WAR I!f TIIE TBAJiSTAAL EnsUndCo'fr n dwiih 1w Kb;i Hon lu Mnlli Africa-Lo-pox. Dec . 21 A de spa tch 1 o the Times from Durbar at that a large torcc. of, Boers occapied . H ledelberjr on the 16th- inst. and established a trov ernment nnder Krnjrer. The inhabitants were forbidden to quit the town without a pass. The losses of the Bhsuios in their figbt witk the patrolling column from Mafteteng were the heaviest yet inflicted. . ' . The News in its leading article says: The telegram from Pietermaritzbnrg discloses the fact that a state of war ex ist in the Transvaal, and that the re sources ef England are now apparently pledged to the task of subjugating the Dutch Boers. There are only 8,000 whites capable of bearing arms in the Transvaal, and of these 5.000 have ranged I themselves under the banner, of the republic at Heidelberg. We may dismiss as altogether uncorroborated the rumor of the defeat of the Burghers by the Pondos. The rebellion of the Boers can hardly fail to encourage the Basutoa to greater resistance." The Times, in a leading editorial arti cle this morning, says: ".Besides ine dragging war in Basuto-land, to which thft Colonial Government may1 have at mr mnmpnt. in confess itself unequal, we with the danger of organized disaffection amoug the Boers Tt in tirohftble. however, that the appear ance of British troops at Heidelberg will k tUnujoA hv tho. disnersion ot the W IVHWnvM i TWm to their homes. The present gar ;ar. i tV.o TmnRTai is comDOied of a iovu au --- ' Mortmonta nf Font Rlld 3. battaliOD OI "RiflM. At Natal there is a fine, trust worthv force of Natal Mounted Rifles. Thro r twr troons of draeoons aho at Natal. The Transvaal and Natal have l.rt fnrr nf Rrtillerv. We understand that Sir Geonre Pomeroy Colley is ud ancing into the Transvaal with a force of artillery and miantry iron. iauu. c believe there is no reason to doubt that the Government of the Transvaal is pro- Tided with a sufficient force to encounter The f!aneIGovernmeut has not yet made any application for impe rial troops." . Tjokdok. Dec. 22. A despatch from Durham to the Times reports that the st.rmrwrl thft down mails at Heidelberg and opened official letters Thft whole Boer armv is near Heidelberg An action is reported to have occurred at Patches ftroom. but no particulars hare been received. British troops have arrived at Standerton. " O&S0UHA J7ti-W4 . IfprhanicT The office of cn,Mffftf Orftnrille countv was there- UUWa.aa wa : nnn Jikni1 vacant, and the Board nrncftftded to an election, which resulted choice of Mf Robert (i&rnor the present Democratic Sheriff. Th. Knnrl wan fip.d at one hundred and twnntr.two f$122.000Y thousand dolbrs, covering both the office of Sheriff and Treasurer, and the new Sheriff was al lowed until the first Monday in January to prepare and tender his bond. News and Observer: The receipts ot . . . . I . i o( hola (I d CULIUU VCS LOl UIIT nci toonas amounting to wCxo ed at the Treasury yesterday. r our inches of snow fell at Greensboro on Mon- day. Monaay nigni an iucu V. it soon melted. - 11 is saiu . iuai, jm. U. O . XJ. Uli-Cl a, Tlilot uvu,iu v-v" An Tnoarlav. at the atre of TllTwas the first of his family of eleven children and thirty-five grandchildren to die, and that he died in the rame house in which he was born. Treasurer .'Worth says that he is ready to pay the interest on the new four per cent, consols, which first falls duo January 1. JNot only is ne nrftnared to nav here, but he has ar- ranged for the payment of interest