The Daily Rrriwr. J08H.T. JAES. l!dilrtr Prop. TlIMlflGTOPI W. - FFID4T, Jl"URY 7. 1831. Ir. Deems to President Battle will fully explain : 429Wkst Tw5TT-Skcoxi Naw York. December 30, 1880. To President Battle: My Drab Sir:- Lst night, upon my return from church, I fouud oQ raj desk the following: "Mr Dkar Dr. Dksis Herewith lease find xar check for ten thousand dollars, as subscription to the UniTersity Dr. Tierce's (Jolden Medical Discov er, cures ererv kind of hur.or. from the J : i 1 -T-''.. of North Carolina, as an addition to the I 0f erysipelas worst Scrofula to the common piomle or 4 &Z1J'':.S eruDtion. J r ' i-V.-.r; Four to six bottles cure rht-mn or tetter. One to fire bottles cure the or-: kind ot pimple on the face. Two to fonr bottlc3 clear the system of boUs. carbuncles. ani sores. ' .- Four to six bottles cure the worst Kind T lrJ,TrKKD 4f TUiv rtJST F F"T fK r?iornOTrN. X. a, aj ircosit.A.v I5ATTHH.I . pMrTwMiaaH. Vanderbilt has issued an excellent order, prohibiting the sale "Deems Fund" to be loaned to indigent students of the University. Very truly yours, -W. H. V AJfDrRBII-T. "When I began to make my little do nations towards building up that fund, aiy trust was that some friends might be found in North Carolina who, after I am dead, would, for old lore a sake, make j bottles cure blotches Three to six tmnnir thfi hair. sir to ten bottles cure runoiae at the ears. Five to Eight bottles cure corrupt or running ulcers. tight to twelve bottles cure the worst scrofula. Sold by druggists, and in half-dozen of immoral publications at any of the depots or on the trains of the New York it up to a few thousand dollars, but now and dozen lots at great discount r.ntr1roi! I ny large-hearted friend, from whom II , : The national debt has come htnr to stay. A good share of it was oncu held abroad, but now the amount in foreign hands is unimportant. Outof $128,150 in four per cents, only $6.83l,i50 are in the hands of foreign holders, and of the I 41 rr cents, only S2.187.550 are held w m broad. The gross revenue of the United King, dotn for 1830 was X83.290.390. The receipts from customs decreased during the year 307,000, and from excise du ties 508,000. The receipts from stamps for whatever is needed immediately. bave never solicited anything, steps in and make it quite as Urge, as 1 hoped, it might grow in a quarter of a ceatury bo very little was 1 able to give, tbat 1 re qm-aied to have ' the claims of the sons of ministers of the gospel preferred Now help all applicants, as rapidly as needed, being careful to observe that we desire to help, not carry. 1 am satisfied that nothing is gained by putting boys through a college like grist through a milL The right kind ot young man will satisfy you that he will ultimately be able to return the sum borrowed, and will find friends to stand for him. Furiher particulars will be written to vou soon. In the meantime draw on me increased 946.000 ia consequence of the changes in the probate dues devised by Sir Stafford Northcole in his last budget. The postoCSce revenues show an increase of 251)000 and the receipts from telegraphs 193,000. The Legislature was erganiced last Wednesday very quietly. Hon. W. T. Dortcb, of Wayne, was chosen Presi- deat of the Senate, ad interim, and Mr. Charles M. Cooke, of Franklin, was elected Speaker of the House. R. M. Furtnan, ef Buncombe, was made becre- Thandinir vou ft r the trouble vou take in this matter, I am, dear President Bat tle, with great respect and affection, Your old teacher and friend, Charles F. Deems. The New York World asks : Is it possible that the Major Lewis Merrill, of the Seventh Cavalry, one of the members of the acw Court or In quiry called to act as a court-martial on the Whittaker case, can be the same Major Merrill who made himself notori ous at