e . . sroxro ajto rvorxxxroB. DB8CKirTlOW8.POBTAOJC PAID. yer,$ & 00 8Ix octU, S3 SO , Tore moatta, SI 35 1 On month, 60 mou. papr will tedallrered by eani-r '""Wfi.UMj perl of lb city, nfa raua, or IS mou pr vnL AdrwtUUx ratee low ud libtrai Sabeeribert will pU&M report aay utf U faUre to tItw ihtir paper rtjrnlarly. . JJoxr Advertisomonts. 32 Market St, 32 8 tn of ths Show Case with th ShKinrkir- IV TT STOCK OF BOOTS AND SII0E3 ill 0 always complete. Call and examine. 'Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now is the time to supply your families. A full line -of those CHILDREN'S SCOTCH 80LK, in lace and buttons. See ing la belletlng. Couvlnce yourself .of the Uct. . A new, lot or those SCOTCH 80 LE GAITERS just received. Don't forgetthe old numoer. , C ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. aovS Groceries, Baling, &c, COn Half Rolls BAGGING, 1 15, and 2 lbs 1000 Bundle New and Pcd TIES, innLb Bagging TWINE, IVJ dec For ale low by WILLIAMS & SiURCniSON. 1C nnAscks SALT, Marshall Fine and Liverpool. - 200 UhdsandBbls Molasses. For sale low by dec 6 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. "000 BblB Ii0UR, aU s""16 : QQQSackaCORN, 250 Bbla 8U0AR' enn BAGS COFFEE, OUU For sale low by dec C WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. 100 Boxe8MdIIlfBbl8NUF, 150 Boxes CANDY, 100 200 decs Boxea TOBACCO, Boxes CANDLES, For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. 200 200 Boxe80AP, I Boxes STARCn, Cases LYE, 200 100 dec 6 Boxes FOTA8n, Fr sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. 'TAIL3, HOOP IRON, Glue Chcwe. Crackers, Wrapping Paper, Tlne, fcc. For sale low by dec6 WILLIAMS &, MURCHISON CLYDE'S Kiev Ytork AND Steamship Lino THE STEAM EH CULF STREAM, CAPT. INGRAM, ILL 8llLFaoiC SW YOEI 03 TEIDAY. Doc. 3L 5alpfn taa ralj pca thejproxipt sailing of 8to4atr, M 4TWid. for rretrtt Kaxameatt apply to TIIDS. JC B05D, Btit. TUIO. O. KQKR, 525 N a WSl r. CLTDaTA oo -,,w rrk,4 BroAwAj, Vm Tort. 0 W EAHW-fo all; kUd,of FrUtlmx, ?.?!!rUla 011 cf city ea har rif wUuax eWally itmudiM Balled (m of ptari la WAHEOC . Tie Daily 1b view. F vol. v LOCAL NEWS. . New ArtTrtiinrti. Hall&Peaksall Groceries Da P.tback Chirepodut IIUXSBERGEH A Reply to the Tool Errand" c WYATifs is: A Shkier Protect the Fett Don't fonjet the N. V. Enamel Paint, ready inlxed and warranted, at JACoBiVf Remember the deserving poor, and do something to make them rememSer you. The concert under the management of Professor an' Lear " will take place at Ihe Oreri fW on next. The citv clock is aain at work aud now strikes the hour ot the d;iy aud night, which is a great convenience to our citi zens. The unprecedented demand for Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has had the effect of bringing out numerous similar remedies; out ine peopie are not so easuy lnuuceu Tit mnlra a Trial FVi ramm art.lm han thevralnetheoldand reliabla one Dr. Bull '8 Pough Syrup. Dr. Rjback, Chiropodist,of Baltimore, is' in this city and is stopping at the Commercial. He has operated on the understandings of several of our citizens who seem to be well pleased. See his advertisement elsewhere. ITave you seen the latest improved Heat ing and Cook Stoves at Jacobi's ? You can get them at f3"f ry prices. t Opera lloute Next Wrelc. Ad, Gray will give three entertain-1 ments in this city next week, Friday and Saturday nights and Saturday mat-1 inee. She will appear in IArticle 47; Kist Lvnn and Lucrstia Borgia. Mr. Bloom, her agent, is now in this city I mat ing arrangements for her appearance. We advice our friends to call at Jacobi's f jr real Silver Plated Tea and Table Spoons and Forks, Roger's Ivory handled Table Knives, Pen and Pocket Knives. All for