. not. asth 18S0. Tn. i v. v:-i0 ; iij.,, , uiumu, ink uugueaup ana nis "wis an mua. "Have you have you caught the epi-1 17 ri of WpI 1 ' & 11 OV P , "OhI wife, we are busted ruined-r-?one up--smashed flat as a shingle!" he leaned in reply. -How?" "I invested $75,000 in the Crooked ver Railroad at 98 and it has declined Jay Gould has bought and con udated it 1 We must leave this palace d &U these luxuries and works of art d take two fourth-story rooms over in Brooklvn!" . She laughed merrily and long. Had Je snddea news crazed her? He thought IrwT but 119 sreen. She left the RJol for a rnAmmt, xnA t.in returned J pUlow case containing $200,000 fn ioooSet "aoacks. I In use five years and no failures. t the Crooked River railroad crook I Mde from best material and sold forhalf EustWell Brills, Rust Horse Power. sgrsJ mnr BSST AND MOT HU0CES8FUL X Well borlajr an 1 Prospecting Tools Man .nf&atnrsd. GAS PIPE SHAFTING and Couplings. The rnoct improved Surface Attachments. Ouaranteed to mace good welli anvwnere Works much ftster and with half tne labor ofanr other tools. 1 Anfrer ana Drills work by hand Jor? horse I power. Urtllf and Qorte power have capacity for Bhe laughed, as she emptied the e price of oth-rs. Bend forcirenUw Sathisfeet. "You have given me I ' - , r.wS?T -vucjr uanng me past uto oub, ni J'thoQsan dollars at ajtirae, to buy lit-1 Articles of toilet. I had saved it up I f - V:.m' " TWnev darintr the oast five vears. a - 9 1 - ' A I 1 a I . mm m, . m. - -m,T-W ' k l$iSLX of stockings for Sunday, gagrl.??D00r3 3 'Blind:?, J 4 V V. w mJ T W Aft Ytia nino A cm. in i l mJ darling, and if yoa can get a rnv at Jfty Qoald bite him hard and 'iiL yu ith the $50,000 I had laid JJjy.to send to the heathen on ChrisU They Peace, embraced. All was joy and naero Is that crowd going t ToRo BL. to buy boots and shoes. f I AND A L L ! K I W D S 0 F 1 U I L L V 0 3 Jv ' CLUMBER. IUTHS. &c. For sale very cheap, at ALTAFFBK. PRlClt A UO.g 4 Factory t OiSee: Foot of Walamtfft. ! Aets d ear Bel Grossest aov 14 mil Am I At the following rates, postage THE NEW FOOD '.,.-1 v-y f MEDICINE i paid AGGIN'G Standard,.., I fi .................. WmW AjL BACON North Carolina, Sbouldsrs, t m rJidee, V Western Smoked Ham. ........... Bidet. V n. Bnoutdbn...... Dry Salted Sidea, O Shoolders, 9 n BEEF Live weight ......... BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, each.......... Sew York.eack, nev....H BEJ58WAX "9 B BRICKS Wilmington, M ortnern m.m.mmm.mm.m..m BUTTER North Carolina 2b Northern. V Ib.......M..M CANDLES Sperm V fi....M Adamantine, V iet....MM..M OH EES k- Northern Factory, 9 2k m. gguairy cream, y Jb. aj e y Aa COFFEE Java, V SM KIO, IS . ILacrnyra, 9 fi). )ORN MEAL 9 bushel.... COTTON TIES V bdl... DOMESTIC Bheeting, 4-4 ? yard.M..M i am. banch tfaekerel, No. 1, p bbl.M.16 CO No. bbl to..MM..MM. 8 75 Maekirel, No. 1, P bbU..ll 60 No. 3, W bbl 6 00 Maekeral, No. 3 ? bbL..00 00 3 6U ia e is o 10 19 13 li 6 14 10 9 00 2 CAROLINA CENTKAL.RAII.WAi' CO ON AND AFTE3 JUME l'J, iu ing Bcheduie U be c pi Wlbulng-ta, N. a, Jure IC, Change op ScimoxjLK. 1850, tke fjl. Derated on t .1 Railway: Passenger. Hal uA Exprrss Train. 