to ini8 PAPER ' ' it poUshe4 every afteroeoa,- Butfayr JOSH. T. JlUQO, KDXTOS SUBSCRIPTIONS. POSTAGE PAID. ju year, t& 00 8iz nzontks, SI 50 f Tors , oatns, 91 25 One month, 60 seats. The ppf will be delivered byeafrlert, rM of sharfe, i y pari of the city. Mils ioots rates, or IS scats per week. AdvertlsUs; rates low ud libera Sabteriben will please report any asi fl failures reeeivetneir papers regularly. IWIADSeHl'giw (Cl$Qet V EXTftMSBIIJM row'jni & II. E. GORUEil OF MARKET 4l- WILL GIVE TO ALL PARTIES PURCHASING GOOD3 AT RETAIL TO be amounts' $2 and upwards, a ticket duly bearer to a chance for one of the following 1st A Silver Plated Tea Urn ridian Silver Plate Co. Valued at $30 2d -A Largo Wax Doll Valued at $ 1 5. 3d-An Elojjant Model Doll Valued at f $5. 4th I Pair Large Slivered Vaseo Valued at SI- The value of tkess articles is not fictitious the nuhlic The sifts will shortly he on Christmas the numbers will bedrawm undsr and responsible geatieme of this city, . ' ." i - We submit the following list and would ty to giro a full aad complete Inventory of adding daily to each department. Will do well to call early as oar lines ara Velocipedes, Doll Carriages, Wheel Barrows, Carts, Wagons. Chromoe, Frames, Wax Flowers, Yases, Shell Boxes, Work Boxes, Trunks, Socking Horses, Writing Rocking Chairs, Photo. Call Bells, : Drums, Tops -Tin Carts, Tin Animals, Tin Stoves, Tin Kitchens, ; TlnTea8ets, Quel, ; . Tia Horses, Masks, Violins, Bellows Birds, Cats, Pewter Tea Sets, China Tea Sets, Cups and Saucers Maa. Castors, Treasure Boxes, Furniture Sets, Arks, Flutes, Tool Chests, Bird Cages, Marbles, Illustrated Books, Wire Baskets, Farm Yards, Marbles, Buiiding Blocks, &c., FANCY GOODS BAZAAR,. fj. E. Corner tUlarketi and Second Stc. r VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAYpECEMBER 3U 1880. NO. 263 MoOoday. ifas 1DUCEMEMTS ! KoddioK, AND SECOND STREETS. numbered a: d recor Jed end Hog the beautiful and co 8tly gifts : Manufactuied by "the Me as it would trail as nothing to deceive exhibition and can bo seen by all. After the inperlntaudeace of tno well known . ' add that It would be a moral impossibllU articles Ja our establishment, as we are liable to be broken later in the season. Japanese Ware, Hetalephones, Pianos, Cornets, Harps, Chimes. Desks, Rattles, Albums, Horns, Clocks, . Watche3, Toys, Swords, Xmas Books, Lead Pencils, Envelopes, Note Paper, Ink 8Unds, Cigar Holders, Cigarette Watch Chains. Memorandum Books, Music BOX 68. Jewelry, Banks, Toilet Sets, Nine Pins, Lions, Dogs, Acrobats, Harmonicas, A, B, C Blocks, Baskets, . &c, &c, &cH &c Daily LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisement. R M McIxtibe Dellmans A K Walkik, Cassier-Dlyidend Notie A K Walkm, Cashier Annual Meeting A Rf cCows St CoWanted i A. &I Shbier Overcoats IIeinsbergkb New Tear Gifts A Shribb Boots and Sheas C W Yates What dld;you Say ! To-morrow is a legal holiday. Good bye, old year, good bye! A Happy New Year to you all. .Hog jowl and peas will be the fashion able dish to-morrow. Are you going to watch the Old Year out and the New Year in? The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot np oily 34 bales. The Board of Aldermen meet next Monday in regular monthly session. There was a very heavy frost this morning. It looked like a young now. The Postoffice will be closed to-mor row, New Years, from 9:30 A. M. to 4.30 P. M. . Hon. John W. Shackelford is in the city to-day. He will leave for his home to-night. The water in the docks in this city was frozen over tight and hard this morning. Mr. P. Heinsberger has just received a large and varied assortment of Prang's New Year cards. ' The regular monthly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners will be held next Monday. When a remedy has stood the test of more than thirty years trial and to-day is more largely used than ever, its worth is evidently unquestioned. Such is the record of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. The Legislature convenes next Wed nesday. The Supreme Court convenes in Raleigh