fUE LULLABY. has lost her sheepf" 3S floiee" Mfyl. 'fij wake eyes. Just- as blue aa the . to ama.Tll sleep by and by! - hurry iuo uuc Itttrylog yott"i sweetest you patiently rn . the hour beside me!' , IW has lo-t her sheep." .t'U B i r in Do go to alee p. w Heei by tbe shady .treaiu -,iUg; lira" len aa wh He aa stow ftr,f taTough meadow and glen aud de dear creatures all safe and well. m5 ie lovely harebells grow, iM' c onri feeding to aud fro. j lower the shadow dips er,i pve8 are closed at lat, Kliaone to tbe Eand of breams. M ffpeep by tbe shady streams, muliTlid her vlU keeps. jlDtmr awake, while baby sleepa- . .what the future perchance may brl?mA habe. and leave no sting. , ! H, tenderly enter there, SLfh2 answered a mother's prayer, onr baby, to-day has gooe .Iwuntry to us unknown. l?nrde7 tbe city where uo one dreams. ?r w?w dreamed in a mother's pray- a Jesus, who sung her last sweet lullaby. Smtort ua, left behind her. i wm10 Fannie E. Townsley. Philadelpfci Press. A BUJK WOODS HEROINE. The Perilous IdYenture of a Hunter's Daughter. In the midst or a large iort-si , uv m miles back of Damascus, Wayne . . i e a. a -i ... nts 1 1 vfts lienrv Merriii. a weii- unn'hnntfirand traoDer. He has but 03e companion in his solitary abode a ATpmll can row a boat, snoot a gun or trap a bear as -well ana as skui mliy as any man in the county of Wayne. A day or two ago she started to cross a Urge inland lake, on the borders of which her home is located, in a light skiff. She carried, as was her custom, a small rifle slung across her shoulder by a leather strap. She was paddling along leisurely, and when nearly half way across the pond, discovered an object moving in the water and, upon approach ing closer, found that it was an immense five-pronged buck, which had been driv en into the water by dogs. She imme diately drew her rifle and, after taking aim, fired. As she pulled the trigger the back made a sudden movement, and the ball, instead of reaching its mark, enter ed the animal's neck, making au ugly and painful wound. The buck, enraged by the pain, struck at the boat with one. of its forelegs, shattering the frail bark ia pieces. The boat sank at once, leav ing Miss Merxill in the water with the itraggling and infuriated animal; But she vas plucky and could swim. She prasged the buck by the horns, and, de-r liberately drawing her hunting-knife, which was sharp as a razor, from her belt she plunged it into the deer's neck, killing him almost instantly. She then gwam to the shore, about the eighth of.a" mile, and hurried home, where she p ut on dry col thing, and, after procuring an other boat, rowed out to where the dead back was floating and towed the animal to shore. When dressed the buck weighed over two hundred and seventy five pounds, and was the finest one kille'd in this section for years. This is the eighteenth deer Miss Merrill has killed, and she is proud of her last adventure, which is the most thrilling one she has Wiwv - , ... ever had. She intends having the buck's . a head stuffed, a3 a memento oi ner terri ble struggle for life. One Experience from Many. "I had been sick and miserable so long and hud ranspd mv husband so much trouble and expense, no one seemed to know what ailed me, that I was complete- ... - . 1- 1 V T iy disheartened ana aiscourageu. u this frame of mind I got a bottle;ofHop Bitters and I used them unknown to my fumiltr T cnnn ViPcran in imnrOVG and gained so fast that ray husband and family thought it strange and unnatural but when I told them what had helped me, they said "Ilurrah for Hop Bitters! 