- i St Free State has refund to permit the rebel Baauto chief to obu n ammunition in hij territorj. Dr.Schliemaanlhas Rented hu col lection of Trojan afitiqa.ties to the Lm peror of Germtij to be placed in the if ueam at Berlin. The Rosaiaas in their recent engage xaent with the Tekke Turcomans are said to hare lost three thousand men and a rreat quantity of rifles and ammunition. The Turcoman lo&s was slight. Two envoys from Abyssinia bar j pre sented a letter to the Khedire f tg;pt from the King, stating that he had or dered the opening of all roads affording communication between Kgypt atd Abyssinia. Tbe Rouski Vedtmotti (newspaper), ofSt. Petersburg, sys the Saratofl As sembly rrporta that seven hunJil nu fifty thousand peasants are starving in that province. It is stated that upward of a m Hion peasants are in, absolute want in Samara. A duel with swords has taken place between M. Graux and M. d'lnfreville. nephew of Mme.de Bremont.in conse quence of a letter of M me. Graux to M. Laisant in connection wiih the charges gainst M.Emile de tiirardin- M.Graux was wounded below the eye. Iced 115 Tran. St. Locis, Jan 4. Harriet N Cooper, colored woman, died in Cheltenham, one of the suburbs of this city, on New Year's Day, aged 115 years. She weigh ed 400 pounds. -She was the mother of twenty-fiva children, the youngest of whom is 62 years old. Her husband is 101 years old, and is still living. The Indiana, aenatorshlD. LDiaarous, Jan. 4. Tbe Lejrisla ture of Indiana will convene on Thurs day next. Gen. Ben llarridon's friends claim that he will receive the party nom ination on the first ballot. The other prominent candidates are the lion. Wil liam Canback and the lion. GodloveS. Orth. The California benatorthtp. Sax Fkakcxsco, Jan. 4. The Ue ptblican members of the Senate and Aisenbly met in joint caucus this even ing, and on the first ballot nominated Gen. Jno. F. Miller far United States Senator, the vote standing; Miller, 63,, aad Senator Booth, 5. Samuel II. Irwin, of Ute Creek, Col fax Co., New Mexico, says: The ;Only Lung Pad" has done more for mj "wife than all the gallons of Cod Liver Oil, French or American, she has taken, or all the Doctor's Medicines she has used. Set Adv. C1EULLM. COIII1EIIOIAL OTBW8 JA.f 0AT 4PM.! ariRITH TUKPlCKTinF Quoted firm at 44 moU bid. LrtUr we hear of sales of 150 ees st that Igure. Clutlng firm. . tUtlS- QuoUd qulel fl 40. for HtraVned knd at II 4a for Oood btralaed. "o vales re per led. TAR tooted quiet at SI 49 per bbl of 2SQ lbe. " CKUDlb TURPKNTINJE Quoted firm at 11 SO for Hard and 12 80 for Yellow Dip. COTTON-Qaoted Arm. i-aiea 100 bales oa a basis of 114 cent tor Middling. rLe following are tbe official quotations: Jrolaar j UeoU sooCk Ordinal) IQX Low II id ding 11 i-l6 in ....... 1 1 -Jood Middling!....,. ............ Foreign Poit i 44 44 t 44 it' Lit Aosia. Tar. a......... . .... . . .... . 170 bale 105 CM! 8 71 " It " ARKIYD. Stemer 2UabetH. Uiabee, hmltbvllle, .UMOuer Pa-eport, Harper, axnltbvllle. temer John Dawson. Sherman, Point LA.m.afiht Gleam. from Haiti- more, bound for Jacksonville, Fl. pat in b Uils port for coai. JitAKID. Ellxabeta, Biabee, Smith vllle, Harper. HmlthvUle Passport, Hteamer blaster. niwtrrer HaUor. HtermshlD Ellen 8 Terry. Trlbeau. New Turk .T JE Bund. rtamer.Juin Dawson, Sherman, Point Caswell. H P I'addUon ports. UOABTWUE. t Hew Tork-SteaniHblp Ellen 8 Terry 100 cak spis turpi. 