tins PAPtn ejjjued rrj efteraeoa. V torroa ak rmormiwro. rMCRIFTI0SS.F06TAQB PAID. l . oo 8ix montW f!50 x Th . I S 00 ; Three J3 ' t. nuamnetlt.KflMltl. -oliM, w ppr III be delivered toy carrier. part of the citT, sttb N9 , -. ft libera aerrisSserit1 will please report aay sad , Mere to reeelre their papers re nitarly- tfctr Advertisements. 32Vrarkot St- 32 Slra of the Show Cue with ib2 Shoemaker-. T STOCK OF BOOTS AND 8II0ES &iAjs complete. Call and examine. 8at bfACtioQ guaranteed to customers. Now Is the time to supply your families. A fall line of those CHILDREN'S SCOTCH 80LE, In lace and buttons. 8ee ia U bfllerla?. ConTlnee yourself of the f-t. A oew lot of those SCOTCH SOLE GAITER3Jast recelTed. Don't fargetthe oiJ somber. C ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. BOf 8 BEAUTIFUL HAIR 0RHAMMTs AND dlR NOVb'LTXeH jolt rseeivsd. A fall llae of Children' acd Un f.Uaxs now n sls acd st e y low pricr Htip- isr fro tie lat-st psuernv hsir Vorki aa? itrle Bsade to order. Orders br mail will receive rrompt arteatloo. Addivs Post OSes Box 301. de IS N "K Pwt -t CLYDE'S ?ew York AND tilminston. Steamship IM. C. Line. THtt STEAM KK 1, 'LKi GULF STREAM, CAPT. INGRAM" WILL BULaoi JEW rui& 03 SATURDAY, Jan 15. Otlppert eaa rely apoa the prompt aaillnx of Buaaere aj adrertlaed, tor Treicit KateuiatJ apply to THOS. fi. DONl, 8optt WUmlartoa, N. C THEO. O. SOKE, TflgU Afeat, ew xorx. mc. P. OLTDS A CO., 14 Broedwyr Stm foTk. Jam 10 Groceries, &ct 6000 Bujlis cor 200 Bales TIAY, 1000 Half Rolls BAGGING, 1000 Bundles New and Pcd TIES, 1300 Bbl4 rL0UR'11 . 300 k011 911 s3' 700 BJLGS corrEE 111 rtdef 2QQKegt NAILS, 50 Ton noor IR0N, lOOOO8""' ..I rv r Ti x -vj-. Candy, Candles, CrackerSjChecse.Starch, i ' Ly, Potaah, Pepper, Spice, Wrapping Pa? per, Ac For sale lowby jan 10 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. fesh Every Day AKttTMStnT OF OAJfDItS, Ooaite, jwi reeMTd a- d foa THI OSLT Onanist HOUS-JUD 1 in Mi VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. New AtvrCierniit. Fmdx & Co-i-Shlp Notice Jjio L Dudlet, Sect' Sec 221, Ea 'ow raeat Rank, K of P The Supreme Novelty at the Rankin Ilall IiETXSBERGER A New Lot of Game A&IShkieu Clothing and Furnishing Goodi C W Yates Thote in Need .East Lrnn to-morrow matinee. 1 Article 47 to-morrow Opera House. night at th) The cotton receipts at this port to-day foot np 267 bales. Full moon to morrow morning at 20 minates past 6 o'clock. The market was well, green pork this morning. ?upplkd with . More rain here and this time accom panied by a half gale of wind. Eggs are Tery scarce and high. They readily sell at 35 cents per dozen, i A Delusion Trap placed in a tyouse will uietlr catch a cunninjr mouse. Call at acobi's for them. t A new flag pole has-been erected over the Signal Office and the storm signal was flying to-day. Mr. Donald Mcltae continues to irn- urOTC The physicians now have the hemorrhages under control. ev Ths indications are that Ada Gray will be rreeted with a larsre house to- night. The tronpe hare arrived and are stopping at the Purcell. - Water a! rest merchants wi 1 keep tbtir feet dry in Winter by wraric Res- TlIAls boots and shoe. t Sullivan's operctta"A Trial by Jury," is in preparation and will be presented in a short time under the management of Airs. John VT. Cameron. Ladies who appreciate elegance and furity are using Parker's Ilair Balsam, t is the Dest article sold for restoring gray hair to its original color and beauty. Annual Settlement. The Sheriff and Treasurer of the coun ty meet the county Finance Committee in the Commissioners' room at 7 o'clock this evenlog to submit their accounts for the past year, have them audited and make their regufar annual settlement. We advUe our friends to call at Jacobi's for real Silver Plated Tea and Table Spoons and Forks, Roger's Ivory handled Table Knives, Pen and Pocket Knives. All for Christmas and at the lowest pi ices, ' Not so Bad. There seems to be a mistake a3 to the amount of money in cash lost by Mr Bobbins, of Smithville, at the fire which destroyed his residence a few days ago. His trunk, containing some jewelry and between $40 and $50 in silver, was burn ed, but