liUa iak .Safari; i"ihr thy . .. hi 1 1 7 PU4 by yoan T. " arDiro ajtd unco,' CD3dUrTI0WB,l08TAGE PAID. u yrtS 00 8U aoiUi, S3 50 ; Ttr auu,l 14; Oa month, &0 oata. paptr will badallvri dt ttmtn, JfWf,t aay part thcitv.ttfc a 'dlarx to rteeiva thttr paprarerviarly. Wot Advertisements. PRIDE OF THE PANTRY" A FitEn SHir UAT OF ITS EXCG LSNT IX BRELS iXU HALF CAtUtELS, JUST ARRIVED Tfe it,iihi m us iJw U1'.S Fi,OLTR la tLe dtj, at A iow prkr," w u!4 do well to send in ibelr John L Boatwriigrht, 11 and 18 North Froat at. MACKEREL, &c. JUaT liKuKlVKJ AX JSVOIi E OF No. 1 Mackerel,' la Bairel, Half UarreV aid Elits. if Also, George's Bunk, Cod AND Scalded Herring:. I am now retailing an Ex. 20. 1 Mad erel, rery Largs and Ft i for 25 centi an xcjnot BakJut DUh. John L. Boatwriffht, ja 2 U aa4 II Noith Front 81 AT C-30RGE MYERS', 11 & IS South Fiont St. . ... CHOICEST FAMILY QBOCEBIESrl DtUwara Catd Frafci aa4 reptahlaa, rfnlf8l'jax Car ad Flf Bama, fjht Btripa aad Bhoakiars., . Fra Rtoet of Champagne Wines l BV frni.raT Oak mUk.y, , Iarrrtd 'aid'DesMsU CTiars, Fa a U at Lew Yt , HI it CU The Bun :iBfii. VOL. V wn.NflNGN, N. C. TUESDAY JANUARY LOCAL: KVVS. .leu AiV tirti (" f KM McIxtike Dnyi God., a m. 1 Trim mings IlEIXffBCROFJt A New l.o C W Yatka Prank's V'uleutin- C.V.rir A & I SnKir.n-''krtiiiiir uiad turr.iffb.rc Goxh And aaiu no Citv Court. The cotton rece.pts at th:. p-nt to.lay 1001 up oaiea. Youeo novr buy. lmpr v I "flfAtim; auJ. Cook 8tov at factory iTivs it r4rf.n!S. We are glad to see thut Mr. Don Mac Rae has recovered .sa6i:ieutlv from hi. recent severe illneW to spjir on the streets to-d.ty. , We understand that parties are emleav orinjj to push other sinrilar remedies into the market by spicy advertisements' lr. Bull's Cough Syrup however takes the lead and the DrugjrislM ain; selling more than ever before. lric -." cents. We understand that the Rev. Dr. Bernheim and daughters will commence the publication in this city, in April, or a monthly magaziae to be known as "At Home and Abroad." Wo adriae our friends to call at Jacobi's for Uousehold Hardware of every detcrip- tlon. There you get the lowest prices, t Indications. For the South Atlantic Slates slight changes in temperature and barometer, northeast to northwest winds, partly cloudy weather aud , local rains on the coast. How to be your own jainter : Buy the K. V. Enauiol Paint, reJy inixml anp warranted at Jacobi's. f A few days ao. while playing with a pistol, a little white' boy shot himself through tho hand. The wound was dressed by Dr. F. W. Fottrr arid the little follow is doinr as nicely as could be expected. ; Water street eg ere h vat will keep tlnir feet dry iu Wiuter by warinc; Rosen thal's bo its and shoo;. f Another horror. The Atlantic Ex press train which left Elmira for New York last Saturday 'night was thrown from the track, the postal and express cars were burned and five employes were literally roa3tcd to death. Go, to Jacobi's for Doors, Sash and Btlnds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glasa. all sizes. All at the lowest prices. f Mr. Vest seems to have poured some hot shot into Logan and his party friends in the Senate on' yesterday. Senator Vest knows how to invest the works of the enemy and when an investment of a little oratory in that direction will pay. It is his vested right. Cigar Factor?. Messrs I. Iliraberg and M. F. Bently, of Raleigh, have opened a factory in this pity for the manufacture of cigars. At present they are Mocated on Market street.betwcen Front and .Second. They employ ten hands and four strippers and turn out 2,000 cigars a day. They nian ofacture only fine go mis and will not undertake to handle common grades. We wish them every sapec.. J. N. Bick, of Toledo, Ohio, says: My father, before wearing tho ' Only Lung Fad." could not bleep nights on account of his violent coughing; 6ince wearing it he his slept soandly every night See Adv. Haristrate's Ccurt Wm. Love. colored, was arraigned IfJ fore J. C. Hill, J. P., to-day, upon the charge ef larceny, and in default o bond was committed to'J"ail. Tho crime is al leged to be the same for which