itUt4 n aft.ra.oa, Bindeyt jOSU. T. JAMJSt gaiTO rnoraiaro. -rcaiPri058,POBTAQE PAID. Zli 00 Six nontXj, SI SO ; Three ieatfc.ll W; Oa.OLth,60eets. r mill be 1tlTer by easier, t,if,,f ,ll " Tr -A I IS...! rf-Mabnbrt will plea, report uj and ,.UflfHta ycelvelheir papers regnuny. r H Daily 1ETIEW. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY, -JANUARY 11. 1881 M 272 Advertisoment.. LOCAL NEWS. 32 Market St. 32 New Advertisements. R M McIxtire This Week 8am'i. Towsox Slate Rooiiin; S3&0.00 to be Given Away A & I SaBiEB Clothlncr ami Furnishlrs: Griodc C W Yates -Those in Neod Hexxsbergek Pianos and Organs For other locals see fourth page. Don't forget the N. Y. Euamel Paint, ready mixed and warranted, at Jacobi's. f The steamship Benefactor, Captain rones, am ved'lbis P. M. from New York. Sol. Haas, Kstj., General Freight Agent of the recently combined liues of railway, is in the city, with his son, and is registered at the Purcell House. Sia of the Show Ciso with Shoemaker- V STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES uo not waste your money lur every new remedy advertised to cure a cough, when you know that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has stood the popular test for thir I ty years. Price 25 cents. The latest repots from Fayetteville are to the effect that the water in the river has fallen off about six feet.but the prob- alities are that the declining freshet will be reinforced by the present rains. Samuel H. I rwi.y, of Ute Creek, Col fax Co., New Mexico, says: If my wife would quit work as she should at her agef 61), she would live years a monument to the magic influence of the "Only Lung Pad." bee Adv. - "We regret to learn that there is no improvement to report to-day in Mr. Donald McRac's condition. He had an other hemorrhage to-day but the medical Flr&t National Bank of rePrt i3 lhat tbere 13 no chane- This is all of the encouragement that is given out. ; complete. Call and examine. Sat- t.fti.m truranteed to customers. Now is itt time ui supply your fam'.lle. A fall Use of those CHILDREN'S ?C0TC1I SOLE, In lace and buttons. See- :a? is believing. Convince yourself of the A new lot of those SCOTCII SOLE GAITERS just received. Don't forget;the oil number. C ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. IOT 8 Wilmington fW. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE feux kholders of this Bank for the elec tion of Director!, will bs held at their Bank- j House in r urciDgton, on TUESDAY, tie 11th of January, at 11 o'clock, A. M. A. f. WALKER, Cahler. dec CI j&nl.S. S, 10 BEAUTIFUL HAIR ORNAMENTS ND DllS NOVELTIES jut receive. 1 fall 11m of Children's and liUsee Cloaks bow on sals and at vsy low prieea. Staap lit froa the latest pattern. Hair Work in style mads to order. Orders by mall U receive prompt attention. Address Pott OSceBox 301. dtelS The remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar to women is "Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Mother's Magazine. ' MVe invite attention to the advertise ment of Mr. Samuel Towson, roofer and dealer in slate, as published elsewhere. Mr. Towson has been at work on the roofs of the new W. k W. R. R. shops and is a master of his business. He brings excellent recommendations which will commend him to those wishing work done in his line of business. UrS4 E KARRKR, SCUPPERMfi i AND Flowers Wine ! jisuf actcr-:d by whitcvi, -.e ls Company, VfMteTlUV, V. C. Frleej and isaptee on spplIca'.Un. la yonr orders for the hoUdsj r. 14kw tf CLYDE'S " Mew York A5D Wilmington, Steamship N. C. Lino. TUS STJCAMEH vThe Cot. TTcrlh. The reports to the effect Jthat the steamer Gov, TTorM ii going to pieces have been confirmed. Her upper works are all