TT.lson Advance: Up to the present tiro. 15,537 bale, of cotton have been shipped from this place. There are 500 more which await shipment. Newbera SxU Shell : A catting af fair occurred ia Newport on Thursday niirht. which resa-ted in the serious, if not fatal wounding of Mr. Thos. Aren dels. We could not obtain the particn lars. Hickory Carolinian: In Alexander county, there will be nine gorernment distilleries in operation next year this notwithstanding the fact that more grain will be reqaired'to supply them than the county will produce. Monroe Enquirer: The day train and redaction of fare has already caused quite an increase in trayel on the 0 0 U' Ko lesa than (bar men were Un BfFonta ia WPpL' With ST IDS liiAL hare been seriously wouuded in' coitu eins this fall. Hicksry Press: Messrs. S. A. Hawn .1 P Jftrrfttt. of this county, made at their factory this season -4.000 gallons of Z. . m -l H r mtlasses, 'JiOU oi wnicn was ir. nwu own crop. Their factory is the most complete one in the county. 1 he mm is ran 'by water power, and the boiling is done in evaporator. Kinston Journal: Tofh Freeman, of Greene county, had the misfortune to eet hit arm badly torn and crashed in a 5,'n list .week. tor. V. G. Ford- ham, of Jones, reports 5 005 lbs of lint cotton raado tnis year on cieven ucrru ii m S 4 ground, and used no reruuzer extent ton seed and stable manure. Mooresyille Gazette: About 2,500 bales of cotton have beem shipped from Mooresville since the opening of the cot ton season. The total shipments of thi3 from this place will probably exceed 3,000 bales against 2 023 last -.1 1 I year. Compare tnis wan zuu oaies on the same area fifteen years a go. Charlotte Observer: The American TTninn Telecrranh Company will put up signal wires in the principal business bonses of the city 60 tnai messenger ooys can be called with the trouble of pressing a button. 'A telegram from Greens boro last night reports a diniculty be ton a reterinarv Burcreon named Mull and Robert Foard, formerly of Uon . cord, but now practicing law in Greens boro. Foard shot Mull, but not fatally, as the telegram states that Mull will recover. Foard readily gave bond for his appearance at court. At the MMtinv last mVht of Mecklcnburcr Lodffe'No 335, Knights of Honor.'ofji WQISu SIT f X? DIVUM, W1GVI ju iuc iu- dian Creek disaster, was a member, a1 resolution was passed tendering to nis family the loan of $50 until they could receive the protection fund of $2,000 which comes to them by reason of his aembership in the order. S Charlotte Obssrver: Christmas trade was' never known to have been better than it was yesterday. -The third northern wire of the American Union Telegraph Company will reach here to day from Richmond en route to Angus ta. Cotton receipts for .the week io far, only five days, 1,666. The lar gest were on Wednesday, when 448 bales were brought to town. -Nono of the injured in the accident on the Caro lina Central have yet , returned from Lincoln ton. They are so badly br uised up and so sore that they haTO to be abed. The remains ef those burnt, not , being distinguishable, have been boxed up and will probably be interred together. lion. Horatio C. Burchard, director f the United States Mint, has ordered the compilation of exact statistics in regard to North Carolina mines and the