on Monday. A Delusion .Trap placed In a house will uietly catch a cunning mouse. Call at corn's for them. t The Signal Office will be moved to its new quarters to-day and observations will be taken from them to-morrow. t Have you seen the latest improved Heat ing and Cook Stoves at Jacobi's f You can get them at fary prices. t There is ( said to be good skating on thepoids nekhiscity. The Musquito Hall pond is-frozen hard to a depth of four or fire inches. The Hegister of Deeds reports) that there have bee 184 marriage licenses issued from his office during the year 1880. O f this number 73 were issued to white and 111 to colored couples. J. R. Cairks, Sheriff of Lenawee Co.. Mich., says: I have worn an "Only Lung Pad" for Bronchial difficulties, and have not been troubled with a cough nights since wearing it. See Adv. Ladies who wish to make a present of gloves to gentlemen will be glad to know that the latter now wearonly shades f gray,brown and tan-color. The backs are stitched, with three rows iu each group, so that the nine rows nearly cover the width of the hand. Water street merchants will keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes, f Festival and Christnas Tree. The ladies of the First Presbyterian church inteid giving the children of their Sunday-school a festive time at the City Hall to-night. There will be a Christmas tree with a present on it for every scholar in the Sunday-school. The doors of the Hall will ba opened at 8 o'clock when the little ones can walk in and enjoy themselves to their hearts' con tent. There, will be,we understand, two hun dred and thirtytwo presents on'the tree, to correspond with the number of the scholars in the school. There will JaUo be another pleasing incident, that of pre senting the retiring Superintendent, Mr. B. G. Worth, with a handsome gold- headed ebony cane. Mr. Sam'l Northrop, Assistant Superintendent, with a hand some carved silver cake basketand Mr. C. H. Bobinson, Superintendent of Music, with a very handsome silver berry stand, with frosted glass dish. The pres ents are extremely handsome and are presented as tokens of Jove, and gratitude fer the efficient management of tha attiring efficsn ef th school; Steamer Hart- A. P. Hurt, reported in The sted the UrviEtesterday as beiDg disabled and tied nit Wanet's landing, has since traaied her cargo to the Gov 10th. Worth, wj arrived here this morning. The HurtlM not makeWilmington this trip, will start from Wanet's 11th. landing thlfternoou and proceed on up the ritfter another load. a b Pjthlan Ball. Thethinnual bdl of Germama Lodge, K P., at Germani Hall last evening, well attended. The hall was handlehfT deeorated with ever-l . MH f I greess anfytbiaa banners, i ns let. tivities WflkeDt ud until earlv "dawn when the ftici pants dispersed for their I 1 r I homes, ding with them pleasant thoughts the enjoyment of the occa sion. ! "Pole a ticket." The lai news here in regard to the telegraplj'pole 6tickers" on the line J oftheCaina Central E. R., is that 1 they werat Rockingham, 11 miles from wington, two days ago. A few mileas side; of Rockingham .they will striUhe pine country and they can therCe move with much greater liismatrTi it will hp. mnoh pnsier work i -m 1 1 r u r n m ( v u n i l r si n i i 1 1 m f i itiiii i iif stifif clabetweeu Rockinffham and Charlotti Durings Ilolidays buy useful articles such as tistmas Fire Dogs, Shovels and Tones. Finer Machines. &c. All at the lowest ri? at Jacobi's. t rhibltlon Liquor Law. There; a petition being signed in this cityiich will be presented to the next lieral Assembly. askiDir lor a State pribitiau liquor law. Tha peti tion is n by any meansa local affair f as we unrstand that similar petitions are beinggned in every city, town and hamlet hin the borders of the State The movient was commenced in Ral eigh a sH time ae;o and the circulars, etc. whiqwere sent here emanated from the mcetg which was held at the Capi tal. I Don't rget the N. Y. Enamel Paint,! ready mid and warranted, at Jacobi's. f The Thermometer. Th( mther has warmed up