JJWJtd fry aAeraoca, Buxiars e Joan. T. JAM 8, TOrrom Ajro riwrmixTom. UiStSCRlTTlOSa, POSAOK PAID. ,a Jr.fS CO riix months, S1S0 Thru aoaths, $1 26 1 One month, SO cants, fa paper will bedaliveriKi by Barrier. of ctua, it any parte! th. city. attb rit-a. or IS rf.tJi u-r weL -2.;icr.u-r rvil i hoy t i failures to retfr Cuitr u4",t4tl - Noxr AdvertisQments. PUU81V0TX02. We will barf ad to rssstva Xk aaaa of the writer omi sJwayi U rat liUd to tae Edttot. OouBaleatfasM $ U wrt eafr oae aide of tae ppw PsrsoaaUtUe saws oii v Aad it fa say ialry mmm pettlwlsHjIuist stood that the Kdiv m ael always isiir the views of eomepoattsjts. eaUaeo f fast si ia the adltoHal eehmsts. - 0 VOL. V ft U NfTGTON, N. C FRIDAY JANUARY 28. 1881 NO 287 nn u p Daily .Review Dress Goods AND Trimmlnes. I N THIS DEPAUTMENT the Ladles know that we keep the moot varied stock to be found la this city. All of the newest and bo- desirable Trimrainr UaterUla o - eutlal la the up" of suits. Blnck and eoloietl Silk Volveu for Skirt. Cloak and Trimwlag. C00X AMD TASSELS IN COLORS : AHD BLACK. . In the lines of Carprt' whfeh "we carry, on c.n carrely fail to find eomethlnto please. In Brussels we haTO them at $i, l.tOt$M5,1.25,kc. Body Brunei at the lowest figures. A larze stuck of .ngs In Tajtry, IVnian and Velvet. Oil CMh from 3 feet ap to 13 feet wide. Kespec:faIy, R Jao 25 M. M.tINTIRE, AT SEOSGS IMS', U,& 13 South Front a;St. IT a arrivals -y -rrs of th CHOISEST FA.Mi.Y GROCERIES.! er It7.8ia Cored f itf ht-xs$. Llht 9:rit aai ''hoaldar. .er cHoot of Champagna Winss B'as IrsM, P-ot al Club Jfhhkej, Imrsed and JOozestte Ciars, For s U4; Le w Prioea. CEO. ftflYSRS, Jaa S Koa 11 aad 11 oath "rrct 8u UrociTles, &c, 6000 BulIsCOa1,' 200 Bales nAT, 1000 vult RoU BAQjiNa' 1000 Baailc cw'a1 Ped tik3 1300 300 BhUFLOLrR,all gra-Icsa, Btla SUGAR, all grad, 700 BAa3 CO iTEE, all grades. 200 Kegs NAILS, gQTToa HOOPilRON, 1Q QQQSKt' ' Caadv. Candles, Craekers.Chtese.Starc . f Lye, PotMh, Pep?. 8p-e, Wrapug Ta- Ptrc. For sale low by ja 10 WILLIAMi A MURCTTI30N. Matr had alliUe eoro, Vtxm brlltt'eioe. AadTrr wfisra that Miry wt Taat eora was sore to ge- Pel's Cora Solvent TTB05LT CSOlTJf RMKDT that 1 will remove a eora in 4 heart 'r,4U.D. SOU CO, a f tf. lot J Kittoa rsotiv.i. Jm II " " CHAS. KLEIN, Tnttv tmu t BtJnont of tl. Journal RuiMiMii W l L M I N O T O K, . 0- The Democrats in Washington are t ; i . uuK"g icemseives over the nappy re sult In Tennessee, whereby Howell V. J tckson has been elected U. S. Senator T.iis given the Senate to ibe Democrats provided David Davis aud "Mahoue f Virginia" nuy be relied on. The Lauriuburg Enterprise learns I th it 3.000 tons of iron f i r the C j Fe.ir.fc Yadkin Yal.ey Rai!r ad have been purchased by the Company with which to commence laying the track on the finished road bed from the Gull in Chatham county to Greensboro, and that the Work will commence within oiue'y dars. -"" Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, addreed two Land League raas-s meetings there Tuesday night. Strong Land League resolution were adopted, which he was asked to sign, and forward to Dublin in hi. official capacity, lie refused, and a wild scene ensued, during" which the Mayor was hooted and finally hustled out of the hall. Straw is the title of a new piotorial publication just begun at Louisville, the first issue of which is before us. It is a Southern publication, is Democratic and is besides well edited and well conduct ed. The cartoons are in colors and are rery gooa.Dotn m conception ana-m ex- . i ecution. i ois numoer is oi eignt pages but the Dublishers promise that the reeu - rar issues hereafter will be twice that number of page. It is to be "poblished weekly at 10 cents a number. I ir. t r i: n p r t rites the A'wi and Observer the re- -. .... .... .. . silts or his last years larmmg: lie cm- f.vated fifty acrssm cotton, with three m lies; has enriched the soil by the U6e of wood ashes (last year hauling it seven" teec miles), cotton seed and muck; has used but fifteen sacks of guano on it since 1875. lie gathered, the past season. 