II ...... 1 " , , .-'-.; '-: .'ivt-'-i.'H-'-V -l...VVC-.i.V V , .:-.; ,- ' r. - ; . . . ..' : 4-.. . v-!6, --' vv-;.-- " ' j " ' ' rI- rr '"Ji" from oai friend on ay std all robeot: ? Ceaeraliatarest bat ;0 5B. T. J M'JDtl, T " W m a. . m.m AV I j. - i fl i m " . - nished to the Editor. ... I i . MW MM . 0 oas side of the psper ' And it i enMelftHv Ann-i'.u.'i'iin4.. " ' VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER -17. 1880 NO. 252 itood that the Editor f wj not always end en e the views ot eorrespoaisst&j ca!ess n (ttt?4 m the editorial columns. ' ' . III ' . - r II.E, COnnER OF DARKEt WILL GIVE TO ALL PARTIES PURODASIKQ GOODS AT RETAIL TO tbeixoaat of $2 and upwards, a ticket duly cumbered ard recor led enti Hug; the fieartr to a chane for on of the following btaatifal and ooatly glfti : 1st-A Oliver PlQtod Tea Urn EVIanufaotuied by the Mo- r 'J - ml A Inn fllluMr DlntA Crk. Vfllunrl Qr SSO. 2d A Largo Wax Doll Valued at $ 1 5. 3d An Elegant Moder Doll Valued at $5. . 4th- f Pair Large Silvered Vases Valued at I Tha tab of the article! !i not fietltloai m It would atail ui nothing to deceive fhfl pabllc. The glfu will shortly be on exhibition and can be aeea by all. After ChrUtmM the dumber will be tirawn under the laperlntendeooe of tno well know ad rwponiihle gcctlemen of this city. - . We aubtnit the fallowing lbt and. waild add that It w juld be a moral fmpossibilU j to gire a fall and complete intentory ot addmz dally to each department. 'Will do well to e4t erly as our liaee are Velocipedes, tv . ii e i- Cbromos, Frames. Wax Flower, Vaees. Shell Boxm. . Wheel Birrowa. Carts, Trnokr, Work Rockhig Horses, . Rocking Chairs, Call Bells, Gobs, Tiu Horses. Marks, Violins, Bellows . Tin Carts, ' Tin Animals, Tin BtoTes, Tin Kitchens, Birds, Tin Tea Bets, Gate, Pewter Ts Sots.' Lions, China Tea Sets, Dogs, Caps and Saucers . r Mors Castors, Treasure Boxes, Farniture Sets, Arkt Bird Cages, ' Marbles, Illnstrated Books, Wire BaskeU. . Farm Tarda, Matbles, Klntea. Tool Cheats, Building Blocks, $c. 1 FANCY GOODS AZAAE, Me E. Corner TJlarket : Uot .. v.- ' 4' - AI1D SECOND STREETS. articles la our establfsbmsnt, as we are el. liable to be broken later in the season. Japanese. Ware, Mnalephonea, Piaoos, 0 rnets, Harps, Boxes, Writing DesW RattUs, Photo. Albums, v Horns, Olocks, Watches. . Toys, 8worde, Xnaas Baoks, Lead Pencils, Enrelopes, , Note Paper, Ink 8tndg, Ciar Holders, Oiffrette Watch Chains. Memorandum Books, Mnsic Boxes. Jewelrr, Banks, Toilet SeU, Nine Pins, Acrobat, Harmonicas, Baskets, A, a, u biocxs, &c, &c, &e, &e. and Second G - ; - V-. - - LOCAL NEWS. New AdTerrciaementa. Camped, Mott & Melton Ycxstious Market Question See ad K of P Ball Opbra House Ford's Dramatic C Grand Cosckrt Quintette Club RFEtdkk, Sect'y To all whom it may Concern Grand Opkkino 24 Merket-st The World for 18S0 Heinsbebger Live Book Store C W Yates Beautiful dooda. 8 Jewett The Queen of the Xraas A&IS0RIEB Everybody .---. No- City Court this morning. For other locals see fourth page. Window (ilafa ali Bizes at Altaffer & Price's. i Chrigtma9is just one week from to morrow. Business is said to be rery brisk among otail dealers. Rabbits are said to be plentiful herea bouts. Organize a rabbit club ! Don't forget the 8. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed arid warranted, at Jacobi's.I Ran and disagreeable to-day. Is it a fore runner of .that big snow storm which Yennor promises forth .22nd mst? Ladies, the best fits and the easiest shoes for the little ones are at Robes THA.Ii 8. T The Southern bound and local travel is very heavy just now. The two prin cipal hotels in this city are said to be full all the time. Popular discrimination in favor of Dr Bull's Coueh Syrup has civen it a lar ger sale than any other remedy of its lass. Irnce 25 cents. The Thalians will entertain their friends to-night at the Tileston Upper Room. The drama "Down by the Sea" is said to good one. Have you seen the latest improved Heat ing and Cook Stoves at Jacobi's ? You can get them at factory prices. t It is all the fashion now for gentlemen to wear scarf pins of the most eccentric designs. Elephants are elevated to the po3t of honor in the cravat, and also pigs, with the curliest of tails and most inquisitive ear3. Watar " street merchants will keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. t The Kooners, D. Q. l's, raga muffins and similar Xmas doings will put in an appearance next week. What is Xmas without them any 'way? We like the old time holiday festivities and we are glad to see that the authorities are not tight, laced in this matter. A Delu?iom Trap placed in the house will quietly catch a cunning mouse. Call at Jacobi's for traps f Progress of the Union Mutual Life Insurance Company is seen by the fol lowing figures: Insurance Total Assets, Ineome Year, in Force. January 1. during year 1864, $6,841,957.00 $802,088.00 $ 207,3do.00 187928,915,136.00 7,035,483.00 1,305,0S5.0C tf Jko. W. Gordon k Beo., Agts. Changes In Odd Fellowship. The last session of the Supreme Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows made many chan ges in the work of the order.' which will be of interest to members in this place and elsewhere. A number of reforms have been introduced in the nn written work, with a view of simplifying the ini tiatory and degree ceremonies, all of which go into efiect on the 1st of Janu ary. There will be three degrees .in the subordinate lodge instead of five as for merly. Those who have now the first and second degrees will rank as first de gree members; those of the third and fourth, as second degree members under the new arrangement. There is one de gree in Rebekah and three in the En campment. . The Friend or Delicate Ladles. : Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is the remedy tfcat will cure ; the many diseases peculiar to women. Headache, neuralgia, disordered nerves, weakness, mental shocks, and kindred ailments are effectually removed by its use. -The Mothers Magazine: ? EalVs Vegetable Sicilian Hair Be newer the most popular preparation of the age. Sold by all druggists. . W. A. iTmrs, 62 Ashland Avenue, Toledo, Ohio, says: My wife is now as strong as ever, her regained health being directly due to the use of the Excelsior Kidney Pad. - We can' heartily : recom mend it to all kidney troubled persons. Unbailable. Un mailable letters remain in the post office in this city addressed as follows: Jno C. Huffman, Rocky Point, X. C.; D. P. Evans, Magnolia, N. C; Min Ann Dukes, Goldabor.o, N. C. , Vot 1 tie Fnai 1 tM. A gentleman of our acquaintunce who is now about 45 years of age was drawu as a juror before the Superior Court, for the first time in his life. He is one of the jurors who were empannelled to "sit to'gether to hear the evidence, etc.," in the civil casa which -was commenced over a week ago and which was given o the jury last night. He has been listen ing to the evidence, speeches, etc., for over a week and thinks he has put in his life time quota of jury duy- During the Holidays buy useful articles such as Christmas lire Dogs, Shovels and Tongs, Fluting Machines, &c. All at the lowest prices at Jacobi's. f Work on the Marine Hospital' t The U. S.Marine Hospital, located on Eighth.betweenNun andChurch streets, is undergoing a thorough overhauling. Mr. D. M.Part is the government's euper- intendent