una riPM FUHUSrOTICS. . We will bag fad to rtetlvt ecaarikailMs iron w fricndi oa aay aad aU2 rc JanTe ,Caoeraliataratt bat Taa naa. of Oa writer mxxt alwayt be ht aiaaedte the Editor. . Y Ooaaaalaatloas mrntt be wrtttea: oa oi 17 oaealdaof the paper ParfoaaUUatmM. tdid And itbes9eeUllTMURaaiarlTa48r ttood that the Edivw m not alwaja cadort the views ot eorreeporitfeMi vsdan w H4 in tkf flxfltoHftl eolWL ' ; u pcoflihad tvary afUraaoa, fitadsyl josn. t- Jinni. rorro ajtp raofmrjrroa, -ntmjiwrrnTS P08TAGK PALD. r 4 a. reax.fSOO giimo-tli, llMTim; ik i ii f Da mo a til. W etata. r. paper will b dalivarad by rrir - .ifehar.i abv paT? tba elty, altne . VQjL. V WILMINGTON, N. cl, WEDNESDAYv JANXJARY 19. 1881 'i: 279 4rfft.iL raia aa J Hbarat Sttbnlxrt trill pUaarpori any aad tl fftllarM to rewive Mr papartregntnrty. Daily fY ffoTr AdvertiBemanta. IT GEORGE MYERS', 11 & 13 South Front St. trrmk artfvAltavary mk of fh CHOICEST FAMI.T QSQCERIE&t i fMava CtiM Pral'f u4 TpgetUlMy .Feel', ! ar Cct.1 !l liana, Llai 3ulpa u4 jhoxhlari. ffrv 8tak of Champagne Wines ! B1 3riu,r dt ni Clan Wbbkay, Xaprta4 aad Do net Us Cigar, rr tu at lew Prteea, CEO. MYERS, aa S Noa 11 aad 11 Booth Croat'? a EHQUSH BREAKFAST. UflCOLQREQ JAPAN, YOUHQ HYSQM IMPERIAL AHD fro n CO U 0X 35 par pouf TatM Taj aava ba very caxtfallr "2ct i ad a&d all wq hare ul. tVaa tu7y to thaxr BajMiUr Qaillty. a4 for sasanlas aid m tha very Bat aad Parnt Artielt. OUR PRIQE OFeTHE PAMTBT wa roostta.d aa tat Bt sold lata city. . All Lvan of Good Wait Bread wsoldif waUUtryiu' lUo afalTUavf FAMILY SUPPLIES ! alwtji frti and ef the Bt Qmalhy For talalowiy Vjoliu I. Boatrigliti It aad It Naitt Front fit NOW LAUDING ! 5,500 B"" - Whiteporn And Tor tale by B. F. mtchell Sono LOCAL: NEWS. Nw Advetrnavmeiit. Bkxj. Bell, Secretary Cape Fear Ixxlje No-2, 1 O. O.F. uro n uarriss, Keporter Jmiirriu o Honor Hall. A Psarsali. Lee'a Agricultural Lime. ' See ad. ProhlblUon Meeting. J F Gabrell Straw. Q AC MrRKlAM Webster's Dictionary. C P Mrs an e Ship Notice. Heixsberoek Writing Paper, fce C W Yatk All Branches A A I SiIriek Clothing ami Furulshlojr Good The cotton receipts' a r this port to-day foot np 373 bales. Jno. T. Raymond and "Col. Svllers' were in Raleigh List evening. Cspt. V. Q.Johnson, of thin city, was registered in Kalejgh on Monday. Ton can now bay Improved Heating and Cook Staves at factory prices at Jacobi's. f It yon would avoid disappointment and save time and money , take Dr. Kail s Uougn byrup and none other. As a member of the Knights of Honor Mr. Hill's death ensures to his wife a benefit ot $2,000. He was also insured we. understand, in the Traveller's Insur ance Company to the amount of $5,000 ladies wno appreciate elegance and purity are using 1'arker s 11 air Ualsam It u the Dest article sold for restoring g ray hair to its original color and beauty. Col. B. R. Moore goes to Raleigh to morrow for tne purpose of presenting certain petitions to the Legislature, praying them to enact a no-fence law for New Hanover county. "We spoke of this matter at some length a week ago. Go to Jacobi's for Doors, Sash and Blind, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glaaa. all size. All at the lowest prices. t Indications. For tht South Atlantic States threat emog weather and rain,, northerly to easterly winds, falling barometer, stationary, or a slight rise in tempera luxe. ' - ' Gave as the Jump. Robeson JS: Crane's party, playing "Sharps & Flats," passed through this city on Sunday night. They made a jump from Richmond 'to Charleston. James Collier's "Banker's Daughter" party passed through the city the same night. They jumped from Charleston to