ed orerj aitewoa, Bmadayi.e. -SI"" ' ikf ;0Sfl. T. J AM-BOf fplTOBAKDFKOFBITOB. . RIPTIONS. POSTAGE PAH). s tf1 . n s months. SI 50 ; Three jm J""' -i j5; One month, 60 cent. ott't will b. delivered by eaxriew, f ?p! nr nartof the city, at th. .te. or 13 cento per wetk. rates low and liberal il'jBbriberi wi pleasereport any and ..to reive their papers regularly. 'lEMEMBEt THE LITTLE , FOLKS ! gjl0l83lli aim avcuiij gROWM & B00D1GIC - n. Corner Xaret & Second Streets t :i ,w rCJLLT: PBBPABBD TO a the- lif?st Miortinent of Holiday Goods ,jj4T3 eter shova They are by far tco nne oa, to me-aion. 4 vit oaly can eover tiitgroird. Toj!, Faasy rcd, Wheelbrriws, Cartfj Vriociped, Jspc-s Ware. Ore 160 dot. X5-o lis, from 53 to $3 etch. Brooms, Buckets, Bai keh, D11 Carriages, Uocklng Honea. h ljrgest stook of fin Ware ou h of "ew York Our Prices are Lower than Ever 1 And we can safely state t hat - o H ouve in the c uatry offers greater indaa meats to 2 Wholesale Bu vers. gga Glre us a callj we cannot possi bly giva yon any Idea of our stock by ad Tertlsbff. Be in titoe and lay in your stocks ery. BROWN & RODDICKS FANCY GOODSJBAZAAR, N E Corner of Market and Second sts nor 20 Highest Cash Prices pall) FOK RIDE-, W'l. METALSf UA.G8, Ac, by J NO. J. OOKFREY & ( O t Brokers a d Geaeral Deal , , Cor;r Dock ani Wafr ft. Refer to Kirgt $t onal Uark. noT 15-1 m ' ' TT7E ARE MAKING AND HAVE CON- stantly on hand all grades of Rice from COMMON to FANCY. HALF RICE, SMALL RICE RICENA DOUSE A good cheap food for Horses, Cows, Hogs, &c. Also a fine article for feeding Poultry. All goods sold at Charleston prices. NORWOOD GILES CO., novlS Proprietors Carolina Rice Mills Branch Office. THEJCITIZENS OF WILMINGTON are respectfully notified that a branch office of the Wilmington Telephonic Exchange has been established at Messrs J. C. Steven son & Co's Grocery Store on Fourth street, just north" of Boney Bridge, where messa ges will be received and sent. Parties in other parts of the city who may desire to communicate with any one in "Brooklyn", can do so by leaving messages at the Central Office and those in "Brooklyn" who -wish to communicate with any other part of the city can leave messages at the Branch Office, Prompt delivery. Charges almoit nominal W. H. STERLING, cov 26 ManagerTelephonic Exchange. All that is Necessary . IJROP IN AT YATES BOOK BTOSS aad see for jourself. Every Steamer adds to hU asady large steer. 5 An unusual foU. stock of including many novelties. ORGANS on easy term. 1 G. W. YATES, 8UHoner aad Book Bailer 1 in in am VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER . Assistant Postmaster-General Brady has purchased a controlling interest in the National Republican. ' Senator Logan's proposed appointment as minister to England is opposed by the Chicago Times on account of his 'igno rance of the language spoken in that country." Locomotive builders in New York have so many orders that some of them will enlarge their works. A new foreign customer has entered the American mar ket, Spain having sent orders for six or eight railway engines. The condition of the Jews in Morocco is deplorable. At Morocco itself only six weeks ago the cadvordered. the erect fixionof a Jew accused of having lent" money at a usurious rate of interest. A short time befere this a band of dervishes, who exercise great influence over the native inhabitants, seized a Jew at Ap tifa, and, after flay ing him alive, killed him and ate him. This crime was left unpunished. Mr. Henry E. Abbey gives some very creditable reasons for his conclusion not to produce upon the stage the "Passion Play." It is rumored, however, that one of the chief reasons has not been given the public. This was his inability to find in this country a man mean enough to assume the role of Judas. If the ru mor be true it shows that those people wfio aver that the world is no better than it was eighteen hundred years ago, are laboring under a misapprehension of facts. Congress meets next Monday and the members are alreadyjassembling in force. The following gossip from the New York World's Washington special is of inter est iu this connection: Speaker Randall, who