1 paallihed every afteraeoa Saadays r . w wtu fecfadtoreeaivweosuasaiaa!at rrom oar frtadj oa axy aad aU nthati rrltaiarwt bat Ta aa of ta writw nasi always b Hr pULmi to lac Sdltor. OoaLmnnlMtiAma rum mm k. . JOin T. J AM Eft. anrro ajtd raoraurroa, BDBaCBU,TI058.108TA0E PAID. vsr,SS 00 8Ixmt, M j Three avsths.$l 34; Oae moath, W eata. oaa mi&m of the papst. Peraoaalltiae aw AwoSde4 And It Is tpe4allf parteUrij,m4ar fh- f s per will bU!lverd Dy Mirier, uf eLarr. ir. tnr parr of tberitv.aita 4dvrtuiojr rats low and lioerat VOL. V WiiLttLNUTOK, i. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY 18 1881. NO. 278 fwa som sn aonrv m aoi always ca4ers t:iwof eorrMpoaMOig 'vsImvm 4 in hw editorial eola -n , X-8atibrs will please report aay aad i! 'ail htm to receive their papers reniarly. A ....J iL 1 New Advertisement. 32 Market St. 32 8ln of the Show Caio with ti Shoemaker- M1 T STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES alwars complete. Call and examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now la the time to supply your families. A full line of thoe CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, In lace and buttons. See- la? is believing. Convince yourself of. the rrt. A new lot of thoe SCOTCH SOLE OA ITERS Jujst recdred. Don't forget .the old number. C ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street. aor t BEAUTIFUL HAI3 OHMAMEflTi SD if UK NOVKLTIK3 fast rsoelrs. A fall line of Children and Plsro Cicskj now n sale aad at T low priees. Htaap la froi Use Uut pattens. Hair Work ia an? style made to ordor. Orders by mall will receive prompt attention. Address Post OS.0 Box 331. MI3S K. KA.BRER, dee 15 Na. nnh Front' fit CLYDE'S Kiev Yorfs AND Wilmington. Steamship n. c. ne. TUB STEAM EK BENEFACTOR, OUT. JONES. WILL BAllfBOlt JTHW TOR OS SATUBDAY, Jan. 22. Shippers eu rely vpom the prompt sailing of Bteaaart as adrtrtiied. for Iralxlit Cnxasasatt apply to THOS. C CO.ID, Bap't, Wnminrtoa, If O. TO BO. O. KGKR, Trslxht Art, aew York. W1L P. CLYDE k Ca. U 'Bread vsr. 5 tar York IsalO Groceries, &c, 6000 BusJxC0RJf 200 BlfnAY 1000 nlf RoU BAGcn,G' 1000 Banile Isew-IU3li roi TIES, 22 q q Bbls FLOUR, all grades. 300 Bbla SUGAR, all grades, BAGS COPTEE, all grades. 700 gQQ Kegs NAILS, CQTon HOOPIRON 10 000 Caadj, Candles, Crackers.Cheese.SUrcn. Lye, ToiMh, Pepper, Splce Wrapping Pa per, &e. Tor sale low by Jan 10 WILLIAM8 A MURCHISOy. Fresh Every -Day . riK 4OKTMKBT OP CAS DIES, 05LT OEKUIKB npMB-UlDX J" F lly fKrh i '"'- 'S"' '-7' . ' 't " 4jfif-r - LOCAL NEWS. Nw drrtuemeDU Croxlt&Mobris Bananas J D Nctt & Co Pel' Corn Solvent Raxkix IIall QltAA Blowers Hcjxsberobb WritlDj: Paper, &c C.W Yates All Branches A & I Shbier Clothing and Furnishing Good i The skat to? rink is still in full blast The cotton receipts at this port to-day foot dp 446 bales. Mr. Donald AlcUae ha3 so far im proved as to be able to sit up. The market is Doorlv supplied with country produce, fish and oyst-rs. - Toucan now buy Improved Heating and Cook Stoves at factory price at Jacobi'm. You must shake a fire-dollar bill at a dealer now if you want a cord of good wood. There is an un mailable letter ia the Postoffice for T. H.Smith, Arlington N. O. Alternate cloudy and clear weather to-day, with a little rain, and a little a reryilittle snow. Gold was first discovered in California in 1848. Ur. liall mmenced to pre scribe his Cough Syrup in the same year and now it is the leudinsr cough remedy tbroogboat the country There will be a dearth of amusements for the balance of the season. Nothing is booked Jot the Upcra tlouse, and so far, only one inquiry for dates in. Feb ruary. And now they tell us that, stimulated by the eiamplo set by Mr. Dukes, the iunior clerk at the Purcell is about to follow the path tread by the