I- 4 - ft ? I r. ' vV'l V v - ! t V. . . . - - V - tOrCZITTIQrXPOSTAQS PAID. rsir.'LJ CO tlx contas, MM ; Tin Tie p&?r rCl V delivered by samara, fc!irxfc U ta? part f tb city, at U r ru, or 13 Mats pr wmx. ";44rrnstmrtt(ow aadUbm 1 vTdidacriMrs will piMMrvyort ay u4 il fiilaras to rMir C!r papers regularly. - , I' ,"f , m,,m n ' ... wrf iB i00 VOL. V - VV LAnNGtrN,; N Ci SAT 'NO. '282 from omr frlsnds o cay sad &!!; n&jWt o CttMmiatertstUi r .,iV uai efjth vrtttr nut alwsji t lit Uted to tb Ciltof. ' (tok!intit b vrittta! 09 oily "imS of tkii jpi. , . . v. - ftood that th ditnr ao alwai tsdon tha.T)wa ot eorrwpoafft. ali wi tot lh !tnri ooUaa, v j T . . ; LT0T7 . AdWrtlMTnoTiU.: I -LOC AL: NEWS, u r aa J 0 I . - CI 3 Lf 1 Jf O&CAKFAST U1C3LQSE0JPAa, EiTtrlew. . L u&rrlize Bell. Capt. Eobcrts, of tbc ateamer D.. iTr- WedotsdaTVIUUixV Star aara: "Mr 111.. ttm V vtljvil ft tblB I T V T tr !'" .-1. UTa Mtf las M McGowAK-Glohe Saloon TnorniDgcporta a nsejoi eigai ieei, m iui cerk at;thc ParceU IJne, u- Ofr1 Houp Coucert ndt-rctta I rirer ainca Wedneadaj filgUtand a aepxn i m;nsrt0 x. C.. was on ycsUrday united T C Fakiso PHvat Docl CUci 1 0f 30 feet of water 00 the ahoala with I in ; ,0 f0 Missllimiie Bonnier, of nnssaiaora PIanosanl Organ , he rirer still risiosr at the rate of 4 tkiv- The cereaiooT was performed C W Tats-AU Brancbea ' inches an hour. 1 r ' atEdeoton Sireet'M. B. Ctforch by the A & I SnRira-Clolhins and FurnWunj- . -. f . Q WoHk jg . - M - Mra. Good I . . . I , ;u , art tliftt the I ri.. i : A . lM r.' , , , . - 1 cut ire 1 jr cuci.oj !. tt-. -- - - ., ; -j- as line - uave mTtTcu ' umc Day's length 10 hours and 11 miaatea. of nisag g!1nken steamer wiULj lhc sratalaUobs of A!aay Sunset to morrow afternoon at 18 min utes past 5 o'clock. The cotton receipts at this port to-day foot up. 2l3.Ules.;4 1 oei hare to be abandoned for the.prwent. . fric0di. ILIPEOikUlD ero was out one uiienm-ni in vah.. dale ibis week an adult. Toucan bow buy Improve 1 Ileatinjt and Personal- : I Concert and Operetta Mr. R. VT. Chad wick, who remoTed LJ jt for tcaae days past from this city.to43yUa.;nit!iatrtmbef of ladiwwid gentteraeo ajro, has concluded to rctora to his old I r j, jaTe ja preparation ,a de home at Beaufort. In speakiug of Mr. I jjfui entertainment . which will be Chadwick the Wilson Advance Ipnt at some rly evening in . the 'During his suy smonjj 11 ne aas maae 0peia u0tt8e, Wednesday is the day se Cr-ra 00 U 013S P poaaA TtWWt'WaUrtiiftV frotaliTerpooltjn the 19th Inst tor, this -. - 1 It-: k- - .- 1 1 . ..- Oook Stovw at factorr pri at Jacobi's. t many friendi who - had hopod that he lectcd and on that erenin the entertain-' c' x,MnrL nuhis'iut: Gutes. would make WfUon ais permanent home- m tt wW preaentedV ItriU cocsistot HowiUetaBeanfoH an "Old Folks' Concert" and "Sullivan ciearea ai uaimore q , merly li?ed. rBoth he- and his family Xrial by Jury" and the roles will be sos P0, , 1 : . r " 1 ., wiU'carry withihem'the best - wishes of uined b 8ome the best talent in the I th3ir w lison inenai. 