n1 afteriwa, llmmdays M JAMSS. TnOKS.r08TAGE PAID. tf12.. fli nontis. tUO t Thrt g wv - - . .. 11 15; One month, 63 aent. "a will be delivered byearrfan, .toiBJ Ptof tbeeity, at the at.rW oenti per wee. 1 receive their papers regnlariy. THE LITTLE FOLKS ! f holesale and Retail. mm & Roddick B. j, Corner arfcet t Qccmd Streets A Eg 3 FULLY PREPARED TO Ljw tli Uret assortment f Holiday Goods be eter hon Thej are;by far too xm lerouJ to raantton. A riait only can coyer tit pOttoA Toji, Fsnay tfoodi, Wheelbarrow. Certr rmnedei. Japno Ware. Over 150 dots , , w Dolls, froa 5i to $3 eich Brooms, Buckets, Bat keti, DolUCarriagea, Rocking Horsee. 1 ho Urgest stock of Tin War gouh of New York. Our Prices are lower than Ever ! lad we cm ifely sUte t hat l.o TTouae in the couitTy oflari greater indai&macts tr J Wholesale Buyers. g3 Giro us a call; we cannot poiii blj gira 700 any idea of oar itock by ad nrtUIag. Be in time and lay in your atocki MfJ. BROWN & eoddick; fancy goods;bazaar, S S Corner of Haiket and Second its HOT JO 3E O 353- rE ARE MAKING AND HAVE CON- stantly on hand all grades of Rice" from COMMON to FANCY. HALF RICE, SMALL RICE RICENA D0U8E A good cheap food for Horses, fr3, Hoss, &c. Also a fine article for feeding Poultry. AH goods sold at Charleston prices. NORWOOD GILESES: CO., Proprietors Carolina Rizo Mills tOT IS Highest Cash Prices IptlDiFO:; HIOES, WJ.L i MgTAtiS, j no. j. cynKRsy o , Broktri a d General Dealer. Corner Dock and Water t. V.r to Firit National Dank. COMMERCIAL HOTtL, WXLMlNGTON.fcN. G. rge 8;iutple Rooms lor Commercial Travelers. fPRoPMSTOE naTln thorooghlj ""ontoitlxia House and fmraUhed.it entire- prtpared te glve.io the travisng M ill v- 1 i-l r . I1DUT. 5 fiOTKL. Itlaloeated ta the very "or taebailaets part of the elty, being at v, th prtnsteal 'badness houtte. I0"0. Cato B.ve, Oity Hall ,and - mm wa Miw wuaeeaa wawae Unit avi AaIaas RATKS 2 FSB DAY. F. A. SCHUTTB,' IflilEMBE nn VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER J. 1880. NO. 238 - LOCAL NEWS. ' New Advertisement. R M McIntirb Express and Steamer Ho Kzmp P Bxttwi University of North Carolina . HEijrsBKBGEB Endymion A & 1 8HBIKB- Get Ready C W Yates--AU that is Necessary . " Found A Parrot " f Window Glass ail sized at MuSer & Price's. t The receipts of cotton at. bh port to day foot op 430 bales. ' 1 ' 1 !': This mopth has fite WednesBayg, five Thursdays and five Fridays. December,-the first1 of the technical winter months, is with us to-day. Swamp Angels, Bull Dogs;! and other Re volvers at very low prices at J a corn's. . .1 Fanny Davenport is booked for this city on the 15th inst. and will, we learn, appear in the American Girl. Ladies, the 1 best fits and the easiest hoes for the little ones-are at Rosen THAii's. 1 ! J ' t Judge ! Robert J. Breckenridge, of Ljouisyille Ky., has been appointed Sn preme Treasurer of the Knights of Honor to fill the vacancy caused by the death of B. A. Osmer. It is the slight cold frequently con tracted that finally undermines the sys tem. UseDr. Bull's Cough JJyrnp in the beginning stages of any coid and bo cured. Price 25 cents. There will be a net loss.this month of 8 minutes of daylight. On the 31st the sun will rise 18 minutes later and will set 1Q minutes later than it does now. ' The gain will therefore be. in the afternoon. How to be your own painter. Just buy the N. Y. Enamel aiht, ready mixed and war ranted at Jacobi's. t New, moon to-night at 42 minutes past 9 o'clock. It will full on the 16th and the Christmas nights will be dark' enough for the display of fireworks. There will be two new moons this month, on the 1st and on the 31st. We advise all in need of Household Hard ware to first go to Jacobi's. There you get the lowest prices. ' f The fast mail train for the W. & W. R. R. is that which leaves here at night and the mails for this train close at 7 p, m. There is no way mail on the train which leaves here at 