tins fif , vLzizz toxica U frill t9!ad to reeeira eoosKsleatlc&t crosa orr maaca oa taj and ' all rab;eti C&aeral titsrest fcsl Tna caaa of tixe wrltar zsait alwajtbt for alaaad to tta Ciltar. . r m Mil. rtXJTAG K PAID. C J jj,d.U. flW : Tar. f'' 4. in month. 60 easts. OaaaBfifffttloai tacit ba wrlttal oa otlj ma aid cf taa pxpar iU dllTrd 07 aarrUrs, - V' v -Ay 7- v r . . war uL " '"v ....lovud lib.ru AdrJ!Slrib will pl.aa. report any .j.iWr Dacriresruiarir. ..mmu) Z "eV AdvertigqniQnta. ppgRA HOUSE, rtfdnriday, Feb. O. jOYLY CARTE'S wiun Opera Compauy, T trth.prl-cll m sabers of tk. Ll&tl 5th At. Treatr Coxap'y. a, a Opr i twj act., UJM ot1 sprnur f r ,5 . La L tfr UJ H'-M, t ' .netf :all-aa ad W. . . rt. AatVor aad Pirates of Penzance, of rHKSLsT OFDCTT. .. k Is laxa-ft Oreoama. aad v. .A, of gaits e mtstti at fleiasbar- tMk tre, tbU nerniaf , r" b. A. B. 4U, $l.5. AdaUri o, 21, 7S and 50 More L3afey Roofs I ffOf CUM WlT PiMIO FAINT utss" LfitoppU i-. it ia fair - 1 - VOL. V W ILMINGTON,; NT- C. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY S, 1881 . W. 296 LOCAL NEWS. few 4.iTnrtiseme(iti. J iB L PrKBr, Troji Vurcell notue IUtf fc Braxsai Get tha Best XIexxsbkkg er Look Look "C VT YATE3Srat3fj J Order u Ltttrr Bookv Afc I SHBlEitClothln; and KnruUIu j Goods Mast be Sold For other locals sec fourth page. Iiey. Dr. Patterson, of this city, ra.s in New Orleaa3 la3t Suailay. Prom Up the-Hirer. The Cape Fear ia - rnoderatiog cooaid erablr, there beia covr oalj six or eight feet of water on the shoals. Captain Skinner with his force and steam pump commenced work in earnest on the Gov. Worth yesterday and it 13 thought by this time the sunken steamer i afloat once more. Pna&Uible The following .nnm&ilable matter rt" mains in the PostoCce ia this cityi . Mr. H. B. Newhall, 105 Chamber sti, New York; Charles P. Jordan SU$ Park, X. C; Ed. D. Hill, Morthead City, N. C; Elizabeth Johnson. Dean Hall Plantation. ' : ITew Advertise'moiitB. . And it Ii efSMLI! am mW!m!biv rt ' ' 7 w - M " r -w I W w BMYt a ctood that the Editor aaa sot alwa?' d et 1 a the Tiawtot eorratpoadaal Btt t ' ut la tke editorial eolrona.1 . . Ha tptLfritd; -f rem Ihia portr arrired at Kotterdant on the 4th inStw KecipUot'citton at this port to-day r . l uni 1. 1 1 -1 ?- o 1 1 uw wp ctj. oajes, aau robiu i y ,0 udrrcis. ;tll rpj trimming Tho rni hav arrived and the sniti are expected in a To tie Uiitr.irtuetl. The messengers of the Western Union Telegrapa . office of thi city arc to be uifbfmejwith the regulation uniform w"ica 13 made elsewhere xathmcolnmns of tho Coii"povTt bluest" with' ted thtrtouatjCommiisiD with trimminga and brass butLona, bine pants tuo UCCMU5 ' a opposing. mc proposinon with red stripe down the seams, and blue lw P ilco -lue county, w any unmmai ip Opposed to Ii. We understand that at the pttblic meeting, held yesterday at Burgaw; otf the special tax question, reference "tcf which is made elsewhere ia these columns. Don't swear when you step on the icy sidewalk. Think of a little prayer in stead Now I lame me, for instance. ' Its a curious fact that from vice to rirtue the road is a long and hard one, while from Tirtuc to rice the road is rcry short. day or two. By special Train. D'Oyly Carte's Troupe, of forty lncm- birs, who are to perform the Pirates of Penzance in this city te-morrow exening, j will arrive to-morrow about noon - by cuit which may be established by tbo Legislature. The people there say that they are satisfied to remain & rural coun ty, and that the Superior court, as ; how constituted, wiUi two terms . a year