- 1 e . 1HIH PAPER U paollihed Tary afteraeon, 8nd ays fiwdbr - r - jo on. T. J AUBO B0BSCKIPTION8, POSTAGE PAJD. OM year, $6 00 Six months, fl60 Three months, 11 24 1 One wrath, 60 eects. fh paper will tdaUTred by carriers, Yee of eharg, la aay part of the city, at the iboTeVatoa, or IS mti per wwt AdrertisiBjr rates tow and liberal " ' p'BatMtritMn will plea report in j ami U failures to reelT their papn regularly. jfflblidfty Wfc UK irowim & II. E. GORIIER OF MARKET WILL GIVE TO ALL PARTIES PURCHASING G00D3 AT- RETAIL TO bo amount of $2 and upwards, a ticket duly numbered ai;d recorded er.i iing'the bearer to a chance fur one of the following beiutlful and co ttly gifts : 1st A Silver Plated Tea Urn Manufactuied by 'the Me- rldlan Oliver Plate Co. Valued at $30. 2d A Largo Wax Doll Valued at $15. 3drAn Elegant Model Doll Valued at 185. 4th I Pair Large Ollvered Vases Valued at $! The Talis of these articles is not fictitious as it would arail us nothing to deceive - the public The gift will shortly la on exhibition and can be seen by all. After Christmas the numbers will be drawn ftadtr the superlitendeuce of two well known nd responsible gentlemen of this city. We submit the following list and would add that it would be a moral ImposalbilU ty to give a (all and complete Inventory of articles in our establishment, as we are adding daily to each department. Will do well to cU er!y as our liaos are Velocipedes, Doll Carriages, Wheel Btrrowa, Carte, Wagons. - Chrontos, Frames, Wax Flowers, Shell Boxes, Work Boxes, Trunks, Rocking Horses, Writing Rocking Chairs, Call Bells, Drums; Topv lln Carts, Gubs, Tia Horses, Masks, Violins. Bellows Toys, Birds, Oats, . Tin Animals, Tin Stoves, i Tin Kitchens, Tin Tea 8 ts. Pewter Tea Sts. i Obloa Tea Sets, Caps and Saucefi Muss. Castors, Treasure Boxes, ,r Furniture Sets, Arks, Bird Cages, Marbles, Illustrated Books, Klntet, Tool Chests, . Building Blocks, &c.t FOWfiH FANCY GOODS BAZAaB. rj. E. Corner LlarKoti and Second Cto, dec 4 ' . ; . . " ' " SBB MP VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1880. NfX 262. lodldlDck, AI1D SECOND STREETS. liabb to be broken later in the season. Japanese Ware, Metalephones, fiance, Cornets, Harps, -Chimes. Desks, Hetties, Photo. Albums. Horns, Watches. Clocks, ' - . p Swords, Xm&s Books, , Lead Pencils, Envelopes, Note Paper, Ink 8t.nds, Cigar Holders, Cigarette" Watch Chains. Lions, Dogs, Memorandom Books, Music Boxes, Jewelry, Banks, " Toilet Sets, Nine Pins, , Wire Baskets, ' Farm Yards, Marbles, Acrobats, A, B, 0 Blocks, Harmonicas, Baskets, &e., &c, &cH &c 35-"; BADLI LOCAL NEWS. Nmw Advertisement. Noticb By the Banks of the city Dak'jo F Beattt Organs Mason & Hamlin Organs Allen McCot Homes In Texas Benson's CapcInePorns Plaster Jos Sampson, Register Schedule B Taxes r Hbinbbkbgxb New Tear Gifts A Shbikb Boots and Shec C W Yates What did you -Say i Spun glass 1b now made into neklaces. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 280 hales. The banks of this city will be closed on Saturday, New Year's. It is the custom just at preseit to speak of the front hair as the "fore top." Don't forget the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and warranted, at JACOBi's-f Col. K. M. Murchison, of New York, was in the city yesterday. Steamship Benefactor, Capt. Jones, arrived here this morning from New York. Buttons now proudly stand out on a garment and insist on being classed among objects of art. At 10 o'clock this forenoon, in the open air, in front of this office, the ther mometer stood at 13. Have you seen the latest Improved Heat ing and Cook Stoves at Jacobi's ! Ton can get them at fa?"ry prices. f J. R. Cairns, Sheriff of Lenawee Co., Mich., says: I have worn an "Only Lung Fad" for Bronchial difficulties, and have not been troubled with a cough nights since, wearing it See Adv. There , is unmailable matter in the Fostoffice in this city addressed to Mrs. Ann Dukes, Goldsboro, N.C., and Bobt. McCall and A. B. Gibson. It should not be forgotten that our friends of Germania Lodge K.,'of F., will give their third annual ball at Germania Hall this evening. The committee promise an unusual pleasant time and will be pleased Jto see all' their friends in attendance. An experienced traveler says: "The most trouble-some companion a person can have, while being away from home, is a cough and I would advise everybody to procure a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cougn Syrup before starting. Gold embroidery and cut