30,279 pounds of lint cotton, or sixty bales, weighing 500 pounds each. Besides this, he produced 600 bushels of corn, 300 bnshels of potato Nand 6,000 pounds of pork. lie could have realized at low prices, on these crop3 alone, ovrr $4,000 in cash-orer $1,300 to each raule. A queer caseofdeath from a too' strict observance of discipline is reported from St. Louis. Archibald Gibson, Second I t iontanopf TTm'tori stnAa Pnralrv nn I ATi.uriM fiihann nrnmimnt lawyer I of that city, died at the residence of his Uther on weonesaay rooming. 111s djath was caused by inflammation ofthe brain, believed to be the result or circum-1 atnnrp wiur.n occurred while he was at I West Point One day while on parade a smlder ..ot into one of hia cars. Bv th' nlss he was net allowed to raise his hind, and stood in the ranks more than an hour, while the spider worked its way into the ear. When dismissed his ear V was full of blood, 'and the insect could not be removed for two days, mis caused a corrosion of the ban 3 next to m the brain, and gave him a ood deal ofjeeption. Orange .blossoms are no longer J trouble. The Alumni Society of the 'Universi ty of North Carolina had a very pleas ant reunion at IUk-igh on Wednesday. The meeting was largely attendee. Speeches were made und dry toasts were drank aud responded tp. The respon dents were Gov. Robinson, Mr. Cooke, Speaker of the Iloue, Col. J no. L. Suples. Hon. John Manning, Dr1! En?ene Grlssom. He v. Dr. Skinner. I Messrs. Morrison, Scott (not "our 1 Scott") Nicholson, Merntt, Webster, and Bradsh iw, member of the Legisla- ture, Hon. Montford McGehee. Maj. P. I S. Tucker, Julian S. Carr, Esq.. Pr f. iW. C. Kerr and Col. V. K. cKac. It wa, ss Col. McRae expressed it, a feast of reason and a flow of soul without any spirits." m m m Qaarterlj'Meningi For thft Wilmiairton District, Metho dist B. Chmrch. Sonth. 1831. (First round.) Wilmington, atirtn street, Jsg. ?a-w WHmisgtos, at Troat stfeet. Feb. 5-6 Smithvills,- Fcb- 89 Whiteville. at WKlteville, Feb. 12-13 Waccamaw Mission, at BethesdaFeb. Bronswick. at Bethel. - - Feb 120 t ;i a TMleran ChaDel. Feb. 26-27 nnlin at Tabernacle. - - March 3-6 Clinton, at Andrew Chapel. March 12-;3 Cokesburv, at IIal, - - olaKli l-ZU rCr Ditrici siewarda will neet at the tv Ti;.trLt nvnwanld will raeei ai me 1 P.Uhnace of the Front street Church in I Wilmington, at ten o'clock a. m. on the 2diFeb. A fttlUtncJd rmidiif Elda. LOCAL xVKWS. New ctvartikeuienia. Ed R Brink, Postmaster f 10 Reward Dr. J. Stxphexs Opium Momtob Pea. Co Agents Wanted O I Wood Hearing Restored. 8loix A Co Employment for All B Robb New Style VUIn? Card K ON4 Sc Bro Wanted II 1 1 N 8 B E RO ER ValfU ti Q C W Yates--l'rane Valentino Card' A fe I SaaiKR Clothing and Furulblrg Gool Plenty of ice this morning. The receipts of cotton at this port to. day foot np 324 bales. New moon to-raorrow afternoon at 34 1 I minutes past 7 o'clock. Schr. Ramon de Ajuria. Nash, from this port, arrived at New York on Tues dy. Tou can now buy Improved Heating and Cook Stove at factory prices at Jagobj's. f It is not polite to refer to the red-head ed citizen us "the man with the gilded dome." Ladies, the oes for the ti b'-n and the easii t little ouea are at Rohen- iis. The latest fashion rerjort savs that as i f bachdor cannot breakfaat on hair pin even aftef be ig n4rried. 