J lliltt PAPA,. "J After. Budiji Jon. T. JAMEJ, TBXTO AMD nOTXUeTOX. DB8CRlTTIOOT. FOOTAGE PAID. PLauax j one. r Wa will aciad to raaaive aoa I r allot froai oar friasaaoa aay aa all; tablet' of t&a writer Bin Jayt b Mlto tka Editor. OoaaaalaatJoas mail t wrlttea; oa oa.y voa aide of the papar. Parto&alltia. oid4 ' And It Is atpaeuaf pareiariy whjj tood that the Edltnr not always at dor. a the views ot eorreepoatfuata Um uud la ta edlttH! solvit. w" JiW W Six months, S3 &0 ; Three ornua, 11 IS Oat month, M Mats. Ppar will b delivered byaarrfara, r of eIir In any part of tbt eity, at the rate, or 13 oeats par weak. 44rf tieing ratea low and tlbara VOL.- V WILMINGTON, . C. TUESDA Y. FEBRUARY 1. 1881 NO 290 -"Mabeeribra will pltaa report ear ano il f''ar to receive tneir papers regularly. daily -LvbJiJ V H II v V o Hexr Advertisements. Dress Goods AND Trimmines. TV Til 13 DEPARTMENT the Ladles knuw that we keep the most varied stock, to found iu this city. All of the neweat and mot dfvirable Trimming MU.ii-i eo t Mraiia ki the "get up", of aulu. Black and cfoed Silk Velvet for 8kiru, Cloak and Trioiiai'ijr. C3PJ3S AND JASSELS III COLORS AND BLACK.' " lu thf line of Carpet, 'which we carry HinTiT iiu u una eometainir to tMrae. In Bruels we have them at $1, 1.10, 1.25, &c ' Body Braee at the lowest figure. A large fctock of Ruga In Tapestry, Persian and Velvete. Oil Cloth from 3 fret up .to 12 feet wide. Rerctfully. jan 2 K. M. McINTIRK. A r GEORGE MYERS', 11 & 13 South Front Stfc Pre-H rrlrti Try vek f the CHOICEST FaMI.Y G.70CEIES! DeUwa-o Came t rV.il ta 4 Y;g. tbt, Fer UV.rU.ar Cured Pig Uexa. Light Stripi and "hoaidera. Jew btoek of Champagne Wines 1 Bio 9rsu,PnT nd Clan Whiakey, Ispartedaad Do awe tie Cigars, Tor sfe at Low Prleee. GEO. MYERS, jaa S No. 11 and It Boath Front 8u CLYDE'S Klew York AND Wilmington. Steamship C. Line. TUtC KTKAMER BENEFACTOR. CUFT. JONES, Off SATURDAY. Feb 5. , I 3. aalppan a raly pm tk- praap Mtllnff of Buaaert at advartlMd. tor fralcht Kacsaaah apply K THOS TBBO. K. UOrtO, Sap't, WnmiarV, N, 0. O. rKR, rrrlght Art, Saw Tora rv IVGLTIU A CO.. w " 05 Broadway Bt Tart. jaa 31 The Lowest Prices At K. S. W RH Job Office. tt estituaua at thia office bfo bTln 7 ur prtntlcg dona ebewber. : (office mKt. tew butMio& - LOCAL NEWS. !fw AdTartiiamenu. Hkinsbxbgeb Valentines C W Y at E8 Prang's Valentine Card's A & I Ssbieb Clothing' and Furnishjig Good Must be Sold Wokth & Wobtii New Crop Molasses P E Hashagex Lost T A 8rKiifGEB Price of Coal 8ee ad Wanted Geo F TiLLZT--Round Stall James M Lamb Sunnyside Nunry Croxlt & Morris Arrival of Carleton 8ee ad Hosteler's Bitters Cko.nlx & Motuua Renting oi Market SUUs . We gaiu 58 minutes, of daylight this month. The Receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 287 bales. It takes an old woman well versed in herbs to give sage advice. Secrets may be. trusted to a miser. He never gives anything away. Rnmor says there will be several mar riages of note daring February. February, the last of the winter months, steps in upon us to-day. Of the 15,000 words employed by Shake speare, abont 6,000 appear but once. The name of the last discovered plan et is an inch longer than the planet. Fenny readings at the Rectory of St. Paul's (Episcopal) churcv ihis evening. The stalls in the ne markets will be rented at public auctionu Monday uest by Messrs. Cronly k Morri3. Professor ('ushrug has had the upper room of the Skating Uink repaired and the floor tut in excellent condition. The annual meeting of the Seamen' friend Society was held this afternoon but the proceedings are too late for this issue. " Go to Jaoobi's for Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices. f The beautiful weather the past few days has been the subject of general gratuiation, but we are almost afraid to praise th& weather now. The schooner Carleton, from Nassau loaded with fruit, arrived this morning, Her'cargo of oranges is the