1 A n rr mar? Vott nFAonnr fVr tflPV VlllVft made mother well and us happy." The Mother. Home Journal. Some English Ladles Country ladies in English homes, says the London Neics, do not stop at . carry ing out the tradition of their great grandmothers in ordering well their own households. They take a great and grow ing interest in the economic questions of modern times relating to sanitary reforms and improvements. They study the doctrine of political economy which may teach them how to raise the condition of their tenants, yet avoid the risk of pau perizing. They plan cottages which shall permit of decent living, and" yet bring in a fair, or approximately fair, return on outlay. They organize clubs, reading-rooms and penny readings, and encourage the women tovcome along with their husbands and sons, on the principle that even they mav have something they are pleased to call their minds. They get the lads and lasses to come of an evenine to the "big house" and enjoy the benefit, if it be nothing more, of the society for an hour of an educated, well mannered woman. They have been known to build music halls in the grounds, erect an organ and give the people peri odical concerts. With all this there is no sacrifice of the more highly placed so cial pleasures and duties. Nothing of Ml tho mtpnst we have enumeratea, or others more extended, interferes 'with the dinners to neighbors on moonlight niffhts. or the entertaining of a house party of frienda from town. Alexander the Great ept because there were no more worlds to conquer, but tho proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines. whor have found it necessary to establish a branch of the World's Disrjensarv at "London England, in order to supply from that great commercial emporium these reme- J - 1 Ll i - J- ' . . umi uie&siugs 10 ioreign countries, where they are largely in demand, do not share the great conqueror's sentiments, as their conquests are of diseases and have made happy cot only the conqueror but the people who employ them. Dr. Pierce's Uolden Medical Discovery cures all blood and skin diseases, scrofulous affections, swellings aud internal soreness. Dr. Fierce s Pellets arc the little giant ca thartic; Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion woman's tonic and nervine Dr. Pierce's Extract of Smart-Weed, the great remedy, for colds and all bowel af fections as diarrhoea, dysentery and flux. World's Dispensary Medical Association, proprietors, Buffalo and London. There U no civilized nation in the Wert ern Hemisphere in which the uti ity of Hos tetttr's Stomach Bitters as a tonic, correo tite, and anti billions medicine, is not known and appreciated. While it is a medicine for all eeaaoas and all climates, it is especially saited to the complaints generated by the weather, being the purest and beet vegeta ble stimulant in tne woria. - For bsI br Druareits acd Dealers, to WU'llfl apply Ur i-lUtflclbcr 0 Auiwuav. v i l e : t: !... a ! - 1881 aecT THE ONLY MEDICINE 'IN EITHER LIQUID OB DRY FORM That Acts at the same 'lime on The Liver, The Bowels, and the ECidneys- These prreat organs are the natural clean sera of the system. ir tney worn wen, neaiin wui do perfect-. If they become clogged dreadful di- ' TERRIBLE SUFFERING. Biliousness. Headache, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Constipation. Tiles, Kidney Complaints, Gravel, Diabetes. Rheumatic Pains or Aches. arc developed because the blood Is poisoned with the humors that should be expelled naturally. Kmnrv-vnRTWiu restore the .healthy action and all these destroying erils will be banished, neglect them and you will live but to suffer. Thousands have been cured. Try It and you will add one more to the number". Take it and -health wiU once more gladden your heart. Why suffer longer from the torment of an achlngback t Why bear aueh dhtresa front Constipation and Pile 1 Kidkkt-Wokt will cure