1 M . AD rriX. , iCBX aanU-. SI SO , Three 90' 9 b- jTered Oy carrier, r P T patuJ tfleV. ettae -Li. or r Wr"t '!rausow .ad libera jTribari will Pl report an y mad - , to rwi" leir papr' nlT' WVdnrwday, Feb, O. DOYLY CARTE'S London Operi ComiMuy, il Ath Are. Tbeavx Coap'y. - : Dreaatic Or ia two aaU, t tad MB9W:! MJ-eilif fir U OllbTt, AtW epir rimtvf", ti!el tba Pirates of Penzance, r-. TdK 8L iT K OP DOTT. tMrf 4 Orehestra, and A. Chores of 49 Trained To!. I Tkl o'8etta eoimeaeei" atHeiasber .-Hk "tare, this nnralaf, sb. 6. Re JJtli H-U. AdmUrio., II, T4 wd 1. febS-et OPERA HOUSE. Monday and Tuesday, f KliUABY Tta an-i EXttlaet Taeaday. 3 ? 3 rise's Aaetkaa JeTeaile, Opera Co in Cinderella ! SpleadM Oovtasts, gorges a Seaaie ek fat., Dtotliaf Traasformatioas. Pumpkin titurtd Into a Gold -a Chariot drawn br lira Tai Mtrch and Ballet Dlrertfatxeat, ar ruxd hr Blinoriia Kcsa Cat Ua. Dirlartae Ball Room Hceae the Ltmbe.t Olldxta aad MuUr Joha Domd. a packet itfldoi of Frits kaaltt, will appear la their Xuiwl Special tie. rnfmor 8. O. Lambert, tf oaietl Direettr Ajaieiloa 71, 10. aad 21 eaatt. KaaetY 4 mtt without extra .large, at Beioaber IK. i feb ft St Sundries. lOaOOO84-"' ggQQSaUanliAira talt. Tor sale low by WILLIAM8 & MURHISOK. 300 8ck corr35' 2QQ BbU BUQAJl, For aale low by WILLI A3t3 A MURCHISOy, 1000 nj0UB' 1aw brr . 1 WILLIAM3 A MIJECflliON. mCa4;, Caadl. Crck, CkecM, Lye, PtfUta.BodajSoap., Foraalaiow.-Vy i ii-;- , ' WILLIAMS MURCmSON. MSI loportera A WhoUaAle Grocer - So ilore Leaky - Btodfs I i ' t . . ' . C,: WiLTB paoo. paiftt ahja;f--stnppinj:ieatf. - It ia gaar etwdforlO jwrs Any roof, ao mattfT 5H, tt beiT-d by ta!a yalot . AtkKoofi Palaf and forDaap Wait 1 alt ta;ial. 8aae ai WitlaaoAlala fartdihad tpea 311 ja, ' J X) BILL A CO., Coraer Wata? aid Dak tta Must be Sold I gAUNCt Of 8TO0SOF ltn. Y00TNSv A11D bquv: tUTHmo & ruRnisHino goods But to told to aua&e t ooo tot Bariax ttoefc. .IwtaligeaA.baad 7 ak f rtat aaarla at In 11 A. A I. 8nICRa, Markat atraaU Administrator's Sale. BfVbtfUKOF A DECRIK oftbeSa ftfA r it ewuiaipeclAl prooeodlar Uwrawad. 5 Wflrt Uve Clerk, wherSaAUrt Howe, jiUifraUjr, of Ala Pettlor4. U PUlu- w, wmmi uovar ana wui, auuarc 'UkLllAiii ......... . . deptboflw feet. vaUu, wlU Interest from day af X3i ALFRED HOWJC, . Adavlditralor rjotice. u22? -uda to I praai 1 A- I ' VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. Xew AdTortmenint. R. M McI-TTintA Briik Trade Hall A PaAJUjox Frea Arrlrali J L BoATWsiaBT Inducementa HBnviBSRsitLook-Look C W TATaManlfoia Order and Letter Boole . Geo Mtmba Botoa Parker Iloiufc S&opa B G Wobtu, Prealdeat Notice Altaffer, Phic JfcCo Saab, Doom and Bllada -:. A A I Saana Clottla: and FaraUb; Good:: Mnit be Sold . ...... , . 4 , raaii . . Only one trifling cue before tko City Ctart tbia moraiag. Many men want bat little her below, aad they get if sure. The man who is neyer on time u&aally carrie a large watch. Jost one week fron to-day, and Talea tines will be in order. 'An umbrella ia mentioacd as OQ3 ef tbe ups axd downs of life.. Beceipts of cotton at this port to-day foot op 313 bales, and rain 3 503 barrels. Tou can naw buy Improved Heating aad C-k Stores st factory prices at Jacobi's. An organ-griader is in the city" doing np the town and hauling in "the pennies. -Its costs $5 a month to supply a gtod stove with coal, but yon can be crema ted for $1 80. The man who tried to light his pipe with a billiard match said he did it out of cne-riosity. The picture on a back of a $10 bill wsald make aa excellent chromo for a poor family. - Young men wha ante