3 V I I PSASS NOTIOS. " 1 1 Mi ll I I e I L J V V - - - - . ' ' ' ' - 4 - - r ' 1 ' w r ' Kfl , I w fcTM torn, i . ii ii ii - ii i ' .ii ii i ii i i ii r .ii .:.ii i t j i . t . i lii ii 'ii a fWr- 1 II 1 1 I I I LJI II II III- II II i IL-r.ll-l l.Mllf a I "J If A I 17 - - ' ;p ; .v,, ... : 110 VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY. 4; 1881 -NO: 293 Mi 10 :20 vvackets and CaKes, jalT &' Poarcall. LOCAL NEWS. ,N9w AdTerUMmeotf. D Waixxcb, Cali'r-Sutcment ol Condltloa of Bank of Now Hanortr, laclud fa Branohe, Febyaary lt, 1S81. Hbibbbikqir VAlestfao C W Yatb Pranks Valentlao Card' A & I Shriek Clothing and Farnlsliln Gcxxh Mat baSold v .. 4 For other locals see fourth page. Times fliet.; Sooa 'twiil be flj tint'. Katia -rotaun it down ia Colarabus, Mr. E. W. Hewlett has been presented with a Terjr handsome goldfbadze, with suitable inscription, far having reached th track house of the C. M. Stodman Fire Company No. 1 first the greatest number of times daring the past year on tho occasien of an alarm of fire. It was presented in a neat little speech on Wed nesdaj night by President Dari. We congratulate tho happy recipient. ii Sundries. 'iofooo 3otjLK5JLLT. For nJfl low hr WILLIAMS Jfc MURCHX50N. 300 200 1000 200 S COFFF.R. For mI low br WTLLIAUS A MDRClIiaON, Ri FLOUR, BTjUFOTATOES, Two Smart Ur ibeo. Last evening, about 7 o'clock, JJr. H A. G Iaoaeyer, w ho keeB5...ft grocery I4st niht was another "coldc3t night 8tore on North Water street; missed a of tha season." piece of dry salted pork, weighing some 10 or 12 DAundj. from the door of his i amea A. patent aatomatic tele-J gtorc. where it was atunended on a hook t i pnone answerer. j aat before the denartnre of a colored wo- PlentT of TAhin cnii i I oxm with a basket on her arm from the rf . lk vuv, . I waods near this citv. i store to" minutes previous, btartmg in m . I pursuit he round the woman with her K-oluwcra are exniOUing ia hulrt nn W arm in m. bntrr Rnn WM..a it! a . I r -,fui mia wees. I rnrT,r Ar r--i-af .n,! ofr.0f0 nri ChestnuU don't have wings, but are I with the aid of policeman compelled Bert of hnrrpdJilrA I the woman to return to his store. 'I be . I iroman was 'quite indignant at first and acxu.u, ui uie : AODcsoiiian U3ed 80me verJ profane laDffMge and it wis not until kthe persuasive argument Ifow Advertisementa. ? iio-sr Advertisements. Statement bt Condition ot Dsali ot Ncx Hanover, inclading D ranches, g'eWuary lgt, 1881. called in yesterday to shake hands with , For sale low fey WILLIAMS A MU&CaiSOK. teij, Ccadlet, Crackers, Casae, Lj, barrels. I nl l r i ii a or, . i. vim puiiccmua was urwugui. iuiw eutrci 8teamship Regulator, Capt. Doane, I that she consented to yield and return arrived here this morning from New! 10 thQ ff"cery. Uutfarstof all sho de York. .. I aircd to leave her basket, which, by the WAV. wfw rnvern( with a. tnwAl ITie receipts in cStton at this port to.Bat thl. wft, oblwpd in fttirl thft wnmftn ,F uiC., uuu m roam i o i Md baaket wcre eorted to Mr. Glamer- er's store, on Water street. But an ex Forsahlow Vy WILLIAMS UTJAtfflgOX. 1 Ixnporten A Waofesale Qror II 0R7 SOOBS -! Little raifis made of plush, and hold-1 aminationafter,reachingthe store reveal- ing a inaigrettt, or smelling-bottle, are led nothing in the basket but what be araong tho. late novelties. longed to the woman, and the 12 pounds' -tr . 