Tuns rxi t m aaUa&a4 every aiWraeoa, Smndayi Pc4by. JOSH T. JAKES, KDXTOJi AJK9 rmor&zxTOJU 6 DBHCBIFTIOB, FOOTAGE PAID. PLEASE SOTIGX. We will be g lad to reearre toaaaaltlovi from our Mad$ on amy and -all, tabfertTT CtMral istarasl bat Taa aaaa of thti writer saan always b far nlsaad to tha Editor. " Oomsaaaltatloafl start b wrlttea: oa o)y oa sid of iha.papr. ParsoBalitiai mvm voided And It Is wpeeialjy part.elarty.uji stood that th Editor 4 mm not always endona thriwsoloorrpaUaii. tnUto Utcd in t dJtortAl oolnnin?. - r vr H yr, SS 00 Fix aoatas, SIM ; Thrae saoatha, SI 15; One month W oca U. fast pa par will b dallrarad byaarrlar, ra of charg. la any part of the city, at the &Trau, or 13 cents per weak. , Advertiaiajr. ratae low and libera JC98abribr will plea report aaj aad il fallarecta- raaaive their p apart rearalarly. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1881. NO. 266. Daily Ret ie w j -1. Kott AdTertisoments. 32 Market St. 32 -v - . - LOCAL NEWS. rvew Advartneinrtnts. IIabdiiio Johnson Notice J A SrsiNOEB Coal Orm nocsa I'oetlcAl Reading Opera. IIccse Spiritualism II EJNSB EAGER A Keply to the "Fool's Errand" C W Yates ISSI A Shriek Protect the Feet Howard Belle At a meeting of the Howard Relief T1 3 Arm m. v r ire j&ogine uo., no. l, neia last even iug, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year, viz: Foreman A. Adrian. First Assistant Herman Hintze.. ance with the acts of the Legislators and the general tax ordinance of the Board of Aldermen, to advertise the sale of real estate for delinquent tares; the aale of the said real estate to begin on the 15th of February, 1831. The Mayor, presented ' a petition from Second Assistant Martin IUthjeo. tax payers, representing $2,573,000 The storm signal was Hying today. Don't forget the . Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and warrantl. at Jacobi's The sale of reserved seat for Father Ryan's leefu re will commence to morrow morning.. The diagram wiil be at F Heinsbergers Lire look Store. -Tavelers should be prepared for the changes of weather and against the effect of oxposure by providing them selves with Dr. Bull's Cough SyruD, the best made. lresi dent John O. Oldenbuttlei Vice-President John D. Steljes. Recording Secretary Fi C.Miller. Cor. Sec. John G. L. Geischen. Chief Engineer Walter Furlong. Assistant Engineer W. F. Lessman . Daiiu the Holidays buy. useful r&les such Christmas Fire Dogs, Shovels and Tonse, Flutinc: Machines, Ac. All at the lowest prices a: Jacobi's. t worth of real estate, which Had been pre tented to the Board of Audit and Fi nance, asking their approval of the con tract with the Wtlmingtoa Market Company. A resolution was adoped that the Board shoild meet at the call of the Mayor to take fliat actldalofegahl to tht Market question. The report of the Superintendent of Health for the month ot December was read and ordered on file. The report of the Chief of the Fire hs of November to Slim of the Show Case with tb Shoemaker- T STOCK OF B09T3 AND SHOES M1 The- officers-elect of Carolina Lodge No. 434, Knights of Honor, for the en suing term were installed last night by D. G. D., John D. Taylor. Have you seen the latest Improved II eat ing and Cook Stoves at Jacobi's ? You can get them at fafry prices. f Indications For the South Atlantic States threat enicg weather and. rain northeast to southeast winds, rising temperature and falling barometer during the rest of-the day. A bcale y Trick. ' Kate