frequently, need lot be surprised if Ihey are forced to call n their uncle occasionally. There will not be a meeting of the Board of Aldermem this ereniag. The Meetiag will be held Thursday or Friday eTening. A matter of choice; whether to suffer, uninterruptedly with a cough or to ia rcst 25 cents for Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup aad. aura it, Ked.'Gause, colored, was before a magistrate ' this - morning charged with assault and battery. Ha was erdered to pay a fine of 5 and costs or go to jail. He' paid the fine. -Ur.B. G. Worth, President of the Duplin Canal . Company, has called a meeting of the stockholders of the com pany toaattt ia the Booms of the Pro duce Exchange to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock, to consider the afTairs of the company. Go to Jacobi's for Daori, Sash and Blind,, pure ht Lei, Oils, Yarnlhea Window Glaee, all size. All at the loweat pric. t An '.'educational exchange asks the qaesiioa: "Ii one language enough?' As a general thing it . is, but there are time when it isn't When a man goes to throw a scuttle of coal on the fire, for iastaace,and strikes he store two inches below the door, and the coal flies sine ways for Sunday, hi feels that one lam guage to express his feelings is meager indeed. Scarcity or Coal There is not a ton nor a half ten nor a peund of coal for sale in this market aad the Vessels bound for this pert with coal are frosea up in the Delaware. Gloomy prospect now if there should come a wood ramiat and a frc?2e on top of it; what would we do? J. N. Bxcx. of Toledo, Ohio, says: 'My father, before wearing the 4,Only Lung Pad," could not sleep nights on account of his violent coughing; since wearing it-he has slept soundly every I ight "-&e Adv. Will not Show. Pcrine's Juvenile Opera Troupe will not perform in this city to-night, as ad vertised. The agent made some mistake about tha dates and billed the troupe for this city to aight whei he should only have billed them for to-morrow light The troupe will arrive , in the morning aad fill their engagement to-morrow night--Tickets sold for to-night will be good fer te-saorrow night's performance. Hundreds of Ca,womea and children te&ucd from beds of pain, sickness ' and almost death and made strong and hearty by Parker's Ginger Tonic are . the best wiMm. in . the world, of. its aterlinjr worth. Tou oaa find these in every com? 5- -tMITv:;iEW: WILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY. FEBRUARY 7. 1881 . ' ' ' - . : - FlatterlDg. The First National Bank of Newport, Connecticut, ha purchased $10,000 worth of new 6 per cent, city bonds at par. It will be Men that the city's credit is aa good abroad as it is at horn;. We adrise our friend to call at Jacobi's forHoaaeaoId Hardware of every descrip tion. There you Rtt the lowest prices, f UnmallAble The following unmailaole matter re maias ia the Postofice ia this city: VkU. D. "Jprdan, Stag Park, fS.'C; Mrs. Ed. D. JiilL Morehead City, Car teret Co., N. C.; Simon Scarlock, Pitts boro, N. C; Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, Deaa Hall Plantation, Oakley, P. O, N B. ft. E; Miss Mary E. Carter, An! deter, Mass. Cbance or Manaffrmant. Mr. B. F. Perry, au old hotel man, has bought out Mr. Cobb's interest in the Purcell House and took charge yes terday. Mr. Perry was the proprietor of the Atlantic Hotel, at Beaufort, and has established for himself a reputation not to be despised. Mr. Perry thoroughly understands his business and proposes to make his house first-class in every respect and second to none in the South. He will make aeeded changes and will be pleased to serve his friends and the pub lic generally. Yf e regret to lose Mr. Cobb. Pels' Corn Solvent is guaranteed to cure corns if directions are followed. Price 25 cents per bottle. Money re funded if cure is not effected. Sold by all druggists. 