- -.:.. . w from or firtead o aj ia4 all; tVKtt" foaral Utrt - Joon. t. j Anno, f ka writs attt Uars I . ataksd so tks CdMor. AM Tsar.tJ 00 . tUxanOi. S3 60 t TkrM tttfe,Sl tl Owaoat,lOoaU. ... ' fa tsr, wl ttdallTxwi oyaarriara, ofkfC, l Jf mm of aitT. aiUa r. or U imu pr vnL A4attriac MlfaUir e4liWtR ' JSHnbc will piaaa rvperi aay tad U 'aUtraia reir ihir papararec tarty. tfarr Advortiaamonta Dreoo Goods ' AND . Trimminec. ' TN..TUIS DEPARTMENT the LadJea kuow that w krrp th BaoaLvarld stock to b fb ad in this city. All of th ewt and bm dealrable Trtxnralor Material to ea ea Ul la thS 'jrt up" ox auita. Blnck and rotated 3Uk Velvet fcjr aMOrta; Cloaks and Trimming. , , . . ' qasoi Ano taisus in.xotcw la frbs Unas c4 Csrati, which w carry, ca hctxteiy fsu to find something to 1.10.IL15. 41.35. &e. Body ruaU at tbe lowest ilsrur. A Ursre tocic of Rags la Tapestry, Perilaa uti WaYvti. OU OHh from 3 fed Df i 13 feet wide, ! n 5 a U. UclNTIRE. AT GEORGE I,IYBES', U & 13 South Front Vst rrssa snlrils srsry of Iks CrUISESr fkW J (HdCEBIES! rMiwarsCaaatlPrsltsaad YsfStaMs FrrU.S. ar Ctnad VU flaa. Ut Strip jsd tik,tr Stack of ChamPaff HO WllieS w I Blsw lrsa,P'wv al Olak WkUbry, Isirw4aa4 Deawte Olfas, CEO. MYERS, erocerlos, &o, 600Q h.C0 if. 200"' ' Half Ron-: BAOonraj 1000 y1?' QQ Bbl ilUQAB, all T4, qq BAGS COTfK, aU gradaa, 200 Tos SOOP.IBO.i -50 inooo tacks SALT. ' C.a4j.Cao41. Cfafciei.Ckia.lafc v.ri Iu4 .Httia OTa Aa4 a-rwr- """JJfc. A?STOfrjVkot Oa T "oaAs. KLnmr - 7 , J3tirtatr aU ' Halff- '" Jjswal 8flit. 1 L ATJlat J.4 VOL. V v li.MlNCJTON, X. C, HAT - The Hoose Cora.niitee oa Commerca Ha Toted to nuke o appropriation for I Kiatiuppi Hirer iraprorera-satj ana far the rraerrior ijiu-m. One rwieDrer is killed by the rail- roadi for erery 41,778,775 miliirayeled. and one ii either killed or woaoded fur eTcry 11.374,633 miles. Chicago U tha only AmAric va city in rhieh Beraamrdt hat not, than for in h r toar, been assailed from the pal pit, and her receipt there were the sinallcst. Bimi-cAi will report tarorably Couklings bUl au- bridge across the Niagaraat Grand Is-1 land, near Tooawanda. I returns for the pt yer show an increase our good friend, Mr. B. W. Cobb, of the tor Hamburg- 3 150 barrels rosin, ship .... . . .... I txoA hv Mpuk J. R. Bloashm & Evans: of irade with Ortal lirituin over that 01 I879of$l3,0l8,43g. and a decrease in it;-i t-t0. f eo oa? I trade with the United States of 18,20 i. l , , , , I ... ... I Elizabeth Cady otautou, ousan li.Au- thony, and fcary A, Btuarthada hear-l mz before the Delaware euare anui uoose oa cuucujr emuS vu - jrr.u-. ing bill to strike the word "mala" from he State eonititutiou A bill was recently introduced in Con gress authorising the Public Printer to reprint an edition of 50,000 copies or eac h of the four volumes on the -'Medical and Saxgical History" of the War," hereto fore issued. The flitn voiuma is now t;rr nd Tiorjld the bill become a puauaic, u4 uwu. w... law these books will be gratuitously dis- rihnt hv members of Coneress. K0oxTiUe.Tenne.. laid out id ... . 