108 bales cotton. MONTHLY STATEMENT or stocks oa had jasuait lit, 1880. Ootton To asnore, afloat.MM.M i eeaoessee &sS41 Heewssmniin"i S &ST 1. 418 afloat. t in . 359 ToUl.. ...... i. 7,528 ftOtia UhonmNMmMmmmimiMMmHtl 11,395 tflOltWtIMHHIHHMWtWIMM 4fl(l To Tar aihore.. afloat.. Grade ashore.. afloat, .MM..M11S,4(? eesieetasewa teetssett 6T4 eee a) e HsHMaswsaMSMsai t 6,144 1,181 "80 1(461 Raleigh Visits: Mr Kapoleon Wil liams, liring six miles east of the city, fell into the fire oa. Saturday last, and was badlj burned, as wasklso his mother who attempted his rcscpt. Loaisbur&r Time: Jos W .Fuller, of Harris Township, made this year, with one horsa 17 bales of cotton, 478 bushels of corn, 93 bnshels of wheat, and 1.000 pounds of oats, 40 bushels of sweet' po tatoes, and killed 1, 23 pounds or port. Newbern Sul SeU; On Saturday eTeniojr, a colored boy about 12 years of age, the son of Haywood Green, who lires ia James City, was passing along Pollock street, when he slipped and fell in frout of Messrs. Geo. Allen fc Go's, store, his head striking -the parement with suth force as to render him uncon scious, lie was taken up and carried into the store and so far recorered as to be able to walk to bis home. Daring the night he suffered considerably with bis head and died on Sunday. Charlotte Observer: A friend in this city of Miss Maggie Means of Concord is in receipt of a lemon raised by that young lady, it is twclre and a half inches one wajand fourteen another. It weighs one and a fourth pounds and is a remark able lemon to be raised -anywhere, es pecially as far north as Concord. A striking circumstance in the wood. dis tribution Sunday erening was tho fact that a number of colored men declined to go to work unloading and loading un til they were shamed into it by several gentlemen of the city stripping their coats and going into it with a will. TnU is especially remarkable when it is remembered that $200 of the money with which this wood is being procured Is thdonation of the Democratic exc cotire committee of the city and that by' far the largest part of those seeking relief are colored. Xexci and Obnervcn The residence f yJidge J. L. lit nry. near Ashe vi Hp, was burned a few days since. La-s ubout $3,000, with no insurance. TJie first leighride between Clinton and Warsaw, of which there is any record, was taken yeaterday by oor energetic friend Mr. Stephen O. Worth. -We hear of two contested seats in the Legislature. Mr For. front Onslow, contests the seat of Mr. Yard, the member with the cer tificate. Mr. Browar.of Surry, contests the seat of Mr. Hampton. The two colored representatives in the lower House of the Legislature, Ilicks from 'Washington, and Bobbins from Bertie counties, being usable ta reach this city by tho Blackwater route, on account of that ri Teri being frozen orer, de terrain ed upon coming via Willlamston and Tarboro. Arriving at Williamston Sun day, and failing to procure a convey ance, tney set out on foot at 7 o'clock, p. m. for Tarboro, a distance of thirty tw mile, reaching the latter place in time for the train next