-- v- f r - : lumps- Mjajllihtd every aftaraaea Buadayt JO an. T..JAHE8, a UE3CIUPTI0R3, POSTAGE PAID TMr.SS 00 81z moaUe, WW ; Three montha, SI 11 t Om month, 10 Mats. The pAMt will be daUvared by earrlera. reofeharg,Uaay part of theeJty, at the oti ruai, or IS eats per vnL Adrartlsiac rata tow ad liborea J4a&cr.br will p rioort ay an tl 'aun'to receive ibair papers rejraterly. IXotj AdTOrtUemeate. Dreso Coodo AND Trimtnines. Ttf THIS DKrAKTMENT the Laxllea kuow that we kep Ute moat raried atock.to ; " b found la this city. All of the newest and taoat Ieairabla Trimtaiag MaterUla eo ea acatlal in th rt op" of aolta. KUck and colored SUk Velreta for 8Urt, Cloaka and . Trimming. " caoi AHD TASSELS UL CQLona lb the ltnca of Carpeta. which wo carry. I ,ooa -on aeareely ' fau to -find aomethlng to rieaae. in umaaeif we nare inena at 91, 1.10. fl.15, $1.23, Ac, Body Bruaaela at the low eat figarea. A forgo atjck of.Raa in Tapeatrj, Penlan ana velvet. OUCJothV ro- feet np to 15 ft ReapectfttUy, S. II. McINTIRE. AT GEORGE MYERS', 11 & 13 South Front o,Stt rwh rrtr1 fy k f tba C 13ICEST FMI.T Ci3CEUErrI fer U arCo'HH a-M. - L(tt 3trlp aad ttboa'.dr. i: raw dtock f a Champagne Wines l BJa 3rM,P- nT a4 ClQbiWhJjEay, laaartad aad Doaoti"a 01ars, far sale at Law Prloaa, ceo. Hm I i 11 M Boat Frcat 8tt - i J OtVDE'S - . C1qw Work AND " WHmineton. . tJ- Cm Gteamohip Lino. BEWUFACTORe capt, jokes; ' , . " . .m vnn-M iXTf TO 03 SATURDAY. Peb 5. ta. Sklppsn tJ rtU p sallinx Buaxaars as " for Freight fcwaaumts ayply TUOS.BO-D.M. a -t,?- "? ATrw Tcrk. The Loveot Prices wot.taiTiW; H .artr f.j. ntfv. At .o. .1 : , w or,fet mmoer, (l4siiu.stea doteis-wbeTe. - atir prtniini Til in VOI;. V W ILMINGTON. S:. r.. MON'DXXUUARY LOCAL NKW6. ' yw AdTnrttamnta.a HxnriBKSomx Valentinee C W Tatm Pranr'a Valentine Card'a A fc I SHatta Clothlog and Farniablo; Good? Moat be Sold Jxo L. BoiTwaiGHT New Goods Williams & McRCHio!Tr-Sundr1r Noricr DU solution Pxorx.s's Botcher Co Dissolution. Parsa Piar r (. (nIvpmia nH Oil Altrxd Howe AdaVmistrator'e NatJce j ALTxrrxx, Pxica & Co 3ah, D-.r and I There were 2,343 barrels ron .romd I here to-day. in the city. 1 The receipts of cotton at this port to- dJ foot up 304 bte Charlotte is to hare Milton Nobles and. Phillip Phillips this week. . w.i ' KTnmr ntinr and Cook 8tore at factory prlees at Jacojii'. t llenry Nntt, Kq., of this city, was j registered in Kaleigh on Saturday. Schr Isaac L. 'Mark sailed .from Baltimore on the 28th inst' for this port. T m.am 1 ria htvrit tlLH ' and tbo easiest shoes for' the little ones are at Roseji X hop is to be given in Raleigh this ... . a j 1t exening complimentary to air. anu rs. P. L Bridgers. of tha city. ti;a arr anvhod know of a more bcantiful and a more pleasant day than! this, the lastday of January, A. D. 1881? Z ' . , VJTJ W AW . .w. " 1 tu..j,. ivv,.n T m(1 nn. Vamishea. ' ' ..-.1 nt .liKlia. All at the 10WeL nriees. ' t . Cotton "hV, "cot a bl.cke. it h r. . xt -tr. , -cu fallen on 21 points in tew xuriw uu inr th close on Satur- aayiast. .'.. k.