r Baili Reyiew. jOSH T. JAMBfli i-iimamm on UT UQ til noitetB ft feaend faterwt bat Th uas of the writer nvst always bt far nishM to t ha Editor. Oonummleatloxu xtut b written: on only oaedfrof thjapr. Partoaalltiej dm tt voided. And It la especially x tartJeularljItuide rtood that the Editor 1mbo alwaji eidorif the riewsot eorreapoaSwiti xtvm to at in the editorial eolatrtxs. FAM 4.. 0, T i . . rar 15 00 Six month, S3 60 ; Tnree moHthi.ll "5 One month, 60 cento. ' o.per will be 4elirered by earrien, -Tof char-, in M of-the U ttt Jttratei.orM.oent.perweek. - !jTertiifCr.teilowndliberri o.hriberi will pleaae report any ud VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2. 1 88f O. 239 . ff-au" - 1 niflriHmi1tfk i ' jEMEMBE THE LITTLE FOLKS ! ryiiolesalo and Retail. & RODDICK fl.2j. corner Market Cl Docond Streets . BS H'JW FULLY PREPARED TO A ant nf j-jir iu Holiday Goods t.va erer ho wn. They are by far too nn 'rout to taaatba A. rist only can coyer cat 23 'rd- Tow. Fa3j 0iodj, Wheelbarrows, Cartft cities, Japnie Ware. Ore ISO doze DiOllSi from 5i to $7 etch. Brooms, Backets, Bif keu, Holl Orriajes, locking Horses. hs largest stock of Tin 'Ware Pou'.h of New York. Oar Prices are Lower than Ever 1 lad w cm safely stats tht ao House la tbe e-n!rj offars greater indoo mentst " Wholesale Buyers. ! ga Give rs a call; we cannot posii bijgiv yoa any Idea of cur stock by ad Tertising. Be in time and lay in your stock sir y. BROWN & RODDICKS fancy goodsibazaar, S E Corner of Mailet and 3ecood sta BOT20 Highest Cash Prices pilD FOR HIDES, WOi I.. METALS, A63r4c.fly , WO. J. GUNFRET A CO., f'Vr.ier Dock ani Warr ?t. Refr to i.t N'-tTotal BanV. fE ARE MAKING AND HAVE CON- '-anUy on hand all grades of Rice from OMMON to FANCY. M RICE, SMUL RICE RICENA- DOUSE A good cheap food for Borses, Ilogs, &c. Also a fine article for1 Ming Poultry. AU eoods sold at Charleston prices. NORWOOD GILES-ACO., fg13 Proprietors Carolina Rico Mills Branch, Office. CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON are k Wctfuliy notified that a branch office . e jHlniington Telephonic Exchange established at Messrs J. C. Bteren Lo 6 Grocery Store on Fourth street, north of Boney Bridge, where messa Ju be received and sent. Parties In Pirts of the city who may desire to falcate with any one in "Brooklyn", P tod those in "Brooklyn" who wish to Pcsie with any other part or the city e messages at the Branch Office, fcfcvery. Charges almoU nominal w& W. H. STERLING, Manager Telephonic Exchange. 411 that is Necessary . ft AT YATES' BOOK STORE 4Cjr yoinelf. Every Stealer adds riij larg stocr. (An uouiual full hot Paacy Goods, Iccludin maaT noTeltlea. j 3iSs a y terms. BROWN eUUoner aad Book BeUr LOCAL NEWS. New AdTertisements. Hexksbkboxb Look for Yoarselve D R Mubchisok $100 Reward Hatx & PKXB8AIX All Sorta 8 Jewett In Abundance Dan'wF Bsxttt Organs and Piano W H 8hepakd Business Manual Lbgoat Buos Cheapest Beokstor Masos & HaMLiN Organs Allek McCoy "Homes 1 Texas" P Gakbbt & Co Readings 1 See ad Hostetter's BitterV A & I Shrisr Get Ready fc C W Yate All that Is Necessary. Wlrdow (tIrm all sixes at Altaffer Price'. . t Champagne frappo i3 called a frozen smile. - A sensitive reporter is the wrong man in the write place. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,304 bales. Catting;8arcaam is decide dly m p re ferable than cutting Limburger cheese. Swamp Angel8, Bull Dogs, and other Re volvers at very low prices at Jacobi's. f People who never borrow treuble sometimes have a good deal of it stored away in the house: Ladies, the best fits and the easiest shoes for the little Dues are at Roskk TttAId. T The different colored lights on the shipping in port present & beautiful ap pearance at night. Dancing lessona given free at Bosbk thalj. Pump eola boota and shoes for the b'l room. t Delafate Towers, who was once a noted character of Paddy's Hollow, died in Raleigh last week. The ypung man who dropped & ten cent piece down his sweetheart's neck and called her a dime savings bank had a dividend declared on the spot. Water street merchants will keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes, f Among the newest . hats for ladies is one called Sunrise, so called, probably, because a man has to get up before sun rise. every day fora week to earn money enough to pay for one. How to be your own painter. Just buy the N. YEnamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted at Jacobus, f Mr. S. D. Wallace, Cashier of the Bank of , New Hanover, fainted at his desk this morning and was carried to his 'home. He has been quite feeble for some time. Seeing is believing without doubt yon can buy Cooking and Heating Stoves at al most any price at Jacobi's. f UST There are a number of our sub scribers whose names were entered for the campaign only on the Review books. We shall be , glad to hare them renew their subscriptions. This is the last is sue which will be sent to them under tb campaign subscription but we will take great pleasure in entering them as regu lar subscribers should they desire to re new. Rice birds are about played out. Not so withthoa Scotch sMeaat Rosenthal's Tber last for ever. T , rnmallablc. Unmailablc matter remains in the post office "in this city addressed to Fannie Morrison, Ridgeway, S. C; Wylie Bros, Baltimore, Md.; Mary E. Cowan, care of J. W. Cowan, no destination, j 1 A friend has given us a curious shaped sweet potato which was grown in the garden of a summer residence on Wrights ville Sound. The shape of ' the potato has to be seen to be appreciated as it is rather difficult to describe. Any one curiousto see the potato can be gratified by calling at this office. - ' How to catch 'em. Just buy the Delusion Rat and Mouse traps. Caught' nearly forty one night. These traps aro sold at JaCo bi'sv . " : -- f ... X- of P. &t the Hatthead, The German barque Onkel, Captain Walenstein, just from Rotterdam, sailed into port this morning with colors flying at the masthead bearing the ensign of the order of Knights of Pjthias,of which order Capt Walenstein is hinself a member, bavins: Joined the Germania Lodge of this city on a previous visit to our port This Month. Theatrical entertainments bid fair to be plentiful this month. The following engagements have been made for the Opera House : Fanny Davenport, 15th; Mendelssohn Qintette Club, 22d; French Opera Company, 23d ; Maud Forester, (in "Mareppa"), 24th and 25th, and The Comets on the 30 th. To Clean Glass Globes. If the globes on a gastfixture are much stained on the outside by smoke soak them in tolerably hot water, in which a little washing soda has 'been dissolved. Then put a .teaspeonful oi powder aaa monia in a pan of lukewarm water, and with a hard brush scrub the globes un til the smoke stains disappear. Rinse in clean cold water. They will be as white as new. Rales tor ine Rerenae Service. Regulations have just been issued by the commissioner internal revenue for observance by revenue officers, district attorneysf -marshals and clerks of the U nit v courts, respecting cases arising under the internal revenue laws in which the United States is a party, and respecting the custody and disposi tion of real estate acquired by the Uni ted States under those laws. The offi cers mentioned are to co-operate actively vigorously and heartily in the suppres sion of frauds upon the internal revenue, observing at the same time caution, prudence and economy. The commis sioner directs that, where persons know ingly and wilfully violate the law with