arrived here yesterday afternoon, does not think there will be any necessity for an extra ses sion and the very few members now here coincide with him. Of course, there will be an extra session of the Senate to con firm General Garfield's nominations, and the length of the session will depend up on the ratification of the new Chinese treaty before the 4th of March next. It is not believed by the members now here that there will be any legislation on the recommendation .of Secretary Sherman that will affect the present status of the standard silver dollar. The Democratic members will hold a caucus next Satur day night to map out a course to be pur sued during the coming session. LOCALNEWS. New Advertisement. People's Butcher Co Largest Variety. Cbonlt & MoRRisChoice PlantsTree, &c, at Auction, I W England The Sun for 1881 Notice Application to the Legislature S .Tewbtt Delighted ! IIeinsberger Look for Yourselves A & I Shriek Get Ready C W Yates All that is Necessary. Window Glass all sizes at Altafier & Price's. ' . t Oysters are plentiful at $1.00 per gal lon. There were some fine roe-rock in mar ket this morning. ' When trains are telescoped the poor passengers see stars. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 620 bales. Every time some men drink they drive an ale into their coffins. Swamp Angels, Bull Dogs, and other Re volvers at very low prices a JaCOBi's. f Wood is cheaper and is in good supply now. They yet ask, however, from 75 cents to $1.25 a load. tho best fits aud the easiest shoes for the littlq Dne are at RoszN TBAIi'd. . t Dressed turkeys were selling this morning at 15 cents a pound and live turkeys at $1 to $1.25 each. About this time many people say, "Remember the poor!" and then button their overcoats so close that they can't get at their pocket books. Seeing is believing without doubt yon can buy Cooking and Heating Stoves at al most any price at Jacobi's. The Rev, Dr. O. F. Deems has been clftcted Ctinnbilor of the University of New York. This will be gratifying news to tne aocior s many lneuua in North Carolina. . . t i Dancing lessons given free at Botzs- thal's: Pump sole boots and shoes for the ball room. t DAILY No City Court to-day. Just three weeks to Xmas, boys! No more burglaries or mink murders to report to-day. We have been asked if the John Kooners would turn out this Christmas. How about it, Mr. Mayor? We advise all in need of Household Hard ware to first go to Jacobi's. There you get the lowest priees. t i . Application will be made to the next General Assembly for the passage of an act to incorporate the Clarendon Water Works Company of this city, -.i How to catch 'em. Just buy the Delusion Rat and Mouse traps. Caught nearly forty one night. These traps are sold at J acq bi's. t Messrs Cronly & Morris will sell a their sales room to-morrow morning a lot of choice plants. Our citizens now have a chance to beautify their premises at a small cbst. This is the season when fires do most abound, and houses burn by carelessness. Examine stovepipes, ash-boxes and the like, and guard kerosene lamps as well. An ounce of care will often save thousands and perhaps many lives. Water street merchants will keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. t Some philosophical paragrapher has been struck with wonder at the persist ence of mothers in teaching . their chil dren to talk, and the equal persistence with which they endeavor, a few years later, to keep them from exercising their talents in that line. It is said that musty flour-can be re stroed and improved by taking three parts of carbonate of magnesia and 760 parts of flour in the nsual way. This will not only improve bad flour, but the bread will be much lighter, more whole some and will keep much longer than when alum is used. Rice birds are about played out. Not io with those Scotch soles at Rosenthal's They last for ever. f Attempted Incendiarism. An'attempt was made last night to fire the residence of a colored man living in the Southern portion of the city C6tten,saturated with oil,and light-wood splinters were found under the house in a light blaze which was extinguished be fore the fire got fully under