mi rrii j o tt a. T. JAflEI, gonvs ad nonnm gUBSCRIPTIOJI8. POSTAGE PAID. -jear.S 8ix mtfc, SIM ; Three uoathi.fi ; Oaementk, teee., fas Frr delirered by Barriers, . f seerfe, i y part of the city, at tk W ra, wek AdTertii rate low libera gr-Rah ribr will pleaee report any ad jl failaref fiTetteir papers regal arly. " , " " -s, . ... - 'TBDE' ' DilLY-,.. REVIEW. ' - - ' " " "' ' ' VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21. 1880. SO. 255 iHloioday Bte I BXTaHORDIMIlY IDlICEiSlISITS LOCAL NEWS. ' mv AdTrUtmtnt. IIeinsbebger Lire Book Store SJewett The Queen of the Xma A & I Shhibr Everybody C W Yates What dM you Say i 1 I For other locals see fourth page. Window Olaas all sizes at AlUffer Price's. . V The receipts of cotton at this port to ; day foot up 830 bales. . Water ttreol merchants will keep than feet dry In Winter by wearing Rosek- itx a t 'a tvrw-kta anr? flhoefl. T 7 We are requested by Prof. Cashing" to state that the skating contest adverusea for to night has been postponed until Monday evening. 27th inst. A Delusion Trap placed in a house will quietly catch a cunning mouse. Call at Jacobi's for them. t A lady's black lace scarf was picked ud in the Opera House last evening. The owner can obtain it by applying at this office. Vnn r.n't. pfimc it." said a customer in n. drmrirlst who endeavored ta palm off his own mixture when Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup was asked for, and Bull's he got. Price 25 cents a bottle. The Sheriff sold to-day -at the Court House door the property previously ad vertised for delinquent State and county hftpn redeemed since, WILL GIVE TO ALL PARTIES PURCHAfllNG GOODS AT RETAIL TO J DU the bulk remains as it was knocked down under the Sherin s hammer. (rowir& & IRoddock. H. E. CORNER OF UARKET AMD SECOND STREETS. ;o: the amount of $2 atwJ upward, a tlcktt duly numbered atd recorvled eml Hag tbe bearer t chenoe for one of the following basutifal and eo stly gifts : Knlffhli or lienor. At a meeting of Carolina Lodge 434, of Knights of Honor, held last night. the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: S. P. U. J. A. Springer. !. N. W. Schenck. V. D. Clayton Giles. A. D, J. G. Wright. R. George N. Harriss. F. R John L. Dudley. T W. A. Willsan. C Rev. C. M. Payne, - , G. C. w: HcClamm j Guardian J. P.Williams. S. J. M. McGowao. Medical Examiner Dr. F. W. Potter Trustees Owen Fennell, Jr., John 0. James, Alexander Johnson, Jr. Rep, to G. L John D. Taylor. Al ternate Walter Coney. Concord Chapter. At an election in Concord Chapter No. 1, held last night, the following offi cers were elected: H. H. Munson H. P. Sam'l Northrop K. J. I. Macks S. H. C. Prempert C. of H. N. Greenberg Treas. J. C. Munds Sec. The appointive officers are: VT. A. Williams P. S. W. A. Allen R.SA. G. II. W. Price G. M. 3rd V. S. Solomon G. M. 2nd V. J. W. Zimmerman G. M.?lst V. B.G.Bates G. ' 1 will tdc'4d tn r.Te enrnneolfttif nt general interart bat Tie nam of tap writer act! tlwtyi be fx r aUfcedfto tie Editor. OommBTiloattooi irM b wrlttJ on oo'y ae dd of th.paptf Penonalltiat mat voided. And It li atpecially ba vartiJuIaxlylttadet: stood that the ditw t m not always endor e the view of eorreupoaiaitU.. ualati to tatf 4 in the editorial oolatso.. How Advertisement . New Advertisomont. Chauncey M. Depew is the candidate of the railroad interest in New York for the rjositicn of U. S. Senater and $t is . 