Norfolk. Why is it we could not get them to 8top here, we wonder? We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip tion. There veu get the lowest price, f Selling the Old Market Home. The Finance Committee of the Board of Aldermen, consisting of Mayor Fish- blate, Aldermen Foster and VonGlahn, met at the Mayor's office in the City Hall at 12 o'clock to-day to receive and open bias ior me uia juarKei xiuusc aa it now stands at the foot of Mar ket street. Only one bid' was handed in and this fram Alfred nowe for $150. The committee thereupon accepted the bid and closed the contract with Howe lor the amount above named. The Glass Blowers. The attendance upon the exhibitions of te, blowers" is continually on the iacrease. It is a fact that the skill man ifested by the operators is truly marvel ous and meritorious. There is not a particle of hnmbag Jabout the perform ance in- any "way. "We leant that the teachers of several schools in this city have made a request for a special exhibition for the benefit of their pupils on Thursday afternooa, which has been granted by the proprietors, and the price of admission reduced to 15" cents for all who attend in a body with the pupils. Below we give a list of all .the babies who have been m voted-for up to last Tuesdsy evening. Edward Gause, Marion Birdiey, Carrie B. HarriJ. Susie Parsley, Charlie Mebtae, R. M. Grant, Lizzie Robinson. Mary B. Worth, Emma B. West, Daisy Kewbary. Louise M. King, Louis Cut- lar. Acnle .Bowden, Loeille March ison, Ada V. Davia, Lula DeRosset, Mary C. Lippitt, Baby Kidder, Katie Harlow, Altna Sprunt, Bertha Scarboro, Arthur Shutte, Jennie Peck, Mary Jewett, Bessie Brock, Ethel Pannelte, Katie lUfltt,Edgtx Bear, Daisy Keathly,Lucy JLidnwx. . ; - y " V- Board or llderaeo. The Board 1 1 Aldermen met in called session at the City Hall yesterday after- noon, the Mayor and the full Board pres- cnt Mayor Fishblate stated that he had! called this meeting for the purpose of rfwitfc-. a 7t tTw 7 J r- deeds for property sold for city taxes. and also to receive a communication from the Board of Audit and Finance relative to the' market queition. Alderman -M vers, Chairmau of the Committee on Ordinances, offered an Or- - Hinaaep. whir.h was adonted. Pmnowerin the City Attorney to make the necessary deeds or conveyance to the city lor al- real estate sold by him for the non-pay. ment of taxes, and upon which the said taxes are still due and unpaid, and mak ing provision for the redemption of the said property within two years from the 1st of January, 18S1. A communication from the Board of Audit and Finance, disapproving the contract with the Wilmington Market! Company, was read, as also the opinion of the City Attorney pronouncing the contract illegal. The Board of Audit and Finance, in their communication to the Board of Al dermen, say: "We return- herewith the contract with the Market Company referred to this Board for approval. It is returned without such approval, as we believe it to be illegal. We are opposed to the wi nA o anil manner Trnnnaf1 nf TiRvinw fnr u.wmw wmv. mamuu. v w " I v " r O the markets, we ao not. mins u rignii or legal fo barter away for a terra of eighteen years an unknown portion of the city revenue for the purpose named in said contract, and especially when the barter is coupled with conditions that will seriously interfere with the privi - leges of tha citizens ot Wilmington notl only venders of fresh meats, but commis - sion men and grocers, a ne conaitionai mt i . - of the sale of the property to the city are, that all revenues aerivea irora me rents of stalls, license taxes of. butchers, 'and other dealers in perishables, as