PUJASE SOTVJK Wo Will be rf ad to receive eonittidtlo paattshed every aftermeoa, jeple ii by r 1 Josn. t. jiuco, rprrom 40 raorasroju su&iciupnos, postage paid. ver,$& 00 t$U months, S3 SO ; Three tteatt,fl ii; One monta.M oenta. . .fae paper will b delivered Oyearrien, re of eharf e, la aay part of the city, at lie ibeve rates, or IS oeats per week. AdvertlsJvj? rates low and liberal . STSf -rirf will please report aay'aae' U fallureto reeelvefteir papers regularly. from onr friend on av &&d &n Kr" general interest but The nxaie of the writer nut elwajs b fV aWed to tU Editor. IJJi Communications sut be written;: oa oa!y oae side of the paper j- Personalities an . oU . Aad it is especially prucaUrir m..ir 1 VOL; V WfLMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, JANUARY 3. 1881. NO. 265 stood thai the Editrw not alwaji endorsa the view ot eorreeponetssta. tMi . la the editorial oolnwina. i Daily 1! riotr AdTortiBomonts. Market Gt. 32 LOCAL 'NEWS. New Artvcxmeniri.T. C W Yatzs mi Brow & Roddick Prizes Drawn . A Shriek Protect the Feet-lltissBERGER-Black Book Gao W W Davis 0 SI Stedman Fire Co Ifol Wood solJ to-day at from $3 to cord. :g a la Splrttna Ism Tra1 Mr. J. M. Colville, of Boston, Mass., will giro a religions illustrated spiritual lecture at the Opera House Wednesday eveninjr. lie will :be assisted in bis stances by fire wonderful and ' newly de veloped mediums. It is said be will pre sent the whole modern spiritualism ia tne open ugnt witnout the aid oi ropes or cabinets. Only 62 bales or this port .to-day. cut ton received at Dou't forget the N. Y. Euamel Palut, rtady Jolxe4 aud warrauteil, at Jacobi's. f Rev. Dr. Patterson was to have preacl -ed at the (hurch of the Good Shepherd in Raleigh last evening. We advise oar friends to call at Jacobi's fir real Silver Plated Te and Table Spoon) nd Forks, Roger's Ivory bandied Table Knives, Pen aid Pocket Kuivee. All fori (;hriUn9 and attbe lowest Pile. - Icrois tbe Continent. Oliver Doad Byron will show city on Saturday nierht next, appear in his thrilling drama ia . this He will "Across e Water street merchanti wi'l keep their 1 the Continent' in which it is said that feet dry In Winter by w tiring- Ivj&kn- he will make one's risibilities rise 333 thais boots and shoes, f I times durincr the Dlav. He -has a full - i k I company and is accompanied by a train - ttle of Dr. .Bull's ed "gentleman mule." If the r . CooDtj Commissioners The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session this afternoon, the Chairman and all' the members being present. ' It was ordered that those Magistrates i who have not made their annual report shall do so at the next meeting of the Board. John H. Savage tendered his officia bond as keeper of the Poor House, with Messrs. Jno. H. Strauss. Wm. Larking and Jno. R. Melton as sureties, which was accepted. He also tendered his bond a3 oaperinienaent oi me nouse oi cor rection with tbe same sureties, which was likewise accepted. Mr. Savage was then sworn in by Chairman Smith. J The Treasurer's report for the month of December was received: Geueral Fund showing balance $23,881.28. Ed ucational Fund balance due $3,724.68; Special Fund balance due, $859.07. He surrendered 3 bonds of $500 'each pur- Sln of the Sbow Case Shoemaker- 'Bc candid, doctor. rA r n. pnii'o I ed "trentleman mule." If the members CoughSyrup. 'You knowitisa good of the company cainot make you laugh. cuiaeu onnniiiw?aDa OE STILL LIVES Some years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, of the World's Dispensary and Invalid's Hotel, of Buffalo, N Yif and London. Bfow Advertieesientff. Blank Boofca aad Draft Books. 