4t B. 6 L, Ko. 5,1. 9. B. B. At the Fourteenth Aniual Session of the District Grand Lodge, No. 5, I. O. B. B., held a few days ago. iu Baltimore, Md., Mr. J. I. Macks was elected Presi dent and Hon. S. H. Fishblate 4Chair man of the General Committee, which is the most important oae of the Order, While the Grand Lodge - was in session it visited, in a body, the Hebrew Orphan Asylum on Calvertou Heights and while there speeches were made by Messrs Fishblate and Macks. The Order is in ta flourishing condition aad uow numbers iu this district 2,500 members and has $45,000 in its endowment fund and $16, 000 in the Orphan Asylum Fund. Marine Itecu The Newbernian, published ia our sis ter city of Newborn, says ia its Satur day's issue that the U. S. Revenue Cat. ter Stevtns left the above named place ea Friday morning at 8:30 and whea op posite Otter Creek buoy was signaled by the schooner Boston, bound from Eliza beth City to Wilmington, N. O. The wind was blowing fresh ahead, and a strong current runaing down, which un der ordinary circumstances would make it difficult for a vessel to get along, but added to this it was found that the Bos ton's pumps were choked aad the vessel badly iced, so much so as to render her progression impossible. The Steven took .her ia tow and ia a few hours had her safely moored at Newbern wharf. Hmkt Vak Nortwick, of Toledo, Ohio, saysj A friend prevailed upon me to try an "Only Lung, Pad," and I obtained immediate relief from araeking cough. I know the Pad helped me. See Adv. Legislative Locals. The bill to provide a cempUte roster of the North Caroliaa troops eagaBed in the late war has passed its third reading In the Senate. Major Moore, who com manded a battalion ef artillery 'during the war, and author of Moore's history of North Carolina, is to supervise aad pre--pare the roster for publication. : Bill to incorporate the Clarendon vt a ter Works Company of this city ako passed its third reading in the Senate,. Scott, of New Hanover, opposed; the bill. Scott, of New Hanover, introduced a bill for the better protection of the fish iaterest in tho Cape Fear river. House bill 24 to incorporato the Dan Valley and Tfadkin River Narrow Gauge Railroad company passed its third read ing. The speaker ef the Hoase signed, among other enrolled bills, oojFriday, tho act to incorporate the South Atlantic & Ohio Railway CoBStiactioa Company; tie to promote the growth ef oysters in New.River, aid one to' incorporate the Fayettevillo aad Newbera Railroad. Bow to bo your owa paiator : " Bay tl m T- Enamel PaiaC wdy Jmtsed anp Warranted at Jacobi's. Y1 Renting or Stalls. The stalls nn the new Markets were rented this morning. The renting in the Markets in the First and Fifth Wards did not create much excitement The premiums paid in the Front Street Mar, ket were high and bidding waa lively among the butchers. All -of the stalls were rented for the same price but for choice of stalls the renter paid a premium ia accordance with his desire for the stall. Messrs. Mott & Melton paid a premium eX $107 and took first choice of 4he stalls. -MVThoS. A. Watsoa paid a pre mium of $2G3 for seeond choice. The lowest premium paid was $42. Butch ers who would not pay premiums took the stalls which were left at the regular rental of $5, $10 or $20 each according to size of sta.ls. It was found necessary to use the north stalls of the center row asbeefstall3 and place the vegetable and fruit stalls on the south side of the building.