i r c CAEOLOl Chatham Record: Married at this place, on the 23d inst., by the Rev. E. N. Joyner, Dr. Luciaa A. Hanks to Miss Lutie, daughter of John T. Mallory, Esq. Greensboro Patriot: 31 r. J. R. Hnrhes. in the citv market, slaughtered two fine beers this morning only eight months fold, one weighed 275 pounds, the other 285 pounds. Raleigh Visitor: "Granville county ha3 the largest number of horses of any coun ty in the State; but the valuation of the horses of Rowan county is $40,353 more than those of Granville, aB per the Aud itor's forthconung report. . . ." Washington Press: George Allen k Co., of Newbern, N. C, offer to the farmers of this section the following pre miums: Twenty-five dollars in gold for the largest yield of cotton i one acre; fifteen dollars in gold for the largest yield of rice to one acre, and ten dollars in gold for the largest yield of corn to one acre. Hamlet Argus: Felix Jacobs has presented ns with a curiosity in the shape of a potato. If straight, it would meas ure near four feet; but it is so well wound together that i could be placed in a auart measure. He also presented u3 . 44.80 for it. a sum that would buy two very good milch cows. " " Charlotte Observer: IceQwas an inch thick on some of the ponds yesterday and had the temperature of the day before been maintained throughout the day and last night, skating would most assuredly have been a possibility this morning. - J. B. Gretter, deputy United States marshal, left Greensboro yesterday with five white men and one negro, who were sentenced by the Federal courts at Ashe ville andStatesville to terms in the Al bany penitentiary, for violation of the revenue laws and: other offences against the general government. -At a so cial gathering at the residence of Mrs. Austin, in Sharon township, night be fore last, Mr. Willis Johnston, a young man about seventeen years old, took the floor for a dance. He had scarcely taken his position when he was stricken with paralysis and sank down upon the floor. iiefore the physician arrived, he lost con trol of the muscles of the left side of hu body, and at last accounts was in a very eritieal condition. i COmiEBCIAL nse WTIlINOTOW -LAHKfCT XOVJ-fBBK 284 F . BPIRIT8 TURPENTINE Opened at ,43 cents, with sales of 85 casks at that figure Later iS cent la bid. Closing Arm. KCWLN QuotedUrm at 11 35 for Strained mna n tu lor uoou strained. No sales re ported. TAR -Quoted flxm at 12 40 per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted Arm at i w lor Hard and 12 80 tor Yellow Pip. COTTON-Opened firm with small sales on a basis of eents tor Middling Later there was a slight decline, with sales of 100 bales on a basis 11 cents for Middling. Over 89 tons in RECEIPTS FOE TWO SATS. Cotton..... 19.2 bxlaa Spirits Turpendse...................... 37a casks Rosin. 2342 bb a Ornde Turpentine............ ... 631 " Dow Happiness Is Secured. tlappiness is the absence of pain or annoyance, and wherever there is pain there is disease. A pain in the lower portion of the body indicates a disorder of some kind. If there is any odor or with a "double-bladed" walnut, or rather color or deposit in the urine it means two walnuts in one hull. disease and requires attention at once. Fayettevilleixamzner.