'm .t. ' tp Uiiniifflftiiifid bv the Me- said that Conklini? will have, hard work lsx wrWWw: T. - to defeat him. The describe him rldlan Oliver Plate Co. valued at 53- as a vounff man a clever man, a popalar declaimer and noted aa exceUinjgvia the relation of the most obscene anecdotes. 2d A Largo Wax Doll Valued at $ 1 6. CdAtv Clonant Uodol . Ooll, viuod at 4th I Pair Largo Ollvorod Vases Valued at SL . i ' . mt.i - u A ...n ftthln to deceive 0n0 Day'8 TpadC ThtTlMOfthrt.Muoit.i.noiuWHW M-w- About three hundred colored laborers, U Dabllc Tfc gifU will ahortiy b on exhibition and ean d teen by all. After from away down . in Georgia, where they We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for real Silver-Plated Tea and Table Spoons and Forks, Roger's Ivory handled Table iKnives, Pen and Pocket Knives. All for i Christmas and at the lowest pi ices, t ChriitttM the number, will bedrawa under the Baperintendenco of Ue well known tttd wpotrtiW goetlemta pf thU dt. TflU do we ... - - to eU early M- oir linea ara liable to be broken later in the season. Veloelpedea. Doll OatfUgta, Wheel Brrows Carta, Wagot. rronka, Rockinff Uoraea, Ch'romos, Frames, Wax Flowers, Vases. Shell Boxe, Work Boxea Writing Deiks, Japanese Ware, Metalephones, Pianos, ' Cornets, -Harps, Chinies. ' Battles, in the the have been working in turpentine dor incthe nast vear, arrived here on Sun i o - ..... dav mominff last en route for theirhomes in Tarious warts ?of the State. They . - ietAnnnri avpp here on Sunday and as We submit the following Ht ad would adi that It would be a moral ImposslbilH with m0ney and anxious tv to ttr. a rail and complete inventory ol .rttiles in our establishment, as we are to buy, v number of our enterprising ty to gire a iau ana w - merchants made a virtue of necessity aid me daily to each department, ; and accommodated them by throwing r - . . . 1 . . 0 JS 1 rtnen their doors, lots 01 gooas cuaug ed hand3 on that day and it is estimated 0 ! l that 55.00U in ail was spent neic uu wu day. 'A' prominent house took in about I $1,100 and in another house one buy Tf-n - w--w V alone SDent upwaras 01 ljv. c mo mllm J9 mi 41 jr iMm mm m I . it.-9 Tpesaarv to do this OwlAJr "w tf trading on Sunday but we are not sorry that such a snug little sum has been aa ded to the amount of circulating medi urn in this city. . Opera Boise. We have seldom seen an audience Wilmincrton nore enchained in their at tention to a theatrical performance than was the large crowd assembled at Ooera House last night to witness performance of the farcical comedy en titled 'The Guv'nor." The piece is om entirely different from the usual run, and excited more than ordinary interest on that account. The acting was good in all the various parts, ach character be in & well sustained throughout the entire play. Mr. Barton Hill, asJFreddy But terscotch, won the audience to himirom his first appearance, and carried them right along, all the way through the piece. . Mr. H. C. Curly, as the Old Boat Builder, whose very great deafness pre vented him from understanding anything correctly, was highly amusing in his part. Miss Bockei, as Kate, found much fa vor with the audience, did also Mrs Rouse, whose acting.was very good. The audience, as well as the actors, were at one time very seriously disturbed and annoyed by disorderly behavior in