prettiest we ever saw. The sale will commence to morrow morning. Those who have tried it, say there is only one good cough" medicine and that is Dr. Bull s Couh Syrup; it 13 cheap too, only cents a bottle. Mr. James M. Lamb, of the Sunnyside Nursery, at Fayetteville, is in the city with a fine variety of plants, baskets Arc, which are offered for sale by him for two days at Mr. Geo. P. Lamb's garden on Sixth street. J. N. Bick, of Toledo, Ohio, says: My father, before wearing the 4,Only Lung Fail." could not sleep nights on account of his violent coughing; since wearing it he his slept soundly every I iglit Sec Adv. The boss weather profit is reachiDgout in Vennor's a manac, which he "prints and sells for twenty five cents. He say that the 4th, 5th. 0th, llth. 17th 25th and 26th davs of next July will be ex cessively hot dajs; that next August will be decidedly moist; that October will be foggy all the month, and that cext December will be muddy and mild. p"kit Ht Sea. Capt. O.'Berndtfson, of the SwedUh barque Andrietta, which arrived in be low on the 26th proximo and reached this port on Sunday la3t, reports that he spoke the BUsh barque Lhanaral, of Liverpool, i days out, on Jan. 6th , in latitude 190, long..51 22. All well. The Chanaral is reported bound from Faposa Chill, to New York. . Ac fc.no w irOuni' m. We are indebted ts the marshals for an invitation to be present at the 46ih anniversary of the Literary Societies of Wake Forest College, on Fri'day, Feb ruary 18th, on which occasion tnere will be a public debate. Subject: "Resol Tftd, that the Cause of civil liberty has been promoted more by the general dif fusion of intelligence than by human suffering." The affirmative will be re presented by Messrs. W. T. Lewellyn of Surry .coanty, aid D. L. Ward, of Vilsoa coanty. The negative by Messrs E. M. Poteat of Caswell, and D. V. Herring ef Fender- Wilmiotoa for tie Pat Five Yeara Her InDrovements and Croakers Wilmington is slowly but steadily im proving. Enterprises are continually be ing added to the already large business which is done in this city thoagh we fre quently hear croakers saying "we are re trograding, the town is dead, nothing do ing, etc." There is nothing calculated to do a city more damage tbau such cbats and such chaps. We grunt it. times have been, and are now dull, but every cUxi1 tke country, has experienced the evils of the panic and many have not yet recovered from the effects. . Let us retrospect and see what has been done in this city in the past five years: A new saw mill, the best of its size in the coun try, has been built; another which was burned has been rebuilt. ' A sash and blind factory has been rebuilt aud en larged. A rice mill, second to none iu the country, has been builtand is in suc cessful operation. Besides in the past five years the following enterprises have been established: Cotton factory, tobac co factary, tin factory, steam laundry, four steam peanut establishments, cigar factory, steam sausage factory, marine sectional floating dock, new market house, turnpike, telephone fire alarm, telephone exchange, two cotton com presses, two steamers to Smithville pine straw packing establishment, root and herb depot, carriage factory, harness manufactory, steam dying and scouring establishment, two lager beer bottling establishments, oil tank depot and two cemeteries. Among the literary produc tions are the N. C. Medical Journal and At Home and Abroad. The depth of water on the bar has been, increased and New Inlet closed up, a public hos pital will soon be built, a stock com- pany is now at work on the Duplin canal and the work of erecting the Holly sys tem of water, works will be commenced is a few days. There are strong probabilities and hopes of a narrow guage railroad, to be run in connection with the coal and iron mines in the Western part of the State, erminating here and of having rolling mills established this city. There