- To-morrow all of the butch ers will bo feund in the new Markets, aid we .understand that some very fine beef will be for salo. Mcetin-a: the Exchange. The members ot the Chamber of Com merce and Produce Exchange met li joint session on Change this morning to take id consideration the proposed inter State Commerce bill which has been in troduced in tho House of Representa tives, at Washington, by Mr. Regan, of Texas. Mr. R. E. Calder, Presideat of the Produce Exchange, was called to pre side over, the meetiag aid Mr. J. H. Currie requested to act as Secretary. After tho organization was completed it was represented to the meeting that the Chamber of Commerce had not had time to consider tho matter before its own body and they therefore desirod a post ponement of the consideration of the sub ject until the Chamber could meet and come to some conclusion first. A resolution was therefore introduced to adjourn the present meeting until such time as the Presidents' of the two bodies, the Cham ber of Commerce aad Produce Exchange, shall jointly call the meeting together again. County CoQBlssIoneri The Board of County Commissioners met this afternoon ia regular monthly meeting. Petition from citizens asking for the re-eablishment of the Point Peter road, was laid over - until the next meetiag. The Treasurer submitted his monthly account: Geaeral fund account showiig balance on hand, $30,132.14; special fund balance on band, $1,582.92; and surrendered 13 coupons of $3 each and 3 bonds of $100 each with all the coupon attached which nere ordered purchased by the Finance -Committee. Bonds and conpons were btwrned in the presence o the Board.'. Scbool Fund showing bal. ance on hand $7i0,325.94. The Register presented his monthly report for fee received from -marriage licenses exhibiting receipts for the same from the Treasurer tor $14.25. The folVowiag magistrates reported no fines or forfeitures, aud nothing col lected for the past year : H. Schulken, J. N, Hewlett, Iredell Johnson, D. G. Worth Jno. S. James, L. H. Bowden, C D. Myers, Jno. L. Oantwell, O. G. PanToy, Jr.. and J. W. Kiug. lAquor licenses were graated to the followiag persons: A. C. Wessell, A K. Heyer, J.F. Rulfe, Geo. F.-Coelin, M. O'Urien, L. J. Meyer, W.tJlnck, H. W. Bryant, J. M. Bremer. D. Steljea, C. Semmerman, Geo. L. Schatte, George Stei?aken, Geo. 'Burden, L. H. Bryant,' T; H. Klander, Lamb & Parmalee, J. G. Oldenbuttle, W. H. Grotgen, J. H. Grotgen, R.F. Kyden, Jas. Keigan, A. Deumclandt, F. A. Schutte, P. H. YoaKampen, N. Hulleu, J. H. Strauss, Howell Cobb, D. Otten,P. L. riBdgers, Co., Geo. Myers, Jno. Haar, Mary Williamson. Henry Houston was exempt from pay ing poll .tax on account of bodily infirm, ity. ' Adjourned. Only one vessel cleared foreign to-day, the Norwegian barque Gambelta, for Fiume, Austria, with 2,700 bbis rosin, shipped by Alex Sprint & Son. 7 C&tftXTb Socetlnei commences with a cold4 but its, cure alxoays commences with the use of Sage's Catarrh Remedy. - This old, " reliabie and well-known remedy has stood th test of years, and was never more;4pop ular than now. r ' NO 295 7w Advertisement. Notice- WitMinsro, If. C, Fab 7. 