of the workAbout sis weeks ago the work of renovating and repair ing the building was commenced, and it has been steadily pushed towards com pletion. The' "L" on tho East side of the building and the piazzas on the North and South faces had tumbled down ; in fact, the entire structure was going to pieces. Tho ."L" and piazzas have been rebuilt and the workmen are now busily engaged on work in the inte rior of the Hospital. The walls, balco nies and wood work are to be painted and the establishment to be repaired in first- class style. Besides, it is to be supplied with alL modern improvements. There is to be hot and cold water pipes through, out the building ; force-pumps, 4 bath rooms, 4 water-closets, an elevated oven, range, sinks and cess-pools. The dilapi dated old furnace lias been taken out and each room will be furnished with grates. The water-tanks which supply the bath-rooms have 4,000 gallons ca pacity. The culinary department is to be sup, plied with all necessary appuer ten ances and the wash room will be furnished with stationary tubs, boilers etc. The arround around the buildinjr within the enclosure is to be leveled. When the repairs were commenced about a dozen "squatters," both white and blacky were fronted from the bnilding, which they had been occupying rent free for several months. Mr. Dart is doing his work thoroughly and when it is completed thtU-S. Marnie Hospital will be one of the noted no modernized buildings of the city. . r - - i r ' ir - - i i i The poet says." I would not die in spting-time." You don't know when you ar$ going to die; therefore make haste and take a policy in the Union Mutual. tf Jno. W. Gordon & Beo., Agts; The ffeed of a Hospital Exemplified. Albert Faison, colored,-a poor con eumptive, who for several months past has been living in the cabin of a flat, but who was removed by some women to a house on 'Dickinson Hill'.' a few davs ae-o. died vesterdav morninff. His , : o w tf case was a particulary sad one. Unable to work he was allowed to stay on the flat nntil it was evident ho could not live iong, when the wner interested himself in finding some one who would care for him during the last few.days of hi3 life. Tuesday night while the unfor tunate creature was undoubtedly in tho throes of death, his voluntary nurse be came frightened and left the house. The poor fellow laid on his improvished couch for twenty-four hours with no one to ad minister to his wants and died alone in the deserted house. Had "there been a hospital in this city the last few hours of the dying man might have been easier. There i3 much suffering of. this kind in this city and something should be done to relieve it. A case in point is that o the pauper who daily falls in a fit in the most public streets of the city while he is askin alm3 with which to purchase his food. . , ' .... - i It has been well said," In Union there is strength." Emphatically is this true of the Union Mutual Life Insurance Company of Maine. For thirty years it has been making a noble . history and disbursed to thousands the practical bene fits of lite insurance. tfl J.vo. WT. Gobdos & Bro., Agti Progress f the Aineilcan Union. Wc extract this from the cnlnmns of the Charlotte Observer ; The pole3 cf the American Union Telegraph Company have been distributed for seventy miles down Ihe Carolina :Central roal. and a force of thirty lian ls begin planting, them from here and had finished about five miles yesterday. The Northern connection from Wil mington over t'vs line will be made hrongh Charlo' as the compmy has no wires along the Wilmington tWel don road. The rates for risrht-of-war offered by this road were declined. New York and New