beads are now used to such an extent by young women that when one of them is whirling in a waltz, the glass and brass bits rattle and rasp like a bag of beans when it is shaken. And when she stand still under the gaslight, she appears to be a lump of jnetal and sug gests a ton in weight Serious Accident to a Sailor. A sailor on board of the schooner Jesse Elizabeth, while passing the hatch way of the vessel this morning, was struck by a barrel of rosin, which was being hoisted on board, and knocked down in the hold, a distance of some eight or ten feet The fall broke one of the poor fellow's legs and dislocated the knee pan of the other." Dr. W. J. H. Bella my was 'called to see the injured man, and after administering what relief he could to the sufferer, had him sent to the Marine Hospital, where he will be taken care of by Dr. Thos. F. Wood, surgeon in charge of the Hospital. The schoo ner Jesse Elizabeth, Capt. Weaver, is loading a cargo of naval stores at Messrs. DeRoiset & Co 'a -wharf, on the West side of the river. Bitter Cold. The weather has been the all-absorbing topic of conversation to-day. Last night was wet, nasty, cold and otherwise disa greeable. About 10 o'clock it began to snow but there was only a very light fall. This morning dawned clear and fair, but intensely cold and the general verdict is that it is the coldest weather we have had here since the Christmas of 1870. It has not been as cold, however, as it was in 1857-8, which was an exceptionally cold winter. It was the . coldest known here for many years. So cold was it during that winter that early one morning the Cape Fear river waa found frezen across from " shore to shore. It was only a thin sheathing of ice, how ever, and soon broke and "melted when the sun fell on it That is the only in" stance; during the past seventy years, when such a thing is known to hare oc curred hei& KEY IE W A Happy Hop. A hop, complimentary to Mr. R. B Hartsfield and his biide, was given last evening in the Little Giant Hall, by a amber of gentlemen in this city, friends of the newly wedded couple. Mr. Harts field was married on Wednesday evening to Miss Ida Gause. They will leave here to-morrow for Charlotte, where Mr. Hartsfield is now located. Champion or the World. Warburton of England, the champion runner of the world, was in this city yes terday en route for England via New xora. air. warDurion nas Dec a on a visit to his brother in Rockingham Richmond county, in this State, for the past two months. He was to ' have 'run a thirty mile match in FiOgland on Monday last but was unable to meet his appointment. Water street merchants will kcap their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. f Scarce -and liieb. " Wood is again very scarce and very high, ranging from $1.50 to $1.75 per load, or a quarter of a cord. There are two reasons assigned for the meagre sup 1 .a? Z t mi i . piy ior iuei. ine weainer nas oeen so cold that hands could not work along the river banks and the balk of the wool brought to market is bought up for dun nage by th i vessels in port leading with naval stores. There will no doubt be much suffering from cold unless mor3 wood is brought to this city and sold at a price within the reach of the poor and destitute. A Delusion Trap placed in a house will s uletly catch a cunning: mouse. Call at acobi's for them. t Accident to the Steamer Hart. The steamer A. P. Hurt, Captain Thornton, due here this morning about 2 o'clobk, met with an accident to her machinery some 22mile3 above this place on the river and was compelled to tie up at Wanet's landing. Captain Thornton then took the broken piece of machinery, the eccentric rod, and carried it six miles toBrinkley's, on tne W., C; & A. R. R., and arrived here on the regular passenger train by that road, this morn ing. The machinery will be repaired in time for'Capt T. to return to his boat by the steamer Jho.2?atoson,this afternoon, when we may look for the Hurt's safe arrival here to-night We advise our friends to call at Jaoobi's for real Silver Plated Tea and Table Spoons nd Forks, Roger's Ivory handled Table Knives, Pen and Pocket Knives. All f Christm as and at the loweet pi ices, ' y i i . mi Spoken at Sea. Capt. David May, of the brigantice Kitty Clyde, writes to Messrs. E.Feschau A Westermann, of this city, to the effect that on the 9th inst., in latitude 34:40, longitude 60:07, he spoke the barque Charlotte Anna, Capt. Levin, from this port, for Antwerp. He got some pro visions from