y pLEAus zroncs. W9 will t(ad to raoaiva oaasste'tw a ' from omr friaaiaoa aay aad aS. izV.Tm rwal laUrwt bal Ta uai f tha writer Watt alvtya N f a a , aubad to tha editor. . .v;- OoannaniasttoassavatU writtas: am mOj '. oaaaidaofthaMMr Fartoaailtlei mnm oUa4 , Ado it ia especially ptMlariy;tsr tood ut the Edlvw not always csdorta tbe Tiewa 4 eTTefpoa'fHit iUt$ i" IB ih d'itnrUl eolrat. ' '' '' . Allied rtry afteraeoa, 84aya r 1 josn. T. JAMBI. Eorrom ajtc rmormiKTOB. .oiPTtnvs.POflTAOS PAID. 'Tef.f5 00 dUat, SIM Three! n. cer will bdlierKl Oy earrfera, ... . - at lb . :'.."" w ' ' Ht rtifoc rws lu and iiira. -8aUcribri will pUa report aay and VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1881. . NO. 277 llffEW. in 32 tfew Advertisement Market St. fei.- r fciV:' V - ) ?r-iPj''-: ' .5-- - - . - - ' , tO JT . LOCAL NEWS. (Vw AdTrmem'nts. B F Mitchell & Sox Corn Altaftkk,PbiceS: Co Sah, Dtwra and Blinds. JxoL Boatwrigut Tea Tea C W Yates All Branches IIeinbbe&geb For Playiug A & I Sobieb Clothlnc and FuruLb'.n Goodi ' . . For other locals see'foarth paje. Ktrth CareVfna Btsvt Graocw. The next session of the North Caro lina State Grange will be held in Raleigh commencing on Tuesday, the first day of February next. Reduced rates over railroads and at hotels will be secured. Nearly all railroads hare been heard from; agents will have instructions. The Raleigh and Gaston and Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line will sell return tickets first class 31 cent per mile; second. class 3 cents. The agents of these two The cotton receipts at this port to-day roads will not hare special instructions, foot up 490 bales. - The Ccrnet Concert Club will tnet to-night for band practice. Siz of the Show Case with -hi Shoemaker- r STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES bat will sell at abore rates. A full at tendance is earnestly wished. -V- . i . i II i m I w 1 ii Othess HaTe Done. Mr. J. E. Dukes, tbe popular clerk of the Purcell House, will leave to-night for Raleigh but will return on Wednes day. They do say that our young friend will come back spliced aud that Miss Minnie Boiner is the lady who is to share life's fate with the happy and expectant gentleman. We have noticed that our Water street merchants will keep their I young friend was rery smiling of late and lion. J. B. Batchclor, of Raleigh, is in the citron a visit to his daughter. Mrs. II. Loeb. Ger. brig Graf Biinnrk cleared Sat urday for Glasgew by Messrs I'aterson, Downinsr Sc Co., took out 2,440 barrels rosin. i wits complete. Call and examine. 8at- i.fct ion guaranteed to customers. Now is the time to iupplj your families. A full line of those. CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLU. In lace and buttons. See- in- U believing. Convince yourself of the A new lot of those 8COTCII SOLE GAITERS lust received. Don' forget, thai oi l number. C ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street. aor8 BEAUTIFUL HAI3 ORNAMENTS- jVD UAllt NOYKLTIE3 Jt rseslrsd, a fall Use of ChQdrea'a and V 1st 91 Cloaks now n aala and at tt low pric. Rtanp ia from tta latat pattarma. Balr Work ia anT itjle mad to order. Orders by mail vill f ecira prompt attention. Addrra Pott OS Box 301. di IS X- FxBtf8t CLYDE'S AND Wilminaon. Steamship feet dry in Wlntar by wearing toil's boots and shoes. The Berger Family quiries for dates at the for one night next month. engagements for the Opera 'Ilouse now Rosen t have made m- Opera Ilouse There are no in response to an inquiry as to what time the train left, he blandly answered Wed nesday. Our best wishes attend you. Sad and Fatal Accident. Another terrible and fatal accident, doe to the present man-trap method of The weather seems settled at last To-1 coupling cars, occurred at Shoe Heel day opened with clouds and fors but closes with