etaidayf -ft. r. JAMK8 lQHfl fit F Bf t of tbeeltr.etthe W Aretes I 4tln ,saM rtport any aad - eitattr papers nearly Butter ! BtUter J ;it HUfTKK. 4n rackars and Cases, 1 ; A, 4" OHTKf4 I.ney H.t-. Hall l Pearsall. at' Sundries. 10,000 Sac L P. SALT, Sacks Marshall's Salt. For sale low by WILLIAMS fc MU&CXII80N. 300 200 sicki coffee. DbU8trr.AH. For m1 low by WILLIAMS A MURCIIISOX. 1000 200 BhJi FLOUR, Bbla POTATOES, . Tor sale law by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Cndj. Candles, Crackers, Caette, Ly, fvi.SoIi, Sosps, &c. Porealelow by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Jta 21 Importers & Wholesale Grocers ; . (I NEW GOODS !" A. B. a White Wheat, PUSHED AND HULLEIV ft3K H KH f POSSIBLE IftJT&.HftNTt) 1 Mrtlnp fcaJ aud Tig-oresa eosstitufteax. 3piUj ftpld f :r the frail aad weak. folaricoa. KAHT INDIAN PXOUCGTIOJt, A PMt iax Uon: in JeUSee, BUaManxe, p?HH BDC4WaKATaiaoMn8jirt fmh Rje a&d Orataaa Tioar, Bt-ttlfattUHpt aad t-boal rt FareAppt TUef4i, Co'Dei C4r( ftt3.1 of Mab mod Fa7 Ooc4 H two tl.m, j ttn tir propt dft "JMalUaea. Vsi U yowrdT. Johu L. Boatxrright, MniiniBtrator's Sale. OF A DECREE ofth8u- I SaeW, ttrtofNcw County, !o wIcl'IcU1 proceeding there pend SS? Clwk wherein Alfred Howe, lis ?is T.''a, i wuj, oa Monday, L SfLJF", I, at 11 o'clock r- .LAND, situat la ud4 upon the pUn thereof 10 10' tiff t A , ! "i reiuiora, is riain SPw wdwir. Margaret uor111 vdI U half aad Tf.e,ieP ofl65 feet. mldae tn three "obmi, wiia lnurest froa day f kJl . ALFHEDHOWiT AKliaJBirtratOT f 7 n II. VOL. V VV ILMINQTON, N. C. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY ,5.5.188i: NO. 294 LOCAL NEWS. New Ativortiafcrnerifj J IUnx18 Dtjs Loagtr Opkba House The Plrfttea o. Penance Opsbjl Ilocai CinderelH : ? J D mix fc Co No More Leaky Raofs t IlEiNsnEaoER Valentine C W TATEsPrans Valcntiac Cnnl'i A & I Shriek Clothing aad Furuigblny uood? Must bo Sold Day'a length 10 hours and 36 miaates. vao wierraent m lieuevao cemetery thia week one adult. Sunset" to-morrow afternoon at S2 mmntea patt 5 o'clock. . - t TV invmanf;. h.m.i r in Oakdala this peek one ad alt and one child.., Toucan now buy Improvod HeaUnffiand Cook Stove, at factory prico at Jacobs, f The steamship Regulator, Captain Doane, sails for New York in the morn- inr. The receipts in cotton at this port to-1 day foot up 342 bales, and in rosin 2,684 barrels. . There were three interments in Pine I Forest Cemetery (colored) this week I two adulU and one child. four marriage licenses this week, all of which were fortwhite couples. t I . I 'iar advanced cents per ddi in tins market to-day Salea yesterday at $1.50 1 and to-day at $1.75 per bbl of 280 lbs. ( Veils of red guaze are much worn in Paris, although they injure the eyesight and make the face look as if painted. How to "be your own painter : Buy tk N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready nixed anp warranted at Jacobi's. t "Honey suckle" she msed to call him, I but he .was always hanging over the front J wm not only add to the durability of the fence of treniogs. Now she calls himaQbstance-on which it. is laid but many "Icicle" because he hangs -about the I Prcn " I Usually such' things as are advertised I poMes no value. But who, 'would say that Dr. Bull's Cogh rJynrpVofsesses no merit? It is the standard remedy of our age. Price 25 cents a bottle. If yoa don't believe it, try the ex peri. I meat. That l?, that amau who knows I ol delivering their valentines of love, dis how cold it is by the thermometer, nnkii I gust r contempt in a geutlemanly man- more fuss over it and Liels colder than I one who has pai I no attention t;. it. I Pls' Corn Solvent is guaranteed to cure corns a airecuons are wiioweo. i Price 25 cents per bottle. Money re-1 funded it cure is not enacted, bold by all drugguts. 