771 TTTTTu n ot meat was still missing. Shortly af1 Tenior says that the mild spell with . , , i- . . . which. -ill rwardif however, al policeman pick- ' 3 ' 1 Market and Front streets, onjthe outer How to be your own palnur : Bow U I ed of the navement. very near?the eut- N. Y, Enamel Paint, ready xalxed nPJt.r if the woman purloined the meat in .- - 1 I the first instance she was smart enough Pels Corn Solvent is guaranteed to I to drop it unseen under cover of the dark- t & 3 J a . m I ft P TTivfo a i euro corns ii airecwons are iouowea,iae3S While returning tome grocery. At A U VIlUe W lieai, &ict 25oenta per botUe. Honey re-1 an v rate the Criminal Court will not funded if cure is not effected. Sold by I have to try the case, but Glameyer has CRUSHED AND HULLED. all druggists. 4t We advise our friend tc call at J.ICOBX'4 orHoMfcld Hardware of every ds scrip- sa m. - a l uvB. Aucrc jou Res iae Mweu prices, i fpiX JJS8T FOStSLC A OT&IUEltT tal . I TouDgUdics now wear pics in the wnWf Ktii ui vigvrtfs emtifaftaas I waists of.their dresses in-order to securely f the young men whose arms encircles aaved his pork, and the woman possibly her bacon. tnja4tpU4frrtfrftHa& was them. Thia new style was toldjus by a ! ysuu friend with tears n his eyes and a pin scratch on his wrist. Go to Jacobi's for Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White. Xead, Oils, Varnlahes, Window Glasi, all slzas. All at the lowest prices. t The Immigration Qaestton. Wo alluded, a week or two ago,to tho ; ; RESOyRCKS: ;, ... . Loans aad Discounts - . fCTS.Ssd'sS Cash ia New York, . FhflSdelofcla, Bo- ' ' ' tn act! BaHimbrc f Bank " - . . ll,043 frJ Currency andSpeda 1 49,000 07 ; , Checks on other Banks"" - . r,27C 73-i So4,S50 10. Due from ethtr banks not in- ' eluded above - . - ' 89,SS3 8G Sterling IxchanjQ, . currengr .value . , -, V - 13541. 65 ileal Xatate - :Jz 1 70,814 Office Furniture and Afe 6,07 07 Bondsahd Stocks -; -17,033 4S Checks and Drtfts in Irscsit - , j 2.4SS. " ' ... $1,283,383 75 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock . , - . -Due Depositors :M- .... - , -Due other Banks f Surplus Fund -..- - $000,000 oo , 909,463 91 - 54,680 84 51,318" oe 1,335,36a 75 TT wQlbeg lad to receive esamunleaUora Ia our ftUadsoa any and all! tab ecu" o ffaaeral Interest bat Tha nxae of the writer curt always be f x t . Bished to tka Editor; . ' ., - ' . Coaaanlcatlons nuut be .written; cn otlj! oaeside oftat;paper. , "Pertoaslltfee mw jroWed And it Is eepeelally aa paxticulaxly;nndr stood that the Editor 4 sea not alwajs endort t the views ot correspondents, valeasso etals4 la the editorial columns. : New Advoxtisoxnontffs. ? statement of Condition tf Bank at Wilmington, February 1st, 1881. ' RESOURCES: Loans and Discount - - $530,679 OS Cash in New York, Philadelphia, Bos ton and Baltimore Banks - - 164.4S0 02 ' eurrency andSpecie 66,050 27 Checks on other Banks - - 7,276 73 237,607 04 Due from other Banks not ln- . eluded above - - S5,21S 10 Sterling Exchauge, value ia currency - 19,561 68 Seal Estate - - - - 73,866 Office Furniture and Safes - - 3,843 66 Bonds and Stocks , - - 17,955 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock - - -Due Depositors - . . Due other Banka Due other Branches of this Bank $90S,6S1 $225,000 00 590,304 59 24.061 61 I nu Aimo Suwula DO XjOSC 37,413 70 ( If ths itomscb, lirer and bowels are affectei?. :U,S46 C2 1 to 4oPt the sure remedy, Hostott Stom- -a i.iwi. . uusun oi me organs named beget others far more isrioui, and a de ay is therefore nsrardoni. Dyspepila, liver complaint, chills and fever, early rheumatic twinges, kidnoy weakness, bring . serious bodily trouble if trill sd with, Lose no tlmo ia using this sffecttve, sale aad long known medicine. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers, . tgeneral'y.j , $ 008,631 52 Statement of Condition of Bank at Croldaboro, February lit 1881 , RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts - T - $121,036 $1 Cash in NewiTork . and Baltimore Banks - r 7.6S9 97 Currency and Specie 52,553 ' 25 60,213 22 Due from other .Banks not in- ' 4 icluded above - - . - 48 Due from other Branches of V this Bank - - 9,784 87 Real Estate - , - - 1 5,495 06 Office Furniture and Safe to . " 4,M,774 81 $290,878 23 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock - . -Due,Deesitora - . Surplus Fund - - . At Yates' Book Store. pEAira'a beactiful yjlntims f so.nna m 227.653 99 1 re 4it9 n attraction,- 13,324 29 7h)y are said 1 4 be the finest ever gotten up. A'COMPLETE -8T0CK of fictool Bockl Stationery, Ma,t constantly oa fcaad. jaa 31 $290,878 28 Statement of Condition of Bank at Wadeibbro, Pibrnary 1st, 1881. RESOURCES: Loans and Discouata - $30,890 96 Cash in New:? York Banks " - v' 25,873 69 Currency andSpecie. 30,393 15 56,370 84 Due from other Banks not in cluded above - - - 4,638 28 Due from othir Branches ot this Bank - - - . 30,123 07 Office Furniture and Safes - 1,361 50 $123,371 65 .LIABILITIES: Capital Stock - i. a Due Depositors - - Due other Banks -. Surplus Fmhd -'-' ' a n Valentines ! Valentines! Valentines"! EVERYBODY 1 FOR $25,000 Odl 91,505 S3 025 23 TTALUNTTKT.a m ai I . WI beauUful and Artistic, for Old as well a Young Hearts. They are no on exhJLIJ tien and $123,271 $5 feb4-lt Tf 8. D. WALLACE, Cashier. , Ms. Editor: I would like to know if our citizens are aware of the origin and fitst thatCoL A. Pope, General Paseen-1 purport of the petition to the Legisla rsr Agent of the Associated Railways ture asking for the creation ,of a Circuit tk wid .nrorv.i f,ra. nf t T?olvlw irgi Radical birth and conception andbodes 2Sril'KA,?B:.BS;Ik PPinted Immigration Agemt n0 ff0od to the tax of the countj. lYlanicoa. Cough Syrup is jpstly won by its own merits, and the reputation it has gained has been secured by its universal use. . The exports foreign to-day foot up 12 bales rottnn ahrmvpd bv Ifesarfl. IUT 1XDIA PAOOaCTIOX, A I WilliamsJAJMurchison toJQueenstown or . Falmouth for orders, and 184,413 feet iiir.lbai la Jtlllat, Blsae-Xeage, lumber, shipped by Messrs. E. Kidder & " I Sons to St. John's P. R. ----- - wwi. IC pMH3CCllWHKATdeold.a8jr! . fr Rjs aad ttrabam roars, Balriaert-Hams MkfittHtrrpsaad Bhoal ere, . lrp:e Firebar, "tUdsee Mpt aad fafy Go ds, . ... reciu ) eta rre prompt de ,br.r.rs. Johr J. N. Bick, of Toledo, Ohio, says: My father, before wearing the "Only Lung Pad." could not sleep nights on account of his violent, coughing; since wearing it he has slept soundly - every i ight See A dv. The sale of reserved seats 1'flr Perioes' Juvenile Opera Trope and the perfor mance by D'Oyly Carte's Troup of the Pirates of Penzance will commenced to morrow mornins: at Heinsberger. Personal. - We are sorry to barn that Capt. V. S. Nonnent, formerly Solicitor for this Judicial district, but for years past re. sidinr, ia our city for the practice of his profession, has concluded to remove to Lumbertou. 