sunshine and soft dews. A week or two of such weather now would make us all young again. . We notice that Tom. Dick and Harry are father s recipe fortunes through advertising, but the people know, the value of Dr. Ball's Coujrn Svrnp and will take no other. rj. c. Line. on the Carolina Central R. R., on last Saturday afternoon, about half-past 5 o'elock. Mr. .Thomas Butler, engineer on the local freight train, while his train was at Shoe Heel stepped in between two nn ;A,?nV h nT, i"n of tte to c00 them, when his foot now appearing with their Grand-1 . - lcr's recipe for Cough3, etc. and I tripped and he fell forward between the cars. The wheels passed over both of his legs, which were horribly crushed. In i- formation of the sad affair was telegraph ed to the city and a special train was sent up that nijrhtconyeying the same just now. irora time immemorial every I physician from this city who attended to youagmanand woman begins a diary jr Hili's crushed arm at Abbottsburg. with the new year, and 1831 is no ex- Ssveral physicians from Lauriaburg were cepuon to tno rule. 1 also summoned and a consultation be- to be your own painter: Buy tha 1 1 ween them all resulted in tho opinion Enamel Faint; ready mixed and I that both legs must be amputated; This warranted at Jacobi's. t I was flccordinorlw Hone at 10 o'clock tm Mr. Henry Nutt, of this city, was in I terday morning but the shock tohissys- Raleich on Fridav. and the New and I tem was so CTeat that he sank under it o I . . Observer has something very handsome I and died about 12 o'clock, two hours al to say of him in connection with his la-1 ter the amputation was performed. The There is a rushing business in diaries THE STEAM SB GULF STREATJ1, CAPT. INGRAM WILL SlILfaOM SZW TOILS 03 SATURDAY. Jan. 15. 8hlppwi aa raly upoa tha prompt bors as Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Committee on River and Bar Improvement Works. Overboard. A little white girl tumbled into the river.this morning at the foot of Walnut street. She was standing on a piece of timber in Messrs. Altaffer, Price & Co's, docd. and lost her balance. As she rose she cluog to the timber and pulled her self out of the water. remains were taken to Laurinburg, the home of the deceased, for interment. Mr. Butler was about 40 years of age, as near as we can ascertain, tie came to Laurinburg from Virginia about two years ago and secured a situation on the Carolina Central Road. He - leaves a widow and three children, all girls. His life was insured, bat to what amount we could not learn. ? TCIBm OF BE8PICT. At a meeting of the Board- of Matris- I trates of Pender county, held at Burgaw on ine xutn instant, me louowmg reso lutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, Since our last meeting by the inscrutable wisdom of our God, our friend and companion, Dawson T. Dur ham, a wtost useful and honored member of this Board, has been removed from our midst; therefore. - - . - .. ; Kcsohed, That- while wo bow in hum ble submission to the omniscient will of Him who doth all tbingsjwell, we can not but deplore, with . deep and abiding grief, the mournful void of a loved and trusted friend,, whose spirit of truth and soul of worth, and noble, generous life haveenshrined him forever in tfie live liest affections)! the heart Kesolvcd. 2nd, That bv the death of Dawson T. Durham this Board has lost a most trusted counsellor, 'the State a most .valued citizen, the church a pious, useful member and his family the devoted husband, the tender father, the truest friend. -Resolved, 3rd. -That we tender' the afflicted family oar sincerest- sympathy, our high appreciation of the noble vir tues of -their loved and lost, and .our earnest belief that he has exchanged a gloomy world of sorrowing toil for the radiant realms of celestial happiness in which Hope paints for them in the glow ing colors of a sublime and immortal faith the glad reunion rest. Resolved, 4th, That1 this Board cause these resolutions to be recorded in our book of records to re quest their publication 'ah the Wilming ton star, jjaily Hethw, and tbe Raleigh Christian Advocate, and a copy sent to the afflicted family of the lamented de ceased. C. W. McClammt. 