TP - Imtad beaxver. Com case Tho General Assembly Twixnrra dat. 8ENATE. Wxdxesdat, January 26. . . On motion of Newland, the. unfinished business iru passed over in order that Senate bill 209, Boom bill 235. might be - taken, op. The bill is to incorporate the .iN'ortb titate Mining Company. Ex plained by Newland, and passed its aec and and tiuru. readings. . Upon motion of Newland, Senate bill 214, to incorporate the Marion, Kotber tordton and Tennessee Railroad Compa ny, was pat upon its serenl readings. The amendment of the committee was accepted. Ki plained by Newland, and passed its third reading. The unfinisbt-d bns nc ss was taken cp. . The question brfore ti e Si at w s upon 4 Staples' motion to ind finiifly pes iHne the consideration of D'irtih'a billi ii re gard to a tax on p r u enCged :n tir . log h ave the S ate.' '1 he question dUcu8td at length. 1 Davidson moved to call the prev.o-s quettion on BUples' motion toindttiuite . ly postpone. 1 torub moved to revonsidi r the ro'e by which the ccnnties west of the Blue " Bidge wrre excluded from the provisions of the bill. On tbe call for tbe previous question thejeasai.d uas wero calivd. Tbe further conideraion t the bill wa indefinitely postponed yeas 34 najs ItJ. Such was the deputation of a bill which caused an anuaual amount of dis cission and interest. , Senate bill 87, to prevent descration of and disturbance on the ; Sibbatb day. was reported on adversely by the com snitUe, The bill faik-d to pais. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Petitions were presented as follows: v Bovkin From citiiens of Sampou bounty, asking that prohibition be sub oitted to the people. Green, of Orange Three, asking the of the county of Durham. n f tbm rontaloinr five hundred names. Smedes From cititens of Wake and Orange couutie, against the formation of the county of Durham. Waddell From citizens concerning sheriff' fees. " . . Bills were introduced and referred as follows: , White In relation to public schools. "Education. . . t Day To regulate continuances in civ U and criminal courts. Judiciary. m 8impson With regard to the naviga tion of If alteram, of VlnisjdppU froa the eooalttem em PostoEces and Post-roads, reported the Post Route bilL Ordered to be printed mod recommitted. The North Carolina election case was then taken up, and Mr. 8peer argued ia favor of the contestant. Yeates. Mr. Field, of aaaachusetts, tpolct U support of tbe claims of artin.'- Keifer, of Ohio.- alto nre-ented tbe case of Con- testee Martin, and at the conclusion of his speech warned the Dt-mociatic party that if it did not pUce the seal of diap- proral upon such practices as bad oeen resorted to in thia -ase, the day wacem ihsr when it would be swept lrom the Dulls of Congress by the American peo ple. Mr. Unwell, of North Carolina, also warned the Democratic party that if the reasoninjra of the committee on biecuons were adopted sm fifteea or twenty gen tlcmen from the Sonth in the next Coo- gnWwoold ulk oat some montine and trw nUi e t men who had been counted in whnin t et-cei or isoi. At tl.o roniln-ion of Mr. Unwell' BTvvh . p Wnrinrfr i f Illinois, demand- ed l he previous question, and the. Ke Ijuhlicans refusing (o vote the House was loft, wit html aaiitom. Tho House then, at 5 o'clock, adjourned. gSSST " 1 h CailXUSIlClAL gKVS J AJVUA BT 28. 