inxa pirsii joriU. T. J IMEI, corroa avd raoraiKToa. aOCWPT1058. POSTAGE PAID. - Taaj.$S 00 Six saoatas, S3 SO ; Three f(, ?ar bedliverd bycerrterv ,ft.ta?T irrtrr itf. at tt I f-Matxcntxri will plaaaa report aaiy aca t failereeto reeeiretneir papers reffaiariy. r 1 J J)AILT VOL. V V. ILMIN'GTON, N. THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1881 274 New Advertisomonts LOCAL M2WS. 32 Market St. 32 The Concert Lut Hlsht. The receipUof cotton at this port to" A large and appreciatire aadieoca -1 day foot up 280 bales. sembled at the Opera House last erening New Advertisemts PLEASE 50TIOE. W will be gild to nealrt ommmalratic trom oar Crkadt oa y and all rabMTT ffonaraliateMtt bat Th aanior the writer ajt b far aUht to tb. Editor. Oomaa&teatlo&a aaat be writtoa; on otlj on ciu of taa.ptpar. . PioaaIIti bm oidd And It b efpoeiAlIy . tvtlealarlj and. r tood that th. Editor w do! alvaja asdorao tha Hoirt ot cormpoaatc icImv o tt 4 ?n h editorial ooIoitbj. ; .... . , v - Sew Advertn)u ui. 8 ad Parker's Ginger Tonic. " to listen to the musical concert giren 4. . r- J Ctasar. Maaadraka, StHU.trla and; LyonX Katha-ion for the Hair. nnA thm Mrtlnn ftf Pror VanLaerJ thl3 tnoin,D hxtt hat been bright, Ittt&gS&fSPZ W T BlX5BKMlN. Probate Julj'e Lejral I x , a. n Dalmt and bpnnff-ltke. Pto make uthooroataat Blood Purifier and the . ' rourxeen laaxes ana aixieca gtaucmcu ; KBeatHealtaaadStreafrtliBostoreraTeraaed.; took part in the concert and it ii consid-j We are pleased to learn that the phj-H It core Dytppi4t Rhdumalim, N,ri'9j fyiUUIJ'UViaiajajB auva 4i wvjv j nv viavnf Bowela, Lung, Liwer. Kidneys, Urinary Organs Jaa4 all Female Complaint. y If too are wasting away With Consumption or. pasY disease, use the Tonic to-day. No matter what jytmr symptcwaa inav be, it will surely help yoo. a4rertlmcnt llrivinrnrrn T m-, i.fl'amm A & I niirp( iwr hi,.! Fnn.isViifr ereu tn aQair or tne decade in amatenr biciaos report continued iraprorement in Bowels, Lungs, Uvef. Kidneys, Urinary Ors Good I -Th. In NW1 The fiaard House is M. T. circles. The choruses were rery fioe and Mr. Donald McRae's condition the overture and instrumental piecea were rendered with creciaion aad in the lrfl H"7 0? Prohibition ar greatest harmony. The quartette Rock Not ooe itematthe City Hall to-day.jed in the cradle of the deep," fxyil doet I ed orer the prohibition movement "an' U A Delation Trap niact-d in a house will ,The Pi,ot" aDd qartette "la silent ain it tith and to nale." "Mars John, Old i nele Harry IS Tery Cinch agltat- I diffetent from Jp'ycrs, GinEer.Preparationa and other Tonics, and combines t ae oest curative prop-. quietly catch a cuauiu lu-.nue. Jacori lor thein. 8i?a of tha Show Case with .bj Shoe a kef. T STOCK 07 B00T3 AND 8nOES alwra mmalete. Call an-1 rtatniue. Sat- l.'4-ti o cuatanUeJ to customer.' Now la the time to aunply your faro;IIe. r .it ii r miff rtupvia 5C.TCH SOLK, in lace and button. Sec- Ior sevcral t. is brJieTin;?. Courince yourself of the u-1. A new lot of tboe SCOTCH SOLE fiAlTERSjuet rrceUcd. Dbu't forret ot 1 numbT. Call at mead" were particularly fiue. ajs he, 'Ttie a;rin dat fer sho, an if I t If r. R. H. Grant's rendition of "The I ebergits off ob dee sticks Ise ffwine agin Col. Jaa. (i. Burr and Maior Chas. M. agaoend'' was excellent ana m response inn ae renuon, an" cauns. i seafftn n atedman rep-istered at th V.n b.,ro. in to a nearty encore He sang me uia oex-1 ierxrae, l is, youoff marster.' o i I - IUleirb on Tue.