-Josiah Evens We have heard many of our friends was united in matrimony to Miss May, speak of the remarkable power of War- 11 r a iv t v- v - r m IIABINE NEWS. ARRIYED. EU-abeth, ;Blsbee, SmlthviHe, Harper, Smith vllle, etteville, in the Presbyterian Churn, on yesterday morning, by Rev. H. G. Hill. . Mr. John Martin married Miss Alice W. Clark, on Wednesday evening, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. W. R. Clark. Newbern Nut Shell: A horrible fate befell Melissa Willis, a fallen white wo man, in this city on Monday night. She had been drinking freely and became in toxicated to that degree that she was in- j sensible to cold, as well as the pains of death, and. in this condition lay down where she was exposed to the bitter weather and was trozen to deatn. Laurinburg Enterprise: Informa tion reached us yesterday that a small log house on the plantation of Mr. J. H. Morgan, about two miles from Laur inburg, was destroyed about 10 o'clock by fire, together with all the furniture, clothing, provisions, and two small col ored children, son and daughter of Geo alIoy, and grand children of Joe Mc Phatter, with whom they were living. News and Observer: The State Board of Canvassers will, of course, ad- journ until to-morrow, when they will canvass the returns for Congressmen, Judgof Superior Court, &c. Rev G J Johnson, D D, corresponding secre tary of the Baptist Publication Society, of Philadelphia, will commence a series . of meetings in our city, beginning at the ij jrst .Baptist Unurch, to-night. Durham Plant: Mr James Holma. of Person, the deieated candidate for the Legislature, will contest the seat of Mr C S Winstead. Major Allen Compton met with a painful accident last Saturday, resulting in his death. He was riding along the road near Joseph Vincent's mill. He rode up to the fence for soma nurnose. and. falling- from his horse over the fence, broke his neck. He was 60 years old and rasid ed in Cedar Grove township, Orange - county. Wadesboro Times: On Monday las 'Squire Joel Gaddy, a mpst respected citizen of Anson, living some seven miles below here, met with a serious accident. While examining his cotton gin, in some way his left hand got caught in the ma chinery, and before the gin could be stop ped, nis whole arm up to and above the elbow was badly crushed and mangled. Drs. Ashe, Ingram and Huntley went down Tuesday and amputated the limb just below the shoulder, and at last ac counts the sufferer was doing as well as could be expected. Kinston Journal; J M P Rhodes, of Jones county, sends us an ear of corn only 5$ inches long, with 1,300 grains on it. He ha been carefully improving it for several .years and now his corn wiih shell a bushel to 70 ears. He seems to have adopted the plan followed by J N Shute, ol Jones, in getting a large number of rows to the ear. The average ears of corn will have 14, 16 or 18 rows on them, but Mr Shute had, by careful selection year after year, im proved his seed corn until he had worked it up to 24, 26 and 28 rows and the more rows on the ear the more corn would :t shell. The plan is worth adopting. , , Goldsboro Messenger : The dwelling house of Mr. Jas. IS. Wood, about two miles from Goldsboro, on the Snow Hill' road.was totally destroyed by fire Monday night The fire was accidental. A bout $390 in money, which Mr. Wood had stored away up in the loft of the build ing, was also burnt. A family of negro exodusters, returning from Han cock county, Indiana, passed through Goldsboro a few