lttlfl TATE U pmaed mn antraaoa, Baadayi rptoi IT JOOn. T. JAMBOt .rtrrarPTI02fB.FOSTAai PAID.' .i.-V.U 00 Bis oa, WW Ttett 111 III OMBOtth,MmU. , n ppr will bWIwl bynrrlm, .re ru, or 1 J pr Adwtifia reue low and liberal -Sebeeribert will pleaee report in j an fail eree to riro Oir papere regmiarly. Hew Advertisements.- ENQLISH BREAKFAST. T0U5Q HYSOn. IMPERIAL AflO ooLorio. Taeee Tm here eea very eartfallr Jseleet- ed aad all wo hart aeed; Oiea tntiy to taeir IHpeilef Qealit. Bad for samples aad aae ta vtf Bait aad Poreit Article. OURPMDE OF THE PANTRY r worMoaasad m tha BttsoId la the city. All lvn of Good rhlto Bresd would ?do wU to try It. AlaoafaUllaoof FAMILY SUPPLIES ! alvayi frwa aad of tht Bst Qullry For aaJttowoy John I. Boatwri(jht2 JtalT 11 aad IS Xortt Froat 8t AT GEORGE i!IS 11 & 13 South Front Sf frmk arrival rry wook of th CHOICEST FAMILY GROCERIES J V Dlwa GaaadFrulU aad YceUbl, FtrrUs8a4ar OarodPlf Ilamj, Ux hi 8tri aad Slot Ida n. yw Block of Chanipagiie Wines ! BIn GrtM, FT ni Cla WUakty, a M - - mmm Ftrnl4t Low Prieoa, . GEO. MYERS, OH A3, KLEin, . Utiat&r ul &M Mstt Priness Stmt, to lunitat cf tha ir i l s 1,21 o t o oP jr. . a A artael of toOas axki Oat HswotaatiMhaai. Faralfiro frrpalrwi Uarni. $A Varalad - OrCrt Ivy tela r9 nmtUmz&tf ftgt. ' Ml. FLUK n VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. Nw A.dvrttsmnta. DL GORE-Horae and Mules. UuNSBraoKB Pianos ami Organ C W Yates All Branches . A fc I 8hriek Clothing autl Furnishing Good The cotton receipts at this port to-day foot up'only 97 .bales. Wood, eggs and countrj produce are scarce and high in this market. Mr. Jos. K. Moss will give a free lec- tare at the City flail next week. ' Nor baro ae Iforvift sailed from Li? erpool on the 13th insL, for this port. When will the hucksters boxes ana barrels be removed from the sidewalks ? The storm signal was flying to-day and the wind was blowing fresh from the we t We understand that tie market carts arc to be removed to the New Market next week. We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household ITardware of every descrip tion. There you ret the lowest prices, t It thundered and lightened last night and onr old citizens say yon can look out for cold weather. Jt is to be hoped that the Legislature rill pass a bill for the erection of a pub lie hospital in this city. The work on the U. S. Marine Hospit al is progressing nicely under the man agement of Mr. D. M. Dart. Messrs King and Luscb, song and dance men, who have been traveling with the San Francisco Minstrels, were in the city to-day en route for New York. m l he exports lorign to-day loot up 514 casks spirits turpentine.4 f 90 barrels rosin and 278.252 feet of lun Jer. The shippers are Messrs Paterson Downing k Co. and Parsley & Wiggins. When a man of family finds himself attacked by a violent cold, it is Jiia duty to reliere the anxiety of his wife and children and seek a remedy immediately, Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup costs only 2o cents a bottle and a few doses will give instant relief. The mass meeting called for this even ing, at the Uity Hall, wilmost likely be largely attended, now thai the weather is more pleasant. The object is to form a Couaty Prohibition Society, as auxil" iary tt the State Prohibition Society. Ladies, the beet fits and the easiest hoes for the little ones are at Rosen- thjll's. Personal. ' We were glad to meet to-day with our esteemed younsr friend, Mr. Adam G. Latta, formerly of this city but now a resident of Savannah. Mr. Latta is on a short visit to his relatives ana iriencs im Wilmington.' How to be your own painter : Buy the ready mixed anp t N. Y. Enamel Paint, warranted at Jaqobi's. The Late Bishop