la paaad rrry arWraea, CniTi JOB XX T. JAXBP OE3C2rrnoCT,roeTAar pald. yea,gS M Six ascas, SIM Tares soatfea,ti SS OMMatMM&tt. r Mpir will bdsilTtrad byearriara, faaarxi, la aay part tha aity. at t oti rtM, f IS aa pr fHL A 4 rr tiiar rats ow aad libera tJaberlbrs vlil please rpart a; tad U fail area to rmmmirm ttair papers regaiaxly. T7ot7 Advortfcomenta. . U1C0L0BEO ;L . Toaao'imsn. . . . - - . . IL1PERUL AID QQLQH0 rwr i Taste TwLmbmm eaxefallr a2et 4 aa4 all waa bbts ese-i; ta testify to ' taw ftvpetier QaaHty. Fesd for eaaples aal Cm rry Bast ass Pox J Artie, OUR PRIDE OF THE PANTRY ws rooata4 as tha Bett told la the city. AUUvaisof Chod W LIU Braid would $ Jo Wfii ia try lu Also afallllasof FAMILY SUPPLIES ! al waj i firtaa aai of th Bat Qaslltj " For sals lowly John I. Bdatvrifjlit, JaalT 11 aad IS Kortk Froat 8t AT " c-soac-s mn 11 & 13, South Front St. Trv! arrifals avary wnek of tha CHOICEST FMUY QROCERIESrl Dalavara Caasl F Alts aa4 YtabU s, . Tarrii Saar Oarad Plf Han. Ug Btrlpa aad Ploaidars, Vvm Sioct of - i Champagne 7ineo I Xta Oraaa, Fear aai .Gas If abkay, . . . 1 1prts4aa4 DosvartialCliara, Fartaiaal IwFrWaa . as J Va 11 sas 11 Boath Frost 8u i7ho Lovect Pr Iceo 4 7V3HALL OT FBLHTLNO, iw 'imAiM mt thfc odse havlrj wcr pdxiihig dooe ibewbera. -sra ItavtSw buttCtig.) r 1: J JLJ! VOL. V WILMINGTON, X. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1881 NO. 280 LOCAL NEWS. New AdTrttimcn(R IIzXarsBEBOH Writing Paper, Ac C W Yatkb All Branches A & I Shrizk Clothing aud Furnbb'.n Good I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmimmmm The cotton receipts at this port to-day foot op 558 bales. ' Ton Can now buy ImproTed . Heating and Cook States at factory jrlci at Jacobi's. f 8 we .'brig Carin was cleared to-dty by Messrs. Faterson, Downing k . Co., for Hull, Eng., ith 2,055 bbls rosin. We advise our friend to rail at Jcobi' for Household Uardware of ever descrip tion. There you get the low et prices, t The rain it raineth every day. It ha? been a steady down-paur hereabouts all day loner, iust as it w:i3 lift r.i-ht. This sort of thing is getting monotonous. ever frena vour tnunev oeiore vou have it. This-will save you from many rfiFRmltipja and Rome tpmntn.tion.-r lint jf j0a hart a cold, spend 25 cents for a bottle of Dr. Una's Uough Syrup. There is unmailable matter in the PostofSce in this city addressed to Col. B. B. Barron and .family, Toianot, Js. C, and T. II. Smith, Arlington, N. C. Mr. Jas. C. Munds has just returned, frora'Baleigh where he has been as a member of a Comaiittce from the Phar maceutical Convention, appointed to pre pare a bill and present it to the Legisla ture. Ladies who appreciate elegance and purity are using ratter a iiair isaisara. w mm iu Huu. uu ..B trrav nair tn itn oncrinal rolor and neaut v. i Indications- For the South Atlantic S.tates cloudy weather4 and' rams. sTijrhtly warmer northeast to southeastetly winds, becom ing b.