tVU AT SHE SAID. jj.-lwillb-' there." S a rl,rf, Tunahiue ..fUer hair, out :T.rr - i .1... P. kll.NLKI tii'l niuruiurjil as ii pray t-r. ill 0 tiit-re. . ..i Will lilt-!e i Je . jlt. .1 ii,.;!ie nipty :i:r. . .. l w t the rriijih out f iuy li - - ii:r , , prilnii n l'olar b.'ir. , ,. , lie " - ----- .,,,,! J. Evening Post. Hinit-r acrnrry at .Niagara. IIols;-:. Niagara i.u.i.s util early tbis morning it jammed I' . - a temporary ice una This remaiueu Stationary uatu . . 1 - I. 1 - A r ii n and moved oat. Clear cold ,trr continues. The thermometer lU'belosy zero mis morning. . . . ji t, m-rcurr went ur n little toward .lin qQj fell hac'x to 1'- fcelow to-nirht. Ti.e ke accntnulates, keep anl cbnglog. The ice mounds ta within i few leet of the tn c.;" the falls. Terrapin Tu-v.r Point on the American side, and Tdble Kock on the Canada side, for 250 'eet out into the Horseshoe Falls, are corop!etely frozen over, forming" two rrand sheets of beautifully shaped stal- rti??i with the dark-srreen water tinned with white foam rdshins: down between thera. Tho frozen spray hissing its way Cp to an iinpoiing height, together with the Lriiliant backgrounds of frozen trees ml Rhrabbery. make the whole scene'a Tind oue. The maiu voadway leading f-nm the Prospect Uoiw to cd.-ir Is lands is covered with solid i- li-om five to six feet in thickness, i ho railroads ceaterin here are moving trains more.or bu hf tuna lime, out uuue vi tueui is blockaded. Many tourUts are here en- joTisg the scenery and the fine sleighing. An Old Doctor's Advice. It was this: "Trost in God and keep jour boweLi open." For this purpose mmT an old doctor has advised the ha bitually costive to take. Kidney-Wort for no other remedy so effectually over comes this condition:and that without dis tress and cripincr which other medicines cause. It is a radical cure for piles. Don't fail to use it. Translated from thi Xew 1 orker Zeitung. Cold Snap. "Were harm some pretty wintrish weather," said old Daddy NVotherspoon tolncle Sammy Honniwell. as the two ntlemen net near the City Hall, "Right forard weather for tho season.' "Jistso; jist-so," exclaimed Uncle b'ammy. "Reminds me of the fall of 1831. It commencedj'long the fore part or .November, and froze still till March. Good, smart weather, too. I remember that it was so cold in Brooklyn that No-1 Ternber that biha' water froze over a hot fire." Paddy Wortherspoon looked at him and braced himself. "Yes, yes," said he, MI mind it well. That's the fall the milk froze in the cows. But the .cold season was in 1827. It commenced ia the mid dle of October and ran through to April. All the oil froze in the lamps, Aand we didn't have a light Hntil spring set in." "Ay, ay," responded Uncle Sammy,' growing rigid." - "It's 'just like yesterday tone. I walked 140 miles due east fron Sandy Hook, on-the ice, and slid back, owintr ta the conveitv . of the earth, you know. Itwas down-hill com- ia this way. But that wasn't as cojd as me wmier ot LiSZL. 