you. Try it at once and be satisfied. Your druggist has it. Price l.OO. XW It is put up In Dry Vegetable Form,Jn lytln cans one package of which makestx i tSquarts of medicine. "tlTAlao In Uauld Form, very Concentrated tyfor the convenience of those who cannot iyreadUy prepare it. It acta teith equal tSTzfilctency in either form. . '"wELlisVirCHARDSON & CO., Prop's; (Will send the dry post-paid.) BCRLlXGTOir, TT THE BEST PAPER! TRY IT I Beautifully Illustrated 36th Year. Tho Scientific American. THK SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN IS A large' FirBt.(lla Weekly Newipperof riijrt&ea ares, rinted in the most beautifel Btjlc, profusely illustrated with splendid en tT&vipfiBi rfprtfsetitincr the newest IjQven tiuos atid th most recent Advances ia tbe Arts and Hoieoces; including New and Is terestinti Facts in Acrricoltore. Horticulture, the Home, teft'h, Medical Progress, Social "Science, Aaturl Hiatory, Ueolojcy, Astrono my. The most ralcab'e practical papers, by eminent writefd ia al dpartuientcf Science, will befoanJ in the Sc-eDtific Americ-tD. Terms, ,$i 0 xer year, $1 CO half year, which includes ostn.ge Discount to Agents. Hinjrie copies, ten ctnta. 8oid by all News dealer? Kwreit br postal order. to toUNN A CO., Fublishers, 37 Park Kow, Wew York. T rnTT' XTT'C! In connection with lA l Hi IN 1 O.'he HCliiNTIFlO AMKKIUAJV, Messrs. Mann A Co. are bolic itos of Ameiican and rortign Patents, hare had 36 years experience, and new have the largest etUblkhmentio the world. Patent are obtaiaed on th best terms. A special notice is made in the Ccien'ific mericn of all Inveations patented through this Agency, wth the name ar.d residecce of the Patentee. By the im x-enee circulation thus jriTeu, pub ic attention is directed to the merit of the new patent, and tales or introduction often easily effjeteo. An person who has mde a r.cw dijcoveTy or iuTenlim, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patant c.n probably be obtained, by writing to Munn A Co. W mls send freeonr Hand Bo k about the latent Laws, Pat.-t.ts raveati. Trae-Marks, their costs, and how procured, with h xsts for proeuring adTancts oa invenilons Address for the Paper or Concerting Patents. - MUNN 4 CO.. 57 Park How, Hew York. Branch Officec r. F A 7th tits , ' nt nJ6 . Washington, D. C. CKAS. KLEIN, Ofiiertatcr raiit!MM Hater. Princesi Street, in Basement of the Journal Building, Wi;LMIjXQIOff( n. a JB3T A fine assortment of Coffin and Caa kets constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired Cleaned and v arni&hed. Orders by tele graph cr mail promptly SlleJ io 6 fpTS STOMACH - Hiacollaneoas. The Sun for 1881. EVERYBODY BEADS THE 8UNAND the editions of this aewspaper through cut the year to come everybody will flod: i all the worlo's ntws, so presented that tbe reader will get the greatest amount of information with the least unprofitable ez penditure of time nd eyesight. Tbe Hnn lo g ago diseoTced the golden mean be twten redundant 1 uicess and unsatisfaotorj brevitv. II Much of that sort of news which de pnds I era upon its reengnise-i importance than o on its interest to mankind. From Ma riiiog to morning The bun print! a con tinued story of the live t real men and woutD, and of their deeds, plans, Iotcs, hates, and troubles. This story Is more railed and more interesting than any ro mance that was ever dariied. Ill Oood writing ia erery column , and freshness, originality accuracy and decorum In tbe treatment of every subject. ' IV Qoaest comment The tun babit It to speak out fearlessly about men and things Y Equal eandor in dea'ing w th each po litical party, and equal readiness to commend what is prauewortny or to reouae wnat u buyable In Democrat or Republican VI Absolute independeoce