for their county, is amply sufficient for the requirements of the county. Anr ittr Bind for 19 Jf v Ti b lL ' A 1 - - - A - . ...... ( Aja&4ir lPlnt e4 for lm Wal'a It it qal. auBpiMftad itaUeMeiUrfaaliei upon Ifeatlja. L , ,: p HILL A CO., Uk S-3v t oratr Water aad Dok lYlust be Sold I JjllANCR Or BTOUt OF IEIITI'i YOUTHS' AND BOYS': CLOTHING & FURNISHinO GOODS 1 ant to told to mile 1 00m far Bprtag itoek. Birftlateaa btLai gohf at a graat aaarifl-., at A. A were booked for last night and to-nighL on the road this Go to Ja.cobi' for Daors, Sash and Blind. iure Whit jpli. HL. Vnrnihpa Window Glass, all size.- All at the lowest Xo troupe has been I :i o 1 nnces. . t I muter 01 lrawni our 1 i " ' The article of cabbage has become and there ia barely suddenly scarce, enough to be had 'for slaw.' Ceaopltinentary. .pecl tarn from Chatlutoa im they c liment toc'apt.Sao. Bar- ry, of this city. Eoadmaster en the Wil: minnrtnn A: W nldfin It it It. 1 urorv i.!t.i- i. ri,:- I " '"g"' ut "u." While eo many railroad accidents oc personal. - cnr au Ter tDe country, owing mostly to tLe oaa conaition or tne road beds, it is Hew w Advorticcmonts; GET THE BEST Odorless Oil. CooUi Stove and Parlor ifieater. A P.:fct O.aa f JDTuinca. Comfort and Eeoaoay. Caaont bt Kxplod.-i aad'tb. Oil Barer Beeom.a U.ated. Abielatalr , . - "Ill Dr. A, B. Burr, formerly a practising 1 gratifyi.g to hear expert railroad raea II almos "passes belief "that ahy one I Physician in this city but now rilling a I speak in terms of praise of the road bed I nesition with Oen. Newtoa on the river I of the Wilmington and Weldom Road. vvuu we uuum uiiau tuuu u ij vuuu' i i rni - i , . . 3. , lerfeitateaccn'tpiccc-irid yet there'. M harbor works ound New brk, to h J nere on a snort Tisic to nis iainer, uoi. I considered : and to mnch credit fer thia Dr I cannot be given too Capt. John Barry, w a. i . - - a. -or m. . a j are I me very eincieni roaamasier or tae ioau. He nnder8tandshis business, and makes it a point every Fall to have his road bed in fine - condition - to stand through the winter and bad weather. piece, and yet lots of 'em round. J I J as. (i. isurr. it is nine Tears since The meeting called by the President Bnrr . Wilmin?rton. wft of the Duplin Canal Company, to meet 1 lad to w and trust that his at 11 o clock to-day. was postponed on I .;; M v: account of the absence of stockholders I nations of it were. and one of the directors. Sbootlnff scrape. S1 I. RHaiKB'8, Markat itreet. BOSTOfJ Having used Dr. Buil's Cough Syrup I T5.ni, n...; a .ut tt irtr f h la-it. tow flT-r-i r mir omtiRn.tinn I I find it did rae a great deal of good. 1 1 Davis iaFederal Point township, yester. L -i . n i j m a? it. i j naa a vary severe coia wnicn ii cureuiuay. jlub paruea, wao are vuiu cuiureu, in a very tew day?. C. C. ROBERTSON, I were engaged in an altercation whenHar- i aiam aireei, iyncnonrg, v a. wag Wc C01lldileara no particn. Venus is cvenine star and is movinr I lars or extent of the injuries sustained How to be your own painter : Baytk N. T. Enamel Paint, raady mixed ' anp warranted at Jacobi's. . t THe Cape Fear Club- . The gentlemen composing this club have; moved their headquarters from the n Bank building to an elegant inj-une3 eastward. On the 20th instant she' will I bv the wounded man. A preliminarvl o rooms on the Bouth side of Mar ParllGr H0US6 S0Up5. 1 reaeh her. greatest point from the sun I examination of the case will be had to-J ket, between Front and Second streets, midnight of the 31st instant '"tonus will Point township. I ad true to its generous past the club celebrated tne removal on last Saturday TOMATO, MOCJC TUBTLH, OX TAIL, JULIENNE, , - - PK1, 5 UACOABONI bbef, OKBA, , - ANDXBS05TS UINCB HRAT, Best in tho nurkef Fertile at CEO. WY.ERS, Wl M.