consider ably iii tj South, notwithstanding the fact tlathere seems to be but little im- proTemei m tne jxorin, iasi ana w esi. At AHIr'a. fliia mnrnin. at 7 o'clock. I v. i a o. Angnstalat 17; at Cairo, 111., at 3; at CharJesta at 23; at Charlotte at 6; at I Cincitna at 12; at Galveston at 27; at Havana 67; at Jacksonville at 32; at Kev Wet at 60: at .Knoxville at 1: at Lyncibrg at 2 below zero; at Memphis at 14; I Mobile at 21; at Montgomery 1 iatlafvillev l; fi'" leansat28;at ew York at 1; at'Sa- rannih 1 25; at Shreveport at 20; at St. I Louii att; at Vicksbnrg at 22; at Wash ingtoa dty at 10; and at Wilmington at 17. Weadlse our friends to call at Jacobi's for rod aver Plated Tea and Table Spoons nd Fcrk; Roger' Ivory handled Table Knlv. fen and Pocket Knives. AU f Chrisjai k and at the lowest pi ices, CIU Court. JotnBaker, alias Edmund Edmund son, aaeCTr. Young, two white sea faring Den,were arraigned,together with Joholvris, colored before the Mayor this ioning upon the charge of an af fray, lewis, the colored man, claimed that m two white men wanted to open a buckes, or covered tin waiter, which he had ik lis hands and was carrying along the slrest with dinner in it, and that he strudc me of the men and kicked the othei Per contra the two seafaring men jtcutly denied Lewis asseition, and testifed so as to make .Lewis the ag eressir. The testimony, however, was a litie mixed and the Mayor discharged Baker and fined William Young $5 and ino. Lewis $2. This finished the tinsiiess and the Court adjourned Tie remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar to women is Warner's Safejkiduey and Liver Cure. Mother's Magazine. j causer and Effect. Tie main cause of nervousness is in digestion, and thatTis caused by weakness of Hie stomach. JN o one can nave souna nerves end rood health, without using Hon Bitters to strengthen the stomach, BurifV the blood, and keep 4he liver.and kidneys active, to canyffsdl .the pois- onous ana waste znatier oi ae ejsiecx See other column. Advance, The Board of Directors of the First National Bank have declared a dividend of three per cent., payable on January Jr The annual meeting of the stoekbcld era of the Bank of Wilmington will be held io this citv ou Tuesday, January To morrow will be celebrated in the Roman Catholic and Episcopal Churches in this city as the Feast o the Circum cision. . The "Wilmington Light lufantry ba3 been inrited to attend the inauguration . l' 11 .1 ' A "I 1 ceremonies ai w asnmgion ony on xne 4th of March next. The matter is to be submitted to a meeting of the Company New Quarters. To-naorrow, the 1st of January, 1S81, is the day designated by resolution of the Board of Aldermen at a recent meet ing on which the market carts and hack- sters were to leave their old etands and take new positions under the 6heds of the Xew Market and in the fish market. "We sappose the resolution will 'be enforced this time. chipped Foreign. i Three cargoes of cotton, amounting to 3.955 bales, and one carjro lumber and shingles, cempaising 237,636 feet lumber and 100,300 shingles, were cleared here! to-day for foreign ports. Messrs. , Wil liams L Murchison ship the cotton and Messrs. iN ortnrop & uumming tue lum-r "uu uiu.v. . w a" b I to the West Indies and 14307 bales of the cotton is for Bremen, while tho balance all goes to Liverpool. "W. A. Titus, C2 Ashland Avenue, Toledo, Ohio, says: My wife is now 'as strong as ever, her regained health being d "rectly due to th use of the Excelsior Kidney l ad. We can neartily recom-i mend it to all kidney.troubled persons. Sec Adv. New Advertisements. Wanted a v EXPERIENCED TRAVE LLINd t Salesman for the State, of North Caro lina by the undersigmed, Importer and Wholesale Dealers in IS otions, Hosiery, Gloves. Whito Goods, Gents' Furnishing- Goods, &c. Good references required. Address. A. R. McCOWN &CO., dec 31-lMT C2G Market st., Phila., Pa. OVERCOATS. (ttbat 13 LIFE, COLD IS DEATH l XI Beia.mbar this and do 3 our duty to your- "If and jour family by keeping warm, can beit be accomplished by wearing one of