1 TL? granite foundation posts on which tbe lron P0818 of the old market-house stood are being taken up to-day. i i low innlian ara thA fnneA.rnra nr nar T ."8,, I "uu aiiiureo cuuiuiaiuia wuen lUfVBnuaiu kntw that lhe pe0ple wili hate Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and nothing else. You may have seen a young man on one side of a gate and a maiden on the other side. Why they talk so long is because a good deal can bo said on both sides. How to be your own painter : Buy th r. x. icnamei Paint, ready mixed asp warranted at Jacobi's. f Th9 young friends of Maj. O. M. Stedman will give a complimentary sup per to that gentleman to-night at the City Hall, in honor of Major S.'s birth day. The talk about this having been the coldest winter ever known is simply ri - diculous. In 1853. on the I7th dav on February, the skatin? and sleiehin? in New Orleans were superb. Water stre2t merchants will keep their fdet drv Jn viQter by wearing Rcen- XHAL-S bootsand aboes, f " A man 8" iato troubIe bv arrJinF wlve3 11 ne marnea ou' uv ma7 bave troable! and BOmQ men have come to 80re tribulation b 8lraPlv. Prom- ising to marry one. Trouble any-how. Natural flowers were never so much used as at present. Bouquets are made larger than ever, whether they are in tended for a wedding, the opera or a re- ranch used by brides, and the favorite weddhg flowers are liliea of the valley, roses and white hyacinths. Oo to Jacobi's for Djors, Sash and Blluds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices. t Somebody wants to make $ 10; this we I know for a iact. It can be done by de-1 tecting whoever it is that steals the pens I and inkstands from the desk in the cor-1 ridor at the fostoffice- The robbery has been going on for a week or more and yesterday it was effected in broad day- light. Indications. For the South Atlantic States norther ly to easterly wind, partly cloudy weath er, stationary or a slight tall in tempera ture and slight changes ia barometer. yr. Cha. H. Keeehin, the aint of D'Oyl y Carte's CipeiA Coopajsy, is in the city making arrangements for a per formance here on the evening of the 9th ol February. The Company, forty in nuaWr. are playing ' I"h Pirates of Penajoee." Prr.Mi!l Col. Bridget s,d I'oja ucre both ... . in Rale'vzh on welnesuay. Jn passing n fc Goldsboro tht , man was interviewed by former gentle- uiu .aa iut j the Messenger, who says that Colonel Bridge told him that.the W. & W. B. a would shortly renew i proposiUoa tbr tit Itaw of tkt A. 4 N. 0. B. B. A Steamboat Sank while Ljiiu at ihe Wharf-Harrow Escape of Sine Men from drowning The river steamer Clinton, a small slern.wheel steamboat, which has been plying between this city and Binnerman's Bridge, on the North East river, for several years past, was sunk while lying at the wharf of Mr. J. A. Springer's coal and wood yard this morning about 4 o'clock, and now lies with only a small portion of her bow above the water. The engine and boil er are in the after part of the boat and it is thought this helped to carry the teamer down stern foremost. From. William Taylor, colored, who was fireman on the Clintont we learn that there were some eight or nice men (all colored), in- I eluding a portion of the crew, who were I aboard of the steamer and asleep at the time of the catastrophe, who.barely had time to escape, one side of the steamer