4:15 p. m. although a through pou6h is made up. Mr. Simon Bear, who left thi3 city about five years ago and removed to Florida, where he has since been living and engaged in business, has returned to old North Carolina and will pitch his tent with us here in' "Wilmington once more. ive are giaa to welcome mm back. ' Rice birds are about Dlave 1, out. Not o with those Scbtoh soles r Rosenthal's 1 1 1 They last for ever. T 1 Capt. !lclntire, on North Front street, has just received many new and pretty things, both by express and steamer. He is making vigorous preparations to ac commodate a large holiday trade, and the ladles are respectfully invited to an examination of his large and handsome stock. , Attempted Burglary. An unsuccessfal attempt was made a few nights ago to burglarize the residence of a gentleman, residing near the cor ner of Fourth and Orange streets. The thief had raised a window and propped it up when he was discovered. W. R. Tappin.Contractor and Builder, Toledo, Ohio, says An Excelsior Kid ney Pad relieved me of pain in the side of fifteen years' standing. Please send me another Pad. bee Adv. When you visit or leave New Tork City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite orand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ot the city. . ly . Another Candidate. By a large majority the people of the United States have declared their faith in Kidney-Wort as a remedy for all the diseases of the kidneys and liver; some, however, have disliked the trouble of preparing it from the dry form. For such a new candidate appears in the shape of Kidney-Wort in Liquid Form. It is very concentrated, is easily taken and is equally efficient as the dry. Try it. Louisville Post, Those wlio have an itching head should use HalT s Vegetable Sicilian Hair i?c- nctcertostop it. DAILY , StJtinn's A telegram has been received here from Rev. Thos. D. Pitts, to whom an invitation to become Rector of St. John's Parish was some time since exten ded. Mr. Pitts states that he will arrive in Wilmington on Friday morning and a3 a consequence there will be services at St. John's Church next Sunday morn ing and evening. It is understood, we bilieve, that Mr. Pitts' visit is merely preliminary and it is not knpwn as yet if he will accept the call which has been extended to him. ' Water street merchants will ktep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. t Harbor Master's Report. From Captain Joseph Price, Harbor Master, we have the following list of vessels together with the tonnrge of the same which arrived at this port during the month of November: American. Steamers - - - C -Schooners . - .13 Tonnage. - 5,134 - 3,482 Total Foreign. , Schooners Brigs - 1 Barques 19 1 1 15 - 8,616 Tonnage. - J48 - 445 --' 6,112 Total - - - 18 G,705 Making a grand total of American and Foreign of 37 vessels with 15,321 tons. How to catch 'em. J ust buy the Delusion Rat and Mouse traps. Caught nearly forty one night. These traps arc sold at Jaco bi's. - - Bobbery. yesterday the residence of Mr. W. B. McKoy, on Fifth street, was robbed dur ing the .absence of the family. So far four vests, one overcoat, three pairs of pants, one hat, two pairs of shoes and a quantity of old clothes are known to have been stolen. Early this morning a wo man, giving her name as Mollie King, was seen down town with a pair of the stolen shoes on and was tracked to her house, which is on Fourth street, near Swann. She was arrested and was being brought down street when she divulged all she!knew of the theft, ,She said that Allen Armstrong, a boy in the employ of Mr. McKoy, brought the shoes and some old clothing to her house last night, and described the stolen articles. She pro duced most of the old clothes, but the new ones she says she know3 nothing about. A hunting suit of Mr. McKoy's was 4bund in his stable, and also the suit of clothes that Armstrong had on yester day. Armstrong has not