miM FA Ft It paoilahed every aftaraeoa GaxaUyi Myaai1 br , , , ill, . xoxroa ajtb rtonmoi. DESCRIPTION POSTAGE PAID. Jae yr,$S 00 Blx texmtks, SI W Thre aotha,Sl IS; Oa month, M onti. the ppr will U delivered by earriara, rtt oreharge, U 107 part of the eity, at tae above rates, or IS oeata per wmL Airertisiag rates low end Uborss aSaScriWf will pleeae report aay aid U faUtres to r eivotaolr papers rcgwtarty. Uox7 AdvortiMmonta. 32 Market St. 32 Bla of the Show Cut with ih Shxzaiiier- STOCK OF BOOT3 AND SHOES always complete. Call and examine. . Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now is the time to supply jour ramUiee. A fall line of those CHILDREN '8 SCOTCH SOLE, In Uce and buttons. See- log is bellevtoff. Uonvince yourseir 01 tne tact. A new lot of tboee SCOTCH SOLE GAITERS Just recdTcd. Don't forget.the fvli! number. C ROSENTHAL, . 33 Market Street. BOT 8 Groceries, Bagging, &c. rrnri Hslf Roll BAGGING, OUU I!, and 2 lbs 1000 Bun,lle eyr n1 ties IAAUi Bsgjlns TWINE, J.WU decC For ale low br WILLIAMS & MURCniSON. ia ffr 8acka SALT, Marshall Fine 1U UUU and Liverpool, 200 lines and bdia Moiasse. Kor axle low bv dec WILLIAMS & MURCHTSON. 1000 BbJrli0UR,a11 rdc4 2QQQ8ackCORN, ggQ Bblj SUGAR, Cfin BAGS COFFEE, OUU For salelow by dec C WILLIAMS & MUKCHISON. - QQ Boies and Half Bbla SNUFF, : gQ Boxes CANDT, 00 Boxe T0BACC0' Onn Boxes CANDLES, sCAjKj For sale low by dec 6 WILLIAMS A MURCIII30N. 200 80AP 200 Boxe 8TARCn 200 ltz- 1AA Boxes POTASH 1UU For sale low bv dec 6 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. "M-AILS, HOOP IRON, Glue, hete, Crackers, Wrapping Paper, Twine, Ac For sale low by iecS WILLIAMS & MUKCHISON CLYDE'S . ll3ew Yoirk AND Wilminerton. Steamchip tM. C. Lino, THE STEAMEB CULF STREAM, CAPT. INGRAM, 1LL SUiraOat sTSW TO BE 03 TBIDAY. Dec, SL Balprt eaa rely ape tfce&rOBpt a lltijr ! 8nn u aAvsmsed," -S; !10I frt1 aacamsats af 0y to TnOS. E. nowD, BapV TUW. O. tQalt, rrAtSt X p. OLTDVA CO. :,W r0Ck f 1 J3 sUTlCS-ror an; tivU of Prlaiax, mUlasj et of the citr ssa aave rtejl eewfallj exswud at nailed la e4 TTAHSOCX, XrlewIaI!aX) JobPrlats r VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1881. ISO. 270. LOCAL NEWS. A ... . . - 1 . " ; 5tmw Advertisement. VaxLaex Grind Concert . See Ad Condition of the Fint National Bank ' IIxixbbeugzb A Reply to the "Fool's Errand" C W Yates ISI ; A, SnaiEB Protect the Feet L. No interments in Ikllevne A? Cemetery Ibis week. , -Onlr one interment in Oakdale Ceme- tery this week; that of an a J alt. Don't fonret the N. Y. Xnaniel Palut, ar ... - 1 . 1 ..... . . HUbon Lvraan will preach in St. Johu's Chorch to-morr6f (Suqday) even ing, at TuJO o'clock. Seats free. The Register of Deeds has issued but two marriage licenses during the week. both of which were for white couples. -Since our last report tbe interments in Pine Forest Cemetery have been three adults and one child. A Delusion Trap placed in a house will quietly catch a cunning moaae. Call at Jacobi's for them. f A jimque rcarf pin is a tiny scoop net of fine cold wires, in which is a sprawling crab of gold. f ,yu are right, Bro.Donitz; it was an error of the types. Tbo receipts at w Goldsboro should bare read 20,220 in stead of 10,220. . Bishop Lyinan, of this Diocese, and T?;Tm T a. rF Vats4fn 1 A will lint K participate in th? serrices at St. JamsV Church to-morow morning. Bishopi we hare heard, will preach the senioof j Our readers will not be eo very ' fool ish that they will allow themselves to be deceived with a new cough syrup when they have experiencd the value of Dr. BnU'i Cough Syrup for many years. The annual congregational meeting in the Second Presbyterian Church will