f " rTtL. - Tilsit. 'D.rAmt JH-. T. .1 AXES. Editor A fre. WrtaasroJt, N. CL, Sbcow3.a ER 28. Thirty-one States of the thirty-eigbt ia the Unioa now hare biennial session of their Legislatures, and twenty-eight of the State Legislatures will meet next .month. The World's Exposition needs a sub scription From Vanderbilt in behalf, of the Kew York Central Road of $2,500.- j 000, and it ia whispered in his ear that Tom Scott subscribed 1,000,000 to the centennial, and got the money back maiy times over in. enlarged traffic. The Chicago Times propounds the following question: "If Mr. "VVm. H. Englisivof Indiana, were vice-presidentelect, would the Republicans in Congress be striving for tne establishment of the theory that the vice-president, and the vice-president only, can ascertain and declare the result of the electoral vote?" Miscellaneous. According to recent rures tje 3?2 lor c.ean ii ia Xew Hampshire, vaiua an acre Maine is $12.8" : $15 ; in Vermont, $15.25 ; in Massa'.-lvi-setts. 8." ; in Connecticut, $20. The stalwart? over tlie r?r- .? "tLev inZ-T--: -'he -T5.ut.-Vi 'J -a;' c - , . , .. the in a ecu made very thing that are mcj of :h i oeepiy thiri i-::-.z to chagrined Colored children in the public schools in Richmond. Ind., are nt allowed to study German, a privilege granted to all white pupils, and the African Methodist Church there will brincr eu:t aara;n3t lue i local school board. an honest Walker has been .v Census Burea.i. u3 that rder ia t-'-c'.- .cy ot toe 1 I: Is a fortunate j man like General the' he -id of the loss whriirmp Miscellaneous. 2L-y. v .'!- 4& T r-. . v.: say- the Bos oa Herald, The Emperor of China has granted the prayer of the Vieeroy of Tien Tsin for permission to construct a trlegraph Une from Shanghai, via Chin Kiang, and thence along the Grand Canal to Tien Tsin, to be 1 ,200 miles in length; It will cost abost $500,000. Senator Jones, the energetic, self-made man from Florida, said to Mr. Henry Watterson: "We havo not the material wealth that we had before the war, but in my opinion, children now living will lee the South far wealthier and more in dependent than it ever was. Not even the recuperative powerg of France, after the German war, have surpassed the en ergy and spirit of the South since her people have had eontrol of their own af fairs. My life has been spent in the Seuth. I know what it was in the past, and I do not think I exaggerate regard ing the fature. After the passions of be war hate passed away, and a wrse governmental policy is adopted, we shall soon have all the prosperity we desire." A Washiagton telegram to the Sun says: Got. Fester's letter of withdrawal was a surprise to the Ohio clique. It is believed hero that Garfield had intima ted Lhat it was his desire, just as Hayes made similar . intimation, to Garfield. An Ohio Congressman said at the Riggs House to-night that there was no cer tainty; however, that Foster could trans fer his followers to John Sherman. The rareor of offers having been made by oertain Democrats te deliver the entire Democratic vote in the Ohio Legislature j to any moderate Republican, provided enoigh 'Republicans will join thesi to make such an action successful, is be lieved to have some foundation.. The Object is to' defeat Sherman. Hayes has been taking a very strong interest in the canvass, and recently said that Sherman was . sure .of election. Sher wan's friends admit that he will be terri-h-y disappointed if he docs not succeed The committee appointed to report on t general plau of inaugural decorations at Washington have concluded their w.