Spartanburg, S. C, during what he called the Ku-Klux excitement ? If so, the reported objections of a majority of the Cabinet to the course of Presi- Wnlttaker'a Counsel- It is said that ex-Gov. Chamberlain, ofSouth Carolina, will be one of the counsel for Whittaker, the colored cadet, before the court-martial conveued in his , i r l case. Jrror. ureener, wno was lorraeny one of the colored professor in the South Carolina University, will be ac tively engaged in the case, and Mr. B. II. Brewster, of Philadelphia, will, it is said, act as advisory counsel. When Ton visit or Iave New Tork City, i op at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite (irand Ceutral Depot. European plant. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards Kestauraut unsurpassed at moderate price. Sreet cars, stages and elevated railroad to Jl parts ot the city. JJ Catarrh Sometimes commences witn a cold, but its cure always commences with the use of Sage's Uatarrn itemeay. inis oia, renaDie, and well-known remedy has stood th test or years, and was never more pop ular than now. U cd9 from a Fimple Tropical Let of Rare Yaft sod li a POHITlVK Kej edt fo all th Jiee tnat cmw pins in iae rmrt thftboflT VT TOrOld 'IVT HMdMh Jndice D;xin. travel, MAtaria. and all ciflicultie ot the Kidoeys, i,r l!Hnar truan. f or terraje Uiafe. Mo-tM? MenetH ioir Preenacov. i h n Iliscellaneoiis. Iliseollancotld. in use. ouu iui PIANOS nations', acd eur os si. It reftorrs be rrjrans that u an th& blood, and hence ij the best Blood Pusifieb known rnie-j tbat cures 't in the B in t'a lie-8f. Wot Di&betei, nee w a "Tier's esie uisoeiea nnr4lb-r Drmrdsts and all I'eaien ai $1.25 rer bottle. Laricwt br.ttle in the mar et. Try it. H. li. t o0t 16 Koenester, st i FOB THE MILLION EARS Foo (Ms Balsam of Staffs Cil.E tary or tne aenaie, ana wno. i. uameron dent H . th-i8 matter are indeed Ksq of Orange, principal elerk of thel easily to be understood. Heuse. There was nothing of interest, beyond the organization, transacted on the first day. The New York Tribune tf Monday, ia s double-leaded leader, says. "Tht administration of President Garfielfl is to be an administration for the whole Republican party. It wfl foment no quarrels; it will most earnestly seek the things that make for peace and for the interests of the party it represents. But it will Lot permit iU friends to be per secuted for their friendship. "Whoever has been persuaded to doubt this may at well make, heiceforlh, a declaration of independence from the dictation of 1 authority, save the wishes of constitu ents and his own convictions of policy and risht." The oCccrt of the Pennsylvania Raik wv Comnanv haYe directed the Wes- r tern Uaion Telegraph Company to with draw its agents and operators from all the cfiicen and linei of the Pennsylva nia Railway, and to-day the entire tIrratjhie svatem which extends over o i rf" . the lines of the Pennsylvania Railway will b traniferred to the American Un ion Teletrraph Company. Some months u And the Charleston Ncivs aud Cour ier replies: It is the same Merrill who was known in soutn uaroiina ana Louisiana as me "Butcher," by reason of his brutality to the white people, and his delight in hunt ing down every man, woman or child, whom his wretched informants accused of participation in the Km-Klux out rages. It is the same Merrill who lob bied an appropriation of $35,000 through- . U C . U 1' i: T in 1 UfQ I to pay the reward of 5200 offered by (iov. Scott for the arrest, with proof to convict, of each person who had any con nection with Ra-Kluxism, the head money claimed by Merrill himself being about $21,000. Merrill idolizes the negro, swears by him and, in South Carolina, lived by him. Whittaker will be acquitted, if Merrill can compass it, for the color of the skin, in Merrill's mind, w.ll be con clusive