Thajer, who was to have given a nusical concert in this city on Friday night next, has cancelled her engage ment, "as she says she cannot net in and GrOCeriCS, Bagging &C, out of Wilmington without the loss of a rnn Hair Roll: BAGGING, ' P"""" 0h Cd KiQ andStiU fe OUU 1K nd 2 lbs I cruel fate ! Air we to be alto-gether Bundiea New and Fed TIES, Department for the mon and December was read and ordered be filed. At the regular meeting of the Finance, held Board yesterday always complete. Call and examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now is the time to supply your families. A full line of those CUILDREN'8 SCOTCH SOLE, in lace and buttons. See ing Is believing. Convince yourself tf the fact. A new lot of those SCOTCH SOLE GAITERS just received. Don't forgtthe old number. C ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street. nov t fender luuutr. The regular -monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Fender coun- ty was held yesterday, present the Chair man, Daniel Shaw, Esq., and Commis sioner James Alderman. The report of J. F. Moore, Justiee of! 0 Anit and LI1K A tI-LI'.K III liHMWP I I MWI1KFI1T1 Kit f I. a. . a . . - . - rt I atternoon, the contract between the citr -.w, -u cu auu rccivcu. , &1ld Wilmington Market- Company was uuey oouiuenana, oanaara weeper, referrea to lhe City Attorney, and the present nisDonaior.av,wun jLrnoia fnptWn- ftf ih ft m4tlnp juoouj, r,uu " -". ferred until a subsequent meeting to be Anomberofbills were ordered" paid. calicd bylhe Chairman of the Board, Capt. A. C. Ward, tho newly appoint- ed Sheriff, was allowed until the 10th Count j Commissioners- inst. to complete his bond, several of his The following is a report of the pro bondsmen failinrr to am)car on account of I eeedings of the Board of County Com- thftspverp. wpnthpr The. fnllnwimr irPn-1 missioners and the Board of Education tlemen were present and accented bv the Ltransacted after our close yesterday: A moved to Horry district, 8. Q., where she died. The girl then gayg ahe went U live with preacher Stall, who she claims treated her badly, which caused her to run away frm him, when she came to this city and Ijved with her Uncle Tonir or Wil liam Taylor and his wife, Beadie Taylor; she left here last June and went to Au gusta aid returned from there to this city this morning in search of her. last named relatives. She cnuat tell what street they lived on. The Chief of Po lice is making diligent inquiries for the girl's Taj lor relatives, but has not suc ceeded at this present writing in "finding them. ' The poor young orphan f reatute eems to be somewhat demented and her statements were rather incoherent and hard to connect in any way. There is much interest manifested in the prohibition meetings to be held to night and the attendance will probably be large despite the weather. 1T6T7 Advertisements, New A dvertisements. 1000 100 dee 8 Lbs Bagging TWINE, For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCniSON. 