be held on Tuesday next, the 11th inst, at 7:30 P. M. Members and friends arc re quested to attend. Prof. VanLaer requests us to state that there will be a rehearsal on Monday night in the Mayor's office and on Tues day night in the Opera House. Those who are to take part are requested to be prompt. The skates" won by MrlE. Wikon in the competitive contest at the City Hall about ten days ago have arrived ami are on exhibition in Hcinsberger'a show window. They arc of the latest and most improved style and are very handsome. Water street merchants wiil keep tbelr feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. t Improved Spirit Cask. Mr. J. B. Barlow h received a pat- cnt for an improved spirit cast. e learn that the "Barlow barrel" is a great improvement and will be the means of saving a great deal for those who use them. "We understand that the first cask will be a little above that of the casks now used but that they will last longer, will not require tarniDg and will not leak. ' State Tax Tor Sew Hanover. Sheriff Manning deposited to-day in the First National Bank of this city, sub ject to the order of Dr. J. M. "Worth, Treasurer of the State, the'sum ot $18,-'j 814.64, being the amount of the State j tax collected in New Hanover county for j the yearlSSO. This is $2,402.22 in ex cess of the State tax collected in this county for the year 1879, the amount collected and paid over to the Treasurer last year being only $16,412 42. During the Holidays buy useful articles. 1 such as Christmas Fire Dogs, Shovels and Tongs, Fluting Machines, &c. All at the lowest rrlces at Jacobi's . f Uemorlal Sermon. At a meeting of the clergy .held at St James' rectory, after the funeral services of the late Bishop Atkinson, yesterday morning, we learn that Bishop Lay was J requested to preach a memorial sermon j on the deceased Bishop at the next! Convention of the Diocese, to be held j in Christ Church, Raleigh, ia the month of May. "We also learn that Bishop Lay yielded to the request of the clergy and will deliver the memorial semen D. V., at the tine appointtd. Viminc the Vaulu A YeaUryman of St. Jsmes' Church who remained with the body of the de ceased Bishop until 10 o'clock last night, informs us that 3,000 persons, at least, visited the church after the services yes terday to view the casket as it lay in the vault under the chancel. Quite a nam ber of these were colored but the larze majority were white persons. . .'"-vTLrcnr on ti l..P ance The Opera House ha been obtained for CapL Thompson's address onMonday night, r4 we have - been requested to ptiDiibi ! wrinec yva vnc re ' f i ' .'.fit. qaest that the miuislera of our city churches make known the meeting to thtir congregations to-morrow, and ask a general attendance. As the Opera House will be comfortably heated, the presence of the ladies generally is ur gently requested. Capt. Thompson has been a citizen of Wilmington for over three years, but prior to his residence here he was known as a prominent temperance worker in Kentucky, in which State alone 'he has delivered more than one thousand public addresses on this subject. He has the reputation of being a pleasing and forci ble speaker, and will no doubt have a large audience Monday night. In this connection the following corres pondence will sufficiently explain itself : "Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 5, 1881. Mr. N. F. Thompson-, City. Dear Sir: We, the undersigned citi zens of "Wilmington, respectfully re quest you to name a time and place, Lsvhen and where you will deliver a pub- he address on the subject of "Temper ance." Knowing your sympathies with, and your past active labors