. afiernwofts Bf JO ilPT!058.P08TAaE PAm iitt; One month, M . t P4 . ... nrtof theeitr. St tie 113 l-rt . ... J lihral iJribert wifl pie" report any ud reeire tlieir papers regularly. 0m THE LIIILt FOLKS I V and Retail flioiesaie ABStSI. l Comer BXarket (. Second fl trusts . ..nt I V PDEP1 JJIi'TY Tfl A th lw?est, assortment r,r Holiday Goods iTe erer sho n They are by far too nn (Jfoa, to mention. A risit only can cover liit poind Toji, Fa3j Ooodj, Wheelbarrows, Carts, WHlpedesJspsnese Ware. OreTlSOdoxs from 53 to $9 each. Brooms, Buckets, Bas kets, Doll CrrUzeif Bockiafc Horses.- " Ihehrgest stocxof Tin W aire 8oaVof New.York. Our Prices .are Lower than Ever I ltd tire eta safely state t hat so House la the soHtry'ofiers greiter inducements ta Im Wholesale Buyers.) biy sits you any idea of our stock by ad Tertliine. Be in time and lay in your stocks i- mmP m BROWN & RODDICKS FANCY GOODS'BAZAAR, 8 E Cerner of Mttket and Second sts aor 20 3.3: O 13-; '"TE ARE MAKING AND HAVE CON lUntly on hand all grades of Rice from COMMON to FANCY. HALF RICE, SMALL RICE RICEHA DOUSE A good cheap food for Dorses, Cows, Hogs, &c. Also a fine article for feeding Poultry. All goods sold at Charleston prices. NORWOOD GILES; CO., novlS Proprietors Carolina Rice Mills Highest Cash Prices plID FOR KIDE8, WO JL, METALS, MR8, e., by JNO. j. CONFREY & CO., Brokers a d Gaaeral Dealers , Corccr Dock and Water str. Refer to Fir it National Bank. noT lo-lm COMMERCIAL HOTLL, Large Sample Rooms lor Commercial Traveler. rpHXlPItOPRIETOE harin thoroughly fnoTated this Houm smd furalsk4?t entlre- Ijbw(Ii prtpand to gireto the trartflng rebUa all the MnreaUsolas of a FIRST XUsa HOTEL. It la located la the Try stm of the basi&M part of the city, belay; fcaTt&leat to the prinelpal bunea houaes, 'ottoOe. Ouitom Qote, Oity HC1 and OoirfHeus. rtrsv-Clan Bar aad Hilllara Aaloou 1 oniscud with this HotL RATES n PBR DAY. U F. A. SCHUTTK, r v fh 1 VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER , LOCAL NEWS. ' ' New AdTrtiementa. J B Fjlrkak And 8tilVMarryin Jossfh BiSBT--Change of Schedule Hkinsbkbgee Endymloa WKLLB,RiCHAED9m & Co Kidney Wort 8 Jbwbtt The Main Chaoce A fc I Sorixb Get Ready'.; C W Yates All that is Necessary . Win daw Glass all sizes at Unifier & Price's, . - t Anno Domini 1880 has but one month mote of life left to it. The receipt of cottoiOat thi3 port to- .- 4 " ' November, the last of the Fall months, steps down and out to-day. Swamp Angels, Bull Dogs, and Other Re yolvers at very low prices at Jacobi's. f A faint pocketbook never, won a fair lady. It is the man who wins.' Dancing lessons given free at Rosen thal's' Pamp sole boots 8nd shoes for the ball room. t' Not good if detached, may apply as well 1o married people as to railroad tickets. Never ran up small debts. Creditors are like children the smaller they are the more they cry. - Ladie the befit tits and the easiest shoes for the little Quea are at Rosen e THAIi'g. T The market was abundantly supplied with fine trout this morniDg. They were caught at JSew Kiver. ' The girls have taken to carrying canes, and young man, if you don't want your eyes prodded out, mind it. It is said that pride must' have a fall. It .is probably when it is arrayed in gor jeous colors, as with the fall of the year You can disguise the nail marks of petty- shortcomings but you can't putty the knot holes in the fence of a. mean disposition. - The town 'clodk 011 '.the? First Presby terian church steeple is ten minutes slow by actual time and two hours ahead in striking the hour. 'Mv time is up," said the Doctor to the patient, whom he found using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup; and he was correct, for that cough was soon a thing of the past. Price 25 cents. When a boy walks with a girl as though he were afraid some one would see him, the girl is his sister. If he walks so close to her as to nearly crowd her againstvthe fence, it is the sister of some one else. How to be your own painter. Just buy the N. T. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted at Jacobi's. t . Mr. Robert H. Cowan, of that excel lent paper, the "VVadesboro Times,; is in the city to-day on a brief visit. A e are glad to learn from him of the flattering success he has met with since he began the publication of the Times. We advise all in need of Household Hard ware to first go to Jacobi's. There you get the lowest prices. . f There was an incipient fire this morn ing, about 5 o'clock, at the residence of Mrs. D. E. Bunting, on Third street, near "Mulberry. It was discovered by the cook on the premises of Mr. J. A. Willard, next door. She gave the alarm and the flames were suppressed with but slight damage to the building. Rice birds ara about playei ou' . Nt so withtbosa Scotch eoles 1 1 Rosenthal's They last for ever. 7 "We understand that Dr. Blacknall, of the Yarborough House in Raleigh, has leased the Mdrehead City Hotel for five years and will open it early in the com ing season. Dr. Blacknall is one of the most successful hotel men in the South and he will doubtless make the More, head house all that he-has made the Yar borough. With him at the helm there is no doubt of its becoming the most popular place of resort on the coast. We wish that he would come down here and try his hand at Smithville. W. R. Tappin,(3ontractor and Builder, Toledo, Ohio, says: An Excelsior Kidr ney Pad relieved me of pain in the side of fifteen years standing. Please send me another Pad.-&ee Adv. When you visit or leave New York City, stop at tbe Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. Eoropoau plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and' upward Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parta ot tbe city. ly Daily Flat Capsized. A flat loaded with wood capsized this morning in the dock at the foot of Prin cess street. It i3 thought the flat caught under the wharf and in some unaccounta ble way capsized. It contained about twenty cords of wood which will be re covered. Water street mercbaut wi.l keep tbeir fet dry in Wiater by wearing It .?kn THAL's boots and shoes. f Charge of schedule. Capt. Joseph Bisby, master of the United States mail steamer Elizabeth, gives notice in another column of a change of schedule of the steamer. He desires to express his thanks for patron age heretofore given him and will in the future endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. His Advice. Read Mr. J. 15.. f arrar's advice to young married persons, 'in another col umn. Those who have been married for some years might also profit by it. He has a fine lot of New Homes and he i thinks they would make fine Xmas pres ents. His stock is complete and is very pretty. Seeing is believing without doubt you can buy Cooking and Heating Stoves at al most any price at Jacobi's. t - A Fleet f Foreigners. Fifteen square-? ' vessels arrived in balow Yesterday and last night. The harbor presents quite a lively scene. The steam tug Blanche went out over tke bar yesterday morning and bauled-lo On account of the dense fog. When the fog lifted there .weie ten square-iiggers in sight. The Ger. barque Onkel re ports passing eight, day-before-yesterday, which were bound for this port. Some of them had arrived this morning and in all probability the balance are securely anchored in the bay at Smithville by this time. How to catch 'em. Just buy the Delusion Rat and Mouse traps. Caught nearly forty qne night. These traps are sold- at Jaco bi's. " t Sales of Real Estate. Messrs; Cronly Morris sold at auc tion this morning the following real es tate: House and lot on the Northwest cor ner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, lot 66x165 feet, -sold in two part3,' bought by Mr. E. E. Burruss for $3,530 for the whole. Terms of sale: One-third cash balance in two annual payments with 8 per cent, interest. Large brick building on South Water street, two stories and double stores, now occupied by Messrs Cronly & Mor ris, 42 feet on South Water . street, by 60 feet on" Henderson alley and 02 feet on Quince alley, to Mr. i. I. Core, for 3,900. Terms of sale: f)nc-third cash, balance in one and two yers with 8 per cent interest. I The first sale was absolute, the second is subject to confirmation. I The