Orleans will be connected directly by a duplex wire already stretch ed. Another wire, to Richmond, will be stretched in a short time, giving the com pany three Northern wires from this i point. We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for real Silver Plated Tea and Table Spoons and 'Forks, Roger's Ivory handled Table Knives,. Pen and Pocket Kuivcs. All for Christmas and at the lowest pi ices, t i i i i i . i A t i?'e.ir BicfT, December 16th. Mr. V. LtK BUBblTT, tf Frsnkllaton, to Mis LIZZIE KlSiihK, dauchtor of Walker Sloore. tea. No cvds , Haw Advertisemta VEXATIOUS MARKET QUESTION "ryAS THE TOPIC LAST NIGHT, but to-day everybody is adiniriug: our fine Beef, Sausage, Pork, Lamb, Fresh Smoked Hams, Dressed Poultry, etc. Leavo your ordeie early to-morrow for Sunday s dinner. fAMPEN, MOTT & MELTON, . dec 17-lt Corner Market and 2d st 6RM1 AT 24 South Front Street, atyraa em 5 At 2 1-2 P.M. dec 11-tf 5 K, ot P- Ball. fTIHE THIRD ANNUAL BALL of Ger; mania Lodge, No. 4, K. of P., will be given at German ia Hall', - on the evening of the SQth Inst. All Germans are respectfully in- j vitedto attend. Ihe Italian Striug Band will furnish mu sic for the occasion. F. C. MILLEII, -J. A. GEPDT3, Cr. ROSENTHAL, W. F. WENZEL. dec 17 Orand Concert ' A T THE OPEBAFOUBK, Wedaeadsy Evening, Dec 22d, under tbe auepices of the Wilmington Library Association, by tie i . - HesdelscoLn Quintette Club of Boston, or ginJz?d 1319, am ted by the distioguUbed Vocalist j ' Miss Marie Nellini. General Admirsios, 60 cen's. Beseived Seats, 75 easts. Box List will be opened at Heinaberger's Book fc tore, iionday tcornicg, December 2Uth. . dec 17 TO AIL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. LL AND EVERY CITIZEN HAVING tbe Interest of tbe city of Wilmington at heart are respectfully inrited to meet at the head of the old if ariet House at 8 o'dccY, this evesisg, to bear the truth. Everyone opposed to (he New Market Ucuae is expect ed to be on hani. Prominent orators will be in at'ead&zce . Come all who ar3 opposed to the New ilarket Ring. By order of the Chairman, dee 17-lt E. F. EYDE, Secretary OPERA HOUSE. "Yer and" ,Yerana,, MONDAY EVENING, Dec. 23tfj; Ford's Dramatic Co., and the Sterling actor, MR; -BARTON HILT, ! ON THE ABOVE EVEff I5G WILL BE j relented, for the first time here, the famous Comedy bow in its ihird month at Wallack'a Theatre, .Hew York, ad ia' ts sixth inonti at the VautUrille Theatre, Lon don, entitled THE CUV'WOR. The play will be presented by ths best Ccmsdy orgazdxation ever lent Bouth under the Ford fcaaajremeiit. 8al of seats will cjmmencs Saturday at Ee!sibertrg. de 17 New Advortisemont?. The World for 1881. - rildK wo;tU for 1691 will b the bt TU) fugue on -ither ide tf ik Atiant'c. ith preMi trnaainV for -toi,f ctartd rn bv Uoe Jt Co.,-" with sew ncd i,aeqalted typographical aid baa nse f?il:tlei of alt sorts; anl with a better orga;ad telejrraplio correcpondenoe lurosjEoouna wona toan tt of any othe amrien jo-rv, m World for 1S31 will afford i:t redri miif act plete, eundst,. edand t ui.wor b rcci.rci . of allearrtnt evfctf. n " iflutM Vith t' ib Ner or Day The Vvl.i nreta !f keprrcTwttn-"" th iccrewiifg: -,..bj mid bj i p d tf cn st, the tiKr. h td toe UUphmo, ,u the un9 inn adaption ot OQPlsafi imd' i Its iailv cable letUrs frc m LonM tria 1 th Id World u the bretUjgt tkb i i cf 1 Hini "I lu its Wall Street Gssip ar,d i I fo- IaTeatra( taken together wif iu Rrccrs'.. candid and absotuUlT impcrtil . ixiaiicieu Article, The World daily pMfc-afa 'euu-fti. vailed picture not only of the true oadlit V of the moltitadincui enterprises in waii'x the tdventurona snd. active peaplo of ilia conrtr? iaye3t their