David Hall, colored, was arrested and tried by a Magistrate afew daj3 to go to wit: the larceny of $22 in money from J. O. Nix oo, colored. Hall gave bond for his ap pearance at the next term of the Crimi nal Court. But Q"ve, the defendant, to cjsy in Justice Hill's Court, was commit, ted in default of the proper surety as above stated to the next term of tho Criminal Court.. We presume it will be determined which of the two accused is the guilty party. Aotncr This. any person ta be Did Toa rrer! kow ill, without inaction of tie stomach, liv er or kidneys, or did, you ver' know he who Wax' welt wheri either was obstructed 6 Inactive; and did you : ever know or hear of any case of the kind that Hop Bitten ww cot curat Ask your oeigh bor (hU nni eueatioa Times. Jude Rasscll'a Speech- As there is a dearth of local news , j . , ' .4, . rff - r-r iqji, j ouge liusseu s remants in inc House of Representatives, on Friday last, in the matter of t! contested He. tion case .of .Boynton va. Lortn;. Mr. Kussell of North Carolioi s.d .: j . isueaker : 1 piopue to- off r. a j substiJute lor bth rporm with view lee ou Efti0(iJ, lc e rmcK 10 ilc louiuijuj o asccrtuiu wneint-r trie sitting member in ilii eae r. auv other.! lineal powr ty her excessire representa of 'this iiouso from tlw. MaUtf ot, tin au.this Uonsc. harinr eleven mem. chasftts is .entitled to aaeatJ'n ;'tbVmrYT15$2'to ebe is oiIy en It t(-ems it is substantially admitted tlsat Massachusetts bus deliberately dis franchised a very large number of her inhabitant, citizens of the United States It is also manifest that this disfranchise ment is so extensive as to deprive her f the representation luunded ou tae whole t t 1 ' . ' t --w . numoer oi xier ;innaoiiani.. rveri me contesteo in this case, seVtoVkq adxit inai tnis.-aisiraocMseraeat, tissumcieni to tnke lea&,,member4Pf the elevep whichishe claims add holds ic this House. . Here we have the astound in fact that this State, one of the fore most of those. State J "which joined in establishing the fourteenth - amendment ms a part of the organic law of this land, his deliberately violated that amendment and has been, and is now, enjoying the fruits of ,this crime by holding represent ation here which belongs, to tho people of-the other States ot the union. And now;, sir it is plain that if this can be done your fourteenth amendment is a dead letter and the Constitation of the country a delunct instrument; Much hasbeu said about the disfranchisement of black men in "the South - by violence and bloodshed, but it seems that- Massa chusetts does by her law-makers what she denounced the feouth for permitting to be done by her criminals. The gentleman from Massachusetts, the sitting member in this Congress, has devoted much time to a defense of the laws, policies, and history of Massachu setts, and has made a signally unsuccess ful attempt to wipe out blurs and blots that rest upon her name and fame. His glorification of bis people as warriors, his claim to preeminent distinction for Mas- sachusetts men as soldiers in ine iaie rebellion, is calculated to bring smiles to' the faces of the real soldiers of great, war States ut this Union. North and South; Why, sir, if the real statistics could be obtained there is every rccson to be lieve that States like North Caro lina and Tennessee, which, next to Vir ginia, formed the backbone of the Con lederacy, furnished more of their bona fide citizens to tho Federal Army than Massachusetts. Of course in arriving at this result it would be necessary to de duct from Massachusetts and credit to us the Iarfre numbers of our black men that she enlisted into Massachusett reg iments and used as substitutes for her kid-gloved gentry, and not one in ar hun . dred of whom ever went into the Army, except in an easy, comfortable and safe position. She is no more entitled to claim these as a part of her war quota than she is to claim as her own produc tion the cotton which we produce and the manufactures. And if her talent and her culture were in the Army, how is it that she cannot send any of them to Congress, how is it that almost all her representative