1791, wai nmnifdin honor or General Knox, of revolutionary tame, me urn . ... u.i lL .tJZZY in tne conswtnuuu .wuouwv.M . in 1795. and the first State Legislature in 1796. The seat ot governm?nt was removed to Nashville in 1810. An Ohio rjaner proposes to number u r o a A nitrht rrvnappntive-1 ly from l to 24, or from midnight to raid. ,1 3' .rtl. m m anri n ra. in" rail way time tables and elsewhere. TfeiamdrrvAiii of the proposed new meth - - w a od says that there is no inore reason for baring two 12 p'cWksiaone day than there is for two twelve-mile posts on a twenty-four mile railroad. Am rf thetjnost butiful and attrac ; nnkliPAtioi which we have seen in aa.v v - T many days is the current number of tie Foitna Ladtet Journal, now before cs. l, now oeiore cs. The Journal contains colored fashion plates of twenty figures every month comprising fifteen ladies and fire chil- dren s dresses, of the latest I'arts lasn ions; all the newest designs in every kind of ornamental and useful fancj rork. with directiocs for working; arti cles 01 etiquette of good society; several complete stories,iIlustrted, every montn a . lil .f a.ia. i11natratw1 AVPn t aiSO COUllQUOa IWIKBi month: also a gigintic supplement of .Kah . hundred fizurei. every month. lahowiar all the laUst lashions fer lad sskwww - - and children, with cut-out patterns; aif o " . . music, poetrj, recipes, 4c "The Young Ladict journal is for sale bf all book and news-dealers. Price, in- eliding H th$ supplements, cenia, pct-paid. pearly iqUcriptlon mirieen unrobers). including the extra Christmas oumber, $4 50. LOCAL- NEWS. New XdvortLmoi-. Rea4 local ada of Mr T C Fanning KoTics AppUcatloa to the Legislature. " HaiKsasaosJi ValciiUnes C W TATsa-Prani:' Valentine Card's A 4 1 aWsaC loo and Furui10ig Good No City Court today. Nothing doing in Magisterial circles. Day's Uagth 11 hours and 22 minutes Sunset tomorrow afternoon at 25 mia 0 tea past 5 ocloc. n now bui lmrrarei n.-atio? a. d Ooc etoves at factory prita at Jacoai a. y - - . . Rahio iJmeactOT,, Capt. Jones, tailed froo this . port fovew York to- day. . .WyougH the lowest prices, t 1fi aloanae proaUss that if the wind tK North or West to-mor row will be Wr but that ifit bfrom the this week. Th ;re were no intermeat io BelleToe Cemetery this week. The receipts of cottoo at tbui port K- day f.xt up 356 bales. Some of the recent ano i till i ble in ra.no a i locaiitiea. w .... There axe some who think thattbifc w . - the coldeet morning we hare had jet. The heariest frost ot the season was ItW V Joun "qw- Thera ware fear mUrments IB trine Forest Cemetery (colored) this"1 week, three adults and one child. Goldsboro jese7K7er,caiien in ujsee us. 1 . 7-; 1 j ne ivegisicr ui u 1 . . . . . - t I - 0 i oi wniwu cia iwr nun vw - ored couples. The new opera, "Billea Taylor," is I tQ baeaual to " Pinafore" and is muCk oa ng game style. Lalies. the best fits aod the easii moea for tha llttla ooas are at Bosen ; i a. Tha irildini? ink which is used for de- I corating baskets and fans is bought by the bottle and is very easily applied. . a isew now-paper b uuwer u v There were "flo lntennti io 0kdal .l k un .;a flii.L"i'u' I..., . . , - .. g ""r , , . meniauy mcuucu juuu6 TW ilriAAMnMa iksAflt. lit. m . w nnNii rw mil iiiuuld luiucj aa u w '"rnSamti. etc.. .It of - which warnin)rby roubleom. cooth. i use Lr. oau a yuuu I m,w hoth the cause and effect of vour Theannoceaentthat.aceordinsto .. ar ct. at.' rtlv rJondv weather station - I ary or slowly falling barometer. . . . "T" T t a-.. Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils. Varnishes, I ttti i .11 .1... All at thA lawMI I price. t 1 n v.ninr' Classes in Dancinir a u a a. w -o I wW ODen on Wednesday and Tnureaay. I February 2d and Sd, at Rankin Hall, cor - nar Fourth and Princess streets. Afternoon sTTiacsi I .an i pa anu ijUiiurcu v u umi, aw w - m&jui. 8d. m. t The Sunken steamboat The steamer Clinton, which sunk yes- tcrday morning at 4 o'clock while lying- - unrnwr.. wharf, has now I ut.Mnn th a:..i A-..rA nJ BPttled on the BBlirojufr-. V ... bottom. A saiall piece of tbe upper deck floated to the surface and was haul- ed on a timber raft lyinz near the -Siene ot the accident. lersuua Mr.Cli. Bradl y 'the surviving mem. ber of the old firm of O. & C. Uradiey, I a A',A hnainPR) fl.t thU PlaCB for a nUHH F l J ber of years, is hereon, a viamo ma um Mends. Mr. Bradley is stopping utta l . Mr. J. H. rieff. ins many irwuw wm no doubt be pleased to see him again among them. A Lei to and a Knock Dow Two white men from the conntry got iato in altercation on Second street this morning. What the pxoVocation was which led to the m diacuuy with blows, we are not exactly informed The parties were taken before the Chief of Police at the City Hall, who recog nised them to appear for trial betore tne kUyor on Monday morning at p cwck. WateTstreat " mere hnu- wi l keep their Jry In lnlr by wearing Basxs- thal's boots -ivl ce. ' T Serein Uui' , Tn this Court.on Thursday, the consid- rn.t inn of aDDcals from the third judio al a dUtrict was resumed cunAea were die nosed af uS fillows: 1 . . T - V r Clan. Fraoeia .m. Kc'-ntfj ve jgu ford. from Dip in; arcued by H. C. Kcr nt gy fr the plaintiff, nml Alleoi & Is t Ifr for the defendant. Jhn Loi.don,7uar Lq.r S .1 Bear ,et al.; from New Hanover, arjgced- nytr. ft. Martin for the plaintifl, an t Duncan K. i'a'cKae for tLe defendnts. ' - Mr.T- C. aumg'a Clasaea ta Daoctng in txatn 00 f edaesday and Thuriday, February 2d and Sd, at Rankin Ball, cor- Fonrth and Princeaa atreeU. . Afternoon Class, Ladles and Children, 4 r- n C1 URUAiY, - jNTtJA M. ... The Jtaqu? Mde We were not present last night t the Skating Carniral giren in the City Hal! by'Prof. Cnshing, but understand , that there was a good attendance, both of atasquraand spectators. The costomea were varied and happily chosen and all went merrily on til the small hours of J the morn ing. A repetitiou would doubt leas li pleasing to many. W to be your own painter : Baj tk T. Kuamel Faint, ready mixed tup warranted at Jacozj8. 4 t Exports Foreign, Four vessel cleared foreign at this port today. German barque Constan- tin, for Cardiff, takes o-t 3,044 barrels rosia, shipped by Messrs. Paterson. Downing & Co.; German barque Anna, -y V 7 ; r 1 wl8tt Mre "rJ; 1'P1- g Dales coiton ana uarreis ruoiu, iwcnM.9n -m.jw . tr lowBulsa ijarque .xnvryity, iui uusun, I .... .'. 