Christmas and at the lowest m ices. Persia I. AYe were pleased to meet this morning oar quondam citizen and friend, Mr. Jacob Weller, now of Cincinnati, who is I on a visit to his relatives in this city, He is accompanied by his wife and child-1 ren. Air. v ener will return to tne great porkopolis in a few days. During the Holidays buy useful articles such as Christmas Fire Dogs, Shovels and Tones. Fluting Machines. &c. All -at the lowest prices at Jacobi's. . f t C M btedrdan Fire Co Ifo It At the regular monthly meeting of this company, held Wednesday night, the fol lowing officers were elected for the ensu ing year : Tresident C. W. W. Davis. Vice President J. P. O'Sullivan. Recording Secretary U. O. Rankin. Treasurer G. W. Mitchell. Foreman A. II. Ieslie. 1st Assistant Foreman A. B. Shiver. 2nd Assistant Foreman E. S. Griffith Jno. Sneeden, Joe!F. Craig, M. M. Parker. Thos. II. Lockamy and G. W Hawkins, Axemen." The above was intended for publico-1 rh I an oversight. t Water street merchants will keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. f Across the Continent. Oliver. DoudJByron in hisjrenowned play I of "Across the Continent" will appear in I this city on Saturday evening. The play is very much of the style of the Phoenix, I andgives immense satisfaction wherever whom were clergymen.and in the ftllow jt i3 performed by Mr. Byron. Of it the ing order. Rev. B. S. Bronson, Rer.; Buffalo Couritr says: . I The thoroughly sensational drama now holds the boards, as the saying is, at the I Academy of Music. Mr. Oliver Doud Byrun lasr evening opened a short en gagement, which is to conclude with the week, appearing m his favorite role of Joe Ferris in "Across the Continent." The play is most powerful and replete wim siaruiug euecis uuu luciaeuu railroad trains, telegraph in practical op eration.. Indians, hand to-hand combats, and other devices for electrifying the nervous system. Mr. Byron is a clever actor, and the leader of those who have choseu the sensational order in which to exercise their talent. He has a very fine presence, and invests his part with deci- ded interest. The performance was rel ished with manifestly much satisfaction by a very large audience, the upper cir cles being fairly packed. Mr. Byron is supported by a numer ous and very good company. The ladies axe pleasiogand the gentlemen in the cast generally sustain their parts in' a very satisfactory manner. ; VV ILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY TOE LIST SAD BITE. The Funeral Services orer the Ke mains ol Bishop Atkinson The In terment in St James Church ''Earth to Xarth ! Aihes to At hei ! Dait to Dost!' Long before the hour (11 a. v.) an nounced for the funeral services-over the remains of the late Bishop .Atkinson, thrones of people were wending tbeir way to the grand oiu eoinice 01 at. James Church. The front doors were closed, with (outstrips of mourn in sus- m b the archway of the dooi the ume ayu.- bel of the Church's deep rrifcf was nr. ranged, reaching all the way down to the door-step. Inside of the Church, on the walls were hung festoon? ot gray moe, while the galleries and windows were deeply draped with the same appropriate mourning. Interspersed with the moss suspended from, the galleries were long i streamers of black cloth, caught up I ' a sT"7 every post ana exuswuog the entire length of the Church on either side. At the Chancel, the archway was draped with moss from top to bottom, while the doors opening into the Chan. eel from the Vestry rotm were, hung in like manner. The arms of the Bishop's throne or chair were entwirie4 irij-h gray moss and purple cloth. Around the lop of the chair wa3 white ribbon in great profusion, the whole surmounted by a s