well as xees ior weighing Deeiitne enforcement ot market-regulations. cattle, lor a term of eighteen! years shall be collectednd retained by the Market Company: and for the par - pose of enlarging this fund, ordinances are to be passed and rigidly enforced,! prohibiting the sale of all marketable ar-1 ticlesand perishable articles within four blocks in any direction from the market neuse namea. xae more s incur lacHeiwun. aiy oi tne provisions cereoi, are oppressive laws are enforced to the in-1 convenience of many merchants and citi-1 zens, the larger the sum paid by the city fnr th nronertv. lieairiner to have lesl information in the matter or so much lm portance to a tax paying community, we sought ana ooiainea me opinion oi me i. t - a J t S iL. city attorney, which is herewith enclosed. If. as he believes, this contract cannot be legallv entered into, and it should be so decided by the courts, there is no pre- vision made for the retura to the city of f 4 1 4liA iln I unyoi uuu revenue .u uV ket Company, or their successors, or the narment of anv citv taxes during its un- disputed continuauce." Alderman Divine offered the following, wHirh wa.q ndnnted: Resolved. That the facts set forth in the ooiections to tne maricei contract oy i . ..a i a . a. I the Board of Audit and Finance are not Ma r- . . I snffirient to load this Board to change its - I awvu u " I Alderman Mvers moved that me m Board of Aldermen ratify its action as taWnftt the regular meeting of Decern- ber Gth, 1880, in accepting the contract with the Wilmington Market Company. The motion was carried, Aldermen Bow den and VonGlahn votiD? ia tne nega tive. Alderman Foster moved that the old market houso be sold to Jos. Sternberger at bis bid of cne handred'and thirto, dol lars, unless a more favorable bid be re ceived by the Mayor, chairman of the committee oa Finance, by 12 o'clock M. to-dav I January 19th, 1880). The mo- tion was carried, Aldermen Bowden and VonGlahn again voting in the negative. Alderman Myers submitted the follow ing ordinance which was adopted: MARKET ORDINANCES. Be it ordained , by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen as follows: 1. That the market build in? and lots 5rn" ifom Fwnt in block 549 at of Fourth and in block 13S. . extendin street to the river, and the northeast corner of Fourth and I Campbell streets, and in block 7C at the! SWlJStoKSS dShr.!?d be the pablic markets ana market places I of the City of Wilmington. 2. Carta and other vehicles bringing v4-m -f.l rirVt I "rTUi:rr:::rT Xlr: ?" "JSrrr JSftirJrr'lS: I streets, next to the sidewalks, adjacent I Liin iiiAi m.c a uu a a uu m oa w. m wwwk maw to the markets at the corners of fourth andCamDbell streets, and Fifth and Castle streets. 3. The stalls in the said Market House shall be rented annually on the 1st; Monday of Febniaryia each year br puhlio acuoa to tht A ? A A tijhcit Y. C1SJJ be for oca year, and stalls- not rented at I ach times, and those becoming vacant darrag -Tental year, shall be rented ntftl (rom m0Qth to m0Bth I untif the Jbext anneal renting, provided that, who eo rented privately, the wni I i0' met ihaU, not exceed ten (sjio j Mol.Ia! P?? u.th for each single stall, i and nve 15 dollars per month for each fish stalL Stands under the ' sheds shall be rented privately from month to month or from day to day. 4. Ko .person or persons shall sell or ffer, or Expose for gale, 'except at one or the otlar of said market-places, any butcher's "meat, fresh meat, fresh fish. venison or other game, poultry, wild fowl, A tbttf!hSrl within tha foKowinrr nta. to wit : Beginnlnr cm the river at the foot of Harnett street, thjace. east