cone and may be seen at various points floating down the river. The hul and boiler will, however, most likely be raised and on them a new boat will prob ably be built up. A Delusion Trap placedin a house wll quietly catch a cunnin? mouse. Call a Annual XeettOff. tency, feel that in the removal f such a At the annual meeting of the lot own- lde f f8? h created io the Afrt.u.ip.m.M. ua - actual life and movement of the Church ers of Oakdale Cemetery, held last even- which wi fc, not on, by log, the following gentlemen were elected ourselves but by many others, for the ensuing year: In our late Bishop we recoguize one President George W. Williumg. of God's great mercies tons in that for Chadbourn, Wm. J. Yopp, Dr. A. J. such a Defender of the Faith, such a DeRosset, George R. French, W. II. Northrop. Mr. Donald McRae declined a re election as PresidenL The Board of Directors met this after noon and elected Mr. R. J. Jones Secre tary and Treasurer and Mr. T. Donlan , Superintendent. , During the Holidays buy useful articles such as Christmas Fire Dogs, ShoreJe and Tongs, Fluting Machines, ko. A1J at the lowrost prices at Jacobi's. f Preacher of RigJiteousnessL such a Chief Pastor of the Flock, and 6uch an exam p! of virtuous and godly liviug. ' We desire affectionately to bear witj ness to his great virtues and abilities; to his range of knowledge; to his acquire ments aa a theologian; to bis accuracy and depth jofv thought and breadth, of view; fo hisbbrrzr to assimilate and re produce in instructive form the results of his varied reading; td'his clearness of perception and of statement; to his force and logical power and persuasive elo quence as a sneaker and preacher; to his watchfulness as to public events and the greater issues of the day. We recall with filial pleasure his sen. siniuty as a man to all that was honor able, noble and becoming; his refioed- and gentle bearing as a gentleman; bis unvarying affability and cordiality of Xfew AdvartisementfL SAM'L TOWiiOM, , PLXABK S OTICE. We will be g fad to receive 'tommtmleattc a front onr friends on any and all; rabjee raeral Interest bnt Tbe name of the writer mast always be ftr nishedto the Editor. Cxnmanle4tSons anst be written,' on oi j one side of thejaper. Personalities dm voided And It Is 9$ptUJlf m parrlenlarly under stood that the Editor m not always end w e the Tiwsot eorrespoaimta hImw tM 4 in tbe editorial eolavns. New Advortisementa. 5 LATE R(H3FEK and dealer in 1 rrrrn i 1 1 f if m "V ST m n jan !1-?t PARTICITLAR I t tention paid to e-' Dalrinff of Slit Roofs. Old Shintf Roofs taken eff add relail vith Sla. Apply, for the pres ent, at the W. & R.Roiew shops. Capt- Thompson' Ltcture. A large audience consisting of those of onr citizens who are interested in the subject of liquor prohibition, assembled at the Opera House last evenincr tolmannsrshv which tha nnnmuii nf Hi listen to a lecture on the subfect oflnost humble was made ever easy; his i ..... .. - Tpmnordnw in, AeKvroA h f!t. I sympainetic nature entering so sincere nrri. iMJ Bn heartily into the joys aud sorrows F.Thompson at the request of several of those about him: his- laie hearted and of our prominent citizens. That gentle, unstinted liberality; his public spirit, man handled his subiect to the verv best I Hve to all that concerned society; tho advantage and made an impression on the minds of his audience, as to the evil effects of intemperance, which will no soon be eradicated. His remarks were logical and carried with them conviction and will do much in accomplisniog I AaTr the ends which the friends of prohibi-jof it; his earnestness as a Christian, his tion in this citv are strivinsr to attain. I devout anections and his reverent and r?0f