4t Indications FortheScuth Atlantic Slates, clear or partly cloudy weather, variablelwinds, mostly norincasieny, stationary or nigu er temperature and barometer. . Another Runaway This morning, as one of Capt. Jno. L. Boatwrlght's grocery wagons was mak- ing us regular roumis m me ueavery oi i i- - .l- e goous, tne driver steppea ine wagon on Fourth street, and leaving the horse standing for a few moments, went into a house near by to deliver a package of goods. Daring the driver's , absence, some mis,caievons poys irigntenea ine i animal and lie started in a run, turning the corner, at Fourth and Chestnut and running straight down Chsstr.ut un- til he reached Third, when in the attempt to turn the corner of Third and Chest nut the wagon was capsized and its con- tents spiilled out. I he capsize broke the shafts, which freed the horse from the I wagon ana permuiea mm to Kep in nis i t- :i 1 V. rri 1 who career uuin uc nw vauuu. AUUO was no damage to life or limb, and $20 will cover all repairs. In the meantime, and in less than half an hour after the a-ccident, Capt. Boatwright duplicated the'orders of his customers, and his other I driver and team delivered the goods. .T v "Rr r Tnln Ohi ev My father, before wearing the Only I Liung Pad," could not sleep nights on I account of his violent coughing; since I tSSll&eAd" ? 7 7 ' 1 JSdison nas aroppea nis eiecjiric ngnt i and is now experimenting to see if a cow I cannot be made to give ice cream by h. wrapping her ia congealed water before milking. I Hnndreda of rW woW. and children rMrncd fmm hd of nain. aicknesa and I almost death and made strong and hearty j byarxer s uinger laue tn tne oeSt . yiaeoces iu wie wona ot iu sieriiug worth. -Yoa caa rind these ine verv com Bunitr. Pott. See adTsrtisement. . 1 iliff Vnm&llable. The following unmailablc iaalter re mains in4he FoatoEuein this citj: Letters addressed to W. Latie, Bruas- wick, N. C; Willie Council, Red Taps S. C; Simon Scurlock. Pittsboro, N. C. Bell II. Ilall, no address: Ch3; 1. Jot dau.Sta Park, X. C; two cards, ad dresi illegible. Paper for Mra. Geo. L Norton, 63 Bourbon street, X. O. Only Ten i huaiid. We notice that iu tho list of appro priatioas in the Rirer aad Harbor bill, which was to hare been reported to-day lh HouafikCflmmittee. the Capo Fear i put downn for $10,000. Ifthisisnota iaPut downQ for t000. I nutake thea we should be up and dome if wc do not want to sea'an almost tth tire su3peston of the important work nn' in nr,fla mrtnft, nfti, Cinderella. Perine's Juvenile Companj will show in this citj on Monday, erening, playing Cinderella. They come well recommend Jed. Of them the Brooklyn tfagZesays: I Cinderella was produced at the Athen- !rum last e ran in? bv Perine'a Jnvenile Company, and may be pronounced a com- plete success; indeed it would be hard to suggest where an improvement could be Imaae eiiaer in ma company or ine mounting. It is one : of th.8 most enjoyable performances we have rf Uo to Jacobi' for Doors, Sasn and . nure White Lead. Oils. Varnishes. Window Glass, ail sires. All at the lowest prices. t Iron Clad Paint. Wece:.for attention to the advertise ment which appears elsewhere of Messrs. J. D. Halr& Co., roofers. These gentle- men have located here as agents for the "Ironclad Paint Company" and , they bring with them most excellent testi- saonials. This ia a pure iron paint and an 0ia roof, deemed worthless by others, has been saved by its application Messrs. Hall & Co. are located -at the corcer oi Water and:Dock streets, - : - r - TlsaeJy Warn I a . As Valentine season annroaches we wuld suggest to the beys the propriety ner. If the valentine is a sentimental one no young lady wishes her heart fritrhteoed out of her by thelcollision of a 8t0De against the front door and if ifcis ,comIc, then the papas seriously object having the panels of their door bat- terftd d6wn -by