PLEASE 5 OTXCS. We will beg' ad to reoeire onuaaaJeatic from ow fries d i on aay aad til tubfeetPL Cral latere bat . The aaae of the writer at art always be far sitaed to tte Editor. OommaaJeatioaa it ait be written,' oa oslj oat tide of the paper Paraonalltiat aw voided ' ad It la esDeeUDv . It paoiliSed erery afUraeoa, Baadayi ta lked tr J08H. T. JAMES, rorrom avo raoranrroa. tGBSCRIPTIOJr8. POSTAGE PAliX ysr,SS 00 Six fitoatas, 83 60 ; Three moatht, fl 35; One month, 50 wnti. n paper will bdillTer4 5Ttimr, ofeharge, ia aay pert f tl eit?. ih? .ce ru,or 13 ceau p-t Adrertuiag r atee w aa lioorfc -8aberibre will pleaae report aj and tt 'allures to reeeire lnir papers regally r Hi L J T 1 1- VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 1881. VT; o- 1119 bo alay. iodorte 4 Ky the riewsot oorreaposdiiiai aalaatea tat ' h ?tnHal eola DAILY Wew Advertisement 32 f.larket St . 1 LOCAL NEWS. Mew Advertisements. IIeixsbcrqeb For Playiag J Hahx Grand Sale Hall A Pears alt. Corn ileal Butter and Cheese A & I Shriek Clotlilug ai.d Furnishing Good C W Yates Thofce la Need No City Court to-day. Day's length 10 hours and 1 minute. .... Plenty'of ice erery wherethis morning. No intermentg in Dellevue Cemeteiy this week. There were no interments in Oakdale this week. Bin of tho Show Case with h Shoesnker- rr stock of boots and snoEs 1wt complete. Call n-l examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to capUnnrrs. Now la the time to supply your famillca. A full line of those CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, la lace and buttong. See- lu Is bellCYinsr. Courlnce yourelf of the frt. A new lot of thone 8COTCII SOLE GITEll3jcut receired. Don't forget the uM somber. C ROSENTHAL, :v2 Market Street. an 8 BEAUTIFUL HAIsTrNAMENTS ND Ullll NOV&LTIE3 Jait reeelre. 4 fallllaeof CoilJffVf acd VUim Clotki bow rn tele and at ve y low prioe "iaap lar (mm tte lat-it ptterai. Hair Work i aar itjle made to order. Orders by mall will receive rroajpt attend id. Address Foit OS.-tj Hoi 3DI. MIeW E. K.A.KRER, de 1H No Front flt CLYDE'S Wow voir AND Wilmington. Steamship 'Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 11 min utes p st I o clock. The cotton receipts at thi jort to-day foot up 533 bales. To-day i3 the annivergary of tho cap- tare of Fort Fisher in 1865. Some very nice blackjack wood sold this morning at $1.15 per load. Steamship Benefactor, Capt. Jone3, sailed for New York this morning. Two interments in Pine Forest (color ed) Cemetery this week, both children. Don't forget the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and warranted, at Jacobi's.I A Delusion Trap placed in a house will niletlr catch a cunning mouse. Call at Jacosi's for them. t N. C. Line. TUB STEAM Eit Ash-Wednesday falls this year on the 5nd of Mirch ar.d Fsister on the 17th of April. A warninTto newsD.iDer bores it is said that persons who talk a great deal are liable to show age the soonest. TVhn would throw awav hard earned money for every new cough syrup adver tised, when tou can procure that stand ard remedy for coughs. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup? Frice 25 ccnt3 a bottle. Dr. 6. S. Satchweli has gone North for a short time. His object is medical improvement by observation and' attend ance npon the medical colleges and hos pitals of New York City. lie is accom panied by his newly -married bride. We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for real Silver Plated Tea and Table Spoons and Forks, Roger's Ivory handled Table IvniTM- Pen aid Tocket Knives. All for Christmas and at the lowest pi ices. Laeretla BttixU- Miss Ada Gray and upporting com pany were greeted by a Tery flattering aadience on their first appearance here last night, for the really inclement weather did not deter a rery large repre sentation of both fashion and intelligence from being present. t)f the fearful tragedy presented, there can be bat one opinion that it is the most horrible, in plot and incident, ia the whole range of dramatic literature, the