Capt Levin, having been much in need, as he had been blown out of his course while bound from Demarara to Frince Edward Island. - Having lost most of her sails, the Kitty Clyde was making her way back to Bermuda, when she fell in with the Charlotte Anna. Captain May speaks very gratefully of Capt Levin for the kindness and as sistance rendered him. In Appeal for the Poor Would it not be well for some of our leading and prosperous business men in this community to call a meeting'of well-to-do citizens and organize themselves into a sort of humane or charitable so ciety, far the purpose of relieving the sufferings of the poor in this city, during the very severe weather that is now up on us?., How many people are there in this community who had comfortable feather beds to sleep on last night, with carpeted rooms, and who yet felt the freezing weather pinch them a little? How terrible then must have been the sufferings of those poor fellow creatures of ours living in this very city of Wil mington who had nothing but a pallet of straw for a couch with scarcely anything to cover with,"no wood, and cracks under the door or in the floor through which the cold blasts of winter' kept sweeping through all night, adding to their misery and discomfort? Will some one urge on th is matter and get up a subscription ior wood to be distributed among the poor and needy and sick and suffering human. ity . now living, within tho corporate limits of this city? The thermometer at Atlanta, at o cjock this morning, stood at 2 ; at Augusta, at 8 ; at Charlestoa, at 15 , ; at Charlotte, at IP ; at Knoxville, at 2i at Xyncbburef, at 1 ; at Memphis, at 7 ; at MoLtgomery, at 8; at Mobile at 15 ; at Nashville, at 5 ; at New York, at 5 ; at Savannah, at 15 ; at St. Louis, at 1 ; at "Washington City at 4, and at Wilmington at 11. CMj Court. John Davis, colored, alias Tucker Townsend, was arraigned Before the Mayor this morning charged with the larceny of a sail, from the boat c? Joe Johnson, colored. The defendant Vas bound over to the Criminal Court in the sum of $50, in default of whieh 'he was committed to jn.il. The case of Charlotte Sidbury, charg ed with assault and battery, was contin ued until Saturday. JerrjrM. Johnson, a small colored lad, charged with stealing flasks from a grocery store on Front street, wa3 im prisoned for one day, when he will be turned over to his mother for correction. This exhausted the docket and the Court adjouraed. A Victim of Misplaced Confidence. For some time-past Mr. Dan. O'Con nor, Real Estate Agent in this city, has been missing from the safe in hia office-, on Frincess street, change to the'amount of one or two dollars at a time. This Mr. O'Connor was at a los3 to account for, except on the hypothesis that one of the safe keys which he had lost some time since must have been found by some one who was well acquainted with his premi ses and knew how and when to get at the safe. The abstractions from the safe continued for some little time , when Mr. O'Connor's suspicions were at last direct ed to a colored boy in his employ by the najne of George Williams. . This colored individual, in whom his employer reposed great confidence, commenced recently to wear very fine clothes and in addition to this fact another cause of suspicion was that the aforesaid colored individual drove out on Christmas Day with two in hand and went rattlinsr through the streets with his double team like a reg ular sport. These things,taken altogether finally determined, Mr. O'Connor to arrange'a trap to catch the thief, which was done as follows: The cash was put in the safe as usual but it was all marked. The next thing was to bore a hole in the ceiling of the office where a young man was stationed at 6 o'cloek this morning to watch the premises be low. He had uot lonsr to wait, however, for between 6 and 7 o'clock George Williams, the colored boy referred to, opened the office as usual to make the fire and sweep out. In stead of proceeding to I his regular duties, . though, the young man on watch discovered him take a key from his pocket and open the safe -door, Mr. 0'Connor,whose residence is next door to his office, was'notified of the situation of affairs and immediately repaired to the scene where he found Williams in possession of his safe key and $2.75 of the marked money which he had put in his ( sale tne mgnt oetore. a. warrant was at once taken ont for the arrest of Wil liams, who was arraigned before a Jus tice on the charge of larceny