morning. This is wnat we call eastern grit. Ye Pimpled and Ulcerated Victims o! scrofulous diseases, who drag jour un clean persons into the company of better men, take Arsa's SABSArAEiiXA, and purge oat the foul corruption from your Mw! Restore rour health, and you will not onlr enior life better, but make-1 tout com paaj more tolerablo to those irho mut ktep it. atcEirrs voa thb mobth laoiaa inn. 1. OOttOQ ftMteMmnMMemteaWeteMMes X9T 2 0 l5pif it3sseeeeeeejeeee tae eieeieee eese 6a236 liosin 4 5,845 T&reaeeeeeeee teweeeeeetteef 78 lv Crude.. AxrotTi roa TBs most a samae as, 1. Domeitla. OOttOQ MM MWWM.HWIIM 8,S7 1.574 Koiittnm wt 7,900 TlT mHMB"HMHH WW 3,919 OndtMUMaa 1 M W 113 Toreln. Oottcs 37,984 d p irit...... ....m . ....m... .M......M. 6, 1 70 Roiin .40,698 t ex. ...... .. mm. l,35v CradeM.M.MMMMM..MM..M..M..:.MMMM- List of Vessels Over' 100 torn in Port Jan. 6, 1881. BARKS. Dan Magrethe, l&tf tous, Hansen, Hek'e A ()o Ger Kosmos, 402 tons, Westfti bTg, diiirees E Cescbau & Westermati, Nor Kliezer, 274 tons, ZatLariascn, C P Mebanr Sot Agatha, 3C0 tons, Kohr, C P Mbum 3wd Caiio.G40 ton. WcSltrlund, Ueide Xor Chis Xorthcote, 414 tons, Krl'!.&ei:, j& l'ecbau & V s-rruaun BRIGS. Gcr Express. 273 tons, Fratwurst, CPMelau .Jr Ue;b?rt J CMive 313 toes, Leary, J'arsley & Wiggins Br Au.i nne, Yl tons, Jones, - & ii Barker Co am C ra Green, 247 tons, Philbroos, E G Barker & Co Gr Euiiai, 263 tonp, Gerber, E Pescbau & Wes'.ermann Am A;nULect,37 tons, varu, EGBarkerACo Gv r ll'-nusoc, KreiJrJcb, 2ti0 ton&,Nieyer E Pecttu & Westermann SCHOONEBS. tux yicienco N Tower, 175 tons. E G Barker & Co Am A D Laruson, 4 IS tons bmitb, Geo Harriss & Co Am Inj F Gartside, o tous, Uac-jn, G?o llrjisj & C Am Altrt Mion, 2V tr.ns, Kw, Ge- Llaribi & Co A u L F CulaJa.l'o; toti-, blia, Geo IIu;hs A Co Am Curuberlaud, 413 tni.s," Webl?r, " "Geo IIrrl53 A Co tn LiVAt u ICS toni, Vtltmore, Gto Htrriss A Co Am A::n;o 11 LwL, 217 tous, Lewis. E G Barker A Co Am Hv.tie A White, IIP ions, Bslla'-a, E G Barker A Co An Alice Iiearu, 342 tous, Tome well, Geo Uarriss c Co Un Fannie II Laxrenc1, 31tf ui-s, ' Geo Uarriss A Co m AbbiaDun, 279 toi.s, F utraia. ww i . a. r Am Haggle M Birers, 2S1 torn, Bi?i.r, E G Barker A Co Am A F Ames. 2 SO tons, Acorn. GeoHarrissA Co 1 V I AAA . Am 4t eaiie xixaoeui. wo wns, n eavcr, : . Geo Uarriss x Co Am Oochlco, 220 tons, Seward, ' Geo Harriss A CO Am Raymon DeA juria, 367 tons, Nab, Geo Harriss A Co Am Edilh B ward, 244 tons, Tall, Geo Harriss A Co Am LaTlr la F Warren, 299 toca, JoLlsoo, In distress, Geo Harris A Co Am FannM U WUUams, S65 tons,Sbearer, JeaWng, WUIIxms A ilorchlaon Axa Clara, 29$ tooCraxamtr, repalrtng, Geo Harriss For this Port from BABJfca. Swd Andriette,S05 tons. Bern.ltec: , f.il ed froin Bordeaux, Nov lU. Nor'. Atlantic. 432 tous. h. .:dt n, at LiTerpon, Dec 1. Swd Bra e, 3t$2 rons. from Kaluga, Nov 25. N or Bryon, 346 tons, JuLa!ine3 ruaiu. from Manseillea, at 30. No Camilla, 418 tonaorensen, at Ya terford, Oct 21. Nor Cred , 371 tons, ennstopnersen, sailed froin Liverp ol, Dec 4 Nor Eldorado, 331 tens, HalYorsen,saIl- ed from Madeira, 07 26. Ger Elsie Mtzler, J73 tons,Dahms, sailed from Dantzie, Dec. 18 Nor Erato. 