'Capt. Norr.ent is a well read lawyer aud a very clever gentle man and will carry with him many warm wishes for future success. for the State of .North Carolina, an I Don't be fooled by it. unnftlntmont which. we are anre. I One who has bee Enliohyksed. f ' - will lead to beneficiary results. That Col. Pope possesses rare, business I Fr she Review qualifications is a fact well understood I Mk. Editob: . " , in fi.fcf 1 am but a quiet looker on, observing and we have every reason to believe mat . . . . , 4im r Z these win be exertea ior me Denent oi Criminai Court whjch is beinr airiUted. the cause which he has undertaken to it strikes me forcibly that yon touched conduct. Of course the benefit to the the truth witha needle's point when you State nnd the railroads will be mutaul lJ ? L..1CW Lfr " ... , , , , I ter oi aDoiisning vne jqut, r idsuibv- as Col. Pope gracefully acknowledges h a Circuit Court ia its stead, is to be in a circular just i83ued by him and from I tho work of Republicans and that tho which we extract. He says: I whole plot was concocted in the Radi- The undersijrned. as General Passen- ?al camp, or ' words te that enect. littj rer Affent of the Associated Railways ou" 18 il3I?f,u ll b-d. of the Clerkf theSurourt C. & A. Railroads, begs to advise you of an4 r .T-Kur: the perfection or arrangements by which, ?j if a Circuit -Court -is estobhed they under proper limitations, a complete sys- Radicals) hone to elect their eandt tern of settlers' and immigrants' fans Jate for fP' ?Li5l from lMdino. Ea3tern cities exist to each .h? . ' the biU tobT - " 1 I J 1 . B d 1 i a. n n . . the Superior Court will also be the a I. Boatwriglit, Ua4 is Not th. rest S Runaway This afternoon, as Mr. J. II. Forshee was driviag down Fourth street, the frent axle of his buygy broke in two and threw himself and three children out. . i inrew nioueii. auu loree cuiiurea ouu OlillistyQj.'g glQ.jThe buggy torned completely over and AJpS5rE2P DECREE of the 8a- thKAl t?UZ therepead-SSi-V yhereinAlfml rfowe, .ra PrtUford, is Plain! .arfTawire, Margaret ?WtUonse door, bathe city &&VlTJ l Public an latwoi."" ?-uded U half aad H 14 u WrCT61 u balf "d 5 'trt ij j -T.T beinr of iv- Mtti r iSatv i three wiu t&terest from davef JUtl ALFRED aTFX, jv AdaSajttrator frightened the horse to such a degree as to siake him run away. The horses, in his mad flight, collided with a dray and turned a complete summersault over it. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Blrer Jfewi ; There are five feet more water on the shoals near Fayetteville,; than was the ease two das ago. The river has com ssenetd to rise again and was still risisg whto the steameM.i.Ht4r leftFayette Tille yesUrday'norning. This causes a raptniioa of workit the pressnt, en the ranks a steamer Gov, TTorth. station upSn the lines of Railways of ish r. thi, nrnization. and that methoda are "c ?aI5"or being employed to collect valuable infor- of Jbenminal Vffr- v.116 QtaI! nation of unimproved lands, improved but about fifteen counties in the State Srms, aitcs for manufacturing purposes, ?!hllnecd or want Cnminal Courts and suppl es and location of growioghard it strikes us that the wmainder ef the deposits of minerals, metals and counts. 