are hopes of the fibre works being reopened and a paper factory being built. Truck arming has gained a new impetus and the rice interest is on a biV boom. Land in and adjacent to the city, which a few years ago was lying in waste, has been mtilized and a large number of handsome stores and comfortable dwellings have bsen erected. The improvements on the sounds are due to the improved condition of the city. Hotels and boarding houses have been established, on Wrightsville and a "company is now forming who a v ' propose to build araliroad to the Sound Now, to recapitulate, withiu the past five years our commerce has increased very Jmuch Jand communication with foreign ; ports his been extended. Business relations have been establish ed with foreign ports and coastwise trade has not been better for sereral years than it has been during this winter. There are sow forty-one vessels over one hun dred tons burthen in port and fifty-four sailed for this port. At least one hun dred vessels, exclusive of steamers, have arrived and cleared this season and the fleet of tug boats have been kept bu3y. Besides the increased number of vcssela which have loaded here they are of a larger class and carry larger cargoes than vessels drawing 12 feet and regis tering abont 200 tons. It is not at all onnsual to see vessels of over 400 tons at onr naval store yards, compresses and saw mills taking in loads twice the size of those carried oyer the bar fire years ago. Forty-two busiut. enterprises have been established, which gives an average of eight a year or one for every forty fi?e days. The capital invested in establish ing these branches of trade will amount to at least $500,000. This docs not in clude the money spent here in "establish ing the oil tank depot, for we have ne means of ascertaining the amount, nor the telephone exchange, telephone fire alarm, pine straw packing establishment, money received from the trucking and rice interest, nor the government appro, prhtions for the Harbor and Kiver Im provement, and fiihing interest, shipping of stureeon, ete. The money expended in establishing these industries was taken out of banks, bonds, eU?., and Dit into circulation. The money brought here and placed in eirculatioa fxoa the al of piaeitraw, nee, tally vegetables, etc, amouuts to a good round sum, and is no doubt far ia excess of the amounts received from similar sources during the fir3t balf-of the past decade. Why growl, and grum ble and croik when we have so much- to be thunkfcil for ? Why not brace up look at the bright as well as the dark side of the picture ? Put your shoulder to the wheel ami try aid get yoir city out nl the aloujrh of despair, ruin and deruy you imsgiue she is in. TheuddroM delivered by Dr. Thos. F. Wood Inst evening before the Historical k Scientific Society was an admirable one. It was on the flora of this Stale aud section and if possible we will pub lish it for the benefit of our readers in a day or two. A Yaioable Tract Alfred Howe, administrator, adver tises for sa" a valuable tract of land on Fourth, between Hanover and Bruns wick, and running through to Fifth street. The lots arc within a square of the market and in the centre of the busi ness circle of Brooklyn. The s,ile wilt take place at the42ourt House door in this city on Monday, Mareu 7th. We advi&e our friends to call at. Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip tion. There you get the lowest prices. Ha bor tlaitfi'i Report. From Capt. Josepk Price, Harbor Master, we have the following list of the number of vessels. American and for eign, which arrived and departed from this port during the month of January, together with the tonnage of the same: American. Tonnage. Schooners, 18, A 4,554 Brigs, 2, 647 Barques. 2, j04 Steamers, 4, . 