nfj t J At! Til C UXU TH AT POLLO VB I" A0fI P""J rell worn i . r eanr mora. golden rt. . ; uouo and thru Just whitif,r xae." Oat In th nuevlowe arid wood And Unea iom KDi tljru.ujnu whutle tor me- tct the Qp mnXrm' mx play, t iKr imi'Ia hor In iu i . rkl mtt i wu;naa va ruu ju-u. viniie f r u, I i64Jr Ux emu, tu mahgcra ni, ; I arlro e tCTLnx. 1 go the mm. 1 mil the eows with & rifbt good will.' - K-o4oo4 inrush Just wnlstle) for m. 1 belpthe pach"ea' isd platos' to ut n A-ibla axxl Uiruan Jut whistle tor tarn. For I mux boy UitcXiaiD tree. Tbero Ua'tM a pole too high fur me J Utm Un't a not thai I cu t eee Kooia ana thruah Jcul whistle for me. - ' ' , - " - WUca Unt mu rUowBftfrm- . Itotrtn uh4 tbra4t Jatl whistle lor uie Honw and, an.p aud ruvay m oow, rtacti oTwtitAt Md tMrtor &ov: i n MBiM(orna ittovuii plow: , i Awouia sua larutui ahjui wauue lot me. TU better to stand la the r?ldn era-- . Uobln aui lor-uti Jui w&lai tar me -"i u Ui bay on Ui brvcsr lea To pole tu iralt n Uie orcbard Iree. oo. allor txy. I'll fbliow vm piow. ; ri betUr U bear tba wUd bird aloe. llooin aad lb rualj oa ,Ui ptia bough And lattd. tu7. pmcef al Ufa. - . inaanurcau uwDouraruatoa mi; ' ; 90. soKIUir boy. I'll follow tb plow. . .,8ona Late 81as-;. Some of the new slanz is pa blished in St. Loii&f -j YVbea a girl ia flick" she is Lnowiag; when she - is iency" she is quite the 'referee of knowing. If f you wih to conrey to your heart's 4id6l .that yoa adore' her tra&ceodant beauty just tell her she is bpDressiTc." A John ny boy' ia" niir T&fletjr rof "thetnus homo wTia xnows now 10 aance lice an anrel enminr -that an ere hi would so wears g6 clothe an2L.l anidijt.ia ct- I -ery resperlyTe femiu'weAqufraleot 6f "the Joanny boy o is .ceneraJjy called ETaasreline., lf'ydti' disapprot of a place.' persotr or a party, you may either refer lib It! as a rsnide," "gummy' or 'toppy. Excessire admiration .wrecks itself upon expressions in such glosses, as balmy' harmonious or "4gulative." It is a sort of non-committal word, which can be used to fill np a sentence or ex- rnfl m .InnKtfnl Anininn Twentj Tears Si ffcrrr.; , Dr. R: V. Piiacs: . - Dear Sir Twenty Years a.o-X was shipwrecked on the Atlantic Ocean, and the cold and exposure caused a large ab- scess to lorci on eacn icg, wnicn Kepi continually Ijyschargiax Alter- spend ing hnndreds of dollars with no benefit. I wis persuaded" to , try jour .".Golden Medical Disco rery, and no in le&3 than three months after taking tha' first bot tle, I am thankful to say I am complete? ly cored, and for the first'. tfino,' in. ten years can put my left heel to tho ground. I am, sir, yours respectfully, WXiLIAAl BYDER, 87 Jefferson Street, Buffalo, K. Y. Tho lleanlnr of tho Toru Arjan. Yt hare to inquire into the meaning of the word Arrant and this is not a dif ficult matter, or one about which there is much question. In Sanskrit the word arvm. with a short initial a, is ap- nlittTto culU raters of the sou. and it would seem to be connected etymologl- cally wih the'Latin arare and the arc haic Earlish. ear.: Ho plow." As men who had risen to an agncnltural stage of . ... . - ..