being completely submerged before the hit man reached the wharf. The crew, who had regnlarly retired to bed, ran the greatest risk as they were asleep in their bunks with tbo doors to t'oesr i corns or cabins closed when the boat commenced tj go under, aud consequently they were all compelled to run for their lives in their night clothes. Taylor, our infoim. an t, says that Andrew Black, a flat hand, from about Bannerman's Bridge heard the timbers cracking and was the first I to give the alarm of the steamer's sink- iQg. The men who were aboard of the boat before she went down assign as the cause of her sinking, a collision of the hi 1 VIC , i n u tiuvk wiiu ilia oieru oi lue suusen steamer. The -crew of the nnfortu nite boat av 'that tft t,m nf I tneir ooat overlapped the wharf where I their steamer was lying, and extended I to the wharf of the Alpha, and as this last named steamer came in to her wharf she struck the stern of the Clinton, giv ing the boat a pretty severe shock. Ten cords of black ack wood, twentv dozen eggs and the private baggage of tha crew, besides the engine and boiler, is what was carried down with the boat when she sunk. We do Dot know the extent of the damaare or los3 to the sunken steamer, which was owned and commanded by Captain James Wallace, I who has his residence in this city. But we fear it ia enough to make him feel I the loss .We imagine, as was the case I with the Gov. TVbrM. so it was with! the Clinton, about insurance ; none at all against sinking, only insured agaiost fire. The o rt Folks ana .lie Young Foiks The probability is that there will be another large audience at theOperallcuee this evening to hear the old folks sing anl see the young folks perform. 1 be hox-eheet shows this much. As it will in all likelihood bo the last opportunity offered those who have not vet attended should 6ee to it at once. We ad viae our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip- There you get the lowest prices, t Expurts Foreign. The foreign exports to-dav consist cf two cargoes, one to Glasgow, per Gcrmcn barque Louise Dorothea, consisting cf 170 casks spirits, and 1,874 barrels resin, Messrs. Faterion, Downing A Co., the shippers, and the other per schooner La vinia F. Warr?n, to Hayti. cargo of 204,803 feet lumber and 16.500 shing- les, shipped by Messrs. E. Kidder k Sons. Masquerade To.Mght Lovers of fun should not forget the masquerade skating carnival at the City Hall to-night. It promises to be a very pleasant affair and the masquerade char-1 acters are said to be of the most gror tesque kind. In fact, we have been told to adviee persons who contemplate go-1 ing to put a step-cock on their risible?. Professor Cashing has done everything in his power to make the carnival a sue cess and every one who attends i3 prom ised a good time. Representatives to the Grand bodre At a meeting of Geruaala Lodge No. 4, K. of P., !Id laat evening, P. G. C. ; W. H. Gerken was elected Representa tive to the Grand Lodze of the Order which will assemble at Gcldsboro on Tuesday. February 8th. P. G. C- John i Haar, Jr . aud P. C's, n. C. Prempert, C. F. VonKampen, J. D, Steljes, F. Ct I Muller. Wra. Geaaust and W. H. M. Kock wilr also attend. Stonewall Lodge will elect its Bepresentativaf on Moo Jay This Did you ever kow any person to be ill, without inaction of the stomach, liv er or kidneys, or did you ever know he who was well when either was obstructed or inactive; and did you ever know or hear of any case of the kind that Hop Bitters would notcure? Ask your neigh, bor this same question Times. Kew Advertisements. SIO