yet been causrht but the officers are after him. Seeing is believing without doubt you can buy Cooking and Heating Stoves at al most any price at Jacobi's. " ' f Another Fell Destroyer. We wrote two days ago of the slaugh ter of fowls at night in different private lots of this city,' by what was thought to be a mink, and as in each instance it happened near a small water course or run, we thought naturally -enough that the author of these misdeeds must be a mink, especially as the throats of the dead chtekens were found to be cut, with no other damage to them. But' this morning a gentleman residing some four hundred yards from any running stream of yater informed us that last night some fowl destroyer visited his premises and killed eleven hens and one turkey ; the chickens had their throats cut, and so did the turkey, but two-thirds of the turkey was devoured or destroyed. This leads to the supposition that the murderer in this instance must have been a fox,, unless it is possible that after the mink had surfeited himself on the blood of his victim, the rats of the neighborhood came along and had a grand fea3t on the flesh of the tur key. The fowls were all locked up in a house, too, leaving only a hole sufficient. ly large for them to crawl through in go ing to roost and to crawl out again in the morning. It behooves our citizens who want to save their poultry to stop all the cracks and holes to their fowl house, besides locking the door to keep out two-legged rats. By the way, where is the Fox Club, the Coon Club and the rest of the sport ing fraternity? Can't they organize a Mink Club and catch the black var- min t ! Dancing lessons slven free at Rosen- that's: Pump sole boots and shoes for the' ball room. A I KmEW We are pleased to learn that Dr. M. J. DeRosset's condition is considered as much more favorable. "We hope ere 1 1 - t? - . 1 . , T ioug tu see mm on me streets. Mr. J. D. Nutt, who has been con ducting a drug store in Laurinburg, has returned to this city and s now in' charge of Burbank's Pharmacy. The new1 firm is J.' D. Nutt & Co. Sudden Death. A colored woman, employed as a cook at the boarding honse of Mrs. Thoma Lather, near the corner of Front and Red Cross streets, died very suddenly last evening. At the time of her death she was seated in a chair near the stove. Special Coroner Leslie empannelled a jury and held an inquest over the de ceased this morning. After hearing the testimony the jury returned a verdict of death, from natural causes, supposed to be heart disease. Criminal Court- This Court was in session to-day and disposed of the following cases : The case of State vs. W. H. Good man, assault and battery on J. T. Edens Mistrial. 1 State vs. Mary Brown, charged ' with &a cc"lr Z MnoM .1.. V ,ti ODCuu iu iuc v,iCiuim Superior Court of that couaty. 1 State VS. Charles Edens and William -"v"'" om Wewknk, chargedwith larceny. Ver- diet not rruiltv :- " " " , State vs. Richard Hooper. Larceny - Not guilty. State vs. Mary Ann Davis. Nuisance. Now on trial. ' some Figure. The receipts ot cotton at this port during the month of November foot up 30,430 bales against 11,944 bales for No- vember, 18 1 9, an increase this Novem - fio Aoe vi mi this season are 74,559 bales, e3 against 54.134 bales for the corresnondine' neriod . . . n r f of last year, an increase in favor of this year of 20,425 bales. On December 1st, 1879, middling cot - """"" 414 n" i cents: to-dav it is 11. Srjirita turnen - tine, Dec. 1st, 1879, was worth 37 J cents; ' 0 r to-dav it is auoted at 42. Same date last year rosin was quoted at $1.30 for J . A A I strained and good strained; : to-day it i3 worth $1.35 for strained and $1.40 for! good strained. Same date last year tar sold for $1.10; to-day it is quoted at 2.40. Same date last year crude tur pentine was sold for $1.60 and $2.60; to day it is quoted at $1.80 and $2 80. Proclamation By The President Fault-finding is