inc. 't I enerln la the mornlna iMni And diamonded wlin de w. ' Qalrerios; la ibt eoeated wind TbM tortile Tu given heart Lb rough; The Utile field! Lhq amUing field. Wit eji tt flower a-O owing! ' ' How nppy loota toe golden field, - - Tne day before ta mewing! OutpTead'neethedterUng llgnt. " twit Ig at evil 1 roldofatara, are where. kw weetoring. Veaua hide ; roa the red eye of eir,- .Uow ff l ty elleat Held With ail lu beaatUA gwvrtag . J ut ilrnu-ue a cauu aiep .' , rue nitftikbeiore ia aowlu 1 . anarn ft tee L. lneriUble band. Cut een. eat nrodl Our field We know fall well moat be laid low M tun iU wealth U yield. Laoor and. mirth and plenty bleat 1U blaxaeleaa death Watowlng. And yei wa ween, aod yet we weep-. Toe nlgnibe&Mre the mowing. . - .- fDlnan Moloch CraUc. Hit SCSIGQS 15D HIS CIBL. t " Froa lentackj Into the Gretna ren .o0hiojsit In Front of an Angry rather. . " Ciscixyatx, Jen. 27 A curious story, analogous in part to that of Lord Ullioa daughter, though, with,happUy atone eatistaatoriiy. " termination, came from Kjrerille' y. Marseille js on the Ohio Hirer, and j est opposite is Ohio is the litUe to wa of -Aberdeen, farorite resort for runaway eon plea from other Bute. :Bj some peculiarity of the law lattices of the Peace there h ire author it to marry couples applying whose parents Iito outside the bute, whether the applicants are of age or not. The place has become a noted retort (or run away from the sacred soil, and the little ferryboat that plies btck and forth to carry the fujitire bears the name of Oretaa Oreen. " t - Joitnow, howerer, the boat is laid up on account of the heary'ice-. running in the rrrr.For"se feral days post; cross ing by any means' has.-, been considered HQ eaJy. unsaid bat entirely impractica- blcvFrowihetaon&tain'cotintry to the east and toutn ot uaysriue a numoer 01 . t al coaNrt hare come in to be ferried over bet Undies it impossible hare remained waiting for the ice to pass. Yeterdayr howtrer, came a couple whoae case was urgent. They had left their moantam home thrf prerious night on borseback. and had poshed their war. closely pursued by the father of the bride, 'to the crossing. They arrired at llaysrille at abont 3 o'clock in the after noon, their horses jaded and recking; with sweat. The would-be bride, Miss Annie F. Stamper, aged 16. is a rery pretty blonde and a fair type of moun tain loreliness. He whom she desired to lore, honor, aad obey, Mr. Leander P. Bcraggs, aged 18, is a brawny fellow six feet three in his socks. ' - When the bank of the rirer was gain ed and they found themsel res halted by the crushing ice. flood they were iq dis atay,andthe girl bant into tears. A ympathiing crowd collected;, and two hardy fellows volunteered to attempt the passage of the rirer in a skiff. . It was a Tentnresomd undertaking, but the bride dried her eyes and the bridegroom helped to launch the boat. The crowd cheered, and the rolunteer ferry men forced their boat through the ice. Quite a crowd col lected on the bank, and all wished the pair rodjpeed aad safety. When the craft was about midway of the rirer the excited father appeared, and lhoated for the girl to come back. The crowd yelled deruirely, and the men in the boat fought their way through the ice with renewed xeai. The father was in a rage, but no one sympathized with him. The boat safely reached the other snore. 