- ' l. A. J t ciTlulaliz, tae Aryans mign do uouot nocsidifi iTcraniin" neighbors, r m 1Iiiai Tarars.nd Turks, ha?' '. differ ent times disturbed the In' European world. But for the" mal t juxce of the word, las applied to tLi race, we must loot farther. This word arva. Ma culti- Tator of the soil," came naturally enoegh in Sanskrit to mean a householder; or land-owner, and hence it is not strange that we find it reocenxring with a long initial a. as an ad ecUre. meaning Vno- ble" or Mof good family." As a national appellatire, whether in Sanskrit or Zend, tim initial st at vara ton rand there can tJ IUIUW mm " J .w m jp be no doubt that the Aryans gave themselres this title as being the noble, aristociatic or rnling race, in : contradis tinstion to the aboriginal races . which they brought iatoistrritude. In this sense of coble the ,Wd frequently oc curs In tho composition of Persian! pro per names, such as Arwbarranea, t Ari Iramnes and -Ariarathea; jast as in old English wa hare the equiralent ' word ethtt, or noble, in such, names ai.- Ethel wold and E the! red. As an ethhlc name, therefore; the word Aryan sbems to.haTe a tinge of patriotic or clannish self-satisfaction about it. . Bntwa'ahall find, I think, that such a shade ot meaning has been more than justified Jbr history; - for w hare now reached sv-point .where we 'may profltablr enlarge the scope-of our discussion; and show how theterm'Aryan is properly applicable, not merely oyer an Indo-Perslan," but OTer an Indo European area, comprehending ibeinost dominant races known, to history the Greeks aud Romans, 81ars and I eutons. with thfrhighlyrapoeite Eoglisb.whose language and cirilixation arenowspread ioz theaselTes with unexampled rapidity ofer aU the hitherto unoccupied regions of the earth, which . the Vendidad did IT aa not know how to specify. i-February Atlnnlvid -J - - Jabituai tsiiTaas h the bane of Mltrerr Am SoSin. Frcmit usaaUyarthc orfS that w.nrely erminej their health and strength. Erer woman .... t.k T-iiieine Xjaney- It U the sure remedy for 3 . coosti- Wort. winn and for all flisoreera yt r d lifer. TryitiaUquidcry Kquall Relent in either 7 rtr 'v .'.I T - Jics Mho' apprcciato elegance ana .ycV-- Parker's Hair Balsam. -'Vffiscld.fcrr Qoarterlj$ T?'1-?? w.ilmiaQ District, Meiho ii3t KCharch, South. 1681. , n- v t (Fjrat round .) -awia, si ramtoeinlowD, Jan. 22-2. " tiuuogioa, jrutu street. Ja-i. 2'30 Wilmington, at ront street. Fib. 5-0 "mieniie. ai hit villo. Ftrb. 12-17. naccanuir .Mijo, at HetLia. Feb ' - 15-16 munswiclc. at : IWh.' . - - P. !. i -! Topiil. at Ves!ej;in;!. Ft b; 2fr7 Uoi!ow, ut Ta UricU . - . Olintoa; at Audrew Cbapwl, Viicu 1 1; ilalb, - - Marth 19-20 The District stewartli will meet at tbe Parsonage of the Front street Church in Waminglon,at ten o'clock a. m. on the 2dJFeb.2JA. fulUttendance desire.l. L. 8. Bl'BKUKAD, Preaiding Elder. MHw Ire Ton, Mr Old Trtvll ' Asked a brisrht-Iookinsr man. 'Oh ! 1 feel "miserable ; I'm billious anJ can't eat, and ray back ia so lame I cau't work." " W hy-io the world don't you take Kid. ncy-Wort ; that's what I take when 1 am ont of sorts, and it always keens tm in perfect tunc. My doctor recommend. it for all such troubles." Kidney-Worl ii the sure cure for billionsness and con stipation. Dou't fail to try W. Lmvj Uranch Aeic. C 722 Do jou.Trant a pure, .bloom ing Complexion! If .so. a feir npplicatlons of - Hagan's MAGNOLIA UALH Trill prat-1 Uy'joxL to J0lt,,Ileat, con--tent Jt does airay witli Sal--IoTTness.i Eedness, Pimples. Blotche?,- an