u r til' - . i We will Dog: ad to receive oommanIcatlMn from our frUndi on any aad all; rob)etTo rmeral Interest bat Tke name of thewriter port always bo far althed to the Edltjg, Communication ttmjt be written; on o&if oae side of the jajr. Personalities mut 4 oidd. And It Is especially n Scalar ly'nnder ttood that the Editor 1 not alwaj endorf the views otorreiponian ucl ncr Vtate ia the editorial eolaian. .rklPTIONS. POSTAGE PAID. . !C ToO Six months, $2 50 ; Three ; 'Tfc. -f i 45 ; One month, 60 oeata. 008 te,t-.ill be delirered by carriers, r0 ... fUo8Btiwrweit - j Cn, r.and liberal . ; 4" Renter will pl8 report any and .,ei '(h rWTCheir papers regularly. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1880. v . 244 3 Tie '"it'll ii' I DAILY ummw EXTRAORDINARY rowim H.'E. COMER OF MARKET .AW WILL GIVE TO ALL PARTIES PURCHASING GOODS AT RETAIL TO tuiam- uiit r $2 and upwards, a ticket duly numbered ant! recorJe ci.ti g tVe twtr n a chano f jrono of the following beautiful aad costly gifts : lst-A Silver Plated Tea Urn Sflsnufactuted bythe Me ridian Silvor Plato Co. Valued at $30- ' ' '.--"' ' '. .'. Large Wax DolS Valued at $ 1 5. 3d -An Elegant Model Doii Valued at SB 4th-1 Pair Large Silvered Vases Valued, at 01. . -: .... . 1 Tha value of theso articles is not fictitious as it would trail tt aotblsg to fodra the public. Tha gifts will shortly be pa'exhlbiti-ja and can be Befl by U. After Christmas the numbers will be drawn under the superintendence of ttie well know ad responsible gectlem-in of this city. We submit the f jllowiui list and would aid that it would be a moral Impowlbilu ty logi7e a full and coruplnte inventory ot articles ia cur sjtUbliihmoat, is vre are addinjr daily to each department. Will do well to call early a our liaea an Velocipeiief, Doui Carriages, Whsel Barrows, CLromos, Frames, Wax Flowers, Vases; Srell Boxej, v4 Work Boxes, Carts, Wagons. Trunks, Bockmg tlorses, Rocking Chairs, Call I3e!!s, Writing Desks, Photo. Albums, Clocks, Drums, Tops, Tin Carts, Tin Animals, . Tin Stoves, GusS, Tin Horees. Masks, Violins, Beljows Tin Kitchens, Birdi, , Tin Tea Sets, Cats, Pewter Tea S.ita, Ljons, China Tea Set. Dogs, Capg and Saucers Caeu-r, Treasure Boxes, Furniiurd Set, Arks, F.utfs. B r 1 Cies M ;rbs. MuirMtU Books, Yi Bkeis, Frm Yar Js, Mtbles, Acrohas. ' Tul Cut t is. Bui diu4 131 as, fcc. rower) FANCY GOODS BAZAAR, N. E. Corner Market and Second Sts. dec 4' Nolid'av iifts ! IHBUCEQBQTS I AND SECOND STREETS, liable ta be broken later ia tke seaso. Japanese Ware, Metalepb:ne, Pianos, Cornets, Harps, Chimes, Battles, iloros, Watches. Toje, Swords, Xnua Brokf, Lei Penclis, Envelopes, Notn Paper, Ink Stands, Cigar Holders, CieWtte Watch Chains Memcrandum Bocks, Music Boxes. Jewelry, Barks. Toilet Sets, Nine Pins, Harmonicas, Bfketf, A. B C Blocks, &c , &c., tit , Roddick 6'ddick LOCAL NEWS. fimw AdTrttmenu. R U. McIntibe All Wool Cbonlt & Morris The Old Market House at Auction Hatlock & Co Ears for the MUtion HeiksbbbOEB Grand Display C W Tatm To-day S Jrwktt The Rush A Shriks Boot and Shoes "Tub Statb Richmond, Va Window Glass all sizfle at AlurTer A Price's. t See advertisement cook wanted. Christmas turkeys ar not yet quite ripe. The moon completed its first quarter this morning. Fanny Davenport in "American Girl' to-night week. The receipt! of cotton at thU.port lo day foot tip 735 bales. Fresh pork sold from carts this morn ing at 6i 7 cents V ft. Christmas is just seventeen days off, boys, and then for your tin horns. -Turkeys are beginning to look mourn ful over their impending doom. The market is well supplied with dress ed poultry but the prices keep well up. This, bright, tsnnshiny : : weather is doubly acceptable after tho storms and floods of November. Only one boarder in the city .prison, and he will leaye when his month is up, having already given notice to that ef fect. Steamboatmen report good boating water on the shoals and the river steam ers are now running regular and on sched ule time. The steamship Requlator, Capt. Doape, arrived here