proof of his innocence and of the guilt Jof every white man whom Whittaker makes charges against. President Hayes chooses his tools ably. Fjs stomach - PnaitWslr Pestorea the Fearing and ia the Onlv Aesnlnte cure tor ue ainu anown. This Oil ii extracted from a pecnlia- ape- cies of imall Whitb "hark, caught in the Yellow t?ea, ksown as l archarodon Kondel- etil- Every I hinese Fisherman Knows it. Itn virttiea a a restorative of heanog were discovered by a Bad hut Priest about the vear 110. its cores were so numerous and many so Soemingij miracaioaBr uist mc r medy was rfficially proclaimed ovar the entiroKmpira. Its uee became so universal that for over 300 years no Peafaees has ex- iit d amofg tie umnese people. oei i, charges prepaid, to any address at f 1 per b. ttle. Only Jmported dv a ax lu( js. at 7 Dey et. New Tork, Sole Aents for America. MENBELSSOM PIAUO i COi.IPjiFJY Will mako for the next 60 daya only, a Grand Offer or' PIAXVTOS AKTD ORGABTS. ' $850 Square Grand Piano for only 3245; a Magnificent rosewood case elegantly finished, 3 striDgs 7 13 (Jeeves fuU patent cantata agraffes, our new patent overstrm .g scale, beautiful carved legs and lyre, beavy serpentine and large iancy tuooWiitg; round case, full Iron Frame, French Grand Action, Grand -Hammers, in fact every Improve; ment, wiich can in auy way tend to thpeffection ot the instrnment has been added Our price for this instrnment boxed and delivered on board cars Sq a ? t f t New York, with fine Piano Cover, Stool and Book, nly -.VU This Piano will be sent on test trial. Please send reference if you do not send money with order. Cash sent with older will be refunded and freight charges ptUI bv us botb ways if Piano is not just as represented in this advertisement. ThoasautJs in use. senu ior caT.aKgue. JQivery lusiruiiicufc iuiij nanauwuiw uo jfws. $165 TO $400 (witn stool, Uver and book.) ah stricuy ibst Ulas3 and sold at Wholesale factory prices These Pianos wade' one ot tbe finest displays at the Centennial Exhibition, and wero unanimously recommended for the Highest Honobs. The Squares contain our Ne Patent scale, tbe greatest imp'ovemebt in the history of Piano making, liw up' rights are the tine t iu America. Positively we make the finest Pianos, of the ricLet tone a d the greatest.durability. They are recommended by the hlghe tmueic! ai.. thorities iu tbe country. Over 14,000 in use and not one dissatisfied porchas r. A.l Pianos and Organs sent on 15 daja' test trial freight free if unsatisfactory. Vou't faUi write us before buying. Positively we offer the test bargains. Catalogue mat t-d i t. Handtoine Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 48 pages mailed for 3c suuij. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years. - - Our 'rarlor Urand Jubilee Organ," style 30, is Ujo nfst and sweetest toned Keed Organ ever offered the musical public. .It coutaii8 Fivk Octaves, Fivk seta ot iteeds, four of 2 J Octay. each, and ou of Three ctavea. Thibtseh' Stops with Grand Obgan Dlapas "t Melodia, Viols, Flute, Celesta, Dulcet, Grand-Swell, Knee-Stops, rieigut, 74 it. Length, 43 in ; Width, 24 in.;. Weight, boxed, 360 lbs. Tbe case is of solid walnut, veneered Kith choice wo'ds, and is of an entirely new and beautiful design, elaboratt ly carved, with raked panels, music closet; lamp stands, fretwork, Ac, all elegantly finished. Possesses all tbe latest and best improvements, with great power, dtpin ' brilliancy and sympathetic quality of tone. . Beautiful solo effects and perfect itop. ac. tion. Kegular retail price $285. Our wholesale net cash price to have it introduce?, with stool and book, only $9T as ope organ a Id sell others. Positively no devj Ur n in price. No payment required until ; vou j have folly tested the organ in your ov borne. We send all Organs on 15 days (test trial and pay freight both ways if insti -ment is not as represented. Fully warranted for 5 years. Other s'yles 8 slop org u only $65 ; 9 stops, $85; 14 stops $115. ' Over 32,000 sold, and every Organ has givr n the fullest satisfaction. Illustrated circular mailed free. Factory and Warerooms 57 a Sr and 10th Ave. j 1 . . SHFFT Mll&in at ou third price. 