of partisas organ rations, but unwarering loyalty to true Democratic principles Tbe Hon belieTes that the Government which the Constitution gives us is a good pee to keep Its notion of duty Is to re ist to its utmost power tbe ef forts of men in the ' Republican party to set up another form of government i place of that which exists The year 1881 and the years immediately following will prcbably decide this supremely important contest i De 8un believes that the victory will be witb the people as against the Bines for monopo ly, the Kings for plunder, and the Riagsfor imperial pewer . Our terms are as follows t For the Daily riun, a four-page sheet of twenty-eight , columns, the price by mail, post paid, is 55 cents a month, or $5.60 a vean or. ineluainff the Bandar paper, an eight page sheet of fifty-six celums, the price is 6 oents a month, or $7.70 a year, postage p14 . .. . . Tbe Sunday edition rr The fun is aiso iar- nlsbed separately at $120 a year, postage paid The nrice of the Weeklr Sun. eight Dtflres, fifty-six colums, is $1 a year, postage paid For clubs of ten sending $10 we will sen a an extra copy free Address, 1 W JS.HOLAHD, Puttiahar of The Sun, New York City dec S TRY THE NEW YORK OBSERVER THIS YEAR. The Largest and Best Family Paper in the World. Ssnd for Sample Copy Pres. new ttohii ossimvxm 137 Park How, UeWiYorb.' nor 1 ' Yourselves by making money whsn A'irolden chance is offer ed, thereby always keeping poverty from your door. Those who a' ways take aa vantage oi we goou chanson for making monev that are offered, eenerallv become weaJthy, while those wno do not imwoTB such chances remain in por erty. We want many men, women, boys and trWla tn work for ns riffht in their ownlocal- ties. The businens will par more than ten timm nrdinarr waires. We furnish an ex- non.ira nntfit and all that v on need, free Nn one. who ensraores fails to make money vafv ranidif . Yon can devote vour whole time to the work, or only your spare mo ments, rull information and all that ii nAlAd sent free. Addrees Btisbon it Co., Portland Maine. oct 5-d6m-wlyfS Hewspapet for Sale. TF ANY ONE Oi THE READERS OF I t.h Review desiies to eogasre in t.h np.wRnaner business, and has a few hundred dollars to invest, he will learn something to his interest upon application tn, ya nriitrr nf this Taner. Heknows of a weekly paper for sale which is now in a prosperous condition, ana is locaieu in prosperous, growing railroad town, in the centrjfe of a fine cotton growing country. The ODjeCb Oi tue prupnewjr in dclliu w his attention to other private and important interests. Apply early to the editor of this -'I ' a. m Anil 4 Olrt Umington, i. U., Oct. oin ioou. $10 nntflt frm . with full instructions for conducting the most profitable DUSineas tnat anyone cava engage in. The business is so easy to learn; and our instructions are so simple and plain, that any one can make grest pro fits from the very start. No one can fail who is willing to work. Women are as success ful as men. Boys and girls can earn large stuns. Many have made at the business over m. h,.4aH Hnllara in a ai fieri A Week. Noth- UUW UUUUi lag like it ever known before. All who en gare are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. vvr, . a-a In thU hnsinetf dnrinc vour sD&re time at great profit. You do not hare . .... .7 wvr a I 1 1 ll. J.L ku uai in it. wva uio an iiib rua. Those wh ned ready money should writs in at onee. All furnished free. Address Taus A Co., Augusta, Mime. oct5-dm-wly - Branch 3 Office. mHE 'crmE13 of Wilmington are of the Wilmington Telephonic Exchange established at Messrs J. C. Steven son & 008 Grocery Store on Fourth street, just north of Honey .Bridge, wnere messa ce8 will be received and Kent. Parties in other parts of the city who may desire to communicate with any one In "Brooklyn", can do so by leaving messages at the Central Office and those in "Brooklyn" who wish to communicate with any other part of the city can leave messages at the Branch Office. Prompt delivery. jjgjggj1 nor 28 Manager Telephonic Exchange. Winberry Oysters. " THE FINEST OF the eeaaon. 