-Ua&dt1 8eU frontJSti be in conjunction with. Jupiter. She now sets at o'clock. J. N Bicx of Toledo, Ohio, says:- yesterday at public auction by Messrs. which added a little good My father, before wearing the "Only Cronly k Morris, aggregated the follow- n .. rm,. n0T.ri-0 Lung Pad " could not sleep nights on in. anl0Uals: . aid in digestion. The Cape Fea account of his violent coughing: since wearing it he has slept soundly every tight See Adv. Landlords of summer resorts are. al" ready preparing for next season. One is having; built an old-fashioned set of I furniture that Washington once used; another is blasting out a cave that will be occupied by a hermit as soon as warm weather comes, and a third is having a medicinal well dug. Summer resorts are to be both romantic and healthy next year. The Fire- this ftlui ninff. About 4 o'clock thia mornins the Th A iTsrrs-AtM llffnt. I h ircvi tincp Q fp fpionra - nartalra rtf ' . I its hospitalities, in a nice collation, to cheer to i Fear Club is a chartered organization and has long been oae of the institutions of this city, and at different times has numbered among the list of members some of the' most' honor ed citizens of this community. The pen-handed generosity and hospitality of the club in entertaining distinguished guests and visitors to this city is pro verbial. Then here's to the old "0. F. C." Long may it live and prosper! alarm of fire was sounded. It was caused by the burning of a small frame dwelling I Qoldsboro and Wilmington last night mg Market corner of Fourth and Camp bell, 8 stalls, $111 per month. Market corner Fifth and Castle 3 stalls, $9 per month. Market on Front street, 10 stalls, $849 per month. Total, 21 stalls rented for $969 per month, being $11,628 per annum. Where Is Cinderella ? Pcrine's Juvenile Opera Troupe has i faed to put in an appearance, henee there will be no performance at the Op- era Mouse to-nignt. xvoiaing aenniiei has been heard from them. Report says that.the agent had the troupe billed for house on the corner of Second and Mul berrv streets, owned by Col. Roger Moore and occupied by Mr. Robert R. Taylor. AVhen firsUdiscovered the flames had made such headway that nothing could be saved from the burning building j tfe7 Crop HoIaEoesa 44 HHDB.; irBTr our UATABZA3 U0LA88X3, xUisHxfiem:BritLh Wlg IfaUga, and irfW,- WOBTR A WOETfl. and Wilmington and Charleston to-night, and that the troupe passed through this morning in order to fill their engagement in Charleston to-night, while another has it that the troupe busted in Richmond on Friday. Board of Audit and Finance. The Board of Audit and Finance met in regular monthly session yesterday af. ternoon for the transaction of business. The ordinance providing for convey ance to the city of property sold for non payment of taxes, and providing fer the redemption of the same, adopted by the last meeting of the Board of Aldermen was approved. - A communication from the City Attor ney, asking for additional compensation, was received but deferred until next meeting. Mr. Jones offered the following which The Parlor Heaters , - .... . .i "Z ':' ' . t . . . (like eat) ara amp, for II catiag aaj Boom, ia any -DwtlJiar, or any Office la any BuUiing at tin CMt of beatifi thin Ccal, Wood or Gai Hm elrea h:ci win- dowi! Beautiful, Clear, Soft Lifht 1 Eaaily regulated. , llakea ao Smoke. Free frcm all