-day. ton 111 a masterly manner and his deep, I "w ny ire you opposed to prohibition, rich bass voice was never heard to better I Uoele JJarry? "Uase fer dis; yer say Have you seen the latt improved Heat- adTantao;e. dat if dat ting pas de legislator dey tnsana cook M-.ves ai .iacohi r ion TrQf GoQamn'6 solo, "Only Thee,' won't be no grog made in de State an' Indications. gem of the highest order. lie gracefully I sa fur?'' For the South Atlantic States warmer I responded to an eneore. Miss Lottie I "Yes; the intention of the aw is that and clear or fair weathef. Southeast to ' Daniel's "Birds' Carol" was well-render-1 o liquor shall be made or sold ia the oouvawes, winas anu laumg caromeier. ed aQd aQ enco Stateexcept for medicinal purposes. The There will be a conjunction of Jupiter " The trio "The Cuckoo," was very Mw is not intended to be absolute." and Venns on February 22d. and JuDiter. I Pretty and was well rendered. Perhaps I Stop right dar; what dat yer say Sajnrn, aqd Venus will be near together the feature of the evening was the Duo 'bout dicipul and absom? What's yoa for cornets and piano accompamament I ca aim, young marsterr by Miss Fishblato aad Messrs. Wilson " "If yoa are sick your physician cau r-Preparatkma and i best curative prop- lof alL Buv a oc bottle of tout drueeist.. (Norie genuine without our signature on outside .PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM OTSraS? , jan 13-lydw-t-t-s i a r .. J...U, u j b" J. . a iTuvii on, .r. .r,- prescribe t for vou. and then rou giving immediate attention to a slight .wv , . . - :the coneu. which could have been stopped their parts with precision and sicni, ana t- uru eio. I in time by a 25 cent bottle of Dr. Hull's 1 were C ROSENTHAL, .1 Marltrt Street. BEAUTIFUL HAIR ORNAMENTS 4 ND a 411 N0VKLT(3 jut receired by Coogh Syrup. Cenius Footings. The total census footings for the to feel gratified over the result of his v I . . a i aa st.frvv.ti, fnMi;n, M riin-Q. I montns or laDor. l ft . 1 Ui IU 'UIUUUU Ulb IWllVlli. Males, CS3,164 ; ' females, 711,836 ; na- heartily encored. Prof. Van Lear - ""eii.aat ain't gwme oe so;bad arter was very happy in his selection of pieces I young boss, but ef dat is eber for the concert, and he has every reason I 'forced dey will be heaps o' pe'ple gwine ' . Gr3nift3L Who want glossy, luxuriant and wayy tresses of abundant, beautiful Hair must nso LYONIS KATHAIEON. This elegant, cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast, keeps it from falling out, arrests and cures gray ness, remoTes dandruff and itching, makes the Hair strong, giving it a curling tandencv and keeninc it in doctnrs fur a short, I kin tel y!r. Ebery I any desired position. Beau- result of usiii fiatkairon lVew Aavertisumenta, Ship Notice. ALL PKR80NR ARB here br forewarned not to treat or harbor any ef the crew of tba gwediah Bark IRkari: Uapt. U. w. Tallia, ae aeithw tbe Matter or Oonaijrneee will be rerponaible. n&lUK a GO, Oontiraees. ' jo IJ-St Ship notice. a - Auu rBKWNR ARK het. .br eaailoned araioat bar boring or uuaUer asy of the crew o' the Not Hark k t . u a Capt Krocer, irom t4Mt ..'C it nbtf ,of ib'ir traoti.r wiii be paid . IT abOtttS, OPERA HOUSE. can get 'bout wid gripin' ; in de bowels huntin' body kno old Harry anVwil git him During the Holidays buy useful articlea la, short ter keep da gripins off : i nnc (. e o c ci . i r t I tic, i.M--' , iurcign. o.oio , truiit:, sucn fi0 0 DoSrs, ShOVeJs and I Kt W fir.1i fllre linw trmin fall Use of Children', and Mlatea Cl aki WIUIlu fi aFaucoC longs, iluUng Machlnea, Kc. .ui at inei j,n if -it ft(r i. j.