Alkinsoa. The current number of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper contains an ex cellent likeness of the late Bishop Atkin son, and also a biographical sketch of the deceased. The former is taken from a photograph furnished by Messrs Yates AOrrand the latter from the account of the Bishop's death, as published in the columns of the Review. In fact, it was taken bodily from our paper but we fail to find any credit given therefor. Ladies who appreciate elegance and Furity are using Parker's Hair Balsam, t is the Dest article sold for restoring gray hair to its original'color and beauty. Railroad to I ha Sound. We feel assured now that in a very short time' Wilmington will have a. rail roads to the Sound. Within the past week two of our prominent merchants and a practical builder have organized themselves into a stock comoany for the purpose of building the road; and worl; will be commenced in a sort time. Th gentlemen, composing the fcCI&pany have raised tfctt necessary money among tlemwlvfti and will not depend upon sub scriptions to complete the road. In fact, we understand not a dollar's worth tf the stock can be purchased. We arc glad to know that we will at last have a railroad to the Sound and are well satis fied it will be a paying institution. - Go to JaooBi'a for Dora, Sash and BUada, pure Wtlta Lead, oils, YarnUhea, Window Glass, all sIms. AIL at the lowed r Daily WILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY, JANUARY How to Hang a Theraooettr. , In the first place, the temperature of the wall of any building at any hour of the night or day is not the true tempera- tore ot the circulating air, and is of no ue to science. A wood wall will radiate its heat more rapidly than brick or stone, and the amateur scientist who bangs his thermometer on a wood wal' can force his mercury down below the amateur who selects a brick wall. The proper way to expose your thermometer is to surround it with a light wood frame, covered with slats, like shutter work, and roofed over. This will .iirptect; tftom the direct rays of the sun and reflected heat. -Run a light wood bar across the centre of your shelter, to which yon can attach the thermometer, which should be, when properly exposed, on the north side of the building, and at least one foot from all surrounding objeets. If these directions are followed, erroneous reports of extreme cold- weather will not find their way into print so often. Water street merchant wnl keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. f Cienerat Imbodeu'a Visit to Wil mington ana Its Probable Rem ts The News and Observer, in referring t j General Imboden's visit to this city a:id the object of the same, remarks very sententiously that: "lie comes into the State unheralded and does not stand in the lobbies of the capitol. He mcacs business, and he is our man." From a gentleman who was one of the party with General Imboden and Mr. Hyndman down the river a few days ago j we learn mat tnese geniiemen were struck with wonder and amazement at the immensity of the undertaking as well as with the grand succesr. of the skilful engineering which has succeeded in closing New Inlet and placing a stone wall as an impregnable barrier against any further encroachment upon he beach by the waves of the sea, thereby increasing the volume of water in the'river as'It flows out1 of the' only" maining outlet on the Western bar. increasing the depth of water to eighteen eet already. These improvements to our bar , whieh were begun under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce in this city, with the assistance ot the general government in the way of appro priations from time to time to prosecute the wnrk,are