2S3tons. Salversen, Silled from Cardiff, O. t , via Aspinwall. Nor Fiora, 296 tons. Kroner, sailed fam Alicante, Nov 4. Nor Gambetta, U02 tons, Eltvedt, sailed from Hamburg. Nov 4 Swd Or nor, 471 ions, Borgersen, sallea from Stettin, u? 8 Swd Gubtala,313 tons, Arnerg, at Liv erpool, Nov 21. Nor Gyuer, 459 tons, UjtenseD, at Kra zero, December lo. Nor Hj -comet, 380 tons, Insemundsen, sailed from Liverpool, Dec 15. Russ. John, lsicksion, at Gloucester, Oct 8 NorJerny. 483 tons, Coroeliensen, at Gloucester, Deo 2. Sd Jens, 6vl tons, Udckaasson, sailed from Gottenberg, Nov 23. Nor Leo. 505 tons, Andersen, sailed trom Hull, Nov 6. Dau Margarita, 3o3 tons. Brasch, sailed from AncautI, Nov 20. Nor Mediator. 28o tons, Jensen, sailed from Amsterdam, Dec 26, Nor Utnde, 376 tons, Andersen, sailed f.om Barruw, Dec 14. Nor Samson, 348 tons, Naess, sailed from Liverpool, Dec 4 Ger Scnarnnorst, 410 tons, sailed from Hull, Nov 2. Nor N ataden, 239 rons, Halversen, sail ed from St. Malo, Dec 19. Nor Providentla, tons, Holz. sailed from Portsmouth, Nov 19. Nor Sjofna, 329 toLS, Christiansen sail ed irom Snarpness, Dec 15. Nor Stanley, 474 tons, Wroldsen, at Honnenr, Nov 17. Nor SeptenUio, 343 tons, Torgessen, at Liverpool, Dec 2. Nor Tnecdor, 297 tons, DanieJsen, sailed from Liverpool. Dec 7 Nor 1 noreuy, 458 tons, Andreasen, sailed from Lpswicb, Oct 28. Nor Titania, 303 tors, Albretnsen, Gloucester, Oct 28. Nor Viva. 382 tons, Pettersen, sailed from Antwerp, Ger Yon der Heydt, 450 tons, Michaels, sailed from Cape Town, C. G. H., Nov 11. NorWaelssa. 809 tons. Nellsen. sailed from Liverpool, Dec 14. Ger Wanderer, Stublne, sailed from Klngroad, Dec 7. BRIGS. Ncr Anna, 272 tons, Petterser, sailed from Sharpness, Dec 9. Ger Anna, 333 tons, Lange, at Liver- pool, Oct 28. Nor Gazzelen, 270 tons, YYiebye. sailed from Seville, Nov 20. Nor Galainea, 207 tons, Andersen,clear- ed from Oporto, Dec 1. Ger Graf Bismang, 243 tons, Kleist, sailed from St Vincent, Nov 19 Nor liilding, 246 tons, Jensen, at Lis. Don, Oct 21. Nor Marie, 263 tons, Tallak&en, at Glasgow, Oct 21. Nor lend, 189 tons, Oicas, sailed from Tralee, Nov 3. Br Signal, 312 tOLS, Williams sa'led from Uristol, Dec 1. Nor Stanley, 300 tons, Gahrsen, sailed from Caen, Dec Nor Thcrsbjerg, 298 tons, Harsldsen, sailed from Gene, Nov. 21. Br Tramore, 221 tons, Morrice, sailed from Bristol, Deo 15. G n Wangerland, 216 tons, Boes, sailed from Bordeaux, Nov 22. SCHOONERS. Br Wark worth Castle, 250 tons.Luck, Gionc8ster,-Nov 11 ' . A I ARGE 8TOOK OF 8atbf Doors- Blinds, AND ALL KINDS Cr MILIW0RK1 LUMBER LATHS. &c For sa?a rery cheap, at . A l TAKFKK. PRICi & CO. Misoalianoou. The World f jr 1881. TAB woLi for .1881 will be the best and cbaapeet nwgppr pubibd in tbe r&gliabtongue on either nde uitc Atlantic v ith new presoee turvting nr erer bo fere nnnfetared even b? Hoe Co.. with new nsd nneaaalled tTPOffapmeal tu-d baai- neoe facilities of all aorta, and with a better organised teiegrapaio correspondence throof(hoat the world taan that of ary other American iornaT. 