Diia- jrre-abl Smell ! Chianiiej, r'lu. tr Pi eneeiec i . J i l l . Even' Store Warrantea. - Th. il'aj fi meVVVltt ":iv tie wcxk rtqilred of Of ek Btot. ''i it '-i's'::'. i i - V.V-. -b.tter than th. Coal, Wnod, Gas or ether Oil Stovea la tue. So . . - A'fcei! No Duil So Smaka ! ': . . - ' 5o Bad Odor I Will Bo3 or Cock three attxlej at the lame time, at a coit for oil of ei4ht cinta per day I 1 be only safe and reliable OilBtove vet lavaatei. t i VHEN flOT REQUIRED AS A HEATER IT CAM BE EASILY CHANGED ! TO A COOK STOVE. Also for sale the latest aad belt imprSvementa In Student Lampa. Plain aad Deenratad Oil Lamp-. Ch.udeUere. ete .; at lowest prieea. Price of Cook StoVei from 3 to 19 Hut iui vHcwwr. j.terai guwooi io to. Trade. Manufacturer! HCFF A BltAlNABD, 7m8Broa4way, WewYork. era from $5 to $11 and for atl.br feb &4w PURGELL HOUSE, OKDEB NSW MANAGEMENT, WiLxisaiON, N. C. B. la. PERRY 7 - - Prop, Lata Proprietor Atlantio Hotel. First Olaaa in all its appointments. Terms $2.50 to S3 per dsv. feb 8.tf A LARGE STOCK OF Sash, Doow, Blindfl AND Manifold Order and Let ter Book )0E8 away with the old axd oombersome system of press, brasb, waUrf AM andi3 done ia a tenth of the time here tofore required, as tbe letter ' aad copy Are written at osce. No ink, no pea required. Complete stock at Yates' Book Store. feb 7 AU KIHOS OF MILLVORIcr LUMBER LATHS. &c For sale very cheap, at , ALTA7F2B. PRICi A CO. Faetory: foot of Walnut au feb 7 OfUoe Jitmtr K( Orcsiat IMDUGtEralENTS Look Look. mSB LITE BOOH 8T0SS Tccataiaa tie L Largeet aad Choicest stock of Popular Lit3ratuxe, Miscellaneous Works, Music, and Gifte ia Faacy Articles.' , Pianos, Oreransj TTITAB8, VIOLIN and a i other M va cica Instruments, tor sale at feb 7 HMNBBEBGER'S. a , Bionr. sreil, &v r L51SED TUK CAPK FXAB am prepared to'faralsb FLOUB, H W. To.rloi ami ln'a rrifft hamlv pucaninc ... - r o I , (n VAnAri.tiv trhincr nn thpir r.Iothinsr aa the v ran. I o i " ' I i i ii.! it.. ti: I '3 a j . C Tlnr nr- h was firat awakenad I unacrsxanu iaa. iue paouuiwas auopvcu; bj the barking of a It dog Md that ... phiipii Tnrnnvn arm i'iiiiiiiiiih bii i.i i ark.i- ' ' - j when he opened his eyes nc louna inei a- T k. Vi7.or: fal1 Sue during thcyeaT 1882, and as it ... . - tt, I vikw and tha Jockkai. to be held veater-l -n , r-, room lull 01 smoKe. lis luimeumucij t wui oo impoBSiDio xo meei inepwaoie vi awnke his wife and thev had barely time I "7 " .oargaw, was wen aau.u uj , tnis amount from our present or pros- v - n a a l "a ? a w . i pad lac ana mnnenuai cuizos. a iret: cape from the burning building. A momenta after some of the neighbors gathered but it was impossible to enter the buildinff and so all it contained was 0ITA5D MEAL equal to tb.bett aad I destroyed. Mr. Taylor was insured for a lowtst prieea. ltf C B WEIGHT Fresh Every Day 1K AKrOETslKMT tST GANDIE8, jJjH-taa OoaaatM, Just retTd aid foj OalaPi 05LY QKUINK UOMK-MADE -it tan . . . . . m rx j't -w urae acura oauoi taUmT 00 strU Alo, Nuts - , near tb r unoff tl 5i75Uttl.aa,a, Yfoeb-riittfate., IfiCorn Solvent J ?r.iltT K!I0N BSMEOT that "'sot. a corn iaSbotrs tot sal. by AfraaXL,.,, NTJTf A CO. ia.t jast received. $700 on his furniture, which will proba bly about cover theioss. Ho . had $300 in the Home, of New York, represented here by Mr. Norwood Giles, and $400 in the Petersburg Savings and Insurance Company, . represented by Messrs. De- Rosset Northrop. Cel. Moore had in surance on the building for $700 ia the Phoenix of Brooklyn, N. Y., represented By Messrs Atkinson .fc Manning. This will fall several hundred