0 Keipt Book, Kote For taleat HIS8BESGEl'3. was sent for to examine a terrible dis I D?EB3 J0DRNAL3, DaT-BikeO uOT-juufc, icnuibin w uiccr 1 Boot f Beoor: miua aa extensive siougning oi tne bone and tissues. The man's life had been despaired of by the previous at tendants. Amputation at the thigh! was promptly decided upon and skillfully per lormed by Dr. Pierce, aad as after treat: ment to purify the blood and prevent a recurrence of the maladv the doctors Golden Medical Discovery was freely HP01' BlDME. MILLtR'H prescribed. The man's system was thor- Luo ntu, Vn ; . Almanacs far 1831. jaa3 V T4E LIVE BOOK rtIi'K. TO KY TRlZS'jj Cr 'ihJ- ' 4 ' very libe.al patroaege during pt jetr ,Wlta in I nedicine," and the M. D. left in disgust. M The Board, of Aldermen are in ses- T flTOCK OF BOOTS AXD JKI0ES sion this afternoon, but their Droceedins are too late for this issae. always complete. Call and. examine. Sat-, bftction ipiarantecd to customers. Now Is the time to supply your families. A full line of those CIIILDREN'8 SCOTCH SOLE, In lace and buttons. See ing Is believing, f Convince yourself of the fact. f A new lot of those 8COTCII SOLE OA ITERS J oat received. Don't forgethe oil number. C. ROSSNTHAL, A thaw set in .this afternoon and the streets are wet and sloppy and exceed ingly disagreeable. There is no sign, at I Kidney Pad. We can heartily then that jack no, "gentleman mule" is backed up to you, and then you laugh or have the head kicked off of you. ' W. A. Titus, 62 Ashland Avenue, Toledo, Oh"o, says: My wife is now as strong as ever, her regained health being directly due to the use of the Excelsior recom- 33 Market Street. this writing, of clearer weather. The Cape Fear Light Artillery have received an invitation to be present at the inauguration of General James A. Garfield at Washington, D. C, March 4lh, 1881. mend it to all kidney troubled persons. See Ado. nor I Tbe trains which arrived in this city Groceries, BnCCiO?:, &Cm by the'C. C. Railroad this morning Handsome Prizes Drawn. The four prizes offered by Messrs. Brown & Roddick to purchasers of goods from their "Bazaar during the holiday I collected from the county of season were drawn this morning. The first prize, an elegant silver-plated tea urn, was drawn by ticket No. 343, held t Half Rolls! BAGGING, y and 3 lbs Bun Ilea New and Pcd TIES, 500 1000 JQQ Lbs Bagjini TWINE,, For sale low by dec WILLIAMS A MTJRCniSON. in fnr Sacks SALT, Marshall Fine 1J UUU1 Liverpool, Onn HhdeaadBbls Molaesea. XAJVr. For sale low by lt 6 WILLIAMS & MURCFII30N. ,QQQ Bbls FLOUR, all grades, 1000 OKH Bbls SUGAR, were covered with snow. There was, so I by Mrs. George Chadboura: the second, a we are told, at least eight inches of snow on the tops of the cars'. Ilave you eeen the latest improved II eat ing and Cook Stores at Jacobj's ? You can get them at""fafry prices. - t . Bunches of grapes were kept -three months by an Australian grower by dip ping the ends of the stems in wax and packing them in kjln-dried ground bark. During the Holidays buy usefi such as Christmas Fire Dogs, S Tongs, Fluting Machines, &c. lowest prices at Jacobi's. beautiful doll, elegantly dressed, fell to ticket Xo. 425, held by Mrs. J. F. Stol ter; the thhd, a handsome, doll, was drawn by ticket No. 435, held by Mrs. Crapon and ticket No. 376, held by Mrs. at the next meeting. Hashagen, drew a pretty pair of silvered J- A communication from the New Han vases. The four prizes' aggregated $51 f over County Board of Health in regard 5 coupons of S3 which were burued in th3 presence of the Board. John W. Dunham, Clerk of Criminal Court, tendered his annual report. J. E, S. mpson, Register of Deeds, ten dered his report of fees received from maariajre licenses for the month of De- cembea exhibiting receipts for $28.50 paid over to Treasurer. The Chairman reports having collected from the county of Anson $15.52 which was paid over, to the Treasurer. Jno. D. Taylor, J. P., reports having Pender the sum of $3; Application of D. O'Connor, Agent, was granted. J. A. Sharpless, constable-elect of Cape Fear Township tendered his offi cial bond which was acrepted. The Finance Committee were instruct ed to review the revenue law and report I ball alwaji endatror to keep a f 1 1 st .ck ' '-' - ' ' ' of everything ia my line at TdMotable