1 n Woaia Tor 1881 win afford its readers daily a eonplete, eondes eJ and trustworthy record of all carrent eventa. In it rire Mlcote With tbe News of the' Dar The World ineeta and keepa pace with th increaaing detaands made by rap'd tran- sit. the telejrraph and the telepnooe, on tne time anf attention of buisesa men. Iti dailr cable lett-rs from London btlng the Id World to the breakhst table cf the New. ' In is Wall Street Getsip and its Items for lavestori, taken together wito iu accurate, CBDd d and abso ntlv impartial Financial Article The World dailr presents an unri valled nictore not only of the true condition of thj maltitadmons enterprise ia which the adveoturoni and acdre peeple of this coontr iure-t thir aannre, but also or all the flactaatUK i flueacee exerted, upon those enterprise by the speculations and the spec ulators of the dt ck Exchange.' No man wro owns or expects to own an Interest in any corporate propertv can afford to xbus for a single day tbe mtorsBation aaiiy -td eiclusiToly eiTen in h orl-t, not orly as to the nntaral and lesitimate course of adirs affecting stock yalaes, bat al 40 a to ta pi s schemes and combinations which are ioceesmtiy masins; aad unmaking in and out-of-Wall street to affect those ralnea. Th World contains also every day tae f esheet fel 'est and most instructive notices f ever thine new and i teres tine in the rtalms of art. of literatare and of soeial life it is the arcred.ted or tran of the colleges or the Union, and the accuracy and vivacity of i s BDortinsr columns, covering au tbe va rious forms of tthletic amusement which have multiplied among us of late years, com mend it to tbe "rising generation" through- out the country. As the oaly metropolitan morning journal pnbli.h9d in the English language wmcn maintains an unswerving fidelity to the endaring great principles of the Democratic faith in politics, The World for 1881 will be found, where for the last five years The World has been found, absolutely lojaito Democratic principles; absolutely independ ent of atl persons, cliques aad factions with in be Democratic party. The World will maintain the cause or tne Union agaiost sectionalism in all its, forms, the cause of good government against cor rnption in all its forms and tbe caae of tbe ptople against monopoly in all its forms. TKRM8 POSTAGE PAID. Daily and Sundays, one year, $12, six months, $5, three months, 93, Daily, without Sundays, one year, $10. six months, $S, three months. $2 60, less than three months, $1 per month. The Sunday World, one year. Si. The Monday World, containing the Book 91 ov. 1 he Semi-Weekly World, (Fuesdays acd Fridays) $2 a year. To Club Agents An extra copy for club often, the Daily for club or twenty-nve. me neesiy won a VYeunetday), $1 -a year. To club agents An extra copy for club of ten, the riemi-Weekly for club of twenty, tbe Daily for club of fifty. We nave no travelling agents. Specimen number sent free on appliea tion Terms Cash iaTtriably in advance. I end post-office uuonev order, bank draft or registered letter. Bills at risk of the sender Address, John L NOS. 11 & 13 FRONT STREET, FOB THIS 1 BAKBBLS AND HALF BAEEELS Pride of the Pantry, ' I -. - . PAatiirviorht'rt CTcanaif avMtjirai(gsia w wiawjfp r Boatvvrieht'o ChoFce, 1 FARflDLV f ILyMl The Beat Brands, as I think, ever offered in oor market, made of the finest New Wheat. i JJlTQOn L 11 and 13 North Front Street. sis nFarTLiiitiS i citrou, CURRAllTSV RAISINS. dec 17-Ct THE WORIiD, 35 Park Row, Wew York. Wafited. AN