I) law pati -rarr aflsnieoa, flxvJay saCKIP8.086 PAID. "rear, 00 81att, WW j Tlirae n pgpT wfll delirared by wrrieri, 0(,up,l7 Pof th city, at the idrertUia rie f Vsbteribn will pUaae report any ui fl fUlaf tc receiTe their papemejrnlarly. Holiday pteS 1H(oliday fo won & II. E. COnHEn OF UAnfcET WILL GITB TO ALL PARTIES PURCHASING GOODS AT- RE TAIL TO hsamonntof $2 ind upward, a tlekel duly numbered aLd recorded enilrlfrgte betrer to a ehaaoe for one of tie following be let-A Oilvor Plated Tea Urn ridlanasilver Plate Co. Valued at $30. 2d-A Largro Wax Doll Valued at $ 1 5. 3d-An Elegant Model Doll Valued at 85. 4th I Pair l-ars Oilvered Vases Valued at $ I- Tba Talaa f taeai trflclei It not 6ctitiou m it would aTaii o nothing to deceire tat publio. Tht gifts wtll ikortly b oa exhibition and can be ssen by all. After Chrittmea tiw number will bo drawn under Jaad rtjpomlbla gtrtlema of tbla city. We tuHmlt the foHowinx IUt and would tw wivm a un mwA eomntefce InTeatory of adding d3y to each department. Will da well ta aail early m oar liaea are Valeclpedetf, 1 1 Doll Carriage, Wheel Barrow, Carta, Wagoni. Chfocaoe, Frames, Wax Flowers, Veaf Shell Boxes, Work Koekins Horses, Booking Chairs, Drums, Oarta, ' Tin Animals, Tin Stoves, .'.Oqbs, Tia Horae. Macks, Violins, Bellows Tin Kitchens, TinTa8ts, Pewter Tea 8et, China Tea Seta, Birds, Caps and Saucers Muss. Castors, Treasure Boxes, Fnrniture SeU, Ark, Birdcages, Marbles, III nitrated Books, Wire Baskets, Farm Yards, Marbles, Acroba'a, Flutes, Tool Chest. Poildlng Blocks, &c, FANCY GOpDS BAZAAE, E- Corner rJorljot and Second 3tc. r J. i VOL. V WILMINGTON, N C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER i IRodd 5 g k, AUD SECOND STREETS. lutifal and co etly glfU : Manufactuied by tfeMe- the operlnttndence of two well known add that U 'would; b a moral fmpofalbilU artlslei la our eetablUbment, ai we are . liable fc be broken later in the aeaaon. Japanese Ware, M-iialephones, - Pianos, Oorneti, Harps, Chimes. Boxes, m Ms 2 Wrltlog Deik. Rati-, Photo. Albums, Horns, Clocks, Watches. Toys, Swords, Xmaa Books, Lead Pencils, Envelopes, Note Paper, . Ink Stands, - Ciar Holders, Giearette Oats, Lions, Dogs, Watch Chains. Memorandum Books, Music Boxes. Jewelry, Banks, Toilet Sets, Nine Pins, Harmonicas, Baskets, A. u. u tJioca, &e.t &c, &c &c - BAIL! LOCAL NEWS. New AdTSirtisameiota. Hhijtsbbbgeb New Tear Gift A Shribb Boots and 8he 8 Jewett Crewded C W Yates What did yon Say About the heariest frost of the season was observed hero this morning. Don't forget the N. T. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and warranted, at jACOBi'e.f Very loDg scarfs, of white f eecy wool, are wound round and round the neek and fastened with a "lizard" pin. Embroidered India asoU- fichus con tinue to bold their own; indeed, mull is among the chief favorites of fashion. Chinchilla fur, frail though it be, is extremely becoming to blondes, and is tEe first choice for. very young ladies. There are 47 vessels, all foreigners, bound for this port. They are all square- rigged, 15 being brigs and 32 barques. Water stree mrcii nti will keep their feet dry In Winter by wearing Kosx- THAii's boot and shoes. t In some places there are to bo inno vations upoa the old established rules. Ladies who "receive" will issue cards to their friend3. There are now 34 yessels in this port, just one-half of which, 17, are Ameri cans. This is an unusually large pro-portion-of late years.' Dnring the Holidays bay utefal articles such as Christmas Tire Dogs, 8hovels end Tongs, Fluting Machines, Ata All at? the lowest prices at JxcoBif s. f The Charlotte Observer, as well as it Raleigh namesake, takes threo days for Christmas, and will not appear again until Thursday morning. Have you seen the latest Improved Heat ing and Cook Stove at Jacoi' I Ton can get them at far T7 prices. f Thanks to Mr. Wm. L. DeRosset, Jr.; of the Mercantile Job Printing office, for copies of very handsome and convenient calendars for the year 1881, gotten out by him. . We advise our friend to call at Jxcoai's for real 8ilver Plated Tea and Table Spoon and Forks, Roger's Ivory handled Table Knives, Pen aud Pocket Knives. Christmas aad at the lowest pi kea, AU f Saturday's Charlotte Observer says: The train that left Wilmington with Capt; V. Q. Johnson on board on the evening of the accident on the Carolina Central is said to have made the fastest time ever known on that road. It left Wilmington at 5 o'clock and reached the scene of the disaster before daylight, a