- fi:rlf or sich like ? Dey ain't gwine ter tell der docter dey's got gripins. jist for a a aale and at r low pricea Htamp- I and 1.2 1C Indians and half-breeds) 532.-1 lowest nrfri at Jaoobi's. ia( iroa ii 111-11 ptueri'. iieir "crip t aae ttjle made to order. Otdere by mall 533. It is a little singular that the en- rlll receive t-rorapt attention. Addreaa Peat I tire total is jU3t l,400,fl00. lCI OOI JUl. deolS No. f Fnt t TooMorrow Ilirht. Miss Ada Gray, supported bj Ch. ,hort!1 P,035; 1 dlfo' Jan 13-ly-nrm-t-t-s CLYDE'S Mew YoirE-c AND Wilmington. iM. C. Steamship Line. THE STEAMER Water street inerchanta wiJ keep tbtir WfttVinq, Fifth Ann. nomhinati " ffwine Ur look "" funny ter ole State, of North Carolina. In the Probate I Mars Johnny tend ter Virginia ter git win uppar ci v HHnuw even- -j - - - pender c t x . Court. lag in L.ucretia liorgia, aatnrday mati- v foet dry in Winter by wearing U;een toil's bool a and shoes. f A :oipiimt Worthily Cea'.owed. ne in East Lynne and.Satnrday eveni.g h J f11? pcs N Henry Admmistrator , ) )ff County a L Article 47. She has received very I , ay made fin notices wherever she has played. I J' 9 Aan Ta f tma nAfninl aa?v9 weu,Drea de ioru,i jist snows oie uorry Against Petition for sale of real estate for assets. D'fdts. At the recent term of Pender buperior CourU Solicitor Gallowav arflror..ioT.m,'nl(;An nr Ki-0 jSee what the Cincianati methods in the" office of Mr. W. T. Ban-lsaJ3 of ter: nerman, the Clerk of the Court renort was rerv favnrahlp Amnn --r-. o i rare comDinauon oi laients mas siva in-1 am dom. case x so aiwava oca eiany mn nvnunr. inirpvnv tot,v.v ai things he said 1 here is much improve dividuality and distinctness of purpose I darky 'mongst de white folk, I doa't X derman, John II. Alderman, . Daniel meni nnprvanie in inn rn.innpr in wnien i 10 tui luut auo uucauaver iu uuuub ucr i it. rw.a jat u: i Aaucruitui, jiiHKaiti a the estimable clerk, Mr. Bannerman, has fielf as to - the meaning and purpose o 1.:. Miss Grav is destined to stand in the 8 " " . " w w"' , uuu uis i . , . fa;.n. ahm vaa tV. I Des3 refngee niffgars can't git it, but 1 1 r ntlir I i , i . . I i f ? i i . iia I Daniel McDufEe, Ann Taylor and her huaband John Taylor, efc ai, heirs-at-law. CULF CAPT. WILL 8iILf20i STREASVI, INGRAM,; Iota L-tt lhm fonr)i r hia ffia "I. ..... v w -vr . i tion, and executes with boldness and tin The report wa3 endorsed byJudgeGudger 1 ish. Nature has moulded her in her 'and ordered by hira on file. kindest moods. A face fall of express ion, an eye capable ot emitting , at a Fashionable Frlroltles. glance tne leeungs mai awr mo soni 11- o rises disappeared from evening dresses. high in scenes of passion, withers with Bouanet3 of tulius. or of Loll v. or else 1 scorn, and pleads for pity in its wealth oi