-.rk aiid recommend a series of thirty eim light arches of gas pipes over fViwyl van ia avenue, with appropriate -neroraiion?, reorosentir each State in ihf Union, and the df'eoration of all the utnrs ia the city, ft is proposed, among other decorations.--, for the Executive mansion to have about one hundred lan trns of diffsrent sizes and one hundred d jzen hotel candies. r Tje citizens will j1?o be requested iy illuminate their dtvd'iags. p'arfs of . busiiups , Th New has alwij3 been interested in State rights, -nd, wiil always -defend them wht-n assailed. Temporarily it" was turned aside bv the: extreme assumptions of State sovereignty, hich led to the war, but that episode being over, the Herald looks to see its section return to what it calls the correct principle under the Con stitution. It recognizes the strength of the nationalistic principal in the young and growing West, and says it is not impossible that the East and South may yet stand shoulder to shoulder in the de fense -of State rights against the West. estimated amount the streets an 1 public builtiings fi ed h.te women. at $15,000. It has been determined by j , TE TWO RACKS. The New York Sun, of one day last week, published a very interesting paper from the pen of D.. R. Goodlpe, of this State, upon the "revelations of the re cent United States Census." It proves, according to the figures submitted, that the negro race, instead of dying out, or ever becoming overshadowed jy the In crease in the white population, both by birth and immigration, is really advanc ing in numbers more rapidly than i3 the white race. Mr. Goodloe pnnts a table showing the relative percentage of in crease by the whites and blacks in ftnr teen States, parts of States and cities, as follows: In 17 counties in Alabama the in crease is 18.20 white to 27.60 colored; in all of South Carolina it is 35 white to 46.50 colored; North Carolina, 25 coun ties, 25 white to 35.70 colored; District of Columbia, 33.93 white to 33.85 color ed; Baltimore, city and county, 24.20 white to 34.10 colored; Delaware, JL7.58 white to 16 colored; New Jersey, 15 counties, 21.74 white to 27.30 colored; Philadelphia, 25 white to 43.50 colored; New York, 13 counties. 27,86 white to 43.58 colored; Connecticut, 4 countiesi 10.73 white to 21 colored; Rhode Island, 27.19 white, to 32.40 colored; Massachu setts, 22.30 white to 36.20 colored; Ver mont .60 white to 120 colored; New Hamphsbire, 4 counties, 4.24 white to 38 colored; Illinois, 3 counties, 66.90 white to 89.60 colored. According to this table, the average increase of the colored population in the past ten years was 37.82 per cent., while that of the whites has been only 25.76, and this, notwithstanding the a id to the whites by immigration .and we might further add iu spite of the tens aud hun dreds of thousands reported by the Con gressional kuklux committee as having been slaughtered by the Southern whites Goodloe remarks upon the comparative rate of natural increase as follows : The great majority of the negroes, in-, deed, nice tenths cf the race, belong to the laboring and serving cla--. among r asol-s put, e y utue i marriuare.: Feys woiren i whom TJr jden nstraint Is i -nil ii '.i a t Trop'cl i e , t r f Kath Yaluti, atd a j-'O.I Y- k ecv to th- die-e that caoee riij in t.' iowr v.'t of the b -fly nr Torpid ?T: r . itlarja, cd &11 dimculiiei ot th Kidi.ess, Liver and U inary itTArs. or Kii-a.i' lIt.