1 Borax for Colds. citr. The adrertisement appears m j where and the pox sheet will be oprn mnt. SnfamMdT in, Belle- 1 J r' ill - 1 one adult. UUI Mk VI waww I I v . A writer in the,JBdtcoJ Kecord cites 1 - v ' " , i.:-u u Vo-I Those who want the best scats should go a nnmrwtf m raHPH in wliilu uuiaa aaww i - , proTed ioit iffectualremedy in enriog earl, .to ,secu , a sailed from Lirerpool on tne ism insu Hc gJ)Cake or singers ' from colds, relief son next v canesaay cyqihiS. loroaTannan. , , for an hour or bo. as by magic, may oe 1 npatli of viv JahnitOD TkHW'tfca beaVBts'aud 'tbo-easJ'stI obtarbed 9 by dissolving and partially aocs 1. Hl om. ar At' KoflEN- I 11 r Umn f Virm-r tbp RlZfi OI a I . . iyi fo m- . I swauvwiuji 4u,r- v ; I hA snrelr crriered to learn oi we aeaio - .v.v r. . - - . 1n ! il Wir l. ' I - i I N.. a I " a 1 niu IVarHafor I lannrtmfnL DDUQI tC.,,- , ; ; garden pea, or wot r K of, Mr. N.M. Johnston, one of the most ? ; r. alsUTr7&ataa4 rarMt f rUola. 'in;UiAr-n-n:ltVrntf Forwt: OeiryVWdj ' thi. reeV, fore speaVingot Bingiag.. IW. pwa"". mouiu or miuv ww--v 7 s - . The Register pfjDeds has issued but ToIc0 ortone to. the dried vocal cords, one" marnago liccnse this week, and that ,ettiog brings back the miss- Tee mails close and arr.ra at the City pot Office as follows : Northern through mails : ! . .17 00 i p m Northern throogh and way eaaiia......... ......5:20; a. ,tr. Raleigh ............... . . ..... . . .6.80 a. m. Uaila for the N. U. Bailroad, and rotxtea cuppHed there from, including A. & N. C, Rlmad. at...MM ...... 6,30 a. m. Southern mails for all points s ; South, daily . . .'..8 a m and :o p. m. Western maila (0 C R daily " 1 . ' (except Sunday)....... 8:10 a- m Mail for Cheraw A Darling- ' ton ..,....... ....... ." 7:45 'p. m. Mails for ooinU b.ween Flo- ; rent and CbarVieton. a m t 7:iS p m JayetteiHe, arid; officasoa-; ,. . Cape rear Kit er, roeeasys, and rridays,..,. .:...1.-. 1:00 p. o FavetteriUe. ria Lumberton, ' r I daily, xcept Sundays & 10 a. tn. Ooslow O. H. and tntorraedt ate ofilcee. every Monday and ThurtdaT' at...;r. . . . 6.00 .a. m SmithvUle maile, by steam- tL- i t boat, daily, (except Sun- . , days)............:.:.U.i8.3psa. m Mslls for Eaiy HUU Town 1 . r Greek, Shailotte and Little ' t ' Wrer, 8 0 , ersry Mon- , . Ai ThtimaT at ' '...j eV.Ou a. ia VVilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays. Wedncs- . . n 1 i . MAC , 1 dava ana f naavs ai o.uu . u ' ! OPEN JOB BX3JVE&T. ! BTorthern through and way ' mails............. v. .7:00 and 7;30 a. m. Northern malls V................. 0-00 a m Southern Mails...:..... ......... 7:30 a. m. Carolina Central Railway.;.... 4:00 p. m IIoiz, Advorticsmonta. ' Pel'a Corn . Soivoiit- WARRANTED TO CURE A CORN IX S hours if used ai directed or money re funded. No pain or sore toes atteudln? lta oe, 25 eta. - For aale by ' .i.D. NUTT 4 go.. Jan t8- f Groceries, vtSct- 1 riAn 1 '"BAoaixa iVinn Bundles; New and Pcd T1I3, 1 On A Bb1 TLOUB, all-graie 300' 700 Bbja SUrt Aft; grades,' . BAGS qOTEJC, allffradw, . s A - - Sacks SALT,. , . 10000 Candy, CandleaCrackerSjChceEetarch, Lye, Potash, Pepper, Bplce, Wrapping Pa v i There are many persons here who will I . Stamp Office pen from 8 a. m. to 12 1 per, Ac Tor sale low by ' learn of the death M., and from 2 to 6:30 p. m. Money Tt . n. .Il.u ttoiMMiih rnf ton vminnfes be V4 " 1 ' was to a colored couple. - r uVidTiM our friends to call at Jacobi s for Household Hardware of every descrip tion. There you get the lowest prices, f Nor baroue Neptun, Tobiasen, from .;. for T.iTPmool. sailed for Queenstown on the 9th inst., as'also the in" notes to'a flute, when it