amount. , of gold production. Prof. Hanna, of the mint here, has just returned from a tour cif Mitchell. Burke and Mc Dowell coun ties, with this object in view. He re lets, generally, that the interest in mines is active everywhere, and a num- l-r of new mines are being epened. Ye Pimpled and Ulcerated Victims of scrofulous diseases, who drag your un clean persons into the company of better man, take Aykr a sarsapjlrilla, and parfre at the foul corruption from your blood. .Restore your health, and 'you will not only enjoy life better, but make your company more tolerable to those who mast keep it The ropular Demand. So great has been the popular demand for the celebrated remedy Kidney-Wort, that it is having an immense sale from Elaine to California. Some have found it inconvenient to prepare it from the .dry compound. For such the proprie tors now prepare it in liquid form. This can be procured at the druggists. It has precisely the same effect as the dry, but is very concentrated so that the dose is much smaller. Lowell Mail. W. A. Titus, 2 Ashland Avepne, Toledo, Ohio, says: My wife is now as strong as ever, her regained health being directly due to the use of the Excelsior Sidney Pad. We can heartily recom mend it to all kidney troubled persons. Set Adv. Hair Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re netoer, the most popular preparation of the age.. Sold by all druggists. The remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar to women is Warner's Bafe Kidney and Liver Core. Mother's Magazine. . its Action la Sore andjsafet Tho celebrated remedy, Kidney-Wort' ran now be obtained in the usual dry vegetable form, or in liquid form. It is put in the latter way, for the especial convenience of those whocannot readily prepare it. It will be found very con centrated and will aet with equal effi tnency in either case. Be .sure and read i he xiw advertisement for particulars. Sitrih and Wet. ' J Ltdiet, the best fits and ih easiest tube for the Hide sms art at Roaxs toil's t K. T World, Hpec'tl FROM EUROPE. The Irish Hail of the English TTtr Otice Intercepted od Us Way to Lot don. HO LETTERS bl A CE THUBDaY at Excitement In London flTer the Disasters In the Transvaal. TIB XAT1L AUTUORITiE DESOLXCED . LosDOH.Dec 25-There is great com motion in the War Office in consequence of a rumor that the DubliQ mail-bag has been intercepted by Fenians ou the way to liOndon, and r.fl.d of its contents. Whether there is 'any troth in the rumor or not, it is certain that the War Office authorities have received no letters from Ireland since Thursday. .-. The crisis in the Transvaal, coupled with the crisis in Ireland, has raised the excitement in London to an almost un precedented pitch. Nothing else i3 talk ed about in places of public resort, and scrrcely anything else is thought about by thoughtful people but the grave troubles which beset the Government on every side. The disaster in the Trans vaal is almost universally ascribed to official blundering, and the number of those who ascribe the troubles in Ireland to the sametcau9e ia by no means Bmall. It is openly charged that the Natal au thorities were long aware of a con tern plated rising by the Dutch Boers, and that they paid no heed to repeated warn ings and took no precautions to protect themselves. When the storm broke .it is charged that they-were utterly unpre pared to meet it, and the result, of course, could be nothing else bat shame ful defeat and disaster.