most of the money was raked from the ashes the next day. His loss will hardly exceed $10 in cash and not $2,000 as, was reported tou3. ClU Court. Dick Mallett, colored, suffering from same old complaint, drunk and down, wa3 sent below for thirty days. Charles Howard, alias Gooding, color ed, a former steward on one of the steam tugs in the harbor, was arraigned for an unprovoked assault upoa Mr. Martin Newman. Sentence of the - Coin -25 fine or thirty days in the City Prison. Defendant went'below. Go North, young man. tro North and freeze dd with the country. Bat don't foriret to take a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup along. Conlcrence Committees The Joint Committees appointed by the Board of Aldermen and the County Commissioners to consider the importance and necessity of establishing, without farther delay, a public hospital in this city, meet in tlieCounty Commissioners, room on Monday evening next, at half past 7 o'clock. We are glad to know, too, from a gen tleman on- one of the committees, that there is a reasonable prospect otthe two committees agreeing upon this matter, whereby the county and city will bear proportionately the expense of the under taking. A institqtionJof this kind has been, long needed in Wilmington and we rejoice to know that the chances for its establishment are reasonably certain. . Dont forget the N. T. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and warranted, at Jacobi's. f r " , ' ' ' V., :,. ,,,..., . V W i LMiN GTON, N. C. FRIDAY, JANUARY rnm&llables. The following uumailable matter re mains in the Poatoffiee in this city : Miss Bedene Bnrruss, Smith ville, N. C. ; Miss Lacy King, Council Station N. C. : Miss Lin McKain, Council's Station, N, C. ; a postal card with no address, but signed T. J. B. Have you seen the latest improved Heat ing and Cook Stoves at Jacobi's e can cet them at Calory prices. t PrtJirtbUiou. Alex. Sprunt, Esq.. aud Gen. S 17. Manning, wbft wia in Raleigh on "Wed nesday in attendance on the prohibition convention, have returned to the city- They are enthusiastic in their descrip tions of the meeting. M r. Sprunt tells us that it was a large and intelligent body, composed in the main of represen. tativemeo, and that their proceedings rere, harmonious and decisive. : There seems to be no doubt now in tha mind3 of the friends of the movemen that it will prove a success. Mr. H. . Scott, the Senator from this district, who is in the city, says that a prohibition law will probably be passed by a unanimous vote. . Mr. Scott is himself a liquor deal er and his judgment cannot, therefore, be said to be prejudiced by his. wishes. From what we can understand, however, a simple prohibitory law is not likely te satisfy the prohibitionists. They are now talking of an amendment to the Consti tution forever prohibiting the manufac ture and sale of spirituous liquors in North Carolina. . Ladies, the best tits and the easiest shoes for tba little duos are at Rosen thaib. The Bohemian Glass Blowers Wonders Id GUss. To those accustomed to see glass only in the shape of window panes, tumblers or lamp chimneys, a visit to the glass blowers' exhibition next week will be a revelation. The first thing to attract the visitor's attention is a magnificent model of the great Corliss engine, made entirely of glass, yet with steam as the motive pow er, working smoothly and steadily. It is bur feet high, three feet long and is composed of 5,000 pieces. Twelve differ ent shades of colored glass give this novel piece of mechanism a picturesque appearance, it is tne omy periect gi&ss model of a steamboat- engine ever made, and attracted great attention when ex hibited at tht centennial. By its side stands a much more simple model of the old South church, of Boston, in colored glass. Besides these novelties there are curiosities of spun giass, with threads of 140.000th of an inch In. diameter as soft and pliable as silk, a vest of glass and a pair of slippers of the same material, with imitation feathers, plon plons, cushions and articles of crocheted and woven fflass. The main interest ot the exhibition, however, seemi to centre around Messis. Woodruff and