Dollabed iwry affearatoa, 8dayt a JOIQ. T. J A CI O Of v jjt rsonxsxoau 40BSCBlPTI0K3,P0STAaa frAD. n, rear,$l 00 Six mtki, taw j Thraa oatha, $1 55 f'Oa aaonth, 18 at, BApr wUl b AaUvarad by trrtart, rH elihufi i "7 P 0 iba ally, at the rata, or i per yhl i.dTtrtlif rate low ud liberal 9Habtrlbers will Imm report r T al H filarf to ratal v l&afr aparsrl fT r h- -"Bie w mm w V ilAlM KEYIEW PLEASE SQTIQS. Wo mi VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1880. NO. 257 mimmmx LOCAL NEWS. New AdTtrtiMmeDts. W H Scott Santa Glaus J T Pettewat, Agt Fertilizers Geo Mters Christmas ! Heinsbeboer Christmas Present A Shkibr Boots and Shoe 8 Jewett Crowded C W Yates What did you Say i For other locals see fourth page. Window Glass all size . c Altaffer & Price'a. ' The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up only 378 bales. nnn't fnrwh th S. Y. Enamel Paint, j ready mixed and warranted, at Jaoobi's-T The Knights of Honor meet to-night .t 7 o'clock for the numose of conter- - - x ring degrees FEARFUL CiTlSTBOPOE- Terrible Accident on the Carolina Central Railroad Late yesterday afternoon our city was full of rumors that an appalling accident . which involved a large loss of human life, had occurred on the Western divis" ion of the Carolina Central Railroad, and although it was known at the time that no one from this city was on the ill-fated train, yet still, such was the ; natural sympathy of the warn hearts who heard the harrowing story of the disaster as it was first told, that it caused a thrill of horror to pervade every breast, . and groups of anxious sympathizers could be seen standing on the streets discussing the terrible nature of . the fearful acci dent.. Fi nally, tho intelligence came that :o; K.E. CORHEn OF MABKET AHD SECOND STREETS. I Mr. Harry J ohnson. son of Captain recommend any other article as ' just as Q. Johnson, the Superintendent, who . . ,1- 1 1 A. T" I - . m good and take nothing eise dui at. wa3 t,n0 conductor of the train, and i Bull's Cough Syrup. vho had beea rep0rted as killed, had as A. bale of cotton in front of Capt. Jas. caped anhanned. This lifted the cloud Hinrrinn' Btnrn on Market street was I ef ffloom a little. Then carae other " ""66 I ! discovered to be on fire last evening gratifying intelligence that instead o -u t virtir Tlid firA wits noon BX-Mlift whnta train f nftssensrers beinc all tincrnished and the bale verv slightly I killed, as was at first supposed, there o - - - - 1 . damaged. It is thosght that canten j were only one or two lives lost, ims, crackers did it. I though very bad Indeed, was accepted as - ...... mA TT..f I a great improvement on the first news Have vou seen the latest improved neat-1 f . 1 ' J r . . I Tho amAont nccnrrd ViPfntlfl Lincoln inland Cook Stoves at Jacobi's 1 j can get them at factory prices. WILL GIVE TO ALL PARTIES PURCHASING GOODS AT RETAIL TO . . f ,n.i nnrHi. a ticket dulv numbered aod recorJod entiriir.g the i u buiuuuk v. v -r" ' bearer to a chanoe for one of the following beautiful and c stly gifts : !t-A Silver Plated Tea Urn Manufactuied by the Me rldlan Silver Plate Co. Valued at $30. k - - ' ' ... t i 2d A Larfjo Wax Doll Valued at $ 1 6. 3d-An Elegant lYIode! Doll Valued at 85. 4th 1 Pair Large Silvered Vases Valued at 3 1 you I i ne acciaeni occurrea Dejonu j-.incum f j ton, about four mile3, on what is known . as the Indian Creek trestle. The entire train, consisting of three loaded freight cars, on baggage and on mail car, and a passenger coach, Nsw Adv8rtlsemt8 ill bee ad to receire eomi&vniotIocf . from our friend on aay and all! robfeot .1 Ths nam of tho writer mast always be for Diiba4 so tho Editor. Ooauaanloatioai mut ba written; oa on'j oaa rid of thejapar. Farsbaalltlet mait Voided. Aad It Is especially particular lyjund er itood that the Editnr 4eae not always endon e the views ot eorrespoc feats, aaleet so itatetf la the editorial oolttTBtts. New Advertisements. lhnsmashiii'isiiimias THE USUAL CHRISTMAS SUPPLY 1 OF Grrocerie ? ChampagneR. TVinep, Liquors, Cigars, Malaga Grapes,' Clioics ' Candies, Broken bandies, Figs and assorted Nate, at Xos. 11 and 13 South Front Street, Pnalarppdenffi Clab." The above named Club will have about fnrtxr "hirriv nn .xhibition at "Klein's Gardens on Xmas day. They are said went through the trestle and fell a dis- to oe tue oesi siocs m tma eauUu ui 1 tanc0 of 6q feet t0 tne ground, ine en the country. They" will get together gine becoming disconnected in some way during the day, but the principal part of remained on the track; it is thought that me iun can oe seen m mo musiuuvu. 1 tne engine had passed over saieiy jusi as t:.