- The Home Government has decided, as usual, when it is too late, to send mili tary aid to the colonists of Natal. They were asked to do this some time ago, but the request was put aside until now. The Sixth Dragoons, it is announced, will be sent to Natal in a few days, with instructions to report to the commandant at Dur,ban. The dower of the army is rapidly leaving England for the inhospit able snores of Ireland and Africa. A despatch from Durban says: "The Boers fired on the detachment on the Pretoria and LydeuUurg road under cover of a flag of truce. At Potchef stroom the greatest excitement prevails. Four persons have been murdered." The- Standard's correspondent at Durban reports that the wagons of which the detainment of the Niuety-fourth Regiment was in charge got into a swamp and all hands laid aside their arms to extricate them. The Boers sud denly appeared and demanded their sur render. The soldiers rushed for their arm3, but before they were able to de fend themselves they were shot down. The four persons reported to have been murdered at Potshefstroora were a Commandant of the Cape Mounted Po lice and three civilians. They were bru tally murdered in the midst of an assem bly of 3,000 Boers. CoBmoundouros, tho Greek Premier, has had an interview with one of the Greek Deputies in which he declared that all reports that Greece was willing to accept arbitration in her differences with the Porte were entirely false. The Government, he said, did not intend to recede an iota from the favorable position it gained at the Berlin Confer ence. Premier Coumoundouros also told if. de Mouy, the French Minister, that he intends to refuse the proposal for arbitration. r M. Ti8sot, the French Ambassador, nas imormea me irorte mat tne powers I nave nccepieu me arouraiion proposal. The council of Ministers have discussed a circular to be-sent to the powers to prevent them from requesting the Porte to accept arbitration. Should the Porte absolutely refuse arbitration, it is under stood that England will propose a new European conference, which Turkish and Greek delegates will be invited to at tend. When you visit or lr.ave .New York CItv, atop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Or&nd Central Depot. European plana Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate price. Stre t cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts n Htv iv Miscellaneous SCUPPERMG I - AND Wine ! jyjANUrACTURSD BY WHITE T'lj? Wiae Company, vThitevilln, N. O. Price and lunula on application. Band in jour order efor the holidays. deo7-dwtf Winberry Oysters. THE FINEST OF Sfcs - the season. Bj tht Doten,. Quart or GaUoat at JOBS CARROLL'S, Markott BEAUTIFUL HAIR ORNAMENTS ND HAIR NOVELTIES jut recelrsd AfaU line of Children's and VfiMa CI now on sals and at rery low prices, hump ins; from toe lat-t patterns, flair "Work ia an? ityls made to order. Orders br mail will i eceir Mrompt attention. Address Port OfieeBox 301. WSSE. KAPRSK, die 15 No- 6 onth Fmntfst JOW RATES For all kinds of ;Frintiag Persona reaidiac ont of the dry eaa hare their priatiag earefolly ezeented ana mailed to them free of postage. fi. t8. TTARROCX, Ia