so seldom 1 indulged in by those who use the medicines ' manu factured by the World's Dispensary Medical Association, that the Fresident of that corporation, the Hon. E. V. fierce, M. 1)., has issued a special re quest or , proclamation to any and all persons, if there be any such, who may have taken or shall hereafter use any of the iamily medicines now made and sold by the said Association, in all countries of the world, and who have not derived full benefit from said medicines, that if they will . write the said Association a description of their maladies the faculty of the Dispensary will advise them with respect to the succcessful treatment of their diseases. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is guaranteed to cure all humors from the common blotch, pim ple or eruption, to the worst scrofula or king's evil, and those virulent poisons that lurk in the system as a sequel or secondary anection resulting from'badly treated or neglected primary diseases It also cures bronchial, throat and lung diseases. Favorite Prescription is guar anteed to cure female weaknesses and kindred affections. Extract of Smart- Weed cures bowel affections, colds, and all painful, rheumatic and neuralgic affec tions. Dr. Fierce s.l'elletts (little sug ar-coated pills), are the little giant cath artic. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. or Great Russell Street Buildings, London, ng. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL. . . e jaiKUCTiUJN 13 utt&Kt,v in tnre regular courses of study. Special courses are provided in Mineralogy, Chemistry and other sciences relating to Agriculture. Schools of Law, Medicine and Pharmacy are fully equipped. The nefict term begins January 3d and ends June 2d, 1831 Total expenses, Including tuition, $90 to $125. Address, HON. KEMP P. BATTLE, IX. D dec 1 New Advertisements. Found. ON TUESDAY A PARROT alighted on the piazza of a residence on Second, between Red Cross and Campbell street, where it was secured. The owner in re quested to come forward, pay for this adn vertisement, and get the bird. dec 1-lt EXPRESS AND STEAMER! ! JUST RECEipn MANY new things in STAPLE and FANCY GOODS, Black Silks, . I Slack Silk Velvets In these goods we are having LARGE SALES. The prices are telling and every body will tell the prices. - Our Black and Colored Cashmeres arc in 1 ' 'i great demand, andM finest and largest stock of Trimmings in 8ilks, Satins and Velyets. , 1 1 Those new Buttons have come, some real jjeins. R. M. McINTIRE. P. S. Crumb Cloth in all sizea and in 1 1 new designs. , dec 1 The Wai" Chance, nTYCUSTOMER3 AND THE PUBLIC XTl generally are respectfully notified that on to-morrow I will . commence to issue S5?nce for theJ beautiful Doll i valued at 35 Every purchaser of 2 worth of goods will be given a chance in the raffle. The 1 said rattle to take place on Christmas live. I S. JEWETT, 1 uov 30 North Front St And Still Marrying. :TTOW, IN ORDER TO PLEASE .YOUR I Machines. Attachments supplied for any I Machine. Sperm Oil. Needles of all kinds ia exchange for the New Home. Mueh 1 happiness to ail. t-1 j.u. akkak, I on e w -a r 1 . nov ou-iw - . mantel hi. Get Ready ! I 1HRISTMA8 IB NEARLY HERE t G I I reidy for the Holidays by buying yor 1 ciothlngat SIIRIER'8. I we are selling off rspidly our stock 0 1 in j , 1 l v vco' m"e priy Ja I weather as this, OaU and ezamia the large assortment and learn the low prices at A. A I. BHRIER'8, Market Street. nor 29 All that is Necessary'. JR0P IN AT YATES' BOOK 8T0RE and see for yourself. Every Steamer adds to his already larea stock. An unusual toll itoc of Fancy Goods, including many novelties, OR3A3TS on easy terms O. W. YATEP, Stationer and Rook Heller nov 22 ONLY MEDICINE IN EITHER LIQUID OB DRY FOBS That Acts at the Same Time on , The Livers The BowelOA and the Kidneys. These great organs are the natural cteaiuero of the system. If they work well, health will be