-99ee, Mo-tbly Menetr f ticn. ard nar- raas tbt ni he blood, &nd ence i fba be-1 Blood FuaiFua It la the on'j m vrn r?meiy that cure? & ig 1 1 intc-ee. r VUbeV.B. use W -ner't t afe t'labetti o- !! yv Druita ard U Teale'e at $1 is re-bott e, Larireu bitt.'e m th ma- et " ry it H Ji, WAHNi it, - oct 16 Rochester, N Y tin ciTiesv- B nx'd sr, dc, . ( 1?4 ai'A 2 lb Bundle New and Pcd TIES, 1000 100 LbA Bn;il1' TWINE' For pale low bv dec 6 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. r wmw a rvct - gfZj 1 f CCC Sacks SALT, Marshall Fine IU UUU and Liverpool, i C)f( HhCsand Bbls Molasses. CUU For sale low by dee 6 WILLIAMS t MURCEIISON. 1000 BblS FLOLK,a11 ST1'1 2QQQ Sack corn, Bbls SUGAR, f( BAGS COFFEE, VJ J For sale low bv c6 WILLIAMS ei MUKCHISON. QQ Boxes and Half Bb!s SNUFF, "!00 BXeS CANDY, 1 QQ Boxes TOBACCO, ?JJ Forsalelowby dtc 6 WILLIAMS & MUKCHISON. dec 6 2Qo Boxes soap ' 200 Boxea STARCH' 2oo ce LYE,S 1 HA Boxes POTASH, J UU Fer s ile low by dec 6 WILLIAMS & MURCHI30N. Miscellaneous. niacellaneous. MENDELSSOHN PMO COMPANY Will make for the Lext60 day only, a Grand Offr oi pi-anros ahtd organs. $850 Square Grand Piano for enly 8245 Octaves full patent cantate agrafles, i,ur u-w pan.foi.r!-,, fcale, beautiful carveo Kg- aud lyie, bavy serpeutiun aud Uijje fnic mot;! r, , , A caae, full iron Fame, Frei.cb Granti Actiou, Grat d Usmmeis' ia f e nerv u mont hi1. pin in ai'.v . ir-1 tn tVi naMFantiAr. ; ., . . . v - j j ' v iuv pviicwiuu ui uc i' -c . i uuitiii lias u f ii a ' ! - (Inr uri.u for ihia inclM,irun k,. . A .,J J..:, , . iVil at New York, witb tine I iauo Ct ver, Stool aud Boofe, n.v V4).U( I mis i iano v in oe seui by in on test trial, jfiease send rerrnrc- if vn-. ....... . ... . ... ' J V " i! lrf i wi- oTHt-r. Cash ..tcul wuh Older Jil be letur ded iLud tru n . i. i ' us boLb ways if Tinuo is not just as represented in tb.s advertiiiieni. i I ,' ' use. Snd for eaHl ci,e. iuvry instrument tullj Warrai. ted fur tie ' ' PIANOS iv iiu cwxu, u vvr auu u.-os ) Ah ituc.i; Clam hua s iia at Who.fsaLi lactofy "prices 'i l eje Vil'.. one ol the ti-.est displays at tbe CVuteuniai Jb.xbit.iun. uiULiiLousiy rtconimendrd for iLe Hiue&t Hoxoks. The Squares coi i.tii t Patent ScaU, the reau et i up oemeM in the history cf l ianu aiaku'.' . rigbis are the fine t in America. Positively make me fitts, Piiu. s. Z. . '-" a d the greatest dur-bin y. i bey are rCciumerdca bv the -J-iihe tuiu LtiuiiLiea in L.e wuuui . uvtf i-4,owo il use, aiiO n l one osa.laneJ p'urci?i v Pianos and Organs tent on 15 d.o' test tri -freigbi free i! u..iniiiaiac;.i. J), ii -..j t , wrke us before cuylt.g. Po.- j-.ively i c offer. the test raziaii.s. aial.-LuV i.,ai't nauutuiur musiraieu auu Jesenpuve -aiait'gue OI 4& pes naUed lor uo. Kvery Piano fully WArrinie,d foi 5 years. " , vsut - irior oriuiu juDiiee urgan," style 6, is the fines' in. ii V i ... Y wmw A CMC - - UTTTE n There Lisba elrlliaadnation In the West era Hemisphere in whieh.the uti ity of Hoi tettcr'i 8tomaeh Bittri m a tonic, oorreo tire, and anti bilHom medicine, is not known and appreciated. While it ia a medicine tor all teaaona and all elimatea, it la especially sited to the eomplainta generated by the weathc, beinr the pareit and beat vefleta bl a stimulant in the world. Tor aalfl dt Dmjriata and Dealers, to wiom apply for Hoatetter'a Almanac for 1881 dee 3 3 fnnnR!Sl1!j?r)ir PERMANENTLY CURES EIDJFE7 DISEASES, LIVES CQUPLAIHT2, COESTIPATIOff sad PILES. Dr. R. H. Clark, South Hero, Vt.. n, "In cmm of Kidney Trouble It bu acted like a charm. It haa cured many very bad case of Filas, and has never failed to act efficiently." Nelson Fairchild, of St. Albans, Vt., says, "It is of priceless value. After sixteen years of great suffering from Piles and Costivsness it com pletely cured me." C. 8. Hogabon, of Berkshire says, "One pack age has done winder for me in completely car ing a severe Liver and Kidney Complaint.' 