- u,.a. M ,vuw.4 nni Knt thecars fell through. Capt. Johnson left -n with tho, Scotch solesat Rossn'tdal's he immediately last night upon hearing ,nL 1 the news, for the 6ccne of the disaster j. umj limit iur OTCI. 1 1 i ' T : I This morning ho telegraphed from Lin To thb Editor o thr Rkviiw: I coin ton that Messrs. Smith, of New 1 Dear Sir Our attention has been j York, and Goodson, of States called to an article in your issue or too ?m WQ kiUed ftnd bamed 2lstinst, entitled "une uays iraae, u -Rim Mail : ,ft tv,. "nrmhof nf together witli Mr, Bloom, the Man mir ntPmrisina merchants made a vir- Agent, and a colored train hand, Jim tue of necessity, and threw open their I "Warlock. Bill McKenzie, another train .t , . 1. nk fintuioui as It would avail us nothing to deceive doors on Sunday last to accommodate a band waB ais0 killed but Ml body was re The value of these at tide. 1. not fictitious as It wou.d g n r n frQm Flond eQ ute p MBJnr. on -iif. ii -KnrtU ba on exhibition and can be aeon by all. toe pumic iun j Alter I or lucir uuuica iu Tanuuo . , , , . , . 3 I lu.4 i, hi.P nn flint. I the train who escaDed with slight wounds. I&e DaDIIOi 1U1 U -- 1 O lii LC ncic u&wiuvu u.w - 1 r :LiB.,H,nftM well known day " and we, the undersigned merchants Captain Harry Johnson, the conductor, Christine the numbers will be draw mncwr .a.. and citizens, fearingthat your article, wcnt dowa with the wreck but by amira. IVY li 1 U Li , nunc u ucpiui&a uuw.ww., condones the fault, may produce the im rtrpcainn trnnn tli minds of the general ' - 3 jjit . i h a moral franojdibilU public, here and elsewhere, that such -Kmu ts f0llowin2 list and would add that It would b a moral impouiDuu P . fientiment are heldia con. ty to give a fall aid comply inveut.ry of article la our MUbli.hment, as we are adding dafly to each department. xyers Ml . nil J -r'li." -H.W. . bi brok l.Ur In th. 03. practice and sentiment are held in com . . " mon by all ot our business communuy we desire to express our unqualified disapproval of tho act, and in so doing we reel assurea mat we dux renec me sentiments of all our citizens who have the religious and moral welfare of our city at heart. A. A. "Willard, Worth & Worth, Alex. Spruht & Son, Geo. Chadbourx, Hall & Pearsall, R. M. McTntirk, KkXAN & FORSHEE, H. H. Muxsqx, 8, S, EVBRITT, Joh McLaurix. Veloeipodee, Doll OerrUe, Wbtwt Barrows, Cart WsgOM- . Trunks, Kooking Horses, Bocklnjt Chair, Call Bells, Chromof, Frames,' -Wax Flowers, 8bell Boxes, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Japanese Ware, Mtalephones, Pianos, Oornetf, Harps, Chimes. Bttles, Photo. Albania, Clocks, Horne, Watches. Dru ml, Tops, Tin Carta. Tin Animals, Tin Stoves, - . Tin Klte&en, Tin Tea Sets, Onss, Tia Uorsei, Jltske, . Violins. ' BtUows Toys, Birds, Csti, Pewter Tea Sts. China Tea Sete, Lions, Dogs, Oops and Saucers Castors, Treaenre Boxes, Furniture Sete, Arkf, Flutes, ToolChesU, Bird Cases, . Marbles. IiluitraUd Books, WireBaakeU, Farm Yards, Marblrt, Acrobats, 8words, Xma Book?. Lead Pencils, Enrelopee, Note Paper, Ink Stands, Cigar Holders, . Oiearette ' Watch Chains. Memorandnm Books, Musio Boxes, Jewelry, Banks. Toilet Sets, Kino Pins, Harmonicas, A. B. C Blocks, Baskets, Banding Blorkf, &c, &c. &c. &cH &c FANCY GOODS BAZAAR. W. f; Corner MorUot and Second Sts, The above was received by us this morning through,the Postoffiee and as we presume that its publication is desired we give it place here. As for our having "condoned" the "fault" such was not our intention. We were not sitting in judg ment on the fact, neither one way nor the ntw. Snrh was not. and is not. our W WM V W w province. We merely narrated the inci dent as it occurred and the result which followed. Were it our business to record all of the violations of the law, moral and Mosaic, on Sunday we would have bu. little room for anything else on Monday We have only to add, for the Riview, that we, as its editor, endeavor conscien tiously to cease from all labor onjthat day and that the rules to that effect in this office are absolute and imperative. Pender Court The Pender Count? Supremo Court w which has been in session during the week closed its session yesterday. There were two capital cases for trial, that of Aaron Tate and Bryant, both color; ed. charged with burglary. The defen dants, through their counsel, submitted to a verdict of larceny and the accused w ftpnteaced to a lone term in the "Den." His Honor, Judge Gudger, left for his home this morning and carried with him the good wishes and blessings of the bar. We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for