-4V- Lw.ut tn.5Wcb ha b. CaoL B. G. Bates, who has bem con - . . . . . . r i 1 ,ontk lv fined to nis room ior vuo u'u - -irVnP.a haa so fir recoTered as to Dei .We n.aer.taad that the ladie.; who conducted the recent enieruuuiueuw u TTnma .neak of nreoarinir an- other to be given some time m ueoruary. . . . . ;T "7 cr.f tHlrtftftt nriceu. t UUU. Ai 1-4 W J x- .. . . . . n , 1 The market tarU took up their standi in front of te new Market this morn- fag : The hucksters' boxes and . garbagerrels.and chicken coop which haT ornamented the "oia mua mr. he.pastthree years, were remoYeo from me siaewaiaa uu - .11.. m.m K.ALAr BTTVPL rxit?a, ui iwicv, x, v"" My father, before wearing the ' Only iiuux a - - - r , . o . S ft to hptC0STer, wearing ifc no a light.-SeeJciv. r 1 r nra tinil the heaT UDD WWk KV "J "w heat snow storm known" to this section rnr manv Tears, with the thermometer .boot freexinz point To-day there is mrr nf ths aams snow on the B kill ouiux ground in this city and the thermometer registers nearly .(K. - Tha Cot- Worth i; .Tmea Nolan left on the ateair.er VTave to-dv for tbe place wnero m " tt a . mr IWaiUC. J -v. - - . Mr. Nolan carried wiih him hU diving suit nd apparatus anu expecw A. v.i :ii k. final hf l eaneauaj ; Steamer nut w j - noon. He goes to assist Capt Sam i.ii Ut tlwrft withhisstean suuiiui u ",u T" I. . 1 - . .l ? nsV tn TftB. nnmnt nxa nana. vi v-.'i r r - ' . gentlemen. ttw r, Tour own painter : Buy tl K. T. Enamel Paint, ready txi anp warranted at Jaooai's." Exporu Joftzn.t Pour vessels cleared foreign at thjs a. jw The vessvls. cargoes and pgr .t.:. a aa follows: 4 Ika.fcsn ff.' Nor. barque .iwania, Trieste, 3,801 bairels resin, by J. U. Blossom & Etans, :Jf. k . t TvGtr.baiqw 9' Wt?- for Tendon: 3,450 baneU rosin, by Paterson for BristoLiritli 4.160 barrels rosm, by . r-. l. Hroici. Ambrose ior . . fQrfiirni exports today, .10.411 We were pleased to receire call last I Saturday from llr. T. C. FftrinUg. uq viu noma Tears vrtr ooa to the wf resident of our citj. iad who rUU Wll- niington now for the first time in mattj years, for the purpose of forming classes in dancing. He has secnre4 nkin Hall for the ouroose aod will open- tuc classes oa WedQesday and .Thursday of this week, in the afternoon for. ladies and children and in the ertninjf Ta 2?nUft- rrtl.n ; . - Oat U ET Bid ' m, ThV strolled into the Globe together and one IV kra VIW V of the crowd called for, not drinks, bat a AAaV. A erlau and a decaiitet: wji placed on the counter when country fiUod it to the bnffl, to ju p-u ana toea (nmocu i v '.. q( ffednd then passed it to '.No, 3, who toos? in the situation and the, balance of the whiskey "at one gulp." No. 1 then laid, down a dime, and the three quietly Ii . ii : i T vv!- lJa aKisnf flrA left the saloon. It took. Mac about three quarters of an hour to recoTer ; from his surprise and taen ail ne saia was, - nsn, 1U be- - This is afact. -Water street merchants will keep their foet dry In Winter by wearing Bosra I -nAi,y boots and si oet, if. Dtalh of anOld 'tlt i0 Newman died at his residence; m. this j city, on yesterday, in the 53d year ot his I age. The larger portion of. bis lifewas arvent :n ln;a c;tT and the deceased was mach esteemed by. those:sfho kiiewTiim I beet. By his charity he jhas enaoared I L I -UTM V..lMf& I many.w mm bdu tt luuius. -.v-, - I trOOU C1UZCQ. OB wi inmuwi uvw. i TT . . F I ap. I neliua Harnett Council Royal Ar caDO-nd- the 1 , -WW - . r-. i letr. his remains were iouowcu vu . "ernoon w ueir wsV I u n-kM- ramAt mt OaVHalft hv 1 1.