the evident intention of defrauding the government of its revenue, rigorous measures should be taken to bring them to trial and punishment, but it is sug gested that no encouragement should be given to the commencement of prosecu tions for moral, technical, slight and unintentional oSenses involving no loss to the government and where no ques tion of fraud is involved, and that all complaints presented by professional informers should receive careful scrutiny before prosecution begins. District at torneys are relied upon for the prompt and efficieit preparation and prosecution of all cases, and are held primarily res ponsible for failure to bring cases to a speedy trial. It is directed that there should be no unnecessary delay in the proceedings to enforce collections of jadgments when obtained. The news from tbe seat of war is con stantly 'contradictory, but not so from Dr. Bull's Cough oyrup; every report concerning it proves it to be the best Cough oyrup known. Only zD cts. a bottle. Capture of a Tblef. Allen Armstrong, the colored boy who robbed the residence of Mr. W. B. Mc- Koy on Tuesday last, was captured last night, near Rocky Point. Officer ToneyJAshe, learning that Allen had gone to Rocky Point, followed him up and there ascertained that the culprit's parents lived about five miles distant on the Point Caswell road. Ashe had the warrant issued in this county endorsed by a Magistrate of Pender and then went on after his man, arriving at the home of Armstrong's parents about 9 o'clock. Armstrong had arrived only a few minutes ahead of the officer and was displaying the articles, telling his parents that they were things he had bought. He was arrested and carried back to Rocky Point where the officer and his prisoner boarded the train and arrived in this city about ten o'clock. The clue which led to the capture oftho thief is as . follow: Armstrong gave Mollie King a new pair of ladies shoes for a trunk, and placed the articles in it, telling the woman that he was going to Rocky Point She carried the shoes down street and tried to swap them with shoe dealer for a larger pair. The dealer recongnixed them immediately as a pair he bad sold to one of the ladies of Mr. McKoy's family and notified Mr. McK. of it, but kept his eye on the woman un til an officer could be put on her track. In endeavoring to swap the shoes she stated that she had paid $1.50 for them, which is not one-half of their value. Armstrong it now in jail, having been committed by Justice Hill for trial at this term of tne Crimidal Court Catarrh Sometimes commences with a cold, but its cure always commences with the use of Sage's Catarrh Remedy. This old, reliable, and well-known remedy has stood ? th test of years, and was never more pop; ular than now. Another Burjr ary. The dwelling of Henry Brewington colored, on Harnett, between Fourth and Fifth streets, was burglarized last night. It was between 2 and 3 o'clock and Brewington heard him and made a dash for the rascal who was in such a hurry to leave that he left his shoes and hat behind him. He got away, however, with $2.50 in money which he abstracted from Brewington's pockets. Criminal Ccurt This Court convened at the regular hour this morning and disposed of the following cases: State vs. C. II. Grant, resisting an of ficer. All cases against defendant have bsen removed to the Superior Court of Pender county and set for 10 o'clock on Wednesday of the first week. State- vs. W. H. Goodman, assault and battery. Guilty. This is the case in which J. T. Edens was made prosecu tor on Tuesday, and the one in which the jury were discharged on account of their being unable to agree upon a verdict - It was taken up again today, the juiy returning a verdict of guilty. The as sault was