1 Leava Wilmincton r-t.. 6:00 P So. L Arrive at Iiaic let at... 1:25 X tl J " at Charlotte 7:00 A il 90 '20 00 60 12 lb 25 10 J 14 14 10 28 1 75 2 00 21 8 00 14 Of ...8:20 P H c 1:27 A h at Wilminctou at 9:00 A 1 1 train is daily except HccdsTg. but connections tu Kfc'e'gt on" fcatur ft IMMUMItf X 0 0 o e o 12HO 18 O T2KO 75 e ' .M 1 10 18 S3 40 10)4 15 15 11 soa 30 20 75 50 7 1 23 I Arrive at Shelby a:. isV V Leave Shelby at. ao cf Arrfve atCharlc One Year. . . . . . . i. $5 00 Sis MoEtbs, . mHESE is noJereater Blood Prodncer and L Life-snstaininsr Principle in the world of foods or medicine than MALT BITTERS, prepared from Unfermented Halt, Hops and Quinine. Thev feed the body and the brain. an.lii1t 4a MnnA onlirlif'v ilia hnFlCl hdMpTl the muscles, ouiet the nerve?, cheer the I lniGO MonUi9. mind, perfect oigeaton, regultte the stomach and bowels, cleanse the liver and kidneys, and vitalize with NEW LIFE every fluid of the body. Beware of imitations similarly na..d. Look f r tho COMPASl'8 rIO- NATU"nji which appears plainly on thelabel of every bottle, teoid everywhere: MALT BITTERS COMPANY, Boston, Mass. nov 4-4w Mnlleto, 9 bbl. N. C. Herring, 9 keg, Dry Cod, V a. FLOUR Fine, V bbl. Super, Northern, 9 bbl. Extra do " Family " 9 City MIllEzHuper " Family " JSx. JTamtly 5 ESTIIilZERH Peruvian Qaano. 9 20C0&IS.00 00 Carolina JTertilixer " " 00 W) 50 T 0 00 5 00 6 00 7 00 7 00 7 50 bbl... 8 00 9 bbl... bbl... 9 bbl... bbl... 036 00 610 50 000 00 6 50 Q 6 25 O 3 75 Q 6 00 o o O 4 00 0 5 50 6 60 0 8 50 O 7 25 O T 75 e 8 n If u Ono Month i 1 25 50 nm.P Youraeives by making money wben a col den chance is offer ed, theroby always keeping poverty from your door. Those who a1 ways take advantage or tne gooo chances for making money thtt are offered. irensrally become waa'thy, while those who I do not imorove such chances remain in pov erty. We want many men. women, boys and flrirls to work for us nzht in their own locai- tiea. The busiceps wi I pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Wefnrniih an ex pensive oatfit and all that you need, free No one who ensraees fails to make money very rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only yonr spare mo- mams Fnll information and all that is i i r . J - i-J . n neecea sent ireo. Aai.reau piiob Portland Maine. oct 5-d6m-wly mo paper yim aenverea vj hay Eastern, xtortn luver, Navassa Qcano, Complete Manure Whann's Phosphate Wando Phosphate, " Wilcox, Glob A Co., n inula tad unano. GLUE9 fi... GRAIN Oorntore,9 562s Oern, cargo, 56 IDs...... Oorn,yeL, 9 bnsheL Oats, 9 bushel. ... ......... BIDES Green, 9 3d Dry, 9 AY Easte " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 CO ma- ,00 00 "8 70 68 67 60 70 iS '20 10 85 10 11 67 00 O40 00 040 00 45 00 1 Leave Charlotte at. Na. 2. Arrive at Danllet at. y M No. mskes no days. No. 2 train Is daily except Faturdays. Bhelby Division Mail, Freight A Fassetge and Hxxresa,, W t . . mm ... . jto i vb vtuariovie aiM.,HM4,..o:w a a. ... ....... m.W JL larlotte tt.. 6.-00 P 4 Local Freight aDd Accotunodatios. Leave WUmiseton at!'.......