Duke. Oh! Benny! We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip tion. There you get the lowest prices, t Steamship Regulator, CapL Doane, arrived here this afternoon from New x ork. after an absence of a month or more, during which time she has been runninz between New York and Phila- delphia. - Tinney Mcllhenny the colored lunatic escaped again from the Insane depart ment at the Poor House and was arrest ed by the police last night. He was re- tamed to his old quarters again this morning. The Charlotte Observer tells us that work on the third wire of the American Union to Columbia is still being prose cuted, bat the swamp being- overflowed on the lower end of the Carolina Central it has been necessary to discontinue work at present on the Wilmington wire on account of the difficulty of getting post3. Indications. For the South Atlantic States threat ening weather and rain,northerly to east- cny wicas, stationary or a sugut rise iu temperature and during the rest ot Tuesday slight changes and followed on Wednesday by falling barometer. rown the River. Gen. J. B. Imboden and Mr. . K. Hyndmap, the gentlemen of whom we spoke yesterday at length in connection with their visit to this city, went down the river this morning on the steam tug Woodbvrry, accompanied by Mr. Henry Natt, Gen. M. P. Taylor and Mr. Bacon, the engineer in charge of tie government works. Thay will visit Smithville and the works at the month of the river and will return to the city late this afternoon. 0 Go to Jacobi's for Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices. f fir. HHPs condition. The news from Abbottsburg to-day relativoto Mr.W. E. Hal's, condition, is very sad. His injuries are now said to be ratal. No hopes are entertained of his recovery aad his death this noon was expected at any moment. It was thought to be impossible for him to live throughout the day and we fear that ere this.reachea the eyes of our readeie his kindly spirit will have winged its flight The family physician from this eity, the same who went up to Abbottsourg ana Shoe Heel last Saturday, is with him tc- day and we know that, all that care and skill aoald accomplish has beea done. How to be your own painter 5 Buy tat K. Y. Enamel Pa&t, raady rsdxad, and wtrrsnted at "Jaqow's. - t " The Greit lllintlc (feist Inltnd.Canal The idea of a continuous line of inland navigation along onr Atlantic seaboard is almost as old as our Government. Our first President - (George Washington) manifested his faith in its desirability. by taking an active part, and investing liberally in the Dismal Swamp Canal. As early as the year 1807, the Secreta ry of the Treasury urged the matter up oa Congress. He says: "Should thi great work be accomplished, a sea vessel entering the first canal in the harbor of Boston would, through th'o Bay or Rhode Island,. Long. Island Sound, and the harbor of New YorVf reach Brnhs wick, on the lunuo ; thence . pas through the second canal to Trenton, ou the Delaware, down that river to Chris tiana or Newcastle, and through the third canal to Eik river and the Chesapeake : whence sailing down that bay aid up Elizibeth Biver,it would, thre jgh the fourth eanal, enter Albemarle Sound, and by Pamli co, Core and Bogue Sounds, reach Bean fort and Swansborongh in North Caro lina. The first . of these canals across Cape Cod is now being constructed. The three last mentioned have been in success ful operation many years, and more than twenty five years since a formidable ri val to the Dismal Swamp Canal was projected by persons in Norfolk, Ya., and so wonderlul has been the increase of traffic through them that daring the fis cal year ending September 30th, 1880, six thousand seven hundred and seventy- four craft were passed through the Al bemarle and ChesapeakeCanal, yield ing a revenne from tolls of $86,138.99. Congress