headway. Badge of Mourning Carolina Lodge No. 434, Knights of Honor, having been officially notified of the death of the Hon. R. A. Osmer, late Supreme Treasurer of the Order, their lodge room will be draped in mourning for the next thirty days, and the members are expected to wear the usual badge of mourning, narrow white and black rib bon, in the button-hole of their coats. Nothing tries the patience of a man more than to listen to a hacking cough, which he knows could easily be cured by investing 25 cents in a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. The Halls. A Front street merchant; whose com munication we publish elsewhere, thinks that the fast mail might yet be made of benefit to ns if the mails were placed at the disposal of our business men on arri val here at night A prominent mer chant on Market street has also made the same suggestion. We commend the mat ter to Col. Brink's attention, believing that the accommodation will be extend ed if it is practicable to do so. How to be your own painter. Just buy the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted at Jacobi's. t Mr. Wallace, Mr. S. D. Wallace, Cashier of the Bank of New Hanover, whose sudden in disposition we spoke of yesterday, is con: fined to his bed to-day and will remain there for the present, under the strenuous advice of his physician. Mr. Wallace has not been entirely well for some weeks past but persisted in remaining at his post No fears as to his condition are entertained and it is thought that with a few days of rest and care he will be en tirely recovered I have no more doubt of the beneficial effects of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Core than I have that the Gene see river empties into Lake Ontario. Rev. J.E. Rankin, D. D.t Washing toTi D.C. KEIEW. This is first clear sunshiny day we have had in weeks. The atmosphere to day is pleasant and balmy. The River. There was ten feet of water in the river at Fayetteville when Capt. Robe son, of the Wave, left there yesterday morning. At that time the water was falling slowly but later advices state that it is again rising. Steamboatmen are now encouraged to hope that there will be no more very low water this winter. Receiving Stolen Goods Mollie King, colored, who was found with a pair of shoes stolen from the resi dence of Mr. W. 13. McKoy, and her husband, Nelson King, were arrested this morning, charged with receiving stolen goods. The case will come up be fore the Criminal Court to-morrow morn ing. It is thought that the woman and her husband are members of a gang of sneak thieves. ! Personal. Rev. Thos. D.Pitts, with his wife and three children, arrived here this morning and are the guests now of Mr. John K. Lippitt. Mr. Pitts will (preach at St John's Church on Sunday morning and evening at the usual hoars. He will re main with St. John's Parish temporarily and probably through the winter. His family will, at all events, we understand, remain in Wilmington until spring. Criminal Court- This Court convened at the regular hour this morning and disposed of the following cases: State vs. Edward Bryson, harboring seamen. Continued to April term. State vs. J. H. Harrison, false pre tense. Guilty. Judgment suspended. State vs. Allen Annstong, larceny. Guilty. State vs. George Myers, burglary. Nol pros, with leave. State vs. J. F. Pocalty, false pretense. Nol pro3, with leave. State vs. Edward Hill, assault and battery. Nonpros, with leave. Tne Malls. Mr. Editor: Vonr article vesterdav relative to the & v fast mail is correct. As it is now we get no benefit whatever from the fast mails, but there would be some benefit to us provided the mails were offered at night to those who might call ior them. liCt tpra on matters of importance could be received here tt half past 10 o'clock and an answer despatched eany tne next morning.. What do you think about it? Yours, -c ront street. THE MAILS. The mails cloBe and arrive at the City Pn-t. Office as follows : Northern through mails 7 45 p m Northern through and way mails. ........ .6;80 a, m. Raleigh 6:30 a. m and 5:00 p. m. Mails for tho N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. O. Railroad, at o;au a.m. Southern mails for all points South, daily 8 am and 7:45 p. m. Western mails (0 O R'y) daily (except Sunday).......... . 5:00 p. m. Mail for Oheraw & Darling ton ... 7:45 p. m. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston. 8 a m & 7:45 p m Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays M L00 p. m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays...... 6:00 p. m. Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at..... 6;00 a.m. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Snn days) .10:00 .a. m Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shailotte and Little River, S. 0., every Mon day and Thursday at 6:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 5:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DELIVERY Northern through and way mails 7; 00 a.m. Northern mails 9. 30 a m Southern Mails 7:30 a. m, Carolina Central Railway 10:00 a. m Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. t Stamps for aale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from street bow every day at 3:30 c m. ... Wben you visit or leave New York City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grind Central Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards BsUnnntunsarpassed at moderate prices Street cars, stages and elevatedrailroad to all parts of the city. 7 3. 1880. S( ). 240 Catarrh Komelinns commences with a cold, but its cure always commences with the use of Sage's Catarrh Remedy. This old, reliabie. and well-known remedy has stood th test of years, and was never more pop ular than now. New Advertisement. Largest Variety FIXE DUMPED MEAT3, POUL TRY, PORK, eu-., Hos Head Cheese, Liver Puddioars and Sausage, in the city. THE BUTCHERS' COMPANY, Corner Market and Second Street. E3y jave orders early for Sunday's meat. Our own niak.e of Sausage cau't be beat. dec 3-lt Delighted I fJIHE HOLIDAY SEASON IS FAIRLY open at JEWETT3. You will find there a Xmas present fr everybody and his wife and his daughters and his uncles and his cousins aud his aunts. Those who call once are delighted and they always go again to 8. JEWETT'S, dec:; North Front St CHOICE PUblS. Tit EES &cM AT AUCTION. iTI. CRONIiY; Aucliosiccr. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. ON TO-MORROW, SATURDAY, 4th inst, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M , we will sell at our tiale Room, received this day by Vail from the celebrated Nursery of J M Bonaot, Norfolk. Ya. 20 Msgnolias Uranddifbras, large, thrifty trees, 10 to 12 feet A few small Magnolias. 18 Oamelia Japoaicas, assorted co'ors. O&pe Jessamines, A z alias Iendiea, Golden Arbervitse,lrisQ Janiper, Irish Yew, Ascnba Japonic, Orystemera Japonic, Doable Hy acinth, Tulips, imported by Mr. Bonnot. A fine awortment of Tea Rotes, Marshal Key, Ac. dec 3-lt 8 100 Reward. QNE HUNDRED DOLLARS WILL BE paid for evidence sufficient to convict the person who attempted to set fire to cotton mono of the warehouses of this company on tho 28th ult. D. R. MURCHISON, dec 2-2t Pres't Wil. Compress Co. Notice. jg-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application will be made to the General Assembly, at its next session, for the pas sage of an act to incorporate the Claren don Water Works Company, dec 3-law4w The Sun for 1881. EVERYBODY READS THE SUN. In the editions of this newspaper through out the year to eome everybody will find: I All the world's news, so presented that the reader wil get the greatest amount of information with the least unprofitable ex penditure of time end eyesight. The Snn long ago discovered the golden mean be tween redundant fulness and unsatisfactory brevity. II Much cfthtt sort of news which de pends less upon its recognized Importance than upon its interest to mankind; From morning to morning Tho Bun priats a con tinued story of the lires ot real men and women, and of their deeds, plans, loves, hates, and troubles. This story is more Taried and mote interesting than any rc masce that was erer deriied. III Good writing in erery column, and freshness, originality accuracy and decorum in the treatment of erery s abject 1Y Iloaest comment The un' habit is to