-- vIca to his ashes. I ' i . . r fr?v:i- ? I Vviminv Ti&a ft mnip? TlckllniT IS "v-"r6."tr " -;"t-. thA mroai. naia.oif ui tuiwv. inffotr ore the effects of a serere cold. Dr. . Buir. C8 . J W.tR , - - sana-nas;. rur me oi I ine wew xo x-o wna i, I that oae of the most conrenient articles to be d in ck roora i. , , I liet fiOmecieask naoaauu,ury ii. wwuuRu- . . . , . ly in a kettle oa tas stove, maxe a oug t mi . irJ bvxa tbe opening ihe jU Jor linea cloth, lliis will f Q ftnd r enableIoa t0 Uwt tW I w - k,,, kv nWmir it in the otcO er ntran nn thft ' tOtl " of the StOTO After ivi.w - r - t once using lai,( you will neter again at- i lemDl vo warm iuc UcW person ,ithabole of hot waUr or I omd holda the heat a m. K'nV Tl,f nnnd holds the Ltdt a SBJ iwta , Inntr time, andthe baar can be tucked up --- . . to the back without hurting the invalid. It i3 a good plan to make two or three of the bags and keep them ready for use. Mr T. C. Fanning' Claaaea in Dancing will oDen on Wedneaday and Thursday, FAbmarr 2d and Xd. at Rankin llall, cor ner Fourth and Princess street. Afternoon m... t Im anrl CMldren. 4 d. m. Uema V1MI) jii.i i - - . Qtaa, 8p, m. r . aorem Ooaru I . - .i baaw aaa w - r 1 1. flowing were among the causes I called and disposed of: ,. . - i a t? frnm rkAW oiavo t iiunatu wa, Hanover; set for hearing at thi end Of I . - . . 4 r - v t line aiavrit. t. I ... m -w 1 a 43 TXT WiiiiaTm uiuzniry n : t V1 -r? ren et als., from aampson; argueu vj T. Boykin for the defendants; no coaa- sel lortne piaiouu. State vs. Fancy "Brewington, frpm New Hanover; set for hearing at the end of the district. Mav Murri'.l. et als. vs. A. J. Murjiil, .I rials., from Onslow; argued.hy O. V. Strong fox the plaintiffs ana ajimi Iiler for the delendanw. - - . T P. Best vs. Norru FrcdencrTrora Dnnlin: arirued by Allen k Isler'for the DlaintiiT, and D. J. Pcvane for the ac fendant. Don't Get the lliiils Tf mn 'rn nbieet to AfiTUe TO IT EtUSt be sore to keep your liver, jWiei3 d in crood free 'condition A When will haakfa from all attacks. The MLi ia nM u "Kidnev-Wort. It is the best prevenUva of all maTanal da mim that you can take. See advertisa- meat ia another 'col ctaa." ''. : : I l. - i " - -" - '- ' " - , . i i i : fc .'.:;C4i!d.VC -Comar that Vta? Ao - accomplifihed geotleaaa in the ommeixialatouTlsi line attopted to fool aOratbody a 'day two, ago by junping his city drummer's tax:' ' He managed to get out the back way at the "hotel and fonnd berth' lb a sleeping-car at the depot, but Detective Mayer aw hiss and wrrurUm one better.. He was hailed out of hit berth and a wtrraat exhibited to hit iwiminng eyes, wherenpcp b brought forth fIS .license and penalty and was allowed to jro bi way in" peace. . Ht bldaraufat Just $10 bypjrnijdr. Xtr.-T. C. 'Vannlng'a Claasea in Dancing will open o , Wedneaday. and .Tntjrisday, Fabruary 2d and 3d,, at Rankin feaDj ear ner .fourth and Prtneoss streets. Afternoon CI cm, Ladies and Children, 4 r : m. jOenta' ClaW, U p. tav. I - f. , CttT Court. Ipaae- Stanley, colored, was arraigned upon .the charge of disorderly conduct. Judgment was suspended and defendant discharged. ' . ; ' i .William" Davis and William Shaw, a pair of colored lads' who 'are younif in mrmmmm Kn nll in prima r irrairnwl 'i this morning upon a charge of 'larcay, prefenvd by A. C. - Wessell, grocer a i Market street- Mr. Wessell swore that on Saturday night, about fifteen minutes past 13 o'clock, after he had closed his atom from the inside and walked to, the back part oi the store, he discovered the tfo defendants concealedjon his premises, one of whom