--. a m Aj rive at Laurinbuffr, at.. ..!... ...5.10 P M Leave Charlotte t 4.15 A H Arrive it Laurubure at ....4' oo l M Leave LaurinburK at 5.30 A M Arrive at Charlotte at..... 4.20 P M Leave Laurinburj? at........... 5 00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at....... 4.15 P n These trains leave Wilmin t n end t lotte, Tnesdajs, Thurtdirs .a d f turdave: Laurinburg, Mondsye, Whesd&ys and Fridays. Close connection at .. Raleifh and at Charlotte vv, btrtchy. la t all peints in Western crth Oarclia zd tu Asheville. - Alio.' via Spartanbnrcr t.- rTr.Ura ..:' adjacent points and AEheviile. Psssensers for AshviHn t leaving WilmLopton at 6 P. 'hi. will arrive a destination at 7 P. M. next duj. oleepine Car iccommnr'ailnT. tv.,v Trains to and from Chtriotta- and Wilminz Through RImcam win Tirt ' from Raleigh and Charlotte. Y: Q. johbtso;;, General tluoerintendcn. June 17 1 ......... carriers, free of charge, in any part 0 0 & O & G & O o 14 69 63 52 75 ii 25 15 SO 12 00 is iOKBITTEESrl (A Ztfedicino, not a. Drink,) CONTAINS f. HOPS, BUCIIU, 3IANDHAKE, . DANDEIjION. Akd thh Puebst and Best Medical Quau tie3 of all othzb blttbes. THEY CURE All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels. Blood.f Liver, Kidneys, ana urinary organs, ner vousness. Sleeplessness and especially i; emaie cempiainis. sioco m GOLD- Will be paid for a case they will not cure nelp, or lor anytnmg impire or injurious found in them. Aslcvonr druirjTlst for lion Bitters and trvr tnem oerore you sieep. Taue 110 utner. D.I. C. Is an absolute and irresistible cure fori Druakeness, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics. sza Sexd tob Ciecxxae. , of tha city at the - tbovoj rates, or 13 ccnifl per wed:. jjTlie Dadly Kevd3w is now in tho fourtii'yefir of its existence, is perr: ' 100 fis... 100 lbs.... HOOP IRON 9 'ton LARD -Northern P M North Oarolina v Ih....M. IilMJC 9 DDI.................... . LUMBER City steam sa'wd Scipatuff,resawod,9Mft.l8 oo Rough edge plank, VMft. 16 CO West India cargo, accord Inir to analitv. V Mft...l3 CO Dressed fiboring,seasoned.l5 00? 25 CO Beantiing and boards, com mon, 9 M ft 12 00 MOLABBES Cubalhhd9gl 37 Cuba, bbls., 9sal..M...MM 39 8urar house, nhdj. 9 gal. 35 " bbls. 9 gal... 27 Orleans Choice bbls. 9 gaL 00 VAILS Cut, 20dto4d,9krgJbasis wILRUnSTON Si WE1DK 2AILEOAD COEIPAITHV I f" Til I 1 1 1 1 . hi 1 iijim 30 CO 18 00 Q16 CO OH 00 O CO 75 A RICE Carolina, 9 S East India, 9 S.. Rouffh. 9 bosheL manently established, wiifo a large j iiAGB-tomxtry, 9 & OILS Kerosene, 9 81" Lard. 9 gal Linseed, 9 gal., 17 r mi w u I UUOUll K HA. i PEANUTS 9 busheL POTATOES Sweet, 9 bus. Irish. Northern, 9 DDL.... a PORK Northern, city meaa.17 60 Thin; 9 bbL.M. .........00 00 Prime, 9 bbl (extra).. .....00 00 Rump, 9 DDI....M............UV uu 7 00 10 14 70 75 25 60 00 25 0 . 50 018 00 000 00 00 00 000 00 a-. OrtiGvov Ges'l Drp5si3rrsyijf?f t wmcington, N. a, Sept 18 180. -CHANG3S OF SCHEDULE On and after Fmfpmhpr ii iocr If .40 P M, Passenger Trains cn tbo Wil mington & Weldoa Kailrotd vriil run as follows DAY MAIL AND Eri'EESS TRAliTTS , N03. 7 Ncrth and 43 Sou;h. Leave Wilmington, Front Bt. Dapot a C0A Lcsve Weldon..................... 3 n P f Arrive at Wilmington, From tit. iepos as.. .....M.W... & t3 P Night Passenger, If ail and 'Express Trsins daily Ncb. 42 North ard 15 fcocth. Leave Wilmington, Front El." Depot at. " Arrive at Weldoa at Leave Weldon, Arrive at Wilmington, Frcntiii. 