'mat season com-1 menced in September, and the mercury didn't rise a degree till May. Don't you I remember how we used to breathe hard, let it freeze, cut a hole ia it. and crawl in for ehelter ? You haven't torgotten that?"' "Not I," said Daddy Wortherspoon, after a ehert pause. "That's the winter we used to give the horses melted lead to drink, and keep a hot fire undet'em so it wouldn't harden till they got it down. But that was nothin' to the spell of 1817. Ve begun to feel it in the latter part qf August, and she boomed till the 30th of Jane. I got through the whole spell by living in an ice-house. It was too cold to go out of doors, so I jist camped in an ice-house. You remember that season of 1817. That's the winter we wore undershirts of sand-paper to keep a friction." "Well, I should say I did, retorted Lncle Sammy. "What! remember 181 'Deed I do. That was the spll when it took a steam grindstone four flays to "gat a match. Ay, ay! liut do you warm that know I was uncomfortably winter?" "How so?" demanded Daddy Wother- aPoon, breathing hard. "Runnin' around your ice-house to find out here yon got in. It was an 'awful pell, though. How long did it last? From August till the 30th of June? I goess you're right But yon mind the eaap of 1813, don't you? It commenced' a the 1st ot July, and went around and lapped over a week. That year the smoke froze in the chimneys and we had to blast it out with dynamite. I think tj-t was the worst we erer had. All the ck3 froze up so we didn't know the kmefora year, and then men used to set fire to their buiidin's so's to raise the Yes, indeed, I got $3,000 a month lor four burniu' buildings. Thenfwas a eap of suflerin' that winter, because we wed on alcohol and phosphorus, till the ucohol froze, and then we eat the brim .Jj0'81 of matches and jumped around n heyr?anSU fire. Say, you" Th. . I?addy otherspwn had fled. v tutica were too much for him. Lrookl1n Eagle. 0fiRSRT Vax Nortwick, of Toledo, vaio, Bars: -A fr,n obUiBi7-aat,9.nly Lung, Pad" anUl .. b.'B4ry 3 tireut quantities of anchor IcWover the nils last night Irom t,e;atfi above, and continued to ran : ,i,r crowding its way through the -J. I hM the Pad hel Se IT you arc Sick, Bead the Kirlnpv-Wi-ii. . j-criisement in ano- ;r - mn? anu 11 w,u Plain to you ,iuciuuu,oi getting well kidnej.W ort will save you mo?o ' doc I Or S hllla thnn o I. . 1 - . . V ' . , J UUJ" ineuicine known Acting with specific energy rm .uejsona liver, it cares the'worst diseases ca used -by their derangement. Us it at once in dry or liqnfrt farm., lather v.vr. ...j- uuucui, um iKjaiuis the easiest oui cry is the most economical . i tenor. , fujf-s'vi: Miscellaneous PERMANENTLY CURES HZIMSY DISEASES, CQKSTJPATI02T znd PILEZ. t, 3 T)r. 7' TT r'lfi-rL- Rr...M. 11,..-. - Jr Kuliipy Troubles it ha.-, artct! tifco a . harm. It Las eunti many verv- bad -as of Mil-. nd lia never ioiU-d to act vflicicntly." , , . Xelsnn Fairrhild, of St. Aiiwit?.' Vt., savs. '"It jx of pri'l-- value . Ktl'-r sixrw i yrars i.f frrcaf PUKcriiiir from l'ilc-3 utul C'Ostivetifs it -f:n-jjIU1t -ur-d iuo.'' ape li.xs done ti-onrlors for rnc in completely cur ing asRTerw I.ivt rand Kiflnr-y Coinplnint.' IX KITH Kit LIQUID Oil DBY F0K3I' IT&iAS If WONDERFUL 1 n i p. r p 11 M Brai"i !t afts on t,,R MVERt BOWELS and KIDNEYS at the same limp Because it clear sea the system of the poison ous humors that develope in Kidney and Uri nary Diseases, Eilionaness, Jaundice, Consti pation, Piles,' or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia Uervoua Disorders and Female "Complaints. tyitlspntnpin Pry YcgctnTle Form, in BT tin cans, one package of -which makes six quarts of medicine. 