with Harnett street to Eighth ftreet, thence South with Eighth street to Chestnut street, tbence West with Chestnut street to Fifth street, thence fcouth with Fifth street to Orange street, thence East with Orange street to Ninth street, thence South with Ninth street to Wright street, thence West with Wright street to Front street, bat-ace iui m wim rruot sirueb iu vtwMie street, thence West with Castlfe strot to the river, and with the river to the be ginning; provided that nothing hereiu contained shall be construed to prevent the sale of vegetables or poultry by lie ensed grocery dealers from their stores, or of oysters, game, or fish sold in restau rants or eating houses, or ot poultry or hogs, consigned to commission merchants for sale by the wholesale. 5. No'hucksters or other persons shall lell, or offer or expose for sale, any of I caid -trnn"lrfaVi1 ; oTfiloa horain Vieffira I uiMiuubuwiw M&tw..kj M.v&w mentioned upon any ot the siaewaiss or I streets of this city. I 6. -It shall be the duty of the clerk I ot the Market to exercise a gen I eral supervisiqp over, the said market I houses and places ; to ' assign places to 1 carts or persons attending market, and eniorce order among them, and in said l markets : to decide all disputes which I . may arise between buyer and seller touch I ing the weight or measure of any article; i ana generally to do and periorm an acts I in and about said markets necessary for (the proper regulation (of the same, and 7; Any person violating any of the I provisions of this Ordinance shall be 1 deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and I upon conviction.' shall be fined, not to exceed ten dollars, or imprisoned ten da vs. for each and. every offence- 8. All Ordinances in conflict ith, or I which are repugnant to or inconsistent hereby repealed. 9. This Ordinance shall be in force I from and after this, 18th day of January, 1 lRSi . v Death of Mr. lllll. The announcement by telegram last evening of the death of Mr. William E. Hill, though not unexpected, cast a gloom over the entire community. He I was nruch esteemed bv all who knew him - aud was Un versal v respected. He was e ; , Uv one of M0" enterprising and public I - . . . m m spirited young men and his .oss will be 8e ve rely felt. He carce to this city when ouite a bov and has for the last twelve years been a uEeful and good citizen. . a some three vears ao he was one or a fi -t. tMu m nf niiri anA AAA AAA 1 1 A a.W(W VUMlkL Va . U W auv . LjnnU Ki.f A If At. Iiu tnv UU3U litblUIJi UUl Ulitl i' pu .... luc i'5 JJ""U'"- UVUi nKannH h I 'ot l'o r Kti i I d 1 n rr I Tatti- - i iAltAAl- 1 worits ttt uas "Teu lwr lQe P" 1 "ul uc xaet his death by a terrible accident Mr. Hill was about 31 years ot age and was, wo believe, born in England. He married in this city and leaves a wife and child; He was a member of Cape Fear Lodge, I. O. O.F., and also of Carolina Lodge, No. 434, K. of H. His remains were brought to this city this afternoon and wero met at the depot by a delegation- from those Lodges. The funeral Bcryices will take place to-raor- row morning lrom the Jscconu i-resDy- terian Church at 10 o'clock and the re- mains will be escorted ZSS the members of the Orders ceased was a member The Public Hospital. The Conference Committees from tha Board of Aldermen and Board of Conn- ty Commissioners appointed for thejpur pose of considering the propriety of establiahintr a citv Hospital, met in establishinir a city Hospital, met ihm rAmraissinnrs room at 7 o'clock on o pcuuua v to establish a public hospital in tnis city.l aecessary papers to be sent to Bat I " 7 yvy 1 - . I eiehare beingput