committed in Capt. Goodman arresting Mr. Eden in compliance with a city ordinance then inforce. Hickory Nuts and dliell-barks. Hickory-nuts are quoted in the New York market at 51.50 to S1.75 per bushel, and yet they arc not hickory" nuts, after all; at all events, not such as we know in North Carolina as hickory nuts. They are shell-barks, an article considerably in demand during the winter season and which are brought here from the North, retailing here at about 75 cents a peck. The shell-bark is a spe cies of the hickory-tree. It grows In North Carolina, in the middle and West ern parts of the State, but not to any very great extent. We know of at least one instance where a I033 has been entailed by gathering hickory-nuts for shipment, the parties having been misled by the quotations in the New York pa pers. Not Much Benefit to Us. You can eat your breakfast now in New York and your supper in Wilming ton, according to the new fast schedule provided you will eat in New York be fore 4 o'clock and in Wilmington after 10. This is about all of the advantage however, the fast mail promises to prove to the people of thi3 city. We get our New York papere and letters now jnst a3 we did a week ago. They arrive here now, it is true, about 10 o'clock at night of the day on which they leave New York, but we do not get them until next morning. Letters received here from New York, say to-day, were written on Tuesday and the actual time, from hand to hand, is not the 17-hour schedule of the fast mall but from 30 to 40 hours. However, this is our misfortune and no body's fault. It so happens that Wil mington is not benefited while other points are. Richmond and Petersburg and Norfolk will all get their mails in the afternoon and evening and Goldsboro early in the night,while Charleston and Augusta will receive theirs just as we do ours. If the fast train could have been scheduled to leave New York at 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon it would have just suited us as that would have given us, at the same time or reception here, New York mail matter 12 hours later than tkat now received. - ltew Advertisements. Look for Yourself. jT-EW SHEET MUSIC. 1 Russia Leather Goods, Musical Instruments of all kinds at HEIXSBERGER'3. piANOS AND ORGANS on the Inital ment plan at nEINSBERGER'S, dec 2 Live Book and Music Store. All Sorts O1 F PLAIN AND FANCY CANDY, CRACKERS AND CAKES, CANNEDJGOOD5, CREAM CHEESE, PEACHES, CHERRIES, PRUNES, ruin c&AOXiBXXtv HALL & PEAB3ALL. dee a New Advertisements. In Abundance J CHRISTMAS ;OOI)S, TOYS, POLL Babie., ami new trinktts of u'n;nM cvry conceivable style anl mttoni. fi. J i:vett. North Front 8 100 fieward, XE 'HUNDRED DOLLARS WILL RE o paid fr (. vivlcnee MiJTkirnt to convict the perao who attempted to et fire to cotton in one of tbe warehouses of thi cortipaiiy on the 2r.th nit. D. R. MUKC1I ISOX, iee 2-2t I're.'t W'il. Compress Co. free. , AddreseDaniel F. Bsatty, Washington, N. J. cec 2 iw 111158 Focial and Business Manual, Ltwi of Etlnaetts bibles and other &let?le boc-Ks. Beat agents wasted. AddrcsW Li j - W p" r A H L , y ru'.t-n ftreet, N- Yoik (1 i. '1 . 4 w CHcAPiST BOOK STORE IN Tiib; WOULD 175672 MaCnifiitnt Gift Bookf; Uorgeoui Jarenilo Books, t-upeib bibles and Prsyer book alsiost given &wy Qratd Holiday Ca aiogue fre. LEGUrAT BROS v 3 Beekmaa St- 6pp. Postoffice, N. Y. deo 2-lw' New and Very Attractive Style3 are how Rsady. BK9T OA.1JIPTET' Oli PAR. LuUc4GANHin the World, winners cf highest distinction at every great World' Exhi bition for thirteen jears. Tri ces, f 51. $67, $S6, 584, $108, to 5500 and upwaru. JFcr etsy payments, a quarter and upward. GMalcgnes frea. MAfeO.V & HAMLIN OIWAN Co. 154 Trrmor.t St. Mnston: MASON A N D ORGANS IG Eai Hth Ht, (Drioa