in the causs, we trust that this request will have your approval and that you will give at as early a date as practicable, a lecture on this all-absorbing subject. fi. J5ARKEK, C. H. Robissox, Roger Moore, B. F. Mitchell, B. G. "Worth, 1). O. "Worth, Sai"ei Northrop, . Jas. H. Chadbourn. "Wilmington, N. C, Jau. 6, 18SI. To Messrs E. G. Barker, C. H. Rob inson. Roger Moore. B. F. Mitchell, D. G. Worth, B. G. "Worth. Saml North- rop, ana James 11, unaaDourn: Uenllcm'ii: My time has been and will be so completely occupied that it will be impossible for me to give that de cree -of preparation to a lecture such as your call seems to require, yet I cannot decline yielding an assent to your wishes fromising to do the best I cam in the imited time before me. If you will kind ly arrange to give suitable publicity to a meeting at the Opera House on Monday evening, 10th inst., I will be most hap py to deliver the address desired. ery resp tr y your obd't servt, si, b . TnoMPsoy Tho Colored Prohibitionists A meeting of thejcoloredjcitizens, s, Wh t of" 1 favor the paasage and enforcement prohibitory liquor law, was held in he City Hall last evening, which was well attended. ' E. E. Green was called to the chair, and J. C. Hill was requested to act as Secretary. The Chairman stated the object of the call, and appropriate remarks were made by John Hollo way, Allen Evans, Geo. L. Mabson, Alfred Howe and Rev, J. G. Fry, and others. Rev. D. J. Sanders offered the follow ing resolutions, which were adopted t "Whereas, Intemperance is a great and conceded moral evil, and as such is alarmingly on the increase in North Car olina as seen in theexpenditure of $8,000,- , r 1 j 000 by ner people in a smgie year, ana ia me prevalence uikcnit &iu paut mm which are caused by tbe free use of ruraz Whereas, the colored race, of whicn we form a part, is suffering untold evil, from the unrestricted manulacture ana sale of intoxicating liquors in this State, the revenue for which goes to a class 01 men wno in me mam ao oai iiiuo ior the welfare of our people; and whereas, the hour seems to have arrived when the friends of temperance and reform may hope by united effort to stay the pro- irress of the rum traffie, therefore, Kesolved. 1. mat we, tne coiorea cit izens of Wilmington, in mass meeting as i sembled, do heartily respond;to the ex pressions of common interest made by our, white fellow-citizens on the temperance question. i?esoZt;ed;2nJ, That in the pending struggle for. prohibition in North Caro lina, we do hereby pledge ourselves to use every honorable means, ana to give our votes and our influence for the suc cess of that cause. Resolved 3rd, That we hereby ear nestly urge all our brethren, particularly in Wilmington and in rew Hanover county, to range themselves on the side of prohibitioi, and to njs ererj honora ble exertion to drive the demon curse (strong drink) from the land. Resolved 4A,Tbat it is the sense or thjj meeting that the present Legislature of North Carolina should submit a Con stitutional Amendment prohibiting the manufacture and sale ' of- intoxicating liquors (except for medical and scientific purposes) to thje people of this State rof ratificatioa. 7.' . 