1A r r r Sacks SALT, Marshall Fine VJ WUI mI Liverpool, lia?i and Bbls Molasses. dec 6 200 For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCniSON. JQQQ Bbls FLOUR, all grades, ' "1QQQ Backs CORN", Ebls SUGAR, BAGS COFFEE, ' For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHIS02T. treated in so bass a manner, and allowed to go on the even tenor of oarj way without a glimpse of, or a sound from, the fair Kate ? Thayer now 1 We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for real Silver Plated Tea and Tabic Spoons nd Forks, Roger's Ivory handled Table Knives, Pen and Pocket Knives. All for Christmas and at the lowest pi ices. - ' Board for the amounts set opposite their nimes as sureties for Capt. Ward, viz: J. E. Ward, of Duplin, $3,000; E. Por ter, of Pender, 6,000; B. B. Newkirk, of Duplin, $1,000; W. R. Ward, of Duplin, $5,000; T. A. McLendon, of Pender, $1,000; Arnold Teachey, of Pender, $2, 000; R. C. Johnson, of Pender, $3,000; S. P. Hand, of Pender, $1,000; G. A. HerriDg, of Pender, $1,000; J. T. Bland, of Pender, $1,000; W: T. Bannerman of Pender, $2,000. Adjourned to meet again' next Mon day, 10 tb inst. "rttU1 Springer,.Wm E Dan's. The Weatner. lather Kyan, the poet priest of tnel Tho following persons vere granted li- The thermometer shows quite an im South, and the known author or the cense3 to retail spirituous liquors for provement to-day ,all over thecomntry, at celebrated "Conquered Banner," as well three months: R J Scarborough, W points to'uch.'d by the weather bulletin, as the hardly less celebrated poem, "The Fienken, Jno D Doscher, Jas M Mc- although with a few exceptions there are Sword of Lee," is to visit this city this Qowan, W M Otercon, Jf O Nixon, A B reports of bad weather every wkere. At week by special invitation, and will give fjook. . Fort Gibson, Key West, Punta Rassa poetical readings oa Friday evening, Thg Board then adjoirned to 'Vfed- and Cedar Keys the report for this January 7th, at the Opera House, at 8 negjayf the the 12th instant, at2$ o'clock . . ... . . . . -1 -i . -i ii. j e t. : -i- . v. i morning is "lair Dut at Cincinnati ana i o ciocs, mo procerus ut waicu ro lw uo I p. hi. i devoted to charitable purposes. We surmise there is hardly a man or woman living in this city, of any degree of intelligence, whose sympathies were with the struggling Confederates during The Board then proceeded to draw venire of jurors to Bcrve daring the Fcb- ruaav term of the Criminal Court, with the fo.lowing result: Harvey Webb, Samuel Davis, J W St George, Jno M Robinson, Harding Johnson, Jne W Kiag, W S Hewlett, J M Branch; Qua Davis, TJV W Bonham. W H Tur lington, S A Carrie, A O Craig, James A Hewlett, Jno G Norwood, Nathan Meyer, S L Meredith, A G Hankms, Maurice Bear, Johnson Hooper, L Flan agan, IV L Jacobs, Robert McDongald, C E Burr. Jno 0 Heyer. D A Smith, JnoB Crow, H H Gerhardt, Jno O 250 500 dec 0 100 :50 00 200 dec 0 Boxes ahd Half Bbls SNUFF, Boxes CAXDT, Boxes TOBACCO, Boxes CANDLES, " Forsalelowby WILLIAMS & MURCIHSON. 200 Boxee 80JLP 200 Boxei 8TARCn' Ofin Cases LTE? 100 dec fi Boxes POTASH, Far aale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHI30N. -AILS, HOOP IRON, Glue, Cheese, Crackers, Wrapping Paper, Twine, c For sale low by dect WILLIAMS AJHJRCniSONt CLYDE'S Ii!lei7 Vovk AND Wilminston HC. Steamship Lino. TUB STEAMER, St Louis -there is slight snow while at all of the other points indicated it is either cloudy or rainy. The thermometer, at i o'clock this morning, stood as follows: Atlanta, 33; Augesta, 34; Cairo 25; Cape Hatteras, 35; Char leston, 37; Cedar ' Keys, 52; Charlotte, 80 ; Cincinnati, 28 ; Corsi- eanna, 26 ; Fort Gibson, 20 ; Galveston 38 l . Havana, 73 : Indianola, 32 ; Jack sonville, 45 ; Key West, 70 i Knoxville, Z3' Lynchburg, 42 ; Memphis, 33; Mo bile' 49;" Montgomery, 41; Jsashville, 35; New Orleans, 55; New York, 29; Pen. sacola, 51; Punta Rassa, 66 ; -Savannah, 33; Shreveport, 37; St Louis, 10 ; Wash ington City; 2, and Wilmington, 35. A Delusion Trap placed in a bouse will quietly catch a cunning mouse.. Call at Jacobi's for them. f the war, but has heard of the eloquent poet, whose nama.heads this article; and we can naruiy imagine a .man wno ever woro tne lauerea gray, or a woman wbose sympathies were with the boys in gray, who does not want to both see and hear the reverend clergymai who has put so truthfully. in ver3e the senti ments of every Confederate heart. We predict for Father Ryan a crowded house and an annreciative nudience. The rev- erend gentleman, we learn will arrive here on Thursday, and will be the guest of Col. F. W. Kerchner. BOARD Or EDUCATION. The Board of County Com missioners then resolved themselves inteaa Board,of Education, when the following proceed ings were had: The Board proceeded to make a distri bution of the School Fund to the! vari ous Districts, as follows, the per capita being $1.75J No. 1 White children 1080: amount 21.715. Colored children L559, anioant $2,728.2. ' . No. 2 White children SIC; amount $1,603. Colored children l,46fy amount $2,565.50. No. 3 White children 74; amount $129.50. Colored children 91; amount $159.25 No. 4 White children 121; amouit $211.75. Colored children 97; amount Notice fu B. P. S HOTTER HAS AN" INTER- J.TJL est in my banners from this date. The s'.yle f 0e firm will ba HAEDINQ JOUSBON kOO. HARDING JOnNSON. '. Wilmington, N. O , Jan. 1st, 1881. A REPLY TO THE 'FOOL'S ERRAND- OPERA HOUSE. Spiritualism. TO-H ORROW twA)WE9n4Y ) rreniajr , Janoarr 6th. J. U. OOl.Vu.i r-iik.V a Or.nd H,lrit.UUc RorirU m..; varUUd by flVK WONDEtJL T AND ZZ. T u Q9 Lira IM ItAff WET! NO HUfK Ttlu I Kt nvr. CUFFING I " " ' ..."r lhe followiop r. nmi nf .iK. ....)... mnifetttions which mhaIIv tV m..' thpTtMof ihM Wonderfal Meaiujri- 13 ToK A I It. Vormt fronf the ln.-r-'t ind ppetr while We Mtdlaes ,ari i d h.oi and foot, a comaiittae if ehraa frn -n ,v.'.M. dieaee to veca-e th Mediotns, rn.ro w'.ile in tMs eoditift piritt will n triii ma ti Ud ia fall viejori n', f t 1 t&osewho wihcin ikt) hi.a.irai.iA.,. at they go aboat the hill. Tables will be tipped acd upf idid m t air, andattha iABia time apii its rapa re oi tinctlyL heard. Moiic 1 iirnan -will float iq a wo&derfdllr BtrAnt-iannf . xag as they go. 1 A riA.NO RIHK Clrw A.R FROM THK FI OOR, and ia plafed upoa without a livlrj cal uohiog it. Hpirit fcat.d and (icm are olaielj seen andreeocoizsd bf their frie da. -it are brought ana Pi ed t5 the au aiunee by hands plainlr aeea. ilatariaixt tioo. Hpirit forma walk ontloftl tiew of the audience. ColTilla'i Wonder fal blato Test. . Mestagei written by an Inviaible haa d be fori the very eyea of the audience Clair voyaacs or tfupernatural ViBion. A book- ia epened by a perron choaen by the au&lence, whatever page he may sea fit, acd ia read bf tae Medium wbile on the aUjje. Poaiiively no Cabinet csed, Everything on the open atae. - 8corea of other testa eoually narvelloua Aa there are ne reaerved aetta it will be wen to come early to avoid eonfuiion, an- A N EXPOSURE OP SOME of the Falae-1 noyance and poesible disappointment. J.X. - l xioora open at 7. Ucmmenoe at 8. hocds of thar 'Fool' s Erracd" and eomd 0f the predictions of ita aatkor, JL W Tocrgee. This pnageot ciitioiam ia bf Wm. L. Eoyall. of iho New York Bar, ate of the Richmond Bar, where he was also Editor of Vxi "DtVj Commonwealth", a leading; organ of t!e dbt-pajing party of that Etate duriag the recent exciting contest there., . It ii a pamphlet of 96 wages, price 25 eti. For sale at UtSINSBERGCK'S, jan 4 Live Book and Mhsie Store. CpaI--Coal i kRKSH ATtRTT A:T.K I I 1 gOHOUJEB E F CABADA, fie Sooner A.b i t Ma:oa Fall cargoes best COAL ' Doors open at 7. All are invited. Jan 4 It. Blank Books, JEDGERS, JOURNALS DAT-BOOK&, Cash Books, Becorf, Receipt Bookf, ITote and Draft Books. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S. Almanacs for 1881. rpURNER'S, BLUME'3. MILLER'S ao Diat ies. For a ale at and jan 3 THE LIVE BOOK STORE. rpHANKS TO. MY FRIENDS j for their Retai.ing ir $7.00 per ton. 3 60 rer X ton. 1.85 per ton. G.Tf crders early in the day at the Central Tad. . J. A. SPMNGER. Jan 4 It very liberal patronage daring ths past year I shall always ende&vor to keep a fall stock of even thin 2 ia mv line at reaaonahla " IV Board of Aldermen. v m a t A 2 .Mal Am. AA mm m- SDlrlluallim. I ' ineuoara 01 -ajaermeu meiia reiui ' At the Opera House to-morrow (Wed- monthl7 session Jterday afternoon. I No, &-White children 230; amount cesday) evening Mr. J. 11. Colvillel The committee on Fire Department j $402.60. Colored children 351; amount will give one of his wonderful Seances as mnaine aaa inn mnV Wharves were granted further time to Nov6 TOut U I W4 lyuwuviug J M W II MUU m . atartlintr fpntnrs bptpf before witnessed lucur reFr o in this city. The Petersburg Index- Arr0nl erwtAlra rfim a a fhllAwfi According to announcement a spirit- 7 t 7 1 l eoiorea eniiurea ,vi.v. Tho Chief of Police reported the firo- alarm in the railroad Dell as fixed. ualiatic seance was given at the Acade-. over Board of Health (published by us my-of Music last night by Prof. J. Jl. I yesterday) was read and rererrea to a j Voivuie. ine auaience appeared wen nt-ntr of the Mavor. Al- . vumuia www ww in hm e w r CULF CAPT. INGRAM, 1U. PA1LFSOM JTEW lOEl 7 SID AY, Doc. 3L oa pleased with what they saw, and some of the testa performed were quite interest ing and baffled the audience to detect the Professor in them. The most inter esting features of the evening's pro gramme wtre the clairvoyance reading. I spiritualistic writing and cabinet per formance. 1 he entertainment concluded .a aw a with an exhibition or magnetic power, children 89; amount 068.25. Colored children 44$, amount $760.50. 1 Total white children. 2.360. Total Total amount 1 for distribution $11,147.50. The Board of Edacatiei then adjourn d. . Poetical Beadings'. pET. FATHER ABRAM J. RYAN, THE aooepted Poet Laurete of the Socth, author of the "Conquered Banner," "The bword of Robert Lee." and other thrilling poems will give rufiTiUAU KKAUJiyaa on JrKiDAY NIGHT, January ?th, at f o'clock. In The The gifted writer will fupplemeat the read- Iigofachoiea selection of his poems, with; remans on tne times and eireametances that led te their Inspiration. The entertainment will afford a rare intelleetakl treat, rnd the proceeds will be dtvoted to cflaritib e pmr poies. Adm!siion 10 eenta. Reserred seats at Hehubsrger's without cottraoharge. Jan4-St prides. Jan S (YATES 300K STORE. derman Myers and Alderman Foster to confer with a committee from the Board of County Commissioners. tost. Strayed or Stolen ! A young white girl, apparently 14 or Alderman Myers offered the following 15 years of age, was taken to the City resolution, which was adopted, viz: I Hall this morning by a gentleman who WderkasJ Police Officer Petteway I resides near this city, who while coming was stricken with