real Silver Plated Tea and Table Spoons and Fork. RoeerV Ivory handled Table trnivM. Pen and Pocket Knives. Ail for Christmas and at tfct loirstt piicw, 4 els escaped unhurt. Tho entire train of six cars in all was burnt to ashes and hero is nothing now left but the iron. Tie coal stove, it is supposed, set fire to 11)3 train. The cause ot the accideat, Cap t.' John son telegraphs, he has sot as yet been able to determine. This is indeed the iiost terrible and heart-rending accident we have had to chronicle for many a day. We trust the tine may never como when we shall have to write an account of a similar occur rence in this section of our country. i During: the Holidays buy useful articles rkh. aa ChrLstmaa Fire Dog, Shovels and Tonffs. Flntini? Machines. c. All at the o 0 lowest prices at Jacobi's. t it m r i w.uw Trrr- Pur in far noa.1. The steamship Benefactor, (japtain Jdae8, hence for New York, last Satur dar, put in at Norfolk yesterday for co'tl. She will sail from tho latter named place to-day and will be due in Isiw x ork to-morrow, iieaa winas, ana a plenty of them T?e suppose, is what Captain Jones has had to contend aomst ever since ne iei& cere, oeiag able to make but little headway, unti hi supply of coal gave out, when he had to make Norfolk for a fresh supply. Ttis may delay the Benefactor's depart ure on her return trip one doy later than her usual time. 5 X 3FS. 3E3 "W OK 3ESL I TORPEDOES AND FIRE CRACKERS ! OHANGESj APPLES, LEMONS ! The quality of our Goods is always as we represent as is welLknown. Don't forget, if you want tho best, to come to . J&K. "T 3ES dec 23 Nos. 11 and 13 South Front Street. Feirtu!u2eirs--Feir,liSiesas ! -:o: THE WILCOX GIBBS & GO'S MANIPULATED GUANO Is claimed and admitted to be tho Best, Most Reliable and Cheapest Fertilizer in use for Cotton and other Crops. "You can always depend on it." . . Arrange for your supplies at once, on the usual terms. . All material com po sine: Fertilizers have advanced and somo:of them are difficult to get. For supplies ana any information in regard to (iuano communicate with JABXXIS T. PSTT23WAY, Agent i dec 23 Wilmington andJL.a"uriuburg. hrbtinrQas Presents A Sensible Present for your Wife : A Dress of our Super Cashmere, A pair of our Hemstitched Towels, A handsomo Silk Handkerchief, Half dozen of our fancy bordered L. C. Hdk'fs, A handsomo Silk Tie. ' A Good Present for your Husband : Half rozen of our Hemstitched White Silk Handkerchiefs, Half dozen of .our Hemstitched L. 0. Handkerchiefs. A Useful Present for your Servant : A dress of our Christmas Calico, A dress of our 12 and 10 cents Poplin,' .Some of our cheap Handkerchiefs, . . With a pair or two of cheap Hose. - A bill for tho whole family-can be filled at our Store with less trouble, in better taste and 25 per cent cheaper than at any other is lore in tne dtaie. fl'hey were walking by the seaside, and he sighed and she sighed acd she was bjhis side, and he by her side, and they were beside themselves, besides being at thi seaside, where she sighed and he sighed. ! DIED. PETTEWAY In this city, on the 2Sd Inst., at 1 o'clock, A. M., SYXVESTEi;. PITTE WAY, aged 53 years. The funeral services will UfeiS pUce to morrow (Friday) afternoi, at 3 o'clock, from the residence next the corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets, thence to Oakdale Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend. ' Santa Glaus. -err TT. SCOTT A CO. will rive a Santa VY Clans entertainment at the head of the Old Market on Aloaday, December Z7th, at 1 o'clock- The public are Invited, Ji and Clog Dances and Music. Crowded! Id WHAT THEY BAY O r JEWUTfl and although the ruh has been great and the iaIm laree. yet there are p'enty of bar- airsleft for eyerTbody. Dot buy jour Ohm on m uoocu untu yea eee tu usi u oSe:e4 at S. JEWETT'S, die 23 Worth Front it Well-Shod People ALWAYS HAVE A GOOD TIME AT Christmas, lake the hint and zo to SHRIER'S SHOE STORE, whre you will find full lines of everything in foot wear for the old, the young and" the middle-aged. New supplies received by every eteamer. Call and see the goods and hear the low prices at CXZHX221VS D hoe 0 tore dee? Jiarket StrceV THIS WEEK WE WILL OFFER SPECIAL BARGAINS IN .. V . Cloaks Sl DoIImans to reduce the large 6tock. r Gents' Silk andLinen Ileiaatitched Hand kerchiefs, From medium to very fice. Black and Colored Sflk Velvet for k!rU - and Trimmings. New Cloaking and Sacque Goods. Respectfully, . vl m. cINlE. A larg-s assortment of Crib -and Red Blanketa cheap. : dec 74 . ' ; - V -" v j 2 1 ' : V . - - . A u. : .

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