this morning from New York. She brings lots of Xmas goods for our merchants. , , m , M , " Rev. Dr. Patterson returned to the city last night and we trust will remain with us during the holidays. Ho is the guest of Henry Natt, Esq. Philosophers say that affairs should alwavs be conducted with a view to the greatest good of the greatest number. Dr Uuirs uougn syrup nas aemonstra ted itself to be of the greatest good to the greatest number of sufferers. Mr. E. P. Covington has a. consign ment of pure oleomargarine. It is the genuine article and is said to bo sweet and good. The new Carolina Central schedule, heretofore spoken of by us, is to go into operation next Monday. The fast train, as we have stated, will be. a day train. The Superior Court was in session to day and was engaged in the trial of a civil case. There are no criminal cases to be tried this term, the only one before the Court having been continued for the term. Ladies, the best fits and the easiest shoes for the little ones are at RosKH TXAXs. ' t Fanny Davenport will play in this city next week for one night only, the 15th. She will appear with a good company in An American Girl, a piece which has had a great run in New York and other large cities. The box-sheet will be open at Hein8berers to-morrow. Messrs. "W. P. Oldham & Co. have ex- elusive control of all douse and rice flour made at the Carolina Rice Mills of this city. The douse and' rice flour is excellent food for horses and it is said that cows fed on it give more and bet ter milk. i T have no more doubt of the beneficial effects of Warner's Safe Kidney and . V A . it . 1 Liver Cure than jl nave tnai ine woe see river empties into Lake Ontario. Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. D.t Washing- ten, v. c v Indications. Va Vi n Grin tK A tlnntir. States falllin?i 1 Ul DUO UWUHU -"-" o followed by stationary or rising barome ter, rising, followed by falling tempera ture, westerly winds and clear or partly cloudy weather. We were Dleased to. welcome to ocr office this morning Mr. Gustavo A. Mor timer, advance agent of the Jbanny ua TPnrjort trouDe. Mrl Mortimer ia an old acquaintance and a very clever gentle man, too. Mr. Mortimer was here last KPrumn and the season previous with the Joe Mnrpby troupe and it is character istic of him that lie never travels with er for anything but good company. On a Crulae'. The repairs on the Revenue Cotter Colfax having been completed, after six weeks hard work, the vessel is now in good trim and has started on her win ter cruise. Her station is botween Body Island and Georgetown. Rice b:rJa are about phtvel out. Not ho wiihn oi Scotch a leat R03Ksthais Ttiey Ust fur ever. oirowful Dravmni Sergeant Davis has hauled up twenty five delinquent draymen who have "anted" to Captain Fowler for back taxes. Some of them were in arrears fcr twelve months and it was often the caee that they owed for from two to dx months. Water street merchants will keep thtir fet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. t Alarm ot Fire. Firemen complain of tho inefficiency of our present fire alarm bell in the mar., ket house tower. The bell ia not large enough, to begin with, and is located in the western extremity of the city. Let a tower be erected on the brow of the hill on Market street, near Fifth, and a larger bell be put in it and have both bells wrung in time of fire. Stop your hair from falling out by using Hall's Vegetable Sicilian' Hair Renewer, a sure prevention. - Fire. The roof of the dwelling on Chestnut, between Second and Third streets, occu pied by Mrs. Jno. W. Cameron, was dis covered to be on fire tnis morniDg about 7 o'clock, by a gentleman who was pass ing. The fire was, fortunately, discov ered in its incipiency, and was soon ex tinguished. The damage was very small and was easily repaired. We advise all In need of Household Hard ware to first go to Jacom's. There you get the lowest prices. f The Old Landmark. The fiat has gone forth' and the old "forty-Iegs," alias MarkelHonse, is to be sold at auction and