'Catalogue of 3,000 choice pieces sei.t lr iiiuuiu 3c 8tamp. This Catalogue includes most of the rooular roa io of the day and every variety of musical composition, by the best authors. Add rets, ' MENDELSSOHN PIAft O CO., P. O., Box 2058, New York City. ; -..v . !::- .. dec 7 ' , '. . 1 ORGANS Ul IL"-f 111111 I w U I ,, i li I Z I I Z2 u u rn m URED I IN 20 MINUTES BY fleep. Appetlte'and Stranethj Return when Hostetter's Stomach Bitter is sTitomaticallT tied snffare. Morenver, thiiii closely with ate organs, the liver nd the bowels as their 'leranemeot is rectified by tbe action of the Bitters, mental despondency produced by tat derangement oiiappeari . Tor sale by all Druggists and Dealers, general' Its virtues are onqaesticBable and i's cura tive character absolute, as tbe writer can personally testify, b-ta from experience;nd objei ration. Amort the many readers of the Ueview in the part and onotber of the country, it is pro bable tbat numbers are afflicted with deaf nes?, and to such it may be said: "Write at once to Hay lock & Co., 7 Dey Street, New York, enclosing $1, and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be permanent You will never reeret ' doing so." Editor of New York Mercantile av v aw v wvr " dee 8 Herd ONE COLLAR A Y5.R. HO More Hard Times. If you will stop spending so much on fine clothes, rich" food and style, but good, healthy food, cheaper and better clothing; get more real and substantial things of life every way, and epecially stop the foolish habit of employing ex pensive, quack doctors or using so much of the vile humbug medicine that does ..V p.nnitlnnU Rail war Comnan v I vou onlv harm, but DUt vonr trust in enUred into contract ith the Amer- that simple. pure remedy Hop Hitlers; . V. . , , , that cures always at a trifling cost, and icaa Union Telegraph Company under yoa will 8ee good times and have good wnica tne American ouioa u" 1 neaitn, oyronice. agreed to pay $100,000 anaually for a tens ot twenty years ior mo nga i B0 isuiwt build Ulegraphi liaea) along the extensive rJ. ,...M11 Kw tliA P.nn. syivaon-iiau way company, emoracing i y win 5Q u thaQ eam a donars in the aggregate upwards of five thou aand miles of road. The American Un ion Telegraph Company, in accordance with this contract, ha been rapidly cons true tie g lines aloDg the whole system o! roads. The line from Philadelphia to Chicaro was completed a week aero. On regular." Josh Billings. lie got off the car at the depot, and a hack-driver cat the u.ual question to him: "Have a hack, air!" He looked at the turnout carefully. "Ilave aback, sir?" Not if I've jrot to take the horses, too," he drawled out. riicre was a flavor in Erummell s wit, j the only link yet uncompleted to perfect I too, whether written or spoken, that was the American Union system, that be tweea Trtntoa and New York, 500 men are now at work night and day, and the entire system will be completed and ready for bruin ess on Wednesday, Jan- varr5. Two months' notice to leave piquant, with a selfish undercurrent and an absence of effort something of a Voltttircan heartlessoess and fiuish. A good specimen is his answer to a ques-1 tion: Had he heard anything as to how a newly-married pair, at whose wedding he had assisted a week before, were get- togon? o, no, but I believe they the flees and lines o! the Pennsylvania are 8liU Uriag together." Railway was given to the Western Un" A married gentleman, every time he ioa oa the 7th of NoTerabcr