11 tyAIao in Liquid Form. very 'on"eut rr.trd, Mr for the convenienctf of th'iso that cannot ty readily prepare it. Itactzicith enial eHc:'eney t efthrr fnrm. GET IT AT THE IiRCr.niRTS. PRICE, $ 1.00. WELLS, UICUAItnsOXJL CO., Prop's, (Will send the dry poi-t-pai.l.) Kl RMXGTOX, YT. Do you -vrant a pure, bloom ing Complexion? If so, a few applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA BALM mil grat ify yon to your Jieart's con tent. It docs airay with Sal lowncfe, Redness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases and imperfections of tho skin. It OTercomes tho flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement. It mates a lady of THIRTY appear hut TWEN TY;, and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect -its application. I 'I If 1111. st-tl-l3'-urm- QBGftS free Addre?3Diel f. Al.OOO; 4 2 to 32 anas $125 op. Paper liaatty, VVMlimgtoii, Jan 27-4 w i.- j. 77a .S?5VSs FREE TO ALL. OUt iif v I!lvitriteJ Hantaan eed Catalogue of SO page, containing descriptions and t'rices of brut rarirtie of Plant Rum, brd"S Bulh, etc. in cul tivation. Also, a Colored Plate of our New Double Whit. Bou Tardia will be mailed upon the receipt of a V. ttampfor fotace. Special Descriptive Price-list! of Hiwi Fun. tioodt guaranteed fcrst quality. 30 ereenhoufces in nneratmn. MTlcfcsate ft JletaiL If XSi A; Ktl SEK, Louisville, Kr . Hi IT U I " If jthbJtiti.o rn ntiinm rr r"1 of f hf-" ioantry try to t Intarnational land Croat! North ern Railroad ai t cjs tains a ood cocstr map of the St It a'jo coaiains t'e nata.? and nddresne Frmera and Planters ia Texas who hve Farms lor Sale or Rent, ad those wh-j will want Farm IIasds for next year. A o 'pr nf this will b? mailed free to those whi dejir reliable information about Teze3. upon pr:lic.tioQ bv letter or postal card to ALKV MoJOY, fie-3rl Freight and Pass'r Ajrent, jan 27-4 w - Palestine, Texas GEORGE PACE & CO, Manufacturers of Patent Portable Circular SAW Alas Statics STEAM 5N.SCHE0EDEB BALTIMOrX, GriK ani llour Mills Water vhls wood worttn kvA Parrel Machiry-. Sh:nsrie riil. Circnlsr Sswu. Mi?l Sr.'i;p rf TAN ITK r.IK Y W11EEL.S auid UltlMll.Nti :.IAC1INKUY. X-iid tar Catalogue. Jin 2T4 - " - Winberry Oysters. .- . THE . FINEST OF, the fsoa. Bf .tre Doa,lQart ialloa, at IiJ'jT . FT fHY? 27-4 w yrTiiiS(f ENGiHES 1 ST., JIJ i f w JOH CAKttCLL'rJ, HarkMt Miso9llaneou9. Mi" LU Cure your Bak ciiche Aod U diaeajvs of the Kilrejn Uladder ard Orinary C't-tfacs bf w-aiis lhe Improved Excelsior SKidncy Pad It is a iiarTel of lieahnu acd Belief, S ' SIMPLE, SEHSISiK. DIHECT, PAfHLESSlPOVVERFUi, It CURr. v. h-o k'.I e'io lV:!a. A KEV KfjA'UON and YOl. "riON i i Medicine Absorption or cli'tt ri j.iic?i"r, t,s oppr.m? to