on tho bonds held north at the National Bank of the Republic, New York city Thi hp doM for convenience, and ar ranged for it withoutcost to the State. LOCAL NEWS. The QuiiiUltc Ciub The attendance at the Opera House J last evening was a flattering one in the extreme. The house was simply crowd ed and we venture the assertion that not one of that vast audience but was de liffhtAd with the entertainment, it was -o all that was desired and that had been nrnmiMd bv those who had seen the r . Onmtpttft Club on other boards than oars. Mtsa Marie NelllOl IS the Star Of the Club and her voice is simply exquis ita for concert music. It is as clear as a bell and althoughjiot so very poweifuj is yt Of sufficient compass to please any exc.pt the fUdioa ear of profession.! CriUC. one Was encoreu giu auuuguru i J : A A cV. nrn rsA renew the bright spell she had woven around the hearts of her hearers. a at .iL. mAmKAM rtf rVia rlnK I Vg lyr VUo UbUCI iuiuuva v uv. 'w.uw I a KrA is not one wno is aot a ncwi in himself. They are a Jband of accom- nlUrtnrl mniicians. the best evidence of which is the success which Jfollows them wherever they go. The Club left here j last ntght on the Southern train to ful fill engagements made at other points., . ' " Water ttree merchants will keep their I At In Wintar bv wearinir BOSEM-1 -. j - . i tha.l'8 boot and Bboea. Its ACtlou IS 8are and saR I ... ... I . . a r.-j... Wirtl I The celebrated remedy, Kidney-wort ean now be obtained in the usual dry I vegetable form, or in liquid lorm. it is j Dat in the Utter way for the especial punu Mio j Mnnnt -i,.ii convenience oi wubc u"w" "w"v urenare it. It will be fouud very con-1 to centra ted and will act with equal em- eieney in either case. Be sure and read the jriwadTertisemeat for psrticulsn. rsthand West - , Death of Mr Pnteiray. Mr. Sylvester Petteway, ho was stricken with paralysis while on dnty two weeks ago to-morrow, died early this morning and will be interred to-morrow afternoon. Sicce the stroke fell upon him he has been almost entirely uncon scious, only arousing to a partial con sciousness. The entire right side of his body was paralyzed, and although every expedient of skill and care was brought into requisition,yet no relief could be found. Mr; Pettewav was a native of Wilmington and was 53 years old. A Delusion Trap placed lu a house will rmtet.lv catch a cuuniuz mouse. Call at Jacobi' tor thein. t Trie mid cl"j and arrive et the City Pn,t Ortioe a.s i V : Nortbera tnnmb tuails. . . . .7 U0 p m Northern through and way mails.... ........5:30 a. xo. Raleigh.........,....'. 6.30 a. m Mails 4or the N C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. O. Railroad, at. .......1 6;30 a, m. Southern mails for all points South, dai.y 8am and 7:45 p. m Western mails (G GR'y) daily (except Sunday)...... .... 8:10 a. nv Mail for Ouer&w & Darlitg ton ........ ... 7:45 p. m, Vlails for poin'a betwttu Fl ,' ranee and Charleston 8 a in & 7:45 p m iayetteviilo, aud officer on Gape Fear River, Tu'layt, and Fridays 1:00 p. m. Fayetteviiio via Lumberton; daily, except Sundays 8: 10 a. in Onslow O. il. and interaieJi ate offieee, every Monday and Thured-ty at 6.00 a. m j-Jmitbvilta mails, by ateatn boat, daily; (except Sun days).............. 8 30 a. m. Mails'- for Eay Hill, Town Greek, Sbaiiotte and Little River, S O, every Mon day and Thursday at. 6:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 6:00 a. m. ope'i fob delivery. Northern through and way mail8............