-'flk the last of Thursday, with fall ing barometer. y In the Senate on Tuesday, Mr. Scott, of New Hanover, introduced a bill in re- gard to the aspection of naval stores and timber in? Wilmington. JNo one here, I . , , 6 ' I w aunauTkuiu auuut u. i u: :i- r Thi person who, under the necessities ' I of the moment, rowed or abstracted a sixteen-rib umbrella, with a round han dle, fiou becond Presbyterian Ocurch this morning, will confer a favor upon the owner by returning it to Mr. Jas. VT. Monroe, at the Produce Ex I change. Masjtitrate's Court. David Hall, colored, a one-legged shos maker, residing in Brooklyn, was ar raigned before a Justice of the Peace this morning upon a charge of larceny preferred by John O. Nixon, colored. Nixon, who keeps a store in Brooklyn, charges Hall with having taken his money box out of his (Nixon's) store yesterday with, $22 in it. Of course Hall denied the charge with indignation. But the doubting 'Squire who tried the case bound the defendant over in the 'mm of S50 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, com- mancinir on the second Monday in Feb ruary next. The Baby Yoie. The Glass Blowers continue to draw I large audiences and the voting ior babies I Is waxing warm. Up to last night 110 1 babies had been voted for but there are I only twenty-three leading ones who have I more tn four votes. The following are the names of the leading ones and the number of votes they have received: Daisy Newbury, 63; Carrie B. Har- riss. 43; AdEZie ltt)Oinson, n;' ousie i . . n . . .a r- lT Parsley, 23; Mary B. Worth, 23; Lucy Murchison, 21; R. M. Grant, 17; Louise 8. Kin, 14; Emmet DeRosset, L3; Louis Cutlar,-12; Annie Bowden, 12; I Lulu DeRossett, 12; Ada V. Davis, 11; Edward Gause, ll; Charlie Mebane, 10; Kmma P. West. 8: Marv H. McKov. 9: Jennie Y. Meares, 7; Daisy Keathley 7; - W mj 9 7 1 Edward G. Parmelee, 5; BabyBrock, 5 lizzie May Northrop, 10. Hundreds of men, women and children I rescued from beds of pain, sickness and almoatdeath and made strong and hearty by Parker's Ginger Ionic are the best I dVtices in the world of its sterling Jrth. You can find iheee m every co in finity. Pod. See advertisement. Ladiea. the beat fiU and th easiest ahoes for the UUla ines are at Roses TnAL'a. The rtmedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar to women is Warner's Baia Kidney aad Ltver CtztUfthtM .j J His, Poor Tories"! . Those who knew it with its forty legs and have gazed upn its unarchitectural appearance for the past 30 years or more will now no- longer have their s:gljf;of fended by the ugly appearance of a build ing which ought never to have obstruct ed the street in a public thoroughfare. The old Market House at the foot of Market street is being demolished rapi il ly. ' The work of demolition commenced this morning by the early light of dan a uot withstanding the very inclement weather and the torreuts ofraiu which poured front the clouds inctssaantly all the forenoon. The work is being done under the superintendence of -Alfred Howe, the purchaser, and is all com pleted except thebslfry and a small sec tion of the shed east of the bell .tower The debris all lies where it was thrown and we presume will be moved as 60on as the weather becomes a little more civili zed. This makes another chapter in the history of the New Market business. . Water street inwcuauU wul keep their faet dry in Winter by wearing Kcseic- thais boots and shoes. t Burial of air. Hill. '1 lie last sad tribute or respect was paid to Mr. W.JES. Hill this morning by a large concourse of friends and acquain tances. So large an attendance can only b3 construed into a testimonial of deep respect for the