unsatLi(aTtr 7 inienai ittiilicin-p. Send for oar tred-f .in Kiaoc t tmbtoa. sentfreo. Sold by drsczi.'t-, rfent br tni. receipt of price, $2. A'drn This istbe J h -Only' lunPad Co VILLSAMS BLQCK : Original and (iQnice Kid- coj Pad. Ati font knd tike ao other. DETROIT, Mich Charleston O., b Wholesale Druggists At Wboleia'e in -oct25 Beuj. F. Grafton, StoetH Ladd, UALE2BT J. FAINE. Late Cox mlssioner ot Patent. atents IPAIHE, GRAFTON &-LADD.: Solicitors of Amer! can and Foreign PatentF. 412 Fifth Street, Washington, D. 0; Practice paten', law in all its branches in the Patent Office, and in tha Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States, Pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp or postage. ,an 28 New YorR Weakly ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. THE CIRCULATION of this populsr newspaper has increased during the paet ear. It contains all the leading news of the Daily Herald, and is srranged ia handy departments. The FOREIGN NEWS embrace special dispatches frczn all qUU ten ot ti e globe, under the tea. a oi AMERICAN NEWS ars given the Telegraphic Despatches of it week fro ii all parts ox the Us!on Ihis tea tare alone makes r ,V TELE WEEKLY H E BALD - the most valuable chronicle ia tha world, as it is the cheapest. Evtry week is given a faithful report of . POLITICAL NEWS embracing complete and comprehensire despatches from Washington, including full reports of the speeches of eminent politicians on the question of tha hour THE FARMJDEPARTMENT or the Weokly Herald gives the latest as well as the moat practical suggestions and discoveries relating to the duties of the farm er, hinta for raising Cattle, Ponltry, Grain?, Trees, Vegetables, Jtc, Ac, with suggestions for keeping buildings and farming utensils in repair. This is supplemented by a well edited department, widely copied, underthe head of THE HOME, giviag receipts fer practical dishes, hints or making clothing and for keeping up with the latest fashions at the lowest price Every item cf cooking or economy suggested in this department is practically tested by ex perts before publication Letters from our Paris and Londoa correspondents on the very latest fashions The Home Department of the Weekly Herald will save the housewife more than "ne hundred times the price of the pa per The interests cf SKILLED LABOR are looked after, and evervthing relating to mechanics and labor saving is carefully re corded Theieis a page devoted to all the latest phases of the butineas marke's, Crops, Merchandise, Ac. Ac. valuable feature is found ia th specially! reported pricts and conditioss-ot TEE PRODUCE MARKET. -Sporting Hews at home and abroad, to gether with a Story every week, a Sermon by some eminent divine, Literary, Husieal. Dramatic, Personal and rtea Notes There is no paper in the world which contains so much news matter every week as the Weekly Herald, which is sent, rsta:e free, for One Dollar Toun subscribe at any time. The New York Herald ia'a weeklyform, One Dollar a Year. Addretf,' iVcir York Herald. Kroadwsy and An a Streets, New York dec 11 , A LAKGE STOCK OF Sash, Doors, Blinds, AND ALL KlfyDS OF MILLWORKV LUMBER LATHS. &c For Bale very cheap, at ALTAFKER. PRIC. Herd Factory: foot of Walnut su feb7 A 4tt,ear,Hd OrMj;st Xaliscollanooxiii. Cures oy AisstmPTlOK (Nature's way) LUfJG DISEASES THROAT DISEASES BREATHING TROUBLES. It DR1VKS INTO the system eoratlTe apeDts and healing medicines. It DRAWS FKttM the diseased parts the poidosa that causa death. 