afteraeoa, 8aadays PLEA8K50TICJS. " Wo will borfad to roeolvo ooaxanaleatlor. JOSH. ,T. J i'MBI, Kotroa ajid raoroiwroa. a uBacaipTioj?a. postage paid. rom oar frWaHa on aay aad all fabUT aerl UUrt bo I ' ' ' Tno aane of th writer nail alvm b. i lUhedto Uo Editor. Jaoyoar,$oOO 81a saoataa, $3 60 Toroe noathe, 11 11 ; On saoath, M Mitt. ' qammaaJoatioiui nut b vrittim an o.; . the paper will be dali Tared DyeaiTiera, ilia ofthopapo j " rM of e&arf e, U Aaj part of the eity, atthe " ' 1 1 . Porsooalltias aaa Voidsw soto rate, or IS oeats per vnL A4rrtisia rates low aad liberal Sobeeriberi trill plMM report aa j aad It fall area to reeelT their papers reralarly. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 6. 1881. 3i nro t: oiw t Bot always oadori ViKl. ZOO, JtootooiTospoaato, aaloraso ut4 muwnu ooinniaa. t oaalijhed evert PU4 Ht TfTf Daily - Rwtiw -LlDJLa V JLJLJ V V o irorr AdverHment. 32 Market St. 32 Bira of ths-S'iow Ca.e with .b 8TOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES alwrs complete. Call and examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now is the time to supply your families. A fall line of those CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, la lace and buttons. See ing is belleTlng. Convince yourself of the fACt. A new lot of those SCOTCH SOLE GAITERSjust irceiveiL Don't forgethe old number. C ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street. aorS 3- Groceries, Bagging, &ct tHA Half Rolls BAGGING, OUU nd 2 lbs 1 000 Buadle ytw nd ial TiE3 1 nn Lb Bagglnr. TWINE, ' For sale low by dec C WILLIAMS & MURCHTSON. 1A rCr Sack SALT, Marshall Fine IV UUU and Uverpool. Cnr ilhs and Bbla Knlassea. IcAJ U For sale low by Ate 6 WILLIAMS & MURCflllSON. 1000 Bbl4 UR' radM' 10008CORK. Bhls SUGAR, enn BAGS COFFEE, OUU For sale low by dec G t WILLIAMS & MUKCIIISON. QQ Boxes and Half Bbls 8NUFF, gQ Boxes CANDY, 100 xt T0?ACCO Onn Boxes CANDLES, For sale low by dec 6 WILLIAM8 & MURCinSON. 200 Boxe80AP 2QQ Boxea 8TARCH, Onn Caaea LYE, 100 Boxea POTA8H, - For sale low bv WILLIAMS & MUROmSON. dec 6 TTAILS, nOOP IRON, Glue, Chete, Crackers, Wrapjnjf Paper, Twine, tc. For sale low by dec WILLIAMS & MURCHISON CLYDE'S Cnjow York AND Wllmineton. M. C. Steamship Lino. THE STEAMER GULF STREAM, CAPT. INGRAM, wiii. aiiLraoit jrxir roai oj raiDAYa Doc. 3L ta 8alfvt taa raly vpea thajpronjpt aalllajroBucaj-; for Frofxat tatfaat8 apply to THO fc BO AID, Bap'i, taM. a kosh, pfSSlgS: c- dM f for. aiaasbf fried r ' JNa ro4iic oc rt u,, eit? eao fcATo acaxlar rf.IIy iimi u siM - tros of postax ia.KTisBndUg) Jo Prlator. LOCAL NEWS. Now Advertisements. R M McIxtire Debtors !, Hbn-ht Sataoe. Col A Treaa Monthly License Tax Omi IIovsi-Oliver Doud Byron Williams & MrKCfinoxPeruvUn Gif ano. IIejnsbek6er A lU-ply to the 'Fool's Errand" C W T ates 18! A 8 hriek- Protect lb' FV t No City Court. STa-Majfi trate's Court'ty"B4N The receipts ofcottou at this port to- dy foot up 170 Ja e. Plush aeetus to have knocked as high as a kite this winter. velvet A very tight bat unpleasant squeeze the embrace of a drunken man. Don't forget the X. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and warranted, at Jacobi's. f I 1D0I10rn r the urchin is bo longer I OW'M s . heard on the hill nor in the valley be - neatb. The days are iow lengthening very slowly. . The sun sets to-morrow after noon at 2 minutes past i o'clock. The new moon enters on its first quar ter early to-morrow morning and it was visible for the first time last night. Oliver Doud Byron's troupo are said to be first-class in every respect. Re served Beats are now on sale at Heins-I berer's. To-day isthe.feast of Epiphany or the maniiesiauoa oi unrisi to me uenuiezi Services were held in all the Episcopal churches "of the city. The steamship Ellen SK- Terry left here to-day for New York, via Morehead Uity. atie tooK in part or her cargo here and will take in the balance at Morehead. Bound Cmrmlf Quite a number of laboring men, most ly colored, are leaving