TT,rtrT0rtr, ;9 o ..fiii cruM. i-i. I simple piety. j,. ; , . .,r -I In sum: A patriotic citizen, a loyal vuuibiuuaui uue auu cuimi auu m lli justice and impartiality and withal the tenderness and courtesy " which he exer cised toward those under -his authority; bis singular simplicity of life and man ners; bis genuine humility; his self-control and self-sacrifice; his moderation as to all the more exciting questions of tbe 8390.00 gTlLL REMAINS TO BR GIVES AW1T AT THE RKI) . MET, 24 South Front Street THIS WEEK ! - WE WILL OFFER AT T.F.RS TTI A V COST, THE FEW CLOAKS AND DOLLMANS on hand to close out. JNO. iVTBOATlVfllBMT, " IVos. Jl fc 13 IV. Front St, COMMENCES THK Year! WITH TTIK Choicest Assortment ! We are offering some real bargains in Table Linens, Napkins Towels, Tray Napkins, &c. OF FIRST CLASS FAMILY GROCERIES and his vocal modulations are those a finished elocutionist. We advise our friends to call at Jacooi's ! for real Silver Plated Tea and Table Spoons and Forks, Roger's Ivory handled Table Knives, Pen and Pocket Knives. All for Christmas and at the loweet pi ices. friend, a tender, loving and beloved i father and husband and brother, wise i counsellor, a just and considerate and unambitious ruler, a faithful Priest and Bishop, he has left a place in society and it 1 . i ?t . . K1I 1 in me cnurcn noi easuy to oq niiea. Resolved, That in memory of our de parted father the Right Reverend the Bishop of the Diocese, be requested to appoint a solemn public service at such Should be Provided, In view of the fact that the windows and doors of the new railway postal cars! time and place as he may find convc and grated over with iron bars, and in case oi accident the are of the route Carpets in all grades at the' closest prices. Oil Cloths in all widths. Respectfully, jan 11 R. M. McINTIRE. Wanted. inn nnn pine cross ties, ' n i o i - i u -v .7 auu o iccl xuuj, delivered in Be caters especially for the Wilmington. jan 10-3t atar copy D. S. COWAN, Robeson, N. C. Jacobi's for them. t GULF STREAM. CAPT. INGRAM, . will sail iun fsw toai'cxs SITIEDAT. Jan. 15. iiin: f HuMion M tdT,rtw. op War 9 n . Tork. v n s av Ju 19 A 00 l Broadvay, Seat fork. Personal. Mr. Robt. R. Taylor and wife, who left here about two months ago on theBarque Glacier, in company with Capt. Fred Small and bride, for Porto Rico, returned to this city last evening much pleased with their trip and much improved in health. Capt. Small aDd wife stopped at Smithville last nijrht where his wife's parents reside. Capt. Small will bring his vessel, the Glacier, to this port to day Have you seen the latest improved Heat ing and Cook Stoves at Jacobi's ? You can get them at fa"ny prices. t Charged With Infanticide Abbey Howard, colored, charged with infanticide, was sent here last nrght from Pender county' in charge of special deputy Payne, by Justice RK. Bryan, of Scott's Hill, under commitment on the foregoing charge. The woman claims we hear, that she was turned out of doors and that her infant perished fromc old. The defendant was committed to jail for safe keeping. Tint 5atlonil Bank. The fifteenth annual meeting of the stockholders of, the First National Bank pf Wilmington, was held in the Directors Room of the Bank this morning. The meeting was organized by calling Walter Gregg, Esq., of Mars Bluff, S. C, to the chair and appointing Capt. W. R. enan Secretary. The usual reports were read and tho following gentlemen, comprising the old Board of Directors, were'reelected, vie Messrs A. Martin, D. G.Worth, James Dawson, James Sprunt, E. E. Burruss- Water street merchants will keep their feet dry In Winter by wearing Bomrs tkal'b boots and shoes, f menL Resolved, That tho Right Reverend Xl T?1 n A . m fl