davs aco en "mufti fnr ,Pitt county, their former home. The party consisted of Oliver King, his wife and "children, and had been on the road seven weeks getting here. Oliver says that lis is profoundly thankful to get back again on .North Carolina soil. He has no use for Indiana, and proposes to spend the remainder of his life in the Old North State. Monroft Ennutrer; Tho Rfith hirtV, . m w w e ... .... the residence of his son, Rev T W Ken dall, yesterday. We were shown by Mr J O Bates a few days ago a nice bar of gold which was taken from the Washington Mine, now being operated by Mr Bates. The bar referred to was the result of only a few days' work, and worth some three hundred dollars. No doubt the largest hog that will be sold here this season, was sold on last Tuesday by Mr James Smith, of Sandy Ridge, to Mr R W Norwood, who keeps & meat market in this place. The hog referred to was 23 months old . and weighed 448 lbs. It measured six feet long, from its nose to the tip of its tail, and was a cross of the Corbet and Po land China breeds. Mr Smith received are convinced there is nothing so certain and valuable for all disorders of the urinary system, both male and female. m Catarrh Sometimes commences with a cold, but its eure l always commences with the use of Sage's uatarrh Kemedy. This old, reliable. and well-known remedy has stood th test of years, and was never morea pop ular than now. SPECIAL LIST ! Steamer Master steamer Passport, Master. 8teamer Gev Worth, Wrth, Fayette vllle Worth & Worth. CLEARED. Steamer Elizabeth, Blsbee, 8 mi th vllle, Master. dteamer Passport, Harper, Smith vllle, Master. SteamerGev Worth, Worth, Fayetteville Worth A Worth. WEEKLY STATJEMEINT Of STOCKS OH HAHD HOVEMBHi 22, 1880. Oottou a9hore....M......MM.............M 13,63Y i 10,03 ToUlM..M.-....-M....M.M.m .. 22,673 Spirits aahore ...... 7,776 100 . Vessels Iliscollaneoiis. THE fiEHTEW, JOSH. T. J.ATVr7FjS Is published Total ..f Mtinmiwiillw mimiMiH 7,816 Rosin uhorOmnMNtMwtnwHmMutiM.ii, 119,384 anost,.,.,,.,, ...... .. 6,073 Port Hov. 20, 1880- BARKS. Dan Elene, 480 tons, Dohl Heide & Co for Oato, 343 tons, Kroger, C P Mebaoe Nor Bektor Steeii,2&3 tous, Alvejer., Hekia A Clr ir war of Hope, 2S6 tons, II arm an n. jS lleschaa & Westermann ter Charlotte & Anna, 433 tons, Lewin. E Peschau & Westermann Hot Fixnk, 350 tons, Petersen, Heide &Co nor Jijptun, 429 tons, Toblassen. CP Mph-nn Nor A M Schweiard.429 tons. Johnson. G P MphAnA I EDITO Tt A XT) PTTRT.TSTTTviR nor nope, t3 tons, Stvesen, C P Mebane iur o uuil, aio tons, Jensen, wer AUanUc, 398 tons, Shearing, E Peschau & Westermann ur ueorge Davis, 643 tons, Campbell, Alex Snrnnfc Ar, Ron T -.-r . .... C nor ioraens;,joId,4Td tons, Petersen, . CP Mebane or Flid, 359 tons. Hansen. C P Men Ger Carl Max. 294 inns. Rnx?r T7T-r---.--- y , ' J V OA v JUUUU 4 ryNcnan is. 4VWrPTTTijnti irer irna. 582 tons. Vn. . w- - WWW E Peschau & Westermann BRIGS. Nor Ityno, 236 tons, .Sorensen, CP Mha.rP r ateiia, 445 tons, Robinson, E G Bajer & Co SCHOONERS. Am Jas Slater, 311 tons, Tooker, Geo Harriss & Co Am isowdqia, 265 tons, Randall, Morthrop & Cumrning &ui iewis iinrman, 406 tons, Collison, JMorthron fe finmmincr tiui uuun a. urimn, aix tons, Foster, Geo Harrisa & Co Am lieo w Jewett, 282 tons, Blair, J H Chadbonrn & C.n Am Wyoming. 