4 PM. anarrm roRFicjTir-ncti duu OX matm. UUr wa bear or aalea m vjhi- .Quoted firm at i wJi Stfaioad and tl 40 fur ifc'jod Htrainud. sit arjt bbla Good ralud t uotto:s. TAB-Qootod BlewJy at tl 4 lr vol oj OKUDS TURPENTINE- Qoold Arm at tl S for Hard and S3 w r xeuow COITON ftooUd dulL 75 bales on baU of HH oeuU and 125 bate ou baala of 11' eenu for v'lddiiug. Tka folWwiax are tbe official quoUliouv: tiod Ordaarj.-....M.M.....M bow .Miiaiu-it.' v CrU . . . 34 Ule ibj C.t U3 O.I 5 " U.HO 10 W IS 9 .1 10 V U4 1X9 O 0o 1X9 3 Newborn yutSh'lU The yqnng son of the cnlor-d sxon, V m 15owent -no was burueu Aiuuuiy isi.. "' morning, after suffering untold agony Tnrboro Southerner: Mr. A. W. Ar- riofirton. a Kaaiog mcrcnau i Mount, has maae an aig.iuic H. Bunn, Eq. for the tnefit of his creditors. Debts, $17,000; ais, book aw ounts secured, $27,000; goods on hand ralued at S6.000. Greensboro Patriot: A very; inter esting religions meeting is now in pro rws at iVeep River (Friends) Church near Jamestown, in Guilford county, fi",. n-- rr Kllia. of Indiana, and lisv M r Taylor, of Tennesse. are conducting the meeting. Up to this :ime a laire uumberof conversions have been made. w.Mmi v? An effort is being made to put a line of boats m Rwmm river, from this place to Hill f Ferry. PL- UAU4. nrnnMK tO CAITT D3S8CHK04B tJrrM -nd the United States mail, and ill touch at ail poinuu , V-V tion at 11 in s rarry wnu k w run from there to Plymouth and Eden- ion. ' nMokAM tuner: Sampson coun- .t.:i .;ii.nnt u. nnaoner. for tne orat tfine since the war. Dr. J. ripicer has gone north to auena a been pid to the county treasurer i -M, E 'n. Borden lost an- a rajt iiiiia - - - u... tnh-trna barn Tuesday night, . .u... ik thAfnitre croo o awuv twenty acres. The fire is supposed to be .i r an inrniiiary. iiiauf"wc at 100. which does noi corer uo Hill vlfwoca'e . We coaniea latiM nf thi neace. On motion of Mr. Joyner. the calen dar was placed at the disposal r th 8peaker. Manning in the chair. Bi.U were Uken np and disposed of as follows- House bill to prevent the exporUticu ... . 0 L.. u .m Tha rn m m 1 L- oiumoerirom . VV.Ti . I .nnfl.,;.Bt, oa0ir tee reported unfavorably on u urn no let. Waviest weighed bill to prevent justices of .the W ?-n . ; i.onmi ii kaitrnr. inn ui eit vus " - ... . . . i. imm irviiTi uiuiicw j ut&u . . . . . i rr - nuu i airiuuc - . r Vli.hfti,on I ln. focit 5 feetiu lncuea. xor -lora, r . nemieivcs wh,uub.w ; 1 n ats n.mnds. . . a T X : . AAM m III .aAT ItSlW I llfw HKIIK U1.W WJ W r rtcommittea 10 jua.crjr :. V: . " "!nr to ret ud a tram l antra o " w.j.