a s ' ' tittit i "V. t4 f tstfi a. Baadays , Joan., t. j Anno. ' ' jljt rohrrom." . "j BUESCIUrnbipOQTAaE PJLID. w Wgi CO Hiasaontas, n&O t Tlree BMUM.fl U j Ome aaonth, 10 eeata. PSr will be (Ullvered by earrien. '&Trflij partef the dry, at the I -nave t mm, or 13 ewmis pr i-iTrrti(ax rates low ud mr allures ts reeeivefteir papers refriaj-i). ; Uexr; AdTOrttsomonte. Dreso Goods AND TrimminffG. now w kep tht mot rarled ttock to b fannd la tU ci. AH of tha arrest and : tentUl la the Mfet op" of fulu. BUck and ocwruM iruamiBr jiilatiai n . .eoiotfa.auK htbu rorSUru, ClokMd .,CdQ AnO TAISEU 10 COLORS Ull D C LAC It - - Is th llaoi 6i Carpets, which we carry. wjnaiciiTwy iaa w sua aomeuueg to troj Bruateu at t&e lowest flnres. A Ursre Wck of Bars la X pea try. Fenian a&d elreu. OUOoihi from S fet up to 13 feet wide. RespeetfuHj, KM. MoDTTIRK. AT 11 & ;18 South Fiont cSt Pmh arrtri!sir7 rtak. f te CHOICEST FAUUT QitOCEQUS.! DsCsVAra CaisedPratts aad TtgtaUff PsrrU,yiaaT Oar4 Pl 8aa, Ltbt 3irLf aal tlbiUm. Jftw Stack of Champagne Wines I R?ae 9riM,Pv a CU TfaUkeyi roti-d aad DsMiU Ctiars, QEO.r-lVERS, Jul X-m. 11 aa4 11 ftclh rr4Bo Groceries, &o, 6000 BBiC0'1, 10QQ BalfBoUs BAOQCfO," 1000 Nrr ti3 1300 njOCRiail ITT 300 ?QQ 200 BA03 COIXaS, all grade, . J-s MAILS, 50 -Toas nOOP.IRO, 10 000 : Saeks SALT, Caody, CaadJea, Crackers,Cliee,5larch 1 iM..v Parser. 8ck. WraptHaglVl v . 4 I ptr,&. Per sale wr cry Peruvian Cuano- - Ifo. 2eru7lan Guanc, & Huriihlcon. TTUlIacw -B-P - TIT V ' " lilf Tin'W m'r i ' i - - . ' . '. 1 it: ' .... .i .... ., . , - - - ' . . ; r -v. , VOL. V wfLNriNOTON,.. C. THURSDA Y, JANUARY 27. 1881. No! LOCAL1 NEWS. Mew A.dTrtihsneatk. A Nruirx Free u AJl Aixxx McCot Home in Ten G so koi Paos Co Saw Mill Oruu. IIocsb Te Olde Folkea Coucert IIkinsbckou .Vklentin C W Tate--Prang5 Valentine Card's A & I Sa&iKH Clothing and Kurnlablng Good Tb flJi market wis noorU aanr.lipd to-daj. - i j r i i Swear not at all; but if yon mast swear wear ot- '- - - - The receiDts of cotton at this txrt to- The man who is under the weather should carry an umbrella. tacts tor tne retiring elites wins in this world, especially if the cheek is dim. pled. If you are troubled with sleeplessness imariao you hare trot to get up. and ofl you go. Tou can now buy Improved HeaUng and Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacobi's. 1 Schr. Ramon de Ajuria, Nash, from this, port, arrived at New Yorkoa Tues - e rrv 7 : t .. . aU0. iwripw ui rwaiu w yuri. dmm , . m .1 iy are exceptionally heavy. The foot np 6,843 barrels The old "Paradise" tree in front of Messrs. Sol. Bear & Bros, store was cut down this morniog. iae trlep&one pole wbicn stood in frjnt of the old Market House was taken down tbisrarnicg.' Sooiled DOital cards wiU be redeemed at the rateoffour "cents for every five j cards by application to the nearest post-1 cflce. - I . T . .,1 -ineremay oe some viriuoin au 011 rapidity of effect. 