p-icjj. YATEJ' BOOK UTOUE. oughly purified andstreiurthenod. he ran. idlygained his health, the stump heal ing nicely, and be is toUlay a happy man. I bis case was amoDg the first in which this wonderful blood-parifier was tested. It has since manifested its won derful power over the worst sctofulous and other blood diseases. Taken for a time it so puri6es and strengthens the system as to strongely fortify it against he encroachments of diseases. Sold bv druggists. M id dleville, Mich., Feb. 15. IS7D. Hon. R. Y. Pierce: Dear Sir-I would 6ay that I have sold your medicines, for seven years. The O.olden Medical Discovery is the best cough remedy I have ever used and iu .every case where I have recommended it, it has cured. I have used it in my fami Pipe f tiTiiiTi.l i.i- ly for my children. It cures theS colds LJ? ArSC aUOIlUl iiaUt Ot and coughs in a day pr two. Mv wife has usea it, several times when down sick. It invariably gives ; immediate relief. Its sale, increases daily. J. B. KESTER, Druggist. New A dvertisements. C. M. STEDMAPI FIRE CO. NO. 1. ttotice oraioEas and members. rou are aereDy requested to meet at! your Track Home, at 7 J o'clnck, Wednei day Evening, January 5, 1881, ia full uni form. A a business of importance will be transacted, ard. the election f tfliseri for Al i fit A- 1 - iue eoBuiuir jear wm xaae oaoe. a lull at. tendance is earnestly desired. jan 3 it W. W. DAYI9, Pret't. Protedt the Feet I TTALF OF THE DISEASES INCIDENT WiliniHgton. rjlHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of' this Bank have declared a Dividend of Three per cent payable ou the 10th of Jamiary. r dep3i-3t A. K. TALKER, Cah'r, ' Happy RJew Year. rjlHE LIVE" BOOK STORE eolds, and half improperly pro- in Talue. A articles novels and All at the t CnA BAGS COFFEE, OUU For aalelowby- dec 6" WILLIAMS & MURCHISOK. 100 :.50 ;oo 200 dec 6 Eoxea and Half Bbls SNUFF, Eoxea CANDY, w e Boxes TOBACCO, Boxea CANDLES, Forsalolowby WILLIAMS & MURCHI30N. 2QQ BoxcSOAP , 200 BoiJ 8TARCn OHO Caeca LTE, 100 dec 6 Boxea POTASH, For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCIIISON, TVTAIL3, HOOP IRON, Glue, Cheese, Cracker, Wrapping Paper, Twine, fcc For sale low by dec 6 WILLIAMS AMuRCHlSON '. : " CLYDE'S Klew Yoc?k '' A2TT I Wilmington. C. Steamship Line. TUK STEAMER . "Honeysuckle," she used to call him, but he was always hanging over the front fence of evenings. Now she. calls him "Icicle" ' because he hang3 about the porch. . The remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar to women is Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Mother's Magazine, i A fashion writer savs there is a for- tune in store for the milliner who shall devise a bonnet that can be worn in any part of a church, and always present its trimmed side to the congregation. . Ye Pimpled and Ulcerated Victims of scrofulous diseases, who draff your un clean persons into the company of better men, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and E' urge out the foul corruption from your lood. Restore vour health, and you will not only enjoy life better, but make your company more tolerable to those who must keep it. Another steamer. The Steamship Ellen S.. Terrtfc has Moderating. There is. evidence that the cold weath er is breaking up. This we judge from the weather bulletin issued this morning. Of all the points indlcated thpreon Wash ington City in the lowest, the theremom eter there recording, at 7 o'clock this morning, d degrees. At other points it was as follows: At Atlanta, 36; Au gusta 30; Cairo, HI., 27; Cape Hatteras, 31; Charleston, 33; Charlotte, 25; Cincin nati, 26; Corsicana, 36; Galveston, 48; Havana, 73; Indlanola, 42; Jacksonville, 37; Key We3t 64; Knoxville 19; 'Lyncti burg, '12; Memphis, 33; Mobile, 36 Montgomery,- 29; Nashville, 32; New to the establishment of a Public 'Hospi tal, was referred to Commissioners Smith and Bagg who are to meet a sim ilar committee appointed by the Board of Aldermen. J. C. Millis was