has from time to time raadoj liberal appropriations for surveys, Of routes to extend the Canal - fur ther south. A line was sur veyed in 1837 by Col. James Kearney, of the U. 8. Topographical Engineers, to connect the Neuse with the Cape -Fear Biver. In 1875 Col. Abert made an other survey with the same object in view, but so great were the obstacles en - countered, that Congress in 1878 made another appropriation for a third survey, which was made under the direction of i Capt C. B. Phillips, (see his report, Senate Ex. Doc. No. 73, 46th Congress, 2nd session. From his report we learn that he, like his predecessors, devoted much labor, and surveyed hundreds of miles, in the vain endeavor to discover a practicable route for a canal to con- aect with the Cape Fear .Biver above Wilmington. He finally abandoned, that idea, and recommends the route through the Sounds, connective with the river r KM three miles below Wilmington. In the year 1876, three Wilmington gentlemen, who were familiar with the Sounds on the Coast of North Carolina, beinsr imnressed with the importance of 4 haying the Inland Canal extended further South, applied to the Legisla ture for a charter, which was ratified March 12th J877, granting unto them the "exclusive right for a term of thirty years to construct xne canais. xacj immediately went to work reconnoiter ing and surveying, and finally succeeded I in locating the same route that is now I recommended by the report above mentioned. They estimate, the cost of opening this route by thousands instead of the millions of dollars estimated by previous surveyors, bat owing to the general impecuniosity of our Southern people they have as yet beea unable to do more. So soon however as. they can succeed in finding a copartner who has a few thousands to invest, the will rapidly I proceed with their cherished enterprise. I The river has fallen oft' since the last freshet, until now there is only a depth of twelve feet on the Shoals with the water still falling slowly. From the pi lot of the steamer A. P. Hurt, in this morning from Fayetteville, we learn that the damage to the sunken steamer, Gov. Worth, is not so great as was at first feared. The hurricane deck has been swept away by the freshet, together with the pilot house and forward cabin of the promenade deck, bat the after cabin and the frames of the stte rooms cq, ;, that part of the port, as well as the after part of the promenade deck, are still preserv ed, though ia a damaged condition. The work of raising the' sunken steamer, we learn, will be commenced to-morrow. I. the best fits and tha ezrt tha Uttls enss art t Hzzzz the? far . . . LITTLE GIA3T HIM Bohemian Glass Blowers. There are but few, if any, of our citizens who have seen anything toequal the gfcss novelties made by the Bohe mian Glass Blowers, who opened a short engagement in the Little Giant Hall last evening. The company, six in num ber, sre polite, affable srentlemen. who An ever willing to answer questions and entertain their audiences. The descrip tire lecture with models is more than, treble worth the price of admission; Apart firoufthe novelty- and nnrqueness of the entertainment given by tbe Bo hemians, it is a very instructivejone, and one ia which a child, and a - great many adults, robld learn Jmore from obscrra tura and oral instruction than could be attained by weeks of reading. The Corliss engine is what ia known as a walking beam marine engine, and is a marvel of perfection, - being made eu tirely of glass All the workings of the valves, machinery, etc., can be seen and much better understood than could be learned from text books. By means of this engine each valve or joint can be dis sected, so to ' speak. ' The flexible glass bonnets, slippers, tidies, crochet mats glass lace handkerchiefs, and other specil mens