men, instead of being sol diers, were during that terrific strife en gaged in making money and contributing to that vast wealth of the North without which the So-th could not have been comqueretl? " " - But, sir, I make no charge upon the people of Massachusetts". The 'gentle man has gone far out of his way to seek an opportunity to defend what he is pleased to caU the State of Mas?achu setts. Nobody had assailed the State, but the gentleman, with a coolness that is characteristic of his caste, assumes the aristocracy of Massachusetts to be the people and the State. The great mass of the people of Massachusetts are labor icg men and women. Her common . peo ple and her middle classes that con stitute the great majority of her people are as good as the people of any other State. It is not they who are now brought lo the bar of the country for a violation of the Constitution, but the minority w'aich tramples them, down by disiranching them by the thousands, and which constitutes itself an, aristocracy, founded upon neither blood car brains, but raonev alone. It can hardly be serionsly contended that the contestant is entitled, to admis sion. - The legal question here is, it being es tablished that Massachusetts is entitled to lesi than eleven rremtcrsof theilouse, shall she bo permitted to violate the plaiu mandate of the Constitution be cacse Congress by the apportionment act of 1372 allot led to her oicven mombers? It iscQQteoded. Congress having fixed the apportionment erroneously, wrong fully, and unconstitutionally, the wrong can only be righted by a new congress ional reapportioameut. i'he answer: is that Congress can no more violate the Constitution than M apsachusetts v eant and when Congress declared thai Massa chusetts was eatioi to elevea mernDett it violated the Constitution and,4 Eke all, other unconstitutional legislaAioA, t' act, so far as It applied to Massachu setts, was simjtfy and void. Will anj man contend if North Carolina had been declared to be entitled 'to forty members when in truth and in law she was only entitled to eight; that sh-j could i hare ent forty members to this 'Hoa's kept them hare onder the preleo tnat uoojma bad to ordered! Would nasi tcaofceiia coaaeai uai ner people tnnld be robbed ol their leiumate ; share of political "power because Conr ' grew, in -nolatioo of the OrtnititttUon, rqa.otm of r .preeeuUtloo? Woald she admit that member elected under anch " circnn3Uoc sboald bt entitled to bn'd '-ttrir sens in thisUooae a single dayf it ray be said that al though Mm ?a- rlin.sett tsenioTios- an madne share of do titled to nioeit would be monstrous to turn out all of her members, to deprive her of all -representation. TJxe" answer is that if she bat two more votes on the floor of this House than she is entitled to, thereby giving totltayt three men in Massachusetts the Vamepblitical,- power as tour mea in New, York or ?' .North Carolina if she has thus violated .the Constitution of the country in tta-plainest termf, then the wron must be remed ied and such steps must be taken as ara necessary to give her her true aod,lawful representation. "The only way to de this is to turn out all ber members in this House and provide by competent legis- lation for her true and. lawful appor'to. ment. It is rWr-that tbV're ii no d nVr! ence between the title of the coofr'&tee in this ce and that of aov other nieiu- ber of the Massachusetts delegation. There is-no method by, which yotx can select two of the eleven; and11 exclude thera en as to reduce the number down to her constitutional nine. The defect is in the title of each and every 0ud oithem, it is inherent and vital, and - no man can distinguish "this case from the other case which I have out ef a State sendinc for ty members when she is only entitled to eight. - . . it docs not follow, that, because the apportionment law of 1872 is null as to uassachusetts it-is so as to the other States. Kvery. law yer knows that a law may be good in part and bad in part; nor does it follow because the - illegiti mate and excessive two which Uasso. chusetts unlawfully' enjoys" belong to soma other stateymai tne title or the Representatives of that State is defec tive. ; , - r.