elected standard keep er for the ensuing two years. " The jury list was next in order but we were compelled to close our report before the list was drawn. to humanity coma from bad of the bad colds come from teeted feet -The remedy is - Go to Shrier's a&d boy warm and well fitting Shoes . Keep the feet warm and dry and you will keep well. Befpectfullr, A. SHRIEB, jan 3 Market street. ings to all. Thankful for past favors,- It will endeavor to continue to merit, durin 1SS1, the popular favor heretofore 'bestowed' it, and wUl offer always the greatest Induce. The Neir Year's Reception. We were unable to give a full report on Saturday of the New Year's recep tion tendered by Hon. A. H. VanBokke- en to the members of the Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Trade,' be cause of the short time allowed us. The reception was all that could be desired and has furnished to-day a fruitful theme of pleasant-taiK Dy those wno were so fortunate as to be present. The welcome to the guests was a hearty one and the j rood cheer which was provided was es- Lliy Court. I pec ially grateful on such an inclement Robert Lovett, colored, was arraigned I day. A number of toasts were delivered WILMINGTON, N. U., January S18S1 Orleans, 45; New York, 18; Punta Ras sa, 50; Savannah, 37; Shreveport, 37; St. Louis, 21; Vicksburg, 38: Cedar Keys, 39; Pensacola, 87; and Wilmington, 39. Brown & Roddick's fANCY GOODS BAZAAR. PRIZES DRAWN THIS. MORNING WITH THE FOLLOWING RESULT : First Prize : ! 1 Silver Plated Sea Urn, Value $30.00, Mrs. George Chadbourn. Ticket No. 343. upon the charge of disorderly conduct. Decision reserved and defendant re leased. Judy Ann Hunter, a Paddy Hollow denizen, was arraigned for being drunk and down; sentenced to pay $10 fine or m It. a. x a iv. "i been placed on the N. Y. & Wilming- De :mxpnsonea wr twenty oays ia tne iv ,a3u;P Defendant went below. Stream, which is now undergoing re- cay a. oi GULF CAPT. INGRAM, 1LL BAUrBCM MZW TORE FRIDAY. Doc, 31- ai pert eaa rtly upoa thejprosnpi H!Uiiof 8Mtolfl ia advertised. i reLrLt I!n v vj amc Anrlv km cosd, aup't, Frtlxkt tiiJt. Broivay, Jte York. d ow arn-ror an ludsbf Printiar, f ntss nf 4tn oat ef the efty eaa eeve JWr rutin ew.foily x0ed aad al e tree of polju l-lKtvlewBaliaac) rriater, pairs, having lost her rudder on her last trip out irom mis port, ine l etty i3 expected to arrive here to-morrow morn-iff. 1 Step in the Blzlu Direction A meeting of the Board of Health for New Hanover ; county was .held in the .County Commissioners room last Friday evening, Col. W. L. Smith, 'the Chairman, presiding. Dr. Thos. F. Wood made a verbal report to the Board of his visit to New Orleans in attendance on the Quarantine and Health'meetings recently held there. Tho following resolution.loffered by Dr. Wood, was adopted: Resolved That in the opinion of the New Hanover County Board of Health the time has come when in the interest of humanity, and mercy a hospital or infirmary and dispensary should be es tablished in the city of Wilmington for the care of the sick poor. No such in stitution now exists and there is no ade quate provision made for such purposes. We respectfully suggest that the proper authorities be asked to take such action as will secure the end in viow. The Secretary was requested to pre sent this resolution to the city and county ! authorities'at their nut meeting, which was'done this afternoon. - Samuel Nelson and Peter Jones were arrested and arraigned for fighting. The first named was released, but the last lamed individual, who has been up -sev eral times within the last two weeks be fore tbe Mayor, was sent to the City Prison for thirty days. This ended the day's session of the City Court. supreme Court. The January term of this tribunal be gins in Raleigh to-day. The first two days of the first week will be devoted to the examinatioB of applicants for license to practice law. The remainder of the first week will be devoted to hearing ap- Deals from the