'na jwt wrywj w the "Aberdeea 'aide, the lorer stood up and wared hi .hat triumphantly. The act was an nafortuJate one, for he lost his balance and tumbled into the rirer. The bride screamed, and the crew fished Mr. Scraggs out with a boat-hook. A safe Landing was at last made, , and with the muddy water of the Ohio , fast coc real in r opoa his clothe. Jus teeth 0" w 1 biox. aad do in nurnea vo tao agepiuuto mansion of 'Sqsire alassie Beaaley, where they were married. TheEeasoo Hbj. The tonic effect ofKidney-Wor is pro diced by its cleansing and pur. ac tion a the.blood. -Where thex is a srraTtllT deposit in the . urine, or iailkr. carts wiw4w v r- -, , r,ilea readily yield . to 4tA cathartic and teavliflf powers -.rst npia dry regeuDie . f; u onnrentrated): either pxt procapt ana sore--4j y- -ViUrr-'oha Williams, of 8partanburg. hu a halUttnce laulf cut from a pine tree t BUckJtec; : ..... Msnni t& i Daii nan DC. "r 1 ..nttk tu kara 101 . nnsrs or ....... i--an. 1T7Q. It is suDPaied !K 3 d.ri; tk. K-.ToV.tion- aa 1 t" ? arr skinaiah at that place. , Bitlonil Treatnd.did pwlUTe Caret - l .mta aMk fsr. and theee So podtirtly eOaeioni u iv, PrJtrioUoB ia .11 mm of female weal- sssOTb. x, thu pot-t pOSXUTP J r rappers .Mi April nth, I8T9. JVI fce?int I shook! beVf 1 r dTtr were I to tail in ffiring L tttooo STo the ralue of your US ZL For Tears I hare been a great oeIcinej. For yr of chronic sncerer - ' . iri m treated loaf kit u auu For particulars see Fierce m j nook: f riren away by druggUts), or tee JnTwrVpSra of the oedicines. Bold by diseaees wwen r-j-j ' fmr0rite rail, I am now noat well id R 9. FAWIALtC. TDC 21 A ILK. rsi a ADamausciose aadarnre at the City Northern through sails 7.00 p a Northern throogh and way t fH?"- fcSO a en, Raleigb....... 5. SO a,tt, MalU for the H. O. Railroad, and routes suDnlkd tht- frocn, including: A. & N. C lUilraad, at ... 6;S0 a. a. tvmthern mails for H points Sotn.v!aii;...k 8imui! :4A p. ui iltl W Cuer Darlio . " ' p. to. Halls for points , betsreea Fo- renceaod ObarIaston.8am A 7:4optD Fayetterllle, and-'offices on Gape Fear Birer, Tuesdays, n and Fridays.J. L-00 p. m. Fayetterille, ria Lomberton. dally, except Suodsys...... OnsIOw O. J. and loterraedl . ate .. offices, erery Mondsy ' and Thurady at...... Smithrille mails, by steam 8:10 a. m 6tOQ boat, daily, (except fctan- . days)..........., 8-80 a n Malls for Ey Hill. Town Creek. Hbailotta and Little Biyer, 8 O , erery aloo- day aod Thursday at......... 6:00 a m. Wilmington and .Black Hirer Chapel. Monday , Wualnea days od Fridays at M o:Ol a. cd. or zst for DaxnrBBT . hortbern tbroagh and way "mails ...7:00 and 70 a m.' Northern mails .. 9 00 .1 m Southern Mails , M 7:80 a. oi. Oarolina Central Railway...... 4 00 p. xri 8tamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 60 p tn- Mod Orde and :R2itter Dfpartmeot- open ame as stamp ofBoe. General deltreryopcn frtm fl:00 a, m. to 6:00 p. m., and on Snodsys Irom 8:80 to 9:80 a. m , . . ; .,: ...... Bumps for sala at general delivery when stacap office i ci'ed. nisi Is col lee ted from stret boxes erery 1 oay at izao p. .AAA. I Catarrh Sometimes I commence with a cold, but its cure I afoays eommencee with the use of Sage8 Catarrh .Remedy. This old, reliabie and well-known remedy has stood th test of years, and was nerer rarej'pcp