is too dry. wtntoaaiid aa to Bt sold la tha city. oonu lar railroad: men m the United I General deliverv open from .8 :00 a. m . States: lie was taken sick last ueto-1 to 6:uu p. m,; ana on ounaaya inu o. ber.fromork.itU.aMd .....!ah .f Via MiirlMlM in 1 inCltl- I . i wuouiuMua - .vw I when stamp omce is ciosea. nati, 6n last Wednesday morning . I ajftug collected from street boxes every Mr. Johnston was in CoL Pope's Office I day at 1:30 p. m. in this city some years ago and remain rsiQTTtra llifUA A 4". Water street merrbaata wid k.eeptbeired here long enough to Bake many sin- daughters say, "How much better M fc drv in" Winter by wearing RcsEH-lcere iriends. He was a genial gentle-1 fftlhcr is gince ho used Hop Bitters." wiaaCo man, IUll OI gooa auour buu jjiwu I tie is geiwug wen uihcr 14m ship, and it is doubtful if he had an ene-l from a disease aeciarea incuraoie, au feet THAT'S boota and h.es. CUT Court. An old man who3e hair shows the ness, too, vas V All lovirs of Good IThlu Braad woald 5do I Xnud zvig, Evensen, from same to same. I fr0st of many winters, and the partner I genjailty - . : vtUtt try IL XlfU!Ia.ot, .. POLY SUPPLIES ! - ,. , . - always fmi aadofa Bast Qaalliy :36lm lX Boatrrritllit, n rturir - vt ll.aad II North fraat 8t tor, ai wonaenui as iof - -bis nature. was at the Cin- lady Herald. v New Adyartlsementa. 16 m: ahhet s rnuiir. rnf Tapped. A BARREL of Tadala but his bills decreased and the people were morning, the former upon the charge or I cinnati of the Chesapeake & Ohio R. R. ! happy, f rice cenis aooiue. drunkenness and disorderly conaucx, ana the Urf ftboye tim - & hi-r ruah of ladies and l tha last named upon the charge 1 ais- chlldren to Rankin Hall this afternoon ord&rly conduct alone, though it was the e remedy that will cure the many I V4llfl- N c ErE WfliBKBt. Straight JA3. M. McQO WAN, Proprietor. " 1 the to see the Glass Blowers. So great was opinion of all wno neara w cu- dure7 it-that the hall was . soon filled and that the wife was HSrtlm ' , 't v, tnm fttrav: unable to earn ad- as the husDana. a ae oiu uu UUiJLiwvia Ji w I ... . . - . 1 . a il I . , . I AmnTnsw k uric nnui itikuu mv m.amw i BIHIUM , Aiwuv. " ' I " . . . , mi U.U I , . v -.f V,- -a.iw wnnld nav handsomely, euard house and loose up. xazj v worsmp m u mwu. vuw, W4 "w"w -i" .... . r.,inM i-. . a . rtWJ , I promised g00a Denavior ia mo city KMUJrruw ao 4uvn.. old the woman in nuuiuuu t streets, KST. Kedor. TJ.ird January 23rd. At a meeting of the "State Board Agriculture, held , m Kaleigh on Wed lbroa2h her tcar3. jt being the first of- Corner Third and Mjrttt nesday. Col. A. Tope, General Passen-f . nono. sa3nended -judgment A. A- Wtfwn, D, D., 1 a AtUntfrtflnofitLine ,v"vw " . " ' 1 . Snnaay -an or rppu.y. .. grr 5CUk vv w ' xT . but gave lue oiienaer3 a siroug Celebratio'i at u a m- tiorniotrn and other railway lines in Virginia, North tio ot lo appear before him again un- at 11 o'tiook. Sunday f School at J p. and bonth Carolina and Georgia, was ZJlm.s. V ' Evening r,ayer at 4 o. CONCERT AHD OPERETTA IN THE OPERA HOUSE ON Wcdncadayr tJan; 361ha " . - V MM & TT W OT.T POLKS tUMiKl All rayeri HuiiivAn's Ooeretta ''CILXAL BIT JTJllir," elected General Immigration , A gent for this Bute. Death f a Worthy Man. ' We beard yesterday afternoon with . at TT, 1 'a n- fc?A I sincere regret 01 me ueam, .11 -13 Soath:Front 'St.n" rt,lortlllae,,f Mr.B.c. , 1 x-jky .... 