d all diseases and imperfections of tho skin.' It "OTercoines 'h& (lrishe4 appear ance of.lieati iattai&'and ex-; citement. lttaaltcs rfiad of THIETY appear bnt TWEN-'' XI J ana so natural, grauuiij. and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. jan 21-ty-nrra t-Ua tu4T r PERMANENTLY CURSS KIDEEY DISEASES, LIYSR COISPZAIffTS, CQlTSTIPATIQir ci PILES. . . . . ' Dr. R. IL CUrtc. Sooth "Incit? Ct Kidnry Trouble It baa artwl liki m charm. It aa cured many Terr bad case of I'Uet, kqiI has Mver failed to act afficieiitly." XehwD rairebild, of St. Aibaiw, Vt. say. "It fc of pricelasa vaioa. After alxtn year of (rrwit aaaertna: from niea muX CoeUreacM it com pletely cared me." - caHoffaboa,orBer1nhlr ny? -One pack ara haa dooe wnodara for me ta oomoleteJy car-lag- a Mera Urar and aUdaey CompUdnt.' is ErrnEii.idQpD on dry Focn IT HAS WH9 PQIJER. . 1 Baaia itacUon'the LIVED, BOWELS aa4 KIDNEYS at the same Umc. ( 'Bacaoaa It elenae tha ayatem of Uiepoiaon tn btoaora that develop la Kidney and Uri aaryZ ,BUiotianaaa." Jamtdice. Conati pUoa.TUaa, or ia Rheumatism, Ueuralcia. Jf erroua XHeorden and Female CooipIainU. aw mauwrnm 1-1 im tWlt la pat op la Dry Ye ratable Fw. In tytlti rana. one paekaav of which makA mix ty qnarta of madkrfava. rwalao la He;alS Ff .Terr Canee at raird. for the eonraaJeoce ot taonethat cannaC UP 1 iTn.r prepare it. ItaetiriJiefpirleflic-!nrif rw in ritker Arm. GET IT AT THE DRUGGISTS. IT.I.' n, I.OO. WELLS, niCIIAUDSON A CO., Prop's, (Wmeeodtbetfrypoot paiU Bt BUXGTOt, TT. U U o Gtaftr. Baeaii .ruiny other ot me i byt medicines known are com-. . 4 1 mii i u . f'.ivrv. TrtMtr to xsakt Ii tlve graatest Blood Partfiar and the iBeit Health aad Stireafta BeBtorerarer ased.. ! It cores Drtpepaia, Bhaumaliem. Neuralgia,! kJeleeat. and all diseases of the Stomach, BowUinav Livtr. Kidatys, Uriiurj Oroaaa; iasdaUF-aU CawpWots- . . . If yoa are wasting away with Consumption or. uT&aease.vea e iC tor- No mattex whal- lyour tytn pfoi an wtybe, ItVill surely help r This TOVTC curea druaki you. 1 1 !.. Tnvrr rnrfi drunkenness.. tt ta4 Beat r bwimt " " v; "-"- different from Bitter,. Omeer freparauoa. wa; nea ine dcsuuauw iv-a jan lS-lydaw t-t-s Brsj. P. Qaarrjir, Balbxrt E. rTOBT B Paisk l.AUL Lata Cxn-noner M Patvt-. 1 j ja'te slits'; 1 B L aays-at-Law a.nd Solicitors of Amri V - can and .fcoret&Ti rawai. -Illftktraet.? Washington, D. a. PraeUos patent law ja all iu branche in theTateoi QEce,aud tottaBapi-ae and Grcilt-Courts of the United States Pamphlat icntfreo on roodpt of ftaxap leruesofaU. Buy a 50c bottle of your Cruggtst., Nona Cttttia xAihoct ursnatar oaoutsidej twraypeV. Hgco Co.. Chrmst. Near York. . "riTTTTrTTTTTTIaaaaaaa. Iliscollanooua CO LU Cure yourlpack Aclie Aid a'l dit-M of lb KiJaejfl, Bladder aid 4 Urinary Orjcaua by wearing be Improved Excelsior iKIdnoy Pad r It is a Maj TeHof Bealtce aad Baiief, SIMPLE, SENSIBLE. DIRECT. PAINLESS, POWERFUL! 