Reward. JNK STANDS AND PENS are stolen from tae Lobby Desk of the Post Office frequent ly. I will pay TEN DOLLAR3 for con victing evidence . against any one commit ting these depredations, jan 2S-U ED. R. BRINK, Postmaster. Oplmn. Opium. Alorphlfic habit cti red GOOD PLAN. DP. J. STtPaENS, j W n Legation. Dh!o A t K-.N 3 A V ( k D c U Tdtt UKiW T :CEttTENNIAL HISTORY and otij r fat sf lin? srorda. Sjnd iy MtMIuH POB. CO.. jan 28-2m Ciecisnati, O FEifEOrLT KLLIABI.E HEARmO BESTOHEO No Medicine Book FREE. Something Hew. O. I. WOOD, MadijoD, Indiana fan 25 2ai ETtlTllr.VmPTlt fnr -All JOCAL 03 ysat&lind. State whleh is preferred . Salary promptly paiivery month. Address, jan 18 Ira BUOAN'sVCO,. Cincinnati, O. I oiii visnag uaids !o I only TEX CEA'Ts. B. ROBB, I ,an sm Cloetrnati, O I WA lEU' Afce' ta to ttjnd fur our Hew KOON3 A BRO , rhicAjto. Ill I Oataiosue. l&n 2S-2 n OPERA HOUSE. -l'iiayveillllfi', aJail. REPETITION BY GENERAL REQUEST OF Ye Olde Folkes Concert AND SULLIVAN'S OPERETTA, 'TRIALSr.JUaY.'' Admittance 50 cents :t3 alKparta of th House. Reserved eeats at Heinsberger't without extra charge. jan 27-2t ORGAHStap.,?,! i ti 3 Ptops Pianos $125 ap. Pap free. Addreia Daniel F. Reatty, Washinztor, X. J. ao i7w FREE TO ALL. OCR aewMuttrtUi Hantanr Seed ClUlcgue of 60 page contiin.n? drKTipttom ao Pncetof belt variti of Plaat Coup, herd.. Bulb, etc. in cnl tivacion. A'io, a Colored flat of our Xew DeoblK HhlU Bon vardla will be mailed upon th receipt "f -V. ituap for portare Sperial Decnptie rK-liatac Rnwi Fats, f'lootlt roaraateei first quality. 30 TegBhow tl ODeril n Wno'titUt Jk Bttafl 5A5Z A MCStii, UurfiUe, & ifi H0fv13 IM TEXAS." ta ti a ritLi or A NEW ILLUSTRATED PAMFHUT Descriptive of th aonctry and tribn 117 u tuc;'ise of th International ancf Qroat Worth cm Railroad. nd ectiias ?ooi eoosTr map of tha 8t t ft aUa OQ4ini f-e nnoD64 and ldrr& o arioera aad fUacers ia T.xajTrhd have Fanm rir sto or Kent and thoe hiJ'l tFit i ir.ra for net rear. Aepf-of tv,ii b o. r.A Oi rraile free to those h d .-Ir r .iL i' frmatio) boct T;xi ci'a fo i : hr leVer O) iKMtal eard to ALL-i" "cl-'OY, fieirzA rr'jfbi ncS Pa.r Agent, jan irw Pxlvidre, Texas GEORGE PACE & CO. Manufacturer of Patent Portable Circular SAW! STEAM ENGINES 5 5. SCHR0E3ZS 81-., Grtet an t lV4tr LUC,. Vjvr Wis!, W'yjrJ Wortiw And Brrl rrhEr r. ui:rfi if ffrctAr Hiin 'L'tlU 'f it"- """I T K VI V. If Y VillI ud VtlirSDASii JIA Cli lllt V. "x" Jrnd ittr Catalaave- jan 17-4 '' New A d vertlseroent. Clotiiini? and Furnishing Goodo po Qivra, tootiw, HO BOYG Orat coats, DUUrilaai Chrtsrsitn, Usthrellaf, Paaehetay Tailsto 4a., Ae, at A. A L 8HRII88, Valentines I Valentines I w as wajLbxaiou XT-STETOS FOR EVRTBOLT bjautirnl and Artistic, for Old as well S4 ijung Hearts. They are now onexhJWj Uoaand For sale at HEINSBEROEU'fl, LTVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. jan 26 ' Pranks ValGtitine ELEGANT ASSORTMENT i JUST RECE1TID School Book, Blank Books, Stationery, &ct at ia25 YATES' BOOK STORE. "PRIDE OF THE PANTRY" 'A FRESH SHIPMENT OF THI3 EXCELLENT I X BARRELS ANDgHALF BARREL T JUST J ARRIVED ! iosedesiring touss the BESTFLOUQ eg be city, at a low price,fwould do well to send kIn their ordors soon- JohoD L. Boatwrigh3 gll and IS North Front .V MACKEREL, (&ci 3V3T, HECElVEa AS iI!C VOICE .OJT Wo. 1 Mackerel Ai 01n la rei, HJT Burels aid .KItz f Gaoge'sJJBuiik. Cod 7 ScaldedSHerrict? II am tow;retx01jag aa Ex. Na 1 ISjh arel, very Large aad Fat 2 for 25 ceat.' an exceUens Breakfast Dish. John I. Boatwriclif 5u 4 &m ftnt r i

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