ular than now. 1 ,1 1 - Wh you rimo'r lave Nw TorX City, stop at the Urand Union IIotMl, opposite Orand Ceutral DepU Karopean plana K001 ns red need t $1.0) and apwd Rtstaurant nanurpaseed at m Kieratfl p ic. titreot t, gMfts ntHratv1 rallro to all oait ot tho city. - ly Misce-llaieous. Opium. Opium. Morphine habit cared A GOOD PLAN. DR. J. BTKPflKSB, Jan 2d2 n Lebanon, Ohio AQENT3 WASTED FOR THE GRfiAT CENTENNIAL HISTORY aad o-har fait aelltog foods. ' Send to MONITOR PUB. CO.. Cinclanati, O Jaal? "a PEFEOTLT RKLIABI E HEARING RESTORED No Medicine BcKkFREE. StmetMogXew. O. L WOOD, Madlaon. Indiana JaaM2a tOV AU ! JOCAL 02 T8ATSLI59. State whlah ia preferred. Salary promptly paid ersry moath. Ad draft. Jan ?8Sm 8-0A A CO,, tacinnati, O. 50 BKW 19TYLR Tiallng Ca-da for B. S IBB, ,a. CloH' aatl. O TT7AA t all. a eats tu ku4 fur ovr ftiew rr Oatalosee K ON Jk BRO , aalS-la rhIcato,ni c 1 Do you irant a puns bloom ing Complexion t. If so, a feTf applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA BALH, Trill grat ify you to your heart's con tent. It docs away xrUh Sal Iowncss, Redness. Pimples, -Blotches, xmd all diseases and InpexSctlons of tho stin; Jt oTercomes: tho flnshoa appear unco of htotalatign and ex citement., a It nafc aJ53lSf OTi'SIffi that It is imposslDi to acicci ita application. 9 IIiflcollaneou3 9 I "0 13 9 Sea Cure your Uaek vhe And aTdlsases of the Sidaeyi nliddar a3! urinary Oiaas ay weari-j the ImprovocJ Hxcolslo? KIdnoy Pod It is a Xairtflof HeaUar azd PeHef, 1 SIUPLE, ;8EnilBlL DIRECT, : IPAinilsi.POWERFUUI It OTJllfl SI waere ell mlmt fil. i a R V. LATiON aod hs.TOLU10M l- MMIeln- borptioB or direct eDplieetion. as oppoe to aaaatleraetor In terra! nediei ee. Head for oar Crevtice on Cidae fob e; eentfree rtoll by draggitt'rat y mft, o raeit oi pnee, 92. ASd This U the Original aod Oaaloe Kld ay fat. Aak lertt aadtaka The 'Only' LuugTad Co WILLI Am BUCK. no other. 1 ' At-WhiTesa! la DO 4 MOI8S. octM DETBOITt K(cb CVaretpa . ' bV Wheleaale Drajrgittv. Bist Weill augff, EuslDWell 'DrillbV : IIRust Horse Power. JL Well borinc and,-Proepeeilag Topis Haa I iTmll trinr -u'pnnMih. Ttxt Un. aTaetaren. - . . i 1 : u OAiilPE SQ AFVIW end Conplings. The. neat iaterored rtoaee'Attaenooeots. ' .Oaaraateed to make good weds anywhere v Wotka naeh fatter aad with half the labor of any other tooU. 1 Aager and Drilla work by hand 'ori horar Drllla aad Horee power bareeapaei la ate nrejyeara aad so fiuerea,' i -' '-r - Made from best material aad aold. for halt the price of oth ra. Head for cirenlara. - c " ' r-OBOoT, . aa TJ-W'iAw. ; . , Rt. Jrmmv. M Bxawr F. "GiurTowr " Rtobt B Lanri - Halbzbt E Pxla. I Lite (mJnjfskoT ot Patanta.. ') y.i 1 11 ' .1 PAIF1E. QRAFTOfi & LADD Attorneys-at-Law aod Solicitors of Ar&er .can and Fureigo Patents. 412 Fifth Street,' Washington, P. C, Practice patent law in all its branches in the Patent Office, and in the Sapreme and Circuit Court of the United State. Pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp forpoatage. aa 23 : to ft 1,000 1 a Uitll vartiiw Dtopa nan os si vo up. tttops Pianos $1 95 ui Paper free. If. J. Addren Daniel F. Beatty, Waahlngton, fan 27-4W OFRCK TO ALU; Ca mlnnnU4 rHm aa4 Sm4 Calatana t W (im. ptMirfnc JiMiiyti ' aa4 Imtr m DnM, WaHa! B rtctioi a t. tap far pMf. Bun fut. Co fwirtw 4 'IntOHlrfT. 