't CTJllO wbAra all rail, a KEV Lliio. and KLVOLU11UN in Metieia 4binrption or direct app!isrtm. aa oppoae o otaati-.rast trj interj f tn(Klici r. Hanf .r oar ?retie n Ricue fonb'f", sentfree old br d'Mcif iat-. - r eat bj u,.xl,Moa rteif.! )f price, tl. Addrei TJ)- iftla Original and Genuine Kid- 3 he 'Only' Lung'Prd Cc- williams;blqck oritkndttke 10 other. DETROIT. Mich At VVhol".a!e In (T.arlerton . C, by )0K A MOiK, ttholeaata Dronlstt tct 7& ' . : , : . , . EARS IOB TH fOj Ctoi's Ba'sai Df Smart's CiL' Poiltirely Bestorta the Bearing and it the Only Absolute Care for Deafa.M Known. ' This Oil is extracted from a, peculiar, ip clej of small Waits Hhabk; caught ia thr Yellow 8ea, ksom Careharodon Kondel etil. Erery Chinese Fit her man knows it t Yirtnee a artstoratire of heatina; trer 'licrered 'by a riudblat Pffcit about, tie 4t Hit). 'ItM cures were 10 numerous and Vvly bo eeminly miraculous, tiati tie 'emedy wae i fticiatlj proclaimed eref tbe ei t'r Umpir lu use .btsceme so unirfrnl th'.t for,orer 390 yexre to Deafnett hia ea jit-d among the Chia38 peDbe Het4 aharjf is prepaid, to. any adcLws at tl per bottle. Oary lwpArted bf HAY LOCK k CO.," ' 7 per su New Tcrk. dole Aenta ftr Axe-ita. IU rtrtneearo ntq-iestl- naDJe am its enra- tire character ebiuta. ,es tbe writer ; can ?rena:ly titly. bjth froii tup ezieace and objqr ration. . . , . ! Atnocjf t5e many readeri of the E&rkw is the part and cnother r f the coantrj, it is vro bible that EUfhbera are afflicted with deaf- jeaf, and to ssch it maj be sale: "write ai inco to H ayloct & Co., 7 Der Htreet. IS ew Yort. enclosing $J, and 70a will receire bj otorn a rtimodr that a ill enable you to he a ike an j body cla, and whore ouratire efl'ecu ill be cfrraaoent. 1 ou wui nerer rerrei ioinp o." Editor of Now YorkUgrintUe eriew( ept.25, 18E0 J ?ec 8 GET THE BEST. iff 04,' WITH 2 It you Intend some day to get WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. "DO IT HOW." THE NEW EDITION Contains oxer 118,000 ITonls, 1928 PaqcS, 5000 Eagravinss. Pour Pages Colored Plates, 4600 SKW WOKD.S and Mcnuins. 3i6irrap3iicnl SJictionary cf ever 9700 Names. GET THS STANDARD. Each new I - '" i1!"'! 'i1- r-n-' ''Q letted dn--i u !M; j;it?t t-su"e. WitJi Hivr.viJiieaMi fiorierj,-now ak'el, of overSOD 'f ,4ed lVr.fn-. GET TIIS BEST Edition of th--t IMtk-nnrj- rf the Enp-li-h Lini.4-. ivt r u'liah., " Definitions' luiv ; j:1vmv.- het-n conreiM to bo tUHtr tii i: other Dictiouao". ; 1 TTJlustTfititnis 3000, o'.-out-tfcroe timrs 1 JL .njaoy i)i auy viutr Ihctionary. , ' rjTvie Dinar" rwonimenden by Mate ap w JL or 35 States, and 60 College rresidetitF. yrn tho PuMic .S.h.v)ls rf the 1-.-8. about JL 32.000 l'aTl- leen i4aetd. nly Knjrli.-h Iirtioriry eontaiaina: a B10- prnphii Dictionary, tnia gives iu an) with Pronunciation. Nation, Profession and Date of over 97 OO persona. Published by G. & C.MERRIAM, SprinsficIU, Ma.-r. WEBSTER'S flATlOML PICTORIAL DICTION RT; 10 to Pages Octavo 600 Engravings. COMMERCIAL IHOTbl. Y EE FROriU" - g trr.agUr e- orate i this IIoa ail fa1 Dished It entire lyatw, is prep arroj e? tir e to the triTilas publio all tha eoaiealtxeVs of a rrssT. GLASS BOTKU located In tbgrry cactra of the hndkasa part of 4 eJry, Wxg mrialeat to.thepriaeixal haatnesa hosssa, P 4toJi " Cusica Box, OUy Hall aad Oovt 33v. . - - fZl Ti.iUXxtM Bar aadiJUUard Salaca eoaaecUl with thls Boiei, - & . ' 7 ' IIATI8"W lia DAY. mm 5 ,x ftJCfl MARI t iui 1 1 I I m ' !7!IS.