and will ex- met the" father of his wife, complained to pire fcxiay, when the entire Tcnnsyl- him ol the temper and disposit ion of Wi . tv. daughter. At last upon one occasion; Tana system will be transferred to the . -eotlemjin beauW weary of i - i i i Anerican Union, giting the American Union ve trunk lines of telegraph from New "York to Chicago. A !l DLK GIFT. m It will be rt menbertd that ITev. Dr. Chss.F. Deems has been endeavoring to stablisa a funcf for the benefit of the University of North Carolina; which the trustee have designated as the Deems Fand, which is to be loaned to needy stadents to e sable them to obtain an during political campaigns rdaalioa at the University. . Dr. Deems expensive. Ua, himself made several dcaUucs, from y pim jjx Victims of lu own slender raens. and on thU laid icrofuloos diseases, who drag your un- tba foandation of the fund. Jt is with clean persons into the company of better artat pltafttrr.thererore.Uiatwe learn nowl men, uke Avta s aaKsaraaiixa, ana the erumblines of bis son-in-law. ex claimed; "Yoa are right; she is an im petuous jade, and if I hear any more complaints of.her I will disinherit her.' The husband made no more complaints. A genius proposes to invent a proevss to ill i inmate the human bead, by charg ing each particular hair with electricity. When that time comes, a man wno ras wasted his substance in feasting and riotous living, can raise the wind by rentier himself out at half-price lor a street Lamp. And torchlight processions ill be less Ague Cure Is a purely vegetable bittefand powc: Jul tome, and is warranted a speed v and certain cure for Fever and Ague, Chills ana ever, intermittent or Chill fe ver, Iteniittent Fever, Dirnib Arue, x'erioaicai or Uiiious Fever, and all malarial disorders. In miasmatic dis tricts, the rapid pulse, coated tongue, thirst, lassitude, loss of appetite, pain in the lack and loins, and coldness of tho spine and extremities, are onlv premoni tions of severer symptoms, which termi nate in the ague paroxysm, succeeded by Usli fever and profuse perspiration. It is a startling fact, that quinine, arse nic and other poisonou minerals, form 1 ho "basis of most of the ' Fevtr and Agin Preparations," "Specifics," "Syr ups," and " Tonics,." in the market. The preparations made from, these min eral poisons, although they are palatable, . and may break the chill, do not cure, but leave the malarial and their own drug poison in the system, producing quinism, dizzinessT ringing in the ears, headache, vertigo, and other disorders more formi dable than the disease they were in tended to euro. Aver's Aon? Curi: thoroughly eradicates these noxious poi sons from the system, and always cures the f severest cases. It contains no quinine, mineral, or any thing that could injure the most'delicate patient; and its crowning excellence, above its certainty to cure, is that it leaves the system a3 free' from disease as before tho attack. For Liver Complaints, Avek's Ague CrRE, by direct action on the liver and biliary apparatus, drives out the poisons which produce these complaints, and stimulates tho system to a vigorous, healthy condition. We warrant it when taken according to directions. THE CIRODI ATICff of this pojular newspaper hasinceaed dn-ir.g the past year. Jt cod tat a all tne leocini? news of tne Daily Herald, and is arranged la handy department. 