imagination of the author even out stripping historical facts, as terrible as they are in connection with the dreaded Borgias. Bat it has been a favorite with a class of the heavy tragedy school and requires an actress of great physical powers to attempt its portrayal. These Miss Ada Gray, who assumed the title role, certainly possesses in striking de velopment ; yet, while she exhibited evi dence of fine dramatic taste, and gave us some very excellent acting, still she cannot be ranked as an actress of the highest order of meriL We consider her wLuretia Borgia," however, a fair success, and believe her capable of great er things. The Bnppori was only about the Aver ago. The costumes were very creditable, but there was nothing remarkable in the acting of any of the supporting gentle men. Mr. Murphy, we believe, had a good conception of "Genaro," but did not verify the promise in the practi cal personation. We look with interest to tho play to night, which wo trust will afford a' pleas -anter variety than the tragedy first given, lo-mgnt is positively ine last performance here. Water street merchants will keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing , Rosen thal's boots and shoes. t i The Bridal Hop given atGennaaia Hall last evening was largely attended. It was voted the handsomest and mo6t pleasant affair of the season thus far. The Register of Deeds has issued six marriage licenses daring week, two of which wererfor white and four for colored couples. . The Suit Against toe TTllraloiten Market Company. The wit of Mr. J. K. Vaughn against the Wilmington Market Company, be forQ!a Josticeof the Peace, to enforce av bull dot's lien, which wis contbned until the 14 th of January on account of ab sence of witnesses came np for trial yes terday morning. It will be remembered in our previous reference to this case we stated that a jury had been demanded by the plaintiff ' and that- the jury had been duly impannelled. The jury were on hand ready to sit upon the case but the mattter was decided by the court upon a question of law and the case did not reach the jury. The question sub mitted by Major Devane, counsel for the defense, was that the lien was illegal, and not according to the requirements of the statute made and provided in such cases. The court decided the point well taken and coinsel for plaintiff,.F.H. Darby, Esq., entered non suit for his clisnt, Increase being dismissed at the plaintiff's cosL . Hew Advertisements. New AilvertifiementSi BAMS, T (gFSAK3) BALE ! Pirv OoocJs ! iry Oood ft T The lew Bed Book. We have received a handsomely bonnd copy of the new B. k O. Bed Book. It is issued by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, and while it is in ono sense an advertisement of that road its chief aim has been to present the returns of the late election in such form as will most clearly show its results, and to this end the returns of previous elections are shown, and from them tho gains and losses compiled. The new Bed Book is, Settled Ed. I as win do rreeiy acKnowiedired ancr a Sheriff Manning last evening settled in I f lanc0 at its Pft a most complete po- fall with Eliiah Hewlett Gountv Treas-1 ""ttt4 " Afle present cauira u urer, lor the county taxes I . " " xew weess einns ine irresiaenuai re- ALL GOODS WILL BE SOLD I And STRICTLY FOR GAS IP mv mimm stock must be sold For School Fund For General Fund For Special Fund 55,145.10 1 lurns J rouaues la eaoa oiaw, ana i V-JLVXJLJ JUiXXXt J-i X XXII LS JLt JL UAlVVJAlllO.t GULF STREAM, CAPT- INGRAM WILL flali. flQtf Si YOttX OS SATURDAY. Jan 15. dalppers saa rely upom the prompt A dressed turkey weighing 20 pounds was the attraction this morning at Messrs Mott, Campen fc Melton's meat store corner of Market and Second streets It is a very rare thing tosee a turkey aa larsre and fat as that was. offered for o - sale in this market. saillnsTof H learners as advertised. for Freljcbt Barafeneott apply V THOS. R. BOS It. P T8EO. O. Kfie,H. relibt lovt. .lew V.A. WM. P. CLTDK a CU JaalO