taoae nevy, stylish and cheap Oyercoataor! . . . A- h BHEIKK'fi, dec 31 Market ttrett First National ' Bank oi Wilmington TTMIZ BOARD OF DIRECTORS of this Bank have declarcda Dividend of Tnret per cent, payable on the 10th of January dec 31-St A. K. WALKER, Cash'r, First National Bank of Wilmington, - nnHE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE Stockholders of this Bank for th elec tlon of Directors, will be held at their Bank- ling House in Wilmington, on TUESDAY, llth f january, at n o'clock, A. M, A. K. WALKER, Cashier, dec CI janl.3, 8, 10 WE ARE SELLING AT GREATLY RE DUCED PRICES, ALL BIZS3. LADIES' AND GENTS' MERIUO AND ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. GENTS' ALL WOOL BIBBED Sam AND DRAWEE. Cloak icri snl gacqnlagi la ysrlcss colon -. and Brjles. r All ehetn for cash. dee 31 4 MclNTIREi,- - a ' PLEASE NOTICE. -. We will beg lad to receive eo mm axil cation from oar friend's on say sad all subjects o general interest but . ' The name of the writer mzii always be fer oished to the Editor. CovueoxiieatfoBS xtmt be written; on only one side of the.paper. Personalities ma - ioide" And it is especially ea particularlyundeV 1 , stood that the Editor f m not always endorse ' the views ox oorrespor Meats, aalen so " tststf in the editorial eolavns. a ' New Advertisements, New Year a if ts. TEST FIXE ABSOTMEHT Of KEW YEAB GIFTS At nKIXBDEKQEE'S. Diaries for 1881. OR SAVE AT HEIN8BKHQEK3,. dfio 8 live Book acd MaaU Hftre. What Did You Say ? I PAID HAS THE PRETTIEST Christmas Coeds ! In town CTe-ythia ia eo new and. ' bsantifai. Kia Swiss Carvicg and Orisaui Ware Is rerfictlyblejraat. . deo 20 TATES BOOK' STORE, n&RANQ30 lo -1,000; ,3 to 32 UnUKnO btops Piantal25 np. Paper free. Address Daniol F. Ueatty, W&shineton. N: J, deo 30'ftw , Nef and Very Attractive, Styles 'are Lsauy. BEST 'CABIN Et OR PAR LOR OROANa in the World, winners of highest distinction at every preat World's Exhi bition for thirteen years. Pri ces, $51. $66, $84, $105, to $500 and .-upwaru. For easy payments, $6.33 a qusrtsr j y i . MAS Oil AND 1 1 R SI l9 ri HmLlK nnnR tlO uu o?ra. cisiaioaeB tree URuAllb MON & HAMLIN ORGAN i t-o, latTrpmont Bt Boston; 46 East 14th tit, (Dnion 8qnare) Hew Ybrk; 149 Wabasn ATeane, Chicago. dee3u-4w 13 THS 11T1B 08 A HEY ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET Descriptire of tha country aloEg-and tribu tary to the line of the Internatlonat and Groat North orn Railroad ' and contains a pood connr map of the BUte. Farmers and Plantera in Texas who haye Farms fov.Sale or Rent, and those who nill want Fxvlh IIakds for net year. A opy . of "ttiia book will b 9 mailed free to those who. desire reliable information abont Texas, upon application by letter or postal card to ALLEV McOOY, Ueneral r reignt ana rass r Agenc, flee 30-4w Palestine, 'texas , iiii if 1 1 . ii " : BENSON'S., No Remedy more Widely or Favorably Known. It is rapid in rel eviog quick in carinfr. For Lama tsacx, hDeumtntm, ia ney Affections, and aches and paits general- lr. it is the nnriTalled remeov. deo ao-iw GEORGE PACE & CO : Blannfactnrera of Patent Portable Circular - jf?&mmZ& SAWBIILLS. ilsa-Ctatiaary ka ?orts6.s dTEAM.EfiGIHES, 5 H. SCHROEDER ST., BALTEklOCE, SID. Grist and Ilonr MUla, Water Whls, Wood Working Vappliea, etc. bend for Cutaline. Office Treasurer fi: Collector. City of Wilmington ft C Deconber Wtbi 16S4 TO HOLDERS OF CITY BONDS. ITY CODPOSB falling due January 1st 1881, will be paid on presmtatioit at the Bank of New Hanoyer in this city. HENRY SAVAGE, ; dec 23-3 1 Treasurer and Collector. Htar copy St Coughs Golds; &c ALLEY'S LUJIO BALSA2I, Boirs Oongh Syrup, CSBCIEG Pons PMer IB TV Whtar'a Balsam, . Beschee's German Syrup, Ayer'r Cherry Pectoral. . Arnold's Oongh KUer, Brown' Troches, Kni ft Congh and Cold Curs i ' For s&le by , J DNUTT A 00. dee 24 Front and Princess sts. Scheduler BTazl LTtyraiCIIANTa jyp; RADERB ARE JX ; t - - noticed to list with me, cn the 1st cf Janu ary, 1SS1, their Purchase &r th rerlouf tlx mouths, In Comrilsacc wltli the Jafri " ' " $ oar ampson;