missiles. The police will be on the look-out for bat slingerson St. Talentiae's night, and if the boys per sist in throwing stones against residences Nine of them will find themselves in the lock-up. We "advise- our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip tion. There you get the lowest prices, t Disattruus Fire at Point Caswell. We arfJ trRly 80rry tQ hear of the mis. fortune vhich ha9 overtaken Mr. Jno. R. Paddison by the destruction of his store bouse and its COQteats, at Point Caswell, on Thursday night. A correspondent who was on the spot sends us the. follow- iDg particulars ia regard to the disaster: he fire was discovered at 7 o'clock in the eveaing, just after Mr. Paddison had closed and left his store. He had gone but a sort distance when the alarm was The fiames were first discovered issafog fr0m the roof, near where the gt0Te pipe projected. It burned very rapidly auil although a large number of person were very soon oa the spot it was r . . ... found , impossible to save either the building or the stock of goods, all of were totally destroyed. The 8tores of Capt. pavid Sherman and Mr. t Vollers were also greatly endangered an(j it was onj by tnc mosfc strenuous exertions that they were saved. All yorked manfully but cur correspondent mentions especially the well-directed ex- ertions made by capt. K. V. raaaison and John Voters, both of whom, as did everybody, fact, worked with the en erry and zeal of reterans of a fire brig ae M pjiaoa'g Joaj is probably at t g6 000 on wbich tjere waa partial iagnrance. He is the Postmaster, at p0int Caswell and all of the mail matter in the office was burned, it being impoa aible to save it. There has been some 0f the fire having been of an incen y origin but this is successfully re- , . rfya iwin- been fated by the fact of the fire having Deen discovered on the roof of the bmiding. I - . Of tote rest to Hensebeepen. ; As a matter of interest to a large num ber of housekeepers, we publish the foL lowingVecipe for keeping lamp chimneys from cracking,4 taken front the Diamond, a Leipsic, journal deroted tobe glass interest: ; Fl&ce your tumblers, chimneja or vessels which you desire to keep frora cracking in a pot filled with cold crater adH a little cooking salt; allow the mix ture to boil well over a fire, ahJ then cool slowly; Glass treated in this way is said not to crack even if exposed . to very sudden changes of temperature. Chimneys aro eaid to become Tory .dura. blerby this process, wjiwinay also be extended to crockery. Btonewawpprcfr- I lain, etc. The process is simply ono of specially the cooling, portion of Hi the more tjffoctxTe will be the wt rk. , Legislative LOcali. i In the House, on Thursday, a bill Was introduced to stock a number, of water course in the State, 1 among them tLo Cape Fear river, with fish. The bil was referred to the Committee on Fish Interests. Col. Toon introduced a bill to incar porate the town of Sydney, in Columbas county. r The fence bill as relating to this coun ty passed its second and third readings. It has not ye V we believe, come up in the Senate. . ' The H quse concurred . ia the Senate amendment to the bill to incorporate the South Atlantic and Ohio Railway Corn pany. , . - . vi : Hon. Jno. W. Shackelford, member of Congress elect from this district, was oa the floor of the House; ! The Pirates of Penzance. . . ...... ... -,,.. . The New York sH$rald has this to say of the performance in' that city of the Piratss of Penzance, the comic opera which is to be performed here next Wed nesday evening: V; Xt ia a creat improTement on 'Pina fore' in the. fineness bf ? its texture; it la rishter.