distance of 225 miles. J. R. Oairjt, Sheriff of Lenawee Co., Mich., says: I have worn an "Only Lung Pad" for Bronchial difficulties, and have not been troupiea wnn a coig nights since wearing it. See Ado. Indications For the South, Atlantic States north east to northwest winds, partly cloudy weather, lower temperature and rising barometer in the northern portion. Rica birds are about nlaved out. Not so with thos Scotch soles at Bosbhtm al ' TbtT ist for ever. t To L,eAve U. The handstme doll which has been on exhibition at Mr. S. Jewett's store for some time past, and which was raffled on Christmas day, was won by a gentleman residing m Fayetteville. The "little ladyM will be securely boxed and sent to her owner, who will no doubt be pleased to receive her. Triplets and Scandal A white woman living in the North ern part of this city gave birth to trip lets on Sunday morning last. They were well developed and each was born with two front upper teeth. They were getting along nicely until last evening, when they died. The children were ille gitimate, as the woman is unmarried.-' The county physician was sent to look at them this morning and see if there had been any foul play in connection with their sudden death. -Wo understand that an effort was made to bury them last evening after dark, but that those who tried to inter . them were made to postpone the burial until an examination could be made. There is no doubt about the triplets having been born, , or that they were supplied with teeth, but there may be some doubt a to foul play being suspected. We give it only as we bear it. KEflEW. ' . T aaifSaMHiiMBfeiaii Untaallabe. The following unmailable matter re mains in the eity postoffice: Jackson Stevens, Mrs. Henry C. Ire land, B. W. Smallwaod, James McKen zie, Racho Jackson. An exchange gays: A one-armed ne gro boy in Aognsta has saved feur per sons fross drowning. This is nothing however, for Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has eared thousands from consumption. Skating Contest. The skating eontea t at the City Hall, last evening, was well patronized. The competitors for the skates did their best and after the match a ballot was taken whieb resulted fn Mr; W. R. Morrison reeeiving the first prite,he having gotten 61 rotes, and Mr. James W. Willson the second priae, he receiving SO votes. It was an enjoyable affair, so we are told, and every one was well satisfied with the evening's pleasure. A Delusion Trap placed in a house will uietlr catch a cunning mouse. Call at jLCOi's.for them. f Masonic Installations The installation of officers of the lodges and officers Of the chapter took place at the Masonic Lodge Room yes terday afternoon, at 3 . o'clock, Mr. Samnel Northrop installing the Lodge Officers and Mr. C. M. VanOrsdell, the Officers of the Chapter. At night two very fine1 addresses were delivered by Messrs. W. H. Chadboura and J. I. Macks, and the room was filled with n well-pleased andiencs, many ladies being fajaong the number present. It was not our good fortune to hear tho addresses delivered by the gentlemen above namsd, but vo have heard them remarked upon as being very fine productions indeed. - The newe8t,(lattst, bs at Josshctaii a. and cbeapes t Rojal A.ianmm. At "a meeting of Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231, Royal Arcanuu, held Lit! evening, the following officers were elected . Regents EL Brunhild. Vicc-RegentH. H. Kasprowicz. Orator N. Mayer. Secretary B. A. Hallet. Collector Jacob Weil. Treasurer Wm. Larkja Chaplain S. Mendelsohn. Goide I, L. Greenwald. Warden J. W. Strauss. Sentry E. Levy. Medical Examiner W. J. H. Bellamy. caue and KCTacc. The tiain cause of nervousness is in digestion, and that is caused by weakness r . 1 i T. I - J Oi inasiomacn. nooue caa uare buuuu nerves and good health without using Hop letters to strengthen the stomach, purify, the blood, and keep the liver and kidneys active, to carry off all the pois onous and waste matter of the system. See otier column. Advance. k An Firalj Prisoner Hl Trial and Commitment. Sam Williams, colored, was arrested yestertay by Special Deputy J. W. Wil lis, upen an alia eapias for non pay ment of costs in a. case tried before Jus tice Mollis some three months ago. The prisoner was ordered committed by the Justice above named and while on tho way tcj the Sheriff's office in charge of Officer iCillis, William turned upon tho officer and made o furious assault, scratching his face and hands pretty ee verelyj besides tearing the officer's clothes! pretty