0 r s 4. 'V?' ' icBTFTI0JW.TAeF4Ii, J 15 11 Six tlU VTVM I 111 Siisssri" wtll t!sasrvnay ts L hilar- 1Bwr ft"j. rown & r.e. connsn of nARiCET VflLL GIVB TO ALL PAftTIEa PURCllASmG GOODS AT REfilL TO tfc! amouat o! $2 and upwards, a ticket duly tejrer to a chtaetforone of the folldwln? 1st A Sliver Plated Tea Orn rldlan Silver Plato Co. Valued at S3p. 2d-A Large Wax Do!! Valued at 3 1 0. 3d-An Elegant Model Doll Valued at $5. 4th 1 Pair Large Ollvered Vasea Valued at 3 1 Ths raloe of thes srticlee 'is not fistulous Die pabllo. Th gifU will ehortly be am Christau the number will bedraWa uadat ad responsible feathjaun f this city. - Tfe submit the followitifi list an I would ry to give a fan and complete Inventory ol sddmg dify to eaeb depsrimant. . W s- Wni do well re cU wrfy ont llaai' are Velocipedes, ' Doll CmUges, Wheel Brrows, Crt8, Wgoo ' Chromoe, Frames, Wax Flowers, Vases, 8bell Boxe, Work Boxes, R.ickin Hora. WrlHog - Rocking Ohairi, Call Ball, Drums, 'UnCarU, Tin Anima's, Tin Stovee, Tin Kitcbent, Tin Tea 8t;t, Gubs, Tia Horse. Masks, Violins, . Bellows Toys, Bird. Pewter Tea Ste, Chio Tea Sets, Capi and Boeerf Mqkb. Castors, Treaaur Boxes, Farciturs Sets, Arki. Flntet. Tool Chests Bird CagM, Marbles, Illostratod Books, .- Wir Baskets, Farm Yards, i Marbles, Acrobats, Balidtng Blocks, &c. row u & FANCY M. p. Corner TJlarKet and Second Sts. Til i - : ' - - " vol. v Wilmington, n. c, Saturday, December is. isso. no. 253 - .-.I - . 1 0 Hbfidav ote x7 Roddick, aud second streets cumbered aud recorded nti ling'ths beiutifal and estl tifte : Mnufactmed by the W3e- ae it would avail cs nothing to deceive exhibiSioo and can be sa by all. tfct superlntendeace of two well knowa add that It wpuld be a moral imposslbilU articles la our establishment, as we are liable te be broken later in the season. Jpnete Ware, Metalephones, Pianos, 0roets, ; Harpa, Chimes. Battles, Photo. Albums, Horns, Watches. Clocks, - Swords, vXms Bookf, , Lead Pencils, Envelopes, Note Paper, Ink SUnds. Gate, Ciiar Holders, Liooa, Dogi, CJjfarette Watch Chains. Memorandum Books, Mnaie Boxes. Jewelry Banks, Toilet Sets, Nine Pins, ' Harmonicas, A. B. C Blocks, Baskets, Ac., &c., &cH Ac 4 Lo ddock: ill LOCAL NEWS. Hew Advertisements. Hall & Pejuisjli Butter J Loeb Franeo-Amertcainea IIeixsbergeb Live Book Store C W Yates Beautiful Goods. 8 Jkwett The Queen of the Xcaas A & I Shbier Everybody For other locals see fourth page. . Day's length 9 hours and 42 minutes. Window Glass all sizes at lUffar Price's. - f t Just one week to Christmas and Santa Glaus ! Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 49 min utes past 4 o'clock. Tn.mnrrnw is known ftS the Fourth Sunday in Advent. Don't foreet the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and warranted, at Jacobi's. f Tt is renorted that the troODS now i 1 .' C , 4 V, -r. i' 1 1 n TiotTA Vvann orrlpr BU1UUUCU Uli kJLUilli i lliw uai( wiswu ed away, and that Fort Johnson is to be : abandoned. Ladles. the the best fits and the easiest hoes for little ones are at Roskh THALf. . t John Lawrence, white, sent te the Penitentiary forlweaty years for horse stealing, from Colnmbus county, has been released on a writ of habeas cor' pus. When a man is seriously ill he should call on his doctor at once; but when his tronhlfi ia onlv a coucrh or a sore throat he need onlv invest 25 cents in a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Thanks to Mr. Prempert, Chairman of the Committee, for a card to the third annual Ball of Germania Lodge, No. 