8 j tbe Dozes, Quart or Gallon, at JOHN CARROLL'S, Market oct uptp &JLUiJ 9 "THE daily mum JOSH. T. JAMES EDITOK AND PUBLISIIE.IL ! Is published Every -A.rternooxi (Sunday a eicepted). At the f olio wingrates, 'postage paid : One Year.... ...s5 00 Six Months........... 2 50 Tkiee Months. . . . . . . . . ..... 1 25 One Month.". .' 50 lhe paper willj be deKvered by carriers, free of charge, in any part of the city at the kboye rates, or 13 cents pr uedk. jThe Daily KsYizw'is.now in the fonrthjyear of its existence, is per manently established, with a large and steadily increasing Bnbeerip. tion list, and presents to merchants and others a mcst desirable medi um for adtertising; THE WILHINBTON JOUBNAl. OOSH. Ti JAMES, la published EVERY FRIDAY. At the following rates : OneJYear... .......... ..$2;00 Six Months. 1 00 Three Months. 50 Thi WrxmsaTON Journal circn tes largely -r in the adjoining'conn- ties as well as in the'Western por tions of the State and presents'un eqnsJled facilities to merchantsjfor maVing known what they have for sale! WtozsZitiis2s raxess. The following q notations represents wholesale prices ranerallv. In makis? ud small orders highe prices have to be eb arged A OlilNOH Standard - 124 & IB. UH X fi . ll BACON North L'-aroiin, Baas, "9 . 10 e Shoulders, Jb . b Q 8idea, V !b.... TXi Wertem Smoked 13 It 6 14 Hams... 13 9 Sides, y & 10 rthoulcers. i)rv Salted idoe, 3b........ 9? 8!oairf?rB, ' t-.: ,lEF Live weiM.. ......... . IJiSi Oh tl 75 00 21 00 iAliliKLd bpinU TarpcQa. Second Hand, each., New York,eack, now BEESWAX fl BBICKS Wilmington, V M Northern BUTTEX North Carolina lb Northern, fib M CANDLE8 Sperm V lb Tallow, C.m.MM,.....M.. Adamantine, sat 0HEE8Jfc, Northern Factor v 2 ... t Dairy eream, V State, "8 E) COFFEE Java, j? n Bio, f lb vLaguyra, "4? H CORN MEAL "a bushel.... COTTON TIES f bdl ft Q 9 90 20 00 CO 12 25 25 10 a 14 14 10 2S ei4 o? 18 6 i3 40 &: io.s 15 15 11 on-' 30 2C; 75 I 50 7 1 20 is e 72X0 75 DOMEHT1C Bheeting, 4-4 f j ard. , Yarn, tP bunch 1 10 Mackerel, No. 1, f bbl..16 00 No. bbl 8 76 Mackerel, No. 2, V bb!....12 50 No. 2, X bbl..... 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3 bbL....00 00 Mullets, bbl 3 60 N. C. Herring, Vkeg 6 50 Dry Cod, fib T 9 -?36 00 fe lO 50 too 00 6 5C & 6 25 6 3 76 & 6 00 G 0 e 4 oo FLOUR Fine. bbl......... 0 00 H' Ahsn bbl... 6 00 bbl... 6 00 bl... 7 00 bbl... 7 CO )bbl... 7 60 ) bbl... 8 CO 5 O 8 0 7 O 7 V 6 60 60 60 25 Kxtrado FamUv " f City MillEx,.Buper " F&ini.'y " Ex, Family i ERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, 2000 fits. 00 00 Carolina Fertilixer " " 00 00 Narassa Guano, " " 00 00 Complete Manure " " 00 00 Wh ana's Phosphate " 00 00 Wando Phosjphate, " " CO 00 Wilcox, Gibb A Co., ma nipulated Guano CO 00 GLUE E :-8 GRAIN Corn .s tore.) 58Ibs 70 6?0 00 640 CO GiO CO 4967 00 GiO 00 040 00 '645 00 14 O & ft Q 0 Corn, cargo, f 56 fbz Oorn,jeL, busheL Oats, bushel . Peas, oow, V bushel 68 7 to 70 r 10 20 10 85 10 11 63 63 62X 75 ti 12 25 15 SO HIDES Green, ? Drv. s lb. HAY Eastern, 100 lbs... 1 North River, 100 lbs.... 1 HOOP IRON V.'ton LARD Northern "8 North Carolina lb....... 11 O 12X LIMK bbl O 1 CO LUMBER City steam sa'wd Ship stuff, resawed,PBM ft. 18 CG Q20 CO Rough edge plank, Mft. 16 CO (518 00 West India cargo, accord ing to quality, V M ft.. .13 00 16 00 . Dressed fiooring,seasoned. 15 00.