RcriswCiDdisf) tlcs.Frlit LUt or Letters. The following Is a list of the letters e maloing unclaimed in the City Postoffic Wednesday, D-c. 29 h : A J B Amnions, S T Allen, Susan Ash. B Willie Beasley, Richard Brooks, Wesley Brown, S Bryant, Robt Bell, R C BurUn, Jane Boston, E F Bryant, Geo Brands, David Bryant, B B Bryeus, W II Beers, Pheoby Bowden,. Alph Bai ley. C Ann Chancey, Jane Caston, C H Capps, Fannie C ha vers, Jane Cockram, 'Victoria Collins. ' D J G Devane. J G Dukes, G De poali, Eliza Dennis. "E Richard Ennet. F bailie Fergus, . Adeliat Frink, Harry Frankland, John Farmer, Joel C Farrow. G Annie Green, Anna Gregg, Rose Green, Alonzo Go wan, James Gillum, Thos Gillespie. H Abram Halles, H L Home, Lewis Howard, Maurice Hill, T J Hilbert, T J Herring T H Higgins, Caroline Howe, Caroline Halsey, Grace Hall, Larus Haywood, Charlotte Hall. J Aaron Jones, Julia James, Kittie A Jackson, Prise ilia J Jackson, S J Johnson. K James Kelly. L Fabiua Larkins, Edmond Lucas. M Ella Murray, Carolina Miller, Harriet Merret, Jane Mathewson, Lizie Morris. Bettie McKeller, Marion Mon- roee. Hiram Moore. A A McLean, D D C Mink, Henry McKoy, Jno More, Jas C Moore, Jno McKensie, Reuben Mc Donald T W M McLauren, S S Means, R Maxwell, M M Moore, McCormick. N Mollie Nichols, miss Marie Nel lini. O Maria Owens. P Gussie Pugh, mrs Mary Persong, Joseph Powers. James Rogers, Letzie Richardson. T Janie Troy, Emma Turner, Amer icin Union Teleeraph Co, Annie Tur- nage, Amey Taylor, Amus Taylor. S Hatlie - Sledge, Mary A Simms, Sallie Samson, Hattie Savage, Walter Swann, Titom Simmons M Stevens, Nathan Smith. Hector Sneede. F B Snepard. V James Vann. W Hannah Walker, Hannah Willis, Caroline Wise, Alice Williams, Saml Walters, T J Walker, J L Watts, J S Weeks, Geo W Wolps, B G Willis, E D Williams. SHIPS. Nathan Harding, schr Minnie Abbie. Persons calling for letters in above lUt will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 80 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. E. R. BRINK, P. M. Wilmington, N. C.f New Hanover County, N. Or Catarrh Soeietliaes commences with a eold, but its curt always commences with the use of Sage's Catarrh Remedy. This old. , reliabie and well-known remedy has stood th a. a -1 ' . icBtoi years, ana was -never store DODi alar than new. mmmmmmmmammmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmtast, WIiMiNTOK MAHKKT , KGBJCBia 28.-4 P M. SPIRITS TURPhNTINk; Quoted Hrm at 42 cents. Sales 151 oaaks at that figure . K mi .n Quoted firm 11 46 tor ntrained and f 1 50 lor Good trained. No aalM re ported. TAR-Quoted staady at f 1 40 per bbl of 280 lbs. s CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted firm at f 1 80 for Hard and $2 80 for Yellow Dip. CO rrON-Quoted quiet. Small sale reported at 11 cents for Middling, and small wles at cents for Middling. The following are the official quotations : Good Ordinary ............ 10 !aati s-ow liiddlimg.................. 