removed by the first day of next January. The street will then be paved over and the most familiar landmark in the city will be gone. There are many who think that; the location of the old Market House is the best in the city, but this is a question which has passed beyond discussion. Certain is it that its removal will create a blank on Market street that it will take a long time to get' fully accustomed to. A Snsrcestlon. Would it not be a good idea for the city authorities to issuo numbers to draymen and require the numbers to be worn upon tho drays and have a record kept of them at the City Hall? The numbers could be made of lead and stamped by the city, and put upon the drays by means of screws. If at any time the dray should be laid up the num bers could be returned and issued to some other. As it is now any one can take a marking brush and put a number on a dray and change the number to-morrow if he so desires. How to be your own painter. Just buy the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted at Jacobi's. t City Court. His Honor, Mayor Fishblate, inter viewed William Quince, colored, this morning, who was charged with insulting a police officer. The case was a trival one and judgment was suspended. ; Jno. Berry, a colored drayman, was up for an assault on one of the street force. The street force were engaged in putting, down a plank on Water street as Berry drove up. He was told to stop until the men could get their hands from under the board, when he jumped from his dray and threatened to pummel the foreman of the force. The Mayor fined him $25 or 30 days in the city prison and he went below. Seeing is believing without doubt you can buy Cooking and Heating Stoves at al most any price at Jacobi's. t Theft, Cs Conrerence, CaptW. M. Parker, delegate from this district to Conference, is expected home to-night. We understand that Dr. Yates and Mr. fcicaud have both been returned to their -charges in this city, a fact which will prove very grati fying to their congregations. The Con ference has adjourned but the list of ap pointments has not yet been received here. We desire te call the attention of our rpaders to the (irand Holiday Offer of the Mendelssohn Piano Company, whose advertisement appears elsewhere. This Company offers an $850 Square Grand Piano. 3 stringed, 7$ octaves, in a hand some rosewood case, for only $245. also many other styles of Pianos" and Organs at great bar. ains for the Holidays, in cluding sheet music at one-third price. These Pianos, including Grand. Square and Upright, made oue of the finest dis plays at the Centpnnial Exhibition, and were unanimously recommended for the Diploma of Honor and Medal of M'rit. The Mendelssohn Piano Co. are the first to do a general business with the purchaser direct, saving bim jr?io;e than one half the price charged by other firs' class makers. " This saving is made by doing away with the Agency System", and giving the people the Pianos lat Wholesale or Agency prices. We woa Id recommend any of our read ers who have any idea of ever buying a piano or organto send for their Illustra ted and Descriptive Catalogues, which will be mailed free to all. i t Catarrh Sometimes commences with a cold, but its cure alv;ay$ commences with the use of Sage's Catarrh' Remedy. This old, reliable, .lijtl well-known remedy has stood th test of years, and was never more pop. nlar than now. New Advertisements. Oleomargarine QN OONSIGNilENT. : PURS AND BWEET. ?eo 8 It ' E. P. COVINGTON. Cook Wanted. rpO A COMPETENT PERSON good wages will be paid at d a cmnfortable'room farrished. Apply at Foathw.et Corner Third and Oiange stteets. dec 8 ITI. Auclionecr BY CRONLY & MORRIS. The Market House Tiie Old MarM Eonse atvAnctiOL QTS TUESDAY, DECEMBER lith, 1880, at 12 o'clock M., we will sell, at Exchange Corner, by order of the city authorities, toe MARKET HOUSE aa it now ctands in the centro of Market between Front street and the river. To be sold as a wbtle, the only reservation beinjf the Ball Fixtarer. Terms cash, purchaser to give