trustees are infusing new life and vigor into the drooping cause of educa tion at Rocky Point. To this end they have secured the valuable services, as Principal, of Mr. Dugald McMillan, Jr., of Pender. He received his instruction at the celebrated school of Major Bing ham,inAlamance.aud at other fine schools His heart ,i3 in the work. His school opens with fine prospects. The trustees are still further opening the means of popular education by inaugurating a system of public lectures at the Academy during the winter. These lectures will be delivered free and by competent gen tlemen upon educational subjects. Noth ing is more improving to a community than for its citizens to listen to entertain, nig lectures during long winter evenings upon popular science and education. In addition to these means ot improvement, that zealous teacher, Miss Innie Dur ham, continues her school with its ac" customed popularity and success. She has alsoa musical class, receiving the benefits of her well-known talents for music. Healthy rivalry, upon high prin ciples, will add to the strength and effi ciency of both schools. Another Candidate. By a large majority the people of the United States have declared their faith in Kidney-Wort as a remedy for all the diseases of the kidneys and liver; some, j however, have disliked the trouble of preparing it from the dry form. For such a new candidate appears in the shape of Kidney-Wort in Liquid Form. It is very concentrated, is easily taken and is equally efficient as the dry Try it. Louisville Post ; KEYIEW. Opera Douse Cyril Searle's Drink Combination and Miss Rose Eytinge appeared at the OperaHouse last night inCharles Reade's play of "Drink,' dramatized from Zola's L'Assommoir, to a very good audience. The cast for the play was a remarkably strong one and the company sustained the reputation which had preceded them through the medium of the press. Rose Eytinge as Gervaise wa3 faultless and Mr. Searle as Coupean acted his role with such truthfulness as to make one forget that it was only acting. Miss Nellie Jones, as Virginie, enacted her role with inach truthfulness. The play is in the hands of a strong company, but the. main interest centres in Coupeau, a plumber, intcrpreicd by Mr. Cyril Searle. :jc play bill states that he has played rnis part in London three hundred and fifty times, and one would naturally sup pose that his acting would be somewhat mechanical, but such is not the case. His smile is natural, and his laugh has the true ring of enjoyment in it. He drinks his soup in the fourth act with as much evident relish as does the hungry and tired laborer he represents, and he plays with and caresses his child with all the love and fondness of a loving father. His facial expression is a study, and kept un der constant control; even at times when his profile is turned to the audience the expression his face wore when it was presented full does not relax. He is,, acting at all times, and when not assisting in the dialogue, he does not let his attention wander from the stage and its people to look at the audience, to count its number or discover whether it is entertained or not. Miss Eytinge makes an excellent Ger vaise and has evidently devoted a great deal of study to the role. Her dramatic power is especially pleasing in pathetic scenes. In the sixth act, where starva tion is staring herself and child in the face, her acting is very powerful. To-night this excellent Company will appear in "Led Astray," with Miss Ey tinge as Amanda Chandoce, and Mr. Searle as Count f Rudolph Chandoce. Miss Eytinge will wear the handsome dresses made for her -by Worth. The play of "Led Astray" is more exciting and of more plot than "Drink." . Postofflco News. The money order system one of the greatest of public conveniences, contin ues to grow in favor, its operations hav ing been increased from a little over 61,000,000 in 1865 to more than $100, 000,000, in the past year. At the pres ent rate of charges the business has been conducted during the past five years with no cost to the government. The ices have covered the expenses, with a slight margin of