-....7:00and 7:30 a m. Northern mails 9.00 a m Southern Mails. 7:30 a. m, Carolina Central Railway 4:00 p. m Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same aa stamp office. General delivery open from 6 :00 a. m to 6:00 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from streat boxes every day at 8:30 p. m. A Lady's Wish. -"Oh, how I do wish my skin was as clear and soft as yours," said a lady to her friend. "You can easily make it so, answered the friend. "How ?" inqnired the first lad. "By using Hop Bitters, that makes pure, rich blood and bloom : i. itL ti. a c u z um it iur uf yuu uu- MJrve. sxcu.ii oi it. oatro nuueiin. w A T 62 Ashiand Avenue. Toledo ohio 8av8.M v wife ;8 now a8 8tron ag regafned health bein directly due to the use of the Excelsior Ridn p d w heartily recom mend it, to all kidney troubled persons. tset Adv. EalVs Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re- newer, the most popular preparation of the age. bold by all druggists. To Accommodate the Public. The proprietors of that immensely popular remedy, Kidney W ort,in recogni tion of the claims of the public which has bo liberally patronized them, have prepared a liquid preparation of that re- medytor the special accomodation ot those who from any reason dislike to pre pare it for themselves. It fs very con- centraiea ana, as me aose is smaii, it is more easily taken by many. It has the same effectual action in all diseases of the kidneys, liver or bowels. Home and THE LAURINBURG ENTERPRISE S THE BKriT MEDIUM. throa2h which to aderdte Fall and Winter Goodi amone thm people of bobcaon, Kichmond aad An on count! in Wortn Uarolioa. and in the border c amies of South Carolina The ll,ii.n.l.u)l.B. la .-.a anX l.....l.np .1... ution in the Pe i ee and Cape Fear sections of thU Htate' bavins obtained a large oireo ation In the latter ctunar the aiz month it a publisbed in Fayetterille before it re- ural to Laurioburc, arid in ttie fcrtser Kithia the laEt fnw uion'hs. dvertim.nta will be inserted by th "" a J fi3m!',i?m - Ukorinburn, N O M" rCSll tVOfy UaV A -ahmbtmknt f OANDiKr, rH ?cD na it"iutot jaat ravQ and r 4ie. tUB UVLVf OENU1N& UaMK-MAJ itidt tu th city,- cill be foaad eri- if , trwli ana -weot. tbre do-t 'outrj - i-.-t-'ffio "eni '-t. lo, V S10 'atnt :ee, with full i u cuon for coadaoting the mo t profitable badness that anj one can engage in 'ins Dusutaas ts so eaav to . "trucuoos are so rtmU Ana piata, toat anj one can maae gre$x pro- nts from tns ver start to one -n rail who m will lBir to were, ffomaa area tneeaa. fui m men Ho. and gnrls can earn larre m a. a . k . a. "mf. many nare maae at ui oasaseoTer . nM ,inndMMl dollars n t)ie Mk. Nn.s in(r ,terer known bfare All who o- aresarpriid at the ease ad rapidity un wca ue7 a. w owe monfy. Ton etn engage in this bosioesf daring ynur aD.r tiui r.t orofit Yoa da not ha. iaT t capital in it. We Uke all h risk. Those wh nerd ready money sboold writs to ms at oaee. all famished frce. Address tfifcSgF u9 oitMto-vij, CQ5SUCRCTAL WEWS DTCKKBKB 23. 4 P M. 8PIK1TS TOKPKWT1NK footed firm at 42 cents. Sales 150 casks at that figure. KU51N QaoteH firm SI 45 for strained and l 50 lor Uooa strained. No aales re ported. TAR-Qaoted steady at 11 40 per bbl of 280 lb. CRUDE TURPENTINE Qjioted firm at f 1 80 for Hard and 92 80 tor Yellow Dip. COTTON Quoted quiet and steady. Hales 100 bales a ba&is of 11 cents for Middling. Lower grades not saleable. The following are the official quotations : Q iod Ordi&arTM..M..HM..M 10 Oeatt Liw iiiddlin,, ............ lu 15-16 CA.it .ucairxt 378 bales esf 2l casks 4ctic... .......7.Ma...v.w.M..M it 36 bb $ tar 670 " 'Irude Tarnentina.... 667 I1ARUIL HEWS. AKlilYED. Steamer Elizabeth, Blsbee, Smith ville, Master t5U3uner Faasnort, Harper, 8mlthvllle, Steamer A P Hurt, Groen, Fayetterille, Worth A Wortn. Meamer Jhn Dawson, Sherman, Point BrU (kra Green. Philbrook. P R. E G pHrker Je Co. aohr Mary. Davis. Elisabeth City, with 1,700 busbehi corn to Presloa Cuxniaing A o. Hteamer Master. 8ietujuer Master. Elizabeth, Blsbee, Smithville, Passport, Harper, Smlthville steamer A P Hurt, Green, Fayettevllle. Worth s Worth. Steamer John Dawson, Sherman, Point Caswell. R P Paddison. Hctir Mary A Falsom, Rose. Grey town, Nicarauga, E G Barker Co Nor barque PolyKarp. Olsen, Liverpool. Williams quercUofjSansen, Queenstown mouth for orders, W lUlama & Murchi- Nor or Falmouth soo. Exports, roaaiaa. Nlcarauga Schr Mary A -Falsom 152,291 it lumoer, ivi.vw sningies. LJverpoolISor barque Poly karp-1. 889 Queentowa for orders Nor barque Arc tic 1.082 bales cotton, WEEKLY STATEMENT or btogis os uk.nn nioxicBBa 20, 1880. Uotton ashore.. ..M...................M.....M 8,833 afloat 8.0. j Total.,.. iHilmiHHiMiminmiMH 17,435 dpirita ashore 7 835 3 910 aaoat.. Total. IIIHItltllllMH)MIIHtlMIHMIHH 11,715 ituciu MuuigMiHtnniimiiniiitmii m 126,82 afloat.... 7,6a9 TOtleleeeeeefteeeeesseeeeeeffseeeee 134,671 Tar a8here.............M................M...M. 3,812 kfloatM...wn,.....M,,,...,...., ...,.,,.. Total, Ornde ashore. afloat....... seeesee itmiiimtHH. Total.. ..a, ,,, ....,.MM.. BSOBIFTS FOB THB WI1K SEDISe BEO Oottonu.... Spirits., ,..M...............M..M 2,260 oflin......... 16 317 rar.............'.....M..M, Orade 1.410 IHHMMHHIItmMHMIHIHMIIIH BzrOBTl.TOB THB WBSB BBDIBS DHO, Dometttots Spirits tMessttflSsttetstsMttistetfieMeM MeetsttMMtflittsisistMeiMsstttt Tar.... eeeseeeee4eeeee eeeeeeeeee Orade....M.... so. ,3,803 i 2i3 ;M2J Foreiirn. Cotton, Spirits, HtMMmiHMlMHHIHMfHMItMMMH 1,972 76 U t&osin. . .a. ....a.... .............. ...i ...28.100 ........a...aa..a.a..,a.aH..a....a.., iur Grade a...a. ...a.. mmmMMM MaaaJ " - i COMMERCIAL HOTtL, I , Txrrr.mnxrifvrkKt xr r - - WILMlNGrTOK, N. a iarge Sample Rooms jfor Co XXEXl ercial TraTelcrs. qiHB FKOPSIETO& aaringl.ttiorotgUj A tenoTBted this Boms tad famished it oatire- lynsw.is prepared te ffftol the tractates pubUe all ths4 senyalsii0 .FlatfT- CLASS HOTaCL. It ij located: Ib thirery eeatre of the boslaeis part of the city, leing ooBTesUnt to the principal basinsH hetuea. Postoffiee. Outem Hoise, City Hallj an Oonrt Bonra. I JT4 Pint-Class Bar sad Billiard Biloon oonaeeted with thle Hotel. BATES S2 FSB DAY. Bin j. P. Oiurmir, Stobt B. Lidd Halsbbt E. Paihe. ! Late Commiaaioner of Patents. J Patents. nutir nntPTHN k inn t Attorneys-at-Law and Solicitors of Arxer;. can and Foreign Patents.' 412 Fifth Street, Washington, D. O. Practice paten law In all its brancbet in the Patent Office, and in the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States. Pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp tor portage, an 21 The Lowest Prices JJIORALL KINDS OF PRINTING, At E. S. WARRO'CX'3 Job Office. Get estimates at this ofiee before haying your print lug done elsewhere. 9d0 990 20. 