30 hum"'" a 1 JT MtnlM. fNMHMiM , X , 1 -lAiYa ssrxaa, lmmh, jaaS7 4w Hdr.TS IN TEJWS." is tat mti or A nV7 KLUiffiAUO PAMPHLET Dessripdfe of tan iaatry along and tribtt tary to toe il.f ortae , i :r International and Great North . .. ern Railroad . i 1 an I eohtainJ a good eoeatr atar of tat Iratoo aottalna the namea aad adireaae Farmers aad Plan ears la Texas who aare X 4A 7ia J4Ue7, HUtJ . VJT UCUl, I ,- nd those who a ill want Faav Haans for next year. A e py of this book will be mailed tr to those a he desire reliable information aaiut Texas, upon applleatioa by lat er or; poatai eara to a.uw mo uok ; r - General Freight aad PaarV AgaD i "Jan 17-4 w Paleetiae, Texas GEORGE PACE CO, , . . gzaaiwJaeTarera ax : Patent Fertahle Circular r. STEAM Ortat snd FVr MUla. Wtr TTlyla. Wood WorUng and Rarn4 Maclnry, Rnple Mi. rirmlar Bairv t id fV Cataleareav jaa If 4 ,' j -'TRBRafiXCillf ABRIGULTDnAL LIME COTTOH. PEAnUTS. VIIEAT. C0QI1 AI1D VEQCTABUS OF.'AU RinpS. ' ' -il v. . f Fer sale by HALL & iPEABOALL. XT LIHXS r iKmm mm MaV!a M I i EuaKlES w.sCHROXDZB ST., X JLJiu. BSXTTMORX, IQX JL U Jo XI cSijAoc ay . 4? B S U F FIIOH (XttaWi way ) LUnO OlfiFnfiFK. f HRQAT-DISEnxEt. DREATHIUQ T00UBLES. 1 uh vice IMTO - the system earaar afe&u a a oeailar nadleiaca. ' ; w dhawh FJtMM th diseased parti the pmmjv nm caaie aeatn. - Tbo&ienda Teatiry to ttr Tlrtnf4 Doa I despair matU yoa harak triedV this Ketaiaie aaaily Applied and MADIOALLY drrCUTTJALi Uemedj. , Fold by Drvgiriata,?er saat by maQ oa re eviptof piiee, $?,by ' I.--Bend for Tetf i Tbt.'Only' luai Pad Co. viofilat and - boo, "Three rs 111 Lama SW.k. Million a a rar. ent StrAit. TVTlK. free - 41 WbolcVe In OttarlertOD. B. u.. br DOW IE A UOldX, WThoIseale'Dret; gifti. SUttfaKlB81 ETKBTBODT1 BKAD8, THE BUN AND lhadidoat f this Bawspaner throvffh. out taa year to eoma erery body will flod: , i-aU the world's newt, so presented that the reader will est the greatest aaonnt of information vlui tne letit as profitable ex I "I1"? dlaeaTed the gulden neea be- tweea redaadaot fair eta and nets riff actor breTitr. II sfncti. ot that tortff w which de pndt lei upoa . its reeognho i-iuortaace than opoa - it, lutereatc tunkind. From mprqiago tcorniag (.1e Pan priara aeon tinned atory of the lirea ot real irea and -womf nv anT of .their deeda, . plaas, Joret, nates aod 'troubles- - Tt$ story is more rarii and. mi)ia Jnteret ting: thkn any ro njaaee.tbat waa erar deriied. ; .'. "- t " IIlr-Qbod writiag in erery oolnmn, and frMhftea,'origlBality accuracy aad decora to in theireataent of erery subject. . . I Vr-Boaait eomnieat Thsfltra's habit ia Lto apeak ontvfearienly ahoutv ssen and rqat eanaor sn oeaiiojr witn eaen po Jitioal 4ar.tyvaad eaalreadineta to commend waa) is. jsraiaeworjay or ' ta reimke what 11 l a m hie iafDeno)ctato, Bepnbllcan ; 1 Ahaolnie . ladeDeadenee aC aarBiaa 'rirAaftatlona bat an wararing;., loyalty to I roe isemoiratie prineiplea The HanneUerea tkatthe JDorenmteat which tha Coattitatioa glres as is toedoastokeepL ' lts nonon of duty la .to refiat to Iti atmoatnower the af ford of msa la the Bpnbliean party to set an aaotaeriform of gnrernmeat ia place of ; thatowhtohuaxiats year 1881 and the r earf Immedlatrlr .ifbllowuff will nrcbablT decide, thla sapramelr important eontatt The "aa ;halieres, thst the riotory wUl be with tba iwOp'eaS agsinst the Rings for monopo ly, lha Rings for plunder, and the Binga for imperial power! . i v Uur taraaa.are as foltowa ; , :', Ton the Dally Son, a four page sheet ot twenty-eight oolumoi, the , price J hr mall, post paid, . ia AS ' esnta a month, or $LIQ a yeari, 9f, teelndinr the Senday paper, an eight page abeet of fiftye!z oeluma, the price ia 64 esats'a month, or $7.70 a year, postage paJd;rV '-..