deceased. The remains were escorted by Cape Fear Lode, I. O. O. F., and Carolina Lodgc.K. of H., from the residence of his mother-in-law, on the corner of Fourth and , Bladen struts, to the g Presbyterian church, where I J ' I II1C llllJiCOOlVC BC1 VibCS ncic UC1U UJ kllC pastor, the Rev. C. M. Payne. At the conclusion of the services at the Church the solemn cortage, headed by Cape Fear Lodge, I. O. O. F.f and Carolina Lodge, Knight3 of Honor, wended its way slowly to Oakdale where the mortal remains of W. E. Hill were deposited in their last resting place. The funeral was one of the t we haye eTer geea .q , 4. , . r.., ' auu ucic ncic uui icnr, 11 our. m tuc nrorfiflsinn who did not mourn the loas of . . , - ... -n . his as hes. How to be your own painter : Buy tha N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed anp warranted at Jagobi's. t Wilmington's Interest Again Jeopar dized. Merchants and others along the line of the Carolina Central Railroad are very much exercised over the discontin uance of the local night mail from this city. They, aver that it results to their injury and that Wilmington will suffer by the present mail arrangements. We have been assured by one of the most en terprising merchants along the line of the road that his firm and others have, been materially injured by the discon tinnance of the way mail on the night train and that orders lor goods which were formerly sent to this city now go elsewhere. Wilmington can hardly af ford to lose any of its trade, no matter how little, and we think it would be well for our merchants to4ook into the mat ter and if possible have it rectified. By way of illustration as tohov? Wilmington will suffer by the present mail schedule, wo will cite a case in point: By the old arrangement, that is, a way mail on night trains, a merchant in Lumberton could order goods and have them shipped the same day and could be kept posted as to the closing of the market at this point. vfr. A. of this city csuld write Mr. B. at umuenuu vua uitcruuuu uu x. wuoiu 1 i t.:. r J T 1 3 receive his mail by breakfast timefto- morrow morning and then have some data to wort on dunug the cay. As it is now A writes to II this afternoon and the letter does not leave uutil the next morning and is not received at Lumberton by B until about 1 o'clock p. m., ana oy inai urae iue luar&et is about closing for the dav. Again, if B 1 I . 1 . l! ll.. 1 A want3 a box of meat he can order fiom Phartnttr nri rprjive the floods Kefon.! . . r 4, nou" tar"cr fcU,u uc " ,4U"' vms lul under the present mad facilities. We cite these lacts as they were related to us by a merchant from one of the thriving little towns on the Carolina, Ccatral and who was in the city .yesterdAy with the viaw of seeing what could be done in the premises snd how to remedy the eviL r - BllL Whl. prict BMEW. Vewa aad ObM r. THE IKAUbUftlL BILL- The Ball Complimentary to Governor Jaryli-Tucker Ball Filled with tantr and Fashion. Iene before 9 o'clock last evening the galleries at Tucker Hall were filled with spectators, mainly ladies, assembled to look on at that fashionable event so long and so eagerly looked forward to, the ' Inaugural Ball." The hall, beautifully decorated with everxrreens and flairs, pre sented au attractive appearance. The national colors were - prominent every )iere, swroginO-ocx pillars. prese la 42g& of all siztTjriEgfuny displayed- At the rear of the hall State flags were arranged as a trophy. The private boxes were also decorated, but the stage was left clear for the music On the scarlet OHckgrouud of the drop-cartain were the words "The Old North State forever." At 9 o'clock bis Excellency the Gov ernor entered, accompanied by Mrs. Jarvis. Following were the officees of the Governor's staff, Adjutant-Gejueral Johnstone Jones, Inspector-General Francis H Cameron, and Colonel John N Staples, A. D. C, also Lieutenant Colonel P. F. Pescud, Jr., A. A. G. These officers were m the full uniform of their ranK, in nine ana goia. i nt eu- trance of the party was the signal for applause trora tne great crowa mat nueci the galleries and left not a vacant space anywhere. . Govefnorand Mrs Jarvis took a posi - tton immediately in, front of the stage, where, attenaea oy a number oi gentle - men of th& staff and others, they re-. ceiveo. x' or quii a ume inere was a steady . stream of persons paying their respects ana onenng tneir cwngratuia - tions to his .hxcellency. boon alter tnere Degan tne entree or the dancers, and soon the broad, polish - ea space oi ue uoor was miea- wita isar torms and yet fairer laces. The costumes. of. all colors and degrees of richness, Rrrmir. in it Tarifttv. Messrs. wm. Boylan, Walter Hay, Chas McKimmon, D. E. Everett and A;W Haywood were the floor managers V uS Zwro A, First Regiment, Capt. Fcrrall com - manding, were present. The farst Set Was made Ot the following: JuUdVjti' N. Staples and- Airs. Jas. Boylan ;i Unas. Mcnvimjnoa aou 3iiss norence Tucker. I About nan-past u o cioct uancmg oe-i gan, a quadrille being first on the pro- gramme. Mr. All . nay wood, presi - dent of the Monogram Club, under whose management and auspices tne bail was u:lcl"r:vr.Alcl" uu iue uuvi ltd tuts uiuc cynic mvy couples. The number of prominent gentlemen present was a notable feature of the ball, XTiSMJSi Assembly, Auditor W P Roberts, Sur-1 geon-General Hines, Attorney-General Kenan, Colonel! T M Holt, Gen K F Hoke, Dr R B Haywood, Maj R S Tucker, -Col. Wharton J Green, Capt Guilford. Dudley, F. H Busbee, Esq, Paul C Cameron, Esq, Capt S A Ashe, Maj II A Gilliam, Maj John Gathm Col Faison, Capt-Oct Coke, Geo I Snow, Esq, Mr WA Branch of Beaufort, Jos B Batchelor, l.s, Capt li It Stamps,! Y G upchurch, lusq, a -r-Williamson. Esq, F C Roberts, Esq, of Newbern,! Marmaduke J Hawkins, Lsq, of War renton, Col John D Whitford of New- berg, James A Bryan, Esq, of Newbern, j Gen Kobcrt Itansom of jNewbern. THE LADIES AKD THEIR COST CM ES. Mrs Jarvis was superbly attired iu black velvet, en train, natural flowers and daimond3, a very rich and effective, costume. Mrs Thomas S Kenan wore black em bossed silk and brocaded velvet, cameo ornaments. Mrs Monteiro, of Washington, N C, a sister of Mrs Jarvis, black velvet and satin. ' Mrs R S Tucker, brocaded satin, trim med in passementerie and lace; diamond ornaments. Miss Keitt. of Colombia, S C, pink silk, roses, and pearl ornaments. Miss Alice Taylor, of Richmond, va, pale blue satin, lace, and pearl oma-1 menis. Miss Griffin, of New York, white satin nre white flowers. ' Mrs I J Young, pink brocaded silk, bugle trimmings and diamonds. Miss JLaura