Groceries, &ct 6000 Bu&b,C0R?1, 200 1000 1000 1300 300 700 200 50 Biles IIAY, Half BolL BAGOIXG, Boadlea Xew and Tpd T1E3,4 BbU FLOtTt, all gradea, Bbla SUGAR, all grade BAGS COTTEE, all grade, Xega NATL8, Tons noop IRQ, Sacks SALT, 10 000 Candj, Candles, Crackeri,Cheee,Starcb, Lye, Potaah, Tepper, Spice, Wrapping Ta per,&c For sale lowby Jan 10 I WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Fresh Every Day nut AfoiiTatmrr of cadixs, raea a4 IXooeavi, jast retTl aid fw 9THE OSVt GkNUlNI UOMB-UADS Caadv la the dtj, will be fouad erexv daT. fresh aai sweet. Ore &xnt Soath of Ladies who appreciate elegance and purity are using Farkers 11 air Uaisam It b the Dest article sold for restoring gray hair to its original color and beauty So lint OCT at Cit. By advertisement published elsewhere it will be seen that Mr. J. Ilahn, at No 33 Market street, will sell for the nex thirty days his large and handsome stock of dry goods at cost. There will doubt less be found some rare bargains there by the ladies. I'nmallables. The following unmailable matter re- mains in the Postoffieein this city: Woodard Steam Pump. 76 and 78 - Centre street, Manufacturing Co., New York; a postal card unaddressed but siraed T. I. B.: Miss Lma Mc- Kian. Cocacil's Station. N. C: Miss Lucy King, Council Station, N. C. Miss Bedene Burru3s, Smithville, N. C Thud Class Al all Matter. The. recent opinion of the , Assistant Attorney-General for the PosU5ce Department, by which invoices, bills of lading, circulars ani the like are strick en from the list of third class mail mat ter, is a decision of serious concern for the business community. We believe that these ought all to be retained on the list, and further, that the written words, "Please remit," or "Shipped via," tic, ought to be allowed on an invoice, and that receipts should come under the same head. Why not make evertthing third class matter that'the sender is will ing to send unsealed? . Samuel H. Irwin, of Ute Creek, Col fax Cow. New Mexico, says: The "Only Lung Pad" has done more for mj wife than all the gallons of Cod Liver Oil, French or American, she has taken, or all the Doctor's Medicines she has csed. 7,399.97 1 showing comparisans with . the voto of aa"MMM'J 1 QT! wsff K ' em a am iae jvxiTmm lAslaAd !:r.:.,.L,; - oV?'!5,31 The new B. & O. Bed Book, while not for onerm mauuiug aeiuea wio owie taxes nr Sn?cArfm?na nlafW ni C. . M - wwavwM w swwawystHiiyianv e vmaaeaejaaAfag vt am i uu waj iw be sent on roccint nf a 2ant atumnall TMn..u. Tr-.t. r v I r w. vrsa w aw mt tJ ivt lv w a&. aa1U now holds a receipt, as follows: Public tax ... $6 Special tax (Insane Asylum and Institutions for Deaf, Dumb and Blind) For erection of Penitentiary and support of couvicts . To pay interest on .State debt. 369 70 Baltimore, Md. jan 15-2t 2,340.74 2,840.74 6,766.44 Total State tax Total County lax $18,817.64 52,785.31 $71,602.95 u 1. iiuurj iuit. This talented young minister. in charge of an influential church at Port Carbon, Pennsylvania, was in the city on Thursday last. For over two weeks he has been engaged iu affectionate minis trations around the sick and dying bed of his lamented father, Mr. S. H. Bell, at Long Creek, in Pender county. He now returns to his northern home where, Meeting 1 ueaday night at ISA) o'clock by his pleasing manners, deep piety, OWer Jtteeung ;i hurray night ability and eioquenee as a minister in cnarcn services. Worship in tho various churches of the city to-morrow as follows : HT. JAMES PABIAH, Corner Third and Market srteets, Rev. A. A W:soa, D. D, Rector. Second Sunday awr Kplphanj. January 10th. CeMi;il i i 7: O a: ui ilorcitcr Praver I 4tll o cjoi-K. feuuday ocho l at p. m. fivoulng irayer at 4 oclocsr. sr. Paul's kvaj&. lutbeb. cuvbzu, Corner Sixth and Market atraeu, Rv. G. D. U rulielm, twiBior. KuJlah iService at 11 a m. and 7;30 p. m. bandnj School at 3 p nj. UatecbeUcu luatraci Ion on Fri day at 3:30 m. 111 . riBst sa-ptist cnuiiCH, corner of Market and Fifth street, ilev. J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School at ! 