1 know that nothing! wcui 4.0 miui wt. Ui MUkuai nuint made can excel Dr. Bull's CoughSyrnp." I The different churches io the SUte ..I have been requested to take up a collec tios on the 5th Sunday in this month for the Orphan Asylam. A horse attached to-a ay backed in to the dock at the foot of Princess street this morning. He waft gotten out with much trouble and somewhat bruised. Water street merchants wiil keep theli fact dry in Winter by wearing Rosen TOAXs boots and shoes. t The hairof the red headed girl is trans muted to auburn or golden when she reaches the age of 19 or 20; the red heed ed boy remains red haded so long as he lives. Do you want to talk heavy science? Then say, protoxide of hydrogen, instead of ice; it sounds loftier, and not one man ia a thousand will know what yon mean. The revenue cutter Colfax was re ported at Georgetown, 8. C, on the 21st. She had been cruising to the v I southward and eastward of bivannati in I search of the scows lost off Frying Pan Suoals Dec. 7, bat wai unsuccessful. Nor. barque Runer, from St. Malo, for i this port, was spokxn January 7th, In losg. 53. . Also, Swedish barque Brage. from Malaga for tbjf port, was spoken January 5th, lat. 24:43, long. 63:14. with Capt Nyholtn dead of small-pox. - The French moje of purifying rancid atfd tainted butter is as follows: Let th butter be melted and skimmed as for clarifying, then put in it a piece of bread well toasted all over, but not burned la a minate or two the butter will lese its offensive taste and smell but the bread will become perfectly fe;id. " " 1 nA There Is more of fact than of fancy In theollowing frora an exchange: ' It k unaccountable, but it is a fact neTerthe- lees,tliita bfJ wIH listen moreatten tlvtlv to a recital of his father's youthful etcApeV ano? remember thetar longer tbaO OQ Will U. iua tivi exhortations that his' sire may iodulge in jn si year's preaehing; and he will think b? lets o( the old gentleman qn discoyer Int that he hi been a oj. Uke lnself.,, , - "aVBief ThU Jrid you erer ow an; person to be ni without inftfitiou of the stomach, lir er or kidneys, or did you erer know he who was well when either was obstructed or Inactive; and did vote ew tot or bear cf any case of the kind that Hop Bitten w$uld not curet . Ask your Migh br Ilia qmtioa 2ro. , . , . I i , - 1 ., I The EntertAlnaeot Lutt 3sht. The large audience who were present at the Opera House last night were cer - umij doi oisappoxniea in meir expeewt - t'oas. It was one of the most critical as Northrop i Camming, J. B. Blossom w:ll as one of the largest audiences of fc Brans, and E. B. Atwood and the ex th)fea30Q and if there were anj tbSre ports foot up 7tS24 bbls rosin 252,423 who were not delighted with the enter - laia nent we hare yet to hear from them. The programme was dirided into tw i euions one the old folks of 1731 anJ other theyoune folkg of 1631. .The I Brat was the concert and the second the operetta. In the concert the parts were iMtiinBd,bt ,ix. ,a(liM Md V Mtli. rl - ; : ..v V -rr i niv-D, n. w. v . uameron, Airs. Lippitt, Mrs. Ja.; A. WiHardMrs. 0. II. Bobbson, lira. L, A. Angel and Miss Sallie -Holmes "and Mes8rs. J. E. Lit). pitt, CH. Bobioson, N. B. Bankin, Jos. H. Watters and L. T." Bow- aen. ine songs wnicn were int ' sung were those of the olden time and the characters were most appropriately sustained in costumes and in representa tion. One of the ladies wore a bonnet which was once her grandmother's . and one of the gentlemen was clad in a cos - I tume which was made fifty years ago. 1 During the rendition of the rarious Pces in the concert the appreciation of 1 audience was repeatedly testmea ana I nsome instances tney retuseatoDe satis - n " nntil the demand for an encore was ---n.nded to. The instrumental mus c for ( t1l9 concfirt aa rendered cntireT . bv ilri. M. P. Taylor, at the piano on, Ihe wvv ' a