perfect, if they become clogged dreadful dis eases are sore to follow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING. ' Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Constipation, TUes, Kidney Complaints, Gravel, Diabetes. Rheumatic Paine or A eke. m are deretoped because the blood is poisoned with 1 the humors that should be expelled naturally. irinMFY-VJnRTWIlL RESTORE the healthy action and all these destroying eHs win be banished, neglect then and you win lire but to suffer. Thousands hare been eared. Try 't and you will add one more to the number. Take it and 9 h ealth will once more gladden your beart. Why smler Wager frss Ike Unseat sfsa acaisff Wk 1 . JTky kesr tack distress tnm esasUsailaa aae Hiss f ' Kidxxt WoT will cure you. Try it at once and be satisfled. Your druggist has it. Irice .-J I ty ItUputup in Pry Tegetnkie r eras, in CFtia cans on package of which makes tAx quarts of medicine. in UmU T i Try Ctftmted Cror the eonTenience of those who cannot QTreadHy prepare it. It acU iritk ttpud tWtMdenct tilkeT fort. IfELLS, bTcHIBDM). it CO., Prt's; r (Wm send the dry post paid.) BcauxOTOX, TT. JAS- KEA, T.E5TAL BUEQIOJ abd uxooino.' 8 K Oorner Front am4 If arket rtreeta, aoT IS-lw . . TTDaloftoas IT O HLRlhK MOTICL. W will tf a4 to raorfvt eommsnlcatlonj a aj and all, nbjNdo an T Mat of tat writer nut always be fur Bished to taC Editor. Oonunnnleatlonj &ut b written oa only onddofthajtpr. Panonalltlag bm voided. ' Aad It b pcUIly m particttlarly.tfader rtood that the Editnr4 Bot alwmyi eadon the Tiewt ot eorretpontfeata, tnlev 0 stated ta the editorial eolvmna. ' . Heir Advertisemts BranchJ.Office. THE 'CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON are ot the Wiliuinffton Telephonic Exchange has been establkhci at Messrs J. (C. Steven son & Co'6 Grocery Store mi Fourth street iel K,!uLof ' Boney, Bridffe' r where me: " ges w ill be received and sent. Parties in otherpartsof the city whp may desire to communicate with any one in "Brooklyn", can do so by leaving: me.-iaffes at the Central Ofhceawi those in "BrHikryn" who wih to communicate with any other part of the citv can leave messa-s at the Branch I Office. Prompt delivery. Charpe almo t nominal. -w W. H. STERLING , f nov2f Manage r Telephonic Exchange. Change ot Schedule. rpiIE STEAMER ELIZABETH an vin- U. S. Mail, will leave Wilminp-toii fnr fimiV.t.;il Smithville for Wilmington, 'J p. m i. in. On and after December 1st. Fare' 50c JOSEPH BISBY, nov o0-tw Master and Owner. Endymion, NOVEL BY TIIE RIGHT HON. BE K-J-:iN DISRAELI, Earl of Beaconstield, K. G., author of 'Lothair,", "Vivian Or8V, , 1 "I Price 15 cents. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S. piANOSAND ORGANS on the Iiutal ment plan 'at . HEINSBERGER'S, nov 30 Live Book and Music Store. 32 KVlarket St. 32 Bleu of the Sow Case with tho Shoemaker- JJY STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES always complete. Call and examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now is the time to supply your families. - A full line of those CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, in lace and buttons. See ing is believing. Convince yourself of the fact. A new lot of those SCOTCH SOLE GAITERS just received. Don't forget the old number. C. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. nor t deceived this Da v. 5Q AbKh BOKDBE& k OO.. D 1 Y BOWZY OGAMFaQ.VKj FRESH FROM BOND, 1 At Importers Price . GEO. il YKRS, Agent 0 CASI8 FBE&OH BKAMJ) ) , From Bond tbie Dij, And for tale at Importer's Price. Only $1,60 for a Bottle of Impoitfd TrsDoh Brandy At GEO. MYERS. 25 Tobi OILT EDGE HOTTER, JO OESTd A POUSD, i Choicott GraM Batter AbD LIQD033, of best grade, At Popular Prfeei. GEO. MYERS, 2No. 11 13 16 S nth Front su may 27 Winberry Oysters; NTI THB 715 E3T OF the Mason. Sy tho Doxea, Qaart or Gallon, at JOaaOASRQUB, ltarkett

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