1 1 Tiu he proaucea, mo .Tariuus H,ikj How to to jour .w. ' P,r 7?' 5' 1U V V Fnamnl Talllt. reaay BUu huV u,u-iui"7" - "-" " ; i , : 1 w li.ki mwui. m - M n .ill. n sanii , warranted at JACoai's. . X CTnnmmnnloa at 11 a m. Snndav I dtT- School at 3 p m. E glish .Service at 7:30 1 Box 8heet will be opened at Helns- p. m. v;aiecueuc iu:im-wn W11 4 " I Mlftrl on MODuiy, oiaust j " A Moristtr Killed. . ;A terrible and oolrogcoas varmint, m day ftl 3;30 am. rmA arrtralst vary weak aa I . . ' :u .n 3 oVi Af I ' . . . s Bordeaux, a resident and merchant of the shape ot a lerocioua wuu jinsr pnESBrisui . h, r7creek in Tender county. Mr. aid killed, on the west side of the river, comer Third and I Orange aU-ceis. Rev Long Creek, in i enuer couuiy. 7 . Hilton: in the I J. B. Wion, D. D., paor. fcomoa I n i . .i-ir nn rsnnnav I LCf-tl&T. iu: uuuvgv . ' ' I j .c.i,i,fi, . . . n.inipiu x was L.K,tu . Admisi!on50 cent;. centa extra. Star copy Keeerred peata 25 jan 21 WH.LIAMS & MURCmSON. .1 iir. uiu u d : ! AND: Florjers - Win ! TV T AKUFACTUK KI) feY WHITTJL Company, hltevlUe, N. Or ;-rv . Prices. and lamples on applleatlcni ' 8end ia yoar orders for the holidays de7.dlwtf V. : , 1 STRAW I STRAV I STnAWl QOMB WITH TOUB OABT3, DBATB and Wagons aid haul It away. I am almsrt Kivlnr It away. Good bright Blee btraw. la thedffe of tha cify at my barn yard aaar Litttla Bridge. 2 cents for a Cart Load. (0 cents for a Drav Load. . SI for a Two Bona Wagon load, or 2S cents pr 109 pounds, Pat up In' foed, nice tight b Ies. It Is an excellent feed for hones, xnuli or cowiV Very respeetfolly; " ' Jan 19.5c r 1 J F OABSELL. this mil WE WILL OFFER AT LES3 THA1J COST, THE FEW ' ..- , . " ; ' ; CLOAKS AND DOLLMANS on hand toclose out. Private Dancino Classes, ,4V- fl4U. ! 'fkt. U 11 . IS. WW IV j". u, u ..u . . . evening last and died as above sUtea on s vamps aujo uiua 3 p. m. - ' -ja. T. C. PANNING, of New York, VMt?aT morninz. i after an illness of lDcality. The slayer wa - FiFXh BTiaT u. e. cnuic (wiuru,; m onlynve aays. . is cellent citixen, and all who knew . . t- rn rr I- . ... . tv u.i. rrMin.,!! hirni fm trtfinic 1 lT i-iti ThA deead was an ex- acoiorea man wno resiucs wu 0Q YiKti. between nun anu tuurcu iim5Muwuv ... - aa a mm Anv rrvi n m. fusLiaaiias.si x innji i rfoiuua.uitwiu .vwi l i;K i :""' " f . . ..t ' D4wra Casl Traits sad Yagaishlaa, fertls' Ba.ar CaradPU Haa, Ujht Btrbs i BQiirs, .1 1 n r aIr MhrinTI .rV In hick Draue of Jiis many gooa seem3, is tuc w. r-;- : , at 91 a. m. Prayer .llt;M Thief, amon. which was his used by the Fox Club, in this ictty , ana at7;30 t . . " . .., , l r. v ,o : th wild animal i" Af-T.u r jn a iis sr. iiui sawa yi vaASsa - - - Meeting Thursday eve- rpiscopAi. cacKCH strict integrity . . 9C vaan ftf fe wife and two small children to it to the different members of the Fox 1 p; m SuDdaj school at mVa his early departure. mo JTrvBtoak-of f v i A 1 .ChampniT&o Wineo Hl C aa Clab ? Hew Daceet- Aa will be seen by advertisement pub ll.W!aewher Mr. T. C. Fanning, aa U rIdent of Wilmington, by the way, Wrinr been in ante-bellum times one of the proprietors oi the Carolina, uoici iB thisdtv. will open a dancing school w-airfvisF'- ry.t Mr. Fanning is P1IVATE LESSONS, early, la February. Circulars may be irtaincd at Heintber- n - I i,-ri,t his tronhr to this city to exhik-1 coiner Fourth and Orange streets, iiev. 1. 