4, K. of P.. to be held in Germania Hall on the evening of the COth inst. Water street merchants will keep their foet drv in Winter bv wearing Rosen - - tha.l'3 boots and shoes, t The fourteen day3 known in the Roman Calendar.as "the Halcyon days" began An 4 V a 1 1 4V innf TKftW TITO VHX Bf Ckllnrl r 4 n,m wi,ivi. of ... .. .,, AM.ia rt Luis lama ui vug ivai uiuit v KtAu Quietlv catch a cunning mouse. Uau at .TironT'fnr trtina t I - - r m A Lucky Man. It is a fact that No, 71,291 in the T,nnisiana Rtfttft Lottery, which drew a prize of $5,000 on the Uth inst., is held m this city ana oy a conaucior on me Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. ... .. i . i i ji I R. The gentleman alluded to is young j'v j u ir..i.-w onA ialTaeadav. January lltu. lool. lor tne nnmarried. We mention these facts in striet confidence to our young lady read ers (leap year having still two weeks to live) but are sternly forbidden to pub lish the name. Have you seen the latest improved II eat- iimrand Cook Stoves at Jacobi's ? lou o can eret them at factory prices. t The GuT'nor. Our exchanges tells us that the per formance .to be given at the Opera House next Monday evening, by Ford's Dra matic Company, is one that is sure to nleaie. ' It is said to abound in almost as muchieal, downright, hearty fun as the lamented Fox used to. give us in Humpy-Dumpty. The play itself, rr.L- .v, ;A K o Mn;al one and the Company first-rate. It as ... - infiw nlavandis now runninsr at Wal-1 xt VnL- witii rtimarVftblfllfnn nowin the city, and the oflBcials of ri . ... . WWW'- w -r Heinsberger's. The Friend of Delicate Ladles. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is the remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar to women. Headache, npnrfticria. disordered nerves. weaKness, mental shock , ana unareu .aun enectuai y removea Dy m MOtners magazine. newer, the most popular preparation of the acre, ooia oy au amzgisis. . Came and Effect. ' Th main cause of nervousness is in dicrpfltinn. and that iscaused bv weakness . ' . r of the stomach, sso one can nave sonna nerves and good health without using Hop Bitters to strengthen the stomach, ..r. V lrvrl ond Lwn fhp lirer And kidneys active, to cany off all the poi3- onoos and waste matter of the . system. oee otner comma. yiuvu7tce. am m nnan mi hnTooKoct ! n another column, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with a bunch or li rapes irom wnxn a t.a n ve:nA im raAa that m s hiehly esteemed by the medical pro- i ession lot me uso Ol luvauus, www; 1 persons and the aged, sold dj iinigguui Re vus w . A LQiai Nat arse. Mr. William Westhas a chicken which is a curiosity. It has three legs and feet, tha extra leg being between the others and somewhat smaller and shorter, the toes ja3t touching the ground. Mr. West ia going to try to raise it and if be suc ceeds will travel around the country with Coop's circus and manegerle. I he poet says. 1 would not die in spriDgr.time.' You don't know when you The poet says." I would not die are going to die: therefore make haste and take a policy in the Union Mutual. tf Jo. W, Gordon k Bro., Agts. Father Ryan. We are glad to learn that Father Ryan; the poet priest, has consented to stop over m Wilmington on his return Soath. lie will be with us on or about January 5th, and as the guest of Col. Kerchner.and it is probable that he will lecture here some evening to be named hereafter. His name i3 a household word ia every true Southern home , , . ... , , . . nis exquisite