at last, we hope, about to be fruitful to our city of substantial bene fits, and among those who have been in strumental in securing this end, there is no one,we believe,who deserves more cred it than Mr. nenry Nutt, Chairman of the Chamber. of Commerce Committee on River and Bar Improvements, and Hon. I A. II. VanDokkelen, the present Presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Nutt, we understand, was the means of inJuciog General Imboden and Alr.I Hyndman to extend their visit from Rol-I v crh rehwher thnv hail nnc in favor of I winiiWtP to vJit -JWk" l'v w oir city. And from all wc can gather these gentlemen are decidedly in favcr now of an outlet for their immense min eral treasures through "Wilmington. Their personal examination of tho condi- l tion of our port convinced them that this I port is equal in capacity for the exten sive business they propose, besides hav ing the great advantage of being several hundred milea nearer to their possess ions. "We havc heard it stated that I these gentlemen would make a proposi tion to the Carolina Ctctral Railroad to I lay a third rail on their vi,racfc, so they I its," by Charles Mackey, and "Avlfcby ..l.i fnrm m. rnnnprtion with them bvlSong," by C. A. Burker are esipecitlly means of the Narrow Gauge Railroad which they have begun, and run their cars straight through to Wilmingtcn without a trausfer. But. if their propo .V.u. sitions fail with the Carolina Centr and the Cape I ear and X ia Valley Railroads, then th say if the Legisla ture will grant them a charter they will build a road themselves. Now, this sounds like business sure enough. Come and se U3 again, gentlemen, and Ut us plan out the gocd work together. We will publish tic Maine Liquor Law next week. It is claimed by its friends to be the most complete law of the kind on the statute book of any State. Those desiring extra copies will please rrake it known at once, so that we may know how t5 regulate the issue. Indications. For the South Atlantic State, local rains, followed by clearing, weather, rising haro meter, winds shifting ta west and northwest and stationary or a .slight -11 V.. m..rm - Bobbenr. About dark last evening a colored man went into a store near the corner of Tnird and Orange streets, kept by Pas quale Pascucci, and ordered) f the store keeper's wife, who was tending store, some meat, meal, etc., which ws tied up and placed in a bag. The man sudden ly remembered that he needed flour, and as that was being scouped oat of a bar rel, which was under the counter, the man lit out with his booty' and disap peared under the cover ot darkness. The thief evidently knew that there was no oo hoqfrWai Mrs.- Pascrrcci, and em braced the opportunity to lay In his week'g snpply of eatables. Bit Down on Him. "Doctor" Scott, the Republican Sena tor from this district, is very active just now in the Legislature. On Tuesday he introduced a bill in regard to the inspect ion of naval stores and timber in this city, and on Wednesday, he brought in a bill to repeal chapter 242 of the laws -of 1876-77 : or. in other words, to repeal the act establishing the Criminal Court in the county of New Hanover. Mr, Scott, it is needless to ear,- does not speak the sentiments of our people. N I body hereabouts has authorized him to I interfere cither with the inspsction of Inaval stores and timber or the adminis- tration of justice in the county. Some body sbouid sit down on "Doctor" Scott. You can now buy Improved Heating and Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacobi'. f The Glass Blowers. The glass blowers will close their en gagement in this city to-morrow even ing. They have been greeted at each entertainment with large audiences. m