first judical district on the occasion none of which, however, are likely to go down to posterity as there was no reporter present. Captain DeRosset offered the first toast, which i was to Mr. YanBokkelea as President of the Ctaraber of Commerca and this was handsomely responded to by 'that gentle man. . Messrs Alex. Sprunt, E Kidder, C. H. Robinson and R. I'-Heide, follow ed, 'some of whom, although sailing under different flags, yet 4 evinced a wonderful unanimity in appreciation of the cheer and the occasion. Hon. A. JL. Waddell was also called on and in response to a toast, and delivered himself in his usual pleasant and felicitous manner. - Wo thank Mr. VanBokkelen for the invitation which included the press as subscribers to the Exchange and regret very muchjout jnability to be present. " Quarterly Hecilnis For the Wilmiagton District, Me tho dist E. Church. South, 1881. . (First round .) Duplin, at Kenansville, - - - Jan 8-9 Bladen, at Soule Chapel, - - Jam. 15-16 at Elizabeth to wn, Jan. ZZ-23 Second Prize.: 1 Dressed U oil, . ' Value $15 00. . Mrs. J. F. Stoulten Ticket No. 42: i ft menta to its numerous patron - ' - A - P. IIEINSBERGER, Live Book and Music Store jan 1 A LARGE STOCK OF Sash, c Doors- Blinds: and; ALLKIHDS OF'MILL WOBkV : ; LUMBER, LATHS. &c. For gale very cheap, at ALTAFFER, PKIC4 & CO. Paotorvt foot of Walnut st. Polliinni aiis, WE AitK 8FLLINQ AT GREATLY RE-. DU0ED PRICSi, ALL S12C3. ' I Third 1 Soil Mrs. Crapon. Prize : Value $5.00 Ticket No. i?.t. ' Fourth. Prize : 1 Pair Silvered Vases. Value ?1.0J. Mrs. Ilashien. Ticket No. LADIES' AMD OENTS MER JHO AMD ALL WOOL UHDERWEAR. GENTd' ALL WOOL RIBSED SHIRTS - AND URAVTEl'S. Cloakisjs end Bacqaiafs ia v;r!oa3 ctlor end'f tjlfs. ; V 7 :i7C RlixAheth. Should appeals from the first district not Wilmington, at Fifth street, Jan. 29-30 h ronrlndpd th first week. Mondar and Wilmington, at Front 6treet, Feb. 5-6 Tuesday of the secona weeK will De as-l sismed to that district, or so much of said two days as may be required to fin ishsaid districts. The remaining dis tricts will be called as follows: 2nd District, second and third weeks. 3rd District, fourth week. 4th District, fifth week. 5th District, sixth week. 6th District, seventh week. r 7th District, eighth wee. 8th District, ninth week. -.9th District, tenth wttk Smithville. . - - - Feb. 8 9 Whiteville, at Whiteville, Feb. 12-13 Waccamaw Mission, at Bethesda, Feb. - -i 15-16 Brunswick, at BetheL - - -Feb. 19-20 Topsail, at Wesleyan Chapel, Feb. 26-27 Onslow, at Tabernacle, - - March 5-6 Clinton, at Andrew Chape), March 12-13 Cokesbury, at Halls, - - March;l?-20 The District stewards will meet at the Parsonage of the Front street Church in Wilmington, at ten o'clock a. ra. on the 2d Feb. A. full attendance desired. . L. S. BrntnxLaiv x , " PrtsidiD Elder.. jan SCDPPERI01I8 1 AND Floweys Wixxo ! jyj lNU?ACrJRKi) "V WHiTXV'i, Wiae Com: aj, W'titetilL S. V. V- Pricej and eampltti oc piitaiin. hn ia your orders for iLe ttbdays. 01? AS. KLEIN, (latT&ts iu - Caito! fiabr. Princeia SirfeeU in. Pajeneiit cf the ) Jo nr&al jQxiildi& j f Ljilji oto V, V. C ejr a a so ertbc&t nt Coaias ad Cas keta e-jtunUy on haad. Farnitare Rspaired Cleaaed aad Taraiahed, Orderf br tele ttraph or mall prcsytij t0T tu Ail ch esp Co: dec 31 R il. i'dXTlUK. First National Bmk oi' Wilminffton. rnE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE fctpckhclders -J of this Bank for thcclc- - . '. : ' .- : :. tlopof Directors, will be held at their Batik- fag House ia Wilmington, ojj TUESDAY, ths 11th of January, at ll o'clock, A. 31. r A. K.WALKER, Cashier. dec 31 jan lSlQ , K ', .. : Wanted. r AN ' EXPERIENCED TRAVE LLING ! Salesman for the State of. North Caro - i , iS . J the dersigned, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Motion, Hosiery. Gloves, White Goods, Gents Furalshifl Goods, Ac, Good references required, a , J Address, A, R. McCOWN-;c CO., 0 V

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