speak out fearlessly about rrea and things Y Equal eaador in dealing w th each po litical party, and equal readiness to commend what is praiseworthy or to rebuke what is blamable in Democrat or Republican YI Absolute independence of partisan organizations, but unwareriug loyalty to tree Democratic principles Tne Hum belisve that the Government which the Constitution gives us is a gocd one to keep Its notion of duty is to re-ist to its utmost power the ef forts of men in the Republican party to set up another form of eTernment ia place of that which exists 'the year 1SS1 and the years immediatfly fallowing will prcbably decide this supremely important contest The Bun believes that the victory will be with the peop'eas sginst th Rings for monopo ly, the Kings for plundsr, and the Rings for imperial power Uur terms are as fohows : For-the Daily rion, a four-page sheet ot twenty-eight columns, the price bv mail, post paid, is 55 centi a month, or $ J.M a Tear: or, ineludin? the Bandar pa;er, an eight page sheet of fifty-six celutcf, the price is 6 cents a month, or $7.70 a year, postage paid The Sunday edition r f The San fa also far nisbed tepara'ely at $L20 a year, poetage faid The price of the Weekly Sun, sight pages , fifty-six coin mi, is $1 a jear, postage paid For clubs of ten sending f 10 we will send aa extra copy free Adireet, I W Esolaud, Pabliiher of The 8 us, New York City dec 3 Winberry Oysters. th. reseoa. By the Doses, Qvtrtor Gallon, at JOHX CAaSOLL'S, . Market t eet 9 v " " ri.?A8SOT1CK !, f We will begad to receive communications from our friends on aiy tad all robjeetTV reaeral interest but The name of the writer mart always be fur Dished to the Editor. Communications must be written; on only one side of thejaper. Personalities must voided. And it Is especially JsapartioaJarly;ttader stood that the Editor m not always eadors the riewsot correspondents, mnlesafo ftsteel la the editorial columns. New AdvertiBemts EXPRESS ANQ STEAMER! ! JUST RECEIVED MANY new things in STAPLE and FANCY GOODS, Black Oilki, Black Silk Velvets In these goods we arc hating LARGE SALES. The prices are telling and every body will tell the price. Our Black and Colored Cahmcre arc iu great demand, and the finest and Jargret stock of Trimmings in Silks, Sa ai d Velvets. Those new Buttons have come, tome real R. M. McINIIRE. T. S. Crumb Cloths ia all sizes aad in new dpf-irrns. acc l A nd Still Marrying. "VT'V-yr INT ORDER TO PLEASE YOUU ; l-.w bride iust come riirht alone, no de lay, midget her one of the celebrated tle liirhti'ul light running NEW HOME Sewing Machines. Attachments supplied for any Machine." Sperm Oil. Needles of all kind's on hand. Old Machines repaired and taken in exchange for the New Home. MuoH happiness to all. " J. B. FARRAR, V Get Ready ! QURI8TMA8 18 NEARLY HERE 1 Get re sdy for the Holidaja by buying your Cloth.lng at SIIRIER'S. We are selling off npidly our stock of Overcoats, made expressly for just such weather as this. Call and examine ths Urge assortment and .'earn the low prices at i . A I. SHRIER'S, nov '0 Market Street Change ot Schedule. rjinE STEAMER ELIZABETH, carryicj U. S. Mail, will leave Wilmington for Smithville, 9 a. ra. Smithville for Wilmington, a p. m. On. andjal'ter December 1st. Faro 50 els. JOSEkl BISBY, nov,30-lw Master and Owner. 321 Market St. 32 8i:n of tho Show Cwc with the . Shoemaker- Y STOCK OP BOOTS AND SHOES always complete. Call and examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now is the time to supply your families. A lull lino of those CHILDREN'S 8COTCII SOLE, in lace and buttons. See ing is believing. Convince yourself of the fact. A new lot of those SCOTCH SOLE GAITERS just received Don't-forget the old number. C. ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street. nor Look for Yourself. J"EW SHEET MUSIC. Russia Leather Goods, Musical Instruments of all kinds a HEINSBERGEF.'S. JpiAN03 AND ORGANS on the In.tal; meptplanat HELNSBERGER'S, 1 dec 2 Live Book and Music Store. Air Sorts G P PLAIN AXD FANCY CANDY, CRACKERS AND CAKES, CAKKEDSGOODS, CREAM CHEESE, .' PEACHES, CHERRIES, PRUNES, FXUS ORAC2SX18. HflXL & fPEAESALL. . t02 I ... " :hot 12