15 EITHER LIQUID OB DBY FOCM' itha8 mrnro Because it acta on the LITER, BOWELS and KID3EYS at the same time. Bocauso it cleanses the system of the poison on humors that develop in Kidney and TTri. nary Diseases, BUiousnssa, Jaundice, Consti pation, Piles, or in Rheumatism, Keuralgla Nsrvous Disorders and Female Complaints. tyitlspntnpin Dry Vegetable Forw, ia tW tin cans, one package of which makes six ty quarts of medicine. JAILS, HOOP IRON, Glue, Cheeae, Crackers, Wrapping Paper, Twine, &c. For sale low by dec WILLIAMS A MTJRCHISON CLYDE'S Oafl AND WilmiRtSton.-'. Steamship -. THE STEAMER few. nnnam 1 1 H ll il 111 X aud 8weete8t tf ned Keed. Organ ever utfrred the musical ,.m.hc h UllUrllllaf cootaius Fivic Octavk, Five sets ot Heeds, four of 2 Aicuv8 each, and or of Three ctaves. Thibtkek feTc-Ps with Grand Obgas D.apaso: , Melodia Viola Flute, Celastf, Dulcet, Grand-Swell, K. ee-Stops. rleiguu 74 in ; Leugth, 4i m ; Width., 24 in.; Weight, boxed, 360 Ids. Tbe caseis of sofid walnn veneered irh choice woode, aud is of au entirely new and beautiful d.tan--elaborav- ly carved, wih raised panels, music cloaet, lamp sUDds, ..fretwork, Ac H-ari-huiahed. Possesses all tbe latest ard beat improrements, wi h great power, doih brilliancy aud tytcpatbetic quality of tODe. Beautiful silo erlecta and rwfrrt r.n Uod. Keplar retail price $285. Our wholesale net cash price to have it introduced with stool and book, only $97 as one organ s Jd sell oihers. Positively no dew Hot' in price. Ho payment required until you have fully tested the organ in your or-i home. We send all Organs on 15 days test trial aDd pay ii eight both ways if instr; ment is not as represented. Fully warranted lor 5 years. Other s'yles 8 stop or u , w cwwi, nowpsfiw. vver o,uuu soia, ana every t Mean has giv u, t he fuhe&t satisfaction. Illustrated circular mailed free. Factory and Warerooms 57 h1 St. and 10th Ave. SHEET MUSIC L oue thud Price Catalogue of 3,000 choice pieces seut for ,v 3c stamp. Tbs Catalogue includes most of the popular xnxvk 01 the day and every variety of musical composition, by the best authors. Address, ; MENDELSSOHN PI Aft 0 CO., P. O., &ox 2058, New York City. dec 7 - me. 1 k mm For any case of Itch ing, Blind, Bleed- tnat ueasintrs rile Kemedy fails to cure. Allays the itching, absorbs the tumors, gives imm. dUU relief. Bold by druggists. Prepared by J. P. Miller, M.D 10th Arch, Phlla., Pa. A UTI ON. None gmuint unleZ wrapper sn bottU onlaim his aijrnature and a Pile of Sttneg. All druggists aad eeuntry stores have it or vill get it for you. FeirtSli2eirs--Feir"aiDD2eirs ! INGRAM,; GULF STREAWl, THE WILCOX GIBBS & GO'S MANIPULATED GUANO Is claimed and admitted to be the Best, Most Reliable and Cheapest Fertilizer in use for Cotton and other Crops. CHERRY properly decorate . , , . , e t. .in &1l tar Also in Liquid Forw.very Coaoen trate. tW for the convenience of those that cannot ' ty readily prepare it. It acta xcith equal efficiency 1 tW in either fnrm. ' GET IT AT THE DRUGGISTS. PRICE, tt.. WELLS, BICIIAKDS05 & CO., Prop's, 1 (Will send the dry