12,802 barrels rosin, 8mpprti ny sipsr- Atex. Sprnnt 1: Son oio,kr and Prrs!ation The supper riven to Maj. 0. M. Sted man last evtning at the City Hall, by a number of that gentleman's friends among the younger portion of th3 com- munitv. was in every way a very pleas- I ant affair. ToasU were proposed and ra I sponded to, and tnere was a general now of rood feeling. Daring the evening - , . . , I SQd Otners, preBOuveu iM.uj Stedman with a gold-headed cane, accompanying the gift with arrery neat little speech, I j. - 1 If.: CIaAl4 m a w a MAemnnnan i r iiv hi hi itv ikii , r; ' ."i iTuil Z.Z? w" " " 1 Vfatv Renetltlon. I 7Br iwpeiHign. to be present on the first occasion, the 1 and Operetta would be repeatea .at me I Opera House last evening, drew together I another larcre audience. The efforts of both the old folks and the young folks I ontMrotranlM Ifllt ni!TDL as On LUU UI9V I evening, by the admiring plaudits of the I audience, wko were generally agreed in - - . - i pronouncing it ine success oi mu acaauu. 1 jt j8 hoped by many that the ladies and wnntlemen who were instrumental in presenting this charming entertainment may be induced to give us something more next month. Personal Col.B. B- ftloOrc, Solicitor of the Criminal Court tor this connty, returned . - rn. ..l.fu'-.. n-HUr nems itw x.a.cjKu ab u.BuW . he has been for the past week, engaged m getting legislation upon the no-fence law for this county and upon business connected with the establishmen t of a public hospital in, this city. Dr. S. S. Satchwell, Prrsident of the State Brtird of Health, returned to the eity Inst night with his wife, from a bri I " V uigm uu uumic, uvui . t0 tb(J ftt ur'ard. The Docto r looks ten vears vouocer than I ar m when we last saw him and says ha feels ike a young man of thirty again. His Honor, Mayor Fiahblate, wc h ar also returned home . from IS ew" York City this morning after a short visit of four or fire days to the great metropolis. nniveraarr f Sfdman i;(ik pany. -' The members of tba C. M . Stc&lman Firo Companj celebrated their anniver sary last night at the trac'x bouse, cor- kC Ci r V n Vnn attroafa Tho hvi were nearly all on hand and a good time was tho result. There were also a number of invited guests on hand and p?chei and toats were plentiful. Ihe foiloviag resolution twaa rsaa and un iaoosly adopd; JaVjoZzred. That in honor of him who bears the name of our company and truck, C M.. Stedman. we set apirt tnis, tne 2ftthdavof Januarv. of each vear. as our anniversary, it alto being tha bjrth- day of Maj tJhas. m btesann;. believing as we do that ho t cue well worthy of IndUua oia wotw bituca la uvcrjr gen sa of the word as one who never turns his back upon the poor needy of thp community. v; . ; J Boat V!t the ChilU. . If. joa are subject to Ague yon - must be sore to keep your liver, bowels and kidnevs iir rood free condition. When so, yon-will be safe from all attacks. The remedy to use is Kidney-Wort. It is the beet, preventive of all malarial dis eases Hat yon can taae. oe? advertise: Beat In another column. " v ' - Qiiar(rrlj 3IfvUirs For the WilmiBorton District. Metho dist E. Church. South. 1881. :, (First round.) Wilmington, at Fifth street, Jan. 29-30 Wilmington, at Front street, Feb. 5-6 Smithville, - - - Feb. 8 9 Whiterille, at Whiteville. Feb. 12-13 Waccam&w Misuoo, at Bethesda, Feb. - . 