81 number would seriously ob- SSSSSS5S5S $spsa$Jis$ all perVons seeking investments in the fees of t3 county, brokep the moon ait pc 48 shinsrs, given prisoners speedy trials, rid Witha view of accomplishing more J001"1 ? f a hcf tbi?,TCj thoroughly and successfully the objects to-day stands a terror to the evil doers r aLr- in the community and is as a sentinel S;?L9t51W over the rihtsacd property of has been arranged, and it; is hoped that Plfe of KW Has the po- HaxovKR. bvonr united efforts successful results mav be achieved. I Hundreds of men, women and children While it is trne that the primary pb-l rescued from beds of pain, sickness and jectlto the Railways, in this matter, is almostdeatb and made strong and hearty increased toanace, vet results of equal evidences in the world of its sterling or e renter benefit arc to be hoped for to I worth. Ton can find these in every com the State at rarge.by sucn compreneasivc i raunity. i-osi. Dee aarerusoxst. efiorts as will advertise its manysaperior . . . & . i a.' t r advantages, and attract iniwer uuee oi -- otKn imtiiTrtiftn that have hitbertoflowcd in I "a I f av Vl T a T S other direcUons. .:.dr":"2 All information tending to promote l'rcTZ.' a1 e r h.f will nnh. I ' e' I " ' LOB CUILICUL'T Ul lAXmk-l " I .imH M pmm ant 1 1 mnlltht lished from time to time, will be thank-1 faneral will Uke place r from 8.1 full t received. I James Churen, at 11 o'clock, A. M- to- I . tiL . . A a V i morrow, uic vu iimi, mcuce 10 va&tLaie Toucan new buy Improved Heating and 1 cemetery. The friends of the famllv are Coek Stoves at factory prices at Jacobx's. f I respectiuijy xnvitea to auena For sale at " ; HESBEKQER'S, ! LIVE BOOKJAND MUSIC STORE. an 31. . Dress Goods AND : Trimmings. THIS DEPARTMENT the Ladiee now that we keep the most varied Btockto TTAviliro LKA8KD TRR fliPR vnanl De founi m this city. All of the newest and ll sauiiftABJSU THB 0APB rBAB most desirable Trimming Materials so MILLS, ; I an, prepared ' to furnish FLOUR, Ve1?eV S flOMlST.AJrD HEAL eiusl to the best aad I Trimming. C0R02 AMD TASSELS Hi COLORS obwbiohtH AND BUCK. of:;Cda.. Q8 AKD AFTER TfllS DATS . , - ' 07,00 PER TON ali supply to arrive in a few" days per Fehoouer J ehn A. Orifis. febUt J A BPftUTOKR ; Meal, &c. F knoi at the lowest prk, fab 2-tf . In the lines of Carpets, which wc. carrr. one can scarcely fail to find something to please. In Brussels wc have thtm at H, 1.10, $1.15, $1.25, &c. Bodv KniupU fit tVia i MATAWZAB MOLA83S8J lar?e toclTo? Ru5s in Tatiyt 1' i I and Velvets. Oilcloths from 3 fect up to 12 feet widj. ITqw Crop Llolasses, 44 J ' HHDP. 1TE1F CROP Aow landing fioaBrltUhbrJg Malaga, and fur sale br WORTH A WORTH, feb l-lw The Lowest Prices JPORALL KINDS 0X PRINTING, ' At E. 8. WARttUCK'3 Job Office. Uet est lru ales at this office before having your printing done elsewhere. (umeu hi Review building. TJlust be Sold ! JgALANCB OF 8T00S OF QEIITS', YOUTHS' AMD BOYS' CLOTHino a Funnismno oooos auit be sold to male l ooa for Sprinx stock. Barf alee can befcal. Go s f oiajr at a sjreat saeriaeo, at A. A L 8agIIR'S, jaa Jl HarkeOtreet. Fresh Every Day p rLNK ASrfbaTJtENT OF OAJIDUF, Yreaes and Deseetie, just received aad fca i -. - ... :. . 'i. j - TH OKLT 0ESUI5B nOHE-MADB Oaadv ra -the . drr. will be foaad ertrv day, fresh and sweety three daors South cf tae I'ostoaee oa ceocna street. Also, a its sUisias. rraU. U. & JSFEXS, w V.U " X3et taePoetoCfl jan 25 Respectfully, R. M. McINTIRE. COMMERCIAL HOTEL; WIIainNGTON,ltN. o.; Large Sample Rooixis lor Commercial TraTelcrtJ rpHI PROPRIETOR havia thoroughly renovated this House and fomifhed It entire lynew,li prepared to tire soothe travcJlnK puhlie all tae envealeaeSes cf a FI8bT GLASS HOTEL. Itlstlceated la the.very tre of the iuslaess part of taedry,; bsinf: eoavcslent to the principal business hoast FostoSev Castea House, Oil f Hall and Court Qeuaeu TIrst-OIsss Bar and EL'llard Ba'oan csssctsd wltilhlj Hots' PostoCeel K VtiZi V J CAT23 $2 PES DAY; ... ... t . . ... F.TWJCnOTTE,