9 WIS PAFBR josn. tZ J a m M ... t'Kf PTIOS. PCWTAOB PAID. s 00 Hia aontas, S 150 ; Three L-ttl 2; Oaeaeonth.Weeati. - -v, ppr vil! bdliTered ty carrier, ... f .barge, F ' CTTtt)-eribr will pUwnportujud r oiler to reeUve rteir papers regularly. jfow AdTortisomeatg. Butfer ! Butter! Butter ! . . 10 4 d Qr4 Urn dm 20 4 Cracks r s and 7 T Mall earsal! 4s".. Jl!iv 10,000 s"bLB8AtT' 3000 Sak ifrh11'5 S1K FoaaJo low by WILLIAMS A 3IURCIII30N. 300 :0?T??" 2QQ BbJaSCOAA, Tor tale low by WILLIAMS & MUfcCHISON.. - - l . . . - r 1000 BburLOU' nnrv Bhls POTATOES, ' . Tor tale low by " WILLIAMS A MUBCHISO. Candr, Candles, Craeken, Cheese, Lje, I , -"-ri For sale low by. . . ' . WILLIAMS & MxrcemsoN. jn 31 Importers & Wholesale Grocers I im GOODS !" A. B. C; White Wheat, CRUSHED AND HULLED. rpSE KK8T POSSIBLE ItOTKlMKSTto dmlop foaad and vigorous conititatioM. I lptially adsf tdf.rth frail aid weak l Manicba V - . r - " w - AX E1HT IXOUN 'PRODUCTION, A n laf rJUat ia. Jalllea, BUns-Manjre, i. . rt, Gritt! Oake. Ae.. lol ' , 4 - - 1 " f .-. pa IHQ BOCK WffKAT tad Ooldi Bjraj! V tl ' Prtah Bjt a&4 Oraham Ploar, . I a "Lord BaHlabra" BatBt. '. BraUfMt tripa aad Bhlil :, Pf r Arpl Fiaiar, . -Corr4 Dtif, X a f aU ll 5 tt SUj.lt aad Ttaey O oois, 4 !& lvt wunaa I cam atiart iroast 4m I j at all tfoti, S i - ' '. a 4 ..'.it,. . la yew crdtrs. - John L. Boat7riglit, -... 1 aad 15 NertaXProat 8 Adiiinistratpfl Sale. BTVTRTUEOF A DECREE of the 8a periorCcTirt of Saw. Hanover County, t VT'PAmIPraerfln' there pead. jfaiff?re nereln Alfml if owe, i Diitrator, or Julia Petti ford, ia Plain , rSl! Orlando Dover and wife, Margaret ' tKfC ficfeta, I :wUJ, on Monday, A MWlsst. at 11 o'clock, of & ' 5 Court "ou oor, la the city Uci tSffH0. t puaUcauc 3S,SSli2tOF 'JAND tttuaC ia said r itNe?fnnoaih thereof ,fci,fi?nLwm iahalfaad ?eS IIS Jf of h Wh or i SiS1.' m three amocthi, with burnt from day of laiti ' ALFRED HO VVE, i - - - ' -r-nmm - - - , , 1 . - , , ... I.I . - . . t' o 4 U5t a r ; - r: - -- JJ u i U T IFHTITm -,r5 f-,- A:- If 4 I - - ill U y H 111 WW 7 V " v . - " t ' ' . - - , - " .-- j. 11 '& . . . t - . -... . - -i, YO L. V W ILMINGTGN, N- C. THURSDAY, JEBRTJARY 3. 1881. NO. 292 L LOCAL NEWS. . w, AUrertietnent. Cxoxlt & MoamOraK IIkxxsbksqer Valentines C W YAtfcs-PraEg' Valentine Card' . A & I SniilEK Ulothlnj. and Furnishing Good Must be Sold N items at the City Hall to-djy. Criminal Court meets next Monday. Tall sft Lata supply a long felt want Ko Tiriuons and you wUl be a curia ositj. - 4 Maffistratei conipbia if lack of basi. ntss. ; f',1 8aoaIJ blash to iiniper" if the rery latest slang'. . "-A wire heated by a galTanic current will cat wood like a saw A uuiform ma of water is essential to the healthy growth of plants. Lorin''a cottage is moro common than loTin' the cottage' mistress. . Some men are 'called muffs because they arc used to keep a flirt's hand in. Ice best . of cs are Tery apt to be mealy-mouthed about three times a day. The experiment has been tried often enough to prore that a jack-nife is not a night-key. ;: The County Commissioners meet in reridar session next Monday afternoon Iftt ill rmtt 9 nVlnAl- The choir doesn't care so much for the congregational ;.sining. It . looks out for the main chants. '.Go to Jac6"bi,s. for Doors. Sash and Bliuda, pure WMU Lead. Oils. Varnishes, Wiudow Glaisall sizes. All at the lowest prices. 1 HonGeorge Davis, .Hon., A. -M. Wad dell, Col. P. W.' Kerchner and Capt Chas. D. Myers were all in Raleigh a day or t,a!i A -rudent man is like-a pin, his head prevents him from going too far. To prevent a cough from going too far, we should say: Use Dr. Ball's Cough Sjrup. J . A newspaper, commenting on the fact that a farmer nearly lost his life by sink fag i a quagmire, adds: "Men who do a aa not suDscriDe ior a paper muse expect to be sucked in every now and then." It is hoped those persons who. go into raptures over old, dingy teapots, old pieces of furniture, and other old tra bric-a-trac, we mean, are