1 t-k : The meeting ; then proceeded ' to the election of delegates to the Prohibition Convention to te held in .Raleigh tnext week which resulted in the choice of the following to represent the combined color ed churches isu the cityr, .viz: . Revs.4 D J. Saaders, JasvW. Telfair and Coroe. Unj Simpson. ' , ; y'TliO Tbiro Wing- we re-riiosen-'tieiegatca at Urge, viz: W. H. Waddell. Alfred Robinson, John H.Boon, Ja. F. Sbober and Joshua Mearefi. The meeting then adjourned. The Grand Concert. . The Concert which is to be given un der the auspices of Prof. Van Lear will take place, as will be seen by announce ment published elsewhere, on next Wed nesday evening, at the Opera nouse. No pains will be spared to make it one of the most, delightful affairs of the kind known here in many days. The box sheet will be open at Heinsbergr's on Monday. Til FreaUet and tbe Gov. TVoilb Wef lcarm from Captain Jerry Rob efts, of the steamer Murehison, that the river was 37 feet high when he left Fay ctteville at 8 o'clock yesterday morning with the water still rising at the rate of four inches an hour. Capt. Roberts also reports that the upper works of tbf Gov. Worth have been carried away by the immense force of the '.freshet and1 it is feared that the steamer will be a perfect wreck. Had it not been for the sudden and tremendous rise in the river shortly after the accident to the Worth it is thought she could have been raised with very little trouble. Bat the high water renders it utterly ussless to attempt any thing of the kind for tbe present. The Wedding Bells. Thursday's Newt and Observer con tains the . following graphic description of the wedding, and the ceremonies at tendant thereon, ot P. Xi. Bridgers, Esq., of this city, and Miss Bettie Burke Hay wood, at Christ Church, in Raleigh, on Wednesday afternoon At 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon a fashionable audience assembled in Christ Church to witness the marriage of Miss Bettie B. Haywood, the beautiful and ad mired daughter of Dr. E. Burke Hay wood, to Mr. Preston L. Bridgers, son of Col. R. R. Bridgers, of Wilmington, ii - l . m a iti . . me presiaeni 01 me rv iimmgion ana W eldon Railroad. The approach of the event has for a long time been a subject of comment in fashionable circles, and the many friends of the pair and society generally felt that it was to be odo of .a - j a . tne most interesting ever celebrated in this city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. M. M. Marshall, D. D., rector, assisted by RL Rev. Bishop Lvman and Rev. Geo. Patterson, D, D. T'he bridal parry entered the chirch in the . follow ing order: Mr. A. W. Haywood and Miss Emily Bridgers: Mr. Robert Bridgers and Miss Placide Engelhard; Mr. Thomas McKoy and Miss Pattie 'Mordecai; H. J. Car meek and Miss Maggie Fowle; Mr. Louis Davis and Miss La vine Haywood; Mr. Bruce Wright and Miss Emma Bembury; Mr. Thomas Strange and Miss Sadie Green; Mr. Pembroke Jones and Miss Florence Tucker; the bride and groom. Preceding the party were the following rentlemen ushers: Messrs. William Boy Ian, Sherwood Haywood, Edward B. Eug elhard and Hurbert Haywood. The scene as the party stood grouped at the chancel rail was one well .worthy of attention, made attractive by the re markable beauty and grace of the bride and her attendants. Tbe ':brief and beautiful service of the church was soon over and the couple were made one. At the door dozens of hands and congratu lations were offered. The party drove to the Ceatral depot, where the train was taken for Wilmington. The extreme esteem is which the bride is held found fit expression in the pres ents which were sent by many friends in all parte of the State. The presents were attractively displayed and were, perhaps, as elegant and varied as were ever seen here. Among them were the following: Silver service, seven pieces, very handsome; diamond earrings, watch chain, locket and set ofjgold jewelry; dia mond pin; four bronze clocks and an equal number of statuettes; gold and pearl bracelets; silver pitcher and gob lets; four dozen solid rilver spoons; case of ice cream spoons and ladles; pair of