0 4o;pii 3 60 A h 2 15 A U 9 J and steadily increosmg subserip- ' ROPE Hemp... Manilla.......... M SALT Alum, 9 ack Liverpool, 9 sack.. American 9 sack , Marshal's fine, 9 sack. pCadis 9 sack. tion list, ard presents to merc&snts sugar Cuba, 9 s..M..M I Q Porto Rico, 9 u.m..mm..m A uouee, V io. All above soM by druggist. - Hop Bitters Mfg. Co., Rochester, X. Y., & Toronto, Ont. JSJust ti 5 - "I FINK ASSORTMENT of MiHinerj Goods. Cl and see them, aad see ho cheap yo-. can got a tUylish riat, Velvet or Crar-e Bonnet msde to ordor. A nice lir.e of b-uchin, CoUrs, OnfTj, Ties, Ac, whi h will be ?ld nt remarkably low price?. Or ders solicited f. r Uar Worlc. Call andset th ;Lj.to rtvie-. " .-;W5 3--t I'OU. 8TUART, ;ilArttst bet 2d aad id, novjl ext VII. Dyvne Kftiilishroflnt giewiHair Goods., hit Til V. L ATE f T ST its of A HIr Jlilllneiy G)0d3 have jttt be5nre3oived. aad Artificial FloworsJ'r.-f UrLipcabte tints. Afull strclr tf l adiea' asd;ChiIdrdnfB wear. - i ; E KARBSR.5S tor '5 iNo. 6 Soifi Frent;8t The Landmark. Pub ithea at ?teavl'lj, Ired II coutty, N. C, is the Leadi:p Eeweparer m We8torn North Ciroliaa. in It is ths only Democratic Paper published lredall countv one cf tha largest ard wealthiest counties in the Stt acd has at tained a larger local circulation than any paper ever heretofora published in the county. Its circulation in Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, Alleghany, Yadkin, Davie, and Iredell, it larger than that of any two papers in the State combined, and is rapidly acquiring strong foothold ia Forsyth, Surry, Bowaa and western Mecklenburg. It is the only paper in Western North Car. oliaa that employs a Regular Canvassing Agent, and is thus kept constantly before the people. Under ttii system a rapiily In creasing circulation is the result, making the Landmark: the best advertising medimnia Wetsern North Carolina. Address, 5C3 "LANDMARK", declO LBtatesville, HO and others a most desfrable "medi um fbe adToxtiang. Mini JOUilL 3 ) osh. ;t JAMES, s Is'pnbb'shed EVERY FRIDAY, At the following rates : One Year.... S2 00 SixMonths .........-.11 00 Three Mcmthr?r?itfliT?;T 60 The Wimniarof JousNALcircn . ' tes largelyIn the ad j oiningcoxin ties'as well as in JtheJWestern por V tions of the State'and presents' nn eqnalled'facilities to"merchants for makingfcnownwliaitheyJhaTe for salel b " 9 b.. C " 9 . Ex C 9 U Crushed 9 E). BOAP Northern, 9 fi . 6 SHINGLES Contract, 9pC 6 00 Common. 9 M. ........ z uo STAVE3 W. O. bbL 9 M.12 50 R O hhd. 9 lS-. -. uu TALLOW 9 B prU TIMBER Shipping 9 M ...12 00 Miu, extra per m ............ iu uu Mill, prime per M....MM..M10 00 Mill, fair per M ... 8 00 Common, per M...............5 00 Inferior to OrdInary,per M 4 50 WHISKEY North'n,pergl 1 25 North Caroina, per gal ... 2 00 W OOL Unwashed, per E. 26 Washed. Der a w. s& Burrv wool, per )....... 18 1 IX 13K 14M ,70 & 85 O 00 & 0 00 e wo 10HO ioko & 9 O 1 90 00 25 1 ...M...M.t.......... fi (U A iU Trains on Tarboro T?r-tT.fh t: Rocky Mount for Tarhoro at MO P k daily. rV' "nrsaay ana tit turc sy at 6 :t 5 J, fto rning, leave Twboro at 10Cf FayoT0' Vmbierfay.. wSdn fVLSir, W SfiJf Bd Md dailj cxccpt Bunday via utTIm . 