-0 tf ii 4 Kill VCD.' Stumer WlzAt-eUi, BiDe, AmithviiW, btainer A. i uu.i Worm t WorUu QH-'MV4 . tic .aeap - Hafcr. . , . n U. r-.f ! a.r 1 A QVOVIMV Worm worin. K ma. .0i barautt ixuie wiui"., Kw- "J." jViinsoa. Jacmel wii w aw 1 1 j am ar if -iiiv " HaU. K Kldaer A oou. Export, roae.'a 1. OU20W tier brqa Louise Dorothea 1 874 bOl. roln, 170 c." -P; ,tU , ft lurubr. 16.504 ubiuniefc. . nf vniat uver 10 J toa in UM w - Port Jan. 25, lbl Hrvr ; R2 Ions. 2iLOim, 1 lCiUU ajw Sift tons. Johannestja, tw ' ' Master o- vf.. 51 sn tnnii. LonzfeldU Maner . Thrn. v. 331 tons. Audersen, ' Ueide &"o Br Kdaond Klchirdson, 292 tous, l u en, 009. trtnu. fJotVeldt. tim Ann.. 332 tons. LiSeer. . jfi l-etfchau & Wester mann .ia xrn der HrVdU 4U to Michaels, k Pfbcbaii & Wuaietmauu i-- T.mli Dorothea, 227 tus, Vos, K PeactjaU & westrinann tier Constantln. Von Ke.niecke. 335 tous, ifrtwurst K f thCh tu & VV eoiermam. kior , HeldeACo w i iNitmk IVflin. Heide & O isxaoi, . t. ii ...i.a tuns. Brascn, a.., , ueide&Co l.. irotiA. A00 Vina. Callics, --l v-"-w"-I - - IIT..tA..nann Th followiaa HQOtauorii rprwan vholMala price jsaraUy. In asking p mall orders hibr'prieee aae to be eh rg4 BAQUISG taiar i' tfACOM Nortii. Oarottss, Uau, B.........w. Hidrt, V fe Waetni Baaoked Li. & scoaLlera.. Ory halted BEEF Lire weight.. aERSLS tspiriu Turpentine deeond Uaod, eaenM..MM. Sew York,eaea, aew.M..M dSaWAJL "V 6) ti UCK8 Wilmiagton, 1! BUTTED North CaroUna B North em. W & Tallow, & ,. a.dan&atiae,9 8tx !Torti3a--n Jf aetorjr, 2 liairy crsim, fi..-. jyr 9 C).. ............. IX) & 3 ilSAL bufchel.... fXiTTOK TIG3- Ddl.w I riOilEdTIO lam, tirt- I 10 No. 1, i K bbl S 75 lDt,rbl, 5o. 2, y bbl...-12 50 No. 2, v i bbl.... ) Haaaerei, Ho. 3 bbJ 00 00 Mullet, bbl......... 3 6f. O. Uerring, y i.g....... 5 50 Lrr Cod, V m . .... ffl.nfTR-.Fina. V bbl ... 0 CO 8uper, Northern, f bbL.. Extra do " V bbl... It " V bbl... MilIK8aper bbl... " FsmLW W bbl... " fix. Family? bbl... 8 00 KBTIUZEB8 . Perurian Qoano. y 2000EH.OO w bjiu w Oaroliaa Fertiliser " " ww w Wu "V NaTana Goano, " " 00 00 0 00 Complete Masure " " 00 00 67 00 Whana'. Phosphate 00 00 & 40 00 Wando PhoiphaU, " 00 00 0 00 Wilcox, Oibb k Co., ma- nionlated ioano......ow w 80 20 oo CO 12 ?5 25 10 14 U 10 i3 e i & 2 - & Q O 9 18 To 00 21 00 oe 18 i3 40 li 16 11 SO 20 2U 75 to Pext fircn Fcrtifa Pcit It A t- .1-. ' - w - - . ... . . . I uaeaia uuwyn vAinui lor irotn Ml2 lec29. 5d AndrietUOS tons. Berndtseu, s!l cd froni Bf!dux, N v it). v. r Atlanik 432 tons, Knndaen, at ? IVipOol, DrC 1. L Nr tv-n.HJe, 511 tone, B4etsent at Iv.i-ra, Jau 5. Nr .Yfcd , oil tons. ClirU'ophersen, 8tif"d fnJi Lven A. l ie t Mfd Dapht.e, 7U tou, Waster berg, at 'loucfsur. Dee 3U. tir Bire Mixl-r ill tons,Dahma, saOed froai Dau'zI, Urc. 18 N.r Krto, 265 toi-s,' SalTtrflen, sailed from Card fl, O t via ApinwalL Nor Frittij f, 44t ton Jo mseu, aailed fironi Arus er'am Jai.uary 5. Nor aniltt, C02 tona, Eltvtdt, sailed from Hamnura. ov 4 SdU fio; , 411 urns, Borgarsen, aalleo ' aloa Excellent for I&dlta tnd TTexX . Pexscni and the-lcel. fa PASSAIC. N. 1 7 i3 33 CO t?lw at. ' j j iX: ) 6 M (9 G 55 S 75 e 6 oo S d UUfa, 313 tous, Am .erg, at Liv- If. . ' -trt eir-jol, Nf-il. ' - ' -.v; VJ X, r iiyl-T, 480 toua, Oitensen, at Kra- s-fi 4lV 6 f -. "5 De.