4,750 Mibcellaneous Ciiristms Presents rjiHE LARGEST of AND FINEST STOCK Christmas Presents EVER BROUGHT TO THIS CITY, is now on exhibition and for sale at Heinsberrer's dec 23 Live Book and Music Store. What Did You Say ? I SAID frTa WZ HA8 THE PRETTIEST Christmas Goods ! In to wn ere'ytbics is e'o new and b.aatifaL Biswifl8 Carvin-f and Oriental Ware ig i-e f-ct y e'etrant df c 20 Y T rtOQK HTOHF, BEAUTIFUL HAIR ORNAMENTS ND HAIR NOVhiLTlisid just received, a fall line of Children' and V now -n sale and at Te y low prices f-taiiip-infc tr -m tte lat at pattern liair Work i an? style made to order. Orders b? mail ill eceiv.j i romot attention. Addrtma Poat Office Box 301. M 18.H E Ki' nEK, dec 16 No 6 out Front Ht PHIZES GlVEH AVV4i OAlLYi " fc w M -.. J AT C A e i -n a ri j 24 COU! II FrOIlt Street. deo 2u-lw City of Wilmington, N- Mayor's Office, December 22d, 18S0. rpHE FIRING OF ANT CANNON, GUN, Pistol, or any other Firearm in any street or alley, or upon any wharf, is prohibited by a City Ordinance. Canton Crackers and other Fireworks can be fired between the 24th day of December and the 1st of January. The blowing of Horns on the street is also prohibited. exceDt from the 24th to the 23th of December, inclusive. dec22-2t S. II. iISIIBLATE, Mayor. AND Flowers Wine ! jyjANUFACTERED BY WBlTlCVTt. 1 Wine Company, Whiteviile, N. C, Prices and samples on application 8enl in your orders for the holidays, dee 7-diwtf Groceries, Bagging, &ct KAA naif Rolls BAGGING, JUU 1?. and 2 lfs QQQ Bundles New and Pcd TIES, 20Q Lbs Bagging TWINE, - For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. dec 6 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. 10 ooofi,?11 OHH Hh? and Bbl8 Molasses. OVvy tor sale low by dee 6 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. J000 Bbls IL0UR; 'aU rade A-JJvJ OPaH BbU SUGAR, f BAGS COFFEE. tJVJyJ For Bale low by dee 6 WILLIAMS & MUKCHISON. QQ Boxes and Half Bbls SNUFF, J: "gQ Boxes CANDY, ": 00 Bpxea TOBACCO, Boxea CANDLES, OUU Fcrsale low by dec 6 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. 200 140X68 S0AP 200 Boxes STARCII, Cases LYE. r 100 dec 6 Boxes POTASH, For s.le low by WILLIAMS & AIURCIIISON. . JVT A1L25, liUOf IRON, Glue, Cheese, XT Crackers, Wrapping Paper, Trine, &c. For sale low by dec 6 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON Gilt Edge Goshen, Eountain Kits, Mountain Boll?, HALL I & IPEMlSAIil. SCUPPEMGM I ITew Advertisemonts. NOS. 11 13 FOR BARRELS AND Pride of the Pantry, F L V F L dJ K ! The Best Brands, as I think, ever offered in our market, madd of the finest New Wheat ? 11 and 13InWll Pvnnt Um - ' : - w CITRON, CURRANTS. RAISINS. &c, Jno.. L If and 13 IVortb Front Street. PORT HE 2S3 Iff TL 33 BZ E Iff I am offering the Finest Stock of WHISKEYS, BRANDIES, WIRES, CHAMPAGNES, CORDIALS, Ever brought to our d ty, selected expressly for tho Holidays ! The Rivere, Gardrat & Co., Brandy of 18481 HAOzaOOQVAL! Zt s the Finest Old xiorth I HAVE T3 Pale and Brown Sherrieo, Old Hadeira and Port Winofl, OF VEBY OLD VINTAGE i Ryan & Pincheoc' Old Scotch rjhiokevi The only really Scotch "Whiskey that will make hot punch what it ought to be. j COOKING WINE AMD COOKING BRACJDV I Of all grades, full flayor and at lowest prices I II and 1 North Front Street. The cargo of the Schooner Oarleton ! so, ceo tiul RErjiAirjiwcsi Special Bargains . fay' the Thousand. CALL FOBPBICES. . Jno. L lr and 10 north Ucxr Advorticcracata. li2)0.fflSV?i! FRONT STREET. THIS HALF BARRELS Boatwright'o Fancy,, J Jebatwrieht's Chofce. . as. m WUli KSal If ' . PRUNES ci ire NUTS, XMAS BOXES. CBAHBERRIEt &c IBbatwifislhiS Bra v Dyer Drought to Oaro V i3 I c 1 3B n l?ro2att OUrctU in 2f

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