perfectly sat isfied with this old fashioned winter Sea- Bible people are not. We advise our friends to -call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip tion. There you get the lowest prices, f The Criminal Court convenes on Mon day, the 14th inst. The February term of the Court commences with the second Monday while the other terms com mence on the first Mondays ot the months in which they are held. . J. N. Bzck, of Toledo. Ohio, says: lf father before wearing the "Only Uang Fad, could not sleep nights on account ot bis violent coughing; since wearing it he his slept x soundly every tight. See Adv. ; At 7 o'clock this morning the thermom eter registered 20 degrees. Last night was by far the coldest night wc have had this season. : At 10 o'clock to-day the I weather was three degrees colder than it was at the same hour yesterday. Goldsboro Theatre. 1 1 We learn from a Qoldsborian who was here yesterday that Mr. Julius A. Messenger, has purchased in that town a fine building lot, en Center street, and will in May commence the erection of a good-sized theatre. The town has long needed a building of the kind. Reduced Fare. 4 We have received,circulars from TJolA. Pope. General Passenger and Ticket Agent of the Wilmington k. Weldon and Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Rail roads, stating that the passenger fare on these roads has been reduced to four cent3 per mile, first class, and three cents per mile, stcoid qjass. This is a step m the right direction and will doubtless re, suTT ia an increase of .travel. tlnndivdaof men. women and children hfel nf'Tiain. sickness and i almost death and made strong and hearty 1 bv Parker's Ginzer Tonic are the best eyidsaccs-ia' the1 worlds of its sterling worth. Yoa can find these in every com? Euaity. PotU , Ste adrertiisak ITie receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 413 bales. Nor. barque Progress, Tellefsen, ar rived at Trieste on the 29th ult from this Prt- . ' Nor. barque A. 31. Schicciqaardt Johnsen, sailed Jfrom Liverpool for this port on the 1st inst. " .Cinderella. ; Mr. Maurice J Abern, Business Ageut of Perineal Americaa Juvenile " Opera Troupe, is in the city making arrange- ments for tlie appearance of the troupe ig thU city oo' Monday nd-Teiy:cjtienH ingsof next week.. Thev will render the epera of Cinderella, v 4 onrailnc of Water Pip-3. A number of our citizens who receive their, supply of water for xtheirs balh rooms from tanks on thetop3 ot their houses have been placed in a Ead plight by the extreme cold weather now, upon us, in consequence of the bursting of the water pipes leading into their houses.-In every instance'of this kind of course there is damage to furniture and property by being flooded with water. Ail of this causes anxiou3 inquiry about the con templated water works. The Pabllc Hospital. The authority to establish a public hospital in this city jhaving been granted by the Legislature, the two Boards,! to wit: The Board of Aldermen and Board of County Commissioners, must ; now decide the amount ot money to be ex pended, and the proportion of the ex pense to be levied on the city and like wise on the, county. We hope soon,, to see the foundation to this much needed institution laid 'and the work commenced. Don't Get the Chills. If you are subject to Ague you must be sure to keep your liver, bowels and kidneys in good free condition. When so, you will be safe from all attacks. The remedy to use is Kidney-Wort. It is the best preventive of all malarial dis eases that you can take. See. advertise ment ia another column. The Medical Journal. The January number of the North Carolina Medical, Journal, though lite, is full of very readable matter for the profession. The leading article is a communicatioa from Dr.'H. A. Mar tin, of Boston, on "Jefferson as a Vacci nator." The article embraces nine fac- similics of letters written by Jefferson. Our eye was attracted by an article in this issue on the new hospital which it is proposed to