-,- , -v-v-..-r . : ,. The distinction between tho -case c a State which sends more and the State which sead3 less than ita xoustitatiual quota is easy, t A State which sends more can only remedy the wrong by with drawing tnera an and eenaiogthe proper uumocr. . Aueotate wucn senas teas oas only to provide by her own legislation for the additional number, leaving those who have already been elected. For example, if in this cose the Massachu setts members should be ousted and that State should send' nine and the other to should be . distribated between two other Stato vhe two latter conldforbrfde through ttoir Legislatures for an election; perhaps by districts,- certainly by the State at large, lor the additional member. Broke Ills Leg. We regret lo learn of a serious acci dent to Mr. Wm. Tafi while at work at the blacksmfth shop3in this city, at the W. & W. R. It. Mr. Taft was at tho time of the accident engaged iq lifting a heavy 'piece of iron, when he fell and broke his right leg just above the ankle bone. He was carried to his home in the Southern portion of the city, and hia wounded leg cared for by. Dr. Thoa. F. Wocx. He U doing as well as can be expected, though it will be some time before, ho will be able to go to work again ; To HorroTf EfGoins- There are stiil a few desirable seats to be had for the entertainment which is to be given in tho Opera House to-morrow evening. "All of the world will be there" wbigh means that maay represeo tatives of the youth and fashion and beauty and gallantry of Wilmiugton will be present. The two pieces to be pre sented are in ekliful hands and the enter- taihmen.t ia sure to please. . In this connection we would remind those who will be present that, a number of ladies have made preparations to fur nish refreshments on the. occasion which maybe found in the Mayor's office. Sleigh a; la Ue Hid; ceased snowing last evening about dark and soon afterwards there was a fall of sleet The sun rose clear this morn ing, as is almost invariablythe case here after a snow storm, and as it has been bright and clear all day the snow hoi melted rapidly and the streets have been full of slush.' There were but two sleigh out and the drivers of these soon, found on t that there Wisn't upch ran in being dragged through the oncV and thealeijha 1 tnerenpn uisappearea more rapmiy inaxr the foow had done.' Catarrh Someilaes 4 aitnecces witn a coiu. . out its cure Uway eomroencej with the use of Sage's Catarrh Remedy. ' This ' old," reliable and well-known :recsd , fcaa stood th test of years, and wasj never, raore; pop c!sxthsn.caw4 v- - v . - , 25, 1881 .Vo 284 List. of Lelera. The following Is a list of the letters oaatuing nnciaiaied In the City Foetofie- WedoeAdayt Jan. 28th : A J no Alexander, C H Alexander. BMias Elizabeth Blue. Clarisy Broadhurat, Frank Beasley. E G Bar nitz, Geo Bataoo, Frank Baker, CM Bishop, J Brown. P M Brown, Tom Brown, Needam Brown. T L B ridge ra. C Charles Carson, A L Child, Allen Cash. Laura Camel. Jno Carrie, Dicy Collins, mrs Elizabeth Cortgeon. Lissie Cobb. 1 I Lousa Davis, Belford Davis, Ed tnood Dtxoo, Ira L Davis,. J no DaVisV William Downie. K-Catherine Elerby, J B Ezelle. F Henry Freeman. J A Farrar. , G J D Gilbert. HGrace Hall, Hattie Uopkius, Mary C Heins, Chas E Hudsoo. J W Hawkins. W H Horson. Calvin Hill. . JrN. L Janney. P J Jordan. Thoa J Johnson Tames Jones, Flioa Jones, Hay wood Jones. Mary JusUc . KMrs M JjK-titb. .. L-vy esley taney, J K lam, Maria Loftin, Isaie Lane, W W Licky, F Line bam, Wm Lee. M A A Moeeley, Almira McLun, Jane Merrick. Mary McFrlao Jno N ! H enry M cCa Hester, Jas Merfimon, f ohn McMillan James McFarlan, , Isaab Mosely, King McKoy, W M McL&orin, Wm Moore. .. .. P Frances Parker, Fannie Periall, Jane Phair, Geo M Phifer, W A Pierce. , R Mrs Reeves, A B Rushing, Rebec ca Robinsonr J Lea Ro we, Jack Kobbins. S Chas W Steward, Geo W Sheri dan, Sarah . Smith, Peter Simon, Council Simmons, Lucy 8wann, Elizabeth Single- tary, Olarisa immona. THattie Taylor, E L Thomas, Chas TiedebebL .. Y- Aaron -Vann. W