m proper snape by I CM- . l-&f oonei. CamW ttonttrr. swd I will go forward this wesk and probably come up before the legisUtnre sorae time during the following week- or the .week after. Ladies, tha best fits and the easiest shoes for the littls ones art at Bozzx tSAT-V, City Court. - Isaac and Jim Bakery the colored twins, were arraigned before the Mayor this morning charged -with assault with a deadly weapon in the shape of a butch, er knife upon the person of Geo. Harp; colored, inflicting wounds on the arm, hand and head of Hays. This all hap pened last night about 10 o'clock, at the room of the First Ward Bucket Com pany, in Brooklyn, daring a meeting of the above named company. Health Of ficer Scharf, who resides in the neighbor hood, being notified, promptly repaired to the scene of conflict and arrested the two Bakers and carried lliem" to the Guard House. From the testimony ad duced in Court it seems that one of the Bakers was elected foreman of the Bucket Company at a meeting of the Company held last 'week, and that fraud was charged, one man'acknowledging that he voted twice, hence the call for the second meetiDg last night which ended in the row above named. Owing to the ab sence of the principal witness the cae rns continued until to-morrow morning at half-past 9 o'clock. Branch or the Land League. A meeting was held last evening for the purpose of effecting the or ganization of a branch in this city of the Irsh Land League. There was a very good attendance and much interest was J manifested by I m. . n those who were present, gentlemen were elected i ng IOilOV?in permanent officers of the organization, viz: . ' President John Barry. 1st Vice President John Dyer. 2d Vice President Thomas Monks. 3d Vice President DanQuinlivan. Secretary James Corbett. Treasurer. Dan O'Connor. Water street merchants will keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. t J. S. R. Scovill, Morris, Ills., fsays: When your "Only Lung Pad" came to hand, my son could not raise his head. He is now up and gaining every day. ee Adv. ; DIED. HILL At Abbotf6burg, on Wednesday, 18th inst., at 7 o'clock, P. M., WILLIAM E. HILL, aged 32 years, 1 month and 8 days. The funeral will take place from the Sec ond Presbyterian Church, to-morrow (Thursday) morniDg at 10 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend. ' New Advertisements. Carolina Loflge 434. Knuhti o Honor. BRETHREN : . You are hereby sum moned to attend the funeral of our de ceased brother W. E. HfLL, to-nionrow. (Thursday) morning. You will assemble at your Lodge Room at 9 o'clock, sharp. All visiting Knights of Honor in -the city are requested to attend. GEO. . IIARRISa, Jan 19 - Reporter TO THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS CAPE FEAR LODGE. Ho. 2, !. Q. 0. h I I ixl. Axirkr. : iou are ncreuv noiiiieu I TUinTTTiX- . ir 1 I rn mD of xa. t.mrtw f W -UWV W UW J V UA J W iM bU-iUV A V ktuuksuay) morning at u o'clock, sharp, to pay the last sad tribute of respect to our deceased Brnther: P. V. CI.. W. E. TTITX. Members or Orion Lolgc, No.' "67, a nd all I visiting Brtthers in the city are requested j to meet wfth us. Hv oraer of the N. G. BEN J.BELL, Secretary. Ship Notice. A LL PKRHOVR are herfbj cintioned stalest La-fcorin jfift or trnstins asy oi tne crew oi lr nvn Dirin.uiiuim r-r . Taraer, from Berb'ct, as D' iebts of their eoatxactiaf: will be paid by Certain or jaa 19-3t - "ot Prohibition Meeting:. fTIHERS WILL BE A, MASS MEET' 50 JL of eltfzera. bell in t&9 i ttr tuu, en Friday eveaiosr. rrt, at 8 o'cloc, t oraa fx a Couatv Prohibition Society, fa accord aaea wltn recoormeadation ot State frott- bitioa Coavertion. larely feeld ia tha eity of Raleicb. Cit z-o are r specially re dto jJJba Brink. Dr attend. Alex p'ont,. U U Kob er Uco a, W M farkar, J O MU- a-eClanmr. 