proaueuon. are react the world over. He has been the rccin ient of much attention in Baltimore where he now is. During the Ilolidays buy useful articles such as Christmas lire Doge, Shovels and Tongs, Fluting Machines, &e. All at the lowest prices at Jacobi's. t Tne Quintette Club. The Mendelssohn Quintette Club,which is to appear here next Wednesday under the auspices of the Wilmington Library Association, will undoubtedly offer to our citizens a most enjoyablo entertain ment. A gentleman resident here who has heard them tells us that no lover of good music should miss the opportunity. They have been received . with delight wherever they havo appeared. The box sheet will be open at Heinsbergcr's next Monday when there will most likely be ! a rush for tho best seats. Military Matters. Orders Jjaje ben issued relative to the annual election for field officers in the First and Second Kegiments and Fourth Battalion of North Carolina State Toops We extract wo nrst, secona ana inira section II. ifle commissionea omcers ui iub companies composing the First Eegiment of Infantry will assemble at JNewoern, on Tuesday. January 11th. lbbl. tor tne m w ' annual election or neia omcers. II. The commisssioned oflScers of the comnanics comnosinjr the Second Hesi ment or lntantrv win assemoie at unar- - . X . t 1 -It lette, on luesday, January inn, ietu m The commissioned omcer8 of the companies of the Fourth Battalion of In- iui iiig aiiuuiti iibbtivu v vv faatry will assemble at uoiasooro, on election of a Lieutenant-Colonel and Major. The American Union. It is now said that the American Union Telegraph office will open business in this city by the first of Feburary, at the latest. They are pushing , forward as ramilv ma nnssible in this direction and i aie desirous of reaching this point at the earlist. Enossible dav. Ufiey .opned in Charlotte on Thursday and the following relative thereto, which we clip from the Observer, will be iound ol interest : 6 Tho northern wires of the American TT T'rtlnrrra rVi tp pro rnmnlptpd tft-dn v ,n,i thn connection made between Hieh p0 nt and Thomasville, and the office in this city was shortly after opened tor DUSineSSS. ougratuiaiui ( ViT.-vti rrVi RAiiliifrn rnnnertinn aht New York and New Orleans ii ii iiiiv. uui w v b ' " - - WpTp. -nassed from Superintendent Mor- ItTia Amonciin m New York. New York, also be tween "that gentleman and Superinten dent IeLoup in New Orleans. The cir it from New York to New Orleans worked beautifully and in a most satis factory manner messages Demg ex changed, as the operators put it, m the most "solid" style . Tho American now has offices in thir- - . gtateg and ig ghi its -fiM1l.Thiaamnj fbat its rates are at least thirty Iuaoaaaa' t. lower than those of the old company, and in some instances firty per i tenv. u uwi-uv' i nniTT I mi imiea. me uuaiuco aic mcuii- rpnfa for ten words. We understand I that th. old company will reduce their I mtM t.n corresoond with the American i , i at points wnere xney coraBmcuiuuMw, but at points where they do not, their regular rates, the officers of the Ameri- wHl nro-rnil. This much for the information of the public. "Competition is the life of trade," and the pablic is Denenteu mereuj. I W. A.. Trrrs. 