1891 TUK HUBCHl'Ri to the Daplia Canal Cooaanr are reqaeitvd. to ism at the Prodaoe Vx:hiDre t take ij to eocaidVratioa fba affaire of the CempanT. at 11 o'clock, harp, to-mono w. the 8ta inat. reb7lt i WOttTH, Preident Manifold v.ier and Let- ter Book J-JOBH AWAY" WItH:tHB Old) AND enmbdrsome eystem of pre.cs, brulb, water Ac. and is dose ia a tenth of the time here tofore required, as the letter aad copy are writtea at ote. No ink, so pea required. Complete stock at Yates' Book Store. fob 7 Look--Look. IB LIVE BOOK 8T02R cmtainfl t! e T Largeet aad Ohoiceec stock of Popular Llttrature, Mi ecellaneous Works, Matic. aad Gifts ia Fatey i r tide a. Pianos, Orsrans GUITARS, YIQLINfl, aad all other Mu sicaJ InitrumeaU, for sale at feb 7 flElNSBEBGKR'8. Fresh Arrivals. 69 Bble Eefioed Bagar, 50 Bbli N O Sugar, 75 flhda ITtw Cuba Hclutes, 113 Bbli tfew.Or.'eatif Molassas . 25 Tiercee Cbarleatoa Eiee, lvs S bis Beedj Potatoes, (03 Bushels Ya. Hesl, 406 Bujhi Seed Oats, 1080 Bbli Good Flour, 100 Bbli Mess' Fork, C3 HALL & PEAESAUr. feb 7 A Brisk Trade. I rrXKE REASON WHT, mar be sumed up wonU. We k a Tarled 8tock, (Dress Goods and Trimming a Specialty,) aad from day to day something nejr is added. TO-DAY wc have opened out a variety of Black Silk Fringes With aad without Jet. CORDS AND TASSELS, (black aad col'd) . BUTTONS, in variety. Our BLACK SILKS you 6hould see, be fore buying, as we thiak them the best ralue ia the market. Carpets. Ia this department we are giving soae bbal DBirss; that is our opioion, now for yours. Respectfully, feb 7 R M. MoINTlRTS. Mary bad little corn, Dpoa hfr litt'e toe, Ani erery where that Mary weat Taat oora was sore to go. Pel's Corn Solvent 18 THU ONLY KSOWS BEMEDT that will re more a eora ia 8 hoars. For sale by J. D. NUTT GO. A fretb lot cf Mattoa dcet just referred. fcaaMi Hew Crop Molasoes. 441 HHDS. JTEW CEOP llATANZAS MOLASSES, Sow Jaadiajr from British brig Malaga aad f.realebr WORTH A- WOETH. (eb 1-jw Flour, Meal, &c, JJAYISO LEASED THE GAPE, 7XAB HILLS, I am prepared to faraith FLOUR, T AND MEAL equal to tbe bast aad at the lowest prices, feb ltf C B WRIGHT Fresh Every Day FINK ASSORTMENT OF GUTDIES, Freoeb aad Dosestie, just roeaired aad fat sale. THE 05LT GENUINE HOME-MADE Oaady l tha atty, will bo fouad errer? day, fresh aad awaot, tbraa doors 8cuta of the joatoeo a Soexmd street. Also, Mats ftaisias, FralUAa. , G. E. JEYE5S, mV slMear the Fostofieei j FLSA8E NOTICE. . Wo will bo glad to recaire obmaiaaloatlocs from our firieaaeon say aad' all, tableau o feaeral Iaterest but ' Tioaaao of tss writer mart al t ayi be fa ilahadto OLo fidUtor; . OoawaaSesMoasiaiJtb wrfttsafoa ob( oaa aide of tho paper. Faroaantl xao VVided " Aad It is especially asm particularly uadtr stood that the Editnr f eeo 4t always eadarse the riewto! eorraspeafao aafeat eo ut4 la tha editorial eolaaaa. ' ' , j New Adverti8emozxts. r A LARGE STOCK OF 3a 8h 9 Door?, BKndB . ' AND , ' ALL KlUUZ OF MILL LUiVlBEB LATHS. &c For salo beey -i Kfcotoryj t CfSre font of Walnai t I.,tr &o V fb 1 - '. INDUCEMENTS ! I aa efferiog this week an . J - Attractive Assortment i f the mm goods i GoaslstiBg ia part ef the Celebrated Farina Oyster Crackers'. Wil lion's asiortaeat of- . - Fjamrosr; cakes, , . e Ferria imall Sugar Cund Hams and Strips, "LORD BALTIMORE", HAMS, U umm's aad Piper EeidsdckV Celebrated Wines. AngloISwiss Milk, Crushed Indian Corn? Aad a fall liae of jut saoh art! )lef la v Y Use ai aU families desire. "5.1 f ' I will ceUthea very low at.d itltitt v 1 . Chaa t re aptly to year heme!. John L. Boatwrigh fe7 11 aaI 18 Vnrth Vrrv t O BOSTOiu i Parker House Soupn; TOMATO, MOCK TURTLE.. ; OXTAIL, JULIENNE, , . PEA, ILACCAfeONI VERMICELLI, CONSOMME, BEEF, OKRA, ANDERSON'S MINCE HEAT, Ecrt ia tlit market; For tale at ."GEb.TJVSnC, suinitTw--xb oee aaverussmcaw 1 V .