197 tons, Foss, E G Barker & Co isr Julia Elizabeth, 80 ton, Ingraham, .1 H NpfT Am Uliver Crosby, 296 tons, Hutchison, A a or . m a. o onare, zd tons, Snare, EG Barker & Ho Am Charlie Buckie, 242 tons, French, E G Barker & Co Am Clara, 298 tons. Crammer. Geo Harriss Till 60 MontiiS 1 25 Miscellaneous. a i 3L ff rxceuenr tor, ladies used it Hncipal ourahM UU and w Tensers Md;thi. AeM HVl vl (Sniwlavs excepted).. At the toiLivving ratee, postage iS Sheer's-Forf One Year.... ra Four Year Ojci. ATIVt Six.Mo-the 2 60 Total. MSWSMSltMtM StWftW T UF- ES TO-DAY to the good people of oar city, the folic wing Fancy Articles, which I oonsider equal to any goods imported into this country, snd would respeotfulJy invite all to call upon me and see if Ihey cannot find something to please them. I have- ia Stock all of Crosse & Black well's Fnlia.Goods, coniistiog of Chow Chow Pickles, Csullower Pickles, Onion Pickles, Q rv Walnut Pioklea, cS Mixed Pickles,r 521. Wedgewood bauce, Tar aahere...........w......w....MW. 1,132 auo&s., .... MOT... .M....... .... Total Grade ahore...................M...,.M 1,868 anoai....M ........... ....... Total. KlOIim 0 IHB WISE BVOIH0.K0V. 22. OOttOHM)WIWIttMmwtMIIMMMMlWtW "P" .. SOBl....nM....a,a,.(...MMaaMM(((a((M(( Tar.... Grade Hxroan to th wssk udis hov, 22. Domestics Mushroon auee. Athenoeam Sauce, G0tt0n.M..M......M..M...M..M.M.M.MM..M. ttosin., Tar, Grade, izMdi for this Port from Foreif-n Pnrtii BARKS. Nor Agatha, 360 tons. Rohr, sailed from OneMonth 5 . . . .V; vv. . . . .." "60 1 194 Xior ATCtlC. . HanflPn floured iseviiie uct 7. Nor Anzona, 542 tons, Gabrieben,sailed from London, Sept 25 ' J, 968 GerfAnna, 349 toDfl, Siewerts, at Bristol. GerpAmalia & Hedwig, 329 tons, Gebm, at Gloucester, Sept 16. No- Camilla, 418 tonsjorensen, at Wa terford, Oct21. Swd Caria, 472 tons, Westerland, sailed from Bordeaux Cct. 29. Nor Chas Northcote, 418 tons, Erick sen, sailed from Barrow. Oct 21. Nor Credo, 371 tons, Chriatophersen. of th city at the u) Ove rat6S, or U -JITOXpUUly X1UV t JNor Eliezer, -, Zachariasen, sailed 6,910 2,109 8,275 1,263 2,588 Thepapewill be delivered tby carriers, free of charge, in any part 897 682 468 1,160 142! c Boho Sauce, . . Curry Powder, Potted Meats, Calves Foot Jelly,Q AIeo Champignoas and Petit Pols, amarinds in Pots, Queen Olives, Elegant; Oiires, Farcies, Dijohn Montarde,2 Foreign. OottonM..MM.M(..MaMtM(S(MaMMaaMMs Spirits..MM...M.M.... . ..... B tOSUl.aaaa. . .......MM....M.....M.......a.M... . ar.......aaM.......a,a m.m.m.mm.m..m... Grade. 3,617 500 1,006 M ay onaise Salad Dressing, 8 urf Capers, Gwava Jelly, Pi O Tobtsoo Sauce, Pare Olive Oil, Farina, Cracked Wheat, Maniocs. A '83 a fall line of staple goods. All goods bought of me I deliver free every half hour during the entire dsy. ffl John L. Boatwright, II ud IS North Troit St nor 21 COMMERCIAL HOTEL; WIIINQTON,N. CZ L,argc Sample Rooms tor Commercial Travelers: rjm;rOP:ETOB having tooroaghly i renovated this House ad fornished'lt entire ly new, is prep-red to lreto the travtSfig j public all the cenvealeaeles of a 7IE3T- nv a cr v -n --. - uoa uuiu i u located la the very etatre cf the business part of the dry, beiag convenient to the principal bosinflBi honse Bostoflee,: Cwtoa Eowsa, OHj Hall tad ' Ooort'Hoxue. Groceries, &c. QAA Kolls-Cotton BAGGING, OUU ly 2 and 2 lbs Qrirv Lbs Bagging TWINE, 1000 Bbls FL0-UB' 400 Bxi Smoked Dry Salt Sides' OAf. Hh8 and Bd1 New Crop