erect here. It is dis tinctly declared that, when erected, this hospital will not be used as a refuge for tramps or for vagrants from other counties. It is proposed to havt pay- wards and the churches here will have an opportunity to endow cots. We notice that the name ofDr.Thos.F. Wood appears alone as the editor ef the Journal, Dr. DeRosset having felt com polled to withdraw on account of his pre carious health. , A Partridge Hunt Tuesday afternoon apartridge,or tome partridges, were seen in.the limits of the city and a crowd of boys started in chase without dogs, but with a plentiful sup ply of stones and bricks, with which, un brtunately for the owner, they peppered a good many panes of glass ia a build ing near Water street, while endeavor ing to slay the feathered bird. It was matter of astonishment to some why partridges should be seen in the city, but a gentleman on .Change this morn- iag suggested an explanation of the strange visitation which we think both plausible and correct He said ' 'you know that one of our most energetic and determined brokers has notbeenin the spirits 'market for several days and neither has, he been seen on the street ' Well.the factisjhe continuedour broker friend has gone on a several days par tridge hunt, and as . soon as the par tridges got wind of it they left the woods and flew to the city.' N. B. Our fighting editor has gone to Raleigh to inquire the fatoof the prohi bitioa bill and will not be back for weeks yet to come. . . The Ueason Whj The tonic effect of Kidney-Wort is pro duced by its cleansing and purifying ae tion'on the blood. Where there is a j gravelly deposit ia the urine, or milky. fodv urine from disordered kidneys, it caret without fafl.' Constipation and Eiles readily yield ! to its cathartic and ealinir rwwer. -Put up in dry vegetable form or liquid (very concentrated), either act prompt aad cure. Troy Jiudget x ClEOLDfl Hickory . Carolinian:-- O a yesterday, one of ouriownsmen, Mr. R. W.- Mc Comb, while hauling; wood was thrown from the wagon add seriously, if not fa tally injured.' He was1 alone, and re mained upon 'the ground, lying on his face, in a helpless and almost unconscious condition for come hours. :r ' Xcics and Observer-. Cheesquotah, a Cherokee chief, claiming to be 140 years fit age; has just died ia Macon county, yesterday morning a negro of ill re pute. Margaret-Richardson by name liv ing in East Raleigh, left her two little children: inJ the ; housed while ahe "went aayVhea ehieU returned . she .'found both fcadly burned. . .The injuries of one nay possibly prove fatal. , : Raleigh Yizitor: There is an., oak tree in Mr.'B. F. .Walton's yard, in St. Mary's Township,- this county, which measures 37 feet around the base. $68,092.83 was the amount of; revenue collections in the 4th district for' , the month of January Col. Wm.' M. Sfedge, a . native of Franklin County, North Carolina; and many years ago a iSq., ot this city.died on the 21st ult., m Concordia, Mississippi. ; " "Farmer Mechanic; Best has only five months in which to build his: Rail roads to Wolf Creek and Waynesville. Seven months havejjeen lost in'negocia- tions." (ieneral regret is expressed at the collapse of 'efforts for permanent improvement or, the' streets.. Vr Hogg has withdrawn his bill for a steel cart way, owing to the attitude of the Cet ion and Grocers Exchange in opposition thereto. This oppsition may be traced to several motives: among which were the tariff of charges, or tolls,andthe fact that many wholesale dealers now avoid drayage by snipping directly from the depot, as the goods arrive. We pre sume nothing further will be attempted until another .winter brings its miseries. Charlotte Observer; Mr. ThosH. Haughton and bride have returned from a visit to New York and 4 Washington, and are located at the Central. The remains of Conductor R.T. Halsey, killed in the accident' near Gibsonville, arrived in the city night before last. The inter ment will probably take place in