'I he FOKEKiN NWS eo.brac- special dispatcher from all quar tern 1 tie gli-be. : Utdor the htadcf are gives the Telegraphic PesratcLf s f h weet fioru ail t atta of iaa Union ILi- tea tare alcne makes TilE WJEEKL YHEKALD he most valuable chroricta in tha world, as it if tbe cheapest. Lviry week is giveo a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS ftbbracinfir compute and comprehereive dedpateoes from Wa nine tun, mcluainjr fal reports of the speeches of emloent politic) aas on tee question ot tne Hour THE FARil DEPARTMENT or the Weekly Herald aires the latest as well as the most practical suartreetioiiB and discoveries relaticjr to the dntiea of the farm er, biota tor rauing Cattle, Fool try, Grain?, iree?, ve&etable, Ac, Ac, witn gUKgestlns for keeping bui oisgs nd farmiog utensils ia repair. This is eoppiemer ted by a well- edited cepatmeut, vridelr copied, under the Dead ot . nveneDTir OR BILIOUS A Medicine recently discovered and used by aa eminent physician with wonderful success. All drug?"" ana country stores nave it or win get it lor yo. AJQ a sure cure for I J3IOgJTIOlN i 1 A f I . MwiiTeaeas ana siiiiatieM. t-J J Vvi II ,. Onlv SO eU. Trial Bottles. S et. U homk trKnrnrurr? nt . rsuMdtiphia, r. RflvC-CO c?. II Jit .WVI I e' I r I rSA 1 1 Fert 5 II i 2 e sJE 5 D 5 its I THE WILCOX GIBBS & GO'S MANIPULATED GUANO Is claimed and admitted to be the r Besff Most Reliable and Cheapest Fertilizer in use for Cotton and other Crops. i "You can always depend on it" Arrange for your supplies at onCe, on the usnal terms. All material composing Fertilizers have advanced and some of ''them are difficult to get. v I: For supplies and any information in regard to Guano commmncate ' ' Willi .... V; r dec 23 1 1 f Wilmington and Lanrinbarg.' OnSNR30 lo Sl.OOO; J to 32 " AddressDaniel F. Beatty, Waahiaton, f DEO I T Art Hi Till IT a, J. dec 30 4w .;ason A WD mm PREPARED. BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists, r Lowell, Mass. SOLO 2T ALL DBCGGISTS rTZRTWHZXX. Fresh Out ilr. W. 11. Vaodcrboilt, of New Tork, kxs mad a doaatioa of $10,000 U laii fond. The folloTTiDiT Ultir Iron purge out the fool corruption from your oiooa. ueatore yoar bealtn, &nd joa wOl not onlj eDj0j life better, bat make your company mora tolerable to,, tho who moat kep iu . Every Day 7INK iBSOSTMKST 07 nmnTT i r .ncb aad Doxcat1. iut raoeirvd as THB 05LT GENUINE HOME-MADE Oandr ia th titj. will . ba found rrerr day, frwa and itn tbre doort South ot the roatoaM oa Sooa4 atret. Abo, Nuts ftaUat. fruit, Aa. O. E. JKYKXE, faa Nar (he fortoCo2 TIJKHOME,- iTle ecei?t fr prcrtioI db-hes, hirtafor nakioe elotbinjr ana tor with the latest, rata ion . At tho I west rrery ia hf 1 cooking or ec nomj mgzested in tii jwartment is practieail ttsced br ex rertaV-ctore tubticli.n Letters from our Paris at.d London eorrespocdeDtaon the very late'ti'Mbions The Home Depart cnt of the Weekly Herald will sare tbe hoasewif mare ir.ia tne nonarea times in a pn:e 01 tne pa per lna int -.rests of SKILLED LABOR are looked after, and CTertthin? relaUrc- to mschani'Sand labor saTinfr is care. nilj re corded The'eis a pee deroted to all tbe Jatet phases of the boiiners markets. Crtp?, Merchai.diae( Ac. Ac A Taloab'e feature ia found ia th specially reported piicts acd conditiocs of THE PRODUCE MARKET, Bportistr News at hrne aid abroad, to fetber witn a ntory Ter a Ceruioo j orjce eminent dirire, Litrry, Musical. Dramatic, f ers nal and Jea Motes Thre is. no paper in tbe world wcicn contains so much news matter erary week aathe Weekly Herald, wh ebis sent, sotace free, for One uouar i on can fubcUb at any tune. The New York Herald la a weekly fern, One Dollar a Year. Addreff, Neiv York llcrald, Broadway acdAn Btraet.5ew Xork dee Hi New and .Very Attractive Styles are Row Ready.. BE8T OAHlNfcT OR"pAH Mm OKGANB in the World, winners of highest distinction aterery great World'a lixhi bitioa for thirteen yean. ' Pri. ces, $51, $57, $66, f 84, $10 t $500 and upward. For ty payments, $6.88 a quarter god upward. Catalogaea free MA.-O.N A HAMLIN OROAN Co, 154 Trrmont StJ Uoaton: 46 Fast 4th bt. ( Dtion Pquara) w York; 14? W&btsa ATerne, Chicago. deoS.