1 Jxo. D. Powers, . y Committee. T. H. W. McIhtirs, J Now Advertisement i. New A dvorticemonta. K. r0 SALE t odds (goods! and the eternal the' Chairman of ALL GOODS WILL BE SOLD I Now Advortltement. And OFim- WOUlf LANDING I STRICTLY FOR CIS P ill a BUSHELS PRIME r Ron White Corn Y IMMEWSE STOCK MUST BE SOLD i And Tor sale Jby B. F. Mitchell & Son. uumjakl, y. AJNU.iiJfiT BARGAINS 1 jan!7 J. S. R. Scovill, Morris, Ills., says: When your "Only Lung Pad" came to band, my son could not raise his head. He is now up and gaining everv dav. Sec Adc. m sailing of Btaaaera aa advertised. for fraiht Eacaemaata apply to . THUS. E. BOXD, Bsp't, : Wllrn ntob, N. C TUEO. Q. CGCS, freight lffeat, Saw Tork,' Wat. P. CLTDE A CO.. IS Broadway, ITaat York jaelO Groceries, &ct- 6000 BuIlCOR, Half Roll BAGGCS'O, 1UUU 1000 BunlIe3 Xew-n4 Pcd TiE3 1300 BburL0UR,a11 ETdMt 300 Bbl 8UaAR BAGS COFTXE, all grades, Krga NAILS, Tons nOOP IRON, 700 200 50 10 000 C)dj, Candlea, Crackera.CheeaetStareh, Lye, Potith, Pepper, Sp!ce, Wrapping Pa- Tou can now buy Improved Heating and Cook SUves at factory prices at Jacobi's. f abandoned. Ucn. 31. 1. layior ieceived here a letter last Saturday from Adjutant- General Johnstone Jone3, informing him that the proposed military display at the inauguration of Gov. Jarvis has been abandoned. The principal reason alleged is the distressing weather which has prevailed and the fearful conditiou of the street 3 in Raleigh, which renders them almost impassable to pedestrians. YVe advise our friends to call at Jacobi's Tor Household Hardware of every descrip tion. There you get the lowest prices. CltJ Court. - Minnie Williams, a habitue of Paddy's Hollow, was arraigned for being drunk and down, nis Honor suspended judg ment, however, in this instance owing to the recent good deportment of the de fendant, up to the time of the last offence. Several, butchers were arraigned fori avf the opportunity to miss semg.The J. IMKM ENGLISH BREAKFAST. UXC(UQ&ED8JPAN, ycuwg men. jin 15-2t Sacks SALT, per, c. Jan 10 For sale lowby IWILLIAifS A MURCHISOK. Fresh Every Day a risk iBdosmKirr or oahdizs, Praoeh and Do, Jwt rtalvad aad foi C3?y fa ctty. will bj fwnd rerv non-pavment of license tax. One of defendants who persisted in his refusal to pay, was fined $25 by the Court and sent below to the "Ward room.' Subse quently, however, we learn that defend dant agreed to pay his delinquent tax, when the Kayor remitted the fine, but required the offender to pay the costs in the case. It is but justice to the parties who were arraigned before the Court this morning to say. that they signified their willingness at first, before the Court passed sentence upon them to pay their taxes if the law was enforced in like manner against every other bu,tcher do teg butiness in the'eitv. Go to Jacobi's n for Doors, . Sash and Blinds,' pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glaas, all sizes. All at tha lowest prtcea.- , --V .'" v, t The-Bohemlan Glass Blowers Who are to exhibit in Little Giant Hall this evening, at 7:30 o clock, have been organized for the past thirty-five years, and are very highly 6poken of by those who have seen them. The Companj were present at the Philadelphia Centen nial, and the various and beautiful arti cles which they exhibited were much ad mired bv all who saw them. That the troupe is. a good one and well worth see . ." 