Hunts- .rile, Alabama, Mr. Halsey's i native place. The' long continued wet weather has completely interrupted pro gress in mining operations in this sec tion. The miners say that the bottoms have been completely soaked out or the roads, and it is impossible to get .wood hauled sufficient to keep the machinery running. -The tobacco factory of J. H. McEIwee was destroyed by fare m Statesville night before last. The fac-' tory was near the depot in tail viewlrom the passing cars and will' be remembered as a prominent part of Statesville to the passer by, . The loss is considerable, but it is believed that the tactory was in sured.. How to be your own painter : Buy th N. Y. .Enamel Paint, rady saixed anp warranted at Jxcobi's. f Br. schr. Java, Home, for this port to load for Martinique, sailed from Prov idence, R. I., on the 31et ult THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows : . Northern through malls 7.00 p na Northern through and way utailk. ........ .....,. .....v.Ow ;i . con Raleigh 6:30 a.m. Malls for the N. O. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, inclnding A. &N. G. Railroad. at 6;80 a.m. Southern mails for all points South, daily 8 am and 7:45 p. m Western mails (C CR'y) daily fexceot Sunday) 8:10 a- m Mail for Oheraw & Darling ton 3. ........ ....... 7:45 p. m. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston. 8 a m & 7:45 p m Fayettevillo, and ofiicea on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays-..... L'OO p. m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays..... 8:10 a, m. Onslow O.H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at 6:00 a. m 8mithville mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun- r. days)... ............. 8 30 a, m Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, S. 0.r every Mon day and Thursday at ...6:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at......... 6:00 a. m. . v OFZH rOS PXLTVEBT. . rTorthcrn through and way mails.. ....7:00and 7:30 a. m. Northern mails 0 00 a m Southern MaIIfl:-:;..Mv..V....M 7:30 a. m. Carolina Central Railway.... 4:00 p. m. ' Stamp Office open from 8 a. ro. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. "m. Money Order and Register Department open came as stamp office, .... . ' . r General deilvery open from 6K0 a. mi to 6:00 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m.v.;i 'vc. Stamp for caUT atsaeral deUvery when stamp office li; closed. ' Mails coL'ected firca ctra boxes every day at Op. m. r -: - Water ctrest cicrthasti will keep their fast, dry In 'Winter by rearing Rosks thal'a beets and chocs. ; t , Hox7 .Advortieementa. QQANQES-ORAflQES-ORANQES. AB tELLISO TDOSS LAQGE 8VEET RIPE "ANDRDSE" ORAUGES AT S 1.50 PER 100 CKOBfLY Jk KORBId, ft 3 It Bt. - pj It Anetr'a RErniRG or market stalls at AUCT10M XJRONJLY, Auclioncer. ' V,Y 'CROJTLY & MORRIS Ijr.PDKSaA-XUE oT aa crdr adoptel br the Myr asd Uoard of Aldermen of tola exry and auoject t ail tbo rales aad regula tions adopted by raid Board at their meetinsr oa January- is, lsi, we snail prooed to rent at Public Auetioo to the higheat bidder, oa UUNOAY. February 7. 1881. at 10oclk. A it, aUoftb STALLS IN THE 1I4.RKET tLOUSK, aituated spon the corner ef Fourth and uampbell streeti. upon fame day at 11 o'clock. A M. all ot the Stalls in the Market House situated upon tan Weat aide of Front between Dock aad Orange atree. Upon fame riav at 12 o'clock, hi. aI! of the KtaiJ j iu ;!a Ji Arkfct 'ious-j iiaatad njoa the corner . r J-irn anu ua tie Or on a Wia7kg tou Feb. 1, 1S81.' eod 3t btar copy eod3t Price of Coal. QN AND' AFTER THI8 DATE FuUjupply to arrive in a few days per Schooner John A. Griffin. , feb l-4t J A BP2I5GES Dividend Notice. T HE BOARD Of DIRECTORS of the Bank of New Hanover have this day declar ' ! ed a Semi-annual Dividend of FOUR PER GENT., free of tax, payable on .end after the lOt toil. -feb 24t 8 D WALLACE, uaehier StockhoWer's Meeting, fJIHE AsTSUAL MEETIN of the Stock holders of tbe Bank of New Hanover will he held at their Banking House ia this city, on Thnrsday, the 10ta day of February, 1881, at 12 o'clock feb 2-lt 8 D WALLACE, Cashier Hour, Meal, &c JJAVING LEASED THE GAPE FEAR MILLS, I am prepared to furnish FLOUR, HOUI5T AND MEAL equU to tbe beat and at the lowest pricea, febS.tf OB WRIGHT Hew Crop Molasues. 