attracted much attention, wonder and! admiration. Prof. Woodroffe, who is no stranger to our older citizens, he having paid Wil mington several visits in ante-bellum j days, explains how every article is made as he is manufacturing them and by this means enables his audience to-jaore. fully comprehend what they seel The com pany are thorough masters of their art and when one remembers - that thoy work the most brittle of all substances,glass he can but stand in wonder and admirations of their skill. The large number of or naments which were- made daring the entertainment were given away and to night we are assured that an additional I number wilj be given to the audience. 1 The roting for the handsomest baby, in the city mi commenced and will be con tinued during the week. To morrow af ternoon a matinee will bo given. We would advise our citizens to pay a visit to the entertainment. Water street merchants will keep their feet dry io Winter by wearing Rosen thal's Uts and shoes. t Llpptncoti' Alagaztae Lippincott's Magazine for February is the second number of the new series and gives satisfactory evidence of the improvements promised at the time o the change. "Down the Red River o the North," by Alice Ilgenfritz, is sprightly and profasely illustrated sketch of a trip through the province of Mani toba. In "A Celestial Colony"a graph ic description is given of that part o San Francisco known as Chinatown. Fietion is attractively and liberally rep resented by the serial "Lilith," whichs continued with increasing interest, and three capital short stories, viz., "Mon sieur Paul's Heroism," bv Louise S. Houghton; "The Konrasoffs," by Vera Lapoukhyn: and "A Midwinter IIo- mance," by L. K. Black. The more solid articles of the number are an analytical description of "Welsh Wosten," bj Wirt Sykes ; a discussion, under the ititle of "Power-Centres," by an eld journalist, of. the various types o1 journals, and the why and the wherefore of their existence ; an able criticism of Sarah Bernhardt in her various charac- iers, by II. G. Tan Renssellaer ; and "Among the Cherokees," an account of that prominent tribe, with observations made daring a visit, by A. M. Williams. A. bright sketch, entitled "A Country Tavern in Winter," by Mary Dean ; two striking poess, with the usual variety of "Monthly! Gossip" and literary criti cisms, form the balance or a choice num ber of this justly popular magazine. DliipnroTO The Contract. The Board of Audit and Finance met yesterday afternoon to take into consi deration the contract made by the Board of Aldermen with - the Wilmington Market Company. After conrldfration it was decided that the Board of Audit and Finance do not approve of the con tract, and a committee, consisting of the Chairman j Mr Norwood Giles, and Mr. XL J. Jones, was appointed to draft in writing the reason, for the disapprovaL The opinion of the Cit j Attorney, which rxs called for by thn Beard, was that th) c:-trz:t to fllejal. " . - List or Leters. The following is a list f th MUra re maining unclaimed in tbe City Pouffi WedneUy Jo. 19ib : A Thomas Ash ford, J H Alexander. BJno Bennett, Jim Barlow, Willie Beasley, Capt Whitey Berry, David Bry ant, Hannah Blunt, Maggie C Beneman. C Emma Croom. Jane Cole, Willie Jane Carter, Irven Coston, Jas P Chap man, Julia Couner, Shade Couner, W C Cowans. t D HfBter Davis, Henry Day, Jauie Davis, L W Da vis. . EHeory Evans. F Hay wood' Faiscn, Fosdick, Joo Faison, Sarah Fagans. G Hill Green, Philip G!eaon, Nan cy E Green. H Madam Hall, Hannoh Hicks, Henry M Hall, Joseph H Hall. J-- Sallie Jones, Mamie Jones, Han nah Johnson. Emma Jones, N A Jack son, Alfred Johnson, Alfred Judge, Ben- jamine Judge. KValhe D Kerr, Thomas H Kent, W F Keith. L- Linda Lspsiccm, Wm Livingston,' Albert J Lewis, Thos E Lord, Giles E Lennon, P Lineham, Jas