stage. The closing piece was a "hymoe to anld Iang syne," in which the audienee wera invited to join (but whiebjthey did not do) and the curtain was rang down ! amid enthusiastic applause. The intermission between the first and I .nn.1 turta waa ocennied bv Mr. D. a n a luurruiiaaiuu aid a vi uxzla, auu ui asiuva second parts was occupied by Mr. . D. I r - " f Goodman on the piano. Those who hate! not heard this gentleman cannot begin to nnderstaad or annreciate his marveloos skilL fie was warmlr encored and t- . . " . a)- y - Sullivan's VTrial by Jury was.the niece. ? It is simply a foolish bur- JJ V m.nj Uoghable paru . ud i. rPmarVivM rK oflf fnr bftinir 'snblimGlv . ridiculous." A young maiden, arrayed as a bride, sues a ybdng man for bieach of promise. A eonrt scene is set and a iurv. attired in all kind of ridiculous costumes. isJP"-ces- T erapannened. inejuageana tne coun- a am . sel and the defendant arrire anq men the plaintiff, accompanied ,by twelve young maidens, arrived on the stage. : The trial is begun and the twelve bridesmaids act a very important part Occasionally, to tin scandal of the Gour th $y dash across the stage to cajole the jury. Atone time tney place wreains a. . . OLineir.neaas; aw inuinej wey a.ue uu - l - J 1. 11 41 1 1 1 impioro Tcruici. lur vucur .ncuu. : i v j . i. t .i r-t i nrl course this verdict, when rendered, is for the plaintiff but the defendant refuses ta wed the plaintiff. Thereupon the Judge aasnes asiae ais papen,, mm m and nurnes to tne ironi wnere ne nim- ..If tutm nAnrf VnT?rtrn r" larlir and fa I .c Vm3m w-i i 1 7 yery promptly accepted. Then there u , , . . ill wu6fci4--. nQcntft aa 1804 $11.75. Bman tions ot the defendant in the suit MV t -itsofone cent: two cents, three very prominent, all are happy ka.aam-.aka.,releh.Jfcl pur aau vuo i curtain -falls. There is not much in the piece, but what there'is was brought out very hap pily last night. Miss Joeie Myers, as the plaintiff and bride, "was charmhiglt arrayed, and her appreciation anid .'rendi tion of the charaoter was as .accurate as if she had given it months of study. Mr. F. H. . Clark made as .excellent Judge, and Mr. D. B. Mitchell,, as counsel for the plaintiff, Mr. J. G. Brad ley, as defendant, and Mr, F. B. Lippitt as usher, merited and received the warm plaudits of tip audience. The music for the operetta was from a piano, violin and bas3 viol, Mrs. Taylor at the former iui Profs. Biemm and Ortman at the latter. By special request, the eAtertaiamenV is to be repeated Umorrow evening. We understand, that qie? oua hundred seats have aire idy been reaerve J. The bat sheet is now at Heinsbcrger'. . . . H it annlT.erary. The C. U. Stedmaa Fire Company wUl celebrate their first anniversary to-mor; row eyening. There will be ni parade during the day but in the - evening- the members and their guests will Imeet at the truck house, corner ol Fifth and Nun streets, and there celebrate the occasion through the medium of speeches toasts fcc We wish them I Tinom To n r There were fire clearance at tkU port 1 to-daj for foaeiga ports. The shippers 1 re aiessrs , x'aiersoa, xowniug c uo., 1 feet lumber and 102,000 shingles. How to be.olirowB . Bn ts y. Euamel Paint, ready maed anp I wcra:teJ at Jaoobi'V. t i -v . ; flea Lion A large, fine looking eea lion was dU ' "oro beach, near theln- let.' sfedm aira.''Itr'msr-hiffk.a&d drr v , t , .1 annmr itself, bnt took U toe water when an: effort was made to cl.Uh !t J !ea enes on me oeacn. it is desenbed as being abont the size of a large Kew foanland Jdog. . It is a great pity that the stranger" eould not have been cap-tared.