EXPERIEXCED TRAVELLING Salesman for the State of North Caro lina by the undersigned, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, White Goods, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c. Good references required. Address, A. R. McCOWN & CO., dec 31-lw 626jMarket st, Phila., Pa. ;the Fact or t foot of Walbt t M. Office au, rr hwf frowst LAUHiNBURG ENTERPRISE J3.THE BEST MEDIUM through which to rdvertise Fall and Winter Goods among the people of Bobeson, Bicbtnond and An son counties, in North Carolina, and in the border onnties of Sooth Carolina The Enterprise has a larsre and icereacinc efrru- lation in tbe Pee Pee and Cape Fear sections 01 mis rute, navtner obtained a Iars-e iron lation In the latter during tbe six months it was published In Fayetteville before its re. it oval to Lanrinbnre. and intha formar witniQ tne fast tew months. Advertimnts will be Inserted bv the month, qaaner and y?ar at teaeonable rates. AcartM, 11. 1. MoDDFxIE, Lanrinbarsr, N C J EDO. La CAUOIESt pnums, ; JELLIES. nuTS, XUASDOXIS CDAUDEQniES - r - - , H5 o slIS wdgDu 11 and ia North Front Street. FOR T M 13 S Iff Tl SKI ES Iff I am oSering the Finest Stock of WHISKEYS, BRANDIES WIRES, CHAMPAGNES, CORDIALS, Eyer brought to our city, selected expressly for the Holidays J W3 AXE BLL!NO AT GREATLY RF- DUCKD P.UC", ILL 8J2S3. CHAS, KLEIN, Dniertaler as3 Ca&f Mater.- Princess Street. In ; Basement of th a l Jcumal BTiildino;, WILMINGTON, N. O, A tie p.itaidnt cf Cffaa knH n. ets constantly or and. Fumitny. uAn..t.. Cleanei and V&inishL Orn-r. T: LADIES' AND GENTS' MEKIflDtAfJD ALL WCOl UNDERWEAR. tele OKSTd ALL WOJL BIBBED 8HIBTS AND DRAW 13 Lioak ngs aad sacqnins in vtrioos color snd fctjlrs. All cheap fr cash. dee 31 B. ftf. YcLNTIfiK. Fresh Every Day A TlXM ABSOSTUEKT OT CAJDIE8, JE JL French aad Domestie, J ait received an sale. THB 05LT GKNDTNK EOME-MADE Candy In the ettr, will be found aver daj, fresh aad twee three doors Bonth of I th roatoao oa seooaa street. Also, Hits BaUIas. mil, Ae. at JBTJUTS, )u9 XTtar tUroftofiofF Eust Weil Au&er, Bust WeU Brilis, Eut Eorse Power, a w eii Dorinar ani irospsctinir Tr.l. u.M nfaetnred. GAS PIPE SHAF riVG and Coupling. The most improved Surface Attachments. uu.ruiHW K mace gooa wells anywhere. Works much fsster and with fair.. i.w of aay other tools. w r Aujrer and Drills work by hand 'or w power. j S.600f AtfdJ n0rB6, PWer bT eMlifo la use five years and co falluref. If ade from best matHJ v.i the price of others, bend for eireulara. a, 7.1vd4w - .jT Winberry Oysters. THJE FINEST Of aaaaoa. Bj the Doaea,;Quartor Oalloa, at CAKSOLL'B, The Rivere. Gardrat & Co., Brandy of 1848 1 SAO nO EQUAL I It 'be Pin..oaBran?r.r arortt ,o I HAVE THE Pale and Brown Sherries,, i! Old ldeixaana Port ico, ' OF VEBY OLD VINTAGE I ' - Ryan & Fineness'-Old Ocotch IVfifdkeyi The only rcaUy Scotch miskey that wfll make hot pixnch what it ought to be. . ouuiuwu wiwt my COOIHWG DRAMDV ! Of all grades, full flavor and at lowest prices ! 11 and 13 North Front Street. 1 The cargo of the Schooner Carleton ! " 50,000 STILL REWAirjIfJC ! Spiecial Bareralno .by theThousand. CALL FOBPBIOtfS. Jlfi)Oo La ail and 13 North PxHot DtrbetJ 2

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