-etubei 15. i?5trrj fUFM V l'Ji Nor Hj min t, 3S0 tons, In3emund-eD, .Vf liiV' Al railed fr.ui LiiMri, Dec 15. flWIBiJ 11 NorJ.inv. 4SS toa, Coroeiensea, a. jifeV. Farail Oitj 00 00 00 00 50. e 0 0 e 0 00 60 50 50 25 75 S 25 b d Je!., 37 &n H-ckansson, sailed ri'iii GuUenbrsr. Nov ,s r Le. 505 Audraen, sailed t-n-n Hull. No . (ir i.tJU F sictan." 4a)o uh, Bremen, w .ib .1 from l.oliC)M J.UiUr 7. v r Al itor. 2f5 t: . Je aaan, sal ed Nvr M ucle, 37t5 .;. Andersen, sailed $peei'8 P6rt UmiH ) li0 '.arrxw. 14LTJ& V fi......M. GliAIN Coratore, 56fi Corn, cargo, 55 ms....M Corn, jeL, V boiheL....... Oats, V bushel...... ......... . .am VI KnaTial HIDES Oreen, V B Dry, W HAY Eastern, ? lou me... 8 70 63 CT 50 70 4 10 20 10 85 10 11 North Hirer, V 100 lbs. HOOP IRON ton M LAJLO Aorthern 9 ....... North Carolina 9 B....M LIMK V bbl.............. LUMBEK City team ta'wa Sbiartuffjreiawea, waiitiia uo Boughedg-e piank. VMft.16 00 Wett India cargo, accord ing to quality, V U K...13 00 Dressed oooringeasoned.15 00 deantliag and boards, com mon. V Mft. ...12 00 um.ARMEH OabaJihdfi?zl .37 P O & 0 & 0 O Q O 0 0 O o o 14 C9 69 62 76 5 12 25 15 90 12K 00 20 00 tglS 00 IQ 00 25 00 JVlrlaAM ChoiCfctWB. W g AILS Cut, 5dto4df fg, OILS Keroei, if gaiM..M fi- Mil tn fnrnish tQ6 . Itoxoom Itailroad with not less than one hundred conficU on application ortbe auinon -r rk. rtAUed Its SecOIld red new u iub w r . . . . , j : j .., Kn not on its third twa- iuz and passed. . Tt v:n -Ttnd the time to re j -m rrt t.T was reDortea r wi-r. ki rommtttee. ana. mntion of Bradihaw. it w is tabled. A resolution of iuslraction to our vr f Con cress with regard lo " rnrr-vofOreeon Inlet, in Dare comity, -..rrntoniUBeverlreadiuzs and pa- it., asVinz our members cr Centre s to use i their ioflae aceto hajr the beacon and lighthouse at Cpe J!t- -vi:,a,J w-.- on moliou Oi W A ff U l-aaaHllfvUlAaaa&V er aya k ' tx ty. ai ' uilb. smalls. Ifi i barker & Oj1 75 60 00 i 3 S CaaJlla, 433 tous, boren-jn, L..afVp. ISO tOll?. LUl' till, Lyu -S f ua;.- jfe AIiV v w..,.from GrwoTille 10 Sno H.11. The olhe amount of $15,000, ana tawj a tinKmm0t 402tons,Weato:b rg.d.h.u murtiraee on the road eqaipmeaw. i R I'escbau ww-kui iu, as security, that amount bein hdwh to launch the tram-way on such a career. to and Observer: Omnibus fare rom the dewot to the hotel has ken raued to 50 cents, and wrna oirvv 11.50 p,r4iour. r.lV'S. rCU. Ut j v-- j r - . i Sute taxes. 1 ue iarKo mill of Mr Wordrn. m u,orv3, i.....:.taht miles from Washing- t N C. on BloaiiWCreek, was destroy Am J in anayf m Mary S ot Galatea, aui vons, ions. Nickersoo, tit i 11 .rridi fe J?oi. P,nneil, t ns, Mi chil, vrfO H -rrUs -x Co Auderrt. U P Mt bate to iiiaisucti, vvw tc... .lniinn 507. with reirard -t i f tK lux oo brai.dv dutilled nc rvu- , . n.Scfw4 tie eartral read IDC tn Wclock the xhair i .tn.lAr exhausted, and anaounucu m the House adjourned. 