45Jm? Tl Kichmond acd Washington, and m&kes cloeo connection a J0. Richmond, and daily except Satur day nights for all points north 0t Kichmond. Both trains run solid between Wilmincton and Washington, axd have PnUc-n Pelaco Sleepers Attached. A. POPfc, Geu'l Freight acd Ptcs. ACcct eept 23 49 0 00 CO 00 50 00 10 CO 11 00 .9 10 11X 50 75 7 2 16 00 O00 00 o 00 15 00 14 00 4912 00 O 9 00 & 7 00 6 00 5 00 2 E0 00 iJ. t o o 0 20 T R-Y THE WEIV" VORIC OBSERVER THIS YEAB. Tho Largest and Best Family Paper in tho World. Send for Sample Copy Free. OB8Z1ZLVDZI :37 Park How, Hew TTork-I imt19 . Foreclosirre of Mortgage -gT VIBTU AND IN PURSUANCE of decree of the Superior Court of New Han over County, made at June term, l80.in thecaaeof A R Black vs J C Hill, et al, I will, on Monday, the 6th day of December, 1880, at 11 o'clock, A If, sll to the highest MAAr at mblie auction, for cash, at the nrart House door in Wllmis rton, a valua- hla tract of land In Cape Fear township, containing sixty acres, adjoining the lands of D B Saanders, were jr on vuie ana otners, being the same conveyed to Jos O Hill by D H riaondars by deed dated 16th Febmarr. 1872. and registered in tha Register's Ofice of f it uountj in icoa u u u, pag oiv. B B MOORE, Oom'r DoBaarx CvTiaa Atty for Plain tiJk nov!8-ti - ' t." 3en'I Sisp'ts Clvlcc WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA AND AU GUSTA RAILROAD CO, Wilmington, N. C, 8ept 18, in, CHANGE OP SCnEDUI. On and after 8eDtemrMr tQts. ipfo. 3.50 P M. the follewirc P,.,t-o. Prhnr, be run on tMa road Day Passenger, Mail acd ExrrcfS, Traia, u"j or. a est ana z tztl. LeeWIlmington.............. o 00 a I- Arrive at Florence......... 1 3U P M Leave Florencew...M,w....M 3 to A Jl Arrive at Wilmington.................. 8 'i J p r fNIQHT EXPRESS TRAIN f Daily . Nos. 47 Westaxd4iEa't. Leave Wilmingtoii.. 10 13 V h leave riorence.... 2 2JA Arrive at C O and A Joncrlct 4.15 A M Arrive at Columbia g 15 A It Leave Columbia. 6 CO i H Leave O C and A A Juncticn.......l2 COM Leave Florence......M a 30 a. Arrive at Wilmington e 20 A ll This Train stors onlv rt VMrWftJ Whitevflle, Flenuagton, Fiir Biulf, and Marlon. Passengers for Columbia, sod all points on G. a JL R. O., O. 4c A. 14. R, Uticrs, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take No 47 Night Exp res. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Clarlertr n and for Augutta on trains 47 aid 48. All trains ma sclid bctwotn CUrlcctca and Wilmington. JOHN K. DlV7WK,fre7r.i A. POPE, Oei'lFrefght an.1 Pa a, Ziret soot 24 $10 Outfit free, with fa itrccticia for conducting tbe mott prciiUrbJe business that any cte can en;r;e in. The business i3 to ettr to learn, and our icstructiors are eo triple and plain, that any one can rrakc great pro fita from ths verr start. Ho una can fall who is wining to work. W onsen tre as ircceM fol as men. Boys and girls can earn large nma IXanv hart miLdii t ihn . hnzi r.or fit-r one hundred dollars in a single week. Noth ing Uke it ever known btforo. All who er gage are rurprised at the eate ard rapidity with which they are able to make coney. You eaa engage in this budress during roar spar time at great profit. You do not have to invest capital in it. We take ell the risk. Those who setd ready money should write tons at once. All furnished free. Address Txvn A Co., Augufta, Marse. - - oct5-15n-wlj -