w beautiful cross covered with purple cloth. The railing around the chancel, irame- diatply in front of the altar, had been en- lureiy remorea ana tne auar piacea oacs against the wall ot the chancel, and right m the center of the chancel floor Und immediately under the proper resting place of the altar the floor had been re moved, the earth dug out and a vault built to receive the last remains of the venerable and much-beloved Bishop. All this was accomplished yesterday, the dressing having been completed by loving hearts and hand late last night aud the last brick placed about the same hourj A temporary flooring was then laid over the grave and this covered with a carpet. On the chancel wall on either side of the chancel windows and in a line with the lighted corona were two shields of black, surrounded by purple and white flowers; in the centra of one of these shields were the words, worked in. white letters, "At Rest," while oa the other was the quota tion: "I am the Resurrection. The reading desk, or lectern, was covered with a cloth of purple, fringed with black. At half past 10 o'clock the front doors were thrown open and in a short time the church was more than half filled. The children from the Home and Misses Burr aud James' and Miss Hart's schools occupied the most of the galleries, ex cept a certain portion which was reserv ed for St. Mark's (colored)congregation. Ushers from St. James', St. John's and St. Paul's were in attendance to assist in finding seats for the throng of people who soight to gain entrance to the church. At 11:15 the tolling ef the bell in the tower of St. James' signified the hour of the departure of the proces- ion from the Episcopal residence in the following order: 1 he vestry of bt Mark's, the Vestry of St. Paul's, the Vestry of St. John's and the Vestry of St. James'; then the bier bearers, which consisted of a delegation of ten parish ioners from each of the four parishes,next the corpse born by ten yoaog men from one of the parishes above named, whd were each in turn relieved twiet 'by others of the bearers. On either side of the coffin walked the pall bearers, all of Bennett Smedes Rev. rJ . M. Ampler, Rer. Dr. - Marshall, Rev. J . It. Olich, ReT. T. D. Pitts, Rev. J. W. Larmur, Rev. Dr. Patterson. Next to the bear. era came the mourning family, including the children and grandchildren of the de ceased prelate, Rev. Dr. Atkinson, of Raligh,a brother of the deceased Bishop and Bishop Lay, of Eaaton, Maryland, who wedded a nieee of the lateBishop. The procession moved dowa Orange to Third and tbence to Su james' Church, . , ,r . . . . . 4 comer of Third and Market streets. At 12:2b the deep, sad notes of the organ, as Mrs. Cushing, the organist, played the funeral dirge, announced the arrival at the church door of the solemn cortege. Vt m-w find tn The " "KflCt OI Ages," and 'Gottachalk's Last Hope" were the dirges played daring the en trance of the body as it was borne by the bearers op the ceater aisle of the church. Bishep Lyman, of this Diocese, and Bishop "Yhittle, of Yirgipia, pre ceded the procession; immediately follow ing these came Rev. Dr. Watson, then the clergy, two and two.to the num ber of eight. The remains followed the clergy, the mourners the remains.and then the different vestries in the following or der SL James'. St. John's. St Paul's and St. Mark's. The clergy were pro vided with seats inside of the Chancel, Bishop Lyman his chair North of the al tar and Bishop Whittle taking a seat at the South ot the altar. The other cler gy were equally divided on the.. Norlb aui SoiUh sides of iite tha6icLy Bishops Lyman and Whittle and Dr. Watson met the body atthe church door and advanc ed up the ai3le in the order afrcady