62 Ashland Avenue, i Toledo, Ohio, says: My wife "now as suong as ever, u Koureu vr8 I rJirootic dnp to the nse of the .Kxcelsior Kidney Pad. We can heartily recom- i lutuu w v. - r - " oce Th Order Withholding I'uttnm blouse Returns. It will be remembered tbat aii order was issued by the Secretary of the Treas ury, under date of December 15tb, 1879, that information from the records of the Custom House relative to the shipment or importation of any particular article of merchandise should not We furnished to those applying for it. A test case was made by the Produce Exchange here and a request for the information being refused Col. John L. Cantwell. Secretary of the Exchange, communicated with the New York. Produce Exchange, and efiortsWrtrmByby bothK-ihangc to have the order rescinded. .Those were unsuccessful at the time but yesterday Col. Cantwell received a telegram from Mr. F. II. Parker, the Prer. ident of the New York Exchange, congratulating the members of the Ex change here on the success of their efforts. No information other than this has been received here, but it is judged from the tenor of the dispatch, that the New York Exchauge has been successful, nnd th 1 the order has at last been rescinded. It has been well said," In Union there is strength." Emphatically la this true of the Union Mutual Life Insurance Company of Maine. For thirty years it, has been making a noble history and disbursed to thousands the practical bene fits oflite insurance. tfj Jxo. W. (Joedo.v k Bfco., Agts The Market Question. 'Pursuant to tho call published in the" daily papers yesterday, a meeting of the citizens "opposed to the New Market" was held at the old market house at 8 o'olock last night. . Col. Roger Moore called the meeting to order and announced that Mr. Horace A. Bagg would address the meeting. At tho conclusion of Mr. Bagg'i remarks the following resolutions were offered and adopted, and the meeting adjourned: WDEeeas, Tho Board of Aldermen, without tho consent or concurrence of the Board of Audit a"nd Finance, have made a contract with the New Market Com pany, which we believe to be illegal and detrimental tq tho best interests of the city and its tax-payers ; Therefore, be it resolved, First. That we, tax-payers, in mas3S meeting assembled, do .pledge ourselves to resist by all legal means the said ille gal contract until approved by said Board oi Auait ana j: mancc. Second. That we condemn tho action nf thr Mavor. and thnsn Aldermen who j , . signed said contract without submitting the same to the Uity Attorney ior ms opinion as to its lecalitv. 1 " - o w Third. That in refusiujr to submit said contract to the Board of Audit and Finance, we believe they the Board of Aldermen- havr triinsr.ended their authority and deserve the cerisure of all gooa citizens. Fourth. That we have every confidence in the Board of Audit and Finance, and we look to them to see that the best in terests of the city are in every way pro tected, before endorsing r or approving said contract. . Progress of the Union Mutual Life Insurance Company is seen by the fol lowing figure?: Insurance Total Assets, Ineome Year, in Force. January), during year $G,841,J57.00 $802,0.00 $ 207,&65.00 1379, 26,915,130.00 7,035,483.00 1,3050S5.0C tf J.vo. W. Gordox fc Bro., Agts. We adTise our friends to call at Jacobi's for real Silver Plated Tea and Table Spoons and Forks, Roger's Ivory handled Table Knives, Pen and rocket Knives. All for Christmas and at the lowest pi ices. t n " ' -J New Adver tlsemts COMMISSION DES RECLAMATIONS FRANCQ-AMERICAINES. Avis a.x Francdis qui ont des reclamation a aire valoir pour prejudice eprou tes J pendant la guerre dc Secession nux Etats- Uni. Li COMMISSION COXSTITUEE COX formement aux terms de la Convention du 15 Janivcr, 180, se reunira officiellement