8KNATK. xrAKniNGToy. January 27ih. 1831. .. ia.1 trt pstabhbh a nni- niiis were iuhw-- - . . .;Lf bankruptcv; to provid V. Ci Vacm.nt of Dart of tlw iutcrt r? .ir.:' S250.0UU under t:.e tniy CQ i Li C bum. , . riR5fi to the Seminole Inaian. MUk ad JrewJ the Senate fur an. hoar icTU'-ea'-r of frP. ??. hU resolution suUm.tul MouJj for tte wSIuS ! U U pf-Wbliin oar Sun.n porchuing .h p. to ..(. uV foreign traja or preT.ntregU.raU.o o. th.m Amen MSS Sa"o. tia Commissioner KftAtVyi 000 would do rrHu- - he said tne pen, w- would ed bv fire a ft w daji ago. It was nd pa bad uponqniteanexieusive scale, ana n-a jaPst beT.u completed. Tbe proprietor had invested about $20,000 in the enterprise. .Vor Gawllsn, 22 tons, Wieny J 1. iU' ayH a Vaaa k. T i .Oil Swd Marta Lwisi, i4 w ,7:,. 1 Its-" -er Kxpress,275ton-f F etwnw. . rt o itiaih Phiibroo . SCHOONERS. I I . -a. XT mm nABf Affl i. r inojiirliirr. I (nunM nird. 24 j ujus. au'i"m, fire was tne wora w-i u Mi8 cr The winter. nas Mm ,.a..n tn uiiariobbCf Tlio n ) r ii i l ui libwi w . i j a ,.r.w in th ereen-honses ol 7 00 10 "5 a atal . Am, it LAtr n -a si intraucu me ciiy. - : iif..l and iPTer did oelore. : ' nunu hATe been destroyed. 'Jluu,fc f : : .1.,. h nr r.. m&u i mm iuo too Tit. I i 'IV.Jjt ton hnnn oeaiuu y 320 tons 4u Taws, The about a r ..... aiiapiirain luafa a.awaw iit ncre iu iuc aiiMMv- j - , , Alt. iir n Vo-Vif 1K7 tons. Am Jas A Brown, Ui -ons, u'"' m B B Cron,94 tons, ;t"igls, Maa er K U Barker A Co Am Warreu J Crosby, U av af , . ii 1 . wia ii ilcfl Dv . iiiiP anil II UBllia IV 7: .A a UdV . The expre train loliowin- a few minute behiad w,-a:to v- t the 8 me spot. The parUes who did the rockiu were noteeen, :iZZx or the pension arrears aci. 5htt WJfL.S acC wnich he was be 1Q nt. Toted ag-iinst. would fortunate to Utito eodariDg VhlVlhe national debt. M rfrf ' Miowed. in reply toVr. UT, f"rther remarks in oppo- Bk.adarterberrB riUon to ar. r-" laid on the Morrill, the resoiu arSbUras arnended the Senate coajni fo To D.lls were 17 War to grant uthonteuJoo--rY.t Portress oo- ? of a botel. -d ; "vr s!L of Loi uw PREPARKD A-afiinULTUaAL LirViE nltlWW .Kott; CQTTOM. PEM1UI.S. WHEAT. CORW AM3 VcQcTABLES OF ALL MMOJV jrr sale by it ALL & PEA.RSALL Jea It . seuppE LV1. Mia Ooeapaaj. Br Julia Zllrabeth fO tons, ligr m. X3L vra A D Lamson, 448 tons Vroltb, :Qo Harris & Co Ira R F Cabada,253 tf-n-, tiha m Cnibarlaodt4l3 tons, .otyr, . SQeo Harriat. & Co Am Alice Hearn ,342 tors, Point well. m Fannie R Lawrenc-, 3io n s, liarriss & m L!vlr.U F Warren, 20'J to:,s. J H'l.aon, et nam-" Am CUra, 205 ton, Craiumer. wv r P Cuba, bbla., gal........7. Bugar uouse, dbqi. ? gat. jo ? " bbla. V eal... 97 au uj 14 l .rfl a? cal TO Litweed, ....... Rein, gaL ....... ...... FEaNOTS V buiheL..... ui.TiicMM Strt. W baa. Irish, Xortfiarn, odu.... pOUIi--Northern,city m eta. 17 tO TWaV bbl.; ;. WW L;,,.: bbi... csw 810 & CfcroliEA, to--..... Sat I alit V "-' t'.agt, V ouiairl..... UAGB 0'atrj, ' & aura-. - Manill. a ALT--Alum, $ LlTerpool, sasa. ... Sjuarleao 9 ck Vlarfltial't fine, V seek-.... Oadia ek...;............ atJUAR Cuba, l - Porto Rieo. C). 4- Ooitee, V JS P lb......M...... fj " y B).......m... p-y .: riOaP-NoriW, V f-r . ,1 g a .tvoi.ES Contract, V w 9 flammoiu V M.......... dTAVB-WO.bbl.VM.JJ TA LJUO T b . TUaBBB-d6ippiM y 00 Mi 1, -xwa pe- M...rr-.r W Hill, prXift pf -..--' jw i HiU. Fair par aU f Common, per Sl....f..- Inferior to Ordinary,per 4 W fTBIBKKY Kortb'n,pera:l 1 18 nrtb CaroJna, per al... 2 00 Waened. i)r BerrV wool, per S.m.m.m 00 00 76 90 50 60 OeC 14 Nor Naj i1n, .2otf oos, uaiversen, aw. rd froaiSiMalo, D-clP ' Aor N rd-i Eid, tons, Abrabam seu, buil-d f-wu Op r o, JauQjr 3. V Nor Noige, loud, Keniicksen, at LivHpH, Der 30. Ger Orion, 3;i2 tons, Klassen, Silled from Marseillf s, . ec 22. " Nor Frovidutia. tons, 11 1Z, sailed from Portsmouth, Nov 19. . Nor Samson, 348 tous, Xaeas, sailed from IivT pool, Dec 4 . , Gr Schaiiihurst, 41U ions, sauea irum Hull, No 2. . Nor 'fna, 329 tous, unrisuanaen sail ed rooi boarpuess, Uez lo. ' Kor btauley. 474 tons, Wroiosen, at Ho flear, Nov 17 vl Tybea. Nor Stanley, 300 tous, uaursen, sauto rom'Caen, Dec 6. or Septeuuio, 343 tons, Torgessen, at LKerpool, Dec 2. . Nor Tneooor, zvi tons, uiuibjku, from Liverpool, Dec 7. Nor Viva. tons, reiierseu, from Antwerp, Ger Wanderer,; Stubing, sauca KUifrrood, Lec 7. ISKILtO. Nor Anna, 272 tons Pettersei , trom Jsharpuess, Dec v. Ger Ann, 333 tous, uange, ai jiivn- pool, Oct 28. Nor Brazilian .V2 tons,, Berge, sailed from Algei, D' C 14, . Noro gal, 334 toes, Dar.ielson, at St Oyaziire, t ' Nor Diamantec, SO1? tors, TerkiUen, sailed from Plymouth, Ju 6. . Ger G U Micltels, 332 tons, Diltwlte, at Gloucester, Dt-ciO. Fonrs Vearn Ol- OILFBKATED JIATIVt U in 2 13 00 00 00 n 1 if made froai the jaleeotthe Opru ('"r, raled Inthii ocnutry. 1U lnvalab Tonic ana 8tKiatktLiiic . Prascnc are unsurpassed bV arv ather nativa ia-. Being tbe pore jniee of tbe fray, product ader Mr. 8iierown perecna' snoerrirto:.. its pnriry and $ enalneaeaf are coarMnteev' Tbe vennpeat child may partakr oi Its rec ens quaUtiea, and t e wtakeet lnvalk) ' nee it to advantaare. It It rarticalarly bcte fieial to tbe acred aad debilitated, and r Itrt to tbe rariom ai!n.ete Uatafiiet the weakre sex. It it, in every retpeet. 4,WIflS,TO 85 ilEUKD ON. SPEEB'3 P. J. Sherrv, sailed The' P. J. BHEKRT U a Wins of UiIS RIOR CHARACTEK. aad partakes of the from I g .lien qualities of tbe grepe trom whieta it I a ade. Fnr ParitV. lohneai. Flavor and MKDICI5AL PBOPKUTIK it wU le found uaeteelled. ssQed P. SPEEDS . e J. Brand v. Tbls BRANDT" itardi unrivaled tn til Country, being far superior for oedieat par poses IT It A PURR dlttillatloB froo; tbe grspa aad oontaloa valuable snetirlnal prortii. It bas a delieet flavf t, eiallar v tDat ef th trrsDca from wbicb It U dirWlW. and Is I . -Zm t... r. tllaa f Nor Mildins, ?, Jm, DOV Tall4k.sD, at sailed Harldseii, 70 1? CO 00 6 iOS 103 9 9 954 Don. Oct 21. '.ir JAM. t-"", GlM'w, Oct 21. r S.gaii, 312 to. s, wlflUiains, saled from Uristol, Dec 1. Br 6tMiia, 445 ton-, Robinson, rom L,ivrpo)i, iu i. Nor Tb.rabprsf. 