uam ed. Bishop Lyman reading the sentences commencing with 'I am the Resurrection aud the Life. Whose beHeveth in Me, though he were dead yet shall he lire." The body was deposited on the bier in ! front of the Chancel while the choir j chanted the psalter for the day. Dr. Watson, the Rector, next read the les son.' xtymnZGttor the Hymnal "Asleep in Jesus" was then sung by the choir and as the last verse of this beaut ifu hymn was being sung the venerable Senior arcen of the. Church step ped in the Chancel and with, his own hands removed the carpot'over the tern porary floor which covered the vault Others of the different vestries then caine to. his assistance and as the boards were being moved, disclosing the grave into which the last remains of the ven erated and much beloved Bishop were so sooa to be lowered, many an eye moisten ed that was not used to tears. -Members of each Vestry then assisted in lowering the body into the grave, and almost be fore the last echo of the music had ceased to reverberate through the sacred walls of the Church, the casket that contained the mortal remains of Rt. Rev. Thos, Atkinson, D. D., LL. D., and for twen ty-seven years the Bishop f North Car ouna, was niu iorever irt-m view and frtm hundreds who were there looking oa; the most of whom, we believe, had fiit the gentle , touch of his apostolic hands in the holy rite of confirmation. The scene at thjs particalar part of the services was most impressiTe. There uu dr the light of the brilliant corona which is suspended over the chancel, stood the two Bishops ia their sacred robes of office at the ends 'of the altar, while around and on the other tide of the newly'duz grave stood nine other clergymen robed in their pare white surplices, looking with bowed heads down into the grave, while the congre gation, all standing, looked on with rev erence and awe at this most solemn and impressive scene. Bishop Lyman then read the commit tal sentences, part of which arc the sad yet beautiful words "Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust." Bishop Whittle, of Virginia, read the concluding prayers. Rev.Dr. Watson then gave out the 493rd hymn, "Jerusalem the Gold en," which was sung by the cengrega tion. At the conclusiou of this hymn the Rector announced that the services were over and'that the family desired to be left alone in the church. The large congregation, which was almost packed in the building,many standing in the North and South aisles, then quietly withdrew. The insideofthe vault, we neglected to say at the proper, place, was . inlaid with white plush cloth. A beautiful large cross made, of fero leaves, oedar flowers and calla lillies, was placed on the coffin' after it had been lowered , into the grave. The day seemed to be indicative of the beautiful life and quiet, peaceful end of this servant of God who has just fallen asleep. The weather was mild and pleas ant and the sun shone with brilliant, genial warmth which made it most agree able to all who ventured out. The day of the week is the one on which His Mas ter was laid in the tosvb and therefore we know it could have had no terrors for thifl faithful follower of the excellent pre cepts of the Founder'of oarjblessed re. ligion. The vault in which the remains of the Bishop were deposited will be left open until 9 o'clock this e-eniog. It will be sealed up sometime duriug the night. One of the vestrymen of St. James' Church will be with the body cf the Bish op until the vault is closed. Overshoes are in unusual demand: the most desirable seem to be what is term ed the NarrsgtBsett. 7. 