serpent sevres vases: silver olive dish ana spoon; silver ladles; one dozen silver oyster forks, knives and berry spoons; three silver salt cellars and egg cups: three salad spoons; three pair snail vas es: two larze and handsome bibles: moth er of pearl fan; celluloid toilet sets; .sil- ver and gold butter plates; pepper ana salt cellars; silver geblets; lace handker- chieG; silver nut bowl; painted china tea-tot. . is 1 ...... Some fussy eld fellows are so sensitive upon the subject of their age that if any one aapected 'tiem of having gray hairs in their heads iby would dve immediate I We adrlee our friends to call at Jacobi's fozeal SUve? '..Plated ,T "ami Table Spoons and Forks, Sogersr Ivory Bandied Table Knives, Pen aid Pocket Knives. All for Christmas and at the lowest pi Ices. . . ; ' Tb " license Tax. rbere-, seems 10 be a misapprehension on. the part of . some" of t the merchants nbO give in their schedule B tax at the office of tne Registerfof Deeds when they obtain a .license;. Th licens 3i's not good Snerifff and riiritiMiie tax is paid - (0 th then countersigned by -the Register of Deeds. Look to this, retailers and otherp, else you m y borrow trouble for your selves. ' Kew Advertisements. Oakdale Cemetery. rpib ANNUAL MEETING O? "LOT Owners", for tae election of President and Directors! will be held at the Company's Office on Princess street, Monday evening, January lum, at o O'ciock.i luary lum, at o o'ciock.i RICHARD J. JONES, Sct'y & Tras. an7-2t j Grand Concert. 1T K. E. VaxLAER has the honor to an JJJL nounce a Grand Vocal and Instrumenta Concert, to be given at the Opera Housa Wednesday, January 12th. Mr. VanLaer has secured the very best local and foreign talent for the occasion. General Admission, 50 cents. Reserved Seats, 2a cents each. Box Sheet opens at Heinsberger'3 Monday morning, Dec 10. Doors opei at 7 o'clock. Consertto commence at o'cloek, P. M. jan 8-Sat-Tucs-Wed e ranee. AT THE OPERA HOUSE MONDAY NIGHT, 10th Inst. rpHERE WILL BE AN ADDRESS ON the subject of At the OPERA HOUSE on MONDAY NIGnT, 10th inst., by MR. N. F. THOMPSON. The public generally and Ladies especially are invited to attend. Admission free ! Doors open at 7 o'clk. jan 7-St ; ' ' Report of the Condition OF THE FIR8T NATIONAL BANK OF Wilmington, at Wilmington, in the Htate ef Korth Carolina, at the closs of busineir, Detember lilt, 1880; RESOURCES. Leans and discounts... ...$811,137 30 Overdrafts...... e.2?0 CO U. a. Bonds to secure circulation Ct.COO 60 utner stocas, Donas and mortga ge Due from approred reserve agents Due from other National Banks... Due from State Banks and bankers Real estate, furniture and fixtures Cmrrent expenses and taxes paid, Bills of other Banks,.; Fractional eurrencv, (lbclvdio? nickela) S. Specie (inoludiag sold 'ireaaory certificates) Legal tender notes Redemption fnnd with U.S.Treai nrer, (5 per cent of circu'ation) 6,157 60 63.S6S 21 6.661 C6 287 2i 38,653 31 1 f,l7 30 1 : 0, 5 3 3 C9 5t2 a : 6,6 CO 00, 17.060 0 Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in........ 8arpluf fund ,SJ2 18 $250,000 00 . 27,307 55 Undirided profits National Bank: notes oatetautlirir, Diridenda unpaid '. Indiridaal deposits mhj-.'Ci t checks Demand certificates of deposit,... 1 712 00 l'-.f2 CO 26 ,797 77 02 565 70 Line to other at;onl Banks Netesaed bills re-diecoanted...... ToUl $923,5S2 18 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, r.ODNTY OF NEW HAN OVER, es I, A. K- WALKER, Cashier of the abore named Bank, do ro'emolv swear that theabore atateraent is true to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. A. K. to ALKKK, Cashier. Snbacrihcd and sworn to before roe this 7th dar of Jasaarr, 133V M. X. .BOWDE.V, Notarj Public Cosbect Atte-t i r. B. BCRKL', ALFBSll MAHTiy. 