Carling. They are continually busy, and their deft fingers are constantly contriving ships, birds, animals, pretty-colored vases and a thousand-and-one things, which must be seen to be appreciated. They use two hundred pounds of glass a week in manufacturing these articles, which are given to the audience free. They will at Rankin Hall, over "Little ri Giant" steamer, Monday evening, Janu ary 17, at 7:30 o'clock. Saturday even ine, January 22, there will , be a grand babv Bhow. when an elegant .case, of fancy glass work, ; valued at $50, will be presented to the baby receiving the larg est number of votes during tne weckv Each vistor is entitled to one rote free. A hop is to be given in GermaniaHall to-night, complimentary, to Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Bridgers. It is given by a number of young gentlemen, the friends of the groom. - . - 1 he Power of the Press.' In no way is the power of vlift press more surely shown than in the universal knowledge that has in leas than a" year been diffused throughoHt fifty-millions of people of the wonderful curative pro prieties of that splendid remedy, Kidney Wort. And the people from the Atlan tic to the Pacific nave shown their in telligence and their knowlege of what is in the paper, by already making KJd ney-Wort their bou,seh,old remedy for all diseases of the kidneys, liver and bow els. Herald. W. A. TnT8, 62 Ashland Avcoue, Toledo, Ohio, says: My wire is now as strong' as ever, her regained health being directly due to the use of the Excelsior Kidney Pad. We can heartfly reconv mend it to all kidney troubled perjoci- Eabbery tail Attempt at Arson. i On Monday morning last a robbery was committed at the residence of Mr. Patrick Carr, on the corner of Eighth and Walnut streets, and the thief;tken tried to cover the ; deed by arson. A colored woman named McNeil -who was employed to do the washing of Mr. Carr's family, is the one accused of the theft and attempt at arson. The woman McNiel knowing that Mr. Carr's. sister, who is the lady of the house, was out. smreptitiously, entered the dwellingand stole .from a trunk a floe black dress, and to- avma suspicion, toco- eflL the over- skirt of the dress she was wearrnir, satu rated it with kerosene oil, placed it in the trunk, set fire to it. and closed the lid of the trunk. A short time after m '.-Mm mm m.iss uarr returned and la a tew min utes after the woman made her ap pearance, stating she bad come for the wash and at the same -time stated .that she smelt . something burning Miss C. also thought 'she discovered a smell as of burning wool and thought that a small piece of cloth had been caught on the wood which she had put in the stove. The V- woman McNeil said the fire was in the other room and went directly to che trunk, raised the lid and the flames burst out. The cloth which was on fire corresponded exactly with the cloth of the waist of the woman Mc Neil's dress. The cloth was saved but the woman managed to get it and car ried it to her home, but it was subse' quently gotten away from her. The woman's dwelling was searched by an o nicer, but the dress was not found. She was seen to have carried a er .i. bundle into the house of a neighbor anqj"w v-- vv - tnouarnt sne gOl Wina oi iuo lmpeaamg teia ner mat u sue wouiu ruvuru tuu ureas fcn.vnnM W. matfpr dron and not - . - - - prosecute hcr and the next morning the .w iivw.v - - -J- dress was found On Mr. Carr's piazza. ... ,. , " . Many a criminal goes nnwuippea oi jus - tice because orthe"elttctance , of citizens . . , . . I . . - 10 natetneir Wives or Bisters appear as witnPiuuHt at the Court Mouse, asltn the case of Mr. Carr. Labor tfarinx The demand of the people for an easier method of preparing JLidney-Wort has induced the proprietors, the well-known wholesale Druggists,. Wells, iucnardson & Co ot Burlington, -v t., to prepare it for sale in liquid form as well as in dry form. It saves all the labor Of prepar inir. and as it is equally efficient it is Dreferred by many persons. Kidney- Wort always ami everywhere proves it self a perfect remetly. Utipalo New, ' For the Review. The Uomspnn Brigade. Mr. Editor: ' ' v At a called meeting of the County