10 16-16 M!ddllnf.......MM..M......MM. li BaibTjaaoairn O ))IOnniMmHMHIIHHHHmM.IM t. irits lnrpentls......M.......... 781 biles 221 casta 131S bb a S5 in unade Taroeann..... IIAKIHE HEWS. ASBITED. Steamer Elizabeth, Blsbee; Smith vllle, Master ' tt-eamer Passport, Harper, Smith vllle, Hteamer Wave. Robeson, Fayette vllle, Williams 4 Murchison. steamer Gov Worth. Werth, FayettevCle. Worth 4 Worth. Bchr Lavolta, Whitmere, Charleston, 6 C, Geo Harriss & Co. 0 chr Annie R Lewis, Lewis, OharlestOD, BC.EQ Barker A Co. OUCABED. Steamer Eliaabeta, Blsbee, 8mlthTflle, Master. Btoamer Passport, Harper, Smithvfile, siattter. Steameraov Worth, Worth, Fayettevfile, worm a Worth. Steamer Wave. Robeson, Fayettevllle, WlliamaA Murchison. Nor barque woiglimt, Jacobsen, Bristol, Faierson, Downing A. Oo. i Ger barque OnkeT. WallenstleB, TrleaU, J R losses a Evans. i Exports, soanxtx. Ji-Nor barque Bolgllmt-2.7 Jbbls rflCsUGex brlue Onkel-8,675 'bbls rosin. What Did Yott Say ? I 8 AID "W "JF 3E3 13 HAS 1HI PRETTIEST i Chriotmao Coodo ! - -In town everything is so new aad . beaidfol. His Swiss Carrins; and Oriental ffarelspsxfectlj sitsaaL List of Vessels Over 100 tons in Fort Dec 27.1880 BARK3 Sor -ollm'f 313 tote, Jcb Halde & Co Ger Kosnics, 402 tons. Westeib rg. distrecs, E Peschaa A vVestarmann Nor Elieeer, 274 tons, Za h-riasen, CP Mbane Nor Oato, 343 tons, Kroner, C P Mebas Ger Theresa, 390 tons, Hansen, Pterson, Downing & Co Am Hattie H., 43 tons, Uolerain, Alex Sprunt A So Qex Friedricb Perthes, 475 tons, HDtxuer K Peschaa & VYestermanu Vor Agatha, 360 tons, Rohr, C P Mebane awd Caxi i,340 tons, Westerlund, Heide &-o Nor Clias Nortbc-t, 414 tons, EricRsen, , l'eachau & Westeruiann Gar Onkel, 444 t nis, Waileustein, E Peschau & Westermann Xor Ophir, 433 tons, Chrhtiausn, IJeh'e & Co Nor Mindora, 294 tons, Henricksei., CP Mebane r Nor S'a-jley, eZZ tors, EUiDgen, U P Mebane BRIGS. Am C-ra Green, 247 tons, Philbrook, G Barker & Co Ger Emms, 263 tons, Berber, E Peschau & Westermann Am Aqaidneck, 357 tons, Ward, EG Barker Co Ger Hermann, Frri.!:icb, 2b0 toas.Nieyer E Pese-iau & Westermanu Br Bonilo, 157 tons, AJiich 11, KG Barker fe Co Am E igene Hale. 443 tons, Ward, Navassa Guano U Nor Dolen, 363 tjns Deidrickseu, CP Mebane SCHOONERS Am Abbie Dunn, 279 tous. Fountain, Geo Harriss & Co Am Maggie M Rivers, 281 tons, Rivers, EG Barker & Co Am A F Ames, 280 tons, Acorn. Master Am Jessie Elizabeth, 323 tons, Weaver, Geo Harriss Co Am Cochico, 220 tons, Seward, Geo Harriss & Co Am Raymon Da A juris, 307 tons, Nash, Geo Harriss & Co Am St arixht, 186 Ions, Webster. Geo Haniss & Co Am Edith R Seward, 244 tons, Tall, Geo Harriss & Co Am Lavinia F Warren, 299 tons, Jobiison in distress, J H Neff Am B F Lee, 389 tons, Marts, Geo Harriss & Co Am Fannie R Williams, 365 ions, Shearer, leakiiig, Williams & Murchisou Am Katie Uoliins, 286 tons. Matbis. Geo Harriss & Co Am Clara, 298 tons, Crammer, r pairmg. Geo Harriss For tliii Port from. Foreign Poit 8wd Andriette,305 tons, Berndtsen, sail ed from Bordeaux, N t 20. Nor ALlaniic4S2 tons, Kuudsen, at LiiverpooJ, uec l. Hd Bra -e, 382 tons, Njholn, cleared from Kaluga, Nov 25. Nor Biyou,346 -ous, Johanneieu,sailed from Jdartteilies, Nov oU. No- Camilla, 418 tous,borensen, at Wa terford, Oci 21. Nor Ured , 371 tons, Christopher aeri, sailed rrom Liiverp ol, lec 4 Nor Eldorado, 831 tons, tialvorsen,6ai: from Madeira, ov 26. Nor Erato, 283 tons, Salverseo, sailed from Cardifl, U t , via A'pmwalL Nor Fiora, 296 tons, Kroner, . saileo Kim Alicante. Nov 4. Nor Uatnbetta, o02 tons, Eltvedt, sailed from Hamburg, Nov 4 Sd G fion, 471 tous, Borgersen, saileo from otetiin, -uv g. Swd Unstafa,313 tons, Arn jers;, at