idb iJisnon oi fiasmn do rpsnpniiniiv re - a'gents would be more or less jeoparde J quested to deliver the Memorial Sermon. I IriailOS clllCi UlgailS The Agent being unable to get out oi hfi para on arronnt of the irnn trraiinrr I AllLAJfi . he following circular to railway com panies has been issued by the Post-mas-1 Bt Rer Thomai Atkinson, D.D. LLD er-General: I At an adjodrned meeting of the vestry At the request of the General Superin-1 st- John's Church, Wilmington, call- gOLD ON THE INSTALMENT PLAN at EEINSBERQER'S. ! Family Supply Trade; and with that view endeavors to have on hand at all Uses only the VERV FRESHEST GOODS ! aad of tbe tendent of Railway Mail Service, the Postmaster General desires to impress upon the management of all Railway Companies the importance of substifu ting Safety Heaters for all other stoves cow in use in Railway Post-office Cars or Route Agents' apartments. Safety Heaters are required by the Department to be placed in all new postal cars and upon those undergoing repairs, and if railway companies would make their use universal, it would, in case of accident, prove very advantageous to both the companies and the Department, as by using them the occurrence of fires in Railway Postal Cars would be almost Sridal Presents' QUAClTY"! ed in consequence of the death of the Kt Rev. Thomas Atkinson, D. D.,LLD., and hlil JAnnar Ifltti 1 ftSl iht fnllnw. 7 r r . T " V . ' 1 V TN LARGE TARIETT. OAPT ALWAYS ids aunuie ana resolutions were unam-i i f mously adopted: While we see and recognize the will and work of God in the death of our well beloved Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Thomas Atkinson, and bow with sub mission to His decree, we cannot but de plore the loss which his death entails up on us, upon this Diocese and upon the f . -rm whole Church catholic, r or he was a foremoBt leader of the armies of the Liv ing God: a councillor of wisdom; a Chris tian of excellent character; a Bishop of be- Lad at jan 10 HEIN8BERG RR'S, Live Book and Music Store. His store is neat md clean, and his article fthsnlntPlv rrPTPnt thA ruilm rft. I truly Apostolic type and spirit. An earn perty would thereby be preserved, and est, clear, logical and forcible preacher, the probability of the destruction of he emphasized by his life what he pro- mail hv fir ha iednrtxi tnthm minimum I claimed from the sacred desk. Large Recent railway accidents have demons- minded, generous and just, he was a ruler tmtd thftftbsolntft narA?itof Tlapintr I respected and feared for his justice and saws. axes, ana a natchetm each man l . nM uUl.uw,,; car or mail apartment, aad Railway Com panies are urgently requested to supply these implements ss speedily as possible. From the official returns at the Court House of the liquor beught in this coun ty during the past year we find that New Hanover is comparatively a temperance ecmnty already. Only $3.745 worth of liquor has been bought during the past year, ho says the rcturn3 given in un dcrcsth. 50 beloved for his gentleness and tenderness of heart. As a wise master-builder be laid foundations deep aad broad be cause he taught that one foundation "that is laid, which is Jesus Christ," and his work, which he has built thereupon shall abide, because he has proved him self workman which necdeth not to be ashamed." We believe "in the Com munion of Saints," and so we know that we in hu -nplej t ncte tollV fff Sachs greater zeal and earnestness in following 1 1J JJJ Christ even as he followed Him; and his prayers which from the place of waiting arise as incense before the throne of God for us who are still struggling amid the distractions and temptations of this naughty world. We rejoice for him that he is. at rest in