1 1 A 1 I 1.11 log, is eviaencea oj me louowing leiier from Mayor Carrington, of Richxaond. Mayor's OmcE, Richxoxd, Vju, December 20, 80 Col. H. M. Walsh, Manager Bohemian Glass Blowers, City: Dear Sir Yourself and those who are under your management have given our people a rare treat in the novel and in teresting performance of glass blowing, which it would be a pity for those . who GUNP3WDER. IMPERIAL AN3 from 50 ceQt SX-35 Pr pu'd Theaa Tji hare bta very cirefolly s jlect-j elan4 ail who have m4 then testify to tbeir Sapai ier Quality Send for samples aid ow the vrry Bast aad Fareit Article. The Supreme Novelty BANKIN HALL OVER "LITTLE GIANT" Steamer. One week only, com mencing on Monday, January 17. THE BOHEMIAN GLASS BLOWERS. Profes sors Woodroffe, Carling and Company, with their $50,000 collection ot Wonders in Glass, or uentenmal l ame, including the superb model of the Centennial Corliss Engine, built of 5,000 pieces of glass and o Derated by steam. Bare glass ornaments presented tree to each audience. Levee every evening at 7.30. Grand dlirtrihntJnn nf nrnnmATitji ot.fi OILING' Matinees WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY at 2.30. Popular prices of admission, 23 cents. Children under 12 years, 15 cents. P. 8. Grand Baby Show on SATURDAY Ship Notice. All, rjKSON3 ABE bar, by cautioned against htr. EVENING. January 22. M. II. WALSH, Manarer. H. H. Nile3, Agent. jan 14 ot TH 1 S WE BE conduct of your whole party baa been free from reproach, and such as to beget the respect of those who visited voft?eX hibition. I give you this for what such an introduction may avail you in visiting other localities, and because I think your exhibition and your performers merit patronage. Yours very respectfully, W. C. Carrixgtox. As the price of admission is only 25 cents and 15 cents for children and the entertainment such a novel and interest, ing one, we feel that we can confidently promise the Glass Blowers large audi ences during their stay here. -All the beautiful ornaments are given to the an dience free of charge at every exhibition. Saturday, Jan, 22, there will be a grand baby show when a beautiful case of fancy glass work will be given to the baby bavins the lanrest number of votes. Ev ery Tuitor k titl;d to cir tote. : WE WILL OFFER AT LESS THAN COST, THE FEW CLOAKS AND DOLLMANS Dorlag or trusting any of tha crew or tne if or. Bark- Tf tani J. O. Albrethaen, Matter, as noc debts of their cjntractinr will be paid by Captain cr HJtlDJfi k CO Ja " 3t Oonslma. All Branches - QF BJSINS3 8UPPMED with Blank Books an i Stations ry &t resionable prices. Tbe Leading Series cf School Books ooa stantly on hand. Special ratal to atrthaati aad teachers. Another lot ef tha Calstra tid Orgninette iost received at jaa YATE8 BOOK BTOBX 10 For Playing AND' vfOBI on !aul to close out. OUR PRIDE OF 7IIE PAIlTRf Wt rettsusead as tbe Best sold in the city. All kvarf 9f Gvot White Bread weald to well to try it, Also a fall iine of FAMILY SUF?ilES I alwajffrrsh vlA of th B-'tt Qialiry . : Tj' Por ta!a?o7by : I iailT II aad IS Worth rroatJBt We are offering gome real bargains in Table Linens, Napkins, towels, Tr.y Napkins, &c. Carpets in all grades at tlie closest priccr. Oil Cloths in all width . Respectfully, .1 jan 11 R. M. McINTIRE. LL THE LETTJfittB Osmes. Tbe Game of t ' Quick Wita, : WarofWords, With ihi Orlilaal Bolet aad Stw If eihods, never before publish : d. Prict 25 aea's. . Por tale at , - jan 15 Hm8BEEOmS lire Book aad Uasio Btort. Clothin? and FurniBhing Goods pO GENTS, TOO'. H AD BOYP, Overcoats UlsUrs aad 01 :rr tt, s, rnVreraa. '.. ,'" SatehaU, : Valises, c, lc, at , i, h isHRIlU'J, Jan 10 . .:. - ' ' , II irxet itrtet. Corn U3eaf. - 400 BU3HEL3 mill licit, Jan U Tor sale tj , HALL A PJCABLALL Butter and Ohecco. Por salt by - HAua&.pEmiDAiia jan IS ! t i.

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