bond with sufficient suretv to remove the entire building by Jan. 1, lfPl dec 8 eteod M Wook BLACK TRECOT, FOR SUITS f AND BASKET CLOTH, ) DOLLMANS. BED BLANKETS, 11 vzi CRIP BLANKETS. TOWELS IJ GREAT VARIETr- BEAUTIFUL NEW CRETONES AND FRINGES. LACE CURTAINS, pair. A great variety of DRESS GOODS, some thing nerr almost daily. . We are busy all the time; the PRICES are telling. Respectfully, dec 8 R. M. McIKTIRE. EARS MiM ! Too (Ms Balsam or Shark's Cil. Positively Hestores the BVariag, and the Only Absolute Cure for Deafcs Khwa. This Oil i extracted from a pecuiia-species of small Whitb -HaK, canzbt la the Yellow Sea, kao-ro a Carcbarodoa y-ocd.!-etil. Every t'hinese Fisher rain kroi it. 1U virtues a j restorative cf hcnHc were discovered ky a Badbist Priest b at the yetr IllO. Its cares were so nun. rocs and many so smingly inirscoloua, that tha remedy was cflicially rrodaimcd oT?r th entir ifimpir Its nse bscsme so unirenal that for over 330 years no Deafnece ha ex ist d amoog the Chinese people- t'est, charges prepaid, to any address at f 1 per b'tf.e. Only Imported bv ilAYLOCK A CO., 7 Deyst . Aew lork. Bole Agents for America, Its Tlx toes ara oxqiestiuaable and its eura tive charaeier sb.iute, as tbe writer can personally testKy, bjti fro a experieace and observation. ZZZ Among tbe many resdars of the Beviaw in the part and onotber cf tbe country, it Is pro bable that numbers are efBieted with deaf near, and to such it may be said: "Write at oeee to Hayloex A Co., 7 Day Htreet. Vw York, encloslnjr $1. and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable yon to hear like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be permanent. Ton will sever regret doing so." Editor of Hew York Mercantile Berlew, Sept. 15, 1M9 New AavertLbfcinentr. THE STATS." RICHMOND, VA. - pFIAMBERLAT.VK BKIRNE. V Owneia aod Editors. la-St eircoUtion, Cheapet FcbscdD ueo Piice, Lowt Adverting Katts. Dally ci'caUticn aow ever 4,CO0. Tkecnlr a trnon paper in Elcluaocd. Sab.-eilptioa pile Daily, U .V)' per a nanoj Weeklf, f t per atnm. Prd for sp; c!apo eoppg frwa. d. e 7 J. Di Wutt & oi (0OC1 1713 13 ECIBAXKS 4 Co ) . JKEP ALWAYS 05 HAND a f f 3 v t j complete stock of Drugs, KeJlciat c c Fiae line of Tobtceo and Clgue. Physicians' prescriptions a eeccixltr. dee 7-tf . j SCUPPERNONg I AND Flowers, Wine ! jyjANUFACTURED BY, WHITiJVII.LS Wiae Company, Whiteville, JXi. C. Prices and samples on application. Send In your orders for the holidajf. dec 7-dAw tf The Rush J8 AT JEWETT'S. Go for him. St e tho thonsand pretty things for Xmas. Also Blank B:oks, Stationery, late papers, rtri adlcals, Ac , lo , at S- JEWETT'S, de 6 North Front ft BOOTS & SHOES JN STOCK AND ARRIVING . rf almost erery day a fall line of every ft. thing; desirable for FOOT W&A, and at prices" as low as the nme goody ctn be boug ht at the North. Prove what I say by inspecting stoot anJ prices at SIZXIIZSZI'JS Shoo Store dee 6 Market tret J W1LI, COMMENCE TO OPEN MY elegant stock of Holiday Goods 1 Consisting of many new -and beautiful novelties in SwUs caiTlog, Oriental War?, Jaanse Goods, Ac, Ac. 9 dec 6 Book Store GRAND DISPLAY - OF CHRISTMAS GGOOS ; rpRE LARGEST AND FINEST eelettcd stcck cf HOLIDAY PSE8ENI8 ever brought to the city, tnd are cow ca ezhibf. tioa. All my goods are acw and f r eal? a4, very roizonaVe pric s. Heinsberger- A ccrdial Invitation eztendei to all. dec 0 - t - Another Supply V ryjiiE fifth .invoice-, of black Cahmere$ tliis 6cao3 jiifct in, zi r ric? for all wool, ranging from .V) cents ,t $1.-5. 2.5 percent chapr than aay other good in the city, with the advantage of Lcin r.c-x ' The largest and cheapest liae of Silk Tk? , and Handkerchiefs, includinr aolld Black White and half MonrnlDg. 100 doi. Damask and Ilnck ToweN. By' far the largest stock of Ladles tad Gents' Handkerchiefs Inthecity, at prices from Z cents each npwarJs. A good rupply of low priced Dress GooOs. Also a full supply of Domestic Goods as eheap as the cheapest. t dee 4 JXOf J. ITEDRICK.

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