-.prettier and , more artistic, and iDfttjqamy oi tna wotk j m. a macauov ter standard thaa .was the nautical opera we had front these geatlemeo. - ltisclev er-and most amusing, and One caanot help laughing load and long at. many of the drolleries, ven if the mai3$theiae i of he work is not new. The 'Daddlers in the first act and the police ' chsrus in the second, are brilliant hits, and it would be worth sitting - the evemnsr out to hear them alone. The,r dialogue is always ,cnsp, - and the ? wit is that which we have often recognized and enjoyed as Gilbert's contributions to 'Punch dry, keen, odd, and always pro vocative of honest laughter, , Ail : the Gilbert elements are in the piece the catching phrases which will spread over the city and become polite islangUn their constant application to everyday iife tte seriousness wua wmca ine most ao- surd things s re done and , said and the general tops; rturviness which affects men and things generally such as the pirates holding a pistol at Frederic's head and begging Frederic to have mercy on them. There is a strong effort to burlesque the mannerisms and peculiarities of grand opera in some of the vocal numbers, which is douc with fair success, and fun, solid, serious fun, is infused into the piece from end to end." The opera will be produced here by Mr. Doyly Carte's celebrated company. We understand that it is a very lull one, there being more than forty members, and we are satisfied that the piece will be well produced here. ' cnurch services. Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows : " ST. JAMES' PABISH, Corner Third and Market 'streets, Kor. A. A. .Watson, D. D, Hector. FUth Sunday after Jipipbaay. Febraary horning Prayer anil Communion at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Lvening Prayer at 4 o'clock. 6T. PAUL'S EVAKQ. LUTUKSAN CIIUBCH, Corner Sixth and Market streets, Rev. G. D. Hernheim, uastor. Preparatory Service (Uerman) at 10:30 a. joo. German Service and Cciumnnion at 11 a- m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. German Service at 7:0 p. m. Catechetical Instruction cn Friday at C;Q0 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST CHUECH, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:3U a. in. Services at 11 a. in. and 7.30 p. m. The Lord's Sapper will 'be administered after the morning sermon. Brooklyn - Sunday School at 3 p. w. Regular Monthly Meeting of the Church for business Monday night at 7:30 o'clock Church , Prayer Meeting Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. ; t . V3 : : ST. JOHSS CHURCH, ConiTr Third andRed Cross streets.,Fdb. Ctu Flffh Sanday alter the Epiphany. Rev. Thomas D. 'JiUs, Rector omtn Prayer aad Celebration of the Holy CQmmaidoa at 11 o'clock. Sunday Scboal a-. S;30 p. m. Evening Prayer with Sermon at 730 o'clock. lltw AdvertisGments. to O O o CD U2 : c I W a o c c a s c a- if to oo 4 n t o 3 f. - c o o a a o 1-8 S3 jq 3 fee gf; CQ ?- a 3 e SO JO o o o CD o n -i W cn o o a o o o o D CV o C3 M -l o a CO o o p o o 0 Ul OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday, Feb. 9, D'OYLY CARTE'S London Opera Company. Oompoiedof the principal member of ue Orldnal 5th Aye. theatre Coxnp'y. in the Melo-Dramatic Opera, la two aoW, written and coapoied ezpreuly for predaoion la the United States, . ; y Arthur Sallivaa aad W. B. Gilbert, Aataor aad Coapoier of 'Pinafore", r entiUedthe : Pirates of Penzance) Or, THE 8L AVE OF, DUTT. ; The Beeaery is Eatirely New f laborate New Gostanes!. An Enlarged Orchestra, and A Chorus of 40 Trained Toloes 1 lh sale of Beats commenced atHeiasber ger'e Book Store, this meraiag, Febr 5. Be erved,8eats, $1,2S. Admltiloo, 26, 75 aad OPERA- HOUSE. t Holiday and Tuesday, - . FBaBU ABY 7th aad 8th Perine'i Ameiicaa Jave&ile Opera Co la Cinderella ! ftalendid Oostames. cortreous Scenic ef fects; Uiuung. XraiuformatioDi. . rnmpain ehanged iato a Ooldea Chariot drawn by live roniei. A feast ot sun aoa-ueiieioue mojio. The March and Ballet Oivertlsement, ar- rtnged by Big nor its Koa Uerilo. D urine the Ball Room Scene the Lambert Obildren aad Master Jonn uoua, a peeKet edition of Fritz Km mitt, will appear ia their Musical Bpeeiaitiee. Froressor . v. Lambert, nojicai liireetor Admission 75. 