this State for the tirpentine lands of South Carolina and Georiria. Some liity.or seventy passed through this citja day or two since with their destination as above stated. During the Ilolldays buy useful articles such as" Christmas Fire Dogs, Shovels and Tongs, Fluting Machines, &c. All at the lowest prices at Jacobi's. . t flymenlal. ' Dr. S. S. Satchwell was married on Tuesday last, at Bsllville, Pender coun ty, to Miss Sarah P. Bell, daughter of Mr. F. H. Bell. The ceremony was performed by the Rer. J. S. Black. Dr. Satchwell and his bride will leave for a bridal tour through the North in a few days. Our best wishes attend them. A Delusion Trap placed in a house will 3 uieflv catch a cunning mouse. Call at AOOBi'a for them. t The Son at Lait. For the first time this year the genial rays of Old Sol have been visible' upon this part of the earth. We welcome him gladly and earnestly hope that the mild and pleasant influence of the wholesome warmth he imparts to all classes will be felt for many weeks to come. Beware-Do not ht. your Druggist palm off on you any new. cheap remedy I tor colds when you inquire for Dr. Bull's I jouga oyrup or you wui De aisapoimeu. Price 25 couts a botUo. AccIdeBt to Steamer Got. Worth. Messrs. Worth & Worth, of this city, received a telegram late yesterday even- ing from Col. J. B. Starr, Agent at Fay ettoville.iaforming'.them that the steamer Gov, TVbrfA had yesterday morning while en route for FayetteVille run on a snag at Council's Blnflf and sunk. No farther particulars of the accident were given and up to this time Messrs. Worth & Worth have received no additional in- formation, although they have telegraph- ed to find out the steamer's exact condi- erful and newly developed mediums" who tion. Col. Starr mentioned in his dis- were to assist the "Prof." consisted in a patch that the freight was all saved and gawk who moved the cabinet from the that he would take the steamer A. 'P stage and the fellow who was placed in Turf, of the same line, together with the caoinet to play the part of "super flats and proceed at once to the scent of natural agency" who disgusted the au the disaster. Council's Bluff, we under" dience by the length of time taken in stand, is some 29 or 30 miles this side of doing a thing which Cook did in about Farpt'teville. The accident must have occurred before day. W. A. Tttcs, 62 Ashland Avenue, Toledo, Ohio, says: My wife is now as strong as ever, her regained health being directly due to the use of the Excelsior Kidney Pad. We can heartily recom mend it to all kidnty troubltd persons. &m Adv. tf arrlsd In Rale Ira- Preston L. Bridgets, Esq , of this citj. was married yesterday afteraoon, in Ra leigb, to Miis Bettie Burke Haywood, a beautiful aad accomplished youn, lady, in the true sense of the words, aad daughter Jo! Dr. E. B. Haywood. The ceremony was performed in Christ Church by Rer. il.M. Marshal, D. D.f Rector of that Church, assisted br Rct. Dr. Patterson, of this city. The happy couple are ex pec tod to arrive here this evening on the train from the North. -' ! ... .... ... . - - juunop Attinaou win be buried to morrow. The funeral service will take place at 11 o'clock and the interment will be made under the altar of St. James' Church. This wai consented to by the family at the request of the Ve.- try of St. James'. Bishop Lyman is ex pected here to-light and he and such other bishops and clergymen as may be present, together withjthe pall-bearers I Jl it - a" t 0 I e vesiries oi iae cnurciea ia this 1 city, will escort the remains from the Episcopal residence to the Church. The friends of the family are requested to attend at the Church, instead of at the house. The services at the church will tak place at 11 o'clock. The four Episeopal Churches in this city, St. Janes', St. John's, St. Paul' and St. Mark i, are now wearing the emblejns of grief. The Christmas decor. ations have not been removed, but the sad insignia has been placed over them to show that in the