920 a. m. Serrlcea at 11 a. m. and 7w30 p. m.' Brook h 11 Sunday S.hool at S.p. m. . youiiK Men's rrayei The Supreme Novelty A T RANKIN HALL OVER "LITTLE QJAST" Steamer. One week only, com meticlns: on Monday, January 17. THE BOHEMIAN GLASS BLOWERS. Frofes- 60 re Woodrofle, Carting and'Company, with tbelrf 5(1,000 collection ol -Wonders Id (ilaas, of Centennial Fame, including the superb. model or tne centennial Corliss Engine, built of 5,000 pieces of glass and ooerated by steam, liare glass ornaments presented free to each audience. Leveea every evenimr at 7.30. !Grand distribution of ornaments at 9. Matinees WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY at 2.30. Popular prices of admission, 25 cants. Children under 12 years, 15 cents. r . 8. Grand Baby Show on SATURDAY EVENING, January 22. M. 11. WALSli, Manager. H. H. Niles, Agent. jan 14 3t TH IS WE EE ! WE WILL OFFER AT LESS THAN Ship Notice. ATT tlUL.nn.rn -m . by cautioned against har boring or trusdoor aor of the crew of the Nor. Bark TItania,, J. O. Albrethsen. Matter, una1 debts of thftir cjntractlng will be paid by Captain or UU.IDK A CO, JanH3t Conilgoee. OPERA HOUSE, T Event. the Presbyterian church, he has-secured for himself an enviable name as one of the leading preachers in the State of his adoption. Pender comty has just cause to be proud of him. The regret is that our own people cannot offer him ade quate inducements to remain in his own State that he still loves with ardor end cherishes with filial affection. It ii.sei dom that when our men of talent seek homes in other States they fail of appre ciation and success We ought to keep them at home. OverZThree Months Out. We learn through the Signal Office in his city that a schooner, name cot re ported, but said to have sailed from some port in Xew Hampshire, bound for this port, abo-t two mouths ago, put in at Lookout this morning and sailed again soon after. She is not reported as being in distress and this is all that can be ascertained regarding her. It is though here, however, that the schooner is the Clara G. Loud, Capt. Cook, which left New York for this port October ath, with a cargo of salt, consigned to Messrs. E. G. Barker & Co., of this city, which has never been heard com since the Itft Newycrk, JJovr AdTortlsexnts il Vi For Playing A LL THE LETTJ5B8 A5D WO?D XI..-. Game. The Game of Quick Wits, on War or Words, TTlta tat Orlgtaal Bales sad New Ifsttads, nerar btfort published. Price 25 enti. 7or saJs at HCl5SBEBGia'8, jaa It lire Book aad Mosie Store. COST, THE FEW CLOAKS AND DOLLMANS on hand to close out. 400 Corn Meal. BUBBEL3 VTATE3 If ILL UE1L, Jaal& Tor sals by BALL 4 PZA&LALL, Butter and Cheeoe. lor salt ty HALT. ?$iUWi. I Jo Xa i We are oSering some real bargalps in Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, T"y Napkins, &c. Carpets la all grades at the closest prices. Oil Cloths In all widths . Respectfully, jan 11 R, M. McINTIRE. Clothlnat and Fiirnishmg Goods pO GENTS, YOOTH?, r AhD BOYff. Oreeoats CUtei aad, CIre tu s, UsabreUas, fatchtla, f Talltcfj Ac, Ac, si A. 1. 8HBIIB3, jaa 10 ' " lluket street. HE FASHIONABLE DRAMATIC Two Nights and Saturday Matiuee. Only FRIDAY and SATURDAY. Jan'y 14 and 15. Engagement Extraordinary of the DI. tguiahed Emotional and Tragic Actress, Miss ADA CRAY, Supported by WATKIN'S FIFTH AVE NUE COM RTV A TTO V. Friday night - ... Lucxetia Borgia Saturday Matinee ... - - EastLyune Saturday night . - - LArticle47 Usual prices of admission. Matfnee price Adulta, 50 cents, Children 25 cents. Reserved SeaU at Heinsberger's. jan 12-3t Those in Need QF BLANK BOOKS' school; BOOK 8TATI05IBT or anything else ia mj Iioe, will find It 10 I thtir advantage to give ma a ea I. ORGANS told oa easy ix Italian ti. . YATES BOOK BT02E. jaa 10 '. 16,000 15,000 ISiOcO Royals ! Royals ! Boyals ' m TO BE THE BEST 5 cent Ciarar OKNOTTLIDGKD lathe dry: Jot salo only by . . . JDHOTTi 00., Ja Prtstriptioa iragglst I A

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