1881 iU. 269. CotiipItrarntarY. Yesterday's Raleigh Xews and Obser ver sayK An elegant german, complr mentary to a number of gentlemen ol Wilmington, visiting the city, was given at Bagley Hall last1 evening. Among the visiting gentlemen were Messrs Jordan Thomas, T. W. StraDge, T. W McKoy, Pembroke Jones, Louis Davis, and Bruce Wright, of Wilmington, aid Messrs Will. Bryan, of Brantlord, Con necticut; Jamie White, of Louisburg, and Midshipman Allen G. Rogers, TJ. S. Navr. A' Delusion ;Trp placed In a.houeewni 3 nletl'eath" cunning" mcm$e - Call at" ACOBr for them. f (iermanla Lodge The officers of Germania Lodge, No. ,4 K.of P., were installed last evening by D. I). G. C, H. C. Prempert, and.arc as fol low?: vj i P. C W. F. Wenzel. C. C W. H. M. Koch V. C J. A. Schroeder. P. C. F. VonKarapeu. K. of R. & S.F. C. Ier. M. ot E. F. W. Ortman. M. of F.'J. F. Rulfs. M. at A. A. Wehrhahn. I. G. John D. Steljes. A. G. J. Sternberger. The latest news from tte Gov. Worth is that she still lies just as when she sunk. The river has risen 25 feet at Fayette ville and nothing can be done to raise the Worth jintil the water sub sides. Tlie Prohibition Convention meets at Raleigh on next Wednesday, the 12 th inst. Arrangements have been made for reduced, rates on the railroads and re duced fare at the hotels and boarding houses in Raleigh. TBIBUTE OP REPKCT. I The Rector and Vestry of St. James' Parish, called together on the occasion of the death of the beloved Bishop of this Diocese, the Rt. Rev. THOMAS ATKINSON, D. D., LL. D , and desir ing to give expression to their feelings, do hereby icesoive, mat in tne deatn ot our venerable Father in God the members of this Parish, at whose altar he for some time officiated a3 Rector, havo pe culiar cause for grief in the heavy be reavement they have sustained. Not one congregation only bows its head un der this chastening of the hand of God but every circle and every congregation throughout the Diocese weep over the bier of thier great Bishjp. It is -such men as he, men of prayer and men of truth, who constitute the strength and power of a State. He was wise in coun sel, - gentle in manners, with a kind word from his kindly heart to all who sought . his intercourse. He went about doing good.comforting the troubled, upholding theweak and cheer ing the despondent, a true leader of the Hosts of God whose trumpet Dever gave forth an uncertain sound. While we mourn the heavy affliction which has be fallen us, yet we thank God for the great privilege we have enjoyed of having been so closely connected with one whose daily walk so exemplified the truths of the Christian religion. His life was a prep aration for eternity and he 60 lived that the lengthening shadows of his earthly pilgrimage disturbed him not and when the summons came he could exclaim in the exultant language of St.Joho,"Atneu, i even so come quickly Lord Jesus." Besolued. T-hzt as a token of our re spect for our departed Bishop the Yes- try ot tnis i ansn wniaiiena nis iunerai m a body. Resolved. That we tender to his af flicted family aud particularly to his ren- erable widow our profoundest sympathy m their sorrow, commending them to the watchful care of that God in whom our departed Bishop believed and trusted. Kesolved, lhat the Hector ol mis Parish be respectfully requested to ransmitacopy of these resolutions to Mrs. Atkinson. x New Advertisements. BUNIONS, CORN'S, INVERTED NAILS, positively rcrmaneatlv cured by the Austrian Chiropodist, DR.' I1YBACK, of 70 Lexington Street, BaJtimorc, coutidered by all the bet Foot Surgeon in this country, for his 6kilful and painless, operations, combined with his pprftt and effective rtim ediee. Dr. Ryback'a Gertnan bunion SalTe cures Files io a lew day. Ladies attened at ridene by 6endic note to Commercial Ilot tl, Wilmington, N. C, Tot a few days only. jan 7-1 w. 1881 