midst of the joy o the birth-season the anirel of death has spread his will2g and orcrshadowel the :nv Ar ihm rnnh j wauMVMM4vaa rieasure Tacht Gleam. The pretty little steam-yacht Gleam of Baltimore, steamed up the river this morning and made a mooring in front o the Custom House. She is owned by Mr. VT. H. Graham, who uses her exclusively for pleasure. The little -craft came ta 'hie citv to coal nn and m bnl for St Augustine, Fla. Mr. Graham, the own er, is on her. She ia supplied with oil modern improvements and is. a miniature floating palace. She is well supplied with boats for hunting, ducking, etc Mr. Graham also carries his bird dogs with him. The Gleam is said to be yery fast, her average running time in smooth water beincr 18 knots. She made the run from Beaufort to Smithville in 8 hours and 30 minutes and from Smith yille to Wilmington ia 2 hoars. Have you seen the latest improved Heat incr and Cook Stoves at Jacobi's ? You can get them at fafry prices. t Another Sw India. We have never seen an audience more thoroughly disgusted than the large one which was dismissed by "PrtL" J. M. Colville last evening, after the perform ance of seven tricks which were very clumsily cxeciteaV The audience) was ne of the largest of the season and was drawn together to witness the spiritual istic manifestations advertised by Col ville. He opeued with the wine trick, whichis knowato a great many, and then pitched on to his mental exhibitions, which were exceedingly thin. The slate teitf by moans of chemicals, was perhaps hi,bt trick, if .nof tbea n ba dig- ninea oj a supermuvo hujccwtc. "Cabinet test" was bungling in the ex- treme ua can be much better and more qaickJ doM . fcy y0UDg friend of ours in this city who lavs D0 claims . to supernatural agencies, The raising of a small poplar table, by means of springs run down the perfor- ner's sleeves, completed the "seance." The piano did not rise from the floor or goat about the air, neither did boquets of flowers sail through the hall, nor were materialised spirits visible, in fact noth. 'ng w&a done, that was advertised, ex- cept the charging of a fee to defray expenses." "small entrance The "five pow one-tenth of the time in full view of the audience. We have bten swindled most outrageously. We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for real Silver Plated Tea and Tablespoons and Forks, Rogers Ivory handloa .Table Knives, Fen aad Pocket Knives. All-lor Chrjstna tad aYthe lowtit Plfccf , f. , TRIBUTE OF EISPICT. At a called -meeting of the Vestry of ou raui g iruurcn, on the evening of the 5th inst., the Hector presiding, the fol lowing' resolutions were unanimously adopted : V - " WiiBfitcAg, it has pleased Almighty God, in His wise providence, to remove out of our midst our beloved Father iu God, Thomas Atxissox, Jiesol ved, While it is onr duty to bow iu humble submission to the Divine will, it is right aud fit that we should express the unfeigned grief we fee!, both' for our own personal and the immeasurable loss his Diocese has sustaiued id the death rf -Cdostitnifleutfjr 'fitted To'every way or the hfrh and holy office which for twenty seven years he has' so-worthilv filled m the Church of God. Second, That the Vestry in a body alten4 the funeral from the Eoistoiml residence. ' i nirij, mat mci-nurcn ue urapert in mourning as an umblem of the sorrow ol the congregation, which, oftener than any other in'the State, had the privilege oi listening to his wise and loving and life giving words. lourth, That we. feel the liveliest sympathy with his.berea ved .family, es pecially with his widow, to whose un tiring zeal and energy so much of .St. Paul's prosperity is due. and that a copt of these resolutions be delivered to ber by the Secretary of the Vestry. JKcsomu, 1 hat the city papers be re quested tu publish these proceedings. 