28 tons, saiUd front G fie. Nov. 21. Br ramore, 221 tons, Morrice, sailed fr m Bristol, D-c 15. . O r Wangerlai.d, 216 tons, Boes, sailed ft Bordeaux,' Nov 22. SCHOONERS. Br Warkwortb Castle, 259 tons,Luck, a UiiJUn.Ii a Paaaale, 9. Jt Is over the oork or eaen tlrorsaleby IT. D. GREEN, J. a MJND8, DruffffUte, and P. La BBIDOKUB a CO r9 . . 32 rJartcet St. 32 1 9 :.U7tBJod P-riler and thaj SetaaadStraajtb. i. a Dvtetstjif mtew-w'r """ i iiTiMa n r a3 dilates oi oiom . ' . a - KM1(m. WIW.ll VI Um Bia a rfiS arVwS VwTl Csuptio ori LJLiileSrtoKic ioLy. Nomattwbai: reaTCieeeea. . , -.. v-i. a,w. .hi wfl f tbe Bert a J - WCLLaMBrW Skw W Tnart-TsocTbott- of your dna ia I a " I tndtovUU,N. c. appnaUo Otf RATE3Por all kJrdsof Priatias, :auhi Mt of tba dry tbetr prlatXag aareraiiy - havj aaaiic 35 18 7 61 3 7 C18 00 90 00 15 CO suss 0 9 00 Q 7 00 I? $ 00 O 6 60 t9 S 60 O 00 o 0. 30 00 00 oe f 60 1 10 10, v CLYDE'S ew York AND .'ova ' fVilminstdiia.' W. Steamship Une. TiJ-B STSA!MLIt: WEEKLY lT.aE3IET 08TOCaSOS KAHD UWAif Jfltb, 181. t 'otirift aar.ora,a.wwa ' Totaa Spirits ajfiore. anuavi. 6,253 6,083 7,700 eOO TotO Soata Mbora,aM"' lOHww,w MMmMHm) 4.0 , Totals. Tar asnare. v elloat.... Total. Grade ashore. afioatM Total. aaoama voa raa Wtsjc aem-e jaa Cotton. ... Spirits., KOgln mm Tar-. Onte imig ni ta wiax Do Cotton dpirita aa.U3,Va(b 1,96 l,rei Ii iGTS en S.VI e ,........ ' ,,,,,.im- i.O'M , V" anrue as, 34 1 TTt -- - inin ! - .Him , rt w ----- 171 KOCTU jj Tar.i.inii ,nn -J Cotton ' " six Spiriii " a Kik Boain " , rar.a..! . .. J WIU.reillIItK KW r OsT SATURDAY. Jaxf. 22. fcfjv' BbiF re'J a pea tbe prosro sallios: of Btetraei ai advartld. Si for freub Eaajemea apply TU()8,'fii BOND, flap't, WrimineWvr, , O TMAO. O. EGZB, f ie.kt Afent, . .. yw Ti-rt. WM. P. CLTDS A CO., Sft Jiroadwey. yw Tats. fuilO - 8it?n bf the Shew Case witb flh'emfker ' MY STOCK OF EO0T8 A KD 81I0E8 . . ' rt-.. r . a . a always compjexe. vau idu cjislu uv. lfa;tlon guatanteed to cuatomt rs. Now is tha time Lo sdddIv vour faCQille.' A full line of those CHJLDKEN'8 SCO TCH 80IJ5,in lace and but' o .. i?ee tng La believing. Convince yourself of tbe fact. A new lot of ttoea STOTCn POLK GAITERS Just rsot'ved. Don't forg-et.tbe M Bomber. , GJ r pCEKTJ-JAL, 33 WoritcVoirf t. ' Peruvian Guanio- 9C!f THE STATE' niosi: Ti.j CBAMBKBLATyr; BFIRWe, Owsetsaao XA . e larr-t ereul Cb-tpeet!8elsaflp- tin Piie, ieet a4vrtlnif Kaua. g? "afly eire.UCtaaow ove4,CC0. r7- 'J ft , -Tie oalv a terao-a paer t Pleheoad. BalMi iptioiprlae -Daily, M par 2CO0!Tpno Uoe 2aPeiu vian Guano F0B.8ALE By milium 'a' Presh Every t oy I5X ACr5TilS nt CaM)IW, saf reatrtifj 11? w etuioj salt. TUB OILT OCXriKS no KMAOst Candy Ja tbe iry, aiU te rverv day, frfen aad sweet, tree doie Coitft ? 2!r?a?cL,S'i!Sa?,?' twojudicial dUUlcta. Pricaadaaaeac Bm Tfeekir, f 1 par aaa taeca tree of ... a. .Ml.., B. TTARB.OCX JebPrtaSfr gad la jr ordarf &r ta. ' - 1ST J 4

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