Commissioners of our county to-day it was really gratifying to see the anxiety of the honest farmers of not only Pender but of our trusty sisters, Sampson and Dapliu, to sign the official bond of our soldier Sheriff, Capt. A. C. Ward, who has proven to be no less prominent in the confidence and affections of the peo ple of these counties than he was in the Confederate Jarmy during the late un pleasantness. . It . was a real treat to see. the farmers, dress ed ia ' their homespun, com ing forward to demonstrate in a .sub stantial way their confidence in our mod est soldier and farmer. Such was the feeling in his favor that notwithstabding the bond required was only $30,000 they continued to push forward until $42,000 Was JUIUaea W- VOO gur oauipsou friends in his homespun when questioned rather closely by Chairman Shaw as to bis ability to pay the amount . Be had justified to, j proposed, to deposit the antonnt2,oou,in casn proviuca me prop er geaTAi tee could be given for its return at the expiration of Ward's term ' of of fice, whereupon our incredulous but hon est "Daniel" told him he would do, and called for the next man. Some of Ward's unfriendly critics styled his host of friends Mtne nomespan ongaoo ana true it was, for there was but one man on the bond, the Sheriff - included, who did not wear homespun- No other man in Pender can ' W 1 3 A. A "s recruit sucu a Drigaae ai presvuv. Jan.10tb.1881. . P. Samuel H. Irwin, of Ute Creek, Col fax Co., New Mexico, says: The "Onlj Lung Pad" has done more for my wife than all the gallons of Cod Liver Oil, French or American, she has taken, or all the Doctor's Medicines jhe has used. See Adv. Eminent PbyilcUai- , . arc prescribing that tried and true rem cdy, Kidney-Wort, for the worst cases of biflioasness and constipation, as well as lor kidoey complaints. . i nero is scarcely a person to be found that will not be greatly benefited by a thorough course of Kiancj-Wort erery. spring... If you feel out of sorts, and don't know why, try sv package of Kidney-Wort and you will eellike a new creature. Indianapolis Sentinel , . - , NO 275 Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmiaffton District. Metho dist E. Church, South, 1881. (First round .) Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown, Jan. 22-23 Wilmington, at Fifth street. Jan. 29-30 Wilmington, at Front street. Feb. 5-6 Smithville, - - - Feb. 8 9 Whiteville, at Whiteville. Feb. 12-13 Waccamaw Misfeion, at Bethesda, Feb. - - - - 15-16 Brunswick, at Bethel, - - Feb. 19-20 Topsail, at iVcsleyan Chapel, Feb. 26-27 Onslow, at Tabernacle, - - March 5-6 Clinton, at Audrew Chapel, March 12-13 UOKesoury, at Halls, - - March 19-20 Tho District stewards will meet at the I Parsonage of the Front street Church in Wilmington, at ten o'clock a. m. on the 2d Feb. A full attendance desired. ' L. S. Bcrkhead, Presiding Elder. The remedy that will cure the manv diseases peculiar to women is Warner's Safo Kidney and Liver Cure. Mother's Magazine. flew Advertisemts Sec. 221 Bdowmeit Rani, I cf iv REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING. Sec tion No. 221. Endowment Rank. K. of P., will be held at Castle Hall, this (Friday) evening, Dec. 14th, at 1 o'clock. JNO. Li. DUDLF.T. jan 14-lt Secretary & Treas Ship Notice. ALL PEKBONB ARE be-e. by cautioned against her boring or trusting any of the crew of the Sor. Bark "Titania," J. O. Albrethsen, Master, as no ' debts of their ontractiaf will be naid a j uapiainor utiiDK A t'O, jan 14-St Ooniuzaea The Supreme Movelty T RANK IN HALL OVER "LITTLE i GIANT'' Steamer. One week onlr, rora. THE i mencing on mouusv, January 17. riArmi rv a "r r a n - Tr xwrwv, BOHEMIAN GLASS BLOWERS. Profes sors Woodroffe. (arHno- and fTnmnnnv mrlf) i ineir 9u,ouu collection ot Wonders in Glass centennial irame, lneludlug the superb I ...l 4h. 1 I -1 -r uuw vik we vtuicuuiai vuruss engine. I built of 5,ooo pieces of glass and operated I by steam. Rare glass ornaments presented i tree to oacn audience. 1 Levees every evening at 7.30. Grand I totnbtttiOT of ornaments at 8 ' I Matinees WEDNESDAY and 8ATUR i DAT at 2.30. Popular prices of admission, I o cents, unuciren under vz years. 