&alUIY I 77 Zczl 21 F.'A.ECIIUTTC, i t O'orea by AB80BPTI0H Natcrt V way; Ml LUNQ' DISEASES, THROAT niSFAaPfi. i BR EAT III II 13 TROUBLES. It DBIVkc) ' lrTO the yttem aaratiT agents and heanxf medieise. ItDRAWB FttHthe tfUeaaed parts the poieoae that eaas death. ... Taoviaads Teattfy to its Tfrtt , i , . Poa't.deeparr matll yoa hare tried thi Unaiolav. aaily Applied . aad k ADIOALLT ' SFfLGTUAJ Beasedy. Hold by Drosraristior seat r mail oa re ceipt of prtoej f 7, by : , ; . . dDd for Teeti. The 40nly' luair Pad Co. sa ft - at Tlil and book, "Three 4 il Hon. a uivviatf Williams Slock fear." Sent CTleh. free At Wboleiale in Charleeton. 8. a. by 00WIEA UOIdE, Wbeleaale Dragf Use. oet o The Sunjbr .1881 fVEtTBODT READS THasrJKAJrD lid the editions of this newspaper through ut tbe jear to eome erery body will find: .; I All the world's news, so preeett ted that the reader will get tbe greatest amount of information with the least; unprofitable ax c-endlture tf tim nd evesight. he 8qb ! 1o r aao discovered toe golden mean b. tween ted oitd ait Icttess and urti?faftr breritj. . . . t .. II Much ti iht sottof news wt,icbi de pends lets upon its reecgniretj ioiportaace than upon its interest to mankind, .'from morsiag to morning Tbe "Sun priatsa con tinued i'ory of tbe lires ot real men aad women, and of their deeds, plans, laves, bates, and troubles. - This story is more varied and moie interesting thin any! ro-maeco-that was ever drrited. j 0 , ; III Good writing ia erery 'cohunn, jand freshness, originality accuracy and decorum m be treatment of orery subject. . L IV t iot est comment The 8uns ' habit if to speilr tut fearteily about men aad thing! ' ' I jtij V Fqual cabdorln dealing with each, po litical p.rty, and equal readiness to commend what Is praiseworthy . or to rebuke what it blamable in Democrat or Republican ' ' : TI-Abeolutei iadepeadea cf partisaa organizstioxn, but imwarering - loyalty ,to ro Democratic principles The tit MUree that the Oorernment f hlch th,)DoiUfUtion girea ts li agoooMeipeeii .It notion of duty is to re-ist tTtl utmost power tha ef forts of men in the Republican party ! up another farm of gnretnmest ia place of that which exists Tha year 1881 and the vears inmediatf ly ' following will probably decide this supremely important contest The un belieres that: tho rictory will be with the people aa against the Rings for monopo ly,' the Rings for plunder, and the Kings for imperisl power . . -Our terms are as follows 1 . For. the Daily- Son a four-pege sheet ot twenty-eight columns, the price br mall, postpaid, is 65 -centa a month, or $8.60 a Tear; or,v Including -the Sunday paper, aa eis-ht pace sheet of fifty-six eelume. the price is 6ft cents a month,- or $7.70 a year, postage oaid 'be 8usday edition of Tha 8un fs also far nifbed separately at $2jZU a year, postage paid The price of the Weekly Ban, eight pages, rifty-six coJums, is $1 a year, postage) paid For clubs cf tea sending $10 wo will send as extra copy free ' -l Address, , I W FaotARp, Publisher kof TheSua, NaxIIork City: . Am Jt - 1 Ayer's r v mm. aaaMaaaaaaHaaaa .a. ' 1! T . - . 