1 ctr.Ure Book Storegtring all information. xo i - - ,f Amvi.- tza tor. aervicea ai u a. in. i Ana i z.u n. in. auuuu uuiwi -j '- i . Huntine Club. Mr. K. E. Burniss, iresi-1 m. seats free dnt of the First National Bank, being I secon baptist capcj, one of the members of the above named I on Sixth, between Church, aa4 castle ats. Club, John made direct for tho Bank, Sfflra 8pV ST-SK followed by a crowd of ww J School at Q O . : and colored urcmns. ana fbot stbekt m. e. chubch, tovTU) others ot, oto growth., through. ; the corner streets looking at the natural c.! 7 p r sabbath Sctool at C p. m,, W. itv. The hour was an inopportune one-1 jj, rarker, snpV rrayer Aleetpg and A member of tbe Soritty of Professors of banclng, New York, will' lutroluce te latest SOCIETY DANCINi'.. janSWtsmw We are offering some real bargains in Tabl e ' Iinervs, Napklna,"ToweUf"Tray Nspkfhs, c. Carpet in all grades at the closest prices. Oil Cloths m all w'dths . t- Respectfully, .R. M. JlrlNTIRF.'' mrmm T . 9 - a. IVA .v.. vx,t- -n,l tin. Lnsiooss communt-1 Preaching weancaoay .ww Z:eT, old: Id moat; S about I .'dock. wbc JSWit . -.. o. r.i '.r Pfiirtrt.n it o.,-.T z " raembers oi tne Docievy 'u'" , Urerv one who lis has bank business to at-1 e?njnss in each xnonVb. . Per sals at ttw r. i - i T tHlJOTO.V. ft ui hiowww; it I every one wco uas oans uuswcao '.w Dancing and will be oie vo pwiusu. - teQd tQ . a to beading thay w,aj ha wcaisea.-He '.bears jtesumonia out that tiree. The throng rendu : - TwcntT Ti a Sifferer. . .jL 1 .nmant tarhers I J . - 1 V . I M -r, ' ...... from some oi iar. , ed ingress ana ezress m me oan ngni i irtt v itikbcz: - , r .w rftorthem Mr. "John' wore, i - . , i,n..,Kie .iw wAt.l!.tl Dear Sir Twcutv Tears aZo l wai " , ' Idimcuu it -un, l.v. rw.r, .ffSSS Ions- ThcammalisajerjUrscoaeof - ".ldSTlP iete.,TIliBnw.w'' !tl ie, th9 c!iw, OB as fettbcmgl, (a ei ks, Vihich kept jiaBiias' mmvsii v lucuamw a . most ttsnionao - ---- &n inch long SS., HanadSarie0;Womei.-.na Aiidr three month., tVr jWfc town'm Jirr'. rescued Irom bedj of pln.,sicknefs md ur, I o uhjui " ifl i Dx, Baah bv Farter s umger.u Pianoa and Oreans gOLl OJf THC XA8Y MONTHLY INSTALMENr PLAN at "V . -..... B!3T3BEiciE,PA 5 9 All Branches OP BUSINf 8 5 80PPJ.IED with Blaxk Bocki tn 1 Bts tlaitry at zcwonahlt priori Th Uadi&s Buries ?af Bahool Bosks, soxj staaUa oa aasU; Spadal rates t iaarehaats Laaixaaeasr AnoRierjlot clo the Clehia-r ial Orgalxlttst jostrestrau at CllfiQMai & STL EftGBAVIUCS J C8T BECKJ7KD a Lavg 1st ortw at, a ii i . - s saA a . its sizj was ccsriy fconiinuaiiy aiscoarging.. , -oawrr . nuu or the dc'btookins hundreds of dollars with' r.0 benefit; I Hedieal Discovery, and now ia less than Go t jAOOM f, fc" .iuUCiJ . . . ,1-vir tm1I worth- . xou .7, - . tn. lc rest worth. Yon can End these every cos i -1 qd for sals chssp at UElir?BBBOZE'Jf Ian 21 Aira Book ad Ifosis Bforv. Freeh Evpry -Day Fraacaaad Domertiff, Jast reoeired sad fas IIB" 05LY OSNTJ1NE H0UB-XXAD2 Caadr tarts elty,' wia-fea foead verv day, frasa aad iwseW threa 4oor Boath cf &arostae ow Coad stmt. Also. Hats C.H - -4 tnesr tie PciU, jaa 10 YATE8'B00K '( BTOSE. Peruvian .: m r. i no.SPoinyicn: Ground : , foealeby: WW&miu'Z rinrcliir'orS no.. -r- i ;!. t 7 Jctnca StrectjX?'