Charity Whealdon, Charlotte E Whiteman, Elizabeth Write, Etcy Wii liams, Margie Wright. Mary J Willis, Salina .Walker, Lewis Williams, Mary A Wood, Fans White, R M Walker, AVm White. ; . H SHIPS. Schr Martha; Schr Mary Emily, of viverpooi ; xng aiary r xignion ; onip lAkdale. Persons calling for letters in above lUt will please saj ''advertised"; if not claim- ad in 80 days- will be sent to dead letter Office Washington, D. C. E, R. BRINK, P. M. Wilmington, Nsw Hanevtr County, N.a .' Ue7 Advertlcementf . A Mew Lot rV XOTE, LETTER, FOOLSCAP, legal Cap, BUI Cap Paper ; also, the latest styles of Paper Boxes, ju&t received at HEINSBEROEH'S. Eluflical Instruments . 1 . . XTiOLIXS, Guitars, Baajoe, Accordeess, Tamboriaes, Harmonicas, and many others For sale at LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STOKE. Jan 25 Prans'o Valentine Cards. ? N BLK6ANT ASdOiaMKNT JL8T RECEIVED 8cbool nook, lUani. Book, Statloocrr, &c, at YATKS' BOOK 8T01IE. jan Clothing and Furnishing Goods p-0 QEST6, TO0TRJ, , AND OV. rbrei?as, fatefcals, . Talitff. Ac, Acf at A. I. RHRIER'B, JailS Sl4ntettrt Private Dationig Classes. "a rR. T. C. FANMXO, of Xc Tort, 1VI x has t2wr h-oor to asnounce that be will 5rsi, CLASSES, Acmooii aad. E tetany; alo PBlVATE LESSONS, tarty la February- Circulars may obtained at ITdaaber gtrVUve Book Store givirjg all infonnailor. . A octaber of the toAttj of Proioaaors of Dancias, New Tork; ".will ? latrodue the lattstSOCIETy PAKCINU' v ' Jaa2iptam w r 4, atybtv to lh S4ttor. oaaddaeftaaMvar. FarawaUtiaa aa ?. vifc4 Aad It la WpMU2lt UMlarlj aad m b tb Kdlw 4Mot alwayt mUcn tba yritmt ot eorrwpoaM ' Wttw n s 4 la tkm adltorU ootaataaT " " Dress Goods " AND Trimminers. IN" Tnis jDEPABTMENT tha Ladi know thu we keep tha meat varied stock to be found la this city. All cf te newest and moat deirble Trimming Materials to e- .CP" ult BUck and coforeddUk Velveu for 8klrta, -'Cloaks acd Trimming. - . . . V . ; CORfll 'OUULl I il .r COLORS tif.' fiuu r in ri;it rue. In the line of CarpeU. which . one eari scarcelv fail to find anmtit please. In" Bru&sela, we have them at Body Of uaaets "at h-fowfct flire A I ware tock of Rot'iB vrfAMtrtvpM(. wiuotaifronj feet up to 12 feet wid. jan 23 MiRtK. McJDTTlRZ. CONCEflT AHDlO?EUirLt 1 IN THE OPBK A Woi:KO.V Wed d esdayu ! ill IC ih , 4 N OLt), ' rLllfi? AND Suliivaa's Operetta 1. a. 7 ruiAii hit jvnycf wUl be produced, Uic varioVs' vTrti belrr suatained oy .ladies and t'ebtleacnIa this Tho Box 8heet wM be opened if Hcini berger'a on Monday, January aith",' Admi&tion 50 ceuta, ; Keaervad raeata 5 -cents extra. . ian ! Star copy , t.. - . . 1 i 1 j 1 j ; RefreshmentSp rjlEE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. WHO SSnPreflnVat the'enWrUhSmint ou 2S2Sf1Srn,nwJLn flodfresbment. e?1.!StheivMftyrfc Office-whichwm be furnished t tha usual city prices ' V. -Jan. 34 St. , .-v., 5A , , . . , rGrocerios 1 &o9 Hi 6000"C9W': 200 Bales nAY '1 ' v JQQQ Half BolU BAGGING, 1 000 Bttnlle Kow "d Pci tie i 300BUSl;OAR': ; fJQQ BAGS COFFEEalf gVadw, 200 rel XAlL8' gQ'Tona HOOPJRON, 10 OOO8" 8ALT- Candy, Candles, Cracker8,Cheese,Strc , Lye, Totash, Pepper, Spice, Wrapping Pa per, &c. For tale low by Jan 10 -WILLUMSVfc MURcniSON. STBAV l STRAW ! STRAW I . poKE wnn Tona oabt3, dbats and Wactmt ai haul it away. I an aim o rt giving tt away. Good brigSt ftiao utraw, ia . ' c' Et a? bm J 11 mi Bridge. iS cnti fir a Cart lead.- J,0,( M ct-au fur a Urar Lod Si lor a Two Hot WsgoaXoad, or 2S tat$ psr lOi j-ouadf, Pat np in gci, nfc, Utt bafat." Il ls aa exaalUnt fed for h .vt, auks or cow. , jal3-ftt J F OkKRZhU Peruvian Guano.; ' - r ;j ,", ts --): ... 2000 .Tons m Ho. 2IPeruyian Guaiic I FOB'S ALE B3T v Williams & Slnrdilsoir; PeFo Cornf fioiyentf TTTARRANTED TO CUBE A COEN 1 If .." . iW.- ' " i - .t S hours If need as directed or money re fcodej. . No pain or tore inH ttttln' its nie. .2J eta. For tale by jaa.l. ; "U bK'ad to ralT aoauaaakatS 1r omr fHaa4a oa aay aad all. imbkr (aaraltaaaratt bat ; 1 ! i - ' ' ,! 4 I -'i ; f . r ; i 1 f 5 t ; a ' : ? t- .! : i :; I a naaiH fi iaai (

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