(225 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, ' M ft 12 CO 14 00 MOLAS8E8 Cuba.hhdgl S7 Cuba, bbls.,V gal O Sugar house, hhds. ? gal.., 35 Q " DDIS, y gal... 27 p Orleans Choice bbls. w gal. 00 00 3 75 NAILS Gut, 20dto4d,k'g,baeis OILS-rKeroaenerp gal 14 & Lard, f gal 7U Linseed, t? gal 75 Q PEANUTS bushel 60 Q POTATOES Sweet, V bus. 00 Q 0 60 Irish. Northern, bbl 1 25 2 60 018 00 Q0Q 00 FORK Northern,citymets.l7 10 Thin, 7 bbl uu uu Prime, & bbl (extra) CO 00 GOO CO 00 00 RICE Carolina, V 5 7 a o East India, if lb ltj Rouzh. busheL ....! 10 00 25 RAGii- Country, 2 14 City, V ROPK- Hemp.... 1M 13X UK 70 a oo. o fiO o ax iox o O Manilla...... SALT Alum, sac! 00 CO CO 60 00 10 09 11 00 Liverpool, ? sack.... American 79 sack Marshal's fine, V sack uauu w ba&s.... ...... ........ SUGAR Cuba, V Xb. Porto Rico, lb.... A- Coffee, Xb B ' E..... C 14 lb. Ex C E flrnshedP9 lb...... 10 BOAP Northern, V 5 Q 0 SHINGLES Contract, M e U Common. M 2 03 7 2 50 75 HTAVEa W. O. bbl. M.12 50 R O hhd. E. CO 00 TALLOW V B i 5 TIMBER ShiDping M...12 00 616 00 ?00 Q9 CO 015 00 Mill, extra per M JO CO 14 CO Mill, prime perM .....10 00. 12 00 Mill, fair per n auu a -j uu Common, per M... 5 CO Inferior to Ordinary.perM 4 60 0 & & 3 CO CO CO fO CO WHISKEY North'c, per gl 1 25 North Caroana, ner gal 2 00 WOOL Unwashed, per Ii... 2 S Washed. jer S .. ' j Burrv wool, per Xb 18 20 FINEZOPPORTUMITY'FOR INVEST ORS IN REAL ESTATF. For Sale. mHAT VERY VALUABLE td J. eligibly situated property on South tide ofM arret street, nesr Front ttrtt. cmsist ing of lot running through to HtseLcourt's Allev.'imDroved br a three-tory bnid:ng Market street, 1 Hrit floor 70 le-t dp; a two-storv brick warehouse Iti rear fr on tine on tbe alle?J Terms,wbicb are reasonable vith exten2ed credits, made known upon application to MRJ. ROBERT W. LAMB, No 1, Washington st, nor 12-tf Norfolk, Ya. Bexj. F.'Gbaftoit, Stosy B. Ladd, Halksbt E. Paine. Late Commlesioner of Patents. PAINE GRAFTON & LADD," Attorneys-at-Law and Solicitors of Amer. can and if oreign Patents. 412 Fifth Street, Washington, D. O Practice patent law in all its branches In the Patent Office, and in the Supreme and Circuit Gourtii of tbe Uoitel States. Pacjpblet sent free on receipt of stamp forrjostastt. W Hail Boad lines.' &c. VVIIJslIHGTCM WELOO HAILBOAD QQ2XFAHY, Orrioa of Gaai, orraawTiirDtrr ' ( W'iimiDgton, N. a, Nov 57, 1F80L' J C3ANGE OF 8CUEDUU Oa and after November 4 1 6 P M, IWbc er Trsir Sih, )8tP. a on the Wil- minffton A WelUon Hailroad wiJ rnn as IttliOWS- r DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRA1, ria J Nm. 47 North and 49 South, Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot at............... . . 6 40A in Arrive at Weldon at .......... Les ve Weldon..................... ... , . Arrive at Wilmington, Front fee 12 40 P M 3 40 P M Lepot at,... etveeee 9 C5 P M, Fast Throueh Mai and Famnger Trains Daily Nos. 43 . . .; ,$ , , Leave Wilmington, Front Pt. Dpot at . g 03 P M Arrive at .eldor i....... 1.43 jl H Lave Weldon..."..;. 5.i0 M Arrive at WHwinpton, r. rt'Vt. Depot........ .........10.10 P M Train No 40 Aonb will stop only at Pocky Point, Burgaw, houth Washington, Hano. lia, Mt llive, Goldeboro, Wilsoi., liockv Mount, Fnfield, and, Halifax. Train No 40 South will stop only at Hotk v Mount. Wilson, Goldeboro and Magnb i., Night Passenger, Mail and Kxpms 7rarf , daily Ncs." 45 North and 42 hrcth. Leave Wilmington, Front St,' . Depot at. 4 15 V arrive at w eiaon at Leave Weldon ArriTe at Wilmington, Front 8L Depot at... 4 )5 A 1 43 A 8 SO A h Trams on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at f.SO i M dailv. sr.d Tuesday, Thursday and riaturcay at 6:C0 A M. Returning, leave Tarboro at 9.10 t V daUy, and Monday, Wednesday ana , . .ojj at 8:30 P Jfti 1 irain NO. 47 makCS 0!08fi pnr,ririnn mt Weldon for all points North rAit. an r.;i via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Train No. 45 runs tit THrhmnwd Waehington, and makes close connection daily to Richmond, and daily except Satur day nights for all points north oi Richmond. ram n0 43 runs daily nd makes closo connection for all points North via Rich mond aud Washington. "7 ir vl.C8 nn 801 id hetween'Wilmington arid Washington, and have Pullman Palace oieepera -anacnea. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Snr A. POPF, Gen'l Pass, a gent nr 29 Gen'i Sup'ts Office. .. WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA AND All fcUSTA RAILROAD CO. Wilmlngtoa, N. C., Nov 17, 1680 CHANGE OF SOHEDULir. On snd afier November 28th " 1FF0. t 3.45 P M, thefollewing Pacsenger BcLedulo will be run on this road Dar Psesencer. Mail Vw-r.ei t.,;. daily Hos. 42 West and 43 Kaot. r 9 - 'b4Dd Aaaaiw Leare Wilmington......... 8 40 k i Arrive at Florence ts p . - Leave Florence.. 45 P U Arrive at Wilmington 7 43 p3v. (SIGHT EXPRESS TRAIS8 (Daily). Nob. 40. West and 47 Ea'U Leave Wilmington... 10 SSP'll Leave Florence rt 3 0 ) A H Arrive at C C and A Junction...... 6.C0 A ll Arrive at Columbia 6 10 A 11 7X Leave Columbia...,. ......10 CO P ft! Leave C C and A A Junction ....10 20 P ll Leave Florence 2 CO A fa Arrive at Wilmington... .... 6 20 A II Hi This Train etors bslr tt Brinklev's. wnirenuo, riemmgtoff, jralr BluiT, Mcriot rioronoo, i lmnoonsviue, Aiaysviile, tumter, Camden Junction and FastOD. oMcurwa lur voiumoia. ana an nomrs on G. A C. R R., O., C. A A. li. R, Stations, Aiken Junction, and &U points beyond, should take No 40 Night Express. separate i-unmanl'leopers for Charleston and for Augusta oa trains 40 and 47. All trains run solid between CharlontnB. and Wilmington. JOHN F. DIYINE. General Ht. A T"i w r m A-t VBV4A 1 A JXKQUli nov tv 7X CAROLINA CENTE AL RAILWA CO Orrioa Gskssax, SuraaiamirMar, Wilmtoffton, N. 0., June 16, lEfiO.J CHAUGE OP SdrEDtTLK, ON AND AFTER JUNE 16, 1880, tho lot low ing Schedule will be operated cn thi Railway : Passenger, Kail end Express Train. , Leave Wilmington at-.. tS0 P No. 1. VArrive at Hamlet at....... 1:25 A li tt . ill . m.nr . - J vuuiivij 4 ,vv JX. i Ut.ro Charlotte at. 8:20 P2l Arrive at lianJet at. 1:27 A il ' at Wilmingtcn at SiOJ A il No. 1 train is daily except Sundays, but maifc3 no connections u Kaieizh on yatcr days. No. 2 train is daily except Saturdays. 31 Bhelby Division Mail, Freight A Pts8oc;'t; and Express. oet , l6Te Charlotte at-...,M8;0o" a f Arrive at Shelby a WMM.l2:00 Bra vT6BaeIb7aL..MJl-. 2X0 F 11 ' j Arrlre at Charlotte aL... 6:C0 P li iiocal Freight tad AccomrcoGxti&D. Leave Wilmington aL...L....,i.C;45 A i Airive at Lanrinburg, at 6.10 P U Leave Charlotte at j.is a ?. on and Arrive at Laurisburg at............... CO P 11 Leave Laurinburg at..........,...M..5.30 A M Arrive at Charlotte at....,.,.....4.20 P V Leave LauriEbuTgat .........6.00 A 11 An iTs at Wilmjugton at-.....r.......4.l5 P M These trains leave Wi!ailzictn aid Char lotte, Tcesdajs, Tbursdaja acd hatardsyf; Laarinbur2, ilcEdayf, Wednesdays' aid Fridays. ' . Close connection a m!ee to and frcia Raleigh and at Charlotte via Statcteville to all points in Western 3 ortU. Carcliaa acd to Asheville. Z ' . ; r.v. , -mitfutittll iWllMltl v Also, via Hpsrtanbsrg to Headclrsa ruie f adjacent points and Asheville. Psssenffers for AeheriHe via either route . leaving Wilmington at 6 P. Jl. will arrive a destination at 7 P. M. next day. Bleeping Ca accommodations on Througk Trains to asd from Charlotte and Wllmin ton. - v , Throtrgh ffiefpers will also be r to sd from Raleigh aid Charlotte. "Yx Q. JOHNSON. June 17 Gexeral Barerirtendest, 11