15 cents. r. o. urana caDy onow on oaiukuai EVENING, January 22. M. H. WALSH, Manacer. H. H. Niles, Agent. jan U St w rf a .1 w ion in ik iTTi i i rj w i Ln I G lager, Boeho. flaadrake, Stllllngla andj Cmany other of the best medicines known are com-. f ft 4 1 Ml " ,1 " T" I- T-.-- ... to make it the greatest Blood. Purifier and the f Best Health aadStrengthBestorer ever used. I It cares Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Neuralgia,' Sleeplessness, and all diseases of the 8tomech, Bowels. Lanqs. Liver, Kidneys. Urinary Orosas Land ail remate wompiainn. . If are wasting away with Consumption or, . . A any .use the Tonic to-day. No matter what it wiu surely help yoo. Renvemixr ! This TONIC cures d Tunkenness., k the Beet Family Medicine ever made, entirely different from Bitters, Ginger Preparationa and other Tonics, and combines tne best curative prop-. 'None eeauine without our signature on outside ot au. cur a 50c doiuc 01 your arnggist. IwraperItsccorj&AjojC emists. New York. nintrr-rMO U1ID DSIC1II Tht bn ai nxxt onticsl Hair Drcariajr jan 13-lyd&w-t-t-s THIS WEEK 1 WE WILL" OFFER AT LESS T1IAN COST, THE FEW I CLOAKS AND DOLLMANS on hand to clone out. We are offering some real bargains in TaWfc Lining, Napkin, Tou-fclaT Tray Napldns, Ac Carpets iu all grades at tho t-lo.eM prices Oil Cloths in all tri'dth4 . Respectfully, jan It R. M. McIXTIK'E. Peruvian Cuano 200O Tons IIo. 2 Peru yian Guano, FOR SALE BY Williams & Murcliisoiu jaa 6 :- : v , 15,000 15,000 15,000 Boyals ! lioyalsi Boyals ! ACKNOWLEDGED TO BS THE BE8T 5 cent dear la the tityv For lalo only by ' , , J 1I0UTT UU, Jaa m PresexptIoa Dnggltl 14. I Sf-1. FLBABS ffOTIOS. We will begfad to receive eomacnlcationj fane our friends oa aay aad all fubJeetTT cnerallaterest bat Tae aaae of the writer mart always be far ulhed to the Editor. - - . ' . OoaaTiferIoai but be written' oa onh oae tide of the .paper. tv Pertoaalltlef mm voided And it is ecpeelallf peemlarly.Wer VHd that the Sditnr ewe not always eadors e the views ot eorrwpon4rU. n&Jeee so He 4 in th editorial eolcttas. New Aavertiaomonta, Ship Notice. AW. FEK80N3 ARB here br forewtraed not to tnut or harbor any of the crew of the Swedish Bark I8KAEL. -J Capt U. H. Tallin, ae C the Hatter or Consignees will be responsible. JnH-wt Conslgaees. OPERA HOUSE. rjiHE Eveut. FASHIONABLE DRAMATIC T o Nights and Saturday Matinee. Only FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Jan'y U and 15. Engagement Extraordinary of the Dis tinguished Emotional and Tragic Aftress, Miss ADA CRAY, Supported jby WATKIN'S rIFTlI AVE NUE COMBINATION. Fiiday nip-ht - - . . Lucrctia Borgia Saturday Matinee' - - - - KustLynne Saturday night - - - - - L'Article47 l &ual prices of admission. Matincxs p. ices Adults, 50 cents. Children 25 cents. Reserved Seats at IIein6berger's. jan 12-3t GemMe worn. Who want glossy, luxuriant and wary tresses of abundant, beautiful Hair must uso LYON'S KATHAKON. This elegante cheap article always makes the Hair crow freely and fast, keeps it from falling out, arrests and cures gray ness, remores dandruff -and itching, makes the Hair strong, giTing it a curling tendency; anf . keeping J t in any desired position. Beau tiful, healthy Hair is the sure result Qt using Kathairon. jan 13-ly-nrm-t-t-s ClothintT and Furnislimg Goods JPO GENT8, TOOTHS . KaND BOYS Overooats Ulsters aad Dl1erettst UmhreUas Satchsls TalUes, Ac, Ac, at A, k h BHEIEE'S, Jnl0 Market street. A New Lot ot Games. HORS, CORN A BEANS, Ones, Parches!, Checke;s, and many other Gamer. For sale at EEUfSBERQEa'a. , Blank Books, JJTK8, JJCOILAOE, PAPE3, Ear slopes, Ac. For sale cbesp at IIEINBBERGEE'S, jsn 12 Lire Book and Masle 8 tors. Those in Heed QF BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BO0Kv, BTaTI'15BT or any t bin ebe ia mj Use, wlllJJadltta their advaa!a;e to give me a cal ORGANS sold oa easy iastaJmesti. YATE8' BOOK 8T0BE. jaa 10 1881 Groceries. 1881 1300 Bbls FLOUR, Bush Fresh Water Hill Ileal, Boxes D S aad Smoked Sides, do do do Shoulder, BblkES3 PORK, Tlhds and Bbls Cuba and : New Orleans Molasses 800 50 20 100 100 i -I 4 i A I

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