1 . M. Ambler, Iicctor, presiding. DrJJ. Crri,AK, Secretary. TRIBUTES OF RES l RCT. At a meeting of the Vestry of S.t Mark's Church, held on the 5th inst., the following was adopted: Wuhrfas, It has pleased Almighty uoa in nis wise rroviaence to remove from our midst our dearly beloved Bish op and Father, Thomas Atxijtson, Resolved, That while we bow in sub mission to His will yet it is but right and proper that we should endeavor to express our grief atthe great loss to the Diocese ; and especially to this con gregation to whom it is peculiarly a great loss as he was the founder of oar Church and congregation and by - him were we taught holy things and by hit pare . ex ample were wo strengthened and 'sus tained. ResoJvedt That our church do .draped the memory of the deceascaliisnop, that our vestry attend the funeral in a body ana that the congregation be also re quested to attend. Resolved, That we do most sincerely sympathize with the afflicted family in the loss which thev have sustained: that a copy of these resolutions be furnished them and that the press be requested to piblish the same. Johjt u. Hixos, secretary. THE 21A1L9. , The malls close and arrire- at the City Pot Offico as follows : I Northern through mails 7 ,00 p ns Northern through and way I , mails 6:80 a. m. Ralelgb 6; 30 a.m. Malls for the H. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. &N. C. Railroad, at. 5;30 a, m. Southern malls for all points South, daily. ....8 am and 7:45 p. m. Western mails (C OR'y) daily (except Sunday)..,... 8; 10 a ax. Mail for Oheraw & Darlings ton 7:45 p. m. Malls for points between Flo rence and Charleston. a a m & :4o p m Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear Hirer, lustaays, and Fridays......... 1:00 p. m. Fayetteville, ria Lamberton, daily, except bundays o: iu a. m. Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate office, erery Monday and Thursday at 6.00 a. m flmlthTllle mails, by steam- .boat, daily, (except Sun (ijiyj)............. t,8 30 a. m. lialla for asy Hill, Town Creak, Shallotte and Little Rim, 8. O., erery Mon day and Thursday at......... 6:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black Rirer Chapel, Mondays, vveones days and Fridays at 6:00 a. m: OPEf FOB DXLrrXBT. Iforthern throosh and way malls 7:00 and 7:80 a. m. Northern malls M J, 9 00 a m Southern Malls - 7:30 a. m. Carolina Central Railway 4:00 p. m. Stamp Omoe open from 8 a. m. to u M., and from 2 to 6:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General deiiTerr optn from 6.-00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:80 a. vu Stamns for sal - at general d&urery wbea stamp office is closed. Malls oollscted from street boxes erery day at 8:30 p. m. Labor tUiinz The dennnd of the people for an easier method of -preparing idnej-Wort bai indacedtha proprietors, the 'well-known wholesale Drngjristay. it eus lucnarasoa or tale in liquid iorm- as wen as in ory orm. - It sares all the labor of prepar ing, ana as it is equauy emcien i u preferred by many persons. " Kidney Wort always and ererywhere prores it tlf a perfect rccicdy.--Buffalo Mm Quarterly Meetings t' T t or the WilmiBfiton District Mtho- dist vuunu, DQUin, 1C31. 4 (First round .1 Duplin, 'at Kenansville. - . Jan B-9 t Soule Chapel... ..Jan. 1.V16 Elizabeth, at hltzabethtowo, Jan. 22 23 limiugion, at r ifth street. Jan. 29-30 wilmmgtou, at Front btreet, Feb. 5-6 Smithville, - . - Feb. 8 9 Whiteville, at Wbiteville, Feb. 12-13 V accamv Mist ion. at Bethesda, Feb. - - 15-16 Brunswick, at Bethel. - - Feb. 19-'n iopsail, at Aesievan Chanel. Feb. 2fi-27 Onslow, atTabernaiJeUMiLiv jhuwu, at Anarew UDapei, March 12-13 vonesoar, at uau3, - - Alarch 19-20 The District stewards will meet at the Parsonage of the Front street Church in Wilmington, at ten o'clock a. m. on the 2d Feb. A full attendance desired. L. S. BCKEETKAD, Presiding Elder. MARRIRD. .A3iMA MELLEK. On the ISth of December, in Elizabeth City, N. C, by Rev. uud niernan, u. JAMES K. EASTMAN, Second ArtUlery, to MARIE PRIOLEAU MfcLLtA. Ao cards. MWAMMHMaHanooBOHBBwawanawai NOTICE. in luneral ol the late Bishop Atkinson will take place at St. James' Friday morning, the 7th inst., at 11 o'clock. lneevereua cienrj, Pall Bearers aud the respective Vestries will assemble atthe episcopal resiaence at 10.45; all -other friends of the family are respectfully re quested to meet at the Church, at the hour arse naaaea. New Advertisements. Debtors ! Atiiu KLJNDLY ASKED TO close up your accounts with me for the past year. Respectfully, jan6 R. M. McINTIRE. I'-'S. A gootl (20 feet) counter for sale cheap. . Peruvian Guano. 