-4w "HOMES IN TEMS." IS THB TIT LB or A HEW ILLUSTRATED' PAMPHLET I Desariptire of the country along and tribu- iiy o i aekiioe oi ine fnternational and Great North - Zern Railroad, and cot tains a good cochtt nap of the Stat it auo contains tne names and addresses of (araen and Planters in Texas who have Farms for Sale or Kent, and those who will wnt Park Baana for neat year, a epy of this book will be mailed free to those who desire reliable information about Texas, upon application br let er or postal card to ALLEV 2loVOY; General Freight and PasV Agent, d-io 20-4 w faiatice, lexai : U8HC1I6 BENSON'S Pom Pftler. Beautifully Illoftrated S6th Yar. I . The Scientific American. TH K BOlEATiriQ AatkKlaAli ftf 'A large Fint Clasj tttekiy Newrpiperoi iateen Pagei, i rtotad ia tin most beaatifal t? J profusely illutrated witn splendid en raTiigii, representinit the newest Inren tiona and the most recent Adraoeeg a th Arts and bcieacet; i.cluding JSewTaad Ini tereeting Facta in AgrlculturS, HorticuJipire, the Home, Ueahh, Medical Frogre&a, Social icience,ataraJ MUtory, OeologrTMSiao. my. The most raloabla pracUoal paWf, by "fi kH'16- L department of HcUnei will be found in the ricientifio American. Terms, $3 JO r year,-$1. CO half yet r, whicS It eludes pottage. Discount to 4 gents, rtiogie copies, ten cents. Sold by all News dealers Heiait by postal order to HUH if A SS'.P2242,rB 37 prk ow, A'ew York. . P A IT? IVT'PQ f In coraectlonwith AMtiffuv u the 80UfiTIFlfi AMfeKiOAN, Mrssrs. Munn A Co. are bollo itois i of American and orIga Patenu, hare bad 35 years tiMrlmM ' v.J. .u largest establishment In th .A,r l are obtaiaed the beat terms. A social notice is made in the Pciemifle meriean ef all iDteatioBi patented through thia Ageaey. With the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus siren, pub ic attention is directed to the merits of the new, Pent, and sales or intrcdoctioa ctf ea-dly effected, - An person who has Bade a new dlscoyerr or indention, can ascertain, free ef eharge, ' whether a patent can probably be obtained by writing to Munn a Co. W, alo send free our Hand Bouk about the haUnt Laws. Patents areata, Trae. Marks, their costs! and how procured, with h nts for proeurimr adrances on inveatioos Address for the Paper or concerning Patents. UU? Co-" Park Row, 5.w York Branch Office, car. t A 7th ' , ' nor 16 . t Waihiagton. p c. So Remedr more Widelv ' F.A..Kt Krown, It is rapid in refevisg.- auick in curing. For Lame Back, Mieumatim, Ki cey Affections, and aches aad pairs gene-sU , is ui unnrauea remeoy. dec 3a 4 w PAGE & CO a-teat x-onaDie Circular ' aim Baacsary tzi ivtaca 6TEAM ENQItJEG 0 a. 8CKBvOEDB ST. BAT.TDIOBE, MP. Ait" ji m mm M . I Qrf& and IToux Mflia, Water Vb??V appliea,eta tteBaUerC 5c4fcrkliw oii circular Sawa; COMMERCIAL HOTtL, VOXiLINQTOK, K a ' Large Sample Rooiu tor Comxnereial Traveler HBBOPRIBTOB hatinf uoro rer orated this House aad rmraJshed It ssT jnsw, is prepared to giT to f V 1 of e f6 j-T. imbllo ail the eeareniaei 01iA88oHOTKL. It la located la tM"'r fatra of thejuin pmrj of tr. eitj, i onranlent to theprintlpaj busfnef PoetofSee. Onm n' ru tM uourt uouae. Rr A rtm-Olaee Hi;iaa p01 I oaaected with thi. Wml KAXC3 PAH DAY. 4 7 h a, h I) u : th. Th tht thi tha tur J.: cy, tak. iiaa . aad thai prisi arrc! : aecu j'.t9 hi . for d i t!dr t ccts Chria Jszppo fcaroc ,Notwi oi, ia Itfaacy C3 DOS frcJoo t tha cot Chr; o to ::iand) woi 'rant Ul,w 3 caa ton bailed m .7ash: tof t: attcrs i laat Istiao 3 is c Utiani :ra arc lad a iforw stiaoc ;ed fmj theas l - Mr. J uirad tf iace t ,tbVw i thecoi f ereoic with! Ain thee i with he Personal a from h o); she reapon G threateot J marry 1 r bJ sayii tho W om at th To pac J aarry fc e Yorl promise, crre it ben Mr. Chx "cccdmga ag; cd.iraproc vuruiian ads, wrote C published, t him (by 1 him) from 1 to induce hi ?J for her pr Temedy ' saaei peculiar a Kidney and oat 2llgT V F. A. BCHUTT I V