2,887 Tetal, 36, 8,432 Foreign. Tonnage. Schooners, 2, 185 Brigs, 0, 2,181 Barques, 19, u68l Total, 30, 9,047 1 Making a grand total of 56 vessels, American and Foreign, with 17,539 tons. That retltton. As our readers will have noticed, in the Senate, on Saturday last, Mr. Scott presented a petition from certain citizens of Wilmington to abolish the Criminal Court of New Hanover coanty. The Democratic majority in the Legislature should not be deceived by this. The said petition was political document. It was fathered by certain Republican officials aud is, strictly speaking, a Re publican document. The obiect of the petition Li evident. If the Criminal-'.. Court is abolished and the criminal calendar thrown back into the Superior Court,' the fees and perquisite of the officers alluded to will be largely augmented. Thi is the milk iu that prolific cocoaout. The Criminal Court for this couuty has accomplished a great deal of good. There is no question a3 to that fsct. It has been a terror to evil doers and it should not be molested. Annual K. port. The thirty-eighth annual report of the Mutual Xiife -Insurance Company of New York, printed in another column, like all the reports that have preceded it shows the continued prosperity and growth of this corporation. It is now, as it has been for many year, the largest and strongest life insurance company in the world. Its assets are $91.735,78G; sur plus over $11,000,000; amount of policies in force over $306,000,000; income orer $17,000,000; and amount paid to policy holders last year $13,160,694. Amid all our financial revolutions.no suspicion has ever fallen upon the solvency of this company; and while other companies may have foundered in the mire of catch phrases to beguile the unwary, the Mu tual Lite has steadily adhered to its orig inal plan of affording the largest amomt of insurance at the least price consistent with safety and with the best interests of ts insured. . Each succeeding statemei l shows the wisdom of the redaction of premium rates inaugurated by this com.1 pany ber.eSting old as well an new policy holders. it. Hundreds of caec. wo:ecii and children rescued trotn beds of paiu, sickbeds and. almost death an'd made stroog'and hearty by Parker s Ginger Tonic are the best evidences in the world of its sterling worth. You can find .these in every com ottnitj.-iW. See advertisement. JNew Advertisements. Wanted. WHITE GIRL abont U yesnofage, ef g od character, to anUt in taking ear of two children. Apply at this ffic. f.bl-2t Price of Coal. QN AND AFTER THIS DATE, S7.50 PKRTOS tall upplj to arrlva in a few dtyi-par Schooner J hn k. Griffin. febj-4t J ! V Mjrnfci Lost. rS HON DAT I.A8T betweei the Old J Mi arket and the Prebrie Un Chureb. eita" on Krontor orange street, A BUOB Of KiYf, consisting of three flu Kevi and tro r-iund Key, on a a reel ring. The fiade wih be auitably rewarded on leaving tfeawitb F HA8HAOK5. febl-lt at the PoatatSe .New Crop Molasses. j j j HHDP. HEW (nOP MAT.AZia M0LAHH18 Now iaudiog from BritUb brig Malaga, and firanlebr WORTH A WORTH, (eb Mir FROM "SUNNYSIDE NURSERY", FATETTEYILLE, N. C. AT GEO. P. LAMB'S Oreenhoaie, BUth street, between Prineeas and Chestnut, the following are offered for eale February 2d and Sd : Fine collec ion Kosea, Camilla Japonicaa, Aziaa, Acaba Japonic i, Tea Plants, Pines, dpruoea. Arborrifan, in vari ety, Magnolia Orandifl ra, Junipers. Irih and Swediih 8ilvery Aleaateie, Anniaed 8hrub, Outvra Sealera. 1 ubercie Baits, Ac Bustie Work, Ouaira, fetteea, Standi, Baskets, Ac. Ladies are invited to examine stock. Will be glad to reoeire oiderafor any thing in mv line, i'ricei te suit the times. Beapeetfully. JAMLtt M.L1MB, Proprietor febl-lt Bunnyaide Parser j Round Stall. JT AM NOW IN THE ROUND STALL at the head of the NEW MARKET. Will keep the best BEEF, MUTTON, etc. My old friends and the public generally will receive as usual the best of Meat and attention. GEO. F. TILLEY, Hound Stall, lebl'Jt NEWMARKET. Arrival of Carleton. M. ROLI, Aiiclioneer BY CRONLY & MOHIiliJ. QTS TO-MORROW, Weuneaday, Feb' 2, 1881, we will sell on board Br t-chr Carle, ton, at "Fruit Wharf", at 10 u'cUcr, A M, 100 Bunches RIPE BAN'ATNlS. We ae selling from Oarletnn tboe Ap droae" Oranges at $1.60 per 100 We have no hefttattm la aajing thy are of finer qaal ity and aize than Florida . leb l-lt RENTING OF MARKET STALLS AT AUCTION. 