Uevareux, ashec of roses and scarlet silk, trimmed with scarlet flowers and lace, coral ornaments. Miss Olivia Cowper, scarlet satin .and black relvet, gold jewelry. Miss Mollie Dunn, scarlet silk, lace. gold orgamenta. Mies Lavine Haywood, white bro caded silk, white flowers, diamonds. Miss Florence Tucker, whits brocaded silk, en (rain, diamonds. ' Miss Anna Saunders, white cashmere, pear, ornaments. Miss Jennie Hmton, pink silk and sat in, fringed, lace and gold jewelry. Miss Mary - Devexeux, white French muslin, lace trimmings. jlNUer Zlanly, white satin beaded .C3. Dpylan, brocaded, blue ) ttipt paszttnenlerie, dia- crepe, white flowers, pearl ornaments. Miss Coleman, of Virginia, white grenadine, cardinal trimmings, pearls. ' Miss Eliza Howerton, Halifax C. H;t Va.. white satin and silk, gold j jwelry. Miss Mary Hinton, cream colored silk, pearls. Miss Pannell, of Virginis, blue and white silk. Miss Lottie Thomas, old gold satin and black velvet. Miss Marian Haywood, light pink cash mere. Miss Mason, of New York, black and white check silk, French lace trim tnisgr. " Miss Hennie Kramler, cardinal satin ahd black velvetgold ornaments.' - Mrs, Albert Bsrrbu, black silk1, lace, gold ornaments. At Miss Pattie Mordecai, white silk, gold ornaments. Miss Baird, of Ashevillc, black silk and lace. . Mrs. B. P., Williamson, black silk, lace, coral ornaments. Mrs. F. A. Olds, pearl colored bunt ing, old lace, coral ornaments Mrs. W. G. TJpchurch, brown silk and velvet, gold ornaments. Miss Lena Williams, Warrenton, blue satin, duchesse lace, gold jewelry. Mies badie (ireen, Fayetteville, bro - rHled cream satin, Mechlin face, natural flowers, pearls and diamonds. Mrs. R F. Davidson, Ashevillo black 8iik, garnet jewelry. j Miss Gabrielle DeRosset, blue silk, I white lace overdress, turquoise orna- ments. Mrs R F Hoke, black damasso satin 1 lace, pearls I Miss McKee, white brocade silk, gold i and pearl ornaments. MissBettie Hawkins, Louisburg, blue 1 suk, gold ornaments. I Miss Maggie Haughton, Pittsboro i black silk, pearls 1 Miss Eliza Smedes, lilac! satin, dia i monds. I Misa Carrie Winder, black velvet I skirt, yellow satin polonaise, carbuncles. I v"Jr vwun. I The twin Baker brothers, Isaac and james. were tried by the Mayor this corning for assaulting George Hayes, 1 colored, with a deadly weapon, on the I night of the 18th, instant at the First I Ward BnrVftfe f!nmnanvfl nnartAM. Thfi evidence S flw'.xmo fa .abc. is puoaea m jtuo avevikw yesteraay wun I tne additional testimony that one or , , ... v , . , 4. i "ajc wmmcuwu, uuu nucu iucjf I returned the cutting took place. Hayes I jg badly though not danicerously wounded in the band, arm and head. , I -n0 Mayor abound defendants over m the sam of $200 each for their apperanco at the next term of the Criminal Court and "the! -tody of the ouc4U wnu ia ua" oi Bureiy.iurnea I them over to Dan Howard, the jailor. New AdyertiBements. IS WEEK ! XTtt WILL OFFER AT LE?s TIIA COST, THE FEW CLOAKS AND DOLLMANS ou biwl to clo out. W are oSering toaie rcul bargain in Table Linens, Nap"kjn, Towels, Trar Naptins," r. Carpet in all grades at the c!oct prices. Oil Cloths in all w?dth . Rcfpctfullr, janll R. M. McINTIKF. Ship Wotice. ALL PKRSO.ia are haraby caatiosed galDat haKri? or trasttar aay of tb9 ersv of tha BritUh tfarkeatiB