'r Directors. JAMIW4 St ftlJlST, ) j&a 8 . . 1 unions, corns, in Verted nails, positively permanently cured by the Austrian Chiropodist, DR. RYBACK, of 70 Lexington Street, BalUmore, considered by all the best Foot burgeon in this country, for his skilful and painless operations, combined wflh his perfect and effective rem edies. Dr. Ryback's German Bunion Salve cures Flies in a few days. Ladies attened at residence by sending note to Commercial Hotel, Wilmington, N. C, for a few dsys only, Jaa7'lw. -rAJSABZi OUAlUi , We trill bejrad to reoelve eomaankatloa from our Meads on aay and all; subjects Xeaersilatsrest bat ae una or uv vnur Bust always oe isr dshedto the Editor. I Ooamsnieations a ait be written? pa obIj oae side of toeepsr. PeTso&alllles bim ofdc4 1 - t . Asd it is espeelslly m irmrtteulariTlud&f stood that te Editor e not alvajf eaUon the visroot etrreepoaat3t maleuto -Utsi Ia tae editorial eolaiBBs, I g. aTott' Aavcrtisements,; Deo o n CQ(S) U maiNKS TO XirKISND3 for their very libeial ptrcis-s durtag put year I ball sJsras'endsror to keep a fall sleek . .... , of svsrjtblEg la raj l!oer4t rasoiit!s prices. , Jan S iTATE8' BOOS CTCU!;.' A REPLY TO THE F: V Zl" hocds ef ths -'Fool's Errand", cd some ef the predictions of lU author, A W Tctralt,' This pungent criticism is br Wml L. R' jail, of hsNew York Far. !ate of the KicbiLOsd Bar, "hee ho ws Uo r (.' tH . "Dal y i-uiiumuihuw , itauirg organ 01 ise dfbt-paylns; parj cf that ta! !uriDjf the recent exciting contest there. : Ii is a pamphlet cf 98 pages, price 25 ctn , For sale at HElX3BEUGR'8f jani lire Boor and Mnstc wtor. Protect the Feet I JJALF OF THE DISEASES INOIDENT to humanity eome from bad colds, and half of the bad colds come ffbm improperly pro tected feet. The reraedr in - . Go to Shrier's . and bay warm and well fitting Bhoes. Keep the feet warm and dry and you will keep well. Respectfully, A. BHRIER, Ja3 Market street. Debtors! Yu ARE KINDLY ASKED TO clote up your accounts with me for the past year. Respectfully, ' janG R. SL McINTIRE.. P. S. A good (20 feet) counter foresle cheap. . 333 LAUGHS IN ONE PLAY. 333 OPERAHOUSE, ONE NIGHT ONLY J Saturday, Jan 8th. OLIVER DOUD BYRON I I i the Fnnnhet Plsy in the World. ACROSS THE CONTINENT 1 Kow lb tbe Plerenth year of It Un paralled success. Epitcmo of Events: ElTe9ts of Drink ! Dying Within the Hoand of Tritity belli. Domestio Difficulties. The Idiasyneratical Hibernian, ' If. T. A, B. A." Bamming of Lower New York . Great Concert Act. illimitable Fnn.s Hrlari m3jphon Act. Fifth Arenoe tlegarce. Love's vYcnng Dream. The Red haired Policeman. The;Ebony Trgediao,Kccky iloun tain. The Hero et fetation 4, U. Y. U. K. Ihe Mongolian; Af iea, Auiirlcan .ed Indian. Byron'x Uomic Vttroi. Tfcw Wonderful TfUjr rap.Mo Featar. Gxmnd biit'l. ho A ccct o e'em-c Sensational In n;iTrvn. All imtfpre'ei j ttJ Cbirtufttg irtisv, t-ii'Kate MTrn. Jo tl --ink , Jas U.'litdcliue. a-tir Cbarlfs Da ran, and ao. n t9iubl t 'f went Fiat C'aw Ar , tii'a, Voraing the Beet HKKHATloNAb COM B I. VATIOS EXTANT. Adaafsion 25. 50 atd 75 cants. Ke'erTcd seats, SL ecare srate at K nebuberger'a, Barry D. Grahams, Basint as Jgeot. L A U U G n G II N" N O N E N r L A Y 333 LAVQU3 IN ONE PLAY, jan b-St First National Bank of Wilmington. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders bt this Bank for tbe.elee-- tion of Directors, will be held at their Bank iZ House in WEmington, on TUESDAY, the Iltlx of January, at 11 o'clock, A M. . A. K. WALKER, Cashier. , tlec Zl jaa 1, 3, S, Id

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