fcqaars) York; 149 "Wnbish Av a ue, Chicago. dcc-iw 13 TBB TlXi,S OF A NEW-ILLUSTRATED' PAMPHLET Deoriptir3 of the country along und tribu tary to the line of the International and Great North ern Railroad and contains a good county hip of the 8 tat. It aUo contains the name3 aad addresses of Farmen and Planters in Texas who have Farms 4br Sale or Rent, and those who ill want Far H Anna for next year. A copy oi tms dook win Da mailed free to those who desire reliable information about Texas, upon application by letter or postaPcard to ALLEV ifioCOY, Uenerai i?reigni ana rass r ageni, dac 2-4 w Palestine, lexas S 5 a Z,1 3 'i? 2 -TJ V c . ? a ' - " V Thr ij no civiiiz d ration in lha We't. em Hemisphere in hich the nti ity cf Hcs- tettera Dtomacn tit:e ais a tome, correc tive, and acti billion zaedicise, is not ftnewe and appreciated. Wfcilo It is a mediciae for all feasons and all climates, it it ecpeciaJly gaited 3 the complaint generated by the weather, being the purest and bert Tegeta b! atimolant in the wprid. For aals br Droggut aad Dealer, to whoa apply fir Hostetter'e Alaiacac for 1831 dec 2 JAS- E- KEA, -TiESTXL BCR0S05 JLSD MECHANIC. 8 E Corner Front lad Market itrseU, nor 18-2 w Wilmington, jg Q 3S-s53 VVk cq P VCIE3BATD Uimt T 1 New Advertlsemts EXPRESS AND STEAMER ! ! JUST RECEIVED MANY new things in STAPLE ami FANCY XJOODS. Black Silks, Black Silk Velvets In tbese gools we are having LARGE SALES. The prices are tellin- an.l every body viJ tell the prices. -'.' Our Black act! Colored Caohmcrr nre in ' great ilcmand, ami the line:t ami lur-et slock of Trimmings - in Silks, Sa ami"' Velrets. Those new Buttons have come, omc i t a l gems;, K. M. McINTlUE. S. Crumb Cloths in 'all sizes anl in new ilej-ins. lee'l USIVSnsiTY CF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL Hi Li. JNSTRUCTIOX 13 OFFERED lix thre regular courses' of study. Special courses arc provided in Mineralogy, Chemistry atid other --sciences relating to Agriculture". Schools of Law, Medicine arid rharmacy arc fully equipped. The next term begins January od and ends .Tunc 2d, 1SSJ . Total expenses, including tuition $00 to $125. Address, HON. KEMP P. BATTLE, LL. D dec 1 ' And Still Marrying. NOW, IX ORDER TO PLEASE YOUR iair Itride. just come riht alon, no de lay, and ct her one of the celebrated tic- . lihtful light running NEW HOME Sewing -Machines. Attachments supnlied lor anv Machine. Sperm Oil. Necdlesof all kinds vm hand. Old Machines repaired and taken in .ixchanjje for the New 'Home. Muuh happiness tj all. J. 13. FARRAR, novGO-lw- 124 Market ft. Get Ready ! QHRIoTMAB IB NEARLY IIERE ! Get re tdy for the Holidays by bujicg year Clothing at SHRIKE'S. - We are selling off rapidly our tock of Overcoats, made expressly fcr s jat inch weather as this. Oalland examine the large assortment and learn the low prices at -f. A I. gHRIER'8, or29 Market Street. Change ot Schedule. rpiIE STEAMER ELIZABETH, t arryintr U. S. Mail, will leavo Wilmington for Smithvillc, V a. in. Smithville for Wilmington, 2 p. m. On and after December 1st. Fare .10 cts. JOSEPH lilSIJY, nov oO-lw ' Master and Owner. 32 Market St. 32 1 L V.-- - . . . SUm of the Show Cas3 with t Shocmaier- M Y STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES always complete. Call and examine. at traction guaranteed to customers. Now is the time to supply your families. A full line of thoso CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, in lace and buttons. See ing is. believing. Convince yourself of the fkct. A new lot of thoae SCOTCH SOLE GAITERS just received. Don't! fotrret the old number. C. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. Winberry Oysters. THE 7I5EST 07 the MAJon, Bj the Dozen, Qiartor Gallon, at f JOIUriJLROLL'S, i lLuketf