KD- unvn Dinntniti.nv r- Taraer,frjm Berb"e, mt no debta of their eoatrsetlag will be paid by Cantaia or UP UEhaNE, STRAW! STRAW! STRAWS QOMX WITH TOVi CARTS, D&AT8 aad Wagoaa aad haul it away. 1 a almost lirlag It away. Good brigkt, M&m Btraw, la thttmdrm of tha ci y a mr barn yard nasi LUtua Bridge. - ' SSoeaBifoca CartLoaJ. . ' 63. eents fur a Drar Loadv - SI fpt aTwoHona Waoa Load, or 2 casts par 193 poardj. Pat ap ta goad, tight b!ee. It ia aa excallaat bed for, . rtes, di!m or eowa Vary reypectfolly. TH J F QaRSSLL PLEABEffOTlfJS. ? ' ' .... - ..... . t . , v . - . W will bag fad to raealva aoaasslttoi g froa oar friaads oa as y aad all! tslZaitT ffaaaralUlaraat bat - taa asaa af tba wrttar saait always ba far aishadto taa Editor. Oomaa&lsatloas aut ba wrlttaa: ea ajly oma sida of the rapr. ParsoaaQtSat bu oUad ' And it li atpMlalrf aw parCcBiarly w stood that tiiB Xdltrw 4 aot always aaaorst the riawio! eorrepoatftsta. aalasaia -txUi b ike editorial aotactna. , . r . Now Aaverti8exiioiitffc Pel's Corn Solvent WARRANTED TO CURE A CORK IX . t . ' S hours If used aa directed or money re funded. No pain or tore toes attending rta use. 23 eta. For aale by ': 2 r l J . D. NTJTT A CO., - Drugglats.' Jan 18. The Supreme novelty A T RANKIN HALL OVER "LITTLE GIANT" 8tam- Hn V J ' -id . menUnf on Monday, January, 17. . THE BOHEMIAN GLAfii LOWERS., Profei aora Woodroffe, Carting and Company, with their $50,000 collection of Wondera In Qlasa, of Centennial Fame, Including the superb model of the' Centennial Corlisa Engine,' built of 5,000 pieces - of glass and ooerated by steam. - Rare glasa ornament presented , free to. each audience. Levees every evening at 7.30. Crana distribution of ornament at 9. tf Matinees AVEDNESDAY and kTUPJ ' DAT at 2. SO. PnrMilir nrl f . 1 35 cents. Children under liyesVs, 15 cent. P. 8. Grand Baby Show on 8ATURDAT E"ENING, January 22. . . A M. H. WALSH, Manager. TT IT Vt ' a AnA a .v , o VI UUiloniUUi . r 1 M PAtiAGOW yitiWig raper Paelet ' The Good Luca Packet ThaCilWax Packet, ,r r . , The Climax Oabiaat,, For ule at HEiNSBSSGER'd. rpflE OA5DT POCKET FEN BOX, , Fall of Peca. Pries 10 ets. Anew upply;of Autom tic Pencil's. Prlca 3S cants. For sale st " jaa 18 THE LIVE BOOK ' 8TCR Peruvian Guano. r k. 2000 Tons Ho. 2:Petuyian Guanc, FORJSALE BY,1 Williams .'A Murchlsou. Jan 6 Groceries, &e gQQQ. Bushs CORN,l 200Ba'esnAY' 1000 Half KoUa "BAQGINa I QQQ Bundles; Newland Pcd T1K3, Q 1300 Bbl rL0UBaU aTTSdes,! 300 BM SUGAR, all grades, ' 700 BAG? corFEE,J1fralM' QQQ Kegs NAIL8fr Tons HOOP IRON j 10 000 Sid" SAUV Candj, Candles, Crackers,Cheescf8tsrch Lye, Potash, Pepper, Spice, Wrapping Paf per, fcc. For sale low by Jan 10 WILLIAMS'&MURCHiaON.' All Branches : QF BU8imi SUPPLIED with Blark Books an 4 Stittoaery at reasonable prfcci 0 The Leading Beries cf School BooksJ ootj , staatly oa Bsnd23peelal ratai to naerchaa'f SBlteieWt; InotWJIot of tha Cslabra ' tad Orga'scttsi Just resirsd at TATE3' BO( S BTOSF. , jaa 10 SCUPPEMOIIG" AND Wine jyA5UFACTT R ZD BY WHITEV ti V Wiaa;Cempaajf WaltrriUa, K. C. . Prleaajaad samples oaappUcatiosi Bend la, your orders tot tha boUdajc 4a0 7-4wtf J ' Oyotews. THE I FIW ERT n v ithaBeatoa. By the' "x. Dossa, Qatrto UiUoe. at : ft-' ' J02X9 Avinberry is HegCT5? '"trkite Chines? I jia xs-t . - - - '4 .. V