had stowed himself away be hind his counter - and the;'otljer hiding behind barrels and boxes. He imnie diately cail(d a tsoliceman aiid had the two bojs arreatid;. .Aiter-tba; arrest the parties .w.eresareBd- s pcs 4 of eoinf thft valua of twenty-firtf cents, and a pis- tor wlUcfe lU.Wessel UteUSed as his cronerty wera foand pntudpdaitts. The coia VlXri Wessell twota, hs had marked and knew It from that fact. The Mayor bound the defendants over to the Criminal Court In tlih sum of S50 each iAjdttivered theta Into the ; enstody of the Sheriff. 4 ' . ' The two white men who got into an altercation oa Second streeE, on ssaiur day, were arraigned for trial this morn imr. One oi the defeadants was fined $50 or given the alternative of going to th3 City Prison for 30 , days. But the the "was promptly paid The evidence in the case.entirely acquitted the other defendant of any. violation of the peace therafnrA discharged. This finished the business and the Conrt ad jburnedr . " - - - ' - , ' - I?ew Advertisementa. Notice- mnit FIRM OF JNO. J." CONFRET & I CO., baa thU day dlasolved' by mutual "consent. Sir. conirpy conunuea uw bum JanSMt E. A..HEARTT. . Diooolution. rH PKOPLE BUTCBER COMPAM X diatolvid to-tlar. br aaatual 'eontant. AllWllaataiasttho Company mot be pr TlULwZ ui... all hUu dao the Com- ay wM-bo- oollaetod by ear authprluvl aff.t. JJr. i.H. -Johnson wl h JolT tfoo kiaalwlU oonUaat at their old staad. f aad Now Market . J ll LTuot be Sold I JgALAKCB OF 8T0U2a OF. QEtin1, YOUTH.' AUD D0Y1V cLOTfiino a FunnismnQ oaoos siast Bo sold to mat 01 ooa for flprief itock. Bargmint raa h had GaodiAoUf at a great sac. in; at ' A. k I. BBBlLR'i, Varkat atrooU Jan 11 ICEROOEWEiOILa rwiTrtr. irRfriPNT COLD WEATHER SO I disturbed our JWpping facflltica'that we couja nor. oduua uu wb u aaa promptneae, and In conaeo-'jence ran out of supply entirely. , The Ihconvenleneo occa, fiooed to our ecu tome ra we deeply regret, but we have double supplies now . and it U ocarceiy probable that this state of affisrs will oecuragam. .. . -v- - - - -. OUK OILARRTVED THIS AFTER, KOO &HD WE ARE gSLLIKQ AT RE Tn this ennneetion WAtValre taxaB wtten- timi of dealers to. the ct that we have a Tory herrr xltaniied'IRON TANK, hold- Inz gliiona,. nanagomcaj, wmmr.n av, oitii Tinmn '&nd ' maaaurea romolete, that abonlriat a lifetime. Price, , wady for shipping, (ten) 10. came size, uutnote' heavy, reaay ior ampping, C.fioHdtittg yOur orders, We are youra trCY, , - - CHESS, CABLE r Jb Ca N. F . THOMPSON, Manager . laa31-lt r"- 31. 1881 v Vkkl 2891 At :Yrtte Book Store: A9G'3 BEAUTIFUL TiLK9Tlffg3 art ottlta an attraatfoa. Tlar aro said to bo the taoat aror got oa aa. . - A OOVPLCTI 8TOCX of 4?ohoo! Books, 4 " Bt tioao-y, ia., eonitiatly oahaa ja " - ; . Valentiiica I irtaloiitiiiefl ! Valentines I "TTALENTIN'.ES FOR RVBRtBODT beautiful and Artistic, far Old a well as Young HaarU. They aro aerw on eahtWJ Hon and ' For aala at , ' - KEINdBRRGER'S, LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. au 31 a. Administrator's Sale T VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the So- nerior Court of New Hanore r r County, crtala oneclal nroceedlttff there pend ine before the Clerk, wherein Alfred Ho; ArtmlnUtrfttnr. of Julia Ptttlford. 