7oa Can be B6lievea& Cnrel FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL1 VITALITY AND COLOR.' ' It Is a most agreeable dressing -whk-h is at once harmless tind effectual, -for preserrlns the hair. " Jt restores, tvilli . the, gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, . and red hairr ta x rich ; nrown; or deep black, as may be desired. By its;;e thin hair ie thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checka falling of the hair immedi ately, and causes a new growth in ail cases trhere the glands are not decayed ; while to brash-, Treakor otherwise diseased hair,, jfr ( Imparls vitality and strength, and renders it pliable The Vigor cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by Its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most If not all of 6ie humors and diseases peculiar to the scajpj. keeping it cool, clean, and aoft, under "which conditiona diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. As a- Dressing for Ladies' Hair . pThcViGOB i Incomparable. It Is color-5 less," contains neither oil nor 4je, and' tvill not aoil white cambric . It jmparls an agreeable and' lastirij perf ume, and j as an article for the. toiletit 1$ wonoml-; cal and tinsurpassed lu iti excellence. PREPARED BY DR. J. AYER i CO Practical aad Analytical Cbeaabti. ; '-Ldwefl.JHass. , f ioLO aV Art ltxrccrsts xrz&twiiXaxV ' 1 vr7RAT3ror pTCtinof JWatf a-i.ji m . . f Fersosa redilng oat ct the cdty aa hare their printer earefally tzatatad taa catted to tho Crs cf pcst:es . n rrrUZmT-JlZzzr iz-Jfm-t IIiscallancou3 "T TMK 1 f- 'i. 1 JOSH TJ viIiJS EDITOR AND PTJBLISHEB Ia published Every -ALrternooxi (Sundays excep ted). At the following rates, poatnge peid One air. ... ....$6 00 Six Months . ...... 2 60 Three llohths.. . . . . ........ 125 One.Montb..... 50 Ihe i gper will . fce deliTexedby eanier?. free c f charge, in any pait of the rily at tbf Lhoit rates, or XSccnts per week. The Dailt 1btixw ia now in the fourth year of its existence, fs pr-- manehfay esff&Ushod, with a large and ' steftdiiyftncreaiir. eubscrip. tion list, and present? i o merchants and others a meet desfrable medi- mn for adreitislng. THE MDINGTON JODBtffiL. O OSH. tT0 J AMES, Isipnblibvl EVERY FRIDAY. At the fcdlc'wfng rata; .......200 six MoDthp. . . . . . ... ... ;roo EireaiMonthr . i. ., ..... . . . .jjo Tsg WninKw o JotraiiAL drcn ) t-largely :m the frdjcinlngr conn ti3 aa eH au in tha TTeatern. por if'.-i-vj Ifrf.' J- lU tions of i$a SUte anot prcaSntewi ainioiiidlitiss totnrchin!a for rMiag'tnVwn what 1hcy hiTft"tar i r Rail, Eoa tints, Co. Ornoa ot Qns'y ovraatataavaa-t t t . OHANQE.Of . WRliiUU. C ad ftei ;.fforei etr-74hi 13R0, a . . e f , rateAt e-Tr i 1 Vr i - aictoaA Heluoa Uaiuat . nii . rcn 'oliows ' - ...x OAT HAIL AJTD EtPREBS TRai, ..y ros. it Sortbj and 45 Bouih. Uare Wlunlagtoa, Tront Depot ati 6 40A U Arrire at Weldoa r...., 1140 I 21 rM , , : jllOPk Arrire at Wilmington, "front Ut, u T ,, ,,, ,,,., e e r h Fasi lareuf h Hal -and ra?teser Traloi ls'Vj-xyoe. as j x oil. ate et'l Leare "Wilmington Front Bt. a os p m amva at w miam , . 4 Leav Weldoa 1 ,.., al Arrire at Wilmington, 1 nut St. '. 1 Depot..;w.Ui..l6.10T hi Train ftoiO ortb wiUitop'Cily'tt Hoeky roint, Burlaw, heuth Wabit)jrton, h.aoo lia,, 1st t Uvs: OoldsDore, ,HUsoa, Kky atoanVfnflelds.allfaaa ,VjjAti,v, - . Trsinifo 40 South will atopawry atRoet y Homa Wilson, Ooldabom,asi JXasxoia. art.v. ti u.t, wr. . mmwotiKVTm u iuajurprei8'araia aeuy ncs tao aorta eta . J toy th. .a mv mm vm ll 1 m Z Leare Wilmington, Front BL! Depot at 1 li F Artroat'WeldonatJL--:ZIIL' a la a h Leare tTaldon,UU4w.:.i;"r 43 A U Arrive at wununjcJTroAtiSV r ni iepot siHM.HfHHaMN .0 A Jd Trains on, Tar bor, Bran ek f L. . Rocky Mount for Tartwro,Jr At .dsiir. ana mesaay,Thuredar aed d&tuxi at at 6':0 