the'galleries, but this was very promptly checked, we are happy to say, at once, by both the Mayor and Chief of Police, who were present in the audience; it was onlv momentary when everything went on as usual. To-night the Ford Dramatic Company offer an attractive bill and nromiaa that the piece will not be cut, fj. E- Corner Haricot and Second Sto. "T"0" Rockteg Ohai, Cll Bells, Photo. Albums, Olocks, DrnesS, Si Carta, Tin Anlm'fi Tin Stoves, Tin Kitchens. Ones, Tia Ilor5. Mka, Violins; Bellows Toys, Bird-. Tin Tea SU. Pewter Tea Sti, Oaloa Tea SU, Cats. Lioas, Dogs, Horns, Watches. Swords, Xmia Bcokr, . Lead Pencils, 1 Envelopes, Note . Paper, Iok SUnds, Cigar Holders, Oicarette Watch Chains. John L NOS. .11 cV: 13 FRONT STREET; Boatwriglil5 FOR THIS New Advertlcemts PRIZES GIVEtl AWAY DAILY AT JouthJ'rontStreet. dee 20-lw What Did You Say ? ' I SAID "ST jSl 3P THE JBTTUS8f Christmao Goods ! In towneverything Is io new and bjsatifal. His Swiss Carving and Oriental s I Ware is perfectly elegant, dec 20 YATES BOOK 8TORE, . -BARRELS ANb HALF BARR2LLS Pride of the Pantry, Boatwright's Fancyp Boatwrighfs Cho!ce The Best Brands, as I think, evth: offered in our nnrl:et, made . of the finest New, Wheat. 1 1 and 13 North Front Street, . Era ; CITRON, I CURRANTS RAISINS, T CANOIESi i .1 PRUNES JELLIES, KUTS &C.f &c, JODOo (Lib XMAS BOXES: CRANBERntES OPERA HOUSE. TUESDAY EYENIN5, FAREWELL AP I PEAR1NOE Of I MK. BlRTOiV nilil, ' AND Ford's Comedy Company. The great Musical Comedy, Euri on the Pacific. ii performed bj (Ha Company with great rasceea for ovr lOO nisrbU. , Tke performance to begin with tie Come dietta, A Morning Call. Sale of seat will ' coramencs 8atorday at E8insbrrJ,. , , c " Caps and Saueert Cattorf, Treasure Boxes. Furniture Sets, Arks, Klutee, Tool Cheats, Bird Cages, MArblea. iilnstrated Books, WireBaketaf Farm Yards, llarbles. Acrobats, A. B. C Blocks, Memorandum Books, Music Boxes. Jewelry. Banks, Toilet Sets, Nine Pins, Harmonicas, Baskets. BulidUg Blocks, &c, e., &c, &h Ac. p ANGY. GOODS BAZAAE. Everybody gUITKD TO COMFORTABLE WINTER Olothinjr SHUIER'S. Grandpa, Fa and the llttl Bf jb caa all be fitted to the beet in the market atd'Jthe lowest is price. OVERCOATS la prof a- i on. Call earl j and call often at A. & I. SHRIEK'S, dee 13 Market street 11 and 13 North Front Street. E1 O R IT H B I E5 BI T L SS M M I am offering the Finest Stock of - - . '. - 3 WHISKEYS, BRANDIES, VIIIES, CIIAMPAGHESj CORDIALSj Ever brought to our city, selected expressly for the Holktaytf l LIVE BOOK STORE I Finof, Orpins Kelodlasi, Org-anettet. VioUtfi : Banjos, Fan ey Baike's, Dreiaiaf Case,: dee IT - a m m s2 1 o.5 m sag bd OloTe Bozee, HdVfi Boxef, Cnromcs, 'Steel rnfraTiaa, Standard Poems, LUrt Literature, WorkBaixets, . i . Ac, Ac, A. " The Rivere, Gardrat & Co., Brandy of J848 1 SAOZHOSQUAL! rr2 Ztis tho Finest Old Br and v Ever' Brought ts lw& zfortb Carolina ! I HAVE THE Pale and Brown Sherries, Old Madeira and Fort Wines, OF VEBYLD VINTAGE r - Ryan & Pinchess' Old Scotch whiskey) The only really Scotch Whiskey that will make hot punch what it ought to be. COOKING WINE AND COOKING BRANDY Of all grades, full flaror and at lowest prices 1 11 and 13 North Front Street. 3 Tne cargo oi tne ocnooner uarieton i 5O,O0O STILL REMAINING J - ; Opecial Bargains by the Thousand. OAIiIi FOBPBIOES. V . V,, "'-' 49 V) 11 and 13 IVorth Front fjtreet