60. and 21 cents. Reserv ed aeats without extra charge, at Heimber- ffer'd. ieo o No More Leaky Kooft; ! J-ROff CLAD WATXR PROOl? PAINT aas ao eqoalfor stopplBg leaks. It ia gaar a&tsed for 10 ysare Any roof, bo matter how bad, can be ar;d bv thia paiat. As a Roofing Paist ad for Damp Walla it hisfio eqaaL v -. . ...... . Samples aai testimonials famished upon application. JD a ALL CO., feb 5-2w Corner Wate aad Dock ats Hew Crop Holasses. MATASZAS UOLA8SE9, Now landing ft oa Fritbh brfg Malaga, and f:rea)ebv WORTH A WORTH. teb 11 w - v -i The Lowest Prices J10RA1 KLN'US OF PlUiiTIKG, ; At E. WAKRUCKd J;b Office. ' Gacstunates at tbls ciSoe before having f our prhOlng done elaewhor. (OScoia 'Review balMlnp.) - TJust be Sold I JgALANCE OF STOC1COF "qmtv, TOUTKS AD' COYS': . cLOTiuriQ a Fonnisninfl ocods osat be sold to make l oom'for Bpriag stock. Bargaias can be ha Goods oisg at a great sacrifice, at A. fy I nssir's, . tiarket street. isall , PL2A8S 50II03. TT will be glad to recsirt eoasvd:stIvK from our frUada oa aay aad all; rabjeat o cearalttari ba - Taa aaa of the writer zsui) alwiyt btltt mkhed to ite Editor. Coaiauiil eatlms xcuii bo writtca, ca ot ly oa dde of ths paper. rwwwiaHtiet nait oidod -. Aad It Is especially ns trticalArly tel tr: stood that thaEditnr f h. ot alwaji endorie the views ot eorreepostfwa tj. etlMtio it4 lathe editorial eolairas. New Advertisements. ZD c o o cr- o 0 2 " W O 09 H -3 O 55 I At Yates Book Store. f pRANO'a BEAUTIFUL VALENTIXlIfl are quits an attricUba. 1 hey are saii to be the fiaest ever gotten up, A COMPLETE 8T0CK of Bchool Booki , Stationery, Ac, constantly oahand. Jn31 Valentines ! Valentines I Valentines!!! ""ALENTINES J I FOR " EVERYBODY V beautiful and Artistic, for Old as well aa Toung Ilesrtj. They .arc now on cxhiw; .. tfen and For sale at HEINSBERGEIt'3, LIVE BOOKCAND MUSIC STORE. an 31 Dress Goods AND - Trimmings. THIS DEPARTMENT the Ladles F now that we keep the most varied stock t be found ia this city. All of the newest acd most desirable Trimming Materials to eential in the "get up" of euite. Black acd cooted Silk Velvet for Skirts, Cloaks and CORDS AVID TASSELS JM COLORS AMD BLACK. In the lines of Carpets, which we cam. one can .scarcely fad to find something to please. In Bruasels we have them at $1. 1.10, $1.15, $1.25, &c. ' Body Brussels at the lowest Urge r stock of Ruga in Tapestry, Persia a and Velvets. Oil Cloths from 3 feet up to 12 feet wide. Respectfully, R. M. McINTIRE. jan 25 RENTING OF MARKET STALLS AT AUCTION. in. CRONIiY, Auclionccr: BY CBONLY & MORHIS. I If PURSUANCE of an order adopted br the Mayor sad Board of Aldermen of U;s e ty and subject t all the rules and r edi tions adopted br raid Board at their oa Jaauary 18, 1831, We aball proceed U reoc at ruonc auction to toe aixhest bidds, on MUNOAY, February 7. 1881, at lOo'clk, a n , all or toe hTALLo IN THE 114.KKK f UOUdK, situated upon the corner f Fourth aad Cambell streets. Conn same dar at 1 1 o'clock, a M, allot ibe Htalia la the Mark l tioase situs ed uron the West tide of Froct between Dock aid uranse aveca. Uoca same dar at 12 o'clock; M, all of ttefltsl's ia the Harket House situatad upoa the corner of Fifth and Caitle atroata.- - WUminftoa Feb. 1, lssi. , eod4; Star copj eod3t Price of Coal. Q!f AND AFTER THI3 DATE, ,i Q7,C0 PER TON Fall supply to arrive ia a few days.'fcr Schooner John A, Grl2s. ' feb I4t . , " J A fiPglgQEg ' . Flour, Meal, &c. v JJAVINQ LEABED TAB OAPiJ; FEAS H1LL3, J am prepared to furnish FLO UK, flOMIS T AND HEAL eal to the best ar 4 at the lowest prices. all m3 fb ltf O BTTCIGIIT i

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