icnaerness. iq me cnua scene oi of poppies, are. chosen to wear in the "East Lynne'' she rose to such grandeur I m a a a a TORK 03 corsage ot biacK dresses. aild power a3 t0 coa2eai her audience - -rrrn I The newest models for collars are very I into silence ; the wail of grief, the agony BiiUXiUfkXB Jan.. U- deer in the back but make verv little oi a heart breaking with remorse and 8h.r, , rt7 w helpropl show in fronU They areof Valenoieones l?. TL2" . B lA7va V i-re A W w.awav wmav and embroidered insertion. . ment ia cvcrT i00t everT movement New pocket-handkerchiefs of sheer J that few actresses possess, and delicacy linen lawn have the initials in hemstitch-1 in her strokes of sentiment that can ailing; of 8uaera as advertlMd. a for freight Eafaeaaati apply 3 TIIOS. E. BOD, 8apt, THKO. O. SOKE. Freight Acett. Jftw York. WK. P. CLYDE A 00., W Broad ray, Beat Tork. ja 10 Groceries, &c, 6000 BullC0RX, 200 1000 1Ialf Ro11 BA00Df0, 1000 BanJJw J,w nd rcd TlE3 BU FLOUR, aU grade, BbU SUGAR, all grades. 700 BJLGS C0ITEE, &I1 rrdev Tons HOOP IRON, 10 000 S4tk SXLTf ' CaoJftCandlea, Crackers,Cheeee,SUrci, Lye, rotiah, Pepper, Spice, Wrapping Pa ler, Ac. For aale low;by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. ing, usually ia block patterns. Thehema spring alone from intuition. Her thor b' . . J 1 , . , ough and complete assumption of the are either very narrow or else.of medium pa?Uciia how great a mistress of her art A novelty in fashionable drawing! nature bodily into her personation, which u : u is not oalv'a erand, but a beautiful and ... , T , . , m, enduring picture of art. . from ancient temples, in which pastilles emitting a slight fragrant smoke are kept burning constantly. 1300 300 We advise our friends to call at Jxcoci's for real Silver Plated Tea and Table Spoona very sad item comes from Boston, land Forks, . Roger's . Ivory bandied Tablo it being nothing less than that blondes Knives, Pen and Pocket Knives. All for . e . C : i , I vuuatiuas uu at tut ivnvn 1 A ll 'It were ioousn enougu 10 marry tnem wiu Qaarterlj Meetings now have plenty of time.for repentance. For the wilmiagton District, Metho- Wool or silk stockmg3 are most used dist E. Church, South, 1881. at this season. For wool stockinrs. sol. I (First round .) j i e j i- j i -1 Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown. Jaa. 22-23 i.lrnlnrfl arp nrpfprrprt in nlir dark car-1 "uliu, at, iiuiaw,mwnu,i. net, plum or peacock blue. These are .either ribbed 'or else perfectly plain, or nl0 - Fresh Every Day riM aKdORTHXHT 07 0A5DIXS. MiV , Jan received ard fai TH OJTIT OKNOINB HOatK-Mi.DI yU.ia. etty, will be fd everv Aayt frwhaadaveW three doort Boath of tbeoatoCeeoaaooood atreet. lao, Nats Wa, rrall, Ae4 a R. JCT1LS8, MX! Rear the KrttaCe-l perhaps- wrought lightly on each side with silk or a contrasting color. Spiked jet fringe are among the richest trimmings of the season, and there are ball fringes of jet, with each strand of the fringe finished with a spike or a jet ball, and these balls are so large that they click like castanets when struck together by the motion of the wearer. The Power of tne Press In no way is the power of the press more surely shown than in the universal knowledge that has in lens than a year been diffused throughoat fifty-millions of