Llv- erp J, Nov 21. rot Mull , 4 tons, Uitensen, at Kra- jero, December la. Nor Hjnimrt, 380 tons, Ingemundpen nailed from Liveipuoi, Dec 15. Kuss. John, lsacksson, at Gloucester, ua 28 Nor Jenny, 4S8 tons, Corneiiensen, a (jrlouce8ter, Deo 2,, H d Jens, 397 tons, Hsckansson, sailed from Uottenbf rg, ov 23. " Nor Leo. 505 tons, Andersen, sailed from Hull, Nov o. Nor Samson, 348 tons, Naess, sailed fi om Liverpool, Dec 4 Gr Scbarnborst, 410 tons, sailed from Hull, Nov 2. Nor Marg.retta, ions, Bracch, sail ed from Alrcartb, Hou 23. Nor Majarlen, 239 oos, Halrersen, sait ed from ot Malo, Dec 19. ; Nor Providentia, tons, Holz, sailed from Fortsmoutn, Nov 19. Nor Sfutna, tons, , sailed Nor Septentrio, 343 tons, Torgeasen, at Liverpool, Dec 2. Nor St Joseph, 885 tons, Johnsen, at (jrenoa, N ov zu. Nor Thecdor, 297 tons, Danieioeri, sailed from Liverpool, Dec 7. Nor 'Ihorguy, 458 tons, Andreasen, sailed from Lrflwich, uct 28. Nor Titanla, 303 tors, Albrethsen, a Gloucter, Oct 28. Nor Viva. 382 tous, Petterseo, sailed from Antwerp, . Ger Yon der Heydt, 450 tons, Michaels, sailed from Cape Town, C. G. H., Nov 11 Ger Wanderer, jStubing, sailtd from Kingroad, Dec 7. BRIGS Ger Anna, 333 tons, Lange, at Liver, pool, Oct 28. Ger C F Maass, 267 tons, Zeplien, at Gloucester, Oct 21. Ger Express, 271 tons, Fretwurat, at Liverpool, Oct 14. Nor Gszzlen. 270 tons, Wiebye, sailed from Seville, Nov 20. Nor Galatnea, 207 ton?, Andersn,clear ed from Oporto, Dec 1. " Ger Graf Bismarcg, 248 tons, Kleist, sailed from St Vincent, Nov 19. Nor Hilding, 246 tons, Jensen, at Us. dob, Oct 21. Nor Marie, 263 tons, Tallaksen, at Glasgow, Oct 21. Nor Fenda, 189 tons, Orcas, sailed CromTralee,Nov3. Br Signs), 312 toLS, Williamj, gAUed from Bristol Dee 1. Nor Stanley, 300 tons Gairsen, salted from Caen, Dec 5 ' .Nor Tbcrsbjerg. 298 tons, Haraldsen. sailed from Gefid, Nov. 21. Br Tramore, 221 tons, Morrice, sailed from Bristol, Deo 15. Gar Wangerland, 216 tons, Boes, sailed from Bordeaux, Nov 22. SCHOONERS. ' Br Warkwrjrth Cutis, 259 tenscci, 'a aicstSttrrNOTll new Advertisement; NOS. 1 1 & 13 FOR -BAJtRKLS AND Pride of the Pantryf owaimignisrancyi Boatwhehts Choice FAMILY FLUlft! The Best Brands, at I think, em offered in our market, made oi tne nnest New Wheat. Jeno. L. ISoaliwirDguli, 11 and 18 North Front Street, CITRON, CURRANTS, RAISINS. JmiOa L 11 and 10 North Front Street. FOR THE 8 l am offering WHISKEYS, BRANDIES, CHAMPAGNES, CORDIALS, Ever brought to our city, selected expressly for the HoJidaya ! ; -; -o- " " ; , ". The Rivere, Gardrat & Co., Brandy of 1848 ! XIAOBOIlOVAi; ! f Ccr3 xt I'tha rinest OldDrandv Ever Broncht to tw Xfortn Carolina ! 1 ZlW I HAVE THE Pale and Brown Sherries, Old Hadeira and Port Wines, OP VEBT OLD VINTAGE ! Ryan & Pineheso' Old Scotch Whiskey, The only really Scotch TOriskey that mil make hot punch what it ought to be. COOICING 17INE AMD Of all grades, full flayor 11 and 13 North Front Street. The cargo of the 50,000 ST I LSI'. Gpecial Baraino CALL FOB PBICR& T . taai 10 UcTtlx Ureal Dtrcct. ' - ITew Advertisements. FRONT STREET, THIS HALF BARRELS CANDIES. PRUNES JELLIES. NUTS, XMAS BOXES y CRANBERRIES .&. &C.f &C. - - E Iff T L EIVZ B JXS the Finest Stock of VIKES, COOKING BRANDY ! and at lowest prices 1 oai'EwirDglhi'e, i Schooner Carleton ! REMAINING ! by the Thousand.