profit. The system is so near absolute perfection that losses to Eeaders or payees of money orders arc only possible through their own neg lect. The Postmaster-General recom mends a reduction of the fee for money orders not exceeding 5 to 5 cents, and to extend tbe maximum limit of an or der from 50 to 100. He also suggests the establishment of a postal savings system and also of postal telegraphs in this country, the first by the incorpo ration into the department of a system of postal savings. Criminal Court- The following cases were disposed of up to the hour of our going to pres3, to- wit: State vs. C. H. Grant, charged with disorderly conduct and resisting an offi cer, appealed from City Court, was call ed thi3 morning and counsel for the State upon affidavit moved for a removal to an alioininir county. Continued until to- W 4J marrow morning. State vs. David Bryant, charged with larceny. Verdict guilty. State vs: Geo. L. Jones, charged with larceny. Verdict guilty. Judgment of Court $25 and costs. State vs. David Bryant, charged with larceny. Defendant submits. Judgment suspended. ., State vs. David Bryant, charged with larceny. Defendant submits. Judgment suspended. State vs. W. H. Goodman, charged with assault and battery. Motion by de fendant that J. T. Edens be made prose cutor wasgran ted. This case involves the question of the right of the city to levy a tax upon the market carts. Captain Goodman, the defendant, is Captain of the Police, and Mr. Edens, prosecutor, was arrested by deffildant for non-payment of the city tax. The case is now on trial and i3 likely to occupy - the atten tion of the Court the rest 01 the day. 20. 1 880. NO. 237 Magistrate's Court. Charles Medway, colored, was arraign ed befoje a Justice thi3 morning upon the charge of false pretence. Defendant was bound over to Criminal Court in the sum of $100, in default of which he was committed to jail. Handy Robinson, colored, was arraign ed before Justice Gardier today charged with stealing $28 from Mrs. Schriver. Defendant was committed lor trial to morrow morning at 10 o'clock. .Bnrfflary. About 2 o'clock this morning a bur glar Was discovered in the dwelling of Oflicer.-Jno. W. Bryant, on Swann, be tween Sixth and Seventh streets. The burglar effected an entrance through a window opening into the bed room of Bryant's daughter. While in this room the unwelcome visitor jostled a book from a table which awoke the child, who alarmed the household by her screams. Bryant ran into the room only in time to see the rascal leap out of the window, Nothing was disturbed about the room. An Old Friend. The steamship Benefactor, which has been laid up in New Yojk tor repairs for the past six weeks, arrived in port this afternoon. She has had a general over hauling and has been supplied with an entire new keel. Eleven new plates have been put on her and new, framers across, besides otherwise strengthening the flooring of the ship. She is now a3 good as a brand new ship, and our old friend, Capt. Jones, is as proud of her as a hen with one chick. New Advertisements. The Main Chance, MY CUSTOMER3 AND THE PUBLIC generally arc respectfully notified that on to-morrow I will commence to issue chances for the beautiful Doll valued at $25 . Ever y purchaser of $2 worth of goods will be given a chance in the raffle. The said raffle to take place on Christmas Eve. S.JEWETT, nor 30 North Front St And Still Marrying. NOW IN ORDER TO FLEASE YOUR fair bride just come right along, no de lay, and get her one of the celebrated de lightful light running NEW HOME Sewing Machines. Attachments supplied for any Machine. Sperm Oil. Needles of all kinds oh hand. Old Machines repaired and taken in exchange for the New Home. Mu,eh happiness to all. J. B. FARRAR, nov30-lw 24 Market st. Get Ready ! QHBI8TMA8 IB NEARLF HEBE! Get leidy for the Hobdays by tmjing yoar Clothing at SHRIEK'S. We arc selling off rapidly onr stock of Overcoats, made expressly fcr jut such weather as this. Gall aid examine the large assortment and earn the low prices at 1. k I. SHRIER'S, nor 29 Market Street THE ONLY MEDICINE IS EITHEB LIQUID OB DUX