people of the wonderfnl curative pro prieties of that splendid remedy.Kidney WorL And the people from the Atlan tic to the Pacific have shown their in telligence and their knowlege of what is in the paper, by already making Kid ney-Wort their, household remedy for all diseases of the kidneys, liver and bow If. Herald," - ; . . ; ' t v ':' .: -: , Wilmington, at Fifth street, Jan. 29-30 Wilmington, at Front street, Feb. 5-6 Smithville, - - - Feb. 8 9 Whiteville. at Whitcville. Feb. 12-13 Waccamaw Mission, at Bethesda, Feb. - - 15-1C Brunswick, at Bethel, - - Feb. 19-20 Topsail, at Wesleyan Chapel, Feb. 26-27 Onslow, at Tabernacle? - - March 3-6 Clinton, at Andrew Chapel, March 12-13 Cokesbury, at II alb, .- - March 19-20 Tho District stewards will raect at the Parsonage of the Front street Church in Wilmington, at ten o'clock a. m. on the 2d Feb. A full attendance desired. Lw S. BCBKHEAD, - Presiding Elder. 4 i a "a r a. a a i carenmUn bout dea pro bisun laws, no John J 'AiJerman, Elizabeth Meredith way. Uosa, gede oie daricy a niCKie. Thomas J. Meredith, PrecUla J. Harrison, cuehe Mb do cole creepia' p de ole Sftoittf aaWawf S,mp50D' rnmatic legs and de gripin's callin' fer a You will take 'notice that a petition has short. Tank von bos, tank von' how'a been filed by the Administrator, in the above snort. lanKyou, doss, tank yoa. hows .entltled c for tne pUrpo8eof sellinff young miSSUJT j lands to make aasets for the payment of. vAa we hurried down the street old debts i of hia mtesute and that you are re- . , . , , . . . quired to appear before the Probate Court uncle Harry slowly wended his way for 0f said -County and answer or demur to a "short," saying, "when dat time curaa td petition within twenty days after the , , , n . , . x. service of this process, or judgment will be heaps o' peple will be huntin 'bout hea entered pro confesso as to you. wid eripin's fer a docter ter - git a short I Given under my hand this 12t h day of but bre8' de Good Marster, I'so quality." There are four eclipses during the present year, two of the sun and two of the moon. The moon will snffcra total eclipse Jane 11, 12. Ladies who appreciate eleerance and F urity are using Parker's Hair Balsa a. t is the pest article told for rctcrisr gray tzx IQ ill cu?:;i Wir sa criy. - THE MAILS. The malla close and arrive at tba City Poet Office as follows : Northern through mails. ... .7 00 p m Northern through and way mails M ...5:80 a. tb, Ralelgb 5:80 ai m, MaiU for the N. O. Bailroad, and routes supplied there-' 'from, including A. AN, C liallroad, at...... 5;'M) a.m. Southern mails for all points South, daily 8am and 7:45 p. m. Western mails (C O R'y) daily (excptbandayj ........... 8: 10 a. m. Mail for Cheraw & Darlings ton 7:46 p. m. Malls for point between Flo renceand Uharleaton.aam & 7:45 p m FayetteTiUe, and officea on Capa Fear Biver, Tntsdays, and Fridays......... ......... l.00 p. m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays...... 8: 10 a. m Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate office, every Monday and Thursday at.. ........ b.oo a. m Smithville mailt, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun days). ........................... 