a Washington, e2C Decembre de cette annee. C'est acetuj date que commencera ledelai de eix mols, accorde aux reclamanta par TArticle VIII de la Convention pour pre senter leurs reclamations. Lcs Interefcses tont pries, en consequence, d'envoyer sans dclai au ssnsslne, a Wash ington, 1518 JI street, les requetes avec lea pieces jtistiflcatives a Tappui. TJo examplaire da reglement, adopto par les Commissaires et contenant tousles de tails de la procedure a suivre, eeraadresfie aux pereonnes qui en ferent la demande au eoussigne. A. LANEN, Aent du Gouvernment de la Republique Fraacaise, 151S, H Street, AYashington. UDecembre, 18S0r - J. LOEB, French Ylcfi-Consul, TOmington, 5. C. decltft PLBAHR VOTIE. will bijiffad to r6cire eoinrounif atio& from nnr frlac'i no aj Dd all mb'octt'o. funeral Interest bat Tha came of the writer miut ilwiji be ft r nished to the Editor. t V N Communlftatloni nut be wrKten," oa "oni'j oaedde of thejaper. Pewonalitlee mu oiduL And it is eeecially 4WpartcaIarlyander rtood that the Editor 4 its not alwayi endor the Tiewiot eorrepo2tfau, ua!eo Htud ta tbe editorial eoIvrBzu. New AdvortiGemonte, utte&v Gilt Edge Goshen, mountain Kits, Mountain Rolls, HALL & PEAE?AU. O P ERA HC ii B E . "Yer aud" Monday evening, Dec . Ford's Dramatic 'C5-, nd the tn6: actor, MK, BARTON illl, ! O-i THE ABOVBEVENI.VG V :LL Y,' preiented. for the first tiuio 1 tl.:o famous Comedy now in ita third . nth at wallack'fl. Tneatre, New orjr, nvd in m sixth month at the Vaudevilla Theatre, Lc:i- . aon, entitled - ' THE -GUV'MC'R' The play will be proontcd by thsiho?!. Ccmady ofganixatioo evwr ecnt Boulh.uacr' the ford nranairdment. Sale of seats will coiax:aca Eattirdav at Heinsbtrger'B dec 17 fit iy J 5 j'i AT 24 South Front Stree 4. L3 raav. iff.' At2 1-2 P, 31, dec 17-tf Grand "Concert. -T THE OP Eli A. EOUSt:, Vcftrre Kvening, Dtz. 22d, under the auEpice of ti.o Wilmington; Litrarj" Aescciation bj t: Mepdelsrohn Quia tctta Club of Bcetoay o: ffanizjd 1313 aigted by the distiagulibcd Yocalut v - Miss Marie NclliEss. General AdmiBeicn, 63 con's, liescrvcf" Heiti, 75 ceota. Box L'at will be op"iiei f t Heinsberger's Book etore, ilondr. rcornicr, December 20tb. dec 17 Tlie Queen of the Xnui; WITH HER AlTEJfDANT WAIX cf Ladiea and Car-'.iars, liai arrived and has taken up her f ejensna t J K WhTT'd. : -Call and see her acd pass th-3 comicies of the Season. 8. JEWETT', dsc 13 Norih Front et BEAUTIFUL HAIR ORKAMEfjTS ND HAIR NOVELTIES just received. A fall line of Children'a and i-Iiases CloaS?, now cn aale and at very low prices. Htanii iag from the latest pattcraa. Hair Work i-v any etyle made to order. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Addrtes I'cf t Office Box 301. MI33 E. KLnnrji, . dec la No. 6 Houta iont rit Everybody SALIUYLICA IS A CERTAIN CaitL', gUITED TO COMFORTABLE WINTER OiOthiEg a BnaiEE'3. Grandpa, Pa and the little Bojs can all be fitted to tL beet in the market acd'the lowest ia pri:e. ; OVERCOATS In profusion. Cill early and call often atJ A. I. snmEii' dec 13 Market Btrtet LIVE BOOK ST0EE ! Pi in 08, Orna, ilelodiacs, Orgacettef. Violins, Banjos, Fancy Baskets, D resting Cases, dec IT co m 6 Glove Boxes, g-goSChroECs, X Q ! -teel Ergravice, u o i -Standard Pceaa:, S!i Latest LiUratare, Si bA Work Baiketi. Qi 1c. Ac, 4c. Notice, APPLICATION WILL BE HADE TO the General Assembly, at its appro tchbg setsion, for a charter far tie Wilmington Markat Company. ' deolt.SOt - v. i '. -1 ' seA

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