the presence of that Saviour whom be so dearly loved and so greatly delighted to honor; we mourn for ourselves that his living power and ex ample as a man, a Christian, and a chief pastor or tne cock oi unrist are lasen from us. Therefore, as a token and em blem of our sorrow and our sense of loss. Resolved. That St. John's Church Groceries, &c, 6000 ' 2QQ Bales HAY, i 1000 BAGGING, 1000 Bundlea New and pci-ties 1300 flour ai1 ra,it 300 Bblli SUGA'R' a11 ferradcs' 700 BAGS C0FFE' a11 j5rra(ic'1' 200 KessNAILS Tone HOOP IRON. are attractive. He would be plea? ed to wait upon all who desire the Best Goods. John I. Boatwrighti jtnlO 11 and 13 Noxth Front St SALT, At a meeting of the Bishops and Clergy present at the funeral of the Rt. Rev. Thomas Atkinson, D. D.. LL. IX. late Bishop of North Carolina, held at the Rectory of St. James parish, Wil mington, X. C, Jan. 7. 1881, the follow ing minute was adopted: we, the Bishop land Clergy of the Diocese of North Carolina, present at t&e funeral of onr late rather in God, the Rt. Rev. Thomas Atkinson, D. D., LL. T KoJn rr Aaartnm tft (fira ernmcamn in our sense of tbe severity of the loss we shall be draped with mourning for thirty have sustained do adopt the following days. ; . minute viz Resolved, That we extend our tender- Whiie recognizing most fully and est sympathy to his bereaved family, in heartily the wisdom and goodness of God that he has gone from them who was as in all things, and as heartily io our be- diaUnguished for his domestic grace as he reavementsas in the additions to our iwuupuuui; unu. I, rZTi earthlyjoys; and while accepting there- them of our ; heart-felt prayers ,that God ore even onr sorrows at His All Merci- wuicomiorx inem minor amicura aau ful Hand as being for the beat; yet we in own gooa ume resiore loiaem feel that we should not be true to the uuu loving nusoana ana iawcr in me human sensibilities and affections by hud where Jrtings are unknown. which the Great Father of All would I xiwwvea, mat a copy oi uu uuu bind His family on earth in one as ana usacconpaoyios :ufc brethren, did we. not keenly feel and to the family 'rt deeply mourn the loss or one so endearea P141'"" " to us as was our late beloved Bishop: papers. wXr, ' We know that no man is necessary to SJt7ittim God or to the werkfof Hi. ldngdom. yet . v n HfffJtj weltruit we mayi without incomus- ' i-i6vj '-r- - Candjj Candlee, Crack r?,Clic; .-sc,farcli. Lyc, Potash, Popper; Sp:. VVrapj in? Pa per, vvc. rortaieiow iy JaulO WILLIAM-5.V MUIUHIOX. M Grand Concert. R. E. VaxLAER has tJie hnor to an nounce a brand ccal ana Jnstrumenta Conceal, to be given at the Opera House Wednesday, January 12:h. Mr. VanLaer ! Clothing and Furnislimg Goods ; Y GENTS, TOOTHS, AND BOYP. Orsrcoats, Ulsters aad Ultterettcs, j " Umbrellas, ' ' SatcheJs, " - i . ' ,. , v a.iscs Ac., Ac, at ; A . k I. SIIRIER'S, A I-A RG B STOCK OF 3kshf Doors- Blindly AND ALL KlriOS Gf MILL V0HR3 LUMBER UTH3. &c Fcr 3a!8 very cheap, at -ALTAPFER, PKJCi A CO. ' has sccurtfl the very &r. foreign j foVtiPwtlamt n. talent for the occitlon. General Admission, .V cent. Reserved Seats, 25 cents each. Box Sheet opens at Heineberger's Monday morning, Dec 10. Doors open at A o'clock. Concert to commence at 8 o'clock, P. M. jan 8-Sat.Mon-Tuea-Wed t jn 10 van, OEce tr Hmd Orois it Those in Heed 15,000 15,000 15,000 lioyals ! Koyals ! Boyals ! OKNOWLEDaED TO BK THE BK3T .5 cent Cifirar la (he eily. For salo only by . J D HDTT 4 00., Jan & Prticriptloa lirngfUt O 7 BUSK BOOKS, BC200L, BO0Kdf 8TATI35ERrf or anything alze U my liae, wUlfinditfo their.. advantage to give men call. ORGANS told on easy instaJmetti. TATES BOOK 8T0SE. jan 10 i

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