paralysis a few hours, comiBff 0a tha W., C. & A. train p?s esa rely apom thsrcmpt through which Prof. Colville, by simply after being relieved from duty on 1 the 10th " saw the jonng creature on the catling f Buaaart as advertised. ""rBtKacagtmeatt apply te TIIOI. G. OONO, Bap't, a.J. i. KOER. frrfraK At a: a . ... r . v. Jfew York. K CLYDE t CO.. l Brutwf Jt tori. EArKS-roraH kladaf Prtnttag, "rtTi$ nurffn ... m.. tx of pottaxn k.ra ailed. f.mit Kntk Kiona nrvnn a toKlo rram an. I of December, and died OU tne XOrQ, L S.WUJ A W . Js mm MVIV T9 m& V 1 - - w - . . Resolved That h s pay for tho lull iu tonchinc- the floor.' This test is one month be credited to his account, and the of Prof. Colville's specialties and was City Treasurer is hereby instructed to very creditably performed. pay the amount to his widow. Bee his advertisement in another col- Alderman Myers also offered the tol umn, ' I lowing, which was adopted: itr . a v i a i?e5oZted,Thatinviewoftheextrerae- lJ?89 62 8hla?d . ly cold weather and the high price of j,vmw,i.ji.. 'v . fuel, the pay or tne street -ierce do in strong aa ever, her regamed health being creased from 75 cents to $1.00 per day directly due to the use of the Excelsior f lhe monln3 0f January and February. VT Jk -m. Amm Y 3 JM tT. A. M AM AM W I Am W jwiuucy atu.. .c iywu- ortlntinri oilnntd inatrnctincr a h wv m.stfA -w tA9w--A.-tr - saw mend it to all kidney troubled persona. be Adv. a AP " A t ears, and discorerea aiter a iew minute s conversation with her that sha was either lost or (unable to take care of herself, and so in the goodness of hid heart, he carried the girl to the City Hall and gave her in charge of the Chief of Police. She gives her cane as Martha Strick land, ciaims to be an orphan and says her father died in Angmsta, Ga., after the war of weoads received in the Con federate armj Her mother, who ear- the City Treasnrcr to prwrri ia ftccord-1 rived fctr father, nirritd tgtin a&4 Protectthe Feet I JJALF OF THS DISEASES I50IDEWT to hum&nity come from bad col da, and na!f " of the bad colds ocma frcna. improjir!y pro tected fett The reaerfy is Go . to Shrier's : and by warm acd well Attisj? Bhcaa. Keep the ftet wrm 'and dry and joa will kep Hep?ctfu'ly, A. Kil'( lisrket tt.-eot. A LARGE STOCK OF Sash, Doors j Blinds AND ALL KIWDS OF'MILL WQRK1 . LUMBfR, LATHS. For sale very cheap, at ALTAFFEB, PRICK A CO. j Paotory t Wrli. Jan 3 foot of Walnat ai. took ', ' t " . " ! OfSee ntti, fr.Bd Crrsst. PoDlm amis WE AUK SELLING AT GilEATLY RE- DUOED PRICSd, ALL 812. is. S6UPPERN0N& I AND Flowers Wiae ! jyjA-lUFACTCiiCfi HY WOiTKYICk; LADIES' AND DENTS' WERIflO A FID ALL WC01 UNDERWEAR. GENTr' ALL WOOL BIBBED 8HIRTiJ AXDDRAWErs. Wtie C3, aar. Pie a LiieTill', N. O. vd tnpte4ro "fpUcaioo. '.rta ' ic j sr .-. s: r xbi bebdaja. d7-diw If ; . " 4- I: PrirceL Hirt. in Baeinerit of tht C I L X i v x o . 0. a ? u r tici i tn'itin a ad Caa kets -usUntly ahead. a raitare Repaired Claaatd and Taxnished. . Orders by felt grajra ertuUproaytjiL i aorf Cloazlxga and 8aealngs la vrlcui color : . " and Etjlea, !C3Sm All cheap for ctah. dee 31 B. II. KcINTIttE. Wanted. A N E.tPERIEXCED TRAVELLING Salesman for the fitate of North Caro , Una by the- undersigned, Importera and Vholteale Dealers in Notions, Ilosiery Glovei:, White Goods, Genta' Furnlihtu Goods, Ac. Good references required. Address, A R. McCOWN & CO., . in 31-lw m Marktt Jt, fhll.', Ta.

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