post-paid.) EI"RI4.6T0S, TT t'iU M i'l ii ik m m rm the committee on the iuanguration ball to commence at once the work of laying a smooth pine Scoring in the new museum A mass mectinsr is to be held at the Cooper Union tbi3 ereniag to reorganize the Democratic partj of Xew York City; The call for the meetine arows that local self-ffOTcrnment, hard money, free ships, tariff reform and cirii serrict re form are objects at which Democratic principles aim, and that to secure their success "a "reorganization is an impera tire necessity." It declares that the existing Democratic organizations hare forfeited the confidence ot the people. It denoonces boss rule as "a sacrifice of tba principles, and large aims of the party to mtrelj loeal ambititns and jealousies," and it demands a reorganizatiori hieh ahull secure the free participation of er ry Democratic roter in the primaries, and from the primaries the fair and hon est expression of the will of the majori ty. Among those sijrning the call are, fit.,. ; .V. S. Dewitt, Corporation Coun el, W. Whitnejr, Hon R. B. JBooseyelt, Pfter B. Olnejr, . Towasend f?r. Satith Stars aid aft tr. ' - i i D. I. C. Is aa absolote aad irresistible cure for For the Wilmiasrton District, Metho dist E. Church, rfputh 1881. (First round ,) j Coharie Mission, at Hopewell, Jan. 1-2 Duplin, at Ken;insvilie, - Jan 8-9 hUZabeth, at rjllZabetntOWn, Jull. 22 2 i ! Jjljacco, Narcotic and fcttmulazita, remorlnff all riuir mewne oraesirerorary crtnem pertec-uy SOUS and dusrustinir. RiTintr cffrrnns rxrffir; 4i ives ana meir mends. 1 16 prersnts that abpohite pJiT-fical and moral ojorotitratton that tollowH the si:a4&u brsaklu; ofl' from wing stimulants or narcotics. 9 ! ..niie, Ir.tew liSLCCO, Narcoi W ilmington, at irutn street, Jan. 2J oO gdTrinV-taeoTdefy Wilmington, ut Jront street, reb. fM". bmithville, - - - ... Feb. 8 Whiteviile, at Whiteville, Feb. 12-13 Waccamaw Mistion, at Bethesda, Ftb ... 15-1 G Brunswick, at Bethel, - - Feb. 19-20 Topsail, at ATesleyan Chapel, Feb. 26-27 Onslow, at Tabernacle, - - March 5-6 Clinton, at Andrew Chapel, March 12-13 Cokesbury, at IJalb, - - March 19-20 The District 6te wards wiil meet at the Parsonage of the Front street Church in Wilmington, at ten o'clock a. m. on the 3d Ftb. A full attendance desired, L.S. BUSKHIAD, Presiding Elder. A Ladj's Wlsb. "Oh, hew i do wish my skin was as clear and soft as yours," said , alady to her friend. "You can easily malje it so," answered the friend. "How t" inquired the first lad. "By using 'Hop Bitters, that makes pure, rich blood and bloom ing health. It did it for me, as you ob tirrt. Head if it. Catr Jtullitt'n, Package, pre mud. to enre 1 to S wmont. as. or at your druirgute, $L76 per bof.ic. Temperance societies should rewnnmend It. It is perfectly harmless and never-failing. Hep Bitters Mfa. Co., Rochester, N.Y. Sole Agents IIe Ceee Cere droys all pain, loosens the eoxig 6, quiets the nerves, produces rest, and never f ml to cure. The TIem PaJ fete Rlnrn ritw mwA tii. is ssieerter to all others. Cure by absorption, it is peneCT ar arngguta. Th H Rttirs Htg. C., oi iUrnrttrr, X. T. m!v. wt-t L 1. ... . L. II v . . 1 , ' . 1 mw a beveraf c or auiziaukt, feat kt fimt tai Bet Midi-, an sr ww, smksif; ar ram lean sll outer rcmcdiM. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. asjujsjmg.i.Aii wuiimJ!iu 3fear-TOir CAPT. WILL SAILf&OM SEW fOK FRIDAY, Dec. 3L t Bhlpperi eaa rely apoa thejprompt ailing of 8toamera aa adrertiaed. For Fraijrht EQjrageoie&tff apply to THOS. E. BONO, Sup't, Wilxainfrton, N. O. THEO. G. KGER, Fwifht Apeat, JXew Fork. vTM. P. CLYDE St CO., 35 Broadway, JTew Fork. . aw a THE BEST REMEDY FOB Diseases of tbe Tlroat and Lungs. JJxr rrk'o In diseases of th aa - AXV rjulmonarv orcrana a safe and reliable remedy is inval uable. Ater'j Cherry Pkctobai, is such a remedy. It is a scientific combination of the medicinal princi ples and curative virtues of the finest drugs, chemically united, of such power as to insure the greatest possi ble efficiency, and TvnsTsv n v unuormity oi re- ITLWj A yjlTLnu. 8uits. It strikes at the foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid cures, and is adapted to patients of any age or either sex. Being Very palatable, the youngest children take it readily. In ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Clergyman's Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Catarrh, the effects of Aycu's Cherrv ' Pectoral aro magical, and multitudes are annually preserved from serious ill ness by its.'timely and faithful use. It should be kept at hand in every house ' hold for the protection it affords in sud den attacks. In Whooping-cough and . Consumption there is no other remedy j ao efficacious, soothing, and helpful, f , Low prices are inducements to try some of the many mixtures or syrups, fcnade of cheap and ineffective ingredi ents, now offered, which, as they con tain no curativo qualities, can afford lonlv temoorarv. relief . and are sure to U disappoint the patient. Diseases of the if throat and lungs demand active and effective treatment; ana it is dangerous experimenting with unknown and cheap medicines, from the great liability that these diseases raav. while so trifled with. U become deeply seated or incurable! Use if Ater s Chkrry I'ectorv.l, and you i may confidently expect the best results. i It is of acknowledged curative power, 1 hnd is as cheap as its careful preparation 11 and fine ingredients will allow. Emi 1r nent physicians, knowing its composi I -lion, prescribe it. The test of half a n entury has proven Its certainty to cura R ail pulmonary complaints not already j. "beyond the reach of human aid. f PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical and Analytical Chemiata, 1 Lowell, Mass. iX 17 AU. CKX7C6IITS TTTWas-. 4You can always depend on it' Arrange far your supplies at once, on the usual terms. All material composing Fertilizers have advanced and some of thfm are difficult to get. For supplies and any information in regard to Guano commnniVatfl with - dec 23 PHTTEWAY, Agent AVilmington and tiaurinburg. FK TME IH1LDA We have many new and desirable articles, embracing all the latest styles of "O" 1E8. XT 3E T. "O" 3E3 I Fancy Folding Chairs, Children's Chairs, ; Easy Chairsr. Writics: Desks, - lounges Velocipede ! Wagons, Carts, Doll Carriages! Perambulators, Dexters, &c- Boys ! Notice.' . -pOTICI IS HEREBY GIVEN; THAT application will be made to the General Assembly, at its next seadca, for the pas- sags of aa set to lneorporste ths Clsren; U mmWerksllttttMy, e t-lsw4 utter Cilt Edge Goshen. Eountain Kits, Mountain Rolls, HALL & PE ABSALL. la One of the largest assortments ever brought to this city, and the cheapest. You will be astonished to see the Toys and useful articles WE SELL FOR 5 AND 10 CENT! A HN ; 0T GF VASES TO BE CLOSED OUT AT Call and examine our Stock andPrices. You will Pr Bare money by doing so. JJ Store Open Until 11 O'clock at Night. ID. A. SJMITH & CO., 43 North Front Street. d 14