15-16 Brunswick, at Bethel, ... Feb. .19-20 Topsail, at tfesleyan Chapel, Feb. 26-27 Onslow, at Tabernacle, - - March 5-6 Clinton, at Andrew Chapel, March 12-13 Cokesbury, at Halls, - - March 19-20 Thn District stewards will meet at the JParaonag of tWFroat sUeet Cburch in. Wilmington, at ten o clock a. m. on tne zUjt eD. : A tun Attenaance is aesirea L. 8. Burkhkad. Presiding Eklsr. Answer This. Did you ever kow any porson to be in, wiinout inacuou ui iuo oiouiau, ftr nr kirlnftrs. or did von ever knOW he who was well when either was obstructed or inactive and did vuu ever know-or hear 6f anv case of the kind that Hop Bitters would not cure? - Ask your neigh UUl HUB aLUC IJUCBUUU l"o Bt'ew & dvertiscinontfl oiice. APPLICATION will be m'de to the pres ent Legislature to Incorporate the "aiiton Rice Mill Company." Jan U'J-UUt . OpIUH). Opium- Morphine habit caret A GOOD FLAW. DL J. 3TPPHEJ8, jn 3 ,1 Lebanon. Ohio lOENW W ANTKD FOR TdK OUeJVT CEmENKIAL H1ST0SV aid other faat' ee'ltDfc goods. Bend to MONITOR PUB. CO., jan .?-tm O nciinat!, O rEareTLY HtLiABiiK 118nirtlMfk NoMedieine RESTORED . Something New O. I. WOOD, jan 23 2m UadLtoo, Inditna Emplcyment lor All ! JOCAL OR "r AVE Btata which ta p-eferred. ta'ary promptly paid tvary month. ' AddrttB. S O AN A CO,. Cincinnati, O. ja ?8-3m oi.W bTILS only TEN CEUT8. jan im . Vui.iog Caida for B. EOBB, Ciacicoati, O VrAKTltO, Areata to eend fur onr ew UataJogua. KOONri 4 BKO,, Ian 38 2si f blcgo. Ill flOPflMQSO to $1,000 ; 2 t 51 JnuAriOfctops Pianoa$l25ap.Pa?r free. AddresaDaail F. BoUy, Washingtoa, v. J. 'na i7 Sw pree;to ALL. U Seed CaUln? ' M crnUimo; deacn rtioi. 4 Pncea of brtt varir.i if of PlonU Kwwa, eH. Ualfc.. . oJ tivtlmn. Alao. a C rxt4 HUl four Srw DoabU Whit B be nailed a poo Ut M o ... i r.f4 fiaotaad receipt nf aV-alamtfarpolaw Komi fMi. Gno f rtoe4 octra!"1". nkc?U a SefwL firstoualitT. 30 rteBftoaa) m jo 27-iw ft mm m 'nmy in rat Tit u of A KEW ILl.UlTaATED' PAMFHUT Oeaori tirj of h- joantrj V t. t to t e ff th International ar,a Croat V6rth. I err-i Railroad. d ennUtns e umt mi? of tha 3t f ft aUo ojju-ni r q MdirKf of Fivrtners d P!a at T wio hT Farm rr . lo Uent adthoeh i l et?Ai- HAsrstbrawt Tear. A 9 pj of t i b .. vUt b, mailed free to tH i- h di i'lfarmatifa mboat Tea opp, j-tw- b7lst-er.r ooautca-dto AM. o 0, GEORGE PAGE & CO, I Patent Portable Circular SAW MXLLS Hid SUSS217 su -cra STEAM EIJGiNES & TT. ECHS0EDER ST., y BALTIilOET. UD. 'P ra5 and Pj Sorr-i.'. ;!tTH HIKttt tI!XI.Xtj atf , - eas wUm of iks pwpm- IVraoaalttM sum Aadltisameaiair rtood that the Kdirw always saderss tt nrws ot eorrw,"ws o taW4 la tk dHnrlal eols Clothinir and - Furniolliiijj Gocdo p3 OEJCTS, TO0TH8, Orroeta, Ulstars sad ClftrratW, ... - . j .. UbrsUat :. t - : -, j .... . ' - TaitMS . As., A t at - - a;-i,- ttoucan; " - :- . :---. JalO. ; , tlackal trsH Valentines 1.;; Valentines ! yalentineo I y-ALENnKES FOR EVRYUODT1 bcauUrul and Artistic, for Oldas wsU as Young Ilearta. Thy are now ontxhfb tien and For tale at . HEIXSBERGEIVS, . LIVE BOOK AND MU3IC 8TOEX. Jan a6 Prank's Valentine EZZJ Cards. JX ELEGANT ASSORTMZNT, I JUST RECE1YXD School Books, Blank Books, Stationery, Ac, at . Ian 25 YATES' BOOK STORE. 'PRIDE OF THE PAHTflY" A raEiU 8BIP1IKNT 07 IDIfl i EXCELLENT - j . , v J' IN BARRELS AND HALF BAREST ? : JUST ARRIVED I ! - , i ' . Those desiring to csa the BEST FLCtg i gt'ie clcy, at a low pricewould""! do woll to sendIn their orders soon. John BaatwritTlifrJ ''11 and 13 North Front JU " " - ... . - t MACKEREL, tic!! JCSTiKEOKlVF. j (4K lI5iVOIClbs' Wo.DKiaiacherel, ..." ' ' . "''.'--. 1 Jeozge'fl Bunk. Cod , .- ,' .-I " Scalded 1 airCnoir retting aa Ex-fNc. 1 llata ere!, very Large aal Tat 2 (br J5 cacti is t Cti cr Cthwnt ttsra will t?t nia. a - i i 1 1