-.. -The Bonday edition of The Pan is also far- I nlahed separately at $1:N a year, peataga para.. ' - - . The trice of the Weekly Run. elrht nsfes. fifty-iz eolumi, la $1 av year, postage paid For daba of ten sending $10 we will send so extra copy free 1 c ' "J y t - Address, - - I W SssLAsa. 1 PuhlUherJof The 8u, NewYork City COMMERCIAL HOThL. WILMINGTON, N. O. iirz aiatuple Hoouisj lor " 4ma'ttii'rr ial Travel era. rpHk PelOHaiTOv ha ring tbeyoughi 'enoratad thlaoase and arslabed4t entire- lyhr-l a V spared to gtre tothe trarednf pahiia 1 ai), th .cnealei a FIKST. CLAB3 HOTiX. 1t1a:Wated la the.Tary mxtnoi tU hatlaeae part of lhaity, be tag kratdeat to the prfaeipal baalnen hoesea, PogtaSoaPaatom'Boaae, Chy flail - aad fWBeaaa. " ' ' CM Firet-Claa Bar'and Ttilliara 8io a eoaaeeted with this Hotel. - - i f ... BAT5S 12 PIS DAI . , cat 24 ci ii.A Srfli iTa rJotice v iJPL10ATI0! WILL BZ liAJDX.TO the Qenaral Asaembly, at ita approiehfag ru for a charter for the Wilounrtca staxke4jC)banari dee 14 SOt try had a little , corn, '' Optm'br little toe, - ' Aad etery'where tAal Vat j T.aTaakeornraa aare to ge. rr real T8 ICS. 9IT vBUSO Jf .vB6l D T that I winrtmora a corn la S hoars, . - "Fottale'bjr ; ; . a - in 9, . - J. Dr .KUTT A CO. OA freah lotU' IXuWoa Cast jest reeetred. man - i c it t- CHAP; TtTiTTYnr n'-fi-i HI J i ' . - Ms'( jsnVi'B'eat th jVVVifwSifiaT - . ieVeW -'aA -A W ' ' wIXu I OTOV, K. t A tae asscf taeat efCoflas aad Oat ets eoastaatly on hand. Psraitara Repaired leaned aad Tarnished. Orders by tale rrjh erssOrreaFtlF alaxt. Iter Mil yoq Can Be Belierisa & Gnrefl. HiflcallancotLS TMK DAILY BEffliW, JJOSH. T. J AJVtES BDITOK AND PUBLISHER Is published Every Arternoon (Sandaysevepted). At the followinff rates. pn-atjtrrft paid : One Tear....,... . $5 00 Six Mouths...... 2 eo One Month..., ... 50 The paper riJl t delivered by carrier?, fit e of charge, in any part i of the city at the ubore rfttss, or 13 cents rer week. jThe Dailt Kitzzw is now in the fourth year of its t zistcne is per manently establish id, with a large and steadily incraasiDg ambscrlpl tion list, and presents to merchanta and others a moi t desirable medi- nxn'for adrertisiDgJ WILIUHfiTON JOURNAL oosH. t; JAMES, ,"7 Is published EVERY FRIDAY. At thefollcwinfif rates : One Year.... ....'.$2 00 SixMontha.... ............ 1 Thi Month...., .......... 00 50 tes' fargoly in le ndjoiniLg cenx) ties as welt ai'in' the Wcfiiern por tfbns of tbe State aad present un- -: ;'Vf-, r ':''V;.:;:.I?;.;; cqnalled faciKticj to merchants for making known what they hare for eale Hail Eoart Lliiaa, 60, IVIUMIKOTON o VELSt CAIXUOAD COKTAITY vrrioa ur Omm't, vratTieB-t i , -Wlhaiagioa, H U., Not 37, IrtC, ) Worember J8th, 1880, a 4 " w, Faaneorer Trir m v w n mtrtoa A Waljon Kallro4 M rn . . foliowa ' . OAT MAIL AND KJPKk TKA1. a !oa 41 5orth aad 4 rnt?b. Uate WUaaiajrtoa, rroat BU Dvu Ummih....... ... e jni I. Arrlreat Weldaa a.1 1 t u lieeTe WaiAwt.... mii 40 f at Arrire