- - ;. ' . .;. Leg siattTe lecais In the House, on Taesdayl a Vill to authorize the ' Connnissibners of Onsk w 1 ceunty to levy a special , Ux mas intrnr duced and reirtrred to the Ommittcc on Finance. - Bill to incorporate the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Society passed its second 1 reading. Bill to incorporate the Sonth Atlantic .n nsi m,Mr; nan.ir w.w VV4WM UVHVM VVU1' L,ftnv n it. v; 3 mmm j 'wwv V U MMUAUC Bill to make Brunswick liVec a lawful fence passed its third reading. 'y , j Sudden Death. t , Mr. Da Mclntire, of Back Swamp, Bobcson connty,died,Tery3iaddenly at his residence on Friday . evening last Mr: Mclntire had been to Lumber ton and had ndden home in the ram and upon enter I 1 1 , . . in fa nonse ne was ae. ry a memcer of his famil7 and told that his mother w" aJiaB -ni. mcinure was a very Iad-V and her h. was. not nnex- I nrtM Mr MTn!rt,' fT,?e . . j . , . " . . . . , w Pu.fc ur cioiumg, wnon ce suooeniy xP1d- Mother and son died about the J"V, I 8Peciea aa 1 if. r.Ti! mud wuic. ur. Muu iut wua uitruiv re- was one of Robeson's best WW citizens. He was about fifty years of age. Go to Jacobi's for Doors, Sash and I Blinds, pure White, Lead, Oils, Varnishes, I Window GIa8, all sizes. All at the lowest Schrlddie E: Snow, Thorndike. from provl-dpnefl. -r. t frt- ihi9 ort. from Datch Island Harbor on the 24th inst. The Value of Rare coins At a public sale of rare i coins at. Bal timore, Maryland, List week, for a Uni ted Slates cent of 1793, $23 was paid; & hftIMijnaof lg02 bmnirht f20rthie ennta ftf 1793. but imnerfhet. wera aold i 1 0 ; -. $4 ac4 $ 50 respeitively;va United lAnt of i7M 'M hw t dolIar8 of Tariou8 dates, fn)m mi 1852( ftt from $l 2Q trfirt AflP;h, -dina nf 17ofi - hht 9A . . - .... and $3.30,"waile hair cen. of 1794 to foj., hu;nNn:inff Ktf r OT iTT-T -w BS WW i. it. An nn ceau,iuu are ccau pieces orouut o.oy. United States dollars, $1.UQ to $4, for favorite dates; sets of postal currency 5 1025 ecd 50 ceuta brought $10 per eet The sales were well attended, and in two ayeoings ots were disposed ,We advtae our friends to call at Jacobi's for. Household Hardware of every deecript tloa. There you get the lowest prices, f -1 . . . 1 t j Qawterly Ueetlnst For the 'Wilmiagtoa District, Metho dist E. Church, 8outh, 1881. (First round .) Wilmington, at Fifth street, Jan. 29-3Q Wilmington, at Front street, Feb &-d Smithville, - - , Feb. 8-9 WbitevUlv at WhiteTille, Feb. 1S-13 .accaciAw M,iion, at Bethesda, Feb. 15-18 Bcsnswick, at Bethel, - Feb. 19-20 Topsail, at tVealeyasi Chapel, Feb. 26-2? Onslow, at Tabernacle, - - March 5-6 Clmtoo, at Andrew Chapel, March 1213 Cokesbury, at Halls, - - - March 19-20 1 v- The District stewards will meet at the Parsonage of the Front street Church in Wilmington, at tea o'clock, a. cu on the 21 Feb. A.full attendaaca is desired . s. BCMHTAD, -. j :; ' , -a. PresSdiaff Klde?. 1 ' " . i V J. N. Bicst, of Toledo, Ohio, fays: My father, :lrwan;rtM.'