AM. Retareiig", We Tatbr6kit 9 to V M dally and Monday, WetnVa m c T Hdfcj at 80 P ki t -v 1 -(:q-W j raou lo. 47 -xualtts. o'-e oot; fctVn at W eldoa for all pohi.u &"ot;h .daxi,. ., . $ r ail ria Richmond; and dally except turaav tia Bay Line. ', Train No. - 45 rune ri KUhroond and Washington, and makes close .convection daily to Richmond, and daily except batut dar nights for all points north ol Richmond. Train No 43 runs daily jtncL makes elose eennec'ion for 'alt points" Korth 'ria' Rich mond and Waebjpgton p All talrs run solid between Wilmlrgton and Washington,. and hare, rutlaiaa Falace Sleepers Attached. v . . . 4M... v r 4tm& . uitihx; General tel. A, oPKGea'I Pass, Agent U4 nor 29 'jrri; '" " r-' '?! r.vT ' ' , Cen'l Sub'ts Offico 4 ' ... WXUKUIOTOir, COLUMBIA Ajm ATJ. BUST A BAILROA D' CO' i . ' WllttiBgtcnBf. 6.:Voi 5TirjL0a . CHANGE OF: SOBEDTJLb.' , On- tnd after or ember 28th, 1680, at S 4S P M, tbe following -Passenger Schedule ill be run on this road-- y- , Day Passenger, Msfl and ;Fxpres Trair, daily yos. 42 West aad 43 East. -LeWIlngtonj.;8 W L h Arrive at Florenoa.w...; 1 5 p Arrire at Wflniington.... T 43 P Jtt tfjiTOHT EXPRESS TRALTB: (Daily Za- . TNos. 40 West and 4T JSait ' Leare WUmIngton.2. 10 15 P 2d Arrire at ColumbU , ;J7. 6 -lb' A M Uare Columbia. ....... lo DO P M Uare 00 and A A JuBetJon..10 30 P M VT9 y?,oe: a CO A t Arrire at Wilmiartoxw, . g t0 a ZJ -.Trf ,t0PB onlT Brinkley's, WhlterlUe, Flemingtor., !, Blur, Jtfarlet, Florenoe, TImmcnsriUe,TM sjrriUe, fiuaUr, . Camden Junction aud iaston. A Pusengers for CojumbU, and all point ou O. A C.&. R.. O., O A A. R. R, tftatiossj Aiken Juaetion. and all rfr,. v should take lfo 40Mght Bxpres.v 71 Feparate Pullman Kieepers for Charletton and for Augur ta on trains 40 and 47. All trains run solid between ro.-f.J. and Wilmington. - . . JObii . nmiif. n..t iu . am. a, uw 1 XaTS. Agents OAJIOLEN'A CENTRAL RAH EOAD 1 ' COMPANY. AtM OtfioGfaAi. baiixrTaapwrr, i -.z: ...... .04 WUmincton, JT. a, Dee IV lfi80. CZLA2T6JK OF, fcCHSDULKs . i OM AND AFTER December 17, XWO, tie I'niwv ing Schedule wiiA operated ca ti Railroad t . Paasengrr, AisU atd Kxpreas , Train.' Daily except Sacday. ;s ; . . Jfol J lesve WiJoiInate8......;.9.I0 A M 4 An i re at C Hrlotta at.,0.10- P M lxsreXtrJctfe at-..6.J0A M J It eat HfoifcgKB,lf So- J Trails Ufa I aid S, slop tat regaler its (lens ccly. aad poinu.4tif aated la tbeCompa liy's Time Table., c- uif a PasseT&er, Mail sr d 1 hr ccal PrsIghtTrsla i Leave WftafLlrtoi. aL Bi P Li Jo & J jrtTaiUtu IU, 8:14, A ll connection u r Raleigh on Saturday Bo is daily axeepi atttrfayr . : M Shellry DJTlonPeaiiV,'l!IlHrrtis ; ..; ; :.. ;i i and Freight! I .L-srT s .Leave Charlotte at. j,' tl- Afc. 1 Arrire at Shelby at-.e,14tf& B dl - aw ta . . . . I vjw i t eye ojgJh i: jr. M Trains ffoe & ana e jsaie ikft: eonseetien as BaAlet td and 'frm Raldgb, except s , above, and st CharWtte'wlih trains Aos 9 and 4 on Shelby division? . Throcgh Sleeping Cars between H&dilv and Chazlotta, . , , H r M r 1. - I Ti Q. JOIKrCO-r 4 de ll , Oeaeral Patxrlntairiaym.' .. . CftUrrh Eery Ureal comnenccf A witli a cold, tnt its : cct 4 almy commences, with thonsaofHarefs Catarrh Bemedy. This old, reliable, and well-kno-crn remedy las stood th raj ncTtr corn, pop: 19. . j hsir to IU en vfrva oEsa - jLSSl COIOrarra . . -