3 JSThousandj Testify to ifa Virtute.; You Can Be Relieveil & Curerl Don't despair cctil you hare tried this Sensia;. r asilj AppliedJ aaa KADIOALLY .rjf'H.UTUAl. Jbtmedy. Sold by Drnar2l3te,or teat br mail a r- ceipt of price, i'i by 8end for Testi- fho 'Only' Luilff Pad COi book, "Three xffiUiamiBlock.'"-" x 1 1 1 1 on s a jear." ent Detroit. Mich free At Wbolest'e m Ccarlefton, ti. ti t by DOWIE A MOlciE, Wholesale Druggists. oct 2S L . - WXXOS&.l:B 2fHZOfiO. pST" The foUowlnfr qnotauons reprwatf wholesale prices generally. In making up recall orders higher price hare to be eharged BAGGING Standard.... 120 12H 10 o 6 O 13 O io e o 13 2 fi BACON North O.-.rolint. ......... Haas, & E 12 6 Shoulders, Tj? 12.... rsides, y . Western Bmoked Hams. 15 cmni maj ............. .. . .. , Shoulders........ Dry Salted Sides. V a. Shoulders, V lb, 00 BEEF Live weights. BABBELS Spirits Turpentine seeond nana, eacnM........ New York,each, new. ...... BRICK8 Wilmington, V M Northern BUTTES North Carolina fit Northern, ? fi..........M..M CANDLES Sperm V .... Tallow, Swh Adamantine, 17 set....M.M.M CBEEBfc Northern Faetory, "ty S , Dairy cream, Jo State, II..... O o 1 76 2 00 21 8 00 90 20 00 eo 12 25 25 10 a o 14 M 18 O o o o S3 40 10H 14 14 10 28 O o o o 16 16 11 SO COFFEE Java, S, ttto, w m... 20 Lagurra, 9 S CORN MEAL? bushel.... 18 O 72KO 1 75 O 20 75 I 60 DOMESTIC Sheeting, 4-4 X? yard.., Tarn, y buneh I 7 1 10 1 29 Mtskerel, No. 1, V bblaM.16 00 SNo. lKbbl.... 8 75 tfaokerel, No. 2, ? bbU...12 60 tfiSo. 2, ? X bbl............. 6 00 MHaekerel. No. 3 9 bbL....OO 00 : Mullets, bbl....... 3 50 N..C. Herring, keg....... 6 50 COryCod,? lb................ T S LOUB Fine, ? bbl......... 0 00 Super, Northern, V bbLM 5?00 Extra do " bbl. 6 00 Family bbl. 7 00 City MillExSuper 9 bbL.. 7 00 " Family bbL.. 7 60 Ex. Family V bbL.. 8 00 1 EBTILIZEB8 Peruvian Guano, 3 2000 Zbs.00 00 Carolina Fertiliser " "00 00 Navassa Guano, " " 00 00 II aomplet Manure " "00 00 O36 00 O10 60 O00 00 O 60 O 815 O 3 75 O 6 00S O 4 00T. O 60S O 8 60)1 O 8 60 O 7 2511 O T 76 O 8 352J O70 001 C7o 00 OiO 00 07 00 QiO 00 40 00 Whann's Phosphate " 00 00 wanao rnospnate, uu uv Wilcox, Gibb A Co., ma raninulatd Guano. 00 00 OH 00 GLtJE S .......... M. 8 GTiAIN Corn Jtore.U 562s 70 14 O gjUorn, cargo, y 56 ZDs... 68 O 69 SOorn,yL, busheL 67E 60 & uats, Dusnei. 62K M COS, WW ft , f HlltUllHmm HIDES Green, 9 S .M 70 : 10 20 1G 85 10 11 O 0 O 10 12 25 16 90 HA HOOP IRON 'ton..... LARD Northern m North Carolina 9 eeeeM 12K LIMJC bbl................... . 