1300 800 50 20 100 100 Groceries 1881 BM FLOUR, Buh Frefeh Water Mill Meal, Boxs D 5 and Srookl SM, do do do Shoulder, Bbl. MES3 FORK. Hh'l and Bbla Cuba and New Orleana Molafcaes. HALL & PEABSALL ;an 7 . " PLEASE 50TIC2C 55" wi)l U iltA I rtCilrs sosnsualcatlo from oar friandi oa asy aad all faw Ssaerallateraet bat . Tae name of tne writer mart always be fa bUW to the Editor. Ooauaoaleatloaj nut b writtea.' ca cniy oae aide of thejapr . PeraoaaHUes bm voided And It Is especially pertlcmlarly uer itood that the Editor sot always esoort the riawaol eorraepoaaMCta, oaleaiso laud la the editorial eoluwna. New; Advertisemen ts. rpoASKa TO itY FRIENDS far their very libaa! patrooege durlag thsput year I ebaU a! war, andeavor to keep a fall itcck of every thlrg la my Uae . at rsMonatle Prica. YATES UTJOKv STORE, jaa S . : A REPLY! TO, THE 'FaOL'X ERSATiC JS IXPOBUBSOFSDHE oT th4 Firse- ho:da of tha -'Fool't Errand", atd-corns cf the prediction! of it author, i W TocrRee. Thia pangaat critieiem U by Wm. I. R-ytJl. of he New Yort Bar, fate of tie 11 ichmoad Bar, where he was elo. Editor cf th Di y roaiinonwielthMy a ltadLg o.ai. o te debt-payinf party; of that Etatd rftiriDg the recent excidng contett there.' ' It i a pamphlet cf 98 pigef, price 25 eti. Forealeat flHSBEaQBR'a.' jan 4 ljTe Book and Mogfc Store. Protect the Feet I jjALF OF THE DISEASES INCIDENT to humanity come from bad coldaj and half of the bad colda came from Improperly pro tected feet. Ths remedy is I Go to Shrier's aad bny warm and well flttiag 8hoej. Keep ! the feet warm and dry and you will keep : ..... i j, well. Bespectfully, A. SHRIEK, . jn 3. Market itreet. Debtors l Yu ARE KIXDLY ASKED TO clof up your accounts with mc for the past year. , Hcepcctfully, " 6 V R. M, McINjniE. ' . , . - F. S.A good (20 feet) counter for sale cheap. j 333 LAUGHS IN ONEi FLAY. 333 OPERA HOUSE. L OXE NIGHT ONLY 1 Saturday, Jan. SlIi. Oliver DOUD byron i ii the Fuanlst Play In the V7crld. A0R0S3 THE COKTINENT I Now is the Eleventh year of ita Cn paralled aucceu. Epitome of Events: Effects of Drink! Dying Within the Hound of Trit ity Welle. Domeatie Diffi;altiee. The IdijsyneraUcal Uibrfrriian, A U G II U G n s NT - . . a. jj. n Barnnlntr of LoweV Na "JT. M. T. A. B. H ' York Ort Concert Aot.illimi able Pan, Hvlari VMHi ohon Act. FlfifS . - : ...... - tvuuo r, iegrce. Lore's Yonog Dream. The Red Haired Policeman. , TIe;iLbonT Tragedian. Rocky Moun. ' tain. The Hero of station 4, U. P. H. K. The Mon(T0Iiftn, At icao, E American acd Indian. Byron'e Comic Patrol. The Wonderful Teleraphio Feature. Grand Batde. he Acme of Comic tfens.Hi, m.1 in. eiration All interpreted by the Charuio; artiite. ttiaa Kate Hrtn. Joe H. fankVJai.B. Badcliffe. ii alter Charles llazn, and an en emble of Twenty FiBt Clau Ar tist, Formiasrthe Beat UOMKDY KfeNHATIoNAL COif BINATION EXTANT. r u A Y L A Y Adm'erion 25.' 50 and 75 cenif. Reserved eeate, SL fceenre etata at Ym Utituhir get's. Harry D.Grahm9,BuitafjAge3t. j j.n -one play. nnr jan -3t Ptlotiee. OTICE IS IIEKEB XI GIVEN. THAT, application will be' made to tte General AMciiubly, -at. iu next eesiion, for thepaa upcof tn tt to incorporate the Claren don .Water Works'Company. das 3-law BEAUTIFUL HAIR ORNAMENTS ND HAIR N0VELTIE3 jut received. A fall line of ChUdren'i acd HLree Qoaxrr now on sale and at verr low nrice. Rtamr in; from tSe laUat pattenu. Hair Work 1 aav style made to order. Orders by mail will leceive rrompt atteatloo. Addxeas Poss Office Box 301. . , HI88 E. KARRER, dc IS " No. S "Ab Frost'il Wotice jyE,a.P.8HCrTTER Hl5 AJf INTER est la ay b tain mi from this date. The stria cftr.e firm will be HARDINQ J0HN80IT 4 CO. HARDIN fi JOHFHoiT. WilmlBtoo, N. C , Jan. lit, 1821, jB 4-1 w .'- ' T (