A. a tt lo-morrow atternton tney -will eive a matinee and at night their doors will be open again. At these entertainmnnts each visitor will bo presented with a specimen of glass work. To-morrow night the result of the baby, voting will be decided by ajjminittefi--from- tkc au-j dience and the baby receiving the larg est number of votes will be awarded the ciaa of MflM nrnamr.nts. Thfi fnllnwin. are the names of the leading babies and tha votes received ap to last night: Daisy Newbury, 84; Carrie B, Har- ris3, 79; Lizzie Robinson, .45; Susie! Parsley, 33; Louise S. King, 35;Mcta Le Grand, 27; Mary B. Worth, 26? Lucille Murchison 25; R. M. Grant, 18; Ada v . Aavis, xo; unie xowaen, a. XjUiu DeEosset, 13; Emmet DoKosset, 13; Louis Cutlar, 12; Edward F. Gause, 12 ; Lizzie May Northrop, 12; Mary McKoy, 11; Emma P. "West, 10; Edward Panne- lee, 10; Charlie Mebane, 10: Marion Birdscy, 8. The others haYing from one to eight votes each are not named. Fank Leslie's Popnlar Honlblj. The February number of this favorite periodical is even more than usually in- teresting. The leading article. 'Sport land Snnr sin America." hv OIivflr.Tohn- aon, has ten excellent illustrations of Winter outdoor sports. Another admi rable article, also fully illustrated, is en- titled "liOnaon uospnais ana scenes m Them" by Janet E. R. Rees. "Madv gascar," by Alvan S. Southworlh, 'A Hunting Party in Florida." ;Moljero and his World," by II. Barton Baker. -The First Voyage Around the AVorld," j and "A Shadow," by William Ackrcyd, etc, are full of interest and information. The serial, "The Amber Witch, is . contmuecL ana mere are numerous short stories and sketches by popular writers ot great menu Anong the many excellent poems, "Angel Tis- . 1 1 f gooo. Ane misceuany, oi wmcn xneWi an abundance, embraces a variety of j iecte, and affords a vast eour' - Ji. i .;mraAnf net;- oi enier-i of the oT- --on. Eachnamher & pCa nuu uici .lias eiuLrcuisuiueuiie, vvibu a handsome colored frontispiece ; the subject in this number is "The Sick Child," from a painting by Trayer. Siagle copies are sold at 25 cents each ; the subscription for a year, $3; or $1.50 for six, and $1 for four months, post free. Addrs, Frank Leslie's Publishing House53, 53 57 Fark Place, New York. The remedy that will cure the many diseases pe&aliar to women is Warner's Safe Kidnand Liver Cvn. Mather's FrejLfh-Every Day JTIKZ A5iOBTMi.nT Or OA3D1ES, freeh'and Domestis, jt teHrmi aad fea ale.- " TilB OffLYi QEXVIMK DOUE-ILLDE Uandy la the eity, . will be found ever? lay, fresh aad twee tare doors fSotrth cf the rtietofiee oa Ceaoad street AI, if eta CtVi. Trdi, Lo.Z OL XL JSTIL. fiptcr CeFertsl.ri 21, 1881. NO. 281 TUB MAILS. The mall cloee and arrive at the City roat Utnoa aa follows : Northern through mails. .... 7 00 p in Northern through and way mails .,5:80 a. no. Raleigh 6.30 a. m. Mailt for toe N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. N. C. Railroad, at.....MM 6;S0 a.m. Southern mails for all points South, daily .....8am and 7:45 p. m! Western mails C C B'j) daily (except Sunday)........... 8:10 a. m Mail for Gbaravr & Darling ton... ... 7:45 p. m. Hails for points between Flo- . nmct and Charleston, t a m & 7:45 p m Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Ir00 p. m. Fayetterille, via Lumber ton, daily, except Sundsyi...... 8:10 a. m. Onslow C. H. and intermedin ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at.........'. 6.00 a. m 8mitbvi!Ie mails, by steam boat, daily, (except 6un- daji)..... v8 S0a. m Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shailotte and Little River, S C , every Mon day and Thursday at.......... ft.OO a m Wilmiogtcn and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at v.. 6:00 a. m. OPES FOB D ELITES Y. Northern through and way mails... 