8.30 a. to. Halls for Easy. Hill, Town Greek, Shallotte and LUtle Blver, 8. u., every Mon day and Thnraday at 6:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black Hiver Chapel, Mondays, vVednee days and Fridays at - 6:00 a. m. OTZS 70B SZLTTESr. Sort hern throogh and way maiia 7:00 and 7:30 a- m. Northern malls ...... 9-00 a m Southern Mails ..M 7:30 a. m. Carolina Central Railway...... p. m. Stamp OSes open from 8 a. to. to 12 IX., and from 2 to 6:30 p. m. Money Orde and Rejiiier Departtueat open same a atamp adiee. Geueral delivery oj. rrvin 6X) a. m. to 6:00 i. nx.; anil uu 6u:i. from 80 tu9.30 a, nu , Stamps for salsn at gezMral delivery when atsaap oHoa is clcced. Halls collyfart frota clrest boxes every diy it p. nv : - ... January, A. D. 181. W.I.BANNEKMASf, Probate Judge. Josx T. BLAKP, Attorney for PlalntuT. jan 13-dlt-.w5t THIS WEEK ! WE WILL OFFER AT LESS THAN COST, THE FEW CLOAKS AND DOLLMANS on hand to close out. rpHE FASHIONABLE DRAMATIC Event. Two Nights and S-Uurdny Matinee. Only FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Tan'y 14 and 15. a, Enjjanreraent Kxtra'.nlii.arv ot Hi- IHj tU.guis.lied Emotinal an I Tragic Afrtre, ADA GRAY, Supported by WATKIN'S iTFTII AVE. NUE COMBINATION. Friday night - - - Lucretla Borgia Saturday Matinee - - - East Lynne Saturday night - - - . . L'ArticleiT Usual prices of admission. -'Matinee price Adults, cents. ChUdren 25 cent. Reserved Seats at Helneberjrer'e. jan 1 Clothing and ...- Furnishing GoofLs pO GENTS, YODTHS.I ' AND B0YB. Overcoats, Ulalcra and Ulaierettei, Umbrellaa, Satchels, Valises Ac., Ac,, at A. A I. SHBIER'8, Jn 10 Market street. A New Lot of Games. JOTTO, AUTHORS, CORN A BEANS, Qlqu, PareheI, Checkers, and many other Games. For sale at HEINSBERQE&'Sj Blank Sooks, J5K8, MUCILAGE, PAPER, Enrelopet, Aca For sale cheap at flElN3BERGERfl, jin 12 Lire Book and Motic Store. We are ottering some real bargains in Table Linens, Napkins, Towels. Tray Napkins, &i . Carpets in all grades at the close prices. ' Oil Cloths in all wdth. Respectfully, -Jan It K- M. McIXTlKE. 1881 Groceries. 1881 1300 800 50 20 100 100 Bbls FLOUR, Bush Freh -Water. Mill 3Ieal, Boxes D S ad Smoked Sides, do do do Shoulders, BWs MESS PORK, Hhds and Bbl Cuba and ' New Orleane Molasses. Fruit at Auction. rpO-MORROWMORNIirOat 11 o'clock, we will sell, onboaxd the British Schooaer JulU Elizabeth, at Messrs. Hf 11 A Peaxiall's Wharf, the entire cargo cf said Cchoonsr, eonsistiag of ORANGES, BANANAS, I 8 GUAR OANE, SHELLS, avaAXUJ, ac, Ac. This Fra?t is Sumber One,, all In jrood or der, and the best cargo brought to this port this season. M. CB05LY, - ln -lt Aoctloneer Those in Heed Q BLANK BOOKS, . SCHOOL, BOOKS, 8TATI JJEBY, or aayfhiiii: elje ia my lire, will find It to their ad rentage to give ice a eall. - ORGAN sold on easy Imta'metti. YATE8 BOOK STORE. HALL & PEARS ALL. jan 7 JOW BATXS ror ali; klad of Printing, Paraoss ndilnz on of toe city eaa have their printing earefoily eseeated ana availed to then tree of posture. , E.r.3. WARROCX, IsrRevIewBsndlag)!; Wanted. o x v ana o loet long, delfrered In Wilmlnson. V.S. COWAN, jan lO-St, . . Robeson, N. C. Star copy 15000 15,000 15,000 Royals 1 Royals ! Royals ' OEROTriEOOEO TO BE THE Btsr .5 cent laths dry; For salo only bi : JD St Jaaft - - Preterlotlea Draer it alr by a J DNUTT A 00 s - .

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