2000 Tons No. 2 Peruvian Guano, - '' FOR SALE BY . Williams & Murcliisoni jan 6 Office Treasurer & Collector, City of Wilmington, N. C . Jaaua'y 5th, 1881, Monthly License Tax. XAaf INSTRUCTED BY UI8 HON OB, (he Mayor, to notify all (,Moctblr Liceaifc" Tax Payarf, that unleis tha Tax is paid on or bafore'Monday, Ji&aary 10th initint. War rants willb lflsued againct all dellcqaents. HESUY 8AVAQF, jaa 6 2teod Treaiarr and Collector. 333 LAUGHS IS ONE l'LAY 333 OPEBA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY : L A Saturday, Jan. 8Ui OL1VJSBDOUL' UYHON ! i the Fonohet rUj in tb W rid. ACaOSSjTHE COMINSM! Sow io the lflete&th jar f ia t'n paralled inccess. Epifcme of Event: Effects of Drink! Pjing Withia tba Hnand of Trir i'j jllr. Domestte Di&c nltiej. Tta Idi'jnratical Biiwrciaa, . M. T. A. B. H " Barnio( of Unwtr Sew Yo?r iirmmt Coaoart Au iliiaii'abl f an. HyUriooadj phou tilth Tnue tlerc- Lo9' Yoaor Dretua. The Bod Haired Policeman. Theabooj Trlia.Kock j M oan laia. Tht Uro ( nttion 4. U. F. K. K. lha -ilofloiin. At icm, Amerlcaa and Indus, bjron's Unmie Patrul. 'lit Woadvrfal Tl;rapbio Keata'e. Urnd bt U. i bo icmt of f'emic to4Vioal Jo piration. all interpreted br iue CbaruiciK irm. bMhtw jcn. ; Joe H -ant , Jm- H. feaaelliie. ftir Cbtriti HtfiB, f nd tn ftutU of y vttii r'i't Clri, Ar- U G ir I N o . X E, G "i N N E L A' u i. ronc5 bHi AM N Ada tiion IS. W and 7 cnta. iUerrti aaw, IL. feccareuat rv BdubWer'a. Hart j D. tirahim, Bosuif m Agokt. : 333 LAUGHS IX ONE PLAT. 333 jan f-3t Kew Aavortisomonts. AT GEORGE MYERS?, I I & 13 South Front St Frerh rrl rls t vsry Treik of th choicest family groceries r DdiWars Canned Fr aits aad Y?gi t y b!ee, Feri. 8u4ar Cured PI,? Daujh, Hjjht 3tripf aad Bhouldam'. ew Btock uf Champagne Wines ! Blaa Grses, rt nr nd Clab VThiiiej, Imported and Doxcstlo .Cigars, v For sile st tew Prices. CEO. RflYEks, jan 5 Nos. 11 and 11 South Front fit; Gilt Edere Goshen, ETountain Kits iizuuubliin noils ? HALL & PEAKS ALL. Idee 18 15,000 15,000 15,000 Royals ! Itoyals I BoyalsJ ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST 5 cent Cierar In tha city. For lalo only by - J DNUTT L CO., J6 Freicrlptioa DrnIit Dssa rpHAJTKS TO 1IT FBIENDS for their rery liberal patronage daring ths put year I shall alwaji endearor to keep a fall stook OT eTcrttbina- in mr llna at raaaoBahla prices. i TATES BOOK BTOBE. jin 3 A REPLY TO THE 'FOOL'S ERRAF10- JJH EXPOSUBE OP SOME of the Falit hocdioftho 'Fool's ErraDd' and come of the predictions of Its author, A W Tourzee. Thla puage'nt criticism la b Wa.l. Boyall. of ihe New Vorx Bar, late of the Bichmond Bart where he wsa aho Editor cf th3 "Dal'y Coainionwealth' a leading : oraa cf tbe debt-pajin- part of that ta!e durfog tl recent exciticr con tJt there. It Ii a pamphlet of 86 pagef, price 25 etl. for aalo .at - ' fllWdBKi(lK'rf, jia 4 , lire Book and Matfc wtore. "" " mmmmm i mi iii t i lunm j . 1 - hi .1 in .ii m ir n Protect the Feet I JALF OF THE DISEASES l!TCIDi:5T to bamtniij come from bad coldi, asd half of the bad colds come from Improperly pro tected' feet. The remedy ia Go to Shrier's and bsy warm aad well fittia Shoes. Keep the feet warm aad' dry and joi will keep, well. Bespeetfully, A. BUS I EE, i" 3 r ' Mrct street iMotice jyB,a.paHoiTEa has ax i.itib- ett ia my baiineea from this Sata. The sly!e cftho firm will be HABDI53 JOlXrTSOU A CO. - HABDI5Q J02LNS05. rUmIagtoa, 5. 0,t Jan. lit, 1SS1 I jeai-lw , y 'I,.'. i

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