1 Plain tiff, and Orlando Dover and wife, Margaret TVit. are defendants. I will, on Monday, 1 the 7th day of March, 18S1, at 11 o'clock, A M., at the court nouae aoor, in uie nij ES2ti&ffiktt&EFl: S city; and designated upon the plan thereof as iot ko; a m ciock 5o, 1 ThA ud Lnt will be -divided In half ana aold in two Lots, each beiuo: of the width of OR fAt &nd of thedenth of 165 feet. Tpirm tine tmra caan. residue in mrce ... . . i . . and six months, with interest from day of gale; Abttttaw nuwa, . lan 31 ' ' Aaaunisirator HEW GOODS !" B. C. White Wheat, CRUSHED AND HULLED. fJIBI BEST POBSIBLE B0TRIIIR5T to dtvalop, toaad and ilgoroaj eoBaUtutSons, Etneeially alar t A f r tbo 'rail and waak. TJlanicoa 5 EAST UTDIAN PRODUCTIOff, A Croat iagrodieat la Jollies, Blane-tfaagf, Boua, Orlddlo Cakes, Ac, As. JpaESH BUCsl WHEAT and Golden Sjrraf Fresh Rya and Graham Flours, "Lord Baltimore' Hams. ' '." 1 Breakfast Btrlps and Shoal tr, Para Apple Vine ar. Corned Beef, " atdafaUliaa of etaple and Faaey Gaods. fflth two wagons I ean aiiare prompt dr, -:a 1 ' " -' Uxary at all t'mes. fioad la your orders. John L. Boatwrirrhtf U aad Nwta Front A, laAROK" BTOCK CF QonhyJipoiim) Blinds UL ttlli014)F MILL WOa - c iur.1DEH LATHS, ac CPor aals Tery cheap, at , ; altaptwC nuoi a ca " .t . i 1 - - 4 foot, of Walaaikn.auts &td Cei it f Jsa , .. PMUBSgOTlUS. ff will brfa4 to rooclTo nffiaulnl boRMr MmCtM uyi&d all; rib? Ccaacij tstspatt bvt ' of Ciawrttar n always k'r dsbad to Editor. laajx&mjt bo wrlttsaoaoa y oaacUaofexa imaa voided . AJX It If OOft&Ulhr aom MTtslarlv n4 awwBoiawayiooorto v3"omtpoa. mImm . ffoTT Advcrtlcomentf. Sundries. 10,000 "- QQQlUeksMarshall'a Salt. ' ' Forealelow by WILLIAMS MVRCHISON. 300 B,?ks corraE' Onh Bbta suoar; ' ' Yoraalo low br WILLIAMS A MURlniSON'. OHM0M 1000 - - v 2QQ BbH POTATOES For aalelow oy WILLIAMS & MURCUISON. i Candv.' Candlea. Craekm. Chaaae. Lre. PotaehSoda, Soapt, &e - For aalelow by wnxiA rs a "if TTRt:nioN . jan 31 Importers & Wholeaale Grocers . Butter ! Butter ! Butter I 1 A Tnbf Vholce ix Ed' Hrv, v 10 do do Graven : t 4o M uneln d V 1 1 Crackers and : Caseo. SODA, LIIOK, AB80BTID aad Fsaey llaod. For sale by ' ' 1 . Hall & Pearoall. , , .. COMMERCIAL . HOThL. WIIiilLNQTON, N..CJ.; Large Oamplc Rooron for Commercial TraTclcro.1 rjtHI PROPRIETOR aaviag thoroaghly roaovatad this floaao aad furnished It entiro- lyaow, Is proparod to aiva toMtho travtAag publis all the oeavealoaoUs of a FIRST- GLASS HOTEL Il lteatad ta thery oantro of the bwineas part of thoclty,' totng eoavonieat to the prisetpal baalnoss hoataa Postoflao, Oustom House. City Hsll and Oourt House, . - f3k FlrtVClaa Bar:and Billiard Balocl ooaaootad with this HotoL ATES $2 PER DAT. cot 24 F, A. SCHUTTEr Opium. Opium Morphlao habit cared a A GOOD PLAN. DR. J. STEPHE58, jaa lM n Lobaaoa, Ohla AGENTS WANTED TOR THE GREAT CEllTENIHAL HISTORY aad otsor fast sailing goad 8end to HOBHOH PUB. COM . CindsaatL O j.nXS-3m PESFEOTLT RELIABLE ' - HEARING RESTORED NoMedldne Book FREE. ScmethlngKew. O. L WOOD, MadJaoa Iadlsna Jin 2S 2n Employment ior All ! T OCAL OR TRATELIXO. Stats whleh ta profatred. talay promptly psll every mouth. Addrau. SL0A5 k CO., jaa3s-3m Ciae'aaatf, O. ilV J8TT LTE TUiUtg Cards for oaly T& CI ITS. . B. ROBB, : JaaS9-3ai ' . ' Cladxattl, O."- JLHT1 D. Aeats to send' Ut our HtW Catalogue. , C30NJ A BRO., T t taa 4a , " Ciieazo, III' A PPLICATIONwBl be'mido to thepres'1, -OL t LejiSlatnre, to incorporate the. irHliUn Rice Mill .rraBT." JanSaCOt IV! rrsbrosia: 120,390 t?--... -.UP n 1