7:00 and 7:3a a.m. Northern malls 9 00 a m Southern Mails 7:30 a. m, Carolina Central Railway 4.00 p. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:80 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. in,, and on Sundays from 8:80 to 9;30 a. m. Stamps ' for Bale1 at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Malls collected from street boxes every day at 3:80 p. m. New Advertiflamenta. Horses and Mules. TCTST RECEIVED, AND FOR BALE O . .. low. is MULES, iouad and well broke, ttood FARH HORSES. ian2Mt D. L. GORE.1 Pianos and Organs gOLD Off THE EAST MONTHLY INSTALMENT FLAN at J BEIff3BS&GXR'8. CHR0M08 & STEEL ENQRAVIUGS JUST RECEIVED a Laige Aisortmcnt, And for f ale cheap at HEiNaBEfiQSR'd, jaa 21 Lira Book aad Htulo 8 fore. THIS WEEK ! WE WILL OFFER AT LE3S THAN i COST, THE FEW CLOAKS AND DOLLMANS on band to dose out. We are otfering-some real bargain in Table Linena, Napkins, Towel. Trr Napkina, Ac. Carpet in all grades the clo.-t iricff. Oil Cloths in Width . Respectfully, janll R. M. McINTlRE. All Branches o T BCSINIS J SOmifcD wirh BJtnk - Book nl Butioie y t reucnaVe piices. The Leadla; Be riea of School Book eot Uatly on hasd. Special ratti to merchant aaduaeher. Aco her; lot of tht Calebra to 1 CrfTt'uettei juit reaired at . TAT28 BOOK ;8T0BE. jaa 10 Peruvian Guano. 20CO Toiio 17o. 2 Peru vian Gnano, FOR SALE BY; - ' - '- t . - ' ; - :. , WllUains PLEABg S0TIC2. We will be glad to reealre iCfflinsalcitJoti fro w fritadt o My aad:. all fabjtij Tae UM of tie write aWned to Editor. k iart always be far OouioiMtloBiKKtt bo written cm otlj Pereoaelltiaf bum t otsl ewpecxauy jn pcrtSelarly;Bader flood that tbEdlt?r ;4no1 l always odorae the viewi ol eorrw pon rfenW Vi'l i eo tatad la tae editorial eoluana u Now : Aavertigemoxita. 5 PeFo Corn Sqlveottt. TITARRAXTED TO CURE A ' CORN IN 8 hours If used aa directed or money re funded. No pain or sore toe attending !U uae. 3T eta. For sale by J D.NUTT A CO., DruggUta. jan 15- .Groceries, &C, 6000 V, ; 1000 Utlt 110114 BAG0ING 1 Bundles New and Fed TIE 3, 100 BbU rL0UR il ; 300 Bbl 8UGA aU grade,.,, ' 700 BAGS COFFEE, a11 rraie' f00 Kes NAII'S' g0 Tans hoop ijiox, 10 000 8ackI BXliTf t Candy, Candles, Cracker,Cheese,Starca. Lye, Potaah, Pepper, Spice, Wrapping Pa per, &c. For sale low by Jan 10 WILLIAMS & MURCin80N. SCUFFERIOEI AND Flowers Wine ! jyjANUFACTURED BY WHrTEFJfcL Wlae Company, vyhlteville, N. C. " Prieefl and lamplea on application; Bend In your orders for the holidays L dee 7-d Aw tr. - - STRAW ! STRAW ! STRAW! QOMB WITH TOUR CARTS, DRAYS and Wagon aad haul It away. I am almoit giving It away. Gocd bright Blee btr aw, in theede of the cly at nay barn yard mar Litttla Bridge. 25 cents fer a Cart Load; 60 cent! for a Drar Load. SI for a Two Horae Wagon load. cesii par xuv pounoj, ' . Pat up In 0d, nioe tljrht bU$. It U an. ezeellent feed for hunea, males or oowf ' ' Tery respectfully, jan 19-St J F OARRELU A LARGE STO0K;O7' Sash, Doors- Blinds; AND , ALL KIH08 OF MILL WORK' LUMBER4ILATHS. &d Fcr ia'ejrery cheap, at ALT AFTER, PRICK & CO. Fart or yi foot of Waliat it. halt Office a itn near Bed! Cref i t THE STATE." RICHMOND, VAiJ ; IHAVIBERLATNK A BKIRffB, Oiraeii aad Editors XrtrgMt cirenUU n, Cheapest 'Sobeedp tlea.Prioe, Lowv Adrertliicg Ratal. fS Dally cinaladonnoir orerOOO. The only arternooa paper lo Rlohmond. Babicriptioa prise-Daily, $10 per, ax aaex; Wklf, $1 per annum. f$en4: far epaclmeo eoplae fre. dee 7 PREP4REI? AGR1CULTUR1L IIHE COTTON. PEAHUTS; VHEATiTCORrJ AnD VEO ETABLES OF ALL RIUOS. For t ! by HALL & PEABSALL. 7inberry Oystero. the eeajoa. .Br e ?xlL Dc?Pt Qiut OaHout X; Y -V-tyf e;;pop