Cuba, UU and N O Molasses. NAILS 4 to40 QQQ Bales HOOP IRON, O Baff8 SHOT, all sizes, 500 BAG3 C0FI,EE 411 grades, 250 Bt1S SUGAR' 811 -Tade8 25 BieS AsSOrted CANDT : 25 Tubs Pure Leaf.LARD, : 50 Boxes STARCH' "I OK Cases LYE, 200 Boxea S0AP' 100 Boxea tobacco 100 Boxes,m-Half Bbls SNUFF, ' 200 GrosaMATCHES Wrapping' Paper, Tirine, Soda, Candles. racKers, Pepper, Ginger, Spice, Water For sale low by pov 24 jWTLLIAMS & MURCHISOy. Fresh Every Day Flff-5 ABSOBTtfENT OF CASTDIKS, Frendi and Domeetie, jus reodved and for THH OSTLY. GENUINE HOME-MADE j y-uy ia ua city, will be found ererr oay, fresh and sweet, three doors Booth of n ,5OBaw oeooad street. Also, Nuts Bairins. Fmlt, a. O. . JEYEJsfe, from Bordeaux, Nov 1 Ger Friedricb Perthes, 480 tons, Walter, sailed from Hamburg, bept 16 uan lialeon, 3l tons, Kalsbroll, s- Nor Gambetta, 02 tons, Eltvedt, sailed from Hamburg, Noy 4 Nor Helene, 305. tons, Daal, sailed from Wilhelmshaven, Sept 0. Buss. John, Jsacksson, at Gloucester, Oct 28 Ger Kosmos, 389 Ions, Westerling, sail ed from Liverpool, Oct. 4. Nor Leo. 505 tons, Andersen, sailed from Hull, Nov 6. Nor Labra, 335 tons, Natvig, sailed from Bristol, Oct 20 NorMadonna, 450 Jtons, Olsen, sailed from Grim8tadt, Oct 7 , -Nor Mindora. 291 tons, Hendrickien, at Gloucester, Aug 25. Nor Polykarp, 498 tons, Olsen, sailed from Grimstad, Sept 1.' Nor Samson, 348 tons, Naess, at Liver pool, Oct 21. Ger Scharnhorst, 410 tons, sailed from Hull, Nov 2. Nor Stanley, 633 tens, Ellingsen, at Cork, Oct. 12. GerTherese, 1,089 tons, Hashagen,sail ed from Hamburg, Oct 24. Nor Thorgny, 458 tons, Andreasen, sailed from Lpswicb, Oct 28. Nor Titania, 303 tons, Albrethsen, a Gloucester, uct . BRIGS Ger Albertine Meyer, 266 tons, sailed irom Dublin, Sept. 17. Ger Anna, 333 tons, Lange, at Liver pool, Oct 28. Bonito, 158 tons, Mitchell, sailed from Bowling, Sept. 24, Ger C F Maass, 267 tons, Zeplien, at Gloucester, Oct 21. Nor Dolen, 362 jtons, Deilrichsen, at Liverpool, Aug 30 Ger Express, 271,tons, Fretwurst, at Liverpool, Oct 14. I Ger Helios, 356 tons. Borgwaldt, sailed from Bordeaux, Oct 26. Ger Hermann Friedrich, 288 tons, Niej ahr, sailed from Sharpness, Oct 28. Nor Hilding, 246 tons, Jensen, at Lis. bon, Oct 21. Nor Marie, 263 tons, Tallaksen, Glasgow, Oct 21. SCHOONEBS. Br Warwick Castle, 259 tons, Luck, Gloucester,.Oct28 U made from the iniMnrtu n. ... - Tonic and Stafittaki ?nm are unsurpassed by hit ether r4tir ueingt-epurejuieeof the ertr fr7. its parity and euiencM re giula The vounffent child m- 5 TT. eus qualities, and the.Ve.ke.t intSft! fieial to the af-ed aad debilitated, mS : Uiioi in. w- SSim 'mTer7 rMpect ArWl5ETJi SPEER'S P- J- Sherry, The P. J. 8HERRT l. . wi.. . ... -' - ' -- wiMti,vir.ri. Minn ebM m i mptTTvV 'XWZj. "'i?55. 'Utor- "lumuu'au rauriiKTiaM it -tu foucd unexcelled.: ; SPEER'S P. J Brandy, i uftAaui Btanos uariTaled in t ST mm abv - . w9m b VUUB,rJi uowg iar superior for medlcalvl 13 cents par week. poses. IT 18 A PURE diitillation from their aad contains valuable medicinal projn? It has a delioate flavor, similar to tibiM Liin irrsnaii rmm vhf.h i i. Ji aJ1 1 . j j J lie Dail 1view is now in the to great fT8t among first-elan UmWm n . ... oee tnat t&e signature ofllfred 8nk Fassaie, N. J., if 0rer the oprk of eah - M UCa ... I For sale bv W. H. orekv.j. n. iouxui year oi itn existence, is per- joff ' na r attiuoKia oo