dollars short oi the actual loss.. The house is thought to haTe caught under 4 the roof and through some defect in the chimney. Hundreds of men, women and children rescued from beds of pain, sickness and almost death and made strong and hearty by Parker's Ginger Tonic are the best evidences in the world of its sterling worth. You can find these in every con raunitvy Post. Sec advertisement for the Tjurnose of building a Court j 4- - w House and a Jail. Our information it somewhat obscure as regards that par of the proposed special tax which it was the desire of some to devote, to the ex tinguishment of the debt of the county may arise in paying the abore $98,000, therefore . Resolved, Thai the Board of Alder men be requested to examine the Treas urers statement of bonds maturing . in 1882, and if they ; think from- the tact, set forth that the' reasons axe-sufficients that lhey. be requested to join this Board but we believe that it was the sentiment iraskinthe General' Assembly for an . . . . j mwiiT o issue emu uuuus. of the meeting that the tax be levied ex- MrJones also' presented a bill -to be clusiTely for the purpose of erecting the KQtto the General Assemby covering buildings, learlng the Hebt of the county the &Uje - Qr cxchan?. to be paid by the Commissioners from the ftd at fi regular tax,hich it is thought they will A Board.ot Aldef be able to do in two years. The official aen to tha Wilaillgioa jjt infantry proceedings of the meeting are to be of annorJ in the city Hall building furnished for publication. from June 2d, 1879, for tenyears at$i It is asserted that within 11 minutes jxryear, was concurred in by this Board, 'after the alarm of IS re t was sounded this said room having been fitted np prior to morning thelvttfefian's hose was filled the war by the Wilmington Light In with water. This is a remarkable show- fantry at their own expense, ing, for it is safe to assume that at 4 . The aam of S 12.50 per month was al o'clock, when the alarm wis given out, lowed the Little Giant Engine Co, for every member of the Fire Department feeding tho'horsa nsed for palling the was sound asleep. ." hose reel belonging to the company. . i Fresh Arrivals. 150 Btgt Bi 00FFS' 69 Bbls Eefiaed Sugar, SO Bbls N O Sugar, 75 Hhds New Cuba Holuses, 109 Bbls NewOrleaBS Uolassea. 2S Tierces Charleston Btoe, ' 103 Bbls Seed PoUtoes 603 Bushels Y. Mei), aOOBuaha Bead Oats, . .. 1000 Bbla Good Flour,: n - f "100 Bbls lless Pork. t r. HALL & PEARSALL. xeo . - - I an efferiag this week an Attractive Assortment f the FIUST GOODS . . ...... v . I ' Consist! Iq part' of the Cclssrated a A Brisk Trade. mnE KEASON WHYmay be aumed up In few words: Wc keen "a varied stock. (Dres Goods and Trfmminga a fipeclaltv.) and from day to day eomethlng new is added. TO-DAT wo. hare opennl out a variety of Black Silk Frinses . With and without Jet. J ''"' CORDS AND TASSELS, (black and eoi'd) BUTTONS, in variety. ; Oar BLACK SILKS yon should see, be fore buying," as we tbink 'them the ' best value In tbe market. Farina Ojster Crackcrfl! "WiUaon's ssf orroent of rerri' imiU Bigu Carl Hams and Strips? i etc. ; In thia department we are giving some bxai. Dxrvcthat is oar eplaionj . now fer yours. KepcctfuIIy, feb 7 K. M. McINlTEX. LOAD DALTir.ionE" MUSI Celebrated Wiaeb. v - - " ' y 't. ' ' ' " ' ,. j '. ! . ' .'..,' Crnshetl Indian CornS . . . . , - ... And a fall liai of just rtca artl In ia trj - --". ' t' lia. as all fasoIUes dcatr.. ea. I win feUthtaTsry lerf M VeUrr ' tiea proarrt'y toy;trharfj, .

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