and commit ted for trial until 11 o'clock to-morrow morning. cause and Effect. The main cause of nervousness is in digestion, and that is caused by weakness of the stomach. No one can have sound nerves and good health without using Hop Bitters to strengthen the stomach. purify the blood, and keep the liver and kidneys active, to cany off all the pois onous and waste matter of the system. See other column. Advance. Hot7 Advertisements. Notice- FJIHERE WILL BE NO BUSINESS trans acted by the Banks of this city on New Years Day, 1st January. . A. K. WALKER, Cashier First National Bank. S. D. WALLACE, Cashier dec 30 Bank of New Hanoyer Schedule B Tax- Tt TEKCHANTS AND TRADERS ARE 1U notified to ltst with me, on the 1st of Janu ary, 18S1, their Fnrchases for thg previous six months, in compliance with the law. JOS. E. SAMPSON, , flec30-2t , Register; PLR18E JTOTIOS. Ws will be g fad to receive eommunlcstioB from our friends on aay and all: robjeett" general interest but . '''-- The sane of the writer mart always be fur sfefced to the Editor. Gomramifeatlottf scut be written? oft only oae side of tnejspr. Personalities mutt oida And it ia especially partievlar gander stood that the Editor t tea not always endorse the views ot eorrespoaf softs, unless so i tats i to the editorial eolursns.! ' New Advertisement!!. X. ot P. Ball. ' rpnE THIRD ANNUAL BAJX of Ger mania Lodge, No. 4, K. of P., 'will be given at Germania Ilall. nn th ; j -- o via v 30th inst. All Germans are resnprtfnllw in- rited to attend. The Italian String Band will furnish mil sic for the occasion. H. C. PHEMPERT, Chairman. F. MILLKK, .J, A. gkrot: ; - 0. ROSENTHAL:' dec 17 ORPINS30 l" 1,000; 2 t" 32 UIIUJ1I10 fctoa Piaaasi25 op. pr free. AddxeMDamelF . Bekttj, VChiDton, N. J. fec 3tf-4w New and Very Attractive Styles .are how Ready. BE8T OA.HI WET OR PAR LOU ORGANS In tbe .World, winsera of highest di?tipction aterorr great World's ixhl- . bition for thirteen jean. Pri ces, Sol. S57, f 10. to $500 and lipwaru. For easy payments, J 6.33 a quarter and upward. C'tl2e free. MA80A & UAMLLN OROAK Uo, la4 Tremont bt. Boitont- MAS 0 HI HAMLIN ORGANS 46 Eait 14th bt, (Union Square) ew York; 149 Wabaeh Avoiiue, Chicago. deo3u-4w HOMES IN TEKAS." IS THB TITXS OP A NEW ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET Desoriptive of the country along nd tribu tary to the liae of 'fca International and .Croat North ern Railroad, and contains a good county map of the State, It also contain! the n&raes a ad addresses; of Farmers and Planters in Texas who have Farm for Salo Rent,5 and those who w ill want Farh Hahds for next year. A copy of this book will be mailed free to those who desire reliable information about Texas, upon application bj letter or postal card to' ALLEV MoUOY, General Freight and Pass'r Agaat, dee30-4w .Palestine, Texas Plaster. No Remedymare Widely or Farorably Known, It is rapid in relieving, quick in enrin?. For Lama Back, Khenraatiim, Kia ney Affections, and aches and paics general ly, it Is the unrivalled remedy . dec 30-4w GEORGE PACE & CO Manufacturers of Patent PortableySircular. SAWIfOXLS - lsa Statienarv wa Pcr.atl-3 STEAM ENGINES. 5 IT. SCHBOETJEB ST., v BALTIMORE. 1LD. Grist and Flour Mills, Water WneelB, Wool Workinj andar-el Machinery, SWnfrl! Milln, Circular htyr, upplie8,etc. Send lor C.taJBe. Organist Wanted JpOR ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Salary, One Hundred Doliars jx;r aiitfutn. "Written applications may bo handed or mailed at once to the undersigned. dec 29 2t TJcBRUTZ CUTLAR, Sect'y Office Treasurer & Collector. City of Wilmington, N, C ' December 29tb," 19E0. Notice TO HOLDERS OF CITT BQNDSr QITY 00UP05S fallinir dae January lit, 1831, will be paid on presjntation at the Bank of 5"ew HanoTer in this city. HENRY SAVAGE, dec 23-3 1 " Treasurer and Collector. Htar copy 3k . Well-Shod People LWAYS HAVE A GOOD TI5IE AT Pons mm Christmas, lake the hint and go to . SHRIER'S SHOE STORE, where you will ; find full lines of everything in foot wear Tor the old, tho young and the' middle-aged. New supplies receiyed by every steamer. - Call and see the good r and hear the kw, pricest:- - SXXXLXS&'a Shoo Store dec23 Market sirect Coughs, Colds; &c, ALLES'd LUHQ BALSAM, : Bull's Cough Srrvp. ' Wiitar's Balsam, Bofshees German 8yrap, -Ayers Cherry Pectoral. , . . Areola's Goagh KLUr,! ' m Brown' Troches, - . Hat Pi Cough and Cold Curir ' For sale by . JJD miTT & CO. , dee 24 Trout and Trlacen its. 4- f. .,' v. t -rti' A r. . '.V t