Female 'School. manently established, with a large j and steadily increasing Biibscrip tion list, and presents to merchants I MISSES BURR & JAliEi ! PRINCIPALS. MRS. BL S. CUSHIKG, , MUSICAL INSTBtJCTRESS. mn for advertising, rjlHE SIXTEENTH ANNOAI88IPl and others a most desirable'medi- of Schobr Viii bPen on WEDiqcwxI VIUTUiJiSK 6th, 1880. I The course of initraetlon b mint ie and thorough, each pupil recehifli lafl , ual attention. The training of tocii ttl( ren, a specialty.. Free hscd driwis?, (Vi )icmwi a voeai jaatio wiuosi ohare. : . Pupils, for 'he above Fchooli of Paintinr. or Pictaresflna Drwiar. Cl ef the Bchoo?, will be accommodated tsL confenient hours. Where a clua of or twny is formed for initmetioa arts, a liberal deduction in cries vill K made. .-. , I A limited number of dudIIi csb Uu. mod a ted with hoard In th fmilr ofesi the PrinciDabi. ' For terms aad frthr nrilenln in ?M oipals. . . sept THE WILfflNSM J0O1AL CLYDE at at OOSH. ? CHAS. KLEIN, Oniertater rani CalM Mer.- Princess Street, in Basement of the Journal Bnildtog't w jjl if iN q t o jt, jr. a JAMES, iBpnblished EVERY FRIDAY. - JAt the following rates q una j.e7.".;;-r;: 2 00 'S AND- : ! . Vlilminnn M. C Steamship t'!'1 THE STEAM EK $5 jaiwd. We wl furnish you rerythin.l THfi $10 a day and upwards is easilr made with- ,V? Outfit sent free to those who with to engage ia the ort pleasant - proncaoie D-d-ew sown -iTerrtung new. Capital not i A t ailit f f tfft. 1 A v mukhiiwh v. wiiiih u a I rv m m . . kets eonstautly on hand. Furniture Repaired I OlXuOBthI 1 OH . . , a L - vwwwwv v a B 1 B " - T Cleaned and Yarnished. Orders graph r mail promptly ol Ja fv uot S Prices Three l-fonUarnT. 60 j - Plrrt-Claas Bar aad Billiard Balomt eoaneoted with this Hotel. RATES $2 PEBDAY. oat 2 . F.A.SCHUTTB, For Rent A aT n .. uu ju oxuuk for oomntry trade.ou Mrket street, between ona ana T-lrd. Also Rooms. ApolTtoT THK McKCTO, ."Attorneys and Counsellors t. Law. wpUfrtfCZ-Sttr cop? . ' ', . - out attTilr awsr frnn home So risk whaterer. - at onee. jaany are Ladies i ne rer nLrht. I "nnnir.T. irrvriQ nv tnjnrmrn Many ew workers wint- W -,xx,, m t-lrfwfl. fnv I . thelmsiBML l 3 1 n, W iTct -Vk I Al J. H. WAKKUCKS Job Offioa. aad young boys and girls make great pay' I 661 "aim tbla offlceefore having .w v wuu tm wuung 10 woia iaus to make 1 j"4 cawuo more money ererr dar than ean hm mAm . I Office in Review bnikifn-.i or-iaary mpioyment. Tnoee I jy -3 .. wieo wiu saort road te fortune. . Addraai H Rium t r i land. Maine. - oct5-dgmriy J OW RATESl-or C kinds of .Prinuag, I TTAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM Priu Hy liyery nil Sale aalls Persons redding oat of the city eu hM their printing carefully executed and xai to them free of postages EL EL VlRnnmr JL cess to Flfth,between Mtdbeny and Walmit streexs, wnere I will dc pleased to serve mr nnMI. B. SCOTT. old customers Panic prices. noTl7-lw and the Tax Wnnrou3r JorjL;cnx tes Urgelj in the adjoiningjsonn- tiesjaa well as in thWAf Vwi t3 Shippers eaa rely epo tions of the Stateand presents tm- saiiinif of Bteaw asadrer- ' tot Freight Engagemeay app11" 1 -Muaia.aciifaea to.merehants for I thos. . bosd, sp GULF STREAM CAPT. INGRAM, , J. . . -....a. wntf r AiU ULu . WtLWL SAW Nov .ft Vflagtoa, making Jmownhaitheve for T0E0- - Freight if ejfat - T' Khl osi Com, Ia BeTfavBftftdlag) ... pri aJk t - r