Lenore, Har dy L Lee. " M Maggie MIMiller, Lucy Mack, C P Majers, George Massey,' Geo Morris. Ed Morris, J Metzger ,& Son, Joo E Morris, W B McRimmons ' D W Mathews, Duncan McFadgen. . ' N Mary J Nixon. ' P Anna L Price, E L Pierce, Eddie Mrice, John Pndgen, N M Patterson, F 1 Jfetteway, Thos II Paul. R CARowell, Caroline Reete, Fan ney Roberts, Harriet Russ, Jno H Rone b Addie B Southerland, Julia San ders, Sara Stewart, AV D Smith, Daniel M Smith. T George Taylor, G Iennie Tf eslyan Thos It Tart, Rudolph .Teitb, Sallie B Trast. ' W-Patience Wrigght. Burgess Wil liams, G WilsonL Geo R White, Geo D Williams, Jno A Wilson. WF & S H Weston. Persons calling for letters ia above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 80 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D C. E. R. BRINK, P.M. Wilmington, N. C, New Hanover County, N. C ' .. . J. b. it. bcoviu, Morris, ills., says:-i- Wheuyonr-4,t)nIy Lung Pad" came to hand, my Bon tould not raise his " head. He is now up aud gaining every day. bee Adv. New Advertisements. Pel's Corn Solvent. TTTARR ANTED TO CURE A CORN IN S hours if used as directed or money re- fond ed. No pain or tore toes attending 1U use. 25 ct. For sale by J.D. NUTT &CO., Druggists. jan Bananas. yTlLL RESUME THE SALE OF BAN ANAS, on board Schr Julia Elizabeth, to morrow (Wednesday) morning, at 10 o'clk. CRONLY & MORRIS, janl8.lt ; Auctioneers. rpHB PARAGON Writiog Paper Paeksf. Tbs Good Lnct racket, The Climax Packet, Tbe Climtz Cabinet, For sale at HEIN?BERQEh'd. rpae HADT POCKET FE' BOX, PaU oflVf. Pries 10 ct. A newu??lj cf Atoni ic Pereii'. Prle 25 catts For s tie at Jvj 18 TlB LIVE lt'OK-3rt Ri, 4 NOW LANDING I 5,500 BUSHELSPRIME White Corn And Tor sale by B. F. Mitchell & Son. jan 17 - . , . . All Branches Q? BJSINf 8 5 8i.PP: JED with Blatk BaoksaniSUtioaery at reuosabls prices. Tbe Leading Perfes cf Febool Books, eon staatly on bacd, 8pcial rates ty taerchanU aadteaeherc. Another lot cf tbe C!sbra ted Orgalsetts last received at - ' V".YATE3' BOOK STOIC. ". Hew AdTiprtissiiioata The Supreme novelty AT RANKIN HALL OVER "LtTnJL " .' - , GIANT" RtAAItf Vr,- 1 mencinur cm Monday, Januarv 17. THE BOHEMIAN OLA8i?BLOWERS: PjJ sors Woodroffe, Carllng and Company, with their $50,000 collection of Wondersm Glass, of Centennial Fame, Including the superb model' of the Centennial Corliss Enrtne. built ol 5,000 pieces of glass and ooerated by steam, r Ra trlaas OrnamenU presented free to each audience. t ; . i ..f, evenlng;at 7.80. Orand distribution of ornament at 9.' ' ni W?NE3DAY atM 8ATUR. DAY ata. Popular pricet of admission, . 25 canU. Children Under 13 ycara, 15 ernts. wPi.?rVT.2rM1 8hrtr oa 8ATTJRDAY EVENING, January 23. - M. lf. WALSIT, Manairer. H. H. Nilks, Agent. Jan, H.tf THIS VEBK ! WE WILL OFTER AT LF.8A . THAN w'i. i lit, r-v . i ; ; - C'.OAKS AKD OOLLMAHS on hand to close out. '' it We are offering some real bargains in Table Linens, Napkins, Towels,' Tray 5 ' Napkins, Ac. 5 Carpets in all grades at the closest prices. Oil Cloths in all wdths . ; r ' Respectfully, ' ' " Jan 11 R. M. McINTIttg. Clothing and Furnishing Gopdo "0 GENTS, YOOTBS.I ' AUD IOTP. Overooats, Dlsiersand Ulsterettof,. .' ' . . .' ." 4 ; ' - . ' ' ' . . I p Talliesi Ae,y.Aeyiat Jan 10 If atkat atMat. ENGLISH BREAKFAST. UMCOLOREO JAPAN, T0UWQ HY80M. QUnPOVOED. T . IMPERIAL ADD oolohq. roa 50 cents to OX20 per pc& Thes Ten have besa very carefally "seUet eland all who lava tued ttm Ustlfy to their Bapeiior Qaalllj. Fetd for saaplsi aid me the nrj Bet a&d Poreit AlUel. -1 OUR PRIDE OF THE PANTRY w rjcommead "as the Best sold la the elty AUbvsriof Good W bite Bread woald e) wU t7 try it. also a foil ilae of FAMILY SUF?1!20 f alwajs fresh aad of the Best Qiailry Tea Fo?sa!e low by' "i.".' '':: John I. EcTitvrnziiij jta it ; ' utzi w i:zzth rr'-t ct I