-fc9flj Vjxn Pad." could cot sleep nights on. account of his1 "violent r coughing; , tinea. wearing it he' has slspt- soundly -very r:iht-iicr.' - 286 New1. A dvsrtisemonto. OPERA HOUSE, Friday E renins, Jan. OO. RS PETITION BY GZNEB AX4 REQUEST OP Ye Oldo Folkea Concert AND SULLIVAN'S OPSRXTTA, . , Admittance 50 cents to all parts of the Hmxse. Reserved seats at Hetnsberger's without extra charge., w ; . i Jaa 27-2t , ,; nnn aur z to s 1.000 1 1 t UilUHliO stops PianMSlSS ap. Paper free. AddruDanil P. Beatty, WaaUattesia BT.V- ' aal74w FRIt TO ALL. iCaaavTOwfc! rUatMt SaM Clair af SB lili. aW.aH.iacmU' ttrabom. Aha. m Colra Flat wilt ka MlM aaa ika tMiptf alar. Maaip far ptitay. opaoai UNonini mil w amqnlrtT. SO cnrakaajM ia fill. OM tWUNN Mratraa. wmumu a AwML II i BZClXa, UwnUi, a jan 17-4 w HOMES IN TEKAS." tt Tt Till Of A NEW ILLUSTRATED PAMPHUT Dace rip tire of the country alosg aad trlts tary to t&elineof the International and Great North z em, Railroad tad eoBtaias a good eouarr iur of the Btata, Tt alao eoaiini the namei aad addretees: of Farmera and Planters ia Texas who have Farms for Sale or Rent, and those wh ill ' ant Pakk Habds for next year Aipy - of tbia book will be taaUed free to those wh? deaire reliable information ibout Texas, tapoa applieatioa by let er or postal eard to ALLS f Ho JOY., General Freight and Pa 1'r Agent, jaa 27-4 w Palestiae, 1 exas GEORGE PACE & CO. Meimflactnrere of Patent Portable Circular . Ortrt and FJourMUla, Water Wheela, Wbod WorUne CataJoswe. jan 274 Fan for the MUlion ! jiTASQUERADE ON SKATES, at the UityHall, FRIDAY NIGHT. Best order preserved. Admission Lady and Gent!e man, 25 cents. Single Gentleman, 15 cento. Jan25-2t E.M.CUSHING, Manager Mary had a little corn, Upon her little toe Aad every wbera taat Mary west Taat eorn was sure to ge. , Pelfo Cofil Solvent a THB 09LT KNOWN RRUE&T that will remedy a eorn ia 8 hoars, ce ttoarr refunded, for sale bv J. D. NlfTT k CO. Afresh lot cfDrnrciata Mmttou Pnetjast received. - JanZf Clotlxlnt? and Fumishmg Gocdo AKD BOYBt Ov?oaU Clter AB UttertUt Ufcbla, ; PatehU ' Val!sef Ac, Ac, at A. A I, 8HSIIB8 , jaa 10 Market street A f.AKU'K dTOCK OF Sash, Doori- Blindo " f AND ' ALL IttHOt OF MILL VVOHR? . ' LUMBER UTH1. & c Foreafe very stieap At faetoryt " Ot& foot of -lxz n. t Vf Omef st aa 10 , . - ...... . Princess Simi b 2rj&iit f th A. a AST A ;tfie urvfaam ea Cm etacoratact vefeaai. f erxJtwJUpalred leaned -and r'ar.?.x. . r ..t. I acb-Vaskirro3ftij fir; . . Coy v T7M7 fair v fi - 1 f 7 I jf 1 JMM SAW EZHXS . Also etatta&ary aslTorUUt . . , ' 1' STEAM EKCIIIES V 6 IT. SCHBOEDZB ST. AaJ tt h f stood that the the views et fathaeCtortal ron C0TTCn PEAHUTO nH2A? n ACO VEOiTADl&O til VfcZZi J4.lt- a. Valontiac j !' 1 i A' 1 Volontinc3l 4 . ValdntiDbl ALEKfOTS TO IVCCDTt beaattfai and ArtiiUc, 'for Old as wt3 a Toung Heart. They are atw oa exhilii tioa and 1 f-'": 4 Tor tale at . LIVE BOOK AND UTJSIO BTOH Jaa 28 : - v: Franco Voloritlho Oardo. EL23AKT AS20S11TOT .' just Lscnvra School Books, Blank Books, 1 -. ; tan 33 ' TATE' BOOK dT0311 PRIDE OF TIIE PflirniY" A FBEH SIJIPIXBNT 07 1X33 BXOELLKHT Iff BABBKLS 'AH D HAL7 BALf . . .' . . .. I Tbosa deslthig to csf Its B23T FLOUT) iCtbe dty.at alowpric,rc . a do well to send. laths!r . . - . . - j . - j - orders soon , J ohn Ia Boatx7rIohf :. 11 and 13 North Front ct ! ClAOICEREE,, 3CST COdVBJ AX IXTOICS CJ o. .1 r.lQckorc!;- - i In Bar j els, Half Barrels SAd JUtx Also, .Cc3ldcdSQrrIncr3 Iaa tmtttt3l7rfli2L!lda erel, re.-y Lcrp tsd Fsf 1 for 23 ctil iJohhIo:r:2twr'7l:t. uciwrori-Ki - V

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