FOBX That lets at the Same Time on The Liver,1" The Bowels; and the Kidneys. Theaesrreat organ are the natural cleansers of the sjstem. If they work weU, health will be perfect: if they become clogged dreadful dis eases are sure to follow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING. Btlloumesf, Headache, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Constipation, Filet, Kidney Complaints, Gravel, Diabetes, Jlhevmaiic Paint or AcJu. are deTeloped because tbe blood is poisoned with the humors that should be expelled naturally. (IPtlEV-VnRTWIlt RESTORE the healthy action and all these destroylnsr erito will be banished neglect them and you will Ure but to suffer. . Thousands have been cored. Try! t and you wUl add one more to the number. Take it and h ealth will once more gladden your heart. Wky Ur tnm lh tnwst f atfclsf 1 - Wby Su- lack dittrev frMi CtJUo" nu 1 Kroirrr Wokt will cure yoo. Try i tat once and be satisfied. YourdruggisthasiU Fnce ' fr itu put up in Dry VegetahleFriia.ki tjntin -ans one package J---- - quarts of medicine. , 1 V Also"to"uwU ver fjf? CFor tbe convenience of those who cannot japTea""prepareit J X&rtfiL&miurt in either orwt. tTlL8. BICH ARDSOS A CO, Props' (Will send the dry postpaid.) BrkUJCTOS, TT. JAS. E- ICE A, A3TD MECH-VHI0.UXEUJLJ 8 Corner Pront id Market streetsv bot Mn If llaiiiirtoa, 5 O We will be glad to receire eommanl cations from our friends on aay tad all robjeets'V central Interest but Tie name of the writer ttttst always be fur Blahed to tha Editor. Common! cations amst be written on only one side of theaptr. Personalities nut Woided, And It Is especially smrJartlenlarlylandei' stood that the Editor 4 sa not alwajs eadorse the riewsot eorrespontfeats, falenso stated in the editorial eolnmns. New Advertisemta OPERA HOUSE. Twi Wights Only. Monday and Tuesday, Hov. 29 &30 Cyril Searle'i "Drink' Company, support ing the rKtinjruished A r tike, Rose Ejztinge in C-as. ReaiieV Dramatization of 7ola's great novel 4I.,Asommoir,'entitletl Tuesday night LED ASTRAY. Miss RofC Eytinge as Amamlc Chandoce. Tickets on sale at Heinsberger's-Live Book Store. Admissionll. Par.nut Circle r.. Gallery 25c. No charge for reserved seats. nov z-i-oc Branch HOffice. rpiIK "CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON are. L respectfully notified that a branch office l this Wilmington Telephonic Exchange l.een established at Messrs J. C. Steven sou & ,Co's Grocery Stote on Fourth street, just north of Bo.iey Bridge, where messa ges will be received and sent. Parties in other parts of the city who may desire to' communicate with any one in "ISrooklyn", can do so by leaving messages at the Central Office and those in "Brooklyn' who wish to communicate with any other part of the city can leave messages ft the Branch Office. Prompt delivery. Charges almost nominal. W. II. STERLING, nor 2? Manager Telephonic Exchange. Change of Schedule. rjJIIE STEAMER ELIZABETH, carryrh- U. S. Mail, will leave Wilmington for Smithville, 0 a. m. Smithville for Wilmington, iip.' m. On and after December 1st. Fare 50c. JOSEPH BISBY, nov 30-lw Master and Owner. Endymion, NOVEL BY" TnEtRIGIIT UON. BEN JAMIN DISRAELI, 'Earl of Beaconsfield, K". G., author of 'Lothair," "Vivian Gray," riiccIS'iiCufe-XlFxrc aL& nt'l' ' -IIEINSBEKGER'S. "piANOSAND ORGANS on tho Iuital- ment plan at IIEINSBERGER'S, nov 30 Live Book and Music Store. ' 32 Market St. 32 8ia of the Show Case with ilrj Shoemaker M Y STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES always complete. Call and examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now is the tune to supply your families. A full line of thoec CHILDREN'S SCOTCH 80LE, in lace and buttons. See ing is believing. Couvince youreelf of tbe fact. A new lot of those SCOTCH SOLE- GAITERS just received. Don't Mbrget the old number. C. ROSENTHAL,' 33 Market Street. nor t CLOAKS, DOLLMAIIS AND SHAWLS, TN GREATER VARIETY THAN ANY House in North Carolina. ' B. M. JIcINTIRE. CMIPETSSI0EK A faZTciock on hand,' many new styles OIL CLOTHS Is all wfcithj. . not 13 f X

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