8 H Maaainf, EdB Brink. Dr H a orc m, B li Worte and isjuty otbara. . jaa 13-lt STRAW ! STRAW ! STRAW ! oilK WHO YOU5 CAHW,- DSAY5 v J . , a ' t and War on t aid haal It iwit. I am almost ZTTiBr ur. ocvd bright Bisafctraw.u eJaNiW T A i y t.j bar. yard .ear Littda Brtdfe 25 eeobj fr a Ta-t Lead. tOy cents for a Drar Load. Si for a Two Horae Waon load, or 21 cantf p-r IM freusdj. Pat- as U rotd, nfes tiztt bale. Itisaal xeellmt feed for n et, m'ei or eowa. Very refpeetf ally, Jin ILt J F OAERELU Hew Advortiscxacrita. PREPARED AGRICULTUnALlir.il: for "4 C0TT0M. PEANUTS WHEAL CQ1UJ AMD VEGETABLES OF ALL tTITlDS or nit by . HALL & PEARSAU; GET THE BEST; rWBS7TP 1 URzmrf tuit tu.i , ffmrwnpiXihrntTt wmrw w-mr w- n M - . t . ir yon intent Rome day to rtt WEBSTfU'S UHRBRIDGED, "do vsr.jiow.?.Z " THE NEW iei ITIOIT ( uiains over It8,000 Words, 1323 Faes, J5COO EcsraViac, Four Pages Cclorod plates, 4600 NEW WORDS and Meanings, Biographical Dictionary of over 9700 Names GZT THE GTAKDAKD. WEWKDITIOX. ouKins a Supplement of JCy ovor4309 ,low wor.h nndmeaniogn. Eah n?w won! in Fu)p1mnt ban been lectO'tand ilcfmeJ vritlt great cw. WYYith Fiocnpb ictl Dictionary, now added, of YV over 9700 names of Noteil Terson. GET THE BEST. Edition of the ht Dictionary of the Enjp liih Lanc;u'j;o erc-r published. Definitions havo aiwi4y lren conceded to bm tK-tti-r than in any other Dictionary. ;. Iilustration", 3000, ftbout' three times m iTuisiy jw in any other Drt-tioziary. T'.ie Di"tinarv rnitnondwl by State Sup'te of 36 t-t.iufs 50 College l'restslent. , En the TuMi.! FK-hoolfi nf'the U. S. about. 32,000 eo.jo.i have been placed. ' Onlv 4-lnpliith Dictionary vntainin a Bio . Rraphioal Dictionary, this gives tn TfVTame with Pronunciation, Nation, Profesaioa lf& and Date of over 0700 persona. ' Published by G. & C.KERR1AM. Sprlnsfield, Mas. . ' ALSO ' ' Webster's National Pictjirial Dictionary. i040 Pages Octavo; COO Engravings. Pel's Corn Solvent. yyARRANTED TO CURE A CORN Df S Hours if used as directed or mouey re funded. No pain or sore toes atteadlng Its " use. 2.5 cts. For sals by J.D.NUTT &CO.. Druggists. Jan 18- The Supreme ETovelty AT RANKIN HALL OVER 'LITTLE GIANT" Steamer. Ono week only, eoav mencinjr on Monday, January 17. THE BOHEMIAN GLASS BLOWERS. Profes sors Woodroffe, Carling and Company, with their $50,000 collection of Wonders In Glass; of Centennial Fame, including the superb model of the Centennial Corllaa Engine, built of 5,000 piecea of glaaa and operated by steam. Rare glas om&meuta presented free to each audience. - . Levees every evening at 7.30. Grand distribution of ornaments atO. Matinees WEDNESDAY and' SATUR DAY at 2.30. Popular prices of admission, 23 cents. Children under 12 years ,15 eenta. P. S Grand Baby Show on SATURDAY EVENING, January 22. - M. II. WALSH, Manager. H. H. Niles, Agent. Janlf tf All Branches Q; BJSlNrS) SUPPLIED with Blank BookganlEtttioiery at reuonabla prlcari The Leadlajr Beriea cf Fehool Books eot-' ttantly on hand. 8prcial rates to SBtrehaats andteteber. Another lot of the C!ebn . ta a'Tadat TATES' BOtyK 8T0BK. jan 10 Groceries, &c. 6000 Biuh$cur'''-' 200 Balc5 IIAYt -1000 Kalf RoUm -baggino' 1000 Bundles Newjand Pcd TIES, J 1300 Bbla FLOUR, all grades, , Bbls SUGAR, all grades BAGS COFFEE, all trade, 300 700 200 KegiKAIL8' Ton HOOP IRON, ' . lOOOO18"7' Candy, Candlei, Crackerf.CIiecae.EUrcb, Lye, Potnh, Pepper, Spice, WrafpIogPa; per, &c For tale low by. " ' y - r i ail? - v - V.

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