at WUmlngtca, Froat 8c ' V'" B tt F Jl Fast Through Fal and Pamarer Tra a- Dally Hoa, A lorth and 40 South. Leere Wilmington, Front BU iepei t. . . a os p m ArrirratWeldoE 1 1 Leara Weldon. ao u Arrire at Wilmington, rent at. Train o 40 Aorth win . PoiaL u'7T.rii:,,T lia. lli oliTe.' OallaS VAr Hoant, Eifield; and flallfei. Train Wo 40 fVntittn i . MouaWileoa, OoWaboro and MaffnLlia- . Ifbt Paeaenger. Mail and ITxprew Train deuy-Kca Utforthaadal tsoutl Leare Wlimlngtoa, Froat 81. Aepoi at Arrire at Waldon a "" 4 If Pi, 4 II A a 1 48 A M I Leare Weldon. wumington, rroat BU Trains on TarhorA R..k . , - - ji -"-iT muu oaturt a .t iht ann am.m a-. . . m . . . j . AM dailr. tnd Mun.i.. ri" Ms Friday at:S0P M, 71 w .-"M wJSS. kfc4l c?f,M ontlon t WeWon for all point K). i-m . ., "! Train No. 45 rap 1 Tie Eichmond and tnirai 1 Waihiogton. and deUT to KlchmnH ZZm sJZT" .TO"-otin d Wis411 fr4 toot: Jinn f rn, d.t,j7 makes clo. connecrion fr all j.rintj. orth T. u mondar.d aiaaM.igtun AJI rnu oH. botwaan WiVI... I GenM SUDftn nffi ' 1 1 "eaa-aaal 1 . - IIIWW WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA sum rr &DBTA RAILROAD CO. Wilmington, w. 0t jf0T a7f ,f80 CHANGE OF 8CHEDULK. On and after Nnnnk.. 4a. V 1 AAA Day Passenger, Mail and Exnreaa Trafn BltMUI4 111. aT;. .rsrwn . 8 40 A at ArrtT a Florence.. 1 1 a p m Leare Florenee ZZZ. s is p m Arrire at Wilmington. 7 43 P u I0HT EXPRESS TRA IB 8 (Daily). Wos. 40 Wett and 4T Eat Tr" 10 25 p f 2J! !! rL? MiS A Jttnon 6.00 A M r-Tl?n,0oInbi' 1" AM Leare Columbia. M..... i0 mpu Letr!?iorSi A Jm10 20 P M Arrire at Wilmington S 20 A U wSSiu'f Bt0- 07 at Brinklay's, Whlterille, Flemmgtor, F.i, Blaff. M4riOB. Plorenee, Timmon.rille, Wayarille, BumUr, Oamden Junetion and J-aaton. O. A O. R. R., O., O. 4 A. B R, btadona, Aiken Junetion and ell poinU -beyond ahould take No 40 Night Kxprea.. OBU Pnilmn Beepers for Charleaton "m0! A1 traina 40 and 47. "O"wo andVumK 0lid Chaxle.ton, CABOLINA; lCENTBAL RAII ROAD COMPANY. Omoa Oanait Bera&iBninaaT, V Wllmlagtoa, 57. a, Drc 12. l30.f UHAjfoa oy ScnanuLB. 0N AND AFTER Dacember 12, 1880, the 1 ing Schedule wfit be onerated on ti Railroad t PaMager, MaU atd Express Train. DaUyxeept Punday . Jfo 1 i te,.?e Wmotton.......9.10 A M i An ire at at....6.10 P M - 5o3 1 L7' )arIotte at... M..e.20 a U J nirefti i'a.ixpton at.'.JO P 1. Train Wo 1 .td ?, ,top at regular itatioc. 60.76 d.lM)l,', 'entetei in theOi-mpa-nj'a Time Table. r PaaanKc-. Mall aid" Ibrougb FrtightTraln . I W4mS at.-. 6:3U P M a VArnva at L'aujt a Ji J " etUharlotteat 8:15 A XT' t L CTbaxlotu au....7:J0 PvL 14 at Wllmicrtoaaf a ...u.p tfrt hucday, but V e . a ji . t " WBBr"" r naieigto Heturaay So. u fell, oj ct eeturdaj. helby l'ium, faaaeage , aall. Exxrcat aad rrelbi So. S . iare Charlotte a.t-......8d AIM 1W5F It Vo. 4. tLaare8heIbi iby au.. Chaxioti I:3& P Si f Arrire at - iotte at 6:3 P U Traku Sot & and make elee coon action umiet f and fr'-m Unitwh. . Throagh Hieplog- Cara between Ralalgh ax 4 Charlotte. .T U. J 0115805, Oeaaral riaperiateadeas 5 d,e II Fresh Every Day: FI5E ASSORT lfEKT OF OAJIDIIfJ, yraneh aad DomestJs, Jtut reoei red ar d fes THE OHLT OlkoiNE nOME-MAnn Candy la the-eitj, will be found ererr day, fresh and sweet, three doors Poath of ?,ort??f0Bd Also, wttt- aUl&iss. Fruit, As. C. E. JETE5S. Jaa Ti . iTSg tTftAj.L2 - jaI-ly-sratat