Biyiotf, Out also c f ill -1 ft t i! r me i: iLiuaiin ii liucates e tertca upon iufi nte prises by tho t peculations and xLa epcc u atorg of the 8t ok t icfeaprre. No man wfeo owns or expects ti era a t i -t ici any corporate property can aflord t for a single dtytkj information dulv 'xclusiraly eiveu in 'lh Vori1,' -not-... iy to the natural and laitioiata cjurra of alfira tffactinir stock vslaes, J but el :i to t're plats, Fcbemcs iz& coth:niti )c i which are iacessantly njasicp aad ocuicKirf in and out of 7ail' strot to alftci thuia Ths World conta;.T33 aIo ererT day. the " frethest, fal'est and most irstructire notice cf evervthlag new and i a teres tin; in 9 naliaaof art, of litgr&toro and of aocisl life Jt ia the accredited organ cf tbo coi;e;res ot tho Union, and the ascuratfjr acd yijriijrifr' of its sporting colamapi ccviinff tU tbo v?. riocs forma of tihletic crrosoinent which have multiplied amoag us cf late years, eon- ubbuu ii u iuu --neiag penerauoa turougn out the country. . 4 A the only metrbpeliian tnornin? journal publithad in the fcri;Iish laticrna: Vitich maintains an -uaswsrvincr : nie'atV to tho fendoring great prsncinles of .tha Uemocraro faxth In politics, The World for 1S81 wii! be tound, where for the last , fire jearatf ho World has been found, "absolutely lojalto Democratic priaoipU s ; absolutely indeppHd. eat of atl persons, cliques and factions with in the Democratic party. The World will maintain the cans? of lis Union ag&iost sectionalism in ali its form?, the cause of good Rovernment against c-r-inption In all its forms and tb"e crun of tae people against monopoly in all its force, ' - ; TESilS POSTAGE PAID. Da!!t and Rnndara. nrn si" r? - j j j j , . mA. moniui, 93, iaree mon ns, fcj. 4 Daily, without Sundays, one yonr.'ClO; tx months, ?5, three mcoths. $2 50, los thau three months, $1 per month. . The Sunday World, one year, $2. The Monday World, chaining the Booi Reviews and "College Cfcrc sicle", one year, $1 CO. .. ' The SemUWeekly Wr.rld, (Tufsdajs asd Fridajs) $3 a year. To Club AjrentE i,n extra copy far cub of tea, tho Daily lor club of twenty-five. I ice T eaajy worm k ueaacsasyj, ii r year. To club agents An ex'ra cooy for club of ter, tho iSerai-Weely for club of twenty, tbe Daily for e!ub of tifty. We have no travelling agents. 8pcimennu'nbersentfiee otj application. Terms Cash invariably ia advance. tend post-office moaev order, banc draft or registered letter. Ei'ls at risk of tte sender. Address, THE. WOS5E,5, 6t 5 Park Row. New York. dec 1' The Queen of ths Xmas?5 WITH HER ATTENDANT TrtAIN of Ladies and Cavaliers, ha arrired and has taken up her rcjournat JEW.KTT'8. ' Call and see her acd pais the compliments of the tietson, S. JEWETT'S,- r declS ITorth Frontst . " BEAUTIFUL HAIR OHrJAMEHTS ND HAIR NOVELTIES just received. A fall line of Children's and l!isses. Cloaks, now on sale and at very low prictg. Htamp ingfrom tbe latest patterns. 1( air Work in any style made to order. Orders by m;il will receive rrompt attention: Addrcrs Pcet Office Box 301. illSB E. EARRETd, dec 15 No. 6 tfesta Front it Everybody SALIUTLICA IS A CEUTAJIT CUIir, ; gUITED TO COMFORTABLE WINTER ClQthicg a; SHRIER'3. ' Gmndpa, Pa and the litUeBcys cattail te CtieJ ta thi teeiJa tte market and ;the losrestia pxicei , . .OVERCOATS : Ia profaiion. Call early and call oftea it3 . A. i'l. SHRIEK'S, dee 13 Market street ' LIVE BOOK ST0EE ! Pianos, Orgtts, Ueloclari, Orgahettev Violins, " Baojos Faney Eaakcts, Dressing Ctre dec IT um6 Glove Boxes, PU2 Hdk'fs Bcxca, go Chromes,, Steel rngravings, Statdari Pcemr, Litest I iter a tare, Work Baskets. Ac., 4c &z.

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