badly. Assistance being sumrioked the unruly prisoner was soon overjoyered and taken to jail. This mornii he was arraigned before Justice Gardnvwho fined him $50 and costs for his ssault, in default of payment of which the defendant was sent to the' Hotel e Howard for the spicejof thirty ; days. tttecommodate the Public. Thelproprietors of that immensely popuiajremedy, Kidney Wort,in recogni tion oihe claims of the public which has Eojiberally patronized them, have prepaid a liquid preparation of that re C4liV the apeciai accomodation of thosi who from any reason dislike to pre pare it for themselves. It is very con ceatrate? and, as the dose is small, it is more eily taken by many. It has the same eftctual action in all diseases of the kidieys, liver or bowels. nomeana Farm, Tho Priceo TjlOrULL KINDS OF PBCTHNG, Axit. a. WARB0CK3 Job Office, ' Get ectimales at this office before having yuT printing ilorJo elsei whert. (Office to Kvlaw building.) 28. 1880. NO. 260 !few Advertls9ratj hristinniaslhiiristiiiaSa THE USUAL CHRISTMAS SUPPLY OF ; Champagne?,. Wines, Limner t, Candies, Broken Candios, TiT Nos. 11 and 13 South Front Street, TORPEDOES AND FIRE CRACKERS ! ORANGES, APPLES, LEEviSrio j The quality of our Goods is always as we represent.as is well Lnar. B Don't forget, if you want the best, to conic to Nos. 11 and 13 dee S3 tasHinniais A Sensible Present for your hVli A Dress of our Super Cashmere, A pair of our Hemstitched Towels, A handsome Silk Handkerchief, Half dozen of our fancy bordered L. A handsome Silk Tie. A Good Present Half ozen of our Hemstitched "White Silk Handkerchief' Half dozen of our Hemstitched L. CHand kerchiefs. A Use ful Present A dress of our Christmas Calico, A dress of our 12 and 10 cents Poplin, Some of our cheap Handkerchiefs, ' With a pair or two of cheap Hose. A bill5 for the whole family trouble, in better taste and 25 per in the State. Office Treasurer & Collector, City of Wilmington, IT, C. December 24tb, 1380, Notice ? fpflE ATTENTION OF THOSE CITY Taxpayers interested if called to tie follow ing seetion of the General Tax Ordinance cf the City: 80. 6 The Tiz Collector ihall, fram and after tte FIRST DAT OF JANUARY, 1881, proaeed to collect the Taxes upon Beal Ei tate and Fenroaa! Property and Poll, that may then tedae and remaining unpaid, BY DISTRESS, A8 IS PROYIDED BY LAW." HENRY SAVAGE, dec 37-3t Treainrer and Collector. Well-Shod People LWAYS HAVE A GOOD TIME AT Christmas. Take the hint and eo to SHRIER'S SHOE STORE, where you wjll find full lines of everything in foot wear for tae old, the youst; and the middle-aged. New eupplies received by every steamer. - Call and ee the goods and hear the low prices at 8ELHXS1VO Dhoe Store dec 23 ' MarketStreet otice0 SUPPLICATION WILL EE MADS TO the Oemeral Aasexibly, at It appro aehing aedon for a charter forthej Wilmington tUxxt,CHr4L3T. dc;i4-:at PLZA8E S OTTCE. , W will oeg.'ad to recelre eomoitinleitioni j from onr frlna on aj and all raVecia o teneri uttered Dnt . , Yh- of th writer mort !-raji be for efcaed to the Editor, f.- Communicatlona awt be written,' on or J j ome aide of the.paper. PertuaaUtle mn i oideV - And it if especially particular ly'ccder ttood that the Editr not alwayi esdorie the riewsot eomtrporiljuiU, nzlosi io ttt'. d in the editorial enlQiccs. Few AdTeitif i xrcnfB. Cigars, Malaga Grapftr, Choi Figs and assorted XuIl, at. "T5a TCT" ! South Front Street. C. HdkX?, for your US rt u for vour Serve n can be filled at our Store with less cent cheaper than at asv other .store THIS WEEK WE. WILL OFFER SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Cloaks Sl DoIIman s to reduce tho larc ttock. . Gent' Bilk and Linen Ilcmstiichcd Hutd kerchiefs, FromVnedium to very iTnc. Black and Colored Silk Velvets for SkiriS .'....' and TrimmiDpfs. . New Cloaking and Sacquc Goo l;. Respectfully . Ti. 31. McINTIP.E. A large assortment, of Crib ar.J L'ct Blanket chwp. dec23 - Coughs, Colds, &C. ALLBN'8 LUNG BALSAM, liaira fToah a rrap, Wiit&r'e Balfam. . tonihetfa ierx3?.n Hjrcp, t Ajera Cherry Pectoral. Araoia'a Consh KUer, Brown' Trocbte, , Nntt'e CoogL and Coll Cure. Fcreale by J DNOIT & CX dc2i Front and Princess t. PJew Year Gift 3 VRY Y1SR A830KTil7 OF HEW YtAtt CIFTS HEINSBEBGlSn. At Diaries for 1831. HALS AT HEIKSBESGEE'S, f T.4- V. . dac2S uTOBooa, ana iiUI.S alO P . l"i ' '"-.V - ; 4f".. . : v ' .-. .:,--..;u.v'.-' .. . : ' ":."'-.'( ' J . - '' h--::-': ' . ' . ., ' .. . i - , : . fi ' ' . V.,' V- ' . i ' ' m v- t x ' ,4 . .... : i i i . '4 . 1 " " t - -