441 uudb wew u&op MATARZAS MdLASSES, Now landing from British brijr Malaga and for sale bv WORTH A WORTH, feb Mw - Winberry Oysters. - THE FINEST OFJ the eeaaan. By the Dozen, Quarto Gallon, at JOHfl CARUOLL'8, HarkeCst I lie LOWeSI XT riCeS JjlORALL KINDS OF PRINTING, At B, S. WARROCK3 Job Office. Get estimates at this office before having your printing dona elsewhere. (Office in Review baildJnp) iy 22 v. - . . , Llust be Sold I ALANCE OF STOCK OF GENTS', YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHIfJQ & FURNISIIiriQ GOODS nast b sold to make i oom for Spring stock. Bargains can be had. ... . Goode golsg at a great sacrifice, at A. A L SHRIER'S, jaa J I " ' MarkeOtreeV; 1 notice. a' PPLlCATTON wfll be nude to the nreal ent .'Legislature to' Incorporate the ''Hilton RtMUin Cnmmnr jan29uS0t Fresh Every Day A 7I5E AESORTMENT OF GAUDIES, Freaeh sad Domertie, just received asd foa sale. ' THB ONLY GENUINE HOUE-MADS Candy In the city, wCl be found every dt y, frrrh asd swee tiree doors South cf j x ca vxzzu JUso, Nets alTlns, Frail, a - C E. JEVET3. Jaa 22 Hcsx Ca Fc:l.; PIXASS XJOTICS. - .- . . - " VTe will be glad to receive eoaaciicxi. r s Crexa ear frlsads on aay asd all; & 0 tesertilrrcrt tat . Tie rase cf the wrlfsr cut alvayt be tzt alahed to the Editor. .. ' , . ' Ooaacsteatlon zeen bs WTlticsJ ca o sly eaaside of the paper Parmnalffls am voided . And it Is especially a t 'rtleslaxl vxa In stood that the Editor t always esdrre the views otcorrcpmf rata, naletito tUijd ta the editorial eolasas.' " ' ' 'S No7 Advortisbment?. ' S fta Cl y COEKATK wm lift" -J- r. j . . n. a- . '- r s nro Time should be xost Ifih - tomaeh, liver and bowels are affects 1, ta aopt tbe sure remedy, Hostettrs Bton ach Bittera. ' Diaeaaes'of the oricans namod' bejret others far more ' aerioui, and a de'ay is . therefore hazardous. .. Dyspepsia, A lirar complaint, chills aad fever, early rheumatla twinges, kidney weakness, bring seriou-r bodiljr troable if trifled with, - Lose no Unu inusinjr this effective, ia!o aad long known medicine . For tale byall Druggists and Dealers, " eneralj.j . :, At Yates Book Store. r pRANG'S BEAUTIFUL VALENTINLO are quite an attrsctioa, 1 hey are said to ' be the finest erer got lea up, A COMPLETE STOCK of School Books , Btitionery, Ac, constantly oah&nd. ; jaaSl Valentines !, Valentines! Valentines ! ALENTINES FOR EVERYBODY, beautiful and Artistic, for Old as well as Young Hearts. They are now on exhlM ! tion and s. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, fan 31' Dress Goods AND V ' TrimmineG. JN THIS DEPART3IENT the Ladles know that we keep the most varied stock to be found in this city. . All of the newest and mnii locfriVvlo Trlmmtnr Xfatnvlala en no. M.www A. till y AUawtlUO DM sential in the "get up" of suits. Black and co'fored SUk Velvets for Skirt, Cloaks and ramming. CORDS AMD TASSELS IN COLORS AMD BLACK In the lines of Carpets, which we carry. " one can scarcely fail to find something to please. In Brussels wo have them at $1,' $1.10, $1.15, $1.25, &c. j large stock of Rugs in Tapestry, Persia! and Velvets. uu biotas rrom 3 feet up to 13 feet wide Respectfully, R. II. McINTlRE. jan 25 COrilERCIAL HOTEL; wnrjirTNGToyo.; Large Sample Rooins tor Commercial Travelers THE PROPRIETOR cari3 thoToughly renovated this House aid faraUhed It entire lynew, Is prepared to give loathe tr&rtlti publie all the eoavenlenelee of a F1R37 GLASS HOTEXm 'it Isllociied la thetry etatrt of tie4bxxlrj part cf ttedry, hcla.x eosyenUat to theprias;al bashes home?, Postogoa, OasVm Hesse, City Hall aad Cotrt House, ' ; : r TlVClase Ear'ard CUHird Cairo! cecaected with tlb RcttL . 8ATE3 t2 lin DAT. I :H0 Utw- i