2H. CRONItlT, Aucf ionccr. BY CRONLY A MORRIS. T PDRSUANOE of an order adopted bi X the Mayor and Bord of Aldermn of thia city and aubiect all the rulee and regula tiona adopted by fa 'd Board at their meeting oa January in, issi, we anit proeepd to rent at Pub'r- a action to h higheat bidder, oa MUN I A 1, February 71381. it 10 o' elk, A M , alloMhaMTALLt IN THE M ABKKI HOUdE, aitaated npnn tbe earner ef ourth and Campbell ifetti, Upn aame davatlL o'clock, A M, allot the HUlia in the Market 8ouaa aitua ed u 01 ttr Weat aide of Front between Doct a d orange auee a. Upon same day at U o'clock, M, all of tbeFtalla ia the Ararkat House aitaated npon the corner of Fif'h and Ca tie atresia Wllmlngtoti Feb. 1, 1 a81 . e d 3t htar copy eod3t Must be So'd I JJALACE-OF 5T,G.X. OF GENTi1, YOUTHS1 AND BOYS' CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS mart be sold to make l oom for Sprlag atoek. Bargain! can be had. . Go da goicg at a great tacrlSee, at A. a I. BUctll 8, jwi Jl Market itreeU rJotice 4PPLICATION will be msde to the prea ent' Legislature to incorporate the Un Rice Mill Company." jsnSSOt, . OW BATItS For all kinds of Printing, Persona redding out of the city eaa btr their priatiag earefally czaeuted and mailed to tham free of poetaga 1 1 Review Bindiig) M Piiatar.' New Advertisement.. Ao Time should be Lost If the atomaeb, lirer and bowela are Ported, to adept tie aare retnetr, UorXcfr't Mom- ch tsitterr. Diaeasra ol th orgm naiued gt other a fa" more aeri a. and a de y a therefore btxard a. lytpe?rl, livr j attaint, chill and fvr, nj rbtumatio (wingea, kidney weakneM.' bring aorima bodiiy trouble f r fld witb. L' aa ao tire tnning thla f ffectire, f and long known medicine. ror aale bv all DrnggUta and Uealen, eneraly. At Yates' Hook btorc- p3AKO' UEAUIIjUL VALENTJNI8 are qaite an attraction. Ihej are aild to be the fineat erer gotten up. A COMPLKTE STOCK of School Bookf, Stationery, Aa., conatantfy oa hand jaa 31 Valentines ! Valentines 1 Valentines ! nyALENTINES FOR EVERYBODY! beautiful. and Artistic, for .. Old as well aa Young Hearts. They are now ou eshibij tien and For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, '"an SI Administrator's Sale BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the Su perior Court of New Hanover Countv, in a certain special proceeding there pend ing before the Clerk, wherein Alfred liowe, Administrator, of Julia Pettiford, is Plain tiff, and Orlando Dover and wife, Margaret Dover, are defendants, I will, on Monday, the 7th day of March, 1831, . at 11 o'clock, A M., at the Court House door, in the citv of Wilmfngten, offer for sale, at public auc ticn, that LOT OF LAND, situate in aid city, aud designated upon thc-plan thereof as Lot No . 3 in Block 264. The said Lot will be divided in half and sold in two Lots, each being of the width of 06 feet and of the depth of 165 feet. Terms One third caah, residue in three and eir months, with interest from day rf sale. ALFRED HOWE, jan-lf Administrator Sundries. ! 10,000 8auULKSALT' . r 7 3000 SacUMarfchans 6a,t" For talc low hy WJ LLI A MS &. y URCH I80N. 300 8a k' comE 200 ltusJGAU' For sal low bv WILLIAMS iV ML'KClILSON, 1000 BbUFLOLR' Onn hhh IOTATOE., For tale low l. WILLIAMS tv MCRCJIISON. Candf, Candlee, Cracker?, Cheese, Lyr, Potash, Soda. .Sodjs, Ac. For fcale low by WTLLIA MS A 31 URCJI ISON-, Jan J Iiuiorter & Wholesale tirocera' a Butter! Cutter! Butter I 1 Q Tuba Ch' ice Gilt Edge BUTTBB, 10 20 do Ooaben do Kits Mountain do Crackers and Ca rakes, aid Fancy SODA, LEMO, AB30BTED Miied. For aala by Hall & Pearsall. jaa 31

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