00 LUMBER City steam sa'wd Shipstuff,resawed,VMrt.l8 00 Boutrh6Lre nlank. Mft.16 00 10 00 4518 CO oi:oo 025 00 Ole O 2 West India cargo, accord ing to quality, ? m. It...i3 uu Dressed ffooring,seasoned.l5 00 Scantling and boardi, com mon, 9 M ft. eeeeeeee 12 00 MOLASSES CubaJihdVgl 37 Cuba, bbls., gal..M..MM 39 Sugar house, nhds. gal. 25 " bbls. 9 gal... 57 Orleans Choice bbls. V gsL 00 0 00 00 75 N ALLS Cut, 20dto4d,9k?g.basis OILS Kerosene, f? gal...... 14 O o 90 60 e 3 60 18 00 00 CO 00 00 Lard, y. gal . 70 Linseed, f gal.M....M.....M 76 Rosin. 9 itaL....M...M..M.M 25 PEANUTS busheL . 60 POTATOES Sweet, V bus. 00 Irish, Northern,? bbL.. 2 26 PORK Northern, city mas. 17 60 Thin, bbLM..nM..MMM.M00 00 Prime, bbl (extra) 00 00 Kump, V Bbl ..O0 00 00 00 RICE Carolina, TB .. 7 00 1C 7K East Iadia, V Ttongh, V busheL 00 2S RAGS Countrv, 9 2 aork?1 Hemp.... ...... Manilla..... SALT Alum. sack....M Liverpool, saek.M..MM.. American ? sack M..MMM. Marshal's fine, saclu. 0aC7lX sUkJaaevaa SUGiS Cuba, E.... RPorto Rico, 7 Ib... 1M 70 00 85 00 CO 00 , 1 60 00 o 00 9KO 10 10x0 00 10K 11 o 00 9 O X 9HO 10 - A uoaee, m. b " v a. C " Vh.. Xx C "5 lb FS Crushed "O lb.... UK SOAP Northern, V 2 . 7 SHINGLES Contract, ) Common, 1 M....w 3 00 STAVES W. O. bbL V M.12 60 R O had. V ..00 OO TALLOW g. 19 TIMBER Shipping 9 M.12 00 Mill, extra per ML 10 00 Mill, prime per M ..10 00 Mill, fair per M 8 CO Common, per M 6 00 Inferior to OTdinary,perM 4 60 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 26 North Caroiaa. per gal L' CO WOOL Unwashed, per 25 ' Washed. xer & 36 Burrr wooL per 18 O 7 60 3 76 16 00 CO 00 o soo ou CO 14 CO 011 CO O 9 CO '- 7 CO O SCO O s C3 i 01 10 O CO ADD Dry. V E MOM Y Eastern, 100 fiM North River. V 1001bsM.. el xrilcsla IHscollancom THE DAILY Wm, JOSH. T, JAMES, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Isjpublished Every -A.rternoon (SandayseiceDted). At the following rates, postage paid One Year, ..,5 ....$5 00 Six Hjonthju.... 2;60 Thiee Months..... -. .1 25 One Month 50 iThe paperfll ibe delivered by carriers, freejofcharge, in any part or the city atthc fcboye rates, or 13 cents per week. The Daily Rsvixw'ifi now in the fonrthyear of its existen6e, is per manency established, with a large and steadily increasing subscript tion list"and presents to merchants and others" a mostdesirable medi- tun for advertising Xxxia WEQIIIBM JOHAL 30 jtr Is pnblished EVERY FRIDAY. At the following rates : One Year........ ........$2 00 Six Months.... 1 00 Three Months.............. 50 Tex WixinxoTos Joubxal tes lxrirelyZin the adioiniricr corm- v . ties as well as in the "Western por tions of the State tnd presents un equalled farilitieaTto ccrchinb for making faioira whatl2aj have for EaU Eoad Llasa, Co. VilLMINtTTON.;-. v'.UlLDON AILEOAD COUPAITY. IT Omoa os- Gasft. ocraaiaTxanaat l Wilmington, N. a. Nut 27, lKSu, 1 OHANQK OF SCIIEDULF. On and aftor November J3th, 18S0, a 4-15 P U, Passesaer TraiM on th Wil mington A Weidoa Bailroad wiU ran as follows ... DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TuIlN. dtily Nos. 47 North and 48,8oaih, Laave WBnington, Froat St Dei ot at t 40 A In Arrive at Weldon at ,., 11 40 r s Leeye Waldoiu... . S 40 )' Arrive at Wilmington, Front c Depot at.........-.........,. f 16 P ll Fast Thjough Hal and rafrenyrer .Triit Daily Nos. 43 North and 40 South. Leave Wilmington, Front St. ' utfoi et 8.0S t Arrive at Weldor . 1.4 3 A Leave Weldoc 6.20 Arrive at Wlltri-cton, fr.ui at. Derot......... 10.10 P Train No 40 r v .). will atop or y at Rock? r;int, Burgaw, t outh Wathlogtf n, Uarrc Ua, Ut Olive, Ooldsporo, wfison hotly Mount, Enfield, aad Halifax, . B(TraioNo40 Bouthwhl stop nlv at fioclv Mount. Wilson, Golds boro and Magnolia. Night Passengsr, Mail and Express Triia daily Ncs. IS North and 42 bouth. Leave Wilmington, Front BL Dpot at. ArriT Weldon at. 1.IT. WalllAa 4 15 PH 4 16 a a 1 43A Ji Arrive at Wilmington, FroatSL ipoi 8 20 A M iJSSSS-22.?arS? Branea leave B?feM?at,ir Tro at P.30 P M dally, W u m tttrainf'..ITt Tarboro at 9.19 WdTn WpiS "NoltTdSra'i! jUUehmond, d daily wilder , Biehaond and J;S?SgS.nV m4ke- clw connection daily to Richmond, and daily excest Satur- oiiSinf 48 "Jf 1 nd ttexeTclose connection for all point! North vt nt mond and Washington.- Wcl1 andWaSfnf betweea Wflmlngton S Jft - ijiyw General BnpU A.OPG.a'l Pas. Agent ?CffaiBat Cen,l Suo'ts Office WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA ASD- iU OU8TA RAILROAD CO. Wilmington,: , 0 Ifor ,7 18gCi XOHANGE OP SCHEDCLK; will be JSni $SESlm'. f ,i ook uu a Aast. ?.w1,l,fto,, o i m Arrive at Wilmington 7 43 P M MIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Daily). Nos. 40, West and 47 Eut Leave WlhalngtOaU.. 10 25PM f"lTe and A Junction 6.00 A M r?riGInbU- 6 lOA'U Leave Columbia. 10 00PM EX WZittl'1! SI M Arrive at Wilmington 6 20 A M wTSLfi?1 onIy Brinkley'0. WhlteviUe, Flemmgtot,, rkir BIusT, Marion, Florenoe, Tiamonsrille, Meysrillt' Buter. Camden Junotlon and Faston OHw, oPlJ?aSe,SfoCoSlnl)U nd polntion O. A a B. B., O., C. A A. R. R, feutlons. Alien JunetioB. and u iT! JT ! . ujixnan oieepen tor Charleston ad for Augusta on trains 40 and 47. 1 JOHN JT. DIVTWT? n..i ua A. POPE, Gea'l Pais- A CBi'fc nor 29, CAROLINA CENTRAL RAIT no An COMPANY. Ornoa GuaaAtv BunmiariMBiiry, WllmlngtOB, 17. a, Dee 12, 1880.. fB AND AFTER December 13, 1880, the tV S'otSi11' a Peesenger, Mali and Express Train, DaUr except Sunday ol a.Te A U (Arrive at Charlotte at..e.lO P M i Arrive at Wilmington at.3.20 P M Trains No 1 and 7, stop at regular stations pi ger. Mail and Through Freight Train ILeAve Wflminrtoa aL 5:30 P Arrive at Hamlet at 1;2S A M M At Charlotte aU.. 8:15 A H Leave Charlotte aL......70 P h Arrive at Daault . 1:1$ a U at Wlladnrton at 9:46 a is Xo 6 Xe 6 JHo. b 1 dally except Sunday, but bo eonnectioa fir Raleigh on Saturday Ko. 6 Is daDy except Saturday. BlielaTi DiVaatoft-.Paaenge , Mall, Er , . aad JTreigfit I Shelby , llti; P M . J Arrive at Charlotte at. 6:36 P M a. ni5fi "2 connection as Hamlet to and fra fUJeigh, exeept as aJ,LCitfU traiai TSIb 5 and 4 on Shelby division. Throorh